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42 Torn Bornhorst,J.R.Brent Ritchie,Lorn Sheehan(2010). Determinants of tourism success for DMOs& destinations: An empirical examination of stakeholders perspectives,tourism Managem ent, 31(5), p.572-589 UNWTO(2007). A PracticalGuide to Tourism Destination Management, World Tourism Organization, Volgger,M., & Pechlaner,H.(2014). Requirements for destination management organizations in destinati on governance:understanding DMO success. Tourism Management, 41, p.64-75 JTB 総合研究所 (2017). 日本版 DMO はどのように稼ぐのか?~ 自律的 継続的な運営に向けて ~ 観光庁 (2016). 明日の日本を支える観光ビジョン観光庁 (2017). 日本版 DMO 形成 確立に係る手引きまち ひと しごと創生本部 (2017). 地方創生事例集金蘭正 (2017). 観光地域づくりの推進役としての DMO の役割に関する研究 - 日本版 DMO の先進事例を中心に-, 日本近代學硏究 57, p.659-672 日本内閣部 (2015). まち ひと しごと創生基本方針 2015-ローカル アベノミクスの実現に向けて- 日本政策投資銀行 (2014). 日本型 DMO 形成による観光地域づくり 大社充 (2016). 観光振興とDMOと地方創生 観光と街づくり, 520 pp.18-20 佐藤真一 (2016). 地方創生の切り札 DMOとDMOの作り方, エイ出版社篠原英智 (2016). 日本型 DMO : 観光地域づくりの新しいマネジメント手法 KER 経済情報, 307, pp.10-15 高橋一夫 (2013). デスティネーション マーケティングの特性と課題 : マーケティングの主体としてのDMO 日本観光研究学会全国大会学術論文集 28, 9-12, 일본관광청 www.mlit.go.jp 일본관광진흥협회 www.nihon-kankou.or.jp

결론 / Analysis of the Current Working Status of Japanese Destination Management Organizations and Their Possible Implementation on Jeju While each region in Japan has taken a range of efforts to vitalize through tourism, the Abe administration s recent strategy focus on a Japanese version of the destination management organization (DMO) as part of its regional revitalization policy has been gaining attention both inside and outside the country. This research was aimed at analyzing the current status and progress of Japanese DMOs as they have been established ahead of any similar organization in Korea, and at providing insights into the policy and marketing side for the possible implementation of such organizations on Jeju. A DMO is an organization which carries out strategic management and marketing functions for an entire region. The organizations are generally known as destination management organizations or simply as DMOs. Under its regional revitalization policy aimed at solving the over-concentration of population and economic activity in Tokyo, the Japanese government has set its focus in the tourism area on making the region an attractive tourism destination and creating an integrated regional brand coordinated by Japanese DMOs. The main insights from the analysis of the current status and progress of Japanese DMOs may be summarized by the following five points: - First, DMOs should gain independence and autonomy in organizational operation in order to lead and arrange touristic activities through discussions and agreements with local officials under a consistent tourism policy. - Second, the main purpose of Japanese DMOs is to facilitate regional revitalization by raising the local capability of income generation based on relations between local human resources, relevant collected and analyzed data, and approaches for tourism from the private sector. To that end, the Japanese government is providing systemic support. - Third, Japanese DMOs are operated under the regional revitalization policy and hold a more defined purpose of revitalizing the region compared to other DMOs. Compared to existing

44 tourism associations or organizations, Japanese DMOs tend to place a greater emphasis on joint promotional efforts based on marketing strategies for their regions. - Fourth, in the operation of Japanese DMOs, the government tries to minimize direct intervention. Rather, it indirectly supports the efficient operation of the organizations through the private sector by way of information, human resources, finances, and other support systems. - Fifth, the largest share of funding for DMOs comes from government subsidies, though they have been making continuous efforts to generate their own income. In addition to their basic role, DMOs may seek profit by, for example, providing tourism services in collaboration with related organizations. Based on the above analysis, the following five approaches may be suggested for the possible implementation of such a system on tourism on Jeju: - First, Jeju may establish a system to run its own DMOs to carry out comprehensive management and marketing for Jeju s touristic efforts. At the provincial level, the government may devise a basis for and legalize the establishment of DMOs. Strategies for enabling DMOs to best utilize creative ideas from the private sector with administrative support need to be introduced. To that end, in addition to regional communities, general businesses need to be allowed to register as DMOs if they are qualified and meet certain conditions. - Second, the scope of business to be conducted by DMOs is set considering the actual conditions of the Jeju region. The coverage of a DMO may be set at the village level, by villages in cooperation, or by an area defined by certain boundaries. - Third, a system for close cooperation among related parties should be established for the efficient operation of DMOs. Close cooperation among administrative agencies, tourists, local residents, and enterprises is critical for the successful operation of DMOs, and the systematization of this cooperation should be ensured. - Fourth, cooperation with existing tourism related organizations is necessary in order to utilize the knowhow and human resources which have been collected by such organizations. Cooperation may be initiated with organizations and projects such as local tourism associations, the Jeju Tourism Organization, the Jeju Convention Bureau, Tour Dure, or Samchon Village Projects. - Fifth, a veriety of funding channels, including donations type taxation, needs to be secured as a system for boosting tourism in Jeju. To fully realize independent organizations and ensure stability, funding must be derived from a range of sources.

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