해외유틸리티요금선불제도연구 ( 주 ) 이쓰리엑스퍼트

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<4D F736F F D20955C955C8E8682C697A0955C8E8693E091A42E646F63>

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<C7C1B3F0C6E620B9ABBFAAB0FC20B4BABDBAB7B9C5CD20C1A63237C8A B3E BFF9C8A3292E687770>

,,,,,, (41) ( e f f e c t ), ( c u r r e n t ) ( p o t e n t i a l difference),, ( r e s i s t a n c e ) 2,,,,,,,, (41), (42) (42) ( 41) (Ohm s law),


감사칼럼 (제131호) 다. 미국과 일본의 경제성장률(전기 대비)은 2010년 1/4분기 각각 0.9%와1.2%에서 2/4분기에는 모두 0.4%로 크게 둔화 되었다. 신흥국들도 마찬가지이다. 중국, 브라질 등 신흥국은 선진국에 비해 높은 경제성장률을 기

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232 도시행정학보 제25집 제4호 I. 서 론 1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 사회가 다원화될수록 다양성과 복합성의 요소는 증가하게 된다. 도시의 발달은 사회의 다원 화와 밀접하게 관련되어 있기 때문에 현대화된 도시는 경제, 사회, 정치 등이 복합적으로 연 계되어 있어 특



KAA2005.9/10 Ãâ·Â

눈 에 보 이 는 기 술

신규임용안내1~9p-표 수정


2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628


해외유틸리티요금선불제도연구 2012. 09 ( 주 ) 이쓰리엑스퍼트

Ⅰ.... Ⅱ........ 1. (Background)... 2.... 3. ( )... 4........ 1. (Background)... 2.... 3. ( )... 4........ 1. (Background)... 2.... 3. ( )... 4........ 1. (Background)... 2.... 3. ( )... 4.... - 2 -

.... 1. (Background)... 2.... 3. ( )... 4........ 1. (Background)... 2.... 3. ( )... 4........ 1. (Background)... 2.... 3. ( )... 4.... Ⅲ........ 1.... 2........ 1.... 2.... Ⅳ.... - 3 -

Ⅰ.. ( 現, ) (, ),,,,, - (, ) 2017 2,700 4,700 -, ( ), - - ( ) STS(Standard Transfer Specification) - 4 -

. - - 90,,,,,, AMI - - 5 -

(,, ) 6 Ⅱ. 해외유틸리티선불제도현황조사 1990 (Ofgem 2007) British Gas, Powergem, Scottish and Souther Energy, npower, EDF Energy and Scottish Power 6 1 15 (380 ) (ofgem) (fuel poverty) - 20 ( 30 ) - 6 -

- Scottish and Southern Energy - 14, 35 ( ), -, - (, ) - -,, 18, 380 PPM, 15 4 - /,,, (ABS Energy Research 2007),, Post Office, Paypoint, Payzone - - Post Office - 7 -

Bayard 60~70 2 3 Actaris 社 PRI 社 (Former Public Electricity Suppliers) 4 PPM 3 -, Paypoint, Payzone Paypoint Payzone - -, Paypoint Payzone (local shops) - (network) - ( ),, Paypoint Payzone - MAPS(Meter Asset Providers) 2002 1990 2001, 590 13% - 360 ( 14%) 130 150 80-8 -

- -,, - < > (%) (%) 12 14 21 23 33 35 36 36 29 32-6 7-3 4-9 -

. (National Housing Federation) 2000 29 < > - ( : ) BG EDF Npower E.ON SSE 1,328 1,210 1,056 1,063 1,006 1,399 1,246 1,127 1,097 1,063 71 36 71 34 61 : National Houseing Federation - 2008 8 5 1~7% - 2~17% 7~10% - 385 349 ( 36, 10.2% ) - 10 -

- - - (FPAG) Uswitch Ofgem (Ofgem 2007) - - 11 -

Ofgem( ) - Ofgem, - (a) (b) 14 (c) (1990 7 2003 1361 ) NIE Energy (a) (b) 2.5 % (c), (d) 4 (212,000 ) pay-as-you-go (e), Paypoint Payzone, -, OFGEM - (debt) - -, - 12 -

, - - (EDF, SSE, British Gas) - 10 6, 10 3 -, - 2006 150 2006 130 - Powergen Ofgem PPM -, -, (Transco 100 50 500 ) - 13 -

- - - - 1 5, - 10%(600,000) 1 50 3-2007 - - Ofgem 20 - - 14 -

(the Code) 9 (Aboriginal and Remote Communities Power Supply Program) (Town Reserve Regularisation Program) - 9 Horizon Power Synergy (Aboriginal and Remote Communities Power Supply Program) (Town Reserve Regularisation Program) (Electricity Code consultative Committee, 2007a, p. 118) Horizon Power 社 (Horizon Power, 2008) Horizon Power - (,,,,. ) - 15 -

Synergy - Synergy (Synergy, 2008) 2007 12, - 州 (Aboriginal and Remote Communities Power Supply Program) (Town Reserve Regularisation Program) 外. Tasmania 20. Tasmania Northern Territory 州 ( ) South Austrailia 州 Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland - Tasmania, Northern Territory, South Austrailia 州 - 16 -

) Tasmania 州 Aurora Energy (Aurora) 社 Tasmania 州 Bruny - Tasmania 2 Tasmania - Tasmania (OTTER) 4 20 (OTTER, 2007) - Aurora - Aurora (Pay As You Go, APAYG) 2 (TOU: Time of Use) (APAYG). - Aurora - APAYG APAYG, Aurora APAYG - Aurora 5 200 - Aurora,, - 17 -

APAYG 160 Tasmania Bill Express - 2008 7 Bill Express Aurora, Tasmania 40 Aurora (Aurora 2008b) - APAYG 20km (Out of Area Agreement) - Aurora Aurora APAYG 55 APAYG 25.7-72.6, 20 1995 (Electricity Supply Industry Act) 1998 (Electricity Supply Industry (Tariff Customers) Regulation 1998) Aurora Tasmania, < > < > 08 09 Aurora (Tariff 31) 66.414 500kWh ( ) kwh 19.236 1,000kWh( ) kwh 18.324 kwh 15.620 ( : Aurora) - 18 -

APAYG, 2, < > APAYG < > 08 7 Aurora - Tasmania ( : kwh ) 6:30~11:00 11:00~16:30 16:30~22:30 22:30~6:30 19.18 14.92 19.18 8.69 14.92 14.92 14.92 8.69 19.21 15.42 12.19 9.81 15.42 12.19 12.19 9.81 : 98.11 cents / ( ): 12.68 / ( : Aurora) Northern Territory 州 Northern Territory 州 (Power and Water Corporation Act) (Power and Water Corporation) - 1990 Northern Territory 州 8,500 (PWC, 2008a) - 55,000 15%, (PWC, 2008a) - - - - 19 -

- Norther Territory 州 - 5, 10, 20, 50 - - - 56 < > ( / ) ( /kwh) 30.60 15.52 0 17.72 [ : ] - Northern Territory 州 - 1 8,000kWh (PWC, 2008b) < > 8,000kWh 64-20 -

South Australia 州 Sourth Australia 州 - South Austrailia 州 15 11 Aurora Tasmania 州 South Australia 州 - South Austrailia 州 Aurora APAYG - Aurora Aurora South Australia 州 4,500 APAYG Aurora South Australia 州 2007 12 South Australia - South Australia 2006 4,500 < > 05 06 06 07 05 06 06 07 76 376 3 240 3 240 3 5 2 70 1 0 0 0 0 0-21 -

Aurora South Australia 州 Tamania 州 APAYG -, 55, 55 - APAYG 28 -, 25 South Australia 州 South Australia (ESCOSA) (BOX ) South Australia - South Australia 州 1996 36 AA. South Australia AGL 36 AA. AGL 4 2 1996 (Energy Retail Code). Part B.,,., South Australia AGL.,. 1996 36 AA(4a) AGL,. 1996-22 -

Essentail Services Commission Act 2002 7. 1996 36 AA(4a), 3. South Australia 35. 65. Source: Allen Consulting Group, ESCOSA (2007a) - 43.065 3.2877kW kwh 18.964-3.2877kW 10.9589kW 21.285 - kw 24.079 APAYG South Australia < > < > Auroa- South Australia (kwh ) 2008 7 1 APAYG ( ) 7am~4pm 4pm~9pm 9pm~7pm 20.9 19.99 15 19.99 17.76 15 19.5 17.76 15 17.78 14.7 15 : 46.8 / ( ): 10.64 / - 23 -

South Australia 1996 (Energy Retail Code) (Energy Marketing Code) - South Australia (Energy Prepayment Meter System Code - the Prepayment Code) the Prepayment Code 2005 5 ) 州 New South Wales 州 - New South Wales 06 106 1 I - New South Wales - 24 -

Victoria 州 - Victoria 2000 40 E Queensland 州 - Queensland 州 1994 1 (c) 2 - Queensland, - Energex Queensland - Northern Territory 州 (Electricity Reform Act) 44 1 (a) (b), 州 (Electricity Pricing Order) - Northern Territory, - 1,250 kwh OTTER, APAYG. (OTTER, 2008) - 25 -

APAYG APAYG - APAYG APAYG - - APAYG APAYG 02 (Progress Rate) - 02 Aurora APAYG - APAYG - 26 -

Aurora - APAYG APAYG (Tasmania 州 ) - 1 1 23% - (58%) APAYG 24-6% 24 - (43%) (33%) (TasCOSS, 2006:3) 05 12 (Electricity Standards of Service Code) -,, - OTTER APAYG, 2007 5 Tasmania (Electricity Code) 9 A - - 27 -

* 70 * APAYG 50 - Tasmania 州 Northern Territory 州 - 750MWh - 10 7 ( ) (Electricity Reform (Administration) Regulations) 6 2010 7 1. 1. (Background) - -, - - - 28 -

,,, -,,, (the Messachusetts Department of Public Utilities) (2009 ) -,, - ( 州 ) - (DPU), ( ), -, DPU,, -, - 29 -

2. - / < > PPM PPM Wood Country Electric Cooperative 33,000 600 2% Brunswick Contry EMC 71,000 6,500 9% Salt River Project 920,000 50,000 5.5 % Salt River Project(SRP) - 12.8% - - 95 - (critical mass- ) - 30 -

3. ( ) PayGo, 80 -,,,, (,, ), 4.,,,, -, -,,, -,,,,, (remote service disconnections) -,, -, - - 31 -

- (transaction fee),, -, 12-144 (REPs) - REP Smart Prepaid,, 2.95 (,, ) - - -, -, -, - / - 32 -

, - -, ( 州 ) -,,, - -. -, - - 33 -

. 1. (Background) 1,260 450 02 5 2005 1 (OEB), (Woodstock Hydro) 1989 Pay-As-You-Go 2004, 2500, 25 - -, SRP M-Power - : IHD,, - (kiosks) ( ) -, IHD, - 34 -

2. 2010 200kW 10 - - 500 1 1 3~4 IHD SRP M-Power, - (kwh), ( kwh), ( ), ( 前月 ) ( ), (, ),, ( 日數 ), 3. ( ), Pay-As-You-Go 15 - SRP M-Power ( 12.8%) IHDs, - - IHDs 1) IHDs IHDs - 35 -

- 2) IHDs TOU rates TOU rates IHD, IHD 2007 5 9 6.7 IHD TOU 7.6 ( ) TOU 3.3 - TOU IHD, 4.3 IHDs TOU rates - IHDs TOU < > Hydro One Time-of-Use Pilot Conservation Impacts. Mechanism Conservation Effect IHD effect w/ TOU rates -7.60% TOU only effect -3.30% Incremental IHD impact -4.30% IHD effect w/o TOU rates 6.70% - 36 -

4. - -, - - - 2~3 -, IHD (conventional meter), TOU rates IHD - IHD, TOU rates - 37 -

. 1. (Background) 99 5 - Meridian Energy Limited, Contact Energy Limited, Genesis Power Limited, Mercury Energy and TrustPower Limited., 140, - 90 120,000 10-92 (ABS Energy Research 2007, pp.47) - 3 (Electricity Commission 2008) (weekly),, - 60,000, 3% - -, - - 38 -

2. Contact Energy Landis and Gyr (Contact Energy 2008) - Genesis Power PRI Liberty (ABS Energy Research 2007, pp. 48) PostShop 20 92 (The Electricity Act 1992) - (Ministry of Energy) - (Electricity Commission 2008a). 3. ( ) - 08 3 2-50 - 39 -

4. -, - - - (Electricity Commission 2006, 2008) kwh 2~3 (Electricity Commission, 2006) - - (Electricity Commission 2008) 2007 5~10, 2008 10~20 (Electricity Commission 2008) - - 40 -

. 1. (Background) BSES(BSES Rajdhani 社 ) BSES (MES ) NCR 5 2 BSES Rajdhani Power Limited(BRPL) BSES Yamuna Power Limited (BYPL) 285 BSES - / 2007 6 11 45kW - BSES 2007 BRPL BYPL 8,000 - BSES - - DSM. NCT BSES - 41 -

BSES - - - - - -, 2. Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Ltd. - - MGVCL 4 - MGVCL - 07 (USAID) DRUM MGVCL Umreth - - - 42 -

Umreth - Umreth NRIs - Umreth - [ ] - Umreth - Umreth 150 - Umreth MGVCL Limkheda - 43 -

Limkheda - Limkheda 1 3 1 2~3 - RGGVY (BPL) -, 3~4 - - - - - MGVCL MGVCL - MGVCL - 912 Limkheda - 44 -

- Umreth Limkhda, Secure Meters (1062 1012 ) 50 Genes Meters 500 Happy Credit Happy Credit 500 NCR 6 BSES - 45 -

- 25% 50% -, MGVCL 100 5,000 100 MGVCL 2 1-46 -

- (Friendly Hours) 6 11 Friendly Hours MGVCL 11 Discom - MGVCL MGVCL (ED, Cess ) MGVCL 2 DERC 2-47 -

- MGVCL BPL 1062 30 BPL, 24 3. ( ) - - / - 州 -, MGVCL - MGVCL : MGVCL, - 48 -

- - MGVCL : MGVCL - - - : - - : (RGGVY) - - 49 -

4. -, - < > 州 NCT North Delhi Power Ltd. - - - BSES Rajdhani - Mr. Kaushik Sanyal, HOG (KCG), NDPL Mr. Neeraj Kumar, Assistant Manager, NDPL Mr. Rajesh Bansal, AVP (BSES-Rajdhani) Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Ltd. - Vadodara - Umreth - Limkheda Mr. V. B. Pandya (Executive Engineer, Anand Division, MGVCL) Mr. S. B. Mistry (Divisional Engineer, Anand Circle, MGVCL) Mr. Babhor (Divisional Engineer, Limkheda division, MGVCL) Mr. N.N. Goswami (Junior Engineer, Anand Division, MGVCL) Mr. N. D. Bidhalkar (Junior Engineer, Anand Circle, MGVCL) Mr. Dharmendra Parmar, Jt. Director Tariff, GERC Maharashtra Maharashtra - ( ), Reliance -D Mr. Madhusudan Wadhe, Executive Engineer, Commercial, MSEDCL Mr. Vivek Mishra, R-Infra, Regulatory Team - 50 -

West Bengal West Bengal -, - Mr. A Brahma, Chief Engineer (IT), WBSEDCL Mr. Udayan Ganguly, CESC, Kolkata West Bengal Mr. Tapas Chakraborty, Director, WBERC Meter Manufacturers Secure Meters Genus Meters Mr. Madhur Shrivastava, Sr. Manager, Secure Meters Ms. Swati Doshi, Business Development Manager, Secure Meters Ms. Varsha Tandel, Secure Meters (Resident team at Gujarat) Mr. Rohit Swami, Marketing Manager, Genus Meters - (SERC) - 州 -,, - 州 - 51 -

- < > NCT - - - - - - - MSEDCL ( 25,000 ) - MERC 2010 4 26 76 - WBSERC - WBSEDCL Kolkata - - : MGVCL,, - :, - 52 -

- : : MGVCL : : -, - - 14,,, :, - : : - 53 -

: MGVCL 1 14 - - : - : MGVCL -,, - 54 -

. 1. (Background). 4-320 1 Eskom - 730 54% Eskom 96 60-40 240 Eskom 1988 Eskom - Eskom 12 - Eskom - Eskom Eskom Eskom - 55 -

- 2. - 730 54-16~20 - - 90 Eskom - Eskom - 56 -

- (Standard Transfer Specification) (ABS Energy Research 2007:24) Eskom 1 - ( ) - -, Eskom - (tariff package), -, -,, Eskom., Eskom (connection fee), (conversion fee), (capital charges),, - -, - 57 -

(tariff), -, - Eskom Eskom - basic charge( ) - Eskom. 1 (Percentage) Eskom, - Eskom, Eskom - Escom Eskom -, 65kVA 1) -, / (high block vs. low block) - (billing system) -,,,, - 1 (single-phase): 16 kv A (2.5, 20, 60A) 2 (two-phase): 32 kv A 64 kv A 3 (three-phase): 25 kv A 50 kv A (60A ) 1) kwh 의단위당요금은액티브에너지요금이라불린다. 이는고정된 rate 이거나사용되는전기의양에따라변화한다. 예를들어, block rate tariff( 성수기비성수기사용에따라다른 rates) - 58 -

< > (Tariff) 1 25kW R120.80+VATt=R137.71 19.34C+Vat=22.05C/KWh 2 25~50kW R151.75+VAT=R173.00 19.34C+Vat=22.05C/KWh 3 50~100kW R209.78+VAT=R239.15 19.34C+Vat=22.05C/KWh 4 N/A 19.34C+Vat=49.59C/KWh 1 16kW, 80A 32kW, 80A 25kW, 40A R226.13+VAT=R257.79 First 500 kwh @38.12 C/kWh 34C (incl.vat) >500kWh @ 22.05 C/kWh (incl. VAT) 2 64kW, 160A 50kW, 80A R257.05+VAT=R293.04 First 500kWh @38.12 C/kWh 34C (incl.vat) >500kWh @ 22.05 C/kWh (incl VAT) 3 96kW, 225A 100kW, 160A R315.07+VAT=R359.18 First 500kWh @38.12 C/kWh 34C (incl.vat) >500kWh @ 22.05 C/kWh (incl VAT) 4 16kW, 80A R85.13+VAT=R 97.05 33.43C+Vat=38.12 C/kWh R 41.53+Vat=47.34 22.58C+Vat=25.74 C/kWh 1 2.5 and 20A N/A 33.12C+Vat=37.76 C/kWh 2 60A N/A 37.25C+Vat=42.47 C/kWh 2 (20A) 60A N/A 28.76C+Vat=32.79 C/kWh 2 60A N/A 32.89C+Vat=37.49 C/kWh -,, Eskom (R&S) (IARC; Industry Association Resource Center) R&S - 59 -

(,,,, ) - (Prepayment Development) Eskom - - 3 (NPF) - Eskom - (PTA) 3. ( ) (Chittagong- ) BPDB-KFW - DESCO(Dhaka Electric Supply Company Ltd.- ), Uttara, (BPDB), (Agrabad), Syllet, (Bogra), Serajganj - (BPDB), 20 -, Alam, - 160 1-60 -

: -,, - -,, :,,, - - Eskom - Eskom 1992 - -,, - 61 -

Eskom - - -, - (Eastern Cape), 15% - (disconnection) (reconnection), (, ) - - - Eskom, (,, ) -, Eskom - Eskom - -,, - - - / -, - 62 -

Eskom Eskom - Soweto : - Eskom,, - Eskom, -,,, -, - -, - 5 1 (Ngwenya, 2001) - 63 -

Ⅲ. 국내도입방안연구 - - 64 -

(,,, IT ) - 65 -

-,, - 90 20 -,, - - - 20~50 - -, -,,, - -,,, - 66 -

AMI - - (a) ( ) (b) ( 前日 ),, ( 前月 ) (c). (d) (e) (f) (loads) (g) 24 (h) (units),. / 1980,, 150 - PPM -,,,, (inflexibility) -, - 67 -

1990, 150 -, (key) - 1990 Landis & Gyr, Norweb Midlands Electricity -, -, 1990 PRI -, - - 68 -

- - - - 1 3 - - (, ) -. - ( ( ), keys, ) - ( ), - 69 -

- -,, - 70 -

- - - - - - - - - (a) (b) (c) (d) - - TV - - 71 -

Ⅳ. 결론 - - 72 -

작성요령 - 73 -