The preference analysis of baseball equipment consumers: The role of regulatory focus, construal level and message frame Jun Yeon Mun, Kwang-Min Cho*,

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The preference analysis of baseball equipment consumers: The role of regulatory focus, construal level and message frame Jun Yeon Mun, Kwang-Min Cho*, & Yoon-Sung Ma Yonsei University [Purpose] [Methods] [Results] Key words:

Fig. 1. Research model

Table 1. General characteristics of the subjects (n=318) Demographic n % Gender Male 318 100 20s 28 8.9 Age 30s 188 59.1 40s 97 30.5 Over 50s 5 1.5 1 108 34.0 2 103 32.4 Participate in 3 46 14.4 The League More then 4 41 12.9 No response 20 6.3 Years at Participant Salary Less than 1 year 29 9.1 1-5 year 146 45.9 5-10 year 84 26.4 10-15 year 32 10.1 More then 15 year 27 8.5 Less then 1,000,000 16 5.0 1,000,000-2,000,000 29 9.1 2,000,000-4,000,000 180 56.6 4,000,000-7,000,000 71 22.4 More then 7,000,000 22 6.9

Table 2. Summary of scales used Variable Regulatory focus Construal level Message framing of equipments Items 1. In general, I am focused on preventing negative events in my life 2. I am anxious that I will fall short of my responsibilities and obligations. 3. I frequently imagine how I will achieve my hopes and aspirations. 4. I often think about the person I am afraid I might become in the future. 5. I often think about the person I would ideally like to be in the future. 6. I typically focus on the success I hope to achieve in the future. 7. I often worry that I will fail to accomplish my business goals. 8. I often think about how I will achieve business success. 9. I often imagine myself experiencing bad things that I fear might happen to me. 10. I frequently think about how I can prevent failures in my life. 11. I am more oriented toward preventing losses than I am toward achieving gains. 12. My major goal in company right now is to achieve my business ambitions. 13. My major goal in company right now is to avoid becoming an business failure. 14. I see myself as someone who is primarily striving to reach my ideal self to fulfill my hopes, wishes, and aspirations. 15. I see myself as someone who is primarily striving to become the self I ought to be to fulfill my duties, responsibilities, and obligations. 16. In general, I am focused on achieving positive outcomes in my life. 17. I often imagine myself experiencing god things that I hope will happen to me. 18. Overall, I am more oriented toward achieving success than preventing failure. 1. I think the discount period of this product is sufficient. 1. This advertisement is considered to highlight the positive aspect of the product. 1. The goods in the advertisement are good 2. The goods in the advertisement are favorable. 3. The product in the advertisement gives a positive image. (Promotion: 3, 5, 6, 8, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18; Prevention: 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15)

Table 3. Manipulation verification Construal Level Message Frame high-level 1.570.660 low-level 4.010.778 positive 4.180.723 negative 1.910.749 m sd t p -29.777.000 27.518.000 Table 4. T-test of the preference in accordance with the regulatory focus Regulatory Focus Promotion (n=161) Prevention (n=157) m sd t p 3.712 1.166 3.458 1.088 2.003.046 Table 5. T-test of the preference in accordance with the construal level on promotion focus customer Construal Level Near (n=85) Distance (n=76) m sd t p 4.086 1.028 3.293 1.176 4.560.000 Table 6. T-test of the preference in accordance with message framing of promotion focus customer Message Framing Positive (n=86) Negative (n=75) m sd t p 3.914 1.230 3.480 1.050 2.392.018

Table 7. Variance analysis of the preference in accordance with the construal level and message framing on promotion focus customer Advertisement Type Near, Positive (n=43) Near, Negative (n=42) ƒfar, Positive (n=39) Far, Negative (n=37) m sd F p 4.496.793 3.625 1.075 3.276 1.314 3.314 1.009 12.239.000 Table 9. T-test of the preference in accordance with message framing of prevention focus customer Advertisement Type Positive (n=74) Negative (n=83) m sd t p 3.527 1.081 3.397 1.098.742.459 Table 8. T-test of the preference in accordance with the construal level on prevention focus customer Construal Level Near (n=75) Far (n=82) m sd t p 3.315 1.109 3.589 1.059-1.582.116 Table 10. Variance analysis of the preference in accordance with he construal level and message framing on prevention focus customer Advertisement Type Near, Positive (n=38) Near, Negative (n=37) ƒfar, Positive (n=40) Far, Negative (n=42) m sd F p 3.276 1.006 3.350 1.157 3.752 1.056 3.441 1.053 1.419.239

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