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..,..,.. Brahman, Chhetri, Sharki, Tamang Gurung.,...,...,,...,..,,, ( ).. Kathmandu Syangja. Pharping Tamang, Pokhara Gurung Sharki. Newar Dhankuta Rai..,. 340 341

wedding cultures across different regions. Nepal can be classified into major regions-central, Eastern, and Western Nepal, with Kathmandu as a hub linking the three. Target areas for the survey were selected on this geographical basis. The National Folk Museum of Korea has been engaged in ongoing field studies on wedding culture across Asia, starting with a investigation of Chinese wedding traditions. This project is intended to explore both the diversity and homogeneity among neighboring Asian cultures. Over distinct ethnic and caste groups reside in Nepal, as well as intermixed Hindu and Buddhist religious practices. Religious worldviews are embedded in not simply the rituals, but in the everyday lives of Nepalese. A variety of cultural factors, including those related to both the necessities of life and its amusements, are also inherent to Nepalese weddings. Rituals of worship to gods and ancestors are similarly witnessed in many phases of a wedding ceremony. Furthermore, this paper endeavored to examine the process of modern as well as traditional wedding ceremonies among the ethnic groups subject to research. Traditional weddings were studied based on literature and oral histories, while contemporary weddings were examined through on-site observation. By such means, this effort attempts to analyze the transformation of Nepalese wedding culture. The research team for Nepalese wedding customs consisted of a professor from Tribhuvan University in Nepal, a photographer and an interpreter, in addition to the museum research staff. It conducted field studies and collected multimedia data (images, video and audio files), as well as folk materials related to traditional wedding culture. Nepalese weddings can be categorized into four types, according to religious background: first, the wedding culture of the Brahman, Chhetri, and Sharki communities is based on Hinduism; second, that of the Tamang and Gurung groups is rooted in Tibetan Buddhism and Hinduism; third, that of the Newar is grounded in Indian Buddhism and Hinduism; and fourth, that of the Rai people is drawn from animism and shamanism. In order to examine these varied types of wedding culture, two main criteria were employed. As the first criterion, ethnic groups practicing representative traditional Nepalese wedding ceremonies were selected. Social classes making up a relatively high proportion of the overall population were identified from among the diverse caste and ethnic groups for examination of their traditional wedding cultures. Along with these representative groups, regional scope was adopted as a complementary criterion in order to examine the distinctive characteristics of There were three field works focused on Nepalese wedding customs. The first field study delved into the weddings of the Brahman from the Kathmandu region of Central Nepal and those of the Chhetri in the Western Nepalese Syangja region. For the second field research, the team studied the wedding culture of the Tamang in the Pharping region surrounding Kathmandu in Central Nepal along with that of the Gurung group and the Sharki in the Pokhara region in Western Nepal. The subject of the third effort was the weddings of the Newar group in Kathmandu and those of Rai people in the Dhankuta region of Eastern Nepal. This paper documented through three field studies seven examples of weddings practiced by various castes and ethnic groups. This case study, in combination with the survey report on Chinese wedding culture, serves as a basis for understanding Asian wedding culture and is expected to lead to further research, collection and exhibition activities by the National Folk Museum of Korea. 342 343

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,,....,..,.,. ( )...... ( ). ( )., Matrimonial Authority ( ). ( ). ( )......,., a. b. c. d. e. f. 350 351

.., a. b. c......,....,,.... Marriage Certificate/ Certificate of Marriage..,,.......,,. [ () ] 352 353

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The Wedding in Nepal