w» wz, 7«4y(2005) Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 7, No. 4, (2005), pp. 303~310 y 1 Á z 2 Á½ 1 1 w y w, 2 w w (2005 11 29 ; 2005 12 7 ) Vegetation Composition and Structure of Mt. Kumbong, Uiseong-Gun, Korea Kwan-Ho Bae 1, Jung-Hyo Lee 2G and Dong-Geun Kim 1 1 Department of Forest Resource & Environment, Sangju National University, Sangju 743-711, Korea 2 Department of Forest, kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Korea (Received November 29, 2005; Accepted December 7, 2005) ABSTRACT Vegetation composition and structure of forest community around Mt. Kumbong, Uiseong-Gun, Korea, were studied using a qualitative and a quantitative approach. Vegetation types and various ecological characteristics including constancy classes, relative coverage, species diversity and interspecific similarity of the major component species were analyzed. Seventy relatives were sampled in 100 m 2 plots. Forest communities were grouped into mountain vegetation and lowervalley vegetation. The former were divided into 3 communities (Quercus mongolica, Quercus variabilis and Quercus dentata communities). The latter was an Acer mono community. Vegetation units were classified into ten groups. Woody vegetation coverage was 50~65%. The lower-valley vegetation type showed from 2.06 0.25 to 2.31 0.26 in the species diversity. The species showing interspecific similarity over 0.5 with Quercus mongolica appeared to be Pinus densiflora, Quercus dentata and Tilia amurensis in the tree and subtree layer, and Lindera obtusiloba, Fraxinus sieboldiana, Carex humilis and Carex siderosticta in the shrub and herb layer. The species showing higher interspecific similarity with Acer mono were Cornus controversa and Ulmus davidiana in the tree and subtree layer, and Philadelphus schrenchkii and Aristolochia manshuriensis in the shrub and herb layer. Key words : Constancy classes, Interspecific similarity, Species diversity, Vegetation composition, Vegetation types I. w œ wš y ƒƒ» y ƒ. w š œ ewš ó,,, q, y y eš z w y y d w, w š d ywš. y y š y w ƒ š w x (Lee, 2005). Corresponding Author : Jung-Hyo Lee (dgforest@hanmail.net)
304 Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 7, No. 4 { { k y š ey Á k ƒ w.» ƒ w Áy w k z wš,» œw w ƒ (Hong et al., 2002). ù ƒ p w ƒe wš» y ƒe yw» w w (Bae et al., 2003). k w» œw x wš p k d q wš w. II. 2.1. y w w, 128 o 51' 00"~128 o 53' 00", 36 o 19' 00"~36 o 21' 00" ew.» d w s³» 11.1 ο C, s³ 972.1 mm x»z ùkü. w -3.6 ο C, ù 24.7 ο C ùkû, s³ 100 mm 6~9. x p w 292 m, š 844 m š, w 500~600 mƒ 60% w, ƒ 35 o 18% w w. y y wš, e ù sw. ù, ù ƒ wš, Áw ù, vù ƒ sw. ù,» ù ƒ, w š ù, š ù, t ù, ddù ƒ sw. 2.2. 2003 3 l 2004 10 ¾ 70 (10 mü10 m) w ZMwq zw w. x TWINSPAN(Hill, 1979) Ellenberg(1956) t w w š, Ordination PCA(Principle Component Analysis) w (Gauch, 1982). x w» w (constancy class) w š(braun-blanquet, 1964), zw e y (5 : 87.5, 4 : 62.5, 3 : 37.5, 2 : 17.5, 1 : 5.5, + : 0.2, r : 0.01)w w w (Dierssen. 1990). ƒ w q w» w ƒ w Shannon's diversity(h'), (H'max), ³ (J'), (1-J'), t (R) w š(shannon and Weaver, 1949; Brower and Zar, 1977), k ƒ Morisita index w w. Fig. 1. Dendrogram showing successive TWINSPAN divisions of the releves data set, with indicator species for each division. The numbers in boxes indicate the numbers of releves in each division.
Bae et al.: Vegetation Composition and Structure of Mt. Kumbong, Uiseong-Gun, Korea 305 Table 1. Constancy class and relative coverage for quantitatively classified 10 vegetation groups around Mt. Kumbong, Uiseong-Gun, Korea. Groups are arranged by TWINSPAN cluster. A parenthesis is relative coverage values(%)
306 Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 7, No. 4 Table 1. Continued. III. š 3.1. x 70 xw 77 187 226 1 34 2t 263. 28, 12, 31, 27, 165 ù kû. x w w z w TWINSPAN w (Fig. 1), Level 1 j»
Bae et al.: Vegetation Composition and Structure of Mt. Kumbong, Uiseong-Gun, Korea 307 p x š ù, š ù, šÿù t (indicator species) w Á š x(š ù ) j. Level 2 ù p ù x ù ù, pù x x w š x. Level 3 ù t ù p x e, ù, ù t w ƒ m š x, ù ù, vù, p l x, ù ù,,, ç t w x. w š ù p ù ƒ w x, q t p w x š ù s š x. Table 1 TWINSPAN w x w ƒ v w 10 x. 50% v ùkü, û ùkü š, ù w ùkü. Á š x x s ùkü. Á š x š š 13~15 m x 10~13 m ùkû. w x w ùkû š ù pù ƒ wš 77.5Û12.6% ƒ ùkü. v ùkù w t ù, vù, pù v ùkü w wš w. ƒ š swš. 3.2. w w ƒ š(loucks, 1970), y š w ù w (Krebs, 1985; Barbour et al., 1987). ƒ ƒ ƒ û w (Ellenberg, 1956), Whittaker(1965) ƒ 0.9 1, 0.3~0.7 2~3, 0.3 w š w. Á š x 2.06 Û0.25~2.31Û0.26 x ù kü š, x ùk ù x w. ³ w ùkü, 0.3~0.7 2~3 x wš ùkû. t C1 29 ƒ, A1 D1 ƒƒ 19 ƒ û t ùkü Table 2. Values of species diversity index in vegetation groups Groups H'(shannon) H'max J'(evenness) 1-J'(dominance) R(species number) A1 1.87 Û 0.26 2.90 Û 0.28 0.65 Û 0.13 0.35 Û 0.13 19 A2 1.63 Û 0.16 2.83 Û 0.44 0.61 Û 0.09 0.39 Û 0.09 16 B 1.97 Û 0.21 2.90 Û 0.19 0.61 Û 0.07 0.39 Û 0.07 26 C1 1.50 Û 0.46 2.90 Û 0.25 0.50 Û 0.14 0.50 Û 0.14 29 C2 1.54 Û 0.30 2.84 Û 0.35 0.53 Û 0.09 0.47 Û 0.09 20 D1 1.59 Û 0.46 2.72 Û 0.65 0.57 Û 0.13 0.43 Û 0.13 19 D2 1.90 Û 0.12 2.76 Û 0.37 0.61 Û 0.09 0.39 Û 0.09 25 E 2.31 Û 0.26 2.85 Û 0.20 0.65 Û 0.06 0.35 Û 0.06 26 F 2.07 Û 0.07 2.78 Û 0.35 0.66 Û 0.08 0.34 Û 0.08 25 G 2.06 Û 0.25 2.55 Û 0.48 0.64 Û 0.09 0.36 Û 0.09 28
308 Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 7, No. 4 Fig. 2. Principle component analysis ordination of 21 indicator and dominance species around Mt. Kumbong, Uiseong-Gun, Korea. A1, A2, B...G indicate vegetation groups produced by TWINSPAN analysis. Fig. 3. Similarity matrix around Mt. Kumbong, Uiseong-Gun, Korea. Abbreviations in italics, in the margins, refers to Table 1. PRLE Prunus leveilleana, CEAU Celtis aurantiaca.
Bae et al.: Vegetation Composition and Structure of Mt. Kumbong, Uiseong-Gun, Korea 309 š, Á š x š 25~28 ùkû. 3.3. Ordination PCA ordination w w, TWINSPAN e w ùkû, 1 d x, d š ù ƒ w Á š x (E, F, G) š, 2 ù ƒ w A1, A2, B ù ƒ w C1, C2 ù ƒ w D1, D2. 3.4. TWINSPAN w w e wš d w w (Fig. 3). 1 y, 0 š 0.5 y ƒ w (Ramp and Crick, 1979). d x tw ù ù, ù ƒƒ 0.54 0.58 y š, Á š x p š ù ddù, ù ƒƒ 0.62 0.55 w y ùk ü, ù vù, ù y. d» w ù ù, ù, vù, š ù ù, ù, ù ù, vù y š, d ù ù, ù, ù, e,, t ù, t ù, ù ù, ù,,, t ù, ù ù,, š ù e, ù, ù, šÿù w y ùký. d ù,, ù, ù ù,, ù j»,,, š ù ù y w ùký. IV. p w w š, 70 (10 mü10 m) w x w p (, v,, ). x j» p x š ù, š ù, šÿù p Á š x 2 x. 4 ( ù, ù, ù, š ù ) 10 ùkû. v, v s³ 50~65% ùkü š, Á š x 2.06Û0.25~2.31Û0.26 x ùkü. d, d d ù ù, ù, vù, š ù ddù, ù, d d ù ù, t ù,, š ù šÿù, e ùkü. x Bae, K. H., H. J. Cho, and S. C. Hong, 2003: Vegetation Composition and Structure at the Forest Genetic Resource Reserve, Sokwang-Ri, Uljin-Gun in Korea. Journal of Korean forest Society 92(6), 536-544. Barbour, M. G., J. H. Burk and W. D. Pitts., 1987: Terrestrial plant ecology, 2nd ed. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. Menlo Park, 155-229. Braun-Blanquet, J., 1964: Pflanzensoziologie Grundzuge der Vegetation der Vegetation 3. Auf, Springer-Verlag, Wien, N. Y., 865pp. Brower, J. E. and J. H. Zar., 1977: Field and laboratory method for genoral ecology. Wm. C. Grown Co. Publ., Zowa, 184pp. Dierssen, K., 1990: Einfubrung Pflanzensoziologie, Akademie- Verlag Berlin, 241pp. Ellenberg, H., 1956: Grundlagen der vegetationsgliederung, I. Aufgaben und Methoden der Vegetationskunde. In : Walter, H.(Hrsg.) Einfuhrung in die Phytologie IV. Stuttgart, 136pp. Gauch, H. G. Jr., 1982: Multivariate Analysis in Community Ecology. Cambridge University Press. New York, NY. Hill, M. O., 1979: TWINSPAN-a FORTRAN program arranginf multivariate data in an ordered two-way table by classification of the individuals and attributes. New
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