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Column 2


* I. :... *

(liberal imperialism) (Kurtz, ; Ferguson, ; Lal, ; Cooper, ).. (unipolar threshold). (Wohlforth,, - )..,,... CIA, (National Foreign Intelligence Board, ). (QDR ).,. (new liberal imperialism). (misgovern) (protectorates)., Chandler,.

(DOD,, )...,.,..... (Betts, / ; Kang,, ). (Huntington,, )... (strategic partner)., (force projection capability) (sea-lanes). ( ), (Kang,, -.).,.

,, (Bernstein and Munro,, - )..,, (Johnston,, ).,.,.... (Johnston,, ).,.. (Brzezinski,, ).,.. (status quo),. ( ),

. (Organski and Kugler, ; Christensen,, ).. (preventive war) (Gilpin,, ).,..,,,,,,,, (Goldstein,, - ).,.... (ARF),. ARF (Goldstein,, ).

, (Goldstein,, )....,..,,.,.,...

... (power projection capability)............

.. /..,.. (policy of strategic ambiguity). :, (O Hanlon,, )..,,. (Taiwan Relations Act) (grave concern). (ROC)

. (protectorate).. -.. (strategic clarity). (Taiwan Security Enhancement Act).... (QDR ),.,.,,.,. (Glosny,, - ;.. -, -., Harding,, -. -.

Murray and Goldstein,, - ; O Hanlon, Goldstein and Murray,, - ).,,..... (O Hanlon, ; Ross, Fall ).,.,.. (freedom of navigation). (Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone).,.,,,, (Spratly) (Goldstein,, ). (maritime claim)

(Soh,, ; Goldstein,, - ). (fundamental interest of the US) (Torode, ; Goldstein,, )., (choke points)..... (Jianren,, - ; Goldstein,, - ).. (Quadrennial Defense Review: QDR), (precluding hostile domination of critical areas) (DOD, ).,.... (East Asian littoral).,. ` (Bay of Bengal) ` (DOD,, ).

..,,,,,,,,, (McDevitt, )... (ADR : Annual Defense Review ), (Rumsfeld, ). (Asian littoral)..,... (the Philippine Defense Reform plan: PDR) (Revere, ).

.,... ( US security zone),,, U. (Gaddis,, - )...,,,,,,,.. (Gaddis,, - ).......,

.,.. ( ), - (war game) ( ).... ( ). (, )..... X, D. (The Japan Times, ).,,.

...,... (, ).,.......

. ( ) ( ) ( ).... /.,,....... (RimPac).,,,, (,.. ).

.,....,,,... (Gill,, )...,,,.... / /.

. ( ) ( )..,. (Sick Man of Asia).,.... (Shanghai Cooperation Organization: SCO) / / / / (Shanghai Five) (Craig,, )..

(multi-polar structure). (Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation).. (Craig,, )., (strategic partnership) ( ).. /,. (CTBT),,... (Bin,, )., (Nuclear Posture Review ),. (preemption)..,, Bin,.

. (Bin,, - ). /. /,., /..,...,..,,..

... /. ( ) (Cox Report)... (Weinberger, )...... (Konovalov, ; Bin,, ). (IISS,, )... (Interfax, ; Bin, ). (IISS,, )... (global arms deliveries),

....,, : (Mikhail L. Titarenko).,,,.....,.,., (global arms transfer agreements),,,..,.., (IISS,, )., (NATO)..

.,.,.. (unipolar threshold) ( )...., (Goldstein,, ). (defensive realism), (neoliberalism) (Yunling and Shiping,, )..

,..... (victimhood complex). (great power mentality) (Gill,, )......

Bernstein, Richard and Ross H. Munro,, The Coming Conflict with America, Foreign Affairs, March/April. Betts, Richard K., /, Wealth, Power, and Instability: East Asia and the United States after the Cold War, International Security, Vol., No. (Winter). Bin, Yu,, China and Russia: Normalizing Their Strategic Partnership, in David Shambaugh, ed., Power Shift: China and Asia s New Dynamics, Berkeley: University of California Press. Brzezinski, Zbigniew,, Living With China, The National Interest, No. (Spring ), in Owen Harries, ed., China in The National Interest, New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers,. Chandler, David,, Imperialism may be out, but aggressive wars and colonial protectorates are back, Observer, April. China s National Defense,, (Beijing: Information Office of the State Council, October). China National Defense,, (Beijing: Information Office of the State Council, December). Christensen, Thomas J.,, Posing Problems without Catching Up: China s Rise and Challenges for U.S. Security Policy, International Security, Vol., No. (Spring). Cooper, Robert,, The new liberal imperialism, Observer, April,. Craig, Timothy,, The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Origins and Implications, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, September. Department of Defense,, Quadrennial Defense Review Report, September. Department of Defense,, Quadrennial Defense Review Report, February. Ferguson, Niall,, Colossus: The Price of America s Empire, New York:

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