The GlobalChurch Project Hyun Mo (Tim) Lee 이현모교수 Shining the light of the gospel in Asia today 오늘날아시아에서복음의빛을비춘다는것 Discu

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The GlobalChurch Project Hyun Mo (Tim) Lee 이현모교수 Shining the light of the gospel in Asia today 오늘날아시아에서복음의빛을비춘다는것 Discussion Guide 토론가이드라인 This resource is designed to help your small group or college class discussion. It's shaped to inspire you to consider new ways to understand the issues discussed in this video. You don t need to answer all the questions. Please allow time for discussion and response. 이자료는소그룹혹은대학교강의내토론을위해작성된것으로인터뷰영상에서거론된이슈들을 이해하는다양한시각을생각해낼수있도록도와줍니다. 모든질문에답할필요는없습니다. 좀더많은 시간을토론과대화에할애하십시오. Materials 요소 1. Person Interviewed: Hyun Mo (Tim) Lee 2. Theme of Video: Shining the light of the gospel in Asia today 1. 인터뷰대상자 : 이현모교수 2. 인터뷰주제 : 오늘날아시아에서복음의빛을비춘다는것 Preliminary discussion 예비토론 Consider the questions suggested below to start the conversation for your small group or college class. They'll consolidate the content of the video, after you've viewed it. 아래제시된질문들을참고하여여러분의소그룹혹은강의내학생들과대화를시작하십시오. Page 1 of 5

1. What were the major themes in this video? 1. 이인터뷰에서주요한주제는무엇입니까? 2. How do those themes relate to your life and context? 2. 어떻게이주제가여러분의삶과상황에어떻게관련돼있습니까? 3. Discuss the difficulties of the content. What was difficult to understand? Was there anything you would like to clarify with the group? 3. 어려웠던내용에대해이야기해보십시오. 이해하기어려운부분은무엇이였나요? 그룹내멤버들과 함께좀더구체적으로이야기해보고싶던내용이있습니까? 4. Theological method: How is the interviewee s theology and outlook informed and shaped by their practical ministry and context? What approaches do they take in understanding God in the context of their daily life and ministry? 신학적접근 : 실질적인사역과그들고유의문화적 & 환경적맥락이어떻게인터뷰대상자의신학과 견해에영향을미쳤나요? 그들의신앙생활및사역에서하나님을이해하기위해어떠한접근방식을 취했습니까? Explore and apply 탐구와적용 Explore the major themes raised in the video. Critically engage with the theology. Consider the questions that respond to the issues raised in your preliminary discussion. Apply the answers to these questions in your own setting. Ensure the discussion is specifically drawing on your local setting. Make sure the discussion is relevant to the lives of faith for your small group or college class. Encourage relevant and thoughtful examples from each participant. 인터뷰영상에서제기된중심주제들에대해이야기해보십시오. 비판적으로신학을수용하고앞서예비 토론에서제기된문제들에상응하는질문들을생각해보십시오. 질문의해답을자신의상황에맞게 적용해보고자신의로컬배경에맞게구체적으로토론이진행되었는지확인하십시오. 소그룹친구들 혹은강의내학우들의신앙생활에연관이있는토론이이루어졌는지그렇다면적절하고심도있는 예시를서로나눌수있도록독려하십시오. 1. Dr Lee is professor of missiology at the Korea Baptist Theological University and Seminary. What does he say about his there, and further afield? 1. 이현모박사는한국침례신학교대학교에서선교학교수로재직하고있습니다. 그가말하는그의일과 앞으로의방향은무엇입니까? 2. Dr Lee says that Asia is the least evangelized continent. Can you explain the situation, and why this is so? 2. 이박사는아시아가가장적게복음화된대륙이라고주장했습니다. 그의주장을뒷받침할수있는 상황과이유에대해설명할수있습니까? 3. What barriers do Eastern religions pose to Christianity? 3. 동양종교가기독교에어떠한걸림돌을가져옵니까? Page 2 of 5

4. How is indigenous Asia a totally different soil to the West, thereby ensuring that the triumphalism of Western mission simply did not work? 4. 동양문화권과서양문화권의어떤차이로인해서양선교의승리주의가동양문화권에서효과를 발휘하지못했습니까? 5. Dr Lee says that Asians believe that real truth must be esoteric and unexplainable; inscrutable by human knowledge. What does this mean for Christian faith and mission in Asia? 5. 이현모박사의말에따르면아시아사람들은진리는난해하고설명할수없어야한다고믿으며인간의 지식으로는이해할수없다고주장합니다 ; 이것이아시아의기독교신앙과선교에무엇을의미합니까? 6. How do we balance the need for contextualization and the dangers of syncretism, in Asia? 6. 아시아는기독교상황화 ( 토착화 ) 의필요성과혼합주의의위험사이에서어떻게균형을맞추고 있습니까? 7. How does the Christian view of God (and out knowledge of him) compare and contrast with the Buddhist view of Ultimate Reality (and union with it through contemplation)? 하나님에대한기독교인의견해 ( 그리고그에대한지식 ) 와궁극의실재 ( 부처 ) 에대한불교도들의견해 ( 그리고합일은깨우친자아를통해서만가능한것 ) 가어떻게다르며대조될수있습니까? 8. How do Buddhists view the Christian promise of eternal life? 8. 불교는기독교에서말하는영생에대한약속을어떻게바라보고있습니까? 9. What is the difference between the Christian and the Buddhist view of suffering? 9. 고통을바라보는기독교와불교의관점이어떻게다릅니까? 10. What parts of the Christian faith and its theology are able to connect with Buddhists and their view of the world? 기독교신앙과신학에서어떠한부분이불교와연결될수있으며그들의세계관에관련된다고말할수 있습니까? 11. What are the four Noble Truths and the Eight-fold Path, and how does a life dedicated to these connect with Buddhists? 11. 불교의 4 성제와 8 정도는무엇입니까? 그리고이러한것들에헌신한삶이어떠한형태로불교 신자들과연관되어있습니까? 12. How is the credibility of the life of the messenger determinative of the credibility of the delivered message, in the East? 12. 동양에서는메세지를전달한자의삶의신뢰도가어떻게전달된메세지의신뢰성을결정짓습니까? 7. Let s switch to Dr Lee s thoughts about theological education in Asia. What problems exist in theological education in Asia today? 8. 이제이현모박사의아시아의신학교육에대한견해에대해살펴봅시다. 오늘날아시아에존재하는 신학교육의문제점은무엇일까요? 9. How does a missiological approach to theological education enliven and enrich such education in Asia, and the churches and leaders that result? Page 3 of 5

어떠한선교학적접근이아시아의신학교육을발전시키고아울러교회와리더쉽에활기를불어넣어줄수있습니까? 10. What are the key features of a missiological approach to theological education? 신학교육에대한선교학적접근의핵심특징은무엇입니까? 11. What are the greatest challenges facing the church in Asia today? 오늘날아시아가직면한가장중대한도전은무엇입니까? 12. How can the Asian church make disciples of Jesus? 어떻게아시아교회들이예수님의제자를배출할수있습니까? 13. How can the church activate all of God s people in mission and ministry? 어떻게교회들이하나님의사람들을선교와사역에활발하게동참하게할수있습니까? 14. What social and ethical issues must the Asian church address today? 오늘날어떠한사회적, 윤리적문제들이현재아시아교회에서회자되고있습니까? 15. What can Western churches learn from Asian churches? 서양교회가아시아교회로부터무엇을배울수있습니까? 16. What is the mission of the church? How does it pursue this mission? 교회의사명은무엇입니까? 그리고그사명을어떻게추구할수있습니까? 17. How can the church renew its theology and mission? 교회들이어떻게이러한신학과선교를재개할수있습니까? Informing Community 공동체 Facilitate the space for your group to respond to the discussion. You might consider this section as a personal time of written journal responses to the following questions. 여러분의그룹이토론에응답할수있는공간을만드십시오. 이섹션은다음질문에대한답변을 개인적으로적는시간입니다. 1. What is God encouraging our group and me, to do? 하나님은우리그룹과나에게무엇을하도록격려하고계십니까? 2. In response to the issues raised in the video, what are areas I want to ask God for forgiveness in? How do I need to change? What does God want me to stand up for? 인터뷰영상에서제기된문제들에대한응답으로, 내가하나님께용서를구해야할부분은 무엇입니까? 그리고나자신이어떻게변해야합니까? 더나아가하나님께서내가무엇을위해 맞서기원하십니까? 3. How do I need God to minister to me and my community, for us to better engage with the contextual issues of our community? 우리지역공동체에서야기되는문제들과더활발하게교류하기위해하나님의간섭을통해나와 나의공동체가어떻게변화되어야합니까? Page 4 of 5

4. How can I gain a better understanding of the issues discussed in this video? What do we ask that God would do in our hearts? 인터뷰영상에서제기된문제들을더잘이해하기위해나는무엇을할수있습니까? 하나님이우리 마음에무엇을행하시길간구해야합니까? Prayer 기도 Spend time in prayer over what you ve learnt. 지금까지공부했던것을되돌아보며기도하는시간을보내십시오. Invite the ministry of the Holy Spirit to clarify, heal, and inspire change for your participants and communities. 참여하는자들과공동체를위해성령의사역을초청하십시오. 성령님은모든것을분명히밝히시고, 고치시며변화를불어넣어주실것입니다. Links 링크 Website: 웹사이트 Books: 서적 : Graham Hill and Grace Ji-Sun Kim. Healing Our Broken Humanity: Practices for Revitalizing the Church and Renewing the World (IVP, 2018). Graham Hill, GlobalChurch: Reshaping Our Conversations, Renewing Our Mission, Revitalizing Our Churches (IVP Academic, 2016). Graham Hill, Salt, Light, and a City (Second Edition): Ecclesiology for the Global Missional Community: Volume 1, Western Voices (Cascade, 2017). Page 5 of 5