CH 17. Play 연세대학교작업치료학과김정란 1 성장과발달 11 강 1

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CH 17. Play 연세대학교작업치료학과김정란 1 1

What is Play? } The way the child learn, explores to the actual world and orients himself } Spontaneous or organized activity } Fun: 즐거움, 기분전환을제공함 } Intrinsically motivated } Internally controlled > external control } Emphasis on process > product } Pretend or as if component 2

Play Theories } 3 substrates of play 1 2 3 Activity : 일정한특성을가지고있음 Developmental phenomenon : 아동의발달과문화적응에기여함 Experience or state of mind 3

Play categories Theorist Smilansky (1976) Parten (1976) Play categories Functional play 기능놀이 Constructive play 구성놀이 Dramatic play 가상놀이 Games with rules 규칙있는게임 Unoccupied play 몰입되지않는놀이 Solitary play 혼자놀이 Onlooker play 방관자적놀이 Parallel play 평행놀이 : 제한된사회적놀이 Associative play 연합놀이 Cooperative play 협동놀이 비사회적놀이 사회적상호작용놀이 4

Play categories: 인지수준에따른분류 (Smilansky) 1 기능놀이 ( 영아기 ) } 예 > 딸랑이를흔들거나자동차앞뒤로굴리기 } 단순하고반복적으로움직이는놀이 2 구성놀이 ( 유아기 ) 3 4 } 어떤것을만들거나구성하기위해물체조작함 } 예 > 블록쌓기, 그림붙이기등 가상놀이 } 아동의표상능력반영하는놀이 } 최소한의인지발달선행 à 인지발달촉진 } 예 > 병원놀이, 소꿉놀이 규칙이있는게임 } 규칙이미리정해진게임 5 5


Play categories: 사회적수준에따른 6 단계 1 2 3 4 5 6 Unoccupied play : 영아기 } 자신의신체가지고놀기 } the child is relatively stationary and appears to be performing random movements with no apparent purpose 혼자놀이 : 상호작용없이혼자놀이방관자적놀이 (on-looker play) } 다른놀이관찰à계속방관자적관찰 } child takes an interest in other children's play but does not join in. 평행놀이 : 같은공간, 비슷한놀이 } 서로교류가없이독립적으로놀이 연합놀이 : 둘이상의아동 à 공통적인놀이 } 리더나역할분담없음 협동놀이 : 한가지활동놀이, 서로도움 } 규칙에따라일정한역할분담 7 7


Development of play skills 0-3 m Enjoys exploratory and sensorimotor play Caregiver-infant interactions 4-8 m Enjoys exploratory and sensorimotor play By reaching, touching and grasping objects 9-12 m Continues with exploratory and sensorimotor play according to purpose/ attached to caregivers 1-2 y Engages in a lot of gross motor play More complex fine motor play Social play begins to emerge at a very basic level 2-3 y Engages in symbolic and pretend play Begins to shift from parallel play to more interactive forms of play 9

Development of play skills 3-5 y Engages in creative and group play Associative play dominates by 4 years Manipulative play skills Begins to develop an interest in the finished product of construction play 5-7 y Enjoys games with rules More involved in organized sports and recreation in the community Understands concepts of cooperation and competition 7-11 y Further development of leisure interests Participation in organized and recreational sports Peer relations and social competencies Child s self-identify and self-perceptions 12-18y Leisure activity; sports, computer use, videogames, televisions and movies 10

Play form Play 시기목적 Sensorimotor 영아기 2 세경 peak/ 이후감소 Exploratory 영아기 / 1 세경시작 Preschool years 동안점차적으로감소 Constructive Preschool years 동안우세 ~~ 청소년기 à 점차적으로추상적으로됨 Art and crafts 로발달함 새로운운동기술학습할때사용함 주변환경탐색 원인과결과이해시작 물건이어떻게작동하는지에관심갖음 à 물건분류 Social 영아와엄마의상호작용으로 very early 시작 3 세아동은복잡한사회적게임에참여할수있음 Role play: 사회적시스템과문화적규준을학습하기위해사용함 규칙있는게임 : 문화적인영향을받음 / school-age years 동안우세함 11

} Sensory motor exploratory play } 영아기 } 자신의신체탐색 12

} Social play and 규칙있는게임 } Time, placed, and types of play à 보다계 획적이고구조화됨 } 예 > play dates, organized sports 13

Play Function } Include processes, experiences, purposes } Way to develop skills for life } Way of working off surplus energy } Recreation and relaxation } Develop ego function and cognitive skills } Sociocultural explanation } Development of social ability, role development, and play s contribution to culture } Play 는발달을반영하고, 발달을강화하고, 발달적변화를위한도구임 (Johnson et al., 1999) 14

Play Meaning } Quality of experience, 사람의마음상태와관련됨 } Attitude assumes during play playfulness } Flexibility and spontaneity: Knox (1996) } 6 motivations : meaningful play 에참여하기위함 } Restoring sense of well-being : quiet activity를통해회복 } Exposing oneself to novelty } Seeking short-term diversion ; light-hearted spontaneous activity } Increasing intensity of involvement: 신체적정신적자극활동 } Enjoying ability to master } Creating novelty 15

Play Context } 놀이는배경을통해의미를제공함 } Family, social, and cultural influences } Play를향상시킬수있는배경적요소 1 2 3 4 5 Family, peers, toys, and other materials Freedom of play Adults : nonintrusive or nondirective Safe, comfortable atmosphere Scheduling : fatigue, hunger, or stress 피하기 16

} Available toys and other objects } 아동의 play 에영향을주는배경요소임 } Reading book : actually read 전의초기놀이활동 } 아동을위한다양한물체와기회의중요성 17

} 아동양육에대한부모의영향 } 엄마의격려 : 아동에게즐거운경험 18

Play in OT } Historical perspective } Meyer } Work, play, rest, and sleep } 60년대이후 } Play as therapeutic modality } Activities not only to maintain status, but also to serve as a stimulus for normal growth and development Treatment modality for facilitating development } Reilly (1974) play as therapeutic agent and critical outcome of intervention } Clifford and Bundy Sensory integration 19 19

Play Assessments }Types of play assessments 1 2 3 4 Skills Developmental competencies Way a child plays (playfulness or style) Narratives 20

1 Skills } 대부분의놀이평가 : 특정기술영역평가 } 예 > cognition or social interaction } By Parten social aspects 의평가 } Degree of participation : 놀이하는동안상호작용, 사회적수준에따른놀이단계의비율 } Degree of leadership : 놀이에서타인에게의존하거나지시받는정도 } Language 와관련하여놀이평가 (Rosenblatt, 1977) 21

2 Development } Transdisciplinary Play Based Assessment by Linder } Cognitive, social-emotional, langauage, physical and motor development ( 자연스러운환경에서놀이통해 ) a. Play History (Takata, 1974) } Semi-structured interview, play observation b. Knox Preschool Play Scale (Knox, 1974) } Observational measure 22

# Play history (Takata, 1974) } 아동의놀이발달을평가하기위한 history taking과 observation } 구성 } General information about the child } Previous play experience } Actual play examination } Play description } Play prescription } 놀이기회를활용하고놀이를수행하는것과관련된아동의이점과제한점을제시해줌 23

# Play history (Takata, 1974) : 6 단계 단계연령설명 Sensorimotor 0~2세 감각과움직임으로하는순수한자동놀이 아동의신체, 뚜렷한특징의장난감등 Symbolic and simple constructive Dramatic and complex constructive 아동의신체상, 감각통합, 운동기술발달 까꿍놀이, 손바닥치기, 모방놀이등 2~4 세 또래놀이시작 : 혼자놀이 à 평행놀이 간단한조립장난감, 대운동놀이기구, 미술재료등 다른사물이나상황에나타내는간단한놀이 조립하기, 물건분류, 상징화 4~7 세 사회적참여늘어남 평행놀이 à 연합놀이 점진적인경쟁적환경 또래와협동 또래의인정와지지 - 부모 극적놀이, 사회적역할놀이, 민첩한소동작활동, 실제적이고구조적인구조물쌓기등 Game 7~13세 규칙이있는게임 리더가규칙을정하고, 새로운규칙세움 스포츠나공시적인그룹활동 Recreation 12~16세 공식적인또래그룹지향적 24 성장과발달 11강 팀워크와협동, 규칙을존중함

# The play scale (Knox, 1974) } 아동의 play profile 과 play age 를결정하는데사용 } 측정연령 ; birth ~6 years } 놀이발달과놀이특징을 4 가지측면에서분류 } Space management; focus on gross-motor skills } Material management } manner in which a child manipulates objects and material } Pretense symbolic (imitation) } Manner in which the child demonstrates an understanding of social environment and feeling } Participation } The degree and manner in which the child interests with people in environment 25

3 Experience : 놀이방법, 환경, 흥미등 } Test of Playfulness(ToP) (Bundy, 1997) } 68 items representing playfulness } Rates extent, intensity, and skill } observational assessment } Test of Environmental Support Bundy } Capacity of environment to support playfulness } Pediatric Interest Profile Henry } What child is doing, perception 26

# Playfulness } Three criteria of children s play (Bundy, 1987) a. Intrinsic motivation: Being self-motivated b. Internal reality n n the loss of the real self and the temporary acceptance of an illusion self or imaginative self Whatever I want c. Internal locus of control n n 행동과결과를조절할수있다는인식의정도물건과환경의탐색을통한 comfortable 과관련 27

# Play transaction as a continuum } Nonplay transaction Play } Play transaction nonplay Play 28 nonplay

# Play Observation Guide } 가족중심의치료틀로확장된것 } 아동의환경, 가족, 보호자, 아동에서놀이적구성요소를관찰하고분석 } 가족과보호자 } Routine, habit, role, value, interest, goals } 아동 } 흥미, 동기부여와주의집중 } 물체, 사람, 환경과의상호작용 29

# Parent/ Teacher Play Questionnaire } 감각통합치료를받는아동들에서놀이행동의변화를평가하기위한도구 } 자유시간이나제한이없는동안아동의행동 } 우선의놀이공간 } 놀이동료와아동의상호작용종류 } 감각이기초된놀이경험에대한아동의선호도 30

# Environment } 놀이행동을촉진시키는촉진제 } 집, 놀이방, 유치원등 } Animate and inanimate } 아동과부모의신체적, 정신적, 인지적, 사회적측면의영향을평가하는것 31