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50 5/ 1965~2015 US Japan Program 2014 3 2008 2010 21 2012 2014 134

1 1 2 3 1 Hans J Morgenthau Politics among Nations The Struggle for Power and Peace New York McGraw Hill 1948 2006 p 152 2 2004 5 3 2006 135

50 1965 1965 50 4 4 2004 2005 54 2 2014 2001 2005 33 4 2006 3 136

50 2 1 1961 5 16 1963 6 4 1999 Choi Kang Korea Japan Security Cooperation in the Post Unification Era 17 1998 2005 6 21 2007 137

50 5 1 5 1966 1 18 3 1 5 1966 1 2 5 1971 2 3 5 1970 3 6 7 25 7 1964 5 8 5 1963 1 6 1966 1 18 3 1966 1 1966 12 1967 1 36 7 1966 7 25 3 1966 1 1966 12 275 1964 12 1992 90 101 8 2006 37 138

9 10 1964 1 10 11 1965 6 23 12 1967 1 1 13 9 1966 1 18 3 1966 1 1966 12 37 10 1963 102 103 11 1 1963 12 1964 12 1965 39 12 1965 6 23 2 1965 1 1965 12 1966 208 13 1967 1 1 4 1967 1 1967 12 1968 2 29 139

50 2 14 1905 1910 1965 1976 1977 85 15 14 2 1964 15 Hong Sung chick Japanese in the Mind of Korean People A Survey of Student Attitudes Hahn Bae ho and Yamamoto Tadashi eds Korea and Japan A New Dialogue Across the Channel Seoul Asiatic Research Center at the Korea University 1978 p 209 140

1965 2 17 2 16 1960 1970 1970 17 1970 1972 11 16 1995 170 171 17 Tanaka Yasumasa Japanese Perception of the World of Politics An Analysis of a Subjective Political Culture Hahn Bae ho and Yamamoto Tadashi eds Korea and Japan A New Dialogue Across the Channel Seoul Asiatic Research Center at the Korea University 1978 pp 225 226 2008 141

50 1974 8 18 1970 3 1963 19 1970 1972 10 20 21 1967 18 91 19 230 204 21 John Lewis Gaddis Chap 7 Kenedy Johnson and Flexible Response Strategies of Containment New York Oxford University Press 2005 George F Kennan 142

8 22 1968 2 1969 8 3 23 1969 11 24 1969 6 1979 7 Japanese Security and American Policy Foreign Affairs 43 1 October 1964 22 80 1960 23 88 24 1969 67 143

50 25 1975 6 1979 4 26 1968 11 26 APATO 1966 AS- PAC 27 1969 28 1971 25 26 96 97 27 1969 45 1 2011 297 298 28 1970 2 1970 6 144

29 30 3 1 1988 29 1981 6 97 30 146 1980 42 3 2002 2014 2014 10 14 145

50 7 7 31 10 18 32 33 31 1988 7 7 1 1988 2 25 1989 2 24 1990 177 178 32 1988 10 18 1 1988 2 25 1989 2 24 294 297 33 1989 7 3 2 1989 2 25 1990 1 31 1990 176 1992 11 24 5 1992 2 1 1993 2 24 1992 714 715 2 2005 23 24 146

34 35 36 1993 5 26 37 38 34 1992 11 24 5 1992 2 1 1993 2 24 1992 715 35 1990 1989 10 10 2 1989 2 25 1990 1 31 1990 341 343 36 2 45 37 26 PBEC 1993 5 24 1 1993 2 25 1994 1 31 1994 212 213 38 1994 3 25 2 1994 2 1 1995 1 31 1995 144 147

50 2 39 1990 1991 40 1990 6 41 1992 1 17 391989 9 1991 2 1991 11 1991 11 1991 12 1991 12 1992 10 1992 40 100 41 1990 6 3 1990 2 1 1991 1 31 148

42 43 1990 1992 1993 1994 1 1994 44 1992 1993 10 1995 45 1990 3 1991 359 42 1992 1 17 4 1991 2 1 1992 1 31 1992 803 43 1995 11 17 3 1995 2 1 1996 1 31 1996 527 44 120 45 77 78 149

50 1991 10 7 46 1992 1993 1992 1 1994 4 47 9 1997 4 1990 48 46 101 47 103 48 1994 146 1990 150

1997 9 10 4 1 1998 2 2 25 120 151

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2 1994 1 52 2000 2001 4 52 2001 1 153

50 53 8 13 54 2001 3 55 1998 8 MD 53 2001 4 19 54 2001 8 19 Chisaki Watanabe Japanese Premier Visits War Shrine The Washington Post 2001 8 13 55 2 108 154

1998 10 1998 9 1 56 1999 8 2 3 2013 8 57 1999 5 58 1999 1998 6 56 106 57 2007 6 SAREX Search and Rescue Exercise 2007 6 22 58 1998 12 149 155

50 1999 2 59 4 3 1 TCOG Trilateral Coordination and Oversight Group 60 2000 11 24 3 2001 11 5 3 3 2002 3 3 61 59 20 419 60 20 431 432 61 http www mofa go jp mofaj kaidan s koi asean2001 jck g htmal 156

3 5 1 2008 2009 1 2 19 21 62 2009 9 30 G20 2010 11 G20 10 63 2014 12 21 62 2009 1 2 63 2009 9 30 G20 157

50 Global Korea 64 65 21 66 2013 2 25 67 2014 7 4 64 2009 3 12 65 2012 66 67 2013 2 25 www president go kr common print popup2 php 158

68 69 2 2009 4 23 14 68 2014 7 69 18 159

50 70 2009 5 26 2 PSI 10 13 15 PSI PSI 71 2011 1 10 GSOMIA ACSA 2012 6 20 10 72 PSI 70 2009 4 27 2009 4 30 71 PSI 2009 5 27 2010 10 6 72 2012 6 28 160

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양국내존재하고있는불만등각각의의견들을수용하여받아들이는체제로구성할필요가있다 는점이다. 주제어 : 한일어업협정, 해양경계획정, 배타적경제수역, 어업협상, 독도, 유엔해양법, 중간수역 한국외교와한일안보관계의변용, 1965~2015 박영준투고일자 : 2014. 11. 16 심사완료일자 : 2014. 12. 2 게재확정일자 : 2015. 2. 5 1965년국교정상화이후한국과일본간에는동맹관계는아니지만, 다양한안보관계가진전되어왔다. 한일간안보관계는시기에따라협력적양상이발전되는경우도존재했지만, 다른경우에는갈등을빚는양상도나타났다. 한일간안보관계가이같은변화를보이게된요인에대해기존연구들은미국의아시아 태평양지역에대한정책변화와연관하여설명하거나, 아니면일본의외교안보정책변화와연관하여설명해왔다. 이연구에서는한국역대정부의국가전략기조와그에따른외교안보정책기조속에서한일안보관계가어떤변용을거쳤는지를고찰하려했다. 박정희, 노태우, 김대중정부시기에는각각조국근대화, 북방정책, 남북화해협력이라는국가전략과외교안보정책기조속에한일안보관계도발전시킨다는방침이비교적일관되게추진되었다고여겨진다. 이에반해김영삼, 노무현, 이명박그리고박근혜정부의경우에는, 정권초기에표방된국가전략및외교안보정책기조에서는한일안보관계의발전이표명되었으나, 실제정책시행과정에서는일본정부의역사및영유권문제에대한정책이계기가되어촉발된국내내셔널리즘의고조속에서정책이변경되는문제가나타났다. 이같은요인때문에한일안보관계는제도화의수준에이르지못하고, 낮은단계의안보협력에머물러있다. 향후에도중국과의관계설정, 북한에대한정책여하, 그리고일본에대한국내정서등의요인이한일안보관계의진전여하에큰영향을줄것으로보인다. 주제어 : 한국국가전략, 한국외교, 한국안보정책, 한일관계, 한일안보협력 역사인식, 발전전략, 정책이념과한일경제관계 : 경쟁적의존관계의정치적시각 윤대엽투고일자 : 2014. 11. 18 심사완료일자 : 2014. 12. 19 게재확정일자 : 2015. 2. 5 이연구는한일경제관계에관한한국사회의인식을검토함으로써한일경제관계가경제적논리에따라서만발전된것이아님을설명했다. 1965년한일협정체결이후한일경제관계는상호의존의심화와동시에산업구조의경합관계로서발전해왔다. 이와같은경쟁적의존의한일경제관계는경제논리뿐만아니라역사인식, 발전전략, 그리고정책이념등정치적요인이복합적으로작용한결과다. 식민기억은한일경제관계를상호의존이아닌종속, 침략, 지배등부정적으로인식하는원인으로작동했다. 수출주도발전전략이념은일본에의존적인수출주도형산업화를통해형성된경합적산업구조와무역불균형을부정적으로인식하는이념적틀이다. 그리고일방적의존과대일무역불균형을해소하기위한산업정책이지속되어왔다. 주제어 : 한일경제관계, 경쟁적의존, 역사인식, 수출주도발전전략, 정책이념, 산업정책 368 일본비평 12 호

identity. Unfortunately, the most probable scenario would be the final one. Keywords: Koreans in Japan, old-comer and new-comer, the legal status and social position, identity 50 Years after the South Korea-Japan Fisheries Agreement and Delimitation of Maritime CHO Youn Soo The year 2015 marks the fiftieth year of the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea. Honoring the fiftieth anniversary, this paper examines the past five decades of conflict and cooperation between the two countries in terms of fishery and maritime relations. The two countries maritime regime has so far been preserved by the South Korea- Japan Fisheries Agreement entered in 1965 and then re-established in 1998. In both cases, law of the sea conventions hosted by the United Nations Convention has been repeatedly adopted as the agreement s guideline. As members of the international society, South Korea and Japan have the duty to serve their national interests to the maximum extent allowable within the boundaries of international law. The reason why South Korea-Japan relations on fisheries and maritime affairs has been peacefully maintained throughout five decades of conflict and cooperation is because both countries chose policies that upheld the status quo concerning Dokdo and deferred dealing with the issue. However, those policies are failing as the two countries claim Dokdo as the starting point in negotiations on exclusive economic zones. South Korea and Japan are now left with the challenge of determining whether or not such negotiations shall follow the same format through which the existing fisheries agreement between the two countries was concluded. Keywords: South Korea- Japan Fisheries Agreement, United Nations Convention om the Law of the Sea, Dokdo, intermediate zone, Maritime Delimitation, Exclusive Economic Zone South Korea s Diplomacy and the Evolution of Korea-Japan Security Relation PARK Young June Since the normalization of the Korea-Japan diplomatic relations in 1965, South Korea and Japan have developed its security relations in diverse ways. Concerning the causes and mechanisms of Korea-Japan security relations, some researchers paid attentions to America s role in the Asia-Pacific regions in propelling the two allies into more friendly security relations or estranging each other signalling the prospect of entrapment. Other scholars have emphasized the role of Japan s diplomacy to manage the Korea-Japan security relations in terms of Japan s national security policy. In this paper, I tried to shed light on the role of Seoul s national strategy and diplomacy in developing the Korea-Japan security relations. Each administrations of Park Chung- Hee, Roh Tae-Woo, and Kim Dae-Jung have underscored the importance of Korea-Japan 373 영문초록

security relations and developed it by suggesting the national strategy of the Motherland Modernization, Northern Policy and so-called Sun-shine policy. In contrast, administrations of Kim Young-Sam, Roh Moo-Hyun, and Lee Myung-Bak failed to develop Korea- Japan security relations due to the rising national sentiment toward Japan during their presidency despite their initial directions of national strategy which had put emphasis on the development of mutual security cooperation. Incumbent Park Geun-Hye administration seemed to set South Korea on the similar path in terms of Korea-Japan security relations like her predecessors such as Lee Myung-Bak or Roh Moo-Hyun. Considering these patterns and tendencies, South Korea s security relations with Japan in the near future will also be determined by the interaction of its national strategy and national sentiment in the contest of rising China and provocative North Korea. Keywords: Korea-Japan relations, Korea-Japan security cooperation, Korea s national strategy, Korea s diplomacy, Korea s security policy Historical Perception, Developmental Strategy, Policy Idea and Korea-Japan Economic Relations: Competitive Dependence in Political Perspective YOON Dae Yeob By analyzing Korea s social perception on Korea-Japan economic relation, this study explains that Korea-Japan economic relations have developed not only under economic rational, but was also vulnerable to non-economic factors. Korea-Japan economic relation deepened both inter-dependence and industrial competition at the same time. Korea-Japan s competitive dependence relationship is an outcome of complex interaction of economic rational and political factors such as historical perception, developmental strategy, and policy ideas. Colonial memory drove Korea-Japan economic relations not in an equal and inter-dependent relation, but served as a negative perception alluding to Korea s economic dependency to Japan as well as Japan s economic invasion and economic control towards Korea. Exportled developmental strategy is ideational frame to understand competitive industrial relations and trade imbalance negatively. Industrial policy to resolve trade imbalance and unilateral dependence has been continuously implemented based on these perception. Keywords: Korea-Japan EconomicRelations, competitive dependence, historical perception, export-leddevelopment strategy, policy idea, industrial policy to rebalance Cooperation and Conflict seen from the Rise and Fall of Bilateral Political Network PARK Cheol Hee Political network between Korea and Japan made a significant contribution in facilitating cooperation and mitigating conflicts between the two countries. Core political executives stood at the center of bilateral political network since the diplomatic normalization of the two 374 일본비평 12 호