Ï Ð Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles Vol. 35, No. 11 (2011) p.1285~1296 http://dx.doi.org/10.5850/jksct.2011.35.11.1285 q p w» e w x Á x w w The Effects of Fashion and Beauty Consumption Behavior on Self-Satisfaction Hyun-Ju ParkÁSook-Hyun Park Dept. of Fashion Desing & Merchandising, Kyungsung University (2011 5 27 ), (2011 6 23 ), y (2011 11 1 ) Abstract This study examines the effects of fashion and beauty consumption behavior on self-. A questionnaire method was used for the study method and the subjects of the study were females in their 20s- 50s. A total of 580 sets of questionnaires were distributed and 554 sets were used for the final analysis; in addition, SPSS 12.0 statistics program was utilized for factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, one-way ANOVA, Duncan test and multiple regression analysis. The results of this study were: First, the factors of fashion consumption behavior are composed of physical supplementation, social symbolism, appearance styling, sexuality and conformity and those of beauty involvement consisted of hair styling, skin management, make-up and body shaping. Self- was divided into living, appearance, economic and interpersonal relations. Second, (because of the examination of the effects of fashion consumption behavior on self-) fashion physical supplementation and appearance styling of fashion consumption behavior influenced living and interpersonal relations for females in their 20s. However, fashion consumption behavior did not influence for those in their 30s. It was shown that the social conformity factor of fashion consumption behavior influenced appearance of self for those in their 40s and the conformity factor of fashion consumption behavior gave a negative influence on life and economic of self- for those in their 50s. It was found (for beauty consumption behavior) that the body-shaping factor influenced economic and interpersonal relations of self- for all age levels. Key words: Fashion consumption behavior, Beauty consumption behavior, Self-; q w, p w,» I. z ƒ w z, w,» y q p w Corresponding author E-mail: shpark@ks.ac.kr 2011w w w w. ƒwš ƒ w œ w w š. ƒ š, ƒã»ƒ t š w y w q p y ¾ wš. ƒ,, w w w e». 1285
16 w wz 7PM/P M. H. Lee(2009), w,, z ù z, y w š w. w», j, x, w e š ù ƒ z y w j» w š w.» w r Shin(2005), S. H. Lee(2009), Lee(2008), Kim and Choi(2010), Kim (2010), Kim(1995), M. H. Lee(2009) w, Kuh and Lee(1999), Moon and Choo (2008), Park et al.(2005), Cho and Koh(2001) w w, Jeong(2006), Moon and Yoo(2003), Jeong and Yoo(2008), Kim and Lee(2007), Lee(2004) y, x k, v w ù q wì p» e w w ³ w. w ql ù» ƒ ƒ q p w» w e ³ w v š ƒ. 20~50 w,», q w, š p w ƒ š, q w p w» w e š w. k½ d ³ w q p t œw d p y t w. II. 1.»» w e ö w tù w k w (Lee, 2003). Neugarten et al.(1961) w» y w y l» ö y w ö z y w ùƒ ù z š k š w.» w ü w w ƒ p ƒ w. Lee et al.(2009),» ( ).,» w w ƒ w» x we.» w ³ w» w., x»» w z,, ƒe,. w (Kim, 1995; Kim et al, 1996; Park, 1993) ƒ j, ƒy ƒ, w» ƒ ùkùš» q pw w. 2. q w txw j. k w sƒw š tx ƒ q w ƒ z y ü txw wš ù p w t wš w txw y w. w g š» w t ù y k Á Á sƒ, w w, q w q t w w (Lim et al., 2007). w w Campbell(1997) û p š w v w vy w w tx p š v ¼ w y š w. vy š. Lim(2005) w w w ¾ sww Ÿ w w w ƒ ƒ w ¾ sw y w w š w. q w 1286
q p w» e w 17 p y w ƒe ù ù w š. 3. p w š ƒe y p w y ƒ. p mkg q l p»¾ y g w š. p w ƒ, y t, t w w w. e kwš y w w sww ƒã w ƒw ƒ w. w ƒ ù y w txw š w (Kim, 2008). w w, mw w z w. Kaiser(1985) š ƒw p w w, y, x š v w wš, w w mw y jš w š w. ƒ ã» w j, x k x ù p»¾ y j z» ww xw» w p w ¾ wš. ü 20 w 60.1%ƒ, 31.6%ƒ x, 47.4%ƒ v, 44.9%ƒ y, 84.8%ƒ w ùkû (Kim, 2003). 1. III. q w, p w» e w w w w. 1. q w, p w,». 2. q w, p w,» ƒ. 3. q w p w 2.» e w w. w w. 1)» y s w ö y ö» w š w k w. y,,, w y w w. 2) q w q w,, ƒe ww txw q t w w. 3) p w p w z x» w j, v, x, x š y w w w w. 3. d w.» w w Jang(2009), Lee(2008), q w Shin (2006), Chung(2004), p w Park and Park (2009), Kim et al.(2006) w w š, w» 16 w, q w 23 w, p w 23 w w. w sƒ 5 Likert w. 1287
18 w wz 7PM/P m, y, w,, sw g. 4. 2010 6 10 l 6 30 ¾ Ÿ w 20~50 580 sw w. z w w 554 w. w p <Table 1>. 20 y 96%, w w ( ) w/ 94%, w 49%, 47%, 200 48%, ƒ 200 400 40% ùkû. 30»y 66%, y 33%, w w ( ) w/ 70%, 55%, 31%, 200 38%, ƒ 200 400 41% ùkû. 40»y 98%, w w ( ) w/ 53%, / 35%, 33%, 31% ùkûš 200 33%, 200 400 24% ùkû ƒ 400 600 30% ùk û. 50»y 98%, w /š w 57%, 46%, 32% ùkû 44%, ƒ 200 400 37%, 400 600 32% ùkû. 5. SPSS 12.0 m v w š,,, e, Duncan's t-test, Pearson, z. IV. 1.», q w, p w», q w, p w» w w. Table 1. Sample profile Marital status Education level Occupation Monthly income Gross family income Range 20' (N=216) 30' (N=113) 40' (N=120) 50' (N=105) Persons % Persons % Persons % Persons % Single 209 96.8 38 33.6 2 1.9 2 1.9 Married 7 3.2 75 66.4 118 98.1 103 98.1 Junior/high school graduation 10 4.6 22 19.5 46 38.3 60 57.1 College graduation 204 94.4 80 70.8 64 53.3 43 41.0 Graduate school graduation 2 0.9 11 9.7 10 8.3 2 1.9 Student 107 49.5 - - - - - - Workers 103 47.7 63 55.8 38 31.7 34 32.4 Business 5 2.3 14 12.4 42 35.0 22 21.0 Housewife 1 0.5 36 31.9 40 33.3 49 46.7 None 86 39.8 33 29.2 37 30.8 47 44.8 Less than two million won 104 48.1 43 38.1 40 33.3 33 31.4 More than two million and less than four million won 26 12.0 32 28.3 29 24.2 16 15.2 More than four million and less than six million won - - 3 2.7 9 7.5 8 7.6 More than six million won - - 2 1.8 5 4.2 1 1.0 Less than two million won 33 15.3 12 10.6 12 10.0 12 11.4 More than two million and less than four million won 87 40.3 47 41.6 34 28.3 39 37.1 More than four million and less than six million won 54 25.0 33 29.2 37 30.8 34 32.4 More than six million and less than eight million won 23 10.6 17 15.0 25 20.8 9 8.6 More than eight million won 19 8.8 4 3.5 12 10.0 11 10.5 1288
1289 q p w» e w 19 Varimax Rotation w w z š e 1» w š w» w Cronbach's α w. 1)»» <Table 2>. 16 w 2 w š 14 w. 1 w w mw w w y w. 2 ³x, w w w. 3 w w ù y w w w. 4 ƒ, w w w.» 65.81% w.82.73¾ s ù kû. 2) q w q w w <Table 3>. 23 w 4 w š 19 w. 1 txw š p š w w š w. 2 w z û š w w z š w. 3 g š w w š w. 4, û y w ƒw w š w. 5 w z ww û w š w w š w.» 62.02% w.80.59¾ s ùkû. 3) p w p w w <Table 4>. 23 w 4 w š 19 w. 1 x k w w x š w. 2 v w w v š w. 3 y w w j š w. 4 ƒã» w w š w.» 60.64% w.83.72¾ s ùkû. 2. q w, p w,» q w, p w,» Table 2. Self- factors Factor Question Loading value Eigen value Cumulative % α Living Appearance Economic Interpersonal relations I have achieved the important things I want my life..789 I am satisfied that I can try new and various things..785 I have self-confidence with my present job..775 I am having an exciting and interesting life..679 I am satisfied with my physical health status..810 I am satisfied with my appearance..799 I maintain a balanced body shape..734 I have better physical strength than others..567 I am satisfied with my daily living expenses..819 I am satisfied with my monthly income..805 I enjoy a better economic condition than the people around me..687 I am satisfied with the relationship with my neighbors..856 I am satisfied with the relationship with my family..784 I have very good life conditions..610 4.79 34.22.82 1.95 48.11.73 1.41 58.18.77 1.07 65.81.79
20 w wz 7PM/P Table 3. Fashion consumption behavior factors Factor Physical supplementation Social symbolism Appearance styling Sexuality Conformity Question Loading value When wearing clothes, I consider whether it can supplement my figure..749 I carefully purchase clothes because they show self perception and image..680 When wearing clothes, I consider the whole line and type..613 It is important to wear clothes in compliance with TPO (time, place and occasion)..601 I pay my attention to clothes in order to show my ideal figure when wearing clothes..557 I think that dressing well can raise one's social position..794 I want to show my ability by dressing well..785 I want to wear luxurious clothes because I can be approved by people..767 Apparel can be an important tood to achieve popularity and obtain employment opportunities..590 I feel pleasant when I am styling with clothes..751 I have products for appearance decoration such as clothes and fashion accessories..735 I wear a bag, shoes and accessories according to clothes..703 I purchase clothes that match colors and designs..552 I consciously wear clothes to attract the opposite sex..715 I wear clothes that emphasize my femininity..666 I want to purchase clothes similar to what my favorite celebrity wears..541 I think that it is important to wear clothes in compliance with the level of the clothes my friends or contemporaries wear..794 I feel awkward if I look differently in a gathering..746 I purchase clothes similar to what my close friends have..653 Eigen value Cumulative % α 5.50 28.95.77 2.72 43.27.80 1.39 50.57.79 1.15 56.62.59 1.04 62.02.66 ƒ» w e z Duncan's t-test w <Table 5>. q w, w ƒ ùkû. 20 ƒ q w ƒ ùkû 30, 40, 50 ùkû. 20 w wš mw» txwš w w ƒ š w(park et al., 2005) w. p w x w ƒ ùkû. x 40, 20, 50 ùkû 50 ƒ ƒ ùkû.» 20 ƒ ƒ ùkû 30, 40, 50 ùkû. 20 z mw ù y w» w r y š š. 20 ƒw z y» š ƒw ùkù Song(2005) w. 3. q w, p w» e w 1) q w» e w q w» e w w <Table 6>. 20 q w» y,» w e ùkû. mw x y k w»tx» j. 30 q w» w 1290
q p w» e w 21 Table 4. Beauty consumption behavior factors Factor Hair styling Skin management Make-up Body shaping Question Loading value Follow the hair styles of celebrities..696 Produce my hair style using wax, mousse, and hair gel..685 Normally I pay special attention to my hair style through hair dying and hair treatments..670 Usually I style my hair style with a hair dryer or crimper..633 I consider hair styles trends when I change my hair style..623 Often use cosmetics (moisturizer, wrinkle-free, and skin whitening, eye cream) for skin care..778 Regularly use a keratin remover or pack products for skin care..775 Have messages regularly for skin care..702 Select cosmetics and cleansing products in compliance with my skin type..689 Visit a dermatologist or a skin care center..628 Wear make-up to project a beautiful image..732 Always wear skin make-up (make-up base, B.B. and cream, foundation) before going to the office or going out..723 Often wear various make-up cosmetics such as eye shadow, blusher..690 Wear make-up with the latest fashion colors and styles..629 Purchase in fashion make-up cosmetics..611 Carefully choose low calorie foodstuffs to reduce weight..828 Do not eat high-calorie foodstuffs, even though I like them very much..817 Exercise regularly (swimming, fitness, and aerobics) to maintain a slender body shape..711 Wear supplementary underwear (brassiere and corset) to project a better shape..567 Eigen value Cumulative % α 6.61 16.37.77 1.94 31.93.82 1.68 46.39.83 1.29 60.64.72 Table 5. Age differences in fashion consumption behavior, beauty consumption and life- Age range Factor F-value 20' 30' 40' 50' Fashion consumption behavior Beauty consumption behavior Self Physical supplementation 3.78 3.79 3.77 3.61 2.27*** Social symbolism 3.09 A 3.07 A 2.84 B 2.76 B 6.23*** Appearance styling 3.85 A 3.66 B 3.56 B 3.53 B 7.59*** Sexuality 2.94 A 2.81 AB 2.66 BC 2.60 C 6.94*** Conformity 2.71 2.65 2.86 2.76 1.72*** Hair styling 2.74 A 2.50 B 2.76 A 2.70 A 3.35*** Skin management 3.20 3.22 3.11 3.00 1.78*** Make-up 3.08 2.92 2.88 2.92 2.00*** Body shaping 2.32 B 2.30 B 2.37 B 2.60 A 3.30*** Living 3.42 3.47 3.28 3.32 1.84*** Appearance 3.06 A 2.87 B 2.84 B 2.85 B 4.45*** Economic 2.90 2.91 2.90 2.96 0.15*** Interpersonal relations 3.45 3.54 3.51 3.37 1.10*** *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 Duncan's multiple range test: A>B>C>D 1291
22 w wz 7PM/P Table 6. Effects of fashion consumption behavior on self- Self Living Appearance Economic Interpersonal relations Age range Physical supplementation Fashion consumption behavior (β) Social symbolism Appearance styling Sexuality Conformity R 2 F 20.181*.045*.143*.013.018**.077 3.507** 30.128*.129*.153*.038.072** 0.75 1.731** 40.044*.090*.013*.145.048**.063 1.543** 50.200*.098*.195*.089.239**.184 4.465** 20.037*.017*.006*.136.085**.038 1.638** 30.082*.035*.184*.013.011**.054 1.233** 40.169*.249*.061*.209.067**.086 2.139** 50.108*.144*.050*.182.145**.066 1.389** 20.030*.099*.094*.021.033**.036 1.567** 30.013*.052*.014*.170.142**.049 1.101** 40.050*.152*.062*.127.050**.052 1.258** 50.084*.061*.157*.124.204**.091 1.988** 20.022*.012*.209*.095.074**.063 2.825** 30.054*.022*.007*.055.114**.020 0.447** 40.173*.040*.134* -.081.084**.029 0.679** 50.183*.033*.110* -.095.056**.060 1.268** *p<.05, **p<.01 e ùkû. ƒ ƒ w w w w yw. 40 q w z» w e ùkû. 40 ƒ y zá d w e» q y w ù ùkü wš. 50 q w» y w e ùkû.» w n w d ù w» w š ø q ù k w. 20 d x w z x w ùkû, 40 w zy mw û y w». 50 ƒ w» û y k w. 30 q w û ùkû 20 w ƒ,, ƒ w y w» š w Hyun(2008) w. 2) p w» e w p w» e w <Table 7>. 20 p w v» w e ùkû. 20 w» v mw ù k w. w v j x k š ù š. 30 p w v» 1292
q p w» e w 23 Table 7. Effects of beauty consumption behavior on self- Self- Living Beauty consumption behavior (β) Age rang Hair styling Skin management Make-up Body shaping R² F 20.054.114**.080*.081***.037 2.021** 30.004.059**.024*.230***.057 1.627** 40.197.043**.151*.245***.086 2.703** 50.013.094**.144*.072***.020.514** 20.018.040**.017*.146***.033 1.813** Appearance 30.161.035**.012*.079***.027.743** 40.234.053**.267*.040***.086 1.413** 50.113.274**.001*.058***.047 1.223** 20.041.231**.114*.199***.088 5.103** Economic 30.170.243**.154*.275***.143 4.503** 40.120.080**.148*.280***.063 1.941** 50.175.136**.206*.276***.074 1.999** Interpersonal relations 20.035.187**.066*.030***.025 1.361** 30.012.189**.081*.206***.075 2.201** 40.028.148**.138*.380***.080 2.500** 50.001.159**.149*.235***.066 1.780** *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001,» y, š w e ùkû. 30 v yƒ»» wš y ù z y» w v. 40 p w j»,» y, š w e ùkû. 40 ù ƒ» Á n w»»» w j š w. 50 p w v,» w e ù kû.» ˆ» s z w»» w p ù w w» w y š w š w. w 50 p w û» n, y w û y»ƒ w w e w w ƒ x wš š» t ù ƒ w n w p w ƒ û. ƒ 39.1% ƒ š, 23%, 13.8% ùkù Kim(2009) w. w 50 ƒ ù û ùkù, š d ƒ. V. q p t w», q, p š q w 1293
24 w wz 7PM/P p w» e w w., q w w, z,,,. w p w w x, v, j,.» w y,,,., q w, p w,», q w, w ƒ ù kû. 20 ƒ q w ƒ ù kû, p w x 40, 20, 50 ùkû 50 ƒ ùk û.» 20 ƒ ƒ ùkû., q w» e w, 20 q w, y, w e ùkûš, 30 q w» w e ùkû. 40 q w z w š, 50 q w y, w e ùkû. p w» e w r 20 p w v ƒ w e ùkûš, 30 p w v ƒ, y,, w e ùkû. 40 p w j, ƒ y,, w š, 50 p w v,, w e ùkû., 20 q w w k» š, 40 z» ùkû. 50 ƒ w» û y k w ùkû. 30 ƒ, w w ww n w w w q w û ùkû š. p w 20, 30, 40 x w» w w» ùkû ù, 50 p w ùkû ù», ƒ ùkù. 50» z n, p w p w» ƒ û. ww q p w m w j ù x Á w w wš. w q p w» w w. w, q w p w w ü š t y ƒ. z» w q p w w y ƒ w., w w y w ƒ Ÿ w z v., q p w û y ƒš û y w w. References Campbell, C. (1997). Shopping, pleasure and the sex war. In P. Falk & C. Campbell (Eds.), Cognition: The shopping experience (pp. 166 176). London: Sage. Cho, S. M., & Koh, A. R. (2001). The effects of sociocultural attitude toward appearance and body images on clothing benefits sought-the comparison of age difference in female adolescents-. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 25(7), 1227 1238. Chung, K. J. (2004). Effect of self-disclosure on appearance management behavior and body exposure in clothing behavior. Unpublished master's thesis, Yonsei University, Seoul. 1294
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