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878 Yu Kim, Dongjae Kim 지막 용량수준까지도 멈춤 규칙이 만족되지 않아 시행이 종료되지 않는 경우에는 MTD의 추정이 불가 능하다는 단점이 있다. 최근 이 SM방법의 단점을 보완하기 위해 O Quigley 등 (1990)이 제안한 CRM(Continu

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KISEP Original Article J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc Vol 45, No 1 주의력결핍과잉행동장애환아들의기질및성격특성 장원석 홍성도 정유숙 Temperament and Character Patterns of Patients with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Won Seok Jang, MD, Sungdo D Hong, MD and Yoosook Joung, MD, PhD Department of Psychiatry, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Objectives:The purpose of this study is to compare temperament/character patterns of patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorders with normal controls. Methods:The Junior Temperament and Character Inventory was given to a clinical sample of one hundred - four patients with ADHD (all male, mean age 10.46±1.45) and their parents. The diagnoses were done using DSM-IV criteria. Fifty ones of the patients with ADHD were confirmed by K-SADS-PL-K. One hundred forty four normal controls (all male, mean age 13.26±0.26) and their parents were enrolled to compare temperament and character patterns with ADHD patients. Results:Novelty seeking was significantly higher in parental JTCI of patients with ADHD. Reward dependence, persistence, self directedness, cooperativeness and self transcendence (ST23) were significantly lower in both self and parental JTCI of patients with ADHD. Using K-SADS-PL-K, ADHD patients were divided into three groups with their ADHD subtype (combined type:32, inattentive type:11, NOS type:7). Self transcendence (ST23) in self JTCI was significantly lower in ADHD patients of the inattentive type than those of the combined type. Conclusion:The temperament and character patterns of ADHD patients were different from those of normal controls. Novelty seeking was significantly higher in the ADHD patients. Reward dependence, persistence, self directedness, cooperativeness, self transcendence (ST23) were significantly lower in the ADHD patients. (J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc 2006; 45(1):77-82) KEY WORDS:Temperament ADHD JTCI. 서 론 - 77

방법 연구대상 측정도구 아동용기질성격검사 (Junior temperament and character inventory) - K-SADS-PL-K(Korean Kiddie-Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia -Present and Lifetime Version-Korean Version) 통계분석 결과 78

Table 1. Temperament and character patterns of subjects self rating scale Scale ADHD No MeanSD NC No MeanSD Significance* NS 95 08.293.20 137 08.012.72 0.47* HA 95 10.494.28 137 09.934.53 0.34* RD 95 07.282.61 137 08.712.43 0.00* SD 95 10.223.18 136 11.812.80 0.00* C 95 11.873.44 134 13.903.08 0.00* ST1 95 01.551.48 144 01.551.31 0.99* ST23 95 02.471.57 139 02.951.45 0.02* NCnormal controls, NSnovelty seeking, HAharm avoidance, RDreward dependence, SDself directedness, Ccooperativeness, STself transcendence, independent t test Table 2. Temperament and character patterns of subjects parent rating scale Scale ADHD No MeanSD NC No MeanSD Significance* NS 104 10.183.26 129 08.293.31 0.00* HA 104 09.294.48 125 10.033.83 0.18* RD 104 04.492.30 130 05.142.10 0.00* PS 104 00.881.04 130 01.941.46 0.00* SD 104 07.763.60 128 11.723.98 0.00* C 104 11.634.03 126 14.372.91 0.00* ST1 104 01.081.10 131 01.210.99 0.31* ST23 104 01.321.17 127 01.841.30 0.00* NCnormal controls, NSnovelty seeking, HAharm avoidance, RDreward dependence, PSpersistence, SDself directedness, Ccooperativeness, STself transcendence, independent t test 고찰 - 79

Table 3. Temperament and character patterns of subjects stratified by subtype of ADHD Scale Combined type n32 Inattentive type n11 NOS n7 df P value Self rating NS 22.77 24.00 18.75 2.72 HA 21.64 21.55 28.08 2.52 RD 21.16 26.75 21.67 2.48 SD 21.52 24.40 23.92 2.46 C 21.82 24.40 22.50 2.30 ST1 22.63 23.45 20.33 2.24 ST23 25.71 12.65 23.92 2 *.02* Parent rating NS 24.92 24.91 29.07 2.78 HA 24.02 24.82 33.36 2.30 RD 23.45 30.27 27.36 2.37 PS 26.73 25.00 20.64 2.55 SD 23.34 29.82 28.57 2.37 C 23.95 30.23 25.14 2.47 ST1 25.98 26.59 21.57 2.71 ST23 25.92 28.68 18.57 2.31 Data are given as mean rank unless otherwise indicated NSnovelty seeking, HAharm avoidance, RDreward dependence, PSpersistence, SDself directedness, Ccooperativeness, STself transcendence, NOSnot otherwise specified, Kruskal Wallis test - 80

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