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7 Rigby Slee(1993) (1999).,,. Likert 5 1, Salmivalli(1996) (2007) 15,. 15, 3 (0=, 1=, 3= ).,.,.,.,,,, (Cronbach's alpha) (Salmivalli et al., 2002). (Cronbach's alpha) Rosenberg(1965) (1974)., (Cronbach's alpha).85 (,,,,, 2009), (Cronbach's alpha).87. Sherer, Maddux, Mercandante, Prentice-Dunn, Jacobs Rogers(1982) (1995). (General Self-Efficacy) (Social Self Efficacy). (Cronbach's alpha) JTCI (The Junior Temperament and Character Inventory, JTCI) Cloninger (1994) TCI. (personality)

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10 * p <.05, ** p <.01, *** p <.001 F * 30.14(0.46) 30.40(0.49) 29.44(0.46) 29.94(0.49) (1.10) 79.90(1.30) 78.86(1.09) 79.97(1.28) t = -3.0, p =.003, t = -3.40, p =.001,, t = -1.75, p =.08, t = -1.46, p =.15., t = 2.76, p =.006,, t = 1.20, p =.23., t = -2.18, p =.03, t = -3.09, p =.002., F(1,336) =.39, p =.53., F(1,331) = 1.20, p =.27( 4).,..,.,.,.,.,..,

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17 The Effects of the School Violence Prevention Program Using Temperament Eun-Ha Jung Yun-Mi Shin Sun-Mi Cho Department of Psychiatry, Ajou University Hospital We tried to develop the school violence prevention program which focuses on the bystanders. In the context of school violence, most students are bystanders. They can either reinforce the violence or stop the violence. We hypothesized that the students who know their own temperament dimensions such as novelty seeking, harm avoidance, and reward dependence (Cloninger, 1994) will show more tendencies to defend victims from school violence when they learned the methods to prevent school violence in accordance to their temperament dimensions. 351 Korean middle school students participated the 4 sessions of school violence prevention program. The students completed the questionnaires to identify their own behavior in school violence situations. In the experimental group(temperament group), students learned the methods to help the victims that suits with their own temperaments. Whereas, the comparison group just attend the class regardless of their temperaments. Both groups showed significant increase in the trend of defending the victims. However, the temperament group showed more tendency to protect/defend the victims than the comparison group when they faced with school violence. These results show that students can learn the methods of defending victims from school violence more easily by knowing their own temperament dimensions, and can be the prepared and the effective defenders. Key words : school violence prevention program, bystander, temperament

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