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External Shocks and the Heterogeneous Autoregressive Model of Realized Volatility Abstract: We examine the information effect of external shocks on the realized volatility based on the HAR-RV (heterogeneous autoregressive realized volatility) model in Korean stock market. For the study, we estimate the realized volatility using the five minute intraday high-frequency KOSPI return data from Jan. 2004 to June 2016. And we develop and use the single external shock variable (ES) which is constructed from the 10-external shock variables representing changes of international stock, crude oil, gold, foreign exchange market prices, and interest rate. We use factor analysis to develop the ES from the 10-external shock variables. The main results are as follows. First, the developed external shock variable (ES) represents well the shocks in international market prices and the time-series patterns of ES are similar to the realized volatility patterns of KOSPI, especially in the market crash period. Second, in In-sample analysis using the HAR-RV-ES model which is the model added the ES variable to HAR-RV model as a new explanatory variable, the ES variable shows a significant explanatory power on changes of daily and weekly realized volatility. Third, in Out-of-sample analysis, the ES variable has a significant predictive power on future realized volatility. Fourth, The information effects of ES variable are robust to volatility leverage effect. These results suggest that the developed ES variable in this study is useful variable with additive and independent information effect for explaining and predicting the future volatility in the HAR-RV model, and the proposed method for developing the ES variable is helpful for the improvement of HAR-RV model. Keywords: External shock variable, Realized Volatility, Heterogenous autoregressive model, Factor analysis, In-sample and Out-of-sample - 2 -
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실현변동성 ( ) 연속요소 () 점프요소 () 평균 0.011049 0.008826 0.004162 표준편차 0.007346 0.005617 0.007020 왜도 3.292904 4.119605 2.725702 첨도 21.2317 36.1481 14.6605 최댓값 0.092719 0.092719 0.067329 95% 분위수 0.023998 0.017774 0.017333 중위수 0.008983 0.007435 0.000000 5% 분위수 0.004566 0.003846 0.000000 최솟값 0.003076 0.002398 0.000000 Ljung-Box 22440.41 24375.33 1138.39-38 -
USD/EUR USD/JPY USD/CNY S&P500 Nikkei225 평균 -0.000040 0.000013 0.000071 0.000206 0.000117 표준편차 0.006441 0.006710 0.001238 0.012276 0.015596 왜도 0.154995 0.468217 0.253577-0.301068-0.617973 첨도 5.9328 8.1768 50.3521 14.2890 11.6169 Ljung-Box 20.81 26.81 60.79 161.86 36.11 ShangHai EFFR WTI Gold CRB 평균 0.000212 0.000039 0.000126 0.000373-0.000092 표준편차 0.017294 0.000052 0.024695 0.012230 0.010545 왜도 -0.439413 1.118817 0.018956-0.391662-0.653793 첨도 7.0683 2.6377 8.1520 7.9423 8.5144 Ljung-Box 49.96 67929.57 54.15 20.43 62.77-39 -
USD/EUR USD/JPY USD/CNY S&P500 Nikkei225 요인부하량 0.360002-0.134372 0.163228 0.346002 0.308195 ShangHai EFFR Oil WTI Gold CRB 요인부하량 0.179721 0.026146 0.689759 0.320526 0.837786-40 -
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HAR-RV-J 모형 HAR-RV-J-ES 모형 [ 종속변수기간구분 ] [ 종속변수기간구분 ] 일별주별월별일별주별월별 0.4460 a (7.03) 0.3927 a (5.10) 0.2179 a (3.97) -0.2569 a (-8.01) 0.4385 a (3.86) 0.2816 a (2.69) 0.2706 a (4.39) -0.2001 a (-3.93) 0.1874 (1.13) 0.5276 a (2.80) 0.2156 (1.12) -0.1951 b (-1.99) - - - 0.4182 a (6.40) 0.4156 a (5.57) 0.2145 a (4.07) -0.2492 a (-7.74) -0.0008 a (-4.83) 0.4158 a (4.24) 0.2895 a (2.84) 0.2748 a (4.20) -0.1863 a (-4.17) -0.0008 a (-2.78) 0.1871 (1.13) 0.4957 a (2.73) 0.2461 (1.32) -0.1958 b (-2.00) -0.0004 (-0.79) 값 1390.88 566.11 61.08 1157.32 481.42 48.97 조정 64.54% 78.86% 64.58% 65.44% 79.89% 64.80% - 42 -
일별 [n=1,861] Panel A: 비교모형 (HAR-RV-J 모형 ) 주별 [n=372] 월별 [n=84] MAE 0.004269 0.003677 0.004146 RMSE 0.002781 0.002327 0.002899 Min.Zar.R2 50.48% 50.11% 48.17% Panel B: 제안모형 (HAR-RV-J-ES 모형 ) MAE 0.004212 0.003727 0.004213 RMSE 0.002770 0.002393 0.002990 Min.Zar.R2 51.77% 49.04% 49.21% Panel C: 제안모형의예측우수성평가 Theil s U 0.9734 1.0271 1.0326 MSE-F 50.9089l a -9.8191-2.6553 ENC-NEW 63.6172 a 8.0832 a 0.5156 c - 43 -
LHAR-RV-J모형 LHAR-RV-J-ES모형 [ 종속변수기간구분 ] [ 종속변수기간구분 ] 일별 주별 월별 일별 주별 월별 Panel A: 내표본에서의모형추정 0.2888 a 0.2569 a 0.1236 0.2899 a 0.2587 a 0.1304 (4.48) (4.01) (0.76) (4.44) (4.17) (0.80) 0.3910 a 0.3067 a 0.4700 a 0.3917 a 0.3040 a 0.4407 a (5.17) (3.35) (3.04) (5.28) (3.28) (2.80) 0.2365 a 0.2856 a 0.1821 0.2393 a 0.2926 a 0.2032 (3.53) (4.00) (0.83) (3.56) (3.90) (0.96) -0.2265 a -0.1660 a -0.1834 b -0.2245 a -0.1607 a -0.1849 b (-7.13) (-5.04) (-1.97) (-7.01) (-5.08) (-1.99) -0.1109 a -0.1223 a -0.0159-0.0906 a -0.1066 a -0.0107 (-6.62) (-2.95) (-0.33) (-5.52) (-2.74) (-0.21) -0.0517 a -0.0235-0.0585-0.0545 a -0.0276-0.0574 (-2.75) (-1.23) (-0.80) (-2.94) (-1.44) (-0.78) -0.0061-0.0197-0.0250-0.0043-0.0153-0.0268 (-0.42) (-0.86) (-0.62) (-0.30) (-0.68) (-0.66) - - - -0.0006 a -0.0005 a -0.0003 (-3.35) (-2.29) (-0.66) 값 867.88 379.84 35.51 771.66 340.74 31.05 조정 66.55% 81.49% 65.49% 66.91% 81.89% 65.64% Panel B: 외표본에서의모형예측력평가 MAE 0.004218 0.003683 0.004164 0.004186 0.003685 0.004158 RMSE 0.002755 0.002383 0.002876 0.002748 0.002395 0.002918 M.Z.R2 51.76% 51.78% 48.73% 52.45% 51.45% 50.12% [ 일별 ] [ 주별 ] [ 월별 ] Theil U 0.98479 1.001582 0.997159 MSE-F 28.742587 a -0.587664 0.239366 E.-NEW 32.206294 a 3.738671 a 1.589553 a - 44 -
외부충격자료 인과관계 : 전체기간 관심기간 F-값 F-값 검색어를통해확인된 네이버트렌드의관심기간 USD/EUR 1.6493 8.7028 a 2011.08.01.~2012.70.30 USD/JPY 1.7572 12.1097 a 2014.01.02.~2014.12.30 USD/CNY 0.5316 5.4801 a 2015.07.01.~2016.03.31 S&P500 0.0945 24.5032 a 2008.01.02.~2008.12.30 Nikkei225 1.1138 12.9488 a 2014.01.02.~2014.12.30 ShangHai 4.2301 b 13.1280 a 2015.07.01.~2016.03.31 EFFR 10.8046 a 10.8053 a 2015.03.02.~2016.01.29 WTI 0.2251 4.2823 b 2008.01.02.~2008.12.30 Gold 1.1261 5.8773 b 2010.01.04.~2010.12.30 CRB 0.3085 13.3148 a 2008.01.02.~2008.12.30-45 -
LHAR-RV-CJ모형 LHAR-RV-CJ-ES모형 [ 종속변수기간구분 ] [ 종속변수기간구분 ] 일별 주별 월별 일별 주별 월별 Panel A: 내표본에서의모형추정 0.4818 a 0.4420 a 0.1221 0.4468 a 0.4195 a 0.1227 (6.02) (4.04) (0.58) (5.50) (4.34) (0.58) 0.4289 a 0.3870 a 1.0479 a 0.4657 a 0.3807 a 1.0186 a (3.51) (3.80) (2.62) (3.88) (3.65) (2.63) 0.0949 0.0782-0.3136 0.0910 0.1132-0.2862 (1.10) (0.79) (-0.57) (1.14) (1.34) (-0.53) 0.0246 0.0785-0.0446 0.0180 0.0760 a -0.0455 (1.06) (2.95) (-0.88) (0.78) (3.22) (-0.91) 0.1245 b 0.0294-0.0507 0.1236 b 0.0532-0.0702 (2.03) (0.28) (-0.24) (1.99) (0.59) (-0.33) 0.2398 a 0.3518 b 0.5955 0.2395 a 0.3097 b 0.6155 (2.56) (2.05) (1.54) (2.71) (2.11) (1.57) - - - -0.0008 a -0.0007 a -0.0004 (-4.96) (-3.59) (-0.84) 값 956.38 391.41 45.95 853.78 353.01 39.48 조정 65.26% 79.52% 67.62% 66.18% 80.36% 67.84% Panel B: 외표본에서의모형예측력평가 MAE 0.004285 0.003655 0.004156 0.004224 0.003688 0.004191 RMSE 0.002771 0.002336 0.003002 0.002752 0.002381 0.003101 M.Z.R2 50.16% 50.83% 48.67% 51.49% 49.99% 50.29% [ 일별 ] [ 주별 ] [ 월별 ] Theil U 0.971981 1.018437 1.016931 MSE-F 53.646442 a -6.734375-1.398499 E.-NEW 63.877654 a 10.126768 a 1.102633 a - 46 -
LHAR-RV-CJ모형 LHAR-RV-CJ-ES모형 [ 종속변수기간구분 ] [ 종속변수기간구분 ] 일별 주별 월별 일별 주별 월별 Panel A: 내표본에서의모형추정 0.2980 a 0.2642 a 0.0618 0.2970 a 0.2633 a 0.0769 (3.56) (4.14) (0.25) (3.56) (4.54) (0.31) 0.4762 a 0.3905 a 1.0067 a 0.4806 a 0.3818 a 0.9753 a (4.25) (3.86) (3.12) (4.39) (3.77) (3.20) 0.1083 0.1442 c -0.3691 0.1099 0.1639 b -0.3543 (1.36) (1.74) (-0.62) (1.41) (2.06) (-0.61) -0.0325 0.0074-0.0578-0.0292 0.0110-0.0527 (-1.42) (0.31) (-0.78) (-1.29) (0.46) (-0.72) 0.0962 0.0638-0.0967 0.0918 0.0725-0.1241 (1.42) (0.80) (-0.31) (1.34) (0.94) (-0.40) 0.2061 b 0.2562 b 0.5468 0.2093 b 0.2395 b 0.5697 (2.24) (2.10) (1.23) (2.32) (2.10) (1.26) -0.1125 a -0.1157 a 0.0130-0.0920 a -0.1022 a 0.0206 (-7.12) (-3.18) (0.16) (-6.01) (-2.84) (0.24) -0.0458 b -0.0225-0.0587-0.0487 a -0.0264-0.0569 (-2.47) (-1.14) (-0.79) (-2.66) (-1.32) (-0.77) -0.0180-0.0288-0.0391-0.0164-0.0252-0.0417 (-1.19) (-1.24) (-0.87) (-1.10) (-1.08) (-0.92) -0.0006 - - - a -0.0004 a -0.0004 (-3.53) (-2.62) (-0.78) 값 696.83 303.72 31.15 637.77 279.20 28.09 조정 67.27% 81.95% 68.49% 67.64% 82.29% 68.70% Panel B: 외표본에서의모형예측력평가 MAE 0.004234 0.003649 0.004126 0.004200 0.003647 0.004116 RMSE 0.002751 0.002370 0.002901 0.002738 0.002388 0.002951 M.Z.R2 51.37% 52.42% 49.89% 52.08% 52.19% 51.59% [ 일별 ] [ 주별 ] [ 월별 ] Theil U 0.984135 0.998586 0.995013 MSE-F 30.001046 a 0.526867 0.421018 E.-NEW 32.09653 a 4.423667 a 1.633965 a - 47 -