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Punishment Support Oppose Promise Threat VICS n VICS Profiler Plus automated coding Profiler Plus hand coding intercoder reliability VICS Scott s pi Stephen Walker and Mark Schafer

Diagnostic Propensities P P P P P Choice & Shift Propensities I I I I P Philosophical Belief I Instrument Belief P Alexander George P P b P P a P b

I P a VICS I I a P P P b

High naffiation (Alikeness) TYPE A Nuclear Self TYPE DEF (Ambition) High npower Mark Schafer and Stephen G. Walker TYPE C High nachievement (Ideals) TYPE B Mark Schafer Ole Holsti A~F Stephen G. Walekr D, E, F A, B, C A, B, C, DEF Stephen G Walker

P P b DEF I P a C Russell J. Leng A B C DEF Stephen Walker C C DEF DEF

CO CF CO CF C DEF subjective game Zeeve Maoz Steven J. Brams Steven Brams TOM Theory of Move TOM TOM TOM A A B A Avinash Dixit

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Start Survivor Start Survivor Start Survivor Start Survivor

Start Survivor Start Survivor Brams P P P P

cognition Leites George Shimon Peres Yitzhak Rabin

Diagnostic Propensities Rabin Peres Rabin Peres P P P a b Choice & Shift Propensities I I I a b Stephen Walker Scott Crichlow

muddling through negotiating from strength Snyder bounded rationality ideal type negotiating from strength Stephen Walker

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wants to maintain the existing state-led development strategy, while the United States is easily succumbed to the temptation of using its power as the key currency country to pass its burdens to the rest of the world. International cooperation through an international institution or forum such as G20 is certainly wanted and desirable, but its success is circumscribed by the very absence of a hegemonic state. However, this does not mean that the current situation will inevitably lead to another major crisis. Adjustments on each of the three levels are going on and the world economy can muddle through the current mess and maintain its road to recovery for the time being. Simply the world is not ready for a major transition at the moment of the current crisis. Key words: Global Financial Crisis, Global Imbalances, Adjustment, East Asian Revenge, Economic Systemic Frictions, Market-led Adjustment, Key Currency, G20 The North Korean Supreme Leaders Operational Code and Its Causal Effect on Negotiation Strategy Hwa Sung Cho The purpose of this paper is to explain a causal relationship between the North Korean supreme leaders operational code and negotiation strategy in foreign policy. As an advanced research method, operational code analysis focuses on leader s beliefs system that represents of her concept of the fundamental nature of the political universe and the most effective strategy for political action. The operational codes of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il contain three important characteristics. As for philosophical beliefs, they cognize the surrounding environment, including their opponents, as hostile world. Contrary to their cognition of outer world, they think that they seek their goal not with conflictive means but with cooperative one. In regard to strategic flexibility, it seems they combine all kinds of tactics into a successful strategy at negotiation process. Considering the operational code s causal effects on decision-making, this article applies a subjective game theory, Theory of Move(TOM), to inferring North Korea s negotiation strategy from Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il s operational code construct. Based on the result of analysis of TOM, the North Korean leaders' operational codes anticipate two distinct negotiation strategies. One strategy for North Korea s successful negotiation is muddling through at a state of deadlock, which means that North Korea

maintains her key position until other countries make a concession first. Negotiation from strength is the other important North Korea's negotiation strategy. According to the latter, North Korea tries to be in a more advantageous position than others. It explains why North Korea chooses conflictive means, like brinkmanship strategy, in the early phase of negotiation. Key words: operational code, negotiation strategy, subjective game theory, leadership style, Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il