에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 17, Number 1, March 2018 : pp. 37~65 가정부문전기수요의결정요인분석 : 동태적패널 FD GMM 기법을중심으로 37
ln ln ln ln ln ln ln 42
ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln 43
ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln 44
< 표 1> 전국단위기초통계량 45
~ 46
< 표 2> 상관계수분석 < 표 3> 지역별분석을위한분류 47
< 표 4> 광역시의변수별기초통계량 < 표 5> 광역시를제외한기타지역의변수별기초통계량 48
ln 49
< 표 6> 패널단위근검정결과 Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ ln ln ln ln ln 50
< 표 7> 과대식별제약검정및오차항자기상관검정 51
< 표 8> 전국가정용전기수요함수추정 Δln Δln Δln Δln Δln Δln Δln Δln Δln Δln Δln Δln Δln Δln 52
Δln Δln Δln ln ln ln Δln 53
Δln ln Δln Δln Δln Δln ln 54
< 표 9> 지역별과대식별제약검정및오차항자기상관검정 55
< 표 10> 지역별가정용전기수요추정결과 Δln Δln Δln Δln Δln Δln Δln Δln ln ln ln ln ln 56
ln ln Δln ln ln ln ln ln ln 57
Δln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln < 표 11> 부분조정모형으로추정한전기수요의탄력성 58
ln 접수일 (2017 년 9 월 18 일 ), 게재확정일 (2017 년 10 월 29 일 ) 61
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we estimate the determinants of the demand function for electricity by FD GMM method based on panel data of 16 regions during 1996-2013. the results of the study are as follows. 1) The results of a partial adjustment model showed better results than these of ARDL model in terms of statistical significance and economical meaningness; 2) the elasticities of price and income were negative(-) and positive(+) and the long run elasticities were more elastic than the short run; 3) the elasticities of cooling degree days and aging population ratio were positive(+) and negative(-); 4) there was a rebound effect that the effect of economic growth dominates the effect of energy efficiency improvement over time; 5) the government policy for electricity needs to consider the increased income elasticity that dominates the increased price elasticity. Key words : Electric demand, FD GMM, Patial adjustment model, Elasticity, Rebound effect 65