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Analysis on the Difference of Tourist Satisfaction and Intention of Revisiting and Recommendation to the Clusters of the FIT s Life Style - Focused on Chinese Tourists into Visiting Korea Ruiyao Li Tae Hee Lee Kyung Hee University This study looks into different life styles of Chinese FITs and how their life styles might cause differences in tourist satisfation, intention of revisiting and recommendation. Based on the analyses of the life styles of Chinese FITs who visited Korea, the final result concluded 27 questions and 5 causes. In total, 6 hypotheses were accepted through confidence analysis, correlational analysis of variables, life style cluster analysis and analysis of differences between life style clusters. So the study expects to make a positive contribution, providing useful information to create strategies to intrigue more Chinese FITs and develop better tourist product. Key words : FIT, Life Style, Tourist Satisfaction, Intention of Revisiting and Recommendation