Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Good Friends의 BEFL Note 내용이일부수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2가지종류의정답이포함되어있습니다. 본인의 BEFL Note 뒤에정답이수록되어있지않을경우, 파일앞부분에제시된정답으로내용을확인하시기바랍니다. Yoon s Good Friends Book 5 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. 1
Book 5 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표 미국의 Sea World 수족관에대해알고, 관련된표현을정확하게사용할수있습 니다. 날짜 Lesson Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리 등을자유롭게 쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Yoon s Good Friends Book 5 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 돌고래 dolphin 물개 seal 펭귄 penguin 1A 상어 shark ~ 가까이 near 바다 ocean 필요하다 need 선글라스 sunglasses 자리 seat 숙녀 lady 신사 gentleman 1B 스타, 별 뛰다 star jump 뚱뚱한 fat 마른 thin 달리다 run 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 바다사자 sea lion 지느러미 fin 사진 picture 2A 선물 가게 gift shop 티셔츠 T-shirt 이빨들 (tooth 의복수형 ) 장난감 teeth toy 분 minute 모두 everybody 돕다 help 2B 길을잃은 알다 lost know 전화하다 call 대답하다 answer 청바지 jeans 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 3A 문제없어진, 실종된찾다, 발견하다아이나이 matter missing find child age 듣다 listen 일 job 충고 advice 자리 seat 길을잃은 lost 전화하다 call 3B 돕다 대답하다 help answer 상어 shark 돌고래 dolphin 물개 seal 5
Book 5 Lesson 21 Let s Go to Sea World! 1A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 dolphin 돌고래 1 돌고래 dolphin 2 near ~ 가까이 2 물개 seal 3 need 필요하다 3 펭귄 penguin 4 ocean 바다 4 상어 shark 5 penguin 펭귄 5 ~ 가까이 near 6 seal 물개 6 바다 ocean 7 shark 상어 7 필요하다 need 8 sunglasses 선글라스 8 선글라스 sunglasses 16 개중 개정답 6
Key Points 1. 위치묻고대답하기 A: Where is Sea World? B: It s near the ocean. 2. 필요한것말하기 A: I need my sunglasses. B: And your camera, too. ~ 근처에있다 라고하려면 It s near ~. 라고대답합니다. near 외에 next to(~ 옆에 ), behind (~ 뒤에 ), in front of(~ 앞에 ) 등도기억해두세요! I need 다음에필요한물건의이름을넣어서 난 ~ 이필요해요 라고말합니다. Let s Practice New Word 를사용하여대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 1 A: Where is Sea World? B: It s near the ocean. New Word 1. A: Where is the market? ( 시장은어디에있나요?) B: It s near the bank. ( 은행근처에있어요.) 2. A: Where is the camp? ( 캠프는어디에있나요?) B: It s next to the park. ( 공원옆에있어요.) bank park 상황에맞게 [ 보기 ] 에서단어를골라대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 2 A: I need my sunglasses. B: And your camera, too. [ 보기 ] 1. A: I need my notebook. ( 나는내공책이필요해.) B: And your pencil, too. ( 그리고너의연필도.) ( 공부하려고할때 ) gloves 2. A: I need my jacket. ( 나는내재킷이필요해.) B: And your gloves, too. ( 그리고너의장갑도.) ( 눈싸움하러나갈때 ) pencil 3. A: I need my cap. ( 난내모자가필요해.) B: And your bat, too. ( 그리고너의야구방망이도.) ( 야구하러나갈때 ) bat 7
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 우린그를씨월드에서볼수있어. (see / Sea World /. / him / We / at / can) We can see him at Sea World. 2. 씨월드로가자! (to / Let s / go /! / Sea World) Let s go to Sea World! 3. 씨월드는어디에있나요? (is /? / Sea World / Where) Where is Sea World? 4. 바다근처에있어. (ocean / near / the /. / It s) It s near the ocean. 5. 난내선글라스가필요해. (need /. / I / sunglasses / my) I need my sunglasses. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. We can see dolphins, seals, penguins, and sharks, too! 2. Where is Sea World? 3. I like the ocean. 4. And your camera, too. 5. Good idea. 선생님확인 8
Book 5 Lesson 22 Shamu Is Very Big! 1B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 fat 뚱뚱한 1 자리 seat 2 gentleman 신사 2 숙녀 lady 3 jump 뛰다 3 신사 gentleman 4 lady 숙녀 4 스타, 별 star 5 seat 자리 5 뛰다 jump 6 star 스타 6 뚱뚱한 fat 7 run 달리다 7 마른 thin 8 thin 마른 8 달리다 run 16 개중 개정답 9
Key Points 미래를나타내는 will: will은 ~ 할것이다 라는뜻으로뒤에동사의원형이옵니다. 예 ) You will see. * 주어와 will은줄여서쓸수있어요. I will = I ll You will = You ll We will = We ll He will = He ll She will = She ll They will = They ll 예 ) You ll see. Let s Practice 다음문장을 will 을사용해서바꾸어보세요. 4 번과 5 번은밑줄친부분을짧게줄여보세요. 1. I eat cakes. I will eat cakes. ( 난케익을먹을거야.) 2. You seat here. You will seat here. ( 넌여기앉을거야.) 3. We use chopsticks. We will use chopsticks. ( 우린젓가락을사용할거야. ) 4. You will love bulgogi. You ll love bulgogi. ( 넌불고기를아주좋아하게될거야.) 5. She will be okay. She ll be okay. ( 그녀는괜찮아질거야.) 10
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 여기앉아. (a /. / Have / here / seat) Have a seat here. 2. 여기우리의스타가있습니다! (our / Here / star /! / is) Here is our star! 3. 그는굉장히크다! (big /! / He s / very) He s very big! 4. 그리고그는점프하고있어! (he s / And /! / jumping) And he s jumping! 5. 이거정말멋지다! (great / This /! / is) This is great! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Have a seat here, Aram. 2. Here is our star! 3. Let s welcome! 4. And he s jumping! 5. Now I see! 선생님확인 11
Book 5 Lesson 23 This Is a Gift for You 2A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 fin 지느러미 1 바다사자 sea lion 2 gift 선물 2 지느러미 fin 3 picture 사진 3 사진 picture 4 sea lion 바다사자 4 선물 gift 5 shop 가게 5 가게 shop 6 T-shirt 티셔츠 6 티셔츠 T-shirt 7 teeth 이빨들 7 이빨들 (tooth 의복수형 ) teeth 8 toy 장난감 8 장난감 toy 16 개중 개정답 12
Key Points 명사의복수형 : 사물의개수를말할때한개는단수, 두개이상은복수라고합니다. 3) 규칙복수형 : 대부분의명사는끝에 s, 또는 es를붙입니다. 예 ) apple apples boy boys fin fins fox foxes box boxes potato potatoes 4) 불규칙복수형 : 단수와복수의모양이전혀다른경우를말합니다. 이런것들은외워두는게좋아요! 예 ) man men woman women foot feet tooth teeth child children mouse mice Let s Practice 밑줄친명사를복수형으로바꾸어쓰세요. 1. I am a boy. We are boys. 2. Look at the box. Look at the boxes. 3. There is a woman. There are many women. 4. The shark has a tooth. The shark has teeth. 5. This is for a child. This is for children. 13
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 그것은지느러미가있어. (fins / It /. / has) It has fins. 2. 안으로들어가자. (go /. / Let s / in) Let s go in. 3. 너이티셔츠마음에드니? (this / Do / like / you /? / T-shirt) Do you like this T-shirt? 4. 그거좋은데. (nice / It /. / is) It is nice. 5. 이건널위한선물이야. (for /. This / a / you / gift / is) This is a gift for you. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. That s a sea lion. 2. Picture time! 3. A gift shop! 4. This is a gift for you. 5. Thanks, Willy. 선생님확인 14
Book 5 Lesson 24 I m Lost! 2B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 answer 대답하다 1 분 minute 2 call 전화하다 2 모두 everybody 3 everybody 모두 3 돕다 help 4 help 돕다 4 길을잃은 lost 5 know 알다 5 알다 know 6 jeans 청바지 6 전화하다 call 7 lost 길을잃은 7 대답하다 answer 8 minute 분 8 청바지 jeans 16 개중 개정답 15
Key Points 1. 도움제안하기 A: May I help you? B: Yes, please. I m lost! 2. 소유묻기 A: Does he have a phone? B: Yes, I know the number. 도와드릴까요? 라고말할때는 May I help you? 이표현을씁니다. 도움이필요할때는 Yes, please. 다음에 I m hungry / thirsty / scared. 등으로자신의상황을설명합니다. Does he have 다음에사물의이름을넣어서 그는 ~ 을갖고있니? 라고묻습니다. 갖고있을경우엔 Yes(, he does). 아닐경우엔 No(, he doesn t). 로답합니다. Let s Practice New Word 를사용하여대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 1 A: May I help you? B: Yes, please. I m lost! New Word 1. A: May I help you? B: Yes, please. I m hungry! hungry 2. A: May I help you? B: Yes, please. I m scared! scared 대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 2 A: Does he have a phone? B: Yes, I know the number. 1. A: Does he have the book? B: No, he doesn t. 2. A: Does he have a hat? B: Yes, he does. 3. A: Does he have sunglasses? B: No, he doesn t. 16
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 내선글라스가어디에있지? (my /? / Where / sunglasses / are) Where are my sunglasses? 2. 저는잭슨아저씨를찾고있어요. (for / I m / Mr. Jackson /. / looking) I m looking for Mr. Jackson. 3. 그는전화기가있니? ( Does / a /? / phone / have / he) Does he have a phone? 4. 그는전화를받지않는구나. (not /. / He / answering / is) He is not answering. 5. 제가뭘할수있을까요? (do / can /? / What / I) What can I do? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Just a minute, Willy! 2. Where is everybody? 3. I m lost! 4. I know the number. 5. Please help me! 선생님확인 17
Book 5 Lesson 25 Aram Is Missing! 3A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 advice 충고 1 문제 matter 2 age 나이 2 없어진, 실종된 missing 3 child 아이 3 찾다, 발견하다 find 4 find 찾다, 발견하다 4 아이 child 5 job 일 5 나이 age 6 listen 듣다 6 듣다 listen 7 matter 문제 7 일 job 8 missing 없어진, 실종된 8 충고 advice 16 개중 개정답 18
Key Points 1. 상황파악하기 A: What s the matter? B: Aram is missing! 2. 이름과나이말하기 A: Name? Age? B: Aram Lee. Ten years old. 상대방에게무슨문제가생겼는지 물어볼때는 What s wrong? / What s the problem? / What happened? 등으로도물을수 있습니다. 이름을말할때는 이름 (first name) + 성 (family name) 순서로말합니다. 나이를말할때는보통 숫자 + years old 로말합니다. Let s Practice New Words 를사용하여대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 1 A: What s the matter? B: Aram is missing! New Words 1. A: What s wrong? B: My dog is missing. What s wrong 2. A: What s the problem? B: I have a cold. What s the problem 3. A: What happened? B: I broke my finger. What happened 오른쪽의이름과나이를보고답을완성한후, 대화를소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 2 A: Name? Age? B: Aram Lee. Ten years old. 1. A: Name? Age? B: Kim Sumi. Nine years old. Kim Sumi 9 살 2. A: Name? Age? B: Go Minwoo. Thirteen years old. Go Minwoo 13 살 19
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 무슨일이니? (the / matter /? / What s) What s the matter? 2. 그를찾아보자. (find /. / Let s / him) Let s find him. 3. 아이가없어졌어요! (is / A / missing /! / child) A child is missing 4. 네, 저는괜찮아요. (I /, / OK /. / am / Yes) Yes, I am OK. 5. 도와주셔서감사합니다. (for /. / Thank / help / you / your) Thank you for your help. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. What s the matter? 2. Excuse me. 3. A child is missing! 4. Thank you for your help. 5. That s my job. 선생님확인 20
Book 5 Review 3B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 answer 대답하다 1 자리 seat 2 call 전화하다 2 길을잃은 lost 3 dolphin 돌고래 3 전화하다 call 4 help 돕다 4 돕다 help 5 lost 길을잃은 5 대답하다 answer 6 shark 상어 6 상어 shark 7 seal 물개 7 돌고래 dolphin 8 seat 자리 8 물개 seal 16 개중 개정답 21
Key Points 장소를나타내는말 : 명사나대명사앞에서장소, 위치를나타내는말에대해서알아봅시다. 1) in: ~ 안에예 ) I like to swim in the sea. 2) on: ~ 위에예 ) Your book is on the desk. 3) under: ~ 아래에예 ) My dog is under the table. 4) near: ~ 가까이에예 ) Sea World is near the ocean. Let s Practice 다음그림을보고각물건들의위치를파악한후, 빈칸에알맞은전치사를써넣으세요. pen ball doll paper 1. A: Where is the pen? B: It s on the box. 2. A: Where is the ball? B: It s in the box. 3. A: Where is the paper? B: It s under the box. 4. A: Where is the doll? B: It s near the box. 22
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 여기앉으세요. (seat / Have /. / here / a) Have a seat here. 2. 그건바다근처에있어. (the /. / It s / ocean / near) It s near the ocean. 3. 도와드릴까요? (help / May / you /? / I) May I help you? 4. 나내선글라스가필요해. (my / I / need / sunglasses /.) I need my sunglasses. 5. 이건널위한선물이야. (for / This /. / gift / you / a / is) This is a gift for you. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I m lost! 2. Let s find him. 3. May I help you? 4. What s the matter? 5. Here is our star! 선생님확인 23
BEFLY Speaking 유형 그림묘사하기 출처 B5, p. 38, 39, 41 힌트 ~ is missing His name is~ He is 숫자 years old 답안 A child is missing. His name is Aram Lee. He is ten years old. 24
BEFLY Writing 유형 그림의세부묘사완성하기 출처 B5, p. 16 힌트 답안 jump (1) very big (2) jumping (3) great 25
Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Good Friends Book 5 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. 1
Book 5 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표 미국의 Sea World 수족관에대해알고, 관련된표현을정확하게사용할수있습 니다. 날짜 Lesson Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리 등을자유롭게 쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Yoon s Good Friends Book 5 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 돌고래 dolphin 물개 seal 펭귄 penguin 1A 상어 shark ~ 가까이 near 바다 ocean 필요하다 need 선글라스 sunglasses 자리 seat 숙녀 lady 신사 gentleman 1B 스타, 별 뛰다 star jump 뚱뚱한 fat 마른 thin 달리다 run 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 바다사자 sea lion 지느러미 fin 사진 picture 2A 선물 가게 gift shop 티셔츠이빨들 (tooth의복수형 ) 장난감 T-shirt teeth toy 분 minute 모두 everybody 돕다 help 2B 길을잃은 알다 lost know 전화하다 call 대답하다 answer 청바지 jeans 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 3A 문제없어진, 실종된찾다, 발견하다아이나이 matter missing find child age 듣다 listen 일 job 충고 advice 자리 seat 길을잃은 lost 전화하다 call 3B 돕다 대답하다 help answer 상어 shark 돌고래 dolphin 물개 seal 5
Book 5 Lesson 21 Let s Go to Sea World! 1A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 dolphin 돌고래 1 돌고래 dolphin 2 near ~ 가까이 2 물개 seal 3 need 필요하다 3 펭귄 penguin 4 ocean 바다 4 상어 shark 5 penguin 펭귄 5 ~ 가까이 near 6 seal 물개 6 바다 ocean 7 shark 상어 7 필요하다 need 8 sunglasses 선글라스 8 선글라스 sunglasses 16 개중 개정답 6
Key Points 1. 위치묻고대답하기 A: Where is Sea World? B: It s near the ocean. 2. 필요한것말하기 A: I need my sunglasses. B: And your camera, too. 어떤위치를물어볼때, ~ 근처에있다 라고대답하려면 It s near 뒤에모두가아는큰건물이나유명한장소를넣어대답합니다. I need 다음에필요한물건의이름을넣어서 난 ~ 이필요해요 라고말합니다. 문장끝에 too를붙이면, ~ 도역시 라는뜻입니다. Let s Practice New Word 를사용하여대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 1 A: Where is Sea World? B: It s near the ocean. New Word 예시 ) A: Where is the market? B: It s near the bank. 1. A: Where is the library? B: It s near the school. bank school 2. A: Where is the camp? B: It s near the park. park 상황에맞게 [ 보기 ] 에서단어를골라대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 2 A: I need my sunglasses. B: And your camera, too. [ 보기 ] 예시 ) A: I need my notebook. B: And your pencil, too. ( 공부하려고할때 ) gloves 1. A: I need my jacket. B: And your gloves, too. ( 눈싸움하러나갈때 ) pencil 2. A: I need my cap. B: And your bat, too. ( 야구하러나갈때 ) bat 7
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 우린그를씨월드에서볼수있어. (see / Sea World /. / him / We / at / can) We can see him at Sea World. 2. 씨월드로가자! (to / Let s / go /! / Sea World) Let s go to Sea World! 3. 씨월드는어디에있나요? (is /? / Sea World / Where) Where is Sea World? 4. 바다근처에있어. (ocean / near / the /. / It s) It s near the ocean. 6. 난내선글라스가필요해. (need /. / I / sunglasses / my) I need my sunglasses. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. We can see dolphins, seals, penguins, and sharks, too! 2. Where is Sea World? 3. I like the ocean. 4. And your camera, too. 5. Good idea. 선생님확인 8
Book 5 Lesson 22 Shamu Is Very Big! 1B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 fat 뚱뚱한 1 자리 seat 2 gentleman 신사 2 숙녀 lady 3 jump 뛰다 3 신사 gentleman 4 lady 숙녀 4 스타, 별 star 5 seat 자리 5 뛰다 jump 6 star 스타 6 뚱뚱한 fat 7 run 달리다 7 마른 thin 8 thin 마른 8 달리다 run 16 개중 개정답 9
Key Points 미래를나타내는 will: will은 ~ 할것이다 라는뜻으로 will 뒤에는동사의원형이옵니다. 예 ) You will see. * 주어와 will은줄여서쓸수있어요. I will = I ll You will = You ll We will = We ll He will = He ll She will = She ll They will = They ll 예 ) You ll see. Let s Practice 다음문장을 will 을사용해서바꾸어보세요. 4 번과 5 번은밑줄친부분을짧게줄여보세요. 6. I eat cakes. I will eat cakes. 7. You seat here. You will seat here. 8. We use chopsticks. We will use chopsticks. 9. You will love bulgogi. You ll love bulgogi. 10. She will be okay. She ll be okay. 10
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 여기앉아. (a /. / Have / here / seat) Have a seat here. 2. 여기우리의스타가있습니다! (our / Here / star /! / is) Here is our star! 3. 그는굉장히크다! (big /! / He s / very) He s very big! 4. 그리고그는점프하고있어! (he s / And /! / jumping) And he s jumping! 5. 이거정말멋지다! (great / This /! / is) This is great! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Have a seat here, Aram. 2. Here is our star! 3. Let s welcome! 4. And he s jumping! 5. Now I see! 선생님확인 11
Book 5 Lesson 23 This Is a Gift for You 2A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 fin 지느러미 1 바다사자 sea lion 2 gift 선물 2 지느러미 fin 3 picture 사진 3 사진 picture 4 sea lion 바다사자 4 선물 gift 5 shop 가게 5 가게 shop 6 T-shirt 티셔츠 6 티셔츠 T-shirt 7 teeth 이빨들 7 이빨들 (tooth 의복수형 ) teeth 8 toy 장난감 8 장난감 toy 16 개중 개정답 12
Key Points 명사의복수형 : 사물의개수를말할때한개는단수, 두개이상은복수라고합니다. 1) 규칙복수형 : 대부분의명사는끝에 s, 또는 es를붙입니다. 예 ) apple apples boy boys fin fins fox foxes box boxes potato potatoes 2) 불규칙복수형 : 단수와복수의모양이전혀다른경우를말합니다. 이런것들은외워두는게좋아요! 예 ) man men woman women child children foot feet mouse mice tooth teeth Let s Practice 아래박스에서밑줄친명사의복수형을찾아복수로바꾸어쓰세요. 예시 ) I am a boy. We are boys. 6. Look at the box. Look at the boxes. 7. There is a woman. There are many women. 8. The shark has a tooth. The shark has teeth. 9. This is for a child. This is for children. women teeth children boxes 13
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 그것은지느러미가있어. (fins / It /. / has) It has fins. 2. 안으로들어가자. (go /. / Let s / in) Let s go in. 3. 너이티셔츠마음에드니? (this / Do / like / you /? / T-shirt) Do you like this T-shirt? 4. 그거좋은데. (nice / It /. / is) It is nice. 5. 이건널위한선물이야. (for /. This / a / you / gift / is) This is a gift for you. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. That s a sea lion. 2. Picture time! 3. A gift shop! 4. This is a gift for you. 5. Thanks, Willy. 선생님확인 14
Book 5 Lesson 24 I m Lost! 2B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 answer 대답하다 1 분 minute 2 call 전화하다 2 모두 everybody 3 everybody 모두 3 돕다 help 4 help 돕다 4 길을잃은 lost 5 know 알다 5 알다 know 6 jeans 청바지 6 전화하다 call 7 lost 길을잃은 7 대답하다 answer 8 minute 분 8 청바지 jeans 16 개중 개정답 15
Key Points 1. 도움제안하기 A: May I help you? B: Yes, please. I m lost! 2. 소유묻기 A: Does he have a phone? B: Yes, I know the number. 도와드릴까요? 라고말할때는 May I help you? 이표현을씁니다. 도움이필요할때는 Yes, please. 라고말한다음에 I m hungry/thirsty/scared. 등으로자신의상황을설명합니다. Does he have 뒤에사물의이름을넣어 그는 ~ 을갖고있니? 라고묻습니다. 갖고있을경우엔 Yes(, he does). 아닐경우엔 No(, he doesn t). 로답합니다. Let s Practice New Word 를사용하여대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 1 A: May I help you? B: Yes, please. I m lost! New Word 1. A: May I help you? B: Yes, please. I m hungry! hungry 2. A: May I help you? B: Yes, please. I m scared! scared 대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 2 A: Does he have a phone? B: Yes, I know the number. 예시 ) A: Does he have a book? B: No, he doesn t. 1. A: Does he have a hat? B: Yes, he does. 2. A: Does he have sunglasses? B: No, he doesn t. 16
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 내선글라스가어디에있지? (my /? / Where / sunglasses / are) Where are my sunglasses? 2. 저는잭슨아저씨를찾고있어요. (for / I m / Mr. Jackson /. / looking) I m looking for Mr. Jackson. 3. 그는전화기가있니? ( Does / a /? / phone / have / he) Does he have a phone? 4. 그는전화를받지않는구나. (not /. / He / answering / is) He is not answering. 5. 제가뭘할수있을까요? (do / can /? / What / I) What can I do? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Just a minute, Willy! 2. Where is everybody? 3. I m lost! 4. I know the number. 5. Please help me! 선생님확인 17
Book 5 Lesson 25 Aram Is Missing! 3A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 advice 충고 1 문제 matter 2 age 나이 2 없어진, 실종된 missing 3 child 아이 3 찾다, 발견하다 find 4 find 찾다, 발견하다 4 아이 child 5 job 일 5 나이 age 6 listen 듣다 6 듣다 listen 7 matter 문제 7 일 job 8 missing 없어진, 실종된 8 충고 advice 16 개중 개정답 18
Key Points 1. 상황파악하기 A: What s the matter? B: Aram is missing! 2. 이름과나이말하기 A: Name? Age? B: Aram Lee. Ten years old. 상대방에게무슨문제가생겼는지 물어볼때는 What s wrong? / What s the problem? / What happened? 등으로도 물을수있습니다. 이름을말할때는 이름 (first name) + 성 (family name) 순서로말합니다. 나이를말할때는보통 숫자 + years old 로말합니다. Let s Practice New Words 를사용하여대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 1 A: What s the matter? B: Aram is missing! New Words 예시 ) A: What s wrong? B: My dog is missing. What s wrong 1. A: What s the problem? B: I have a cold. What s the problem 2. A: What happened? B: I broke my finger. What happened 오른쪽의이름과나이를보고답을완성한후, 대화를소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 2 A: Name? Age? B: Aram Lee. Ten years old. 1. A: Name? Age? B: Sumi Kim. Nine years old. Kim Sumi 9 살 2. A: Name? Age? B: Minwoo Go. Thirteen years old. Go Minwoo 13 살 19
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 무슨일이니? (the / matter /? / What s) What s the matter? 2. 그를찾아보자. (find /. / Let s / him) Let s find him. 3. 아이가없어졌어요! (is / A / missing /! / child) A child is missing 4. 네, 저는괜찮아요. (I /, / OK /. / am / Yes) Yes, I am OK. 5. 도와주셔서감사합니다. (for /. / Thank / help / you / your) Thank you for your help. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. What s the matter? 2. Excuse me. 3. A child is missing! 4. Thank you for your help. 5. That s my job. 선생님확인 20
Book 5 Review 3B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 answer 대답하다 1 자리 seat 2 call 전화하다 2 길을잃은 lost 3 dolphin 돌고래 3 전화하다 call 4 help 돕다 4 돕다 help 5 lost 길을잃은 5 대답하다 answer 6 shark 상어 6 상어 shark 7 seal 물개 7 돌고래 dolphin 8 seat 자리 8 물개 seal 16 개중 개정답 21
Key Points 장소를묻는말 Where Where is/are 뒤에물어보고싶은장소를넣어질문합니다. 예 ) Where is Sea World? Where are my jeans? 필요한것말할때 need I need 뒤에필요한것을넣어 나는 ~ 이필요해요. 라고말합니다. 예 ) I need my sunglasses. What s the matter? 무슨일이야? 라는뜻으로, 상대방에게무슨일이생겼는지상황을파악하기위해묻는표현입니다. May I help you? 도와드릴까요? 라고도움을제안할때는 May I help you? 라고말합니다. 예 ) May I help you? Yes, please. Let s Practice 우리말을보고, 아래박스에서알맞은말을골라문장을완성하고, 소리내어읽어보세요. 예시 ) Where are my sunglasses? ( 내선글라스어디있지?) They are near the table. 1. A: What s the matter? ( 무슨일이야?) B: Mark is missing. 2. A: I need your camera. ( 난네카메라가필요해.) B: Okay, here you are. 3. A: Where is the bank? ( 은행이어디에있나요?) B: It s near the park. 4. A: May I help you? ( 도와드릴까요?) B: Yes, please. I m lost. May need What s Where 22
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 여기앉으세요. (seat / Have /. / here / a) Have a seat here. 2. 그건바다근처에있어. (the /. / It s / ocean / near) It s near the ocean. 3. 도와드릴까요? (help / May / you /? / I) May I help you? 4. 나내선글라스가필요해. (my / I / need / sunglasses /.) I need my sunglasses. 5. 이건널위한선물이야. (for / This /. / gift / you / a / is) This is a gift for you. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I m lost! 2. Let s find him. 3. May I help you? 4. What s the matter? 5. Here is our star! 선생님확인 23
BEFLY Speaking 유형 그림묘사하기 출처 B5, p. 38, 39, 41 힌트 ~ is missing His name is~ He is 숫자 years old 답안 A child is missing. His name is Aram Lee. He is ten years old. 24
BEFLY Writing 유형 그림의세부묘사완성하기 출처 B5, p. 16 힌트 답안 jump (1) very big (2) jumping (3) great 25