치의학대학원 - 991 -
M2189.000100* 치의학신입생세미나 3-3-0 Dental Freshman Seminars 본과목은치의학대학원학사과정 1학년학생들이예비의료인으로서갖추어야할기본역량을개발하는것을목적으로한다. 이를위해심리검사를활용한나자신에대한사회심리학적이해로부터시작하여소그룹주제별토론학습을통한쌍방향커뮤니케이션능력을배양하도록한다. 특히, 성찰적독서활동과지역사회봉사활동에참여하여인문학적소양을넓히고봉사리더십을실천하게될것이다. 또한, 인문학과자연과학을아우르는폭넓은토픽을설정하고이를다양한시각에서접근하여분석하는것을목표로한다. 이를위해관련전공의교수들이함께참여하여강의와토론을진행한다. 이과정에서학생들은다양한전공의주제별텍스트를읽고해석하고학문적글쓰기에참여하게되며궁극적으로는본인의관심분야를탐색하는과정에서학부교육과정에서필수적으로요구하는논리적이고비판적으로사고하는능력을함양할수있다. The course aims to cultivate some of the key competencies for undergraduate students in dental school. Each and every student is first supposed to understand who they really are in a social and psychological context by means of testing and continue to improve their mutual communication skills through group discussion. Furthermore, all of the students in this course should be able to broaden their humanities foundation through participation in reflective reading and social work. This course consists of lectures and discussions led by a team of faculty members to assist students in formulating academic perspectives towards analyzing the selected topics in college education. All the students are required to read and write on each major topic, thus being able to get familiar with unique approaches of different disciplines. The main purpose of this seminar is to make students delve into their interests with the capacity to think in a logical and critical manner. M2189.000300 과학적사고의이해 3-3-0 Scientific Thinking and Reading 과학적사고과정을거쳐새로운지식이만들어지고기존지식이대체되는현상에대한과학철학적이해를도모한다. 과학적사고의적용을위하여다양한논문들을소집단강독방식을통하여비판적으로이해하고토론하는수업을진행한다. 가상적논문심사실습과발표로이루어진소집단 mini-study를통하여반증주의와과학적타당도에기반한비판적논문읽기역량을함양한다. Dental treatment has been made possible through evidence-based knowledge in dentistry; however, there has recently been a growing concern about depending on the authority or agreement of some expert groups in terms of dental care and community-based oral health. For this, this course offers lectures and practices in order to develop students ability to write an academic paper and thus cultivate the scientific mindset for evidence-based dental practice. M2189.000400 과학과윤리 3-3-0 Science and Ethics 지난수세기동안과학기술의발전과더불어질병과의료분야는낙태와안락사와같은윤리적딜레마문제를다루며, 생명윤리에대한역사적접근을바탕으로과학에근거한의료행위에대한 윤리적담론이어떻게변화했는지를탐색한다. 이과정에서사회적요인이어떤방식으로윤리적정당화에영향을미치고있는지를논의하며, 소그룹토론을통해학생들의다양한의견교환과더불어딜레마상황을해결해나가는능력도배양하게된다. 국내외각종사례조사와더불어연구윤리및출판윤리등에대해서도상세히다루게된다. As the scientific technology has developed for centuries, disease and medicine have generated ethical dilemmas including abortion and euthanasia which have challenged patients and doctors for centuries. Taking a historical approach to life ethics, this course explores how the moral discourse in health care has changed over time in order to understand how social factors influence the persuasiveness of moral arguments. The focus of the course will be on medical practices in the world as well as in the local country on the basis of case study. 3346.001 세포분자생물학 3-3-0 Cellular and Molecular Biology 이교과목은일반생물학을수강한학부하급생들에게세포생물학의핵심내용을알기쉽게전달하기위한입문과정의강의라고할수있다. 특히진핵세포의공통특징과각독립된세포가어떤방식으로생명을유지하고생식하는지를이해하는데필요한내용을아래강의계획에따라다루고자한다. 이강좌의핵심주제는다세포생물의기관과체계, 발생및분화과정, 그리고유전질병등을포함한다. 흥미로운생명현상을세포생물학용어로설명함으로써인류의건강증진에기둥이될의학도들에게꼭필요한기본적인세포학의내용을알기쉽게전달하고자한다. This course is an introductory course for the students who took the general biology course in the freshman year and will deal with the major issues of the modern cell biology. Main theme of the course is how the individual cells can maintain the lifeness and reproduce for the next generations. For that end, the course will deal with the subjects of cellular physiology, basic genetic mechanisms, differentiation and development of multicellular organisms as well as inborn genetic diseases. It is hoped that this course will provide the pre-med or dental students the ability to continue on the upper class courses such as biochemistry, molecular biology, gross anatomy and human physiology. 300.310 유전학 3-3-0 Genetics 생물학을전공하거나관련과학을전공하는학생들을위하여유전학의기본이론을고전적, 현대적수준에서강의한다. 특히현대유전학의발전과정을상세하게강의하여우리삶에유전학적기여에대한중심적역할을강조한다. 이에더하여분자유전학의기초를정립시키고, 나아가유전학의응용에관한유전공학적, 생명공학적측면에서도강의하여우리지구상의생명체생존에있어서유전학의중요성을강조한다. This course is designed for students who major in biological sciences or similar fields, and teaches basic knowledge in genetics from a classical and modern view. In addition to establishing basic knowledge in genetics, applications such as genetic engineering and biotechnology are studied so as to understand the importance of genetics to the existence of human life. - 993 -
M2839.000700 치의학과공학신기술의만남 3-3-0 New Technologies of Dental Engineering 현재치과의료는환경친화적인디지털체계가기존의아날로그체계를대체하는과도기상태에있다. 이러한치과의료서비스체계변화에관한지식과전망을제시한다. 최근에치과의료분야에서활발히연구개발되고있는 3 차원치과영상, 영상가이드치과시술, 치과가상현실과증강현실, 로봇가이드수술, 치과용 CAD/CAM, 치과용 3 차원프린터, 디지털치과시스템, 클라우드치과시스템및치과의료기기신기술등에대해강의한다. 치과의료기기는신제품및신기술개발에있어서치과의료서비스산업종사자의니즈도출과지식및경험의반영이매우중요하다. 따라서학생들은치과의료현장의필요와임상니즈를임상의의의료기기개발참여를통해반영할수있는방법을학습한다. Currently, the dental care system is transitioning from a conventional analog system to an eco-friendly digital system. This course provides an overview of the impact of these changes in the dental health care system. The course will deal with recent new technologies actively being researched in the dental engineering field; 3D dental imaging, image-guide dental procedures, dental virtual reality and augmented reality, robot-guided surgery, dental CAD/CAM, 3D dental printers, digital dental system, dental cloud system, and new dental device technologies. Because new dental device products and technologies should reflect the needs, knowledge and experience of dental clinicians, students will learn how their needs and expertise of the dental field can be represented in dental devices, and will have chance to participate in the development projects. 883.016 기초의학통계학및실험 3-2-2 Basic Medical Statistics and Lab. 통계학의모든분야를기초적인수준에서소개하고연습을통하여의학연구와관련된통계적문제의해결능력을배양하게한다. 기본적인확률분포, 추정과검정의원리를소개하고이를적용한다. 의학자료분석과관련성이많은회귀분석, 분류된자료의분석, 분산분석등을중심으로통계의전반적인분야를다룬다. This course is designed to cover basic statistical methods and to improve the ability to solve statistical problems related to medical sciences through a series of lab courses. We will study the theoretical foundations for the concepts of probability distributions, statistical inferences and estimation, and practice applying these concepts to medical statistics. This course will also cover areas in statistics related to medical sciences, focusing on regression analysis, categorical data analysis, and analysis of variance. M2839.000800 생명다양성과지구환경 3-3-0 Biodiversity and Global Environments 이과목은우리사회의한구성원으로서, 나아가미래의의료전문인으로서인간을포함한생명에대한존경심및환경보존에대한인식등을배양하기위한과목이다. 이를위하여인간외에지구에서살아가는생물체의다양성을인식하고, 이들과인간의삶이동떨어져있지않으며상호작용을통해함께생태계를이룸을확인한다. 또한변화하는지구환경에대응하여모든생명체가건강하게공존할수있는방법을고민하고토론하는기회를갖게된다. 생태계균형과인류, 고령화, 건강수명, 죽음, 감염병, 지속가능한과학기술, 생활속유해물질, 친환경농업및건강식생활등다양한주제에걸쳐자연현상을사회과학적인관점에서폭넓게접근해본다. This course aims at cultivating a respect for human and other life as well as greater environmental awareness. Students will recognize the diversity of biological creatures on the globe other than humans, and the interrelated relationships between human and other creatures that create ecosystems. Students will have chance to reflect and discuss ways to respond our changing global environment so as to live in harmony with other biological creatures. In approaching natural phenomena from a social science perspective, the course will include topics such as the balance of ecosystems, aging society, health and life span, sustainable technologies, infectious diseases, toxic substances, environment friendly farming, and healthy diet. M2189.000500* 치의학입문 2-2-0 Introduction to Dentistry 치의학의전반적인내용을이해하고이에대한기본적인지식을습득하기위하여, 구강상병의종류와원인및이의질병사에대한기본적인내용, 치의학의발전과정, 치료치의학, 재활치의학, 예방치의학의주요내용을살펴보며, 치의학의미래발전에대한내용을습득하도록한다. 이를통해학생들은미래치의학도로서치의학전반에대한이해를높이게된다. For the purpose of outlining comprehensive overview and strengthening basic foundation in dentistry, the course will not only cover symptoms of oral diseases along with possible diagnostic and treatment considerations for oral health conditions, but it will also introduce different majors in dentistry such as Rehabilitational Dentistry and Preventive Dentistry, finally offering the outlook towards the future of dentistry. For those students who take part in this course, the course will serve as an effective springboard to better understanding of dentistry. M2839.000900 치의학인간이해프로젝트 4-3-2 Project 1: Humanities in Dentistry 본교과목은치의학과학부생들이 1학년 2 학기에인성, 지성, 심성트랙중에서과제를선정하고한학기동안팀별프로젝트를 수행하여구체적인성과를제출하는것을목표로하고있다. 이를 위해, 본과목은 10명이내로구성된팀마다교수의지도하에매 주과제에대한프로젝트세미나를진행하며문제해결능력, 과제 수행능력, 협업능력, 및의사소통기술등을종합적으로평가하도록 한다. Project study 1 requires that students should participate in a project at the second semester of their first year and create outcomes on a team basis. For this, each team consists of less than ten members and holds a regular project meeting under the assistance of advisor professors every week. The focus of evaluation is on problem-solving, project performance, teamwork, and communication. M2839.001000 치의학비판적사고프로젝트 4-3-2 Project 2: Critical Thinking in Dentistry 본교과목은치의학학부생들이 2학년 1 학기에인성, 지성, 심성트랙중에서과제를선정하고한학기동안팀별프로젝트를수행하여구체적인성과를제출하는것을목표로하고있다. 이를위해, 본과목은 10명이내로구성된팀마다교수의지도하에매주과제에대한프로젝트세미나를진행하며문제해결능력, 과제수행능력, 협업능력, 및의사소통기술등을종합적으로평가하도록 - 994 -
한다. Project study 2 requires that students should participate in a project at the first semester of their second year and create outcomes on a team basis. For this, each team consists of less than ten members and holds a regular project meeting under the assistance of advisor professors every week. The focus of evaluation is on problem-solving, project performance, teamwork, and communication. M2839.001100 치의학사회공헌프로젝트 4-3-2 Project 3: Social Responsibility in Dentistry 본교과목은치의학학부생들이 2학년 2 학기에인성, 지성, 심 성트랙중에서과제를선정하고한학기동안팀별프로젝트를수 행하여구체적인성과를제출하는것을목표로하고있다. 이를 위해, 본과목은 10명이내로구성된팀마다교수의지도하에매 주과제에대한프로젝트세미나를진행하며문제해결능력, 과제 수행능력, 협업능력, 및의사소통기술등을종합적으로평가하도록 한다. Project study 3 requires that students should participate in a project at the second semester of their second year and create outcomes on a team basis. For this, each team consists of less than ten members and holds a regular project meeting under the assistance of advisor professors every week. The focus of evaluation is on problem-solving, project performance, teamwork, and communication. M2189.001000 자기설계성과보고 1-0-2 Designing Self: Outcomes Review 치의학대학원학사과정동안교과과정및교과과정외활동을통하여다양하게경험하고학습하여얻은성과를개인별포트폴리오로제작하고발표하여평가받도록한다. 이를위해배움의시작부터성장하는과정을담당지도교수에게주기적으로보고하며, 3학년 2학기에는이내용을종합적발표하면서 3년간의배움을되짚어보게된다. 학생들은교수진이참여한평가회에서자신의목표와이를위해수행한과제의내용및이를통해얻은성과등을제시하게되며, 교수들은학생들의과제수행의충실성, 수행내용의타당성및성장정도등을다양한척도로평가하게된다. This course is designed to comprehensively assess what students have learned and experienced from both curricula and cocurricular activities during the undergraduate course of the combined BS-DDS programs with individual portfolios. Growth-referenced evaluation will be implemented in order to focus on improvement of each student. M2839.001200 치의과학자율연구 1 3-0-6 Independent Basic Dental Research 1 전공선택과목으로학생스스로연구주제를정하여계획하고수행할수있도록하는과정을통하여자기주도적학습을체계적으로경험함으로써, 이후에도지식의창출과습득이유기적으로결합된자기주도적학습자가되기위한기초역량을익힐수있도록할것이다. 연구주제의선정및수행과정에서자율연구지도교수는계획부터보고까지전과정에필요한조언을제공하여보다효율적이고효과적인자율연구가이루어질수있도록할것이다. The main purpose of this course is to motivate students to delve into their academic interests and perform self-initiated research practice. That is how students can integrate obtaining knowledge with its reproduction, thus fulfilling their competency as a self-directed learner. Advisor professors will provide students with instruction and feedback at each stage of research development. M2839.001400 치의과학자율연구 2 3-0-6 Independent Basic Dental Research 2 < 자율주제연구 1> 을수강한학생들에게새롭게탐구하고싶은주제와방법을자율적으로선택하고지도교수의도움을받아한층더창의적이고심도깊은연구를수행할기회를부여한다. < 자율주제연구 1> 의성과를평가하여, 이를수행할수있는충분한능력을갖춘학생들이수행하도록한다. 학생들은 < 자율주제연구 1> 에서수행한연구를더욱발전시킬수도있고새로운주제를선택할수도있으며연구과정을통해자기주도학습과비판적사고력을배양할수있다. This course is designed to give yet another chance to select research themes and methods, and conduct research of their own with the support of the professor(s) to those students who have successfully completed Independent Study 1. Either by further developing the projects from their Independent Study 1, or by initiating a new research project, students are expected to enhance their abilities in self-directed learning and critical thinking. M2839.001700 치의과학논문연구 1 2-0-6 Basic Dental Research and Thesis Writing 1 치의과학자율연구수강생중, 지속적연구를희망하는학생을대상으로여름방학계절학기강좌로치의과학논문연구 1을개설하여학생들에게연구기회를제공한다. 본강좌를통하여, 학생들은학기중치의과학자율연구를통하여수행한연구주제를더욱발전시켜심화된연구를수행하여자기주도형학습과연구능력을습득한다. 또한연구결과를바탕으로연구논문을작성토록지도하여독립적연구능력을갖춘연구자로교육시킨다. This course intends to provide the students with an opportunity to continue and extend his/her ongoing research performed in Independent Basic Dental Research 1 or 2 Students in this class are expected to further enhance their abilities in self-directed learning and critical thinking. Futhermore, students will be encouraged and guided to write an research paper based on their data during this course. Through this, students will learn basic skill for writing research paper that are required for independent researcher. M2839.001800 치의과학논문연구 2 2-0-6 Basic Dental Research and Thesis Writing 2 치의과학자율연구및논문연구 1 수강생중, 지속적연구를희망하는학생을대상으로겨울방학계절학기강좌로치의과학논문연구 2 를개설하여학생들에게연구기회를제공한다. 본강좌를통하여, 학생들은학기중치의과학자율연구를통하여수행한연구주제를더욱발전시켜심화된연구를수행하여자기주도형학습과연구능력을습득한다. 또한연구결과를바탕으로연구논문을작성토록지도하여독립적연구능력을갖춘연구자로교육시킨다. This course intends to provide the students with an opportunity to continue and extend his/her ongoing research performed in Independent Basic Dental Research 1/2 or Basic - 995 -
Dental Research and Thesis Writing 1. Students in this class are expected to further enhance their abilities in self-directed learning and critical thinking. Futhermore, students will be encouraged and guided to write an research paper based on their data during this course. Through this, students will learn basic skill for writing research paper that are required for independent researcher. M2043.000400 웹기반비판적사고의실제 3-3-0 Web-based Practices in Critical Thinking 본교과목은치의학과학생들이디지털매체를사용하여동서양의다양한문화, 교육시스템, 의료서비스등을탐색하고이를인터넷사용자관점에서재해석하고편집하여새로운정보를재생산하고소통할수있는능력을키울수있도록한다. 이를위해학생들은디지털정보검색및읽기로부터시작하여비판적글쓰기와온라인토론및편집과정을경험하고동시에개인홈페이지또는블로그제작과운영에참여하게될것이다. 더불어인터넷을기반으로국제적으로소통할수있도록콘텐츠는가능한영어로작성하는것을권장하도록한다. This course is designed to promote the ability to create contents and communicate online through the lenses of individual Internet users who are encouraged to view different cultures, educational systems, and medical service in the world. Students are supposed to research and read online, participate in digital writing and online discussion, thus constructing their own blog posts or homepage. In addition, English-written contents are much preferable for the purpose of enhancing global communication skills in the Internet-based world. M2043.000500 인문학과치의학리더십 3-3-0 Humanity & Dental Leadership 본강좌는융합형치의학자를양성하기위하여, 치의학대학원학사과정학생들이인문학적사유를통해 self-leadership 과공동체적리더십을함양하는것을목적으로한다. 이를위해서양의문명사에서중요한고전(classics) 들을역사적흐름과함께읽고, 시대의변화에도불구하고인간의삶에중요한의미를지닌 self-leadership 과공동체적리더십의핵심요소를규명해본다. 이를통해궁극적으로치의학자로서의자신의삶을인문학적으로성찰할수있는역량을함양하도록한다. The purpose of this course is to build self-leadership and communal leadership through humanistic reflection. To reach this goal, students will read the classics of western civilization with studying western history. In this course, students can define main factors of self-leadership and communal leadership. In addition, students can build their competency to reflect their lives humanistic thinking tools. M2839.000100 세계관의이해 3-3-0 Understanding Worldview 세계관은세상을보는관점이다. 입시위주의교육을받아왔던신입생들이대학의교육을접하기전에세상을보는여러가지관점이있음을미리이해하고관련서적을읽고, 연구하고, 토론을통해자신의세계관을세워갈수있도록인도하여, 궁극적으로는조화롭게통일된세계관을가지고자기의세계관을변호할수있는사람을길러내는것을목표로한다. Worldview is a scope through which every man look at the world. This class is designed for freshmen who does not have a fully established worldview because of college entrance examination-centered education in high school to prepare a solid basement on which they can establish their own worldview by reading, studying and discussing. M2839.000300 예비의료인의평화적문제해결 3-3-0 Peaceful Problem Solving of Pre-dental Personnel 예비의료인들은다양한양상의갈등과해결과제에직면하게된다. 다양한상황에서의평화적문제해결능력과상생의의사소통능력은향후치과의사의직무를수행하는데있어서핵심적인역량이다. 이에본강의에서는예비의료인들이직면하게될현대사회의다양한갈등과문제상황을이해하고, 이를평화적방법으로해결하기위한방법을모색한다. 그리고평화적문제해결을실행하기위한주요한방법론으로 비폭력 의개념을학습하고그것을 환자- 의사 관계를포함한다양한상황을기반으로하여실습해본다. Pre-dental personnel will be faced with various conflicts and problems. The ability of peaceful problem solving and win-win communication is a core competency of a dentist. The purpose of this class is to understand the structures of predictable conflicts and problems of dental settings and to find out the way to peaceful problem solving. For this purpose, the concept of 'nonviolence' will be studied and practiced in various settings including patient-doctor relationship. M2839.000400 인간에대한다층적이해 3-3-0 Multi-layered Approaches to Understanding Humans 본과목의목적은치의학과학사과정학생을대상으로예비의료인이갖추어야할인간에대한보편적이해의폭을넓히는것이다. 특히, 인간에관한주제중에서 행복이란무엇인가? 고통이란무엇인가? 죽음이란무엇인가? 등의근원적인질문에대하여문학, 철학, 사회학, 심리학, 그리고종교학적담론을통하여인간에대한깊이있는성찰과숙고를하게될것이다. 주제별선정도서목록에맞추어강의와토론을병행하여수업이진행되고, 학생들은개인별성찰보고서를작성하며인간에대한인문학적이해를바탕으로창작한성과물을학기말에제출하도록한다. This course is designed for dental undergraduate students to cultivate the general understanding of human beings. In particular, students are encouraged to get through reflective thinking from the perspective of literature, philosophy, sociology, psychology, and religion while confronting such fundamental issues as happiness, suffering, and death. According to the reading schedule, each student is supposed to take part in discussion along with lectures, working on reflective papers and final outcomes based upon humanistic approaches to understanding humans. 861.501 구강질환과인체 1-8-24 Oral Disease and Human Body 질병과건강의기본적인개념에대한이해를제공하며, 생물학적손상의의미를세포에서출발하여전신으로확대시키면서이해한다. 동시에두경부영역의해부학적구조의이해를통해구강질환에대한이해의기본적인영역을학습한다. of the oral disease and human body through the understanding of the meaning of health and disease Course covers - 996 -
from cellular injury to human body in general This course also deals with anatomy of head and neck to understand basic disease process in the area. 861.502 악구강영역의기능해부학 1 2-24-24 Functional Anatomy of Stomatogmathic System 1 악구강계의해부학적구조와기능및이와관련된일련의생리학적과정및영향에관한기본지식을바탕으로진행되는실습과강의를통하여하악운동을학습한다. 교합의구성요소를배우고이들이실제환자의하악운동과어떤관계를가지는지학습하며실제교합재구성을위한제반사항, 모형의분석, 교합기의사용법및교합면형성과여러교합개념에대한장 단점을소개하고각수복방법에따른교합개념을정리한다. of the function of oral and maxillo-facial system focused on occlusion and TMJ, which supported by the knowledges on physiology, anatomy Students will learn through real clinical cases and preclinical practices. Students also learn how to use articulator and functional wax-up. 861.503 인체의구조와기능 1 3-32-48 Structure and Function of Human Body 1 인체의해부학적구조와인체의기능에대해서학습한다. 순환계, 호흡기계, 신장기능, 감각및운동신경을포함한신경생리작용, 내분비조절과교합계등에대해서학습한다. 학생들은이과정을통해서한유기체내의평형에대해이해한다. of the general structure and function of human body along with systemic disease In this course, students will learn the functions of specific organs, such as circulatory system, respiratory system, renal system, and neurophysiologic processes, including sensory and motor functions, endocrine regulation, and masticatory system. Students will understand the homeostasis of organisms through this course. 861.504 인체의구조와기능 2 4-32-96 Structure and Function of Human Body 2 인체를구성하는각기관의해부학적구조와인체의기능에대해서학습한다. 순환계, 위장관계, 호흡기계, 신장, 내분비계, 신경계등에대해서학습한다. 학생들은이과정을통해서한유기체로서기능하는인체에대해이해한다. of the structure and function of human body In this course, students will learn the histological anatomy and function of specific organs, such as circulatory system, gastrointestinal system, respiratory system, renal system, eudocrine system and nervous system. Students will understand how the human body works as an organism. 861.561 생명현상과인체의이해 6-80-48 Human Bioscience 학생들은이과목에서인체내분자의기능및대사와세포및조직의구조와기능을이해한다. 생화학적진화에서부터단백질의구조, 유전물질, 세포의호흡과대사에대해이해하며, 세포의구조와기능에서부터출발하여조직의다양한형태학적 생리학적 특성을학습한다. This course provides students with understanding of function and metabolism of molecules as well as structure and function of cells and tissues in human body Starting from biochemical evolution, it deals with structure of protein, genome and genetic materials; cellular respiration and metabolism; this course also includes morphology and physiologic characteristics of tissue. 861.563 치아우식의이해 2-24-24 Dental Caries 우리나라양대구강질병중의하나인치아우식증의정의와발생기전및예방법을학습한다. 학생들은이과목을통해치아우식증을정의, 분류할수있게되며치아우식증을임상적, 방사선학적, 병리학적으로진단할수있게된다. 치아우식증의역학적특성을이해하게된다. of dental caries, the most prevalent oral disease Students will learn definition, pathogenesis, and measures for prevention of dental caries student also learn basic concept of epidemiology through dental caries study. 861.564 타액선, 타액과구강환경 2-24-24 Salivary Gland, Saliva and Oral Environment 본과목은타액선의해부학적위치및구조, 타액선의종류및이를구성하고있는세포의형태에대해공부하고, 타액의여러가지특성, 즉물리화학적특성, 타액내무기및유기성분, 그리고관련된미생물에관해배운다. 또한타액선세포막에존재하는이온채널및수송단백질에관한지식을습득하여세포수준에서의타액분비기전에관해공부한다. 최종적으로타액선기능평가에관한이론및실습을통해학생들은타액의역할과중요성, 그리고타액선기능저하에관한전반적인지식을습득할것이다. of the saliva and its interaction with oral environment. This course helps students to understand anatomy and histology of salivary gland, biochemical and physical composition of saliva, membrane transport mechanism, and microorganism associated with oral environment This course also deal with clinical evaluation of salivary gland. 861.565 방사선의이해 1-24-0 Principles of Radiology 최소의 X선으로최대의진단효과를얻기위한기본요건으로방사선사진과진단영상이만들어지는데필요한여러가지관련사항에대해숙지한다. X선의성질및발생원리와 X 선설비, 즉 X 선발생장치, 형상설비, 필름, 스크린등에대한이해와필름의현상에대하여강의하고구체적인구내방사선사진촬영법, 구외방사선사진촬영법, 파노라마방사선사진촬영법및촬영시감염방지법에대해강의한다. X선이생물체에미치는효과에대하여숙지하고 X 선에의한세포의손상에대해강의한다. of the fundamentals of radiology Course includes physics and apparatus of radiologic devices, radiographic methods, and biologic importance of radiation. - 997 -
861.567 악구강영역의기능해부학 2 1-8-24 Functional Anatomy of Stomatognatic System 2 악구강계의해부학적구조와기능및이와관련된일련의생리학적과정및영향에관한기본지식을바탕으로진행되는실습과강의를통하여하악운동을학습한다. 교합의구성요소를배우고이들이실제환자의하악운동과어떤관계를가지는지학습하며실제교합재구성을위한제반사항, 모형의분석, 교합기의사용법및교합면형성과치아형태복원을위한 functional wax-up 실습을통하여악관절, 근신경계의역할및이들과조화된교합면형성을실습한다. 여러교합개념에대한장 단점을소개하고각수복방법에따른교합개념을정리한다. of the function of oral and maxillo-facial system focused on occlusion and TMJ, which supported by the knowledges on physiology, anatomy Students will learn through real clinical cases and preclinical practices. Students also learn how to use articulator and functional wax-up. 861.568 치아보존수복 1 1-32-0 Restoration of Tooth 1 본과정은와동을수복함으로써치아를보존시키는과정을강의와실습을통해이해하게되는과목으로서수복재료인아말감에대한재료학적특성및임상적사용법을숙지시키며, 이들재료로수복하기위한와동형성법및수복법을학습한다. 교육은임상시술의전단계실습교육으로상, 하악모형에식립된인공치아에서아말감충전을위한와동의형성및충전실습을실습하여강의의이해도를높이고임상시술을할수있는준비과정으로서의실습을진행한다. of the restoration of tooth, through practicing cavity preparation Students learn dental restorative materials, cavity preparation methods, and filling. 861.569A 치아보존수복 2 1-8-24 Restoration of Tooth 2 본과목은와동을수복함으로써치아를보존시키는과정을강의를통해이해시키는과목으로서수복재료인복합레진, 글라스아이오노머시멘트에대한재료학적특성및임상적사용법을숙지하며, 이들재료로수복하기위한와동형성법및수복법을학습한다. of the restoration of tooth, through practicing cavity preparation. Students learn dental restorative materials, cavity preparation methods, and filling techniques. 861.570 치과생체재료 1 1-8-24 Dental Biomaterials 1 치과용생체재료에관한특성과올바른선택및평가할수있는기본적지식을습득케하며, 임상응용과실패원인을예측할수있는능력을갖도록한다. 이과정에서학생들은모든치과생체재료에대한통합적이해를갖게되며동시에기본적인재료의물리적화학적특성을이해할수있게된다. of the dental biomaterials Through this course, students learn fundamental knowledge on physical and chemical properties of dental biomaterials. 861.571 치과생체재료 2 1-8-24 Dental Biomaterials 2 치과용생체재료에관한특성과올바른선택및평가할수있는기본적지식을습득케하며, 임상응용과실패원인을예측할수있는능력을갖도록한다. 이과정에서학생들은모든치과생체재료에대한통합적이해를갖게되며동시에기본적인재료의물리적화학적특성을이해할수있게된다. of the dental biomaterials. Through this course, students learn fundamental knowledge on physical and chemical properties of dental biomaterials. 861.572 치아 3-32-48 Tooth 치아가부분적으로결손되었거나탈락되었을때에저작, 발음등정상기능을회복시킬수있도록치아의형태와구조를학습하며, 이를위해용어, 유치와영구치의개요, 각치아의형태와기능, 각치아의도해와조각, 그리고모형상에서부분적으로삭제된치아를정상형태로회복시키는방법을이해한다. of the tooth. Students learn morphology, structure and function through laboratory practice of drawing and carving of teeth In this course student also learn the principles and practices of restoration of tooth structure. 861.573 임상치의학입문 1 1-0-48 Basic Clinical Dentistry 1 본강좌는신입생들에게임상환경을소개하고진료실에내원한환자와의의사소통기술의증대에초점을둔다. 학생들은이과정을통해서다른분야( 동료) 와협진하는방법을이해하고화자치료의준비에필요한의사소통(communication skill), 수기(manual dexterity), 시지각기술(visual perception skill) 을개발하며, 자신의학습성취에대한자가평가와교수의평가를통해객관적평가의기술을배운다. 동시에학생들은다양한의료환경에적응할수있도록감염방지, 인간공학(ergonomics), 구강보건관련법, 정보기술의적절한활용법등을배우게된다. of the basic clinical dentistry Students learn cooperative clinical practice, communication skill, manual dexterity and visual perception skill. Through this course students also learn infection control, ergonomics, legal issues, and information technology. 861.574 임상치의학입문 2 1-0-72 Basic Clinical Dentistry 2 본강좌는신입생들에게임상환경을소개하고진료실에내원한환자와의의사소통기술의증대에초점을두며진료실에서의기본적인기술을습득한다. 학생들은이과정을통해서다른분야( 동료) 와협진하는방법을이해하고환자의치료의준비에필요한의사소통(communication skill), 수기(manual dexterity), 시지각기술(visual perception skill) 을개발하며, 자신의학습성취에대한자가평가와교수의평가를통해객관적평가의기술을학습한다. 동시에학생들은다양한환경에서치과의사의윤리에대하여생각하고토론하는시간을갖는다. of the basic clinical dentistry Students learn cooperative - 998 -
clinical practice, communication skill, manual dexterity and visual perception skill. Through this course students also have times to discuss and think for clinical dental ethics. 861.575 치과와사회 1-16-0 Dentistry and Society 치의학이라는전문분야가사회에서담당하는역할을공중구강보건및생명과의학윤리의관점에서학습한다. 또한, 다양한사회적의료의방식과형태를직접경험하고학습한다. 치과와사회는단순히사회학적관점의치의학이아닌치과의사라는의료전문직업인의사회에서의역할에대해생각할수있는방법을제시하게된다. of the role of dental profession in the society, through the context of public health, life and bioethics Student learn variety of social programs for public health. 861.576 미생물과감염면역 2-30-9 Microorganism, Infection and Immunity 본과목에서는감염성질환을일으키는세균, 바이러스, 진균등의미생물이어떻게질병을일으키고숙주는미생물의감염에어떻게대처하는지학습한다. 먼저감염의일반증상인염증을소개하고, 미생물의구조및병인과관련된특징및면역기전을학습한다. of the micro-organism, infection and immunity The course include biology of bacteria, fungi, and virus, infection and immunity. This course also includes inflammation and immune disease 861.577 악골과경조직 1-8-24 Jawbone and Hard Tissue 치의학영역의가장중요한조직인악골의구성성분인연골, 골및그구성세포와세포외기질에대해학습하고석회화및골의대사를이해한다. 이를통해학생들은골과그대사에관한통합적인지식을얻게되며동시에이같은지식이임상에적용될수있는상황을모색하게된다. of the jaw and hard tissue Students learn cartilage, bone, cellular and extracellular components of hard tissue, mineralization and bone physiology. 861.578 치주조직과치주질환 2-24-24 Periodontium and Peridontal Disease 치주조직의질환의발생, 진행, 종류를이해하고치주병원균및이에대한치주조직의반응을교육한다. 치주조직의해부학적구조와기능, 치주질환세균과병독력인자, 치주질환에서의면역반응, 치주질환의국소적전신적원인인자, 치은의염증반응, 치주조직의진행과정, 치주질환의종류별특성을이해하도록한다. of the periodontium and periodontal disease Anatomical structure and function of periodontium, microorganism associated with periodontal disease, immune system, systemic and local factors related to periodontal disease Inflammatory reaction of periodontium, and disease process and characters of periodontal disease. 861.579 금관가공의치학 1 1-16-0 Crown and Bridge Prosthesis 1 치관부결손과부분적치아상실을고정성보철물에의하여회복하는방법을연구하는학문으로본과정에서는금관및가공의치의개요, 진단및치료계획의수립, 금관가공의치의각종지대치형성및제작에관한임상및기공과정을강의하며교합기사용법, Implant 보철의개요도포함된다. of the crown and bridge prosthesis. students learn how to replace a partially damaged tooth, or missing teeth by fixed partial denture. The course includes outline of crown and bridge prosthesis, diagnosis and treatment plan establishment, clinical and laboratory procedures including several abutment preparations and fabrication of crown and bridge prosthesis. It also includes use of articulator, outline of implant prosthodontics. 861.580 국소의치학 1 1-16-0 Removalable Partial Denture 1 본과목은치과보철학의중요한용어해설, 치과보철학분류에대한간략한소개와국소의치의지지및유지에관련된기본구조와형태를강의하며부분무치악의분류및정의, 국소의치치료의목적, 그리고국소의치의각구성요소들을강의함으로써학생들에게국소의치학의기본개념을이해시키고자한다. 아울러국소의치제작및설계의기본원리를파악하기위하여치과용써베이어의사용법, 삽입로에따른국소의치의설계, 각종구성성분의기능과설계, 환자의구강형성에관한지식을습득한다. of the removable partial denture prosthesis. This course deals with terminology, introduction, classification of partial edentulism, component of partial denture, retention and support of the denture, partial denture design, impression, master cast and metal framework wax-up. 861.581 총의치학 1 1-16-0 Complete Denture 1 치아를전부상실한무치악에인공치아대치물인총의치를제작하여상실된해부학적구조를수복함으로써환자의저작, 발음, 심미기능을회복시켜주는데관련된생물학적, 생물역학적이론을학습한다. 무치악상태, 용어, 무치악상태개선, 총의치의분류, 무치악상태의인상및관련된해부학적, 생리학적고려사항등초기단계의임상과정을이해한다. of the complete denture prosthodontics. This course covers the design and preparation of complete dentures including biology, biomechanics, and fundamentals of rehabilitating edentulous patients. 861.601 감염방지 1-16-0 Infection Control 이과정에서는의료환경안전을위한경계의식을고양시키고자한다. 구강진료실내에서구강진료및보조인력과환자들의병원체감염에대해이해하며진료실에서의감염방지를위한원리와방법및법정제도에대하여학습한다. 아울러치과의사로서구강진료시준수되어야할생명윤리및구강진료윤리를학습한다. Infection control course provides advanced alertness for - 999 -
health care environmental safety. This course includes understanding the infections of dental health care professional and assistant in dental clinic. Principle and practice for infection control in dental clinic and bioethics will be discussed. 861.602 구강종양론 2-16-48 Oral Oncology 구강종양론에서는종양의정의와병리생태학적기전을학습하고구강에발생하는각종종양( 낭종포함) 의종류와임상병리학적성상을이해하며실제시행되고있는진단및치료에대한이해도를높이고발현되는종양관련유전자의연구결과, 분자생물학적특성, 유전자의암조직에서의이상등유전자수준에서의분자생물학적지식을학습하여향후임상의로서진단, 치료혹은연구자로서심도있는종양연구에있어서기반이될수있는기초적지식을습득한다. Oral oncology course provides comprehensive knowledge of neoplasia This course enables students to learn about cysts, benign and malignant neoplasms. It helps them to better understand oral and maxillofacial surgery and to apply it through studying the reports on current trends. 861.603 구강질환의예방적진료 1-8-24 Prevention of Oral Disease 개인과가정을대상으로구강상병이발생되지않도록사전에예방하여구강건강을증진유지시키는원리와방법을학습한다. 개인구강건강관리를위한치면세균막관리법, 불소도포법, 치면열구전색법및식이조절등의예방법과집단구강건강관리를위한역학조사방법의훈련및지역사회구강보건사업의현장실습을통해예방적치과의료를이해한다. of prevention. The objective of this course is for students to understand how to improve oral health of population and individuals Students practice oral health survey and various preventive methods against dental disease. 861.604 국소의치학 2 2-16-48 Removable Partial Prosthetics 2 국소의치의기본원리에관한이해와실제그것을실시해보는기회를갖는다. 인공치아의시술시에필요한선택, 배열, 레진의주입및온성에관한구체적인내용을학습하고, 의치의매몰이나, 의치상, 의치의출마와연마등의실질적인치아의시술을다루는강의와실습을중심으로진행된다. This course deals with the casting and finishing of partial denture metal framework recording jaw relationships, artificial teeth arrangements, and carving the abutment crowns for RPD. The aim of this lab practice is to develop in students an understanding of the functional impression technique, the jaw relation record, and abutment crowns for removable partial dentures This course provides presentations with emphasis on mouth preparation, abutment crowns, impression philosophy and procedures, and occlusal relationship for removable partial dentures. 861.605 금관가공의치학 2 2-16-48 Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics 2 본과정은지대치형성, 인상채득, 모형제작, 임시관제작, 교합기의사용법과금관및가공의치제작에관한임상및기공과정을강의한다. 실습에서는구치부와전치부지대치형성, 가공의치제 작을위한인상채득, 모형제작, 모형의교합기부착, 납형조각매몰, 주조과정과가공치납착과정, cement 종류및접착과정등을시행한다. This course provides students with abutment preparations, impression taking, temporary crown fabrication, use of articulator, clinical and laboratory procedures for crown and bridge prosthesis fabrication. In practice hours, the course carries out posterior and anterior tooth abutment preparations, impression taking for bridge fabrication, model fabrication and mounting, wax-up, casting and soldering of bridge, a class of cements and cementation procedures. 861.606 소아의수복및치수치료 2-16-48 Restorative and Pulp Treatment for Children 본과정을통하여유치의치관, 치근, 치수의형태와그기능및배열을알게되고소아부정교합, 소아교정에필요한지식을갖고, 이해함으로써이를바탕으로유치및영구치가정상적으로기능을발휘할수있도록유도하는능력을갖게된다. 본과정을통하여치수질환및치아외상의진단, 치료계획에필요한지식을갖게되며, 악안면성장발육및예방교정의중요성을이해함으로써이를바탕으로유치가정상적인기능을발휘하도록하고유치열, 혼합치열, 영구치열로이행되는시기에치아들을정상적으로유도하는능력을갖게된다. This course provides basic and comprehensive knowledge of Restorative and pulp treatment for children This course deals with understanding of primary dentition in order to maintain its normal function, developing a knowledge of the morphology of the crown, root, and pulp of the primary dentition. The laboratory Practice includes anatomical form of deciduous teeth and cavity forms and the requirements necessary before doing cavity preparation. Cavity preparation and amalgam filling, stainless steel crown adaptation, fabrication of space maintainers and removable orthodontic appliances also covered. 861.607 악안면신경과학 1-8-24 Maxillofacial Neuroscience 악안면영역에서발생하는신경장애에의한임상적문제를이해하고임상진료능력을향상시키기위해기초신경과학과각임상분야의강좌를연계시켜통합적인지식을전달하고치과환자의일차적증상인통증에대해이해시킴으로써악안면영역의신경기능장애환자의관리와양질의진료를제공할수있는능력을함양하고자한다. Maxillofacial neuroscience course provides advanced and comprehensive knowledge of neuroscience in the viewpoint of dentistry. Basic Neurophysiology including pain mechanism and Neuological problems in the trigeminal nervous system will be discussed in this course. 861.608 인체의구조와기능 3 1-8-24 Structure and Function of Human Body 3 이강좌는크게두가지부분으로구성된다. 첫번째는약리학의개론부분에해당하며, 이부분에서는약물- 수용체상호작용, 약물의흡수, 분포및배설, 약물대사, 약물의안정성과효능, 유전약리학및연령, 식이, 직업, 질환등이약물효과에미치는영향등에대해강의한다. 두번째부분에서는악안면및구강내질환을가진환자의영양관리에대한이론적근거와임상에서실제로응용할수있는내용을임상각과별로검토한다. - 1000 -
This course is composed of two parts. First part deals with the introduction for pharmacology. Contents of this parts are; drug-receptor interactions, pharmacokinetic features of drugs such as absorption, distribution, excretion, and metabolism, drug efficacy and safety, pharmacogenetics, epigenetic and environmental factors that affect the effects of drugs, drug development procedures, etc. In the second part, students can learn about the effects of nutrition on systemic and oral disease, clinical problems associated with an excess and deficiency of nutrients, the way how to prevent or control dental caries and enhance periodontal health, how to speed up the period of convalescence following oral surgery, and how to assist elderly patients. 861.609 임상치의학입문 3 1-0-48 Introduction to Clinical Dentistry 3 본강좌는신입생들에게임상환경을소개하고진료실에내원한환자와의의사소통기술의증대에초점을둔다. 학생들은이과정을통해서다른분야( 동료) 와협진하는방법을이해하고환자치료의준비에필요한의사소통(communication skill), 수기(manual dexterity), 시지각기술(visual perception skill) 을개발하며, 자신의학습성취에대한자가평가와교수평가를통해객관적평가의기술을배운다. 동시에학생들은다양한의료환경에적응할수있도록감염방지, 인간공학(ergonomics), 구강보건관련법, 정보기술의적절한활용법등을배우게된다. 이과정을통해서치과진료의전문과목과통합적진료환경에대해이해한다. 동시에다양한치과진료한경에서의환자진료를직접실습을통해이해한다. of the basic clinical dentistry. Students learn cooperative clinical practice, communication skill, manual dexterity and visual perception skill. Through this course students also learn infection control, ergonomics, legal issues, and information technology. 861.610 총의치학 2 2-16-48 Full Denture Prosthetics 2 본과정은 < 총의치학 1> 에연계되어계속되는총의치학의주요임상술식에대한과정으로서, 인상채득및기초상을이용한각종악골관계기록, 심미적고려사항과관련된기본적내용및악골운동의원리등이논의된다. 임상전단계실습의최초과정으로서관련해부학적구조물및해당부위의인상, 주모형제작, 기초상의적합, 납교합제의축조, 주모형의교합기부착등이실습된다. The course is successive to the previous part I and lectures. Major clinical procedures, including jaw relation, fundamentals of esthetics, jaw movements, and articulating instruments are given This course covers most of the areas dealing with the actual designs and fabrications of complete dentures. In the laboratory practice, arrangement of artificial teeth, verification of centric occlusion and centric relation on the manikin, balanced occlusion, gingival festooning, and polimerizing denture base relative to biomechanical, esthetic and phonetic theories are exercised. 861.611 치과마취의이해 1 1-8-24 Understanding Dental Anesthesia 1 < 치과마취의이해 1> 에서는치과치료에필수적인국소마취에대하여기본적인원리및시술방법에대한지식을획득한다. 보다안전하고편안한치과치료를도모하는진정법, 그리고갈수록증 가하는두경부통증관리등에대한선행학습으로치과마취과학에대한전반적인고찰과최신지견을습득한다. 또한기도에대한해부학적고찰을포함하여치과치료시발생하는응급상황의종류와그에대한대처방법에대하여다루고심폐소생술에관한사항을학습한다. 국소마취제와혈관수축제, 진정제와진통제의약동학과약력학도다룬다. <Understanding of Dental Anesthesia 1> deals with basic principles of dental anesthetical knowledges and practices. The physiology of nerve conduction, the mechanism of local anesthesia, the pharmacologic effect of local anesthetics the methods of nerve block in oral and maxillofacial areas, the adverse effects and complications of local anesthesia, the common sedation methods, the intravenous sedation and the monitored anesthesia care for patients with high risk factors will be discussed This course also provides a wide range of knowledge in sedation in dental practice, and the ability to cope with and organize emergency situations. 861.612 치과생체재료 3 1-8-24 Dental Biomaterials 3 치과용생체재료에관한구조와특성을이해하고올바른선택과사용및평가할수있는기본적지식을습득하도록한다. 치과용시멘트, 치과용인상재및의치상용레진등을교육한다. 치과용생체재료의기본사용법과특성을이해하고각종조건에서결과를비교하여그사용한계를예측하도록한다. 치과용시멘트, 치과용왁스, 치과주조법및의치상용레진의특성등을실습한다. This course designed to convey practical knowledge of the basic materials used in dentistry and to stimulate development of students manual dexterity The laboratory Practice includes Introduction to the factors involved in the manipulation of dental materials and the changes that may result in these materials under various conditions. 861.613A 치아보존수복 3 2-16-48 Restoration of Tooth 3 < 치아보존수복 3> 에서는레진인레이와도재인레이수복, 와동형성, 실제인레이의처리법, 도재인레이의시적및접착에관한실질적인제작법을실습을통해학습함으로써치아보존에관한이해를증진시키고그것을바탕으로하는유용한내용을습득하게한다. This course provides students comprehensive knowledge of cavity preparation(class I, II, III, IV, V) and filling for unfilled resin, filled resin, ASPA cement, and gold foil after comprehension of dental caries. This course includes laboratory practice: working on artificial and natural teeth on the dentiform to improve clinical skills. 861.614 치주질환의치료 2-16-48 Treatment of Periodontal Disease 치주조직의미세구조, 치주질환의진단방법및치주질환의원인으로서의미생물, 면역병리학적개요, 그리고전신질환과의관계및치주질환치료계획등에관한기본적인지식을습득하여임상진료를위한기초가되게한다. 이과정에서는치주과학의치료원리및방법에관하여다음과같은내용을학습한다. 여기에서는치주질환의기본적인치료원리, 비외과적인치주치료, 외과적인치주치료, 치주- 보철, 치주- 교정, 치주-근관치료가복합된증례에있어서의치주치료등에대해서광범위하게학습한다. Treatment of periodontal disease deepens the previous - 1001 -
knowledge of periodontal tissue and its diseases In this course, the basic elements, such as gingiva, periodontal ligament, cementum, and alveolar bone, are studied, along with the basic principles of periodontology, such as developmental mechanisms and the microbiological association of plaque Students can explain the anatomical, histological, and pathological aspects of periodontal tissue, along with diagnosis, treatment planning, and prevention of periodontal diseases in order to successfully manage them. 861.615 국소의치학 3 2-16-48 Removable Partial Prosthetics 3 본과목은국소의치제작및설계, 환자의구강형성이후의임상적단계와다양한국소의치의응용에대한강의및실습을하게된다. 인상재료와과정및기능인상등에대한개념과기법, 국소의치의교합, 장착및수리에대한강의가진행되며, 정밀부착형유지장치등에대한심도있는접근을하게된다. 실습시간에는국소의치지대치형성및지대치금관제작, 국소의치금속구조물을제작하기위한 wax-up 및주조, 교합관계기록, 인공치배열, 교합조정, 정밀부착형유지장치를포함한지대치의삭제및 wax-up, 주조의과정을통해국소의치제작방법을학생들에게숙지시킨다. of the removable partial denture prosthesis. This course deals with impression materials, functional impression, occlusion, delivery of removable partial denture, repair and precision attachment. This course also provides students with practices of all procedures of removable partial denture fabrication and precision attachment. 861.616 근관치료학 3-32-48 Endodontics 근관치료학에서는치수염, 치근단질환치근단미생물, 친근단질환의면역학등에대해학습하며, Rationale of Endodontic treat, Histophysiology of Dental Pulp & Periradicular treat에관한전반적인이해를이끄는것이학습목표이다. 또한 diagnostic Process, Emergency Treatment, Trauma에관한구체적인내용을학습하고치수및치근단질환의영상진단에관한이해를도모한다. 실습을통해근관학습을위한실제모형제작과근관충전및근관치료법등의지식을습득한다. This course deals with diagnosis and treatment of oral conditions which arise as a result of pathosis of the human dental pulp Preclinical endodontic exercises for learning the methods for preparing and filling root canals. The goal of the course includes rationale of endodontic treatment and histophysiology of dental pulp and periapical lesion This course includes diagnostic procedure, emergency treatment, and trauma for dental pulp and periapical lesion. 861.617 도재수복학 3-32-48 Dental Ceramic Prosthesis 도재수복학은치과용도재및금속에대한재료적고찰과말전및도재전장관과전부도재관을이용한고정성보철물시술에관한제반사항에대하여강의된다. 인공치관제작을위한교합기응용및교체채득법, 인공치관제작을위한지치대형성및임시관제작, 교합조절실습을통한치아에관한이해가중요학습내용이다. This course provides comprehensive knowledge and practices of Dental Ceramic prosthesis This deal with all aspects of PFM restoration include porcelain fused-to-metal crown, full porcelain veneered crown In this laboratory course, abutment preparations for various retainers are executed on a manikin, and construction procedures for a PFM crown are demonstrated. 861.618 두개악안면성형외과학 1-24-0 Wound Healing and Craniofacial Plastic Surgery 본과정에서학생은창상의치유와구강및악안면에발생한결손및기형증에대한증상, 외과적처치및예방에대해이해하게된다. 학습내용은구강악안면성형외과학개요, 두개악안면기형의일반치료, 두개안면기형의외과적처치, 안와기형의외과적처치, 구순구개열환자의진단및치료, 구순구개열환자의태생후성장에따른일관치료, 구순구개열과관련된비안모기형의진단과치료, 악안면재건술등에대해학습한다. This course provides basic principles and practices of wound healing and oral and craniomaxillofacial plastic surgery. Detailed course includes introduction of craniomaxillofacial plastic surgery, general treatment of cranial facial malformations, surgical treatment of craniofacial malformations, diagnosis and treatment of cleft lip and palate, and maxillofacial reconstructions. 861.619 부정교합의진단및치료 2-16-48 Treatment of Malocclusion 부정교합의진단과치료에서는교정학의기본개념, 악안면영역의성장과발육, 악구강계의생리가부정교합발생에미치는영향, 정상교합및부정교합의발생과인지등에관하여강의함으로써교정치료에필요한기본적인개념과지식을습득하게한다. 이와같은기본지식을토대로부정교합의발생원인과부정교합환자의진단법, 교정적치아이동의생역학적원리와기본적인치료원리를이해하여부정교합에대한이해와교정치료의기초를구축할수있다. In this course, students learn the systemic growth and development, craniofacial development and malocclusion The course includes biomechnics of tooth movement and biology of bone remodeling during the course of orthodontic treatment. 861.620 소아의교합유도 1-8-24 Occlusal Guidance in Children 본과정을통하여치아외상의진단, 치료계획에필요한지식을갖게되며, 악안면성장발육및소아교정의중요성을이해함으로써이를바탕으로유치가정상적인기능을발휘하도록하고유치열, 혼합치열, 영구치열로이행되는시기에치아들을정상교합으로유도하는능력을갖게된다. This course provides students with the comprehensive knowledge of the diagnosis and treatment planning of trauma to the teeth in children. It also make students understand the importances of the maxillofacial growth and development and orthodontic treatment for children. Through this course students learn how to guide the teeth with normal occlusion and function of the primary dentition and also that of following permanent dentition subsequently. 861.621 악안면동통의진단과치료 1-16-0 Diagnosis and Management of Orofacial Pain 구강악안면영역에서발생되는다양한만성통증을이해하고, 구 - 1002 -
강안면동통장애에관한기본적인진단및치료술식에관한지식을습득함으로써자질을갖춘치과의사로서의능력을배양하고앞으로치과의사로서더욱더진보된지식을습득할수있는능력을갖출수있도록교육한다. The aims of this course are to be able to understand various chronic pain disorders that occur in the orofacial area and to acquire basic skills of diagnosis and treatment for chronic orofacial pain disorders. Through this become a competent dentist who is able to cope with related situations and to learn advanced knowledge. 861.622 임상치의학입문 4 1-0-48 Introduction to Clinical Dentistry 4 본강좌는신입생들에게임상환경을소개하고진료실에내원한환자와의의사소통기술의증대에초점을둔다. 학생들은이과정을통해서다른분야( 동료) 와협진하는방법을이해하고환자치료의준비에필요한의사소통(communication skill), 수기(manual dexterity), 시지각기술(visual perception skill) 을개발하며, 자신의학습성취에대한자가평가와교수의평가를통해객관적평가의기술을배운다. 동시에학생들은다양한의료환경에적응할수있도록감염방지, 인간공학(ergonomics), 구강보건관련법, 정보기술의적절한활용법등을배우게된다. 동시에 < 임상치의학입문 1 3> 을통해서학습한다양한임상적수기와지식을직접응용해보고다양한진단과치료과정에참여및보조를통해실제환자진료에대한통합진료임상실습에필요한기본적자세를학습한다. 윤리교육에서는생명의료윤리의기본원칙(Principles of Biomedical Ethics) 을바탕으로제작된현실감있는딜레마사례를사용한소그룹토론방식으로진행된다. 규범을일방적으로전달하기보다는교수와학생이주어진절차에따라토론하면서전문인의의무와책임을이해하고, 환자의입장을공감하여전반적인윤리적민감성(Ethical Sensitivity) 을고양하는데목적이있다. of the basic clinical dentistry, which needed for practicing comprehensive dental care for the patient. Students learn cooperative clinical practice, communication skill, manual dexterity and visual perception skill. Through this course students also learn infection control, ergonomics, legal issues, and information technology. 861.623 전신질환의진단및치료 1 3-48-48 Diagnosis and Treatment of Systemic Disease 1 전신발육과전신질환의진단및치료그리고기본적인인체의기능에결합하여전신질환의진단과치료에대해학습한다. 이과정에는진단과치료계획의수립에필요한전신질환의이해의모든과정이포함된다. 이과정을통해서학생들은다양한전신질환자의치료에대한지식을습득하게된다. of the systemic disease through various diagnostic procedure with basic knowledge of human body This will help student to practice dentistry for the patients with systemic disease including cardiovascular disease, endocrine disturbances, various systemic infections and aging. 861.624 지역사회구강보건 1-8-24 Community Oral Health < 지역사회구강보건> 에서는지역사회구강보건, 공중구강보건교육의개념및개발, 보건사업등에대해알아보고, 영유아및성인 과노인, 장애인구강보건, 학교및산업구강보건등에관해학 습한다. 또한지역사회구강보건인력과지역사회구강보건인력양성 활용제도에 관해 학습함으로써, 지역사회구강보건을 전반적으로 이해한다. of the role of dental profession in the society Student learn variety of social programs for public health, including community oral health care, public health care education, oral health care for children, adult, aged and disabled, and school and industrial oral health. 861.625 총의치학 3 2-16-48 Full Denture Prosthetics 3 본과정에서는총의치의인공치배열, 연마면형성, 중합, 교합조정, 최종연마등총의치제작 완성까지전반적인과정에대한개념, 방법, 기구, 재료가소개된다. This course has the specific concept, methods, instruments and materials related to the complete denture fabrication from denture tooth arrangement, polished surface preparation, occlusal adjustment to final polishing. 861.626 치과마취의이해 2 1-8-24 Understanding Dental Anesthesia 2 < 치과마취의이해 2> 에서는치과치료시환자의전반적인신체상태검사및시술전전처치에대하여학습을하고, 장애인과구강외과수술환자를위한전신마취에관하여수술전관리, 수술중관리, 수술후관리에전반적인개념을학습하고, 외래마취, 장애인마취소아마취노인마취등특수한상황에대한최신지식을습득한다. 수액처치및수혈, 수술후통증관리등에대한지식을획득하고전신마취제, 근이완제, 진통제, 심혈관계에작용하는약제들에대한약동학과약력학도다룬다. <Understanding of Dental Anesthesia 2> deals with basic principles of general anesthesia in dental practices. The preoperative physical examinations of the dental patient, history taking, premedication and preparations before general anesthesia will be discussed. This course also provides a wide range of knowledge in the general anesthesia and perioperative patient management including fluid management, transfusion, postoperative pain management. and airway management. In addition, the mechanism of general anesthesia, the pharmacologic effect of inhalant anesthetics, intravenous anesthetics, and cardiocaxular drugs, the adverse effects and complications of general anesthesia, and patient monitoring for patients will be discussed. 861.627 치아보존수복 4 1-8-24 Restoration of Tooth 4 본과목은간접수복을이용하여영구치경조직손상을주조금인레이와온레이로수복하여치아를보존시키고기능을회복시키는과정을강의를통해이해시키고실습을통해숙달시키는과목으로, 간접수복에사용되는치과용주조금의재료학적및임상적특성, 주조금수복을위한와동의형성법, 인상채득법, 수복물제작및접착, 수복체의연마법을강의한다. 실습은임상시술의전단계실습으로상 하악모형에식립된인공치아에서와동의형성, 인상채득, 수복물제작, 접착, 연마의과정으로실습하게하여강의의이해도를높이고임상시술을할수있도록하기위한준비과정으로실습을시행한다. This course focuses on indirect restoration of hard tissue - 1003 -
defect of permanent teeth using gold inlay and onlay. It also includes the clinical properties of dental cast gold alloy, cavity preparation, impression, laboratory procedures, cementation and polishing. The preclinical laboratory courses include practicing gold inlay or onlay restoration on the artificial teeth in dentiform. 861.701 고정식교정장치실습 1-0-48 Clinical Practice Using Fixed Orthodontic Appliance 영구치맹출후교정치료의근간이되고있는고정식교정장치를이용한포괄적교정치료의기본적인개념과지식을습득하게된다. 고정식교정장치를통한치아이동실습은크게배열과레벨링, 공간폐쇄및구치부관계개선, 마무리의 3단계로나누어서이루어지며이와함께교정치료의시기, 치아이동의방법, 치아이동에대한생역학적인원리, 고정원등에대한강의와실습이병행된다. 본강좌를통해고정식교정장치의생역학적원리와기본적인원리를이해하여영구치열에서간단한부정교합환자를진단하고치료할수있는고정식교정장치치료의기초를구축할수있다. The basic concept and knowledge of comprehensive treatment will be learned using clinical practice of a fixed orthodontic appliance therapy. This practice consists of three parts: leveling and alignment, space closure and correction of molar relationship, and finishing. This practice will be accompanied with lectures and practices about treatment timing of orthodontic treatment, various method of teeth movement, biomechanical principle of tooth movement, and anchorage system. According to this practice, the student will understand basic and biomechanical principles of a fixed appliance therapy and treat patients with simple malocclusion in the permanent dentition using a fixed appliance. 861.702 구강악안면영역의질환 5-78-12 Disease of Oral and Maxillofacial Region 구강악안면영역에대한해부생리학적지식을바탕으로구강악안면영역의질환의진단과치료에대한상세하고구체적인영역의학습을진행한다. 여기에는기초적인질병과관련된구강구조의해부학적이해를포함하며, 동시에질병의중요한원인인미생물에대한포괄적이고통합적인지식을다룬다. 이러한이해를바탕으로질병의발생과정과질병의경과에대한병태생리학적이해와함께임상적으로진단을위해사용되는병리진단방사선학적인지식과임상적접근방법을학습한다. 그리고구강악안면영역의질병의치료를위한내과적, 외과적접근방법을검토한다. 동시에소아에서발생하는구강질환을중심으로진단과치료에관한구체적인내용을살펴본다. Students will learn on the detailed area of diagnosis and treatment of the disease of the oral and maxillofacial region, based on knowledge of anatomical physiology of the areas This course provide comprehensive and integrated knowledge of anatomy associated with disease and microbiology of oral pathogens. On the basis of this knowledge, etiology and pathogenesis will be linked to the pathophysiology of the disease. Clinical diagnosis will be viewed from the point of oral diagnosis radiology, and pathology. Detailed medicinal and surgical treatment measures also will be covered. Specific oral disease of the children also will be reviewed in detail. 861.703 두개악안면외상학 1-30-0 Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Traumatology 본강좌는수술환자의기본관리, 입원환자의관리, 수액요법, 두개악안면외상환자의평가및처치등의내용을중심으로진행된다. 응급외과의발생원인과처치구강악안면외상처치에서필요한골절진단및치아치조골의손상, 연조직경조직손상수분및전해질교정에관한수업과응급환자의치료를위한 sampling, monitoring, case presentation 등의실습을직접해보는과정을거친다. This course deals with all the basic concepts and ideas of hospital dentistry and oral and maxillofacial trauma patient. This includes basic care support and fluid therapy for the surgical patient. Care for dental emergencies and oral and maxillofacial trauma such as bone fractures of the head and neck, alveolar bone, soft tissue injuries, and fluid and electrolyte balance will be covered. Students will also practice sampling and monitoring methods, and case presentation. 861.704 임상구강내과학 1-16-0 Clinical Oral Medicine 악구강영역에서발생되는질환을평가하는데필요한다양한전신질환에대한지식과치과치료계획수립시고려하여야할중요한사항을익히며, 국소적및전신적인원인에의한다양한구강경조직및연조직질환에관한기본적인지식을교육한다. This course provides students to learn knowledge of various systemic diseases which are needed for evaluating and treating diseases in oromaxillofacial area. This course also gives students important modification factors which should be considered for treatment planning for dental patients with systemic diseases, and basic knowledge about various oral hard and soft tissue diseases caused by local and systemic etiologies. 861.705 임상치과약리학 1-16-0 Dental Phamacology 치과영역에서빈번하게사용되는화학요법제인항생물질, 항암약물, 바이러스감염치료약물, 항진균제및면역반응에영향을미치는약물등의작용기전, 흡수및배설, 치료적응용, 부작용, 약물상호작용등에관하여강의하며, 특히환자진료시약물의임상적응용에관한기본적이론을중심적으로강의한다. This course deals with the chemotherapeutic drugs such as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and anticancer drugs and immunomodulating drugs. The mechanism of action, pharmacokinetic features, therapeutic indications, adverse effects and drug interactions of these drugs will be lectured. 861.706 전신질환의진단및치료 2 1-16-0 Diagnosis and Treatment of Systemic Disease 2 악구강영역에서발생되는질환을평가하고치료하는데필요한다양한전신질환에대한지식과약리학적, 병리학적지식을공부하고, 치과치료계획수립시고려하여야할중요한사항을익히며, 국소및전신적인원인에의한다양한구강악안면경조직및연조직질환에관한기본적인지식을교육한다. This course provides students basic knowledge about various oral hard and soft tissue diseases caused by local and systemic etiologies and treatment strategies. Students also - 1004 -