정보기술과 컴퓨터 과학의 급속한 발달이 의학과 생명과학의 제분야에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 가를 이해하고

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Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,

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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp DOI: A Critical Reflecti


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118 김정민 송신철 심규철 을 미치기 때문이다(강석진 등, 2000; 심규철 등, 2001; 윤치원 등, 2005; 하태경 등, 2004; Schibeci, 1983). 모둠 내에서 구성원들이 공동으 로 추구하는 학습 목표의 달성을 위하여 각자 맡은 역할에 따라 함께

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?? 1990년대 중반부터 일부 지방에서 자체적인 정책 혁신 을 통해 시도된 대학생촌관 정책은 그 효과에 비자발적 확산 + 대한 긍정적 평가에 힘입어 조금씩 다른 지역으로 수평적 확산이 이루어졌다. 이? + 지방 A 지방 B 비자발적 확산 중앙 중앙정부 정부 비자발적



206.513A 민속학연구 1 3-3-0 Studies in Folklore 1 이과목은인류학의한분과로서의민속학을한국의전통문화에대한연구와연결될수있도록소개한다. 전통문화를이루는다양한민속현상을그역사적기원및지배문화와의관련속에서파악할수있도록하며, 이에필요한문헌조사방법도익힌다. 구체적으로는전통사회의삶의방식과관련된생업기술, 의 식 주, 관 혼 상 제, 시장과유통, 가족과친족, 사법제도, 민속놀이, 민간신앙등을다루게된다. This course combines Korean folklore with its traditional culture. Students will understand a variety of folk phenomena in historical and cultural contexts. They will also be exposed to the different investigative methods used to document such research. Specific topics will include: daily life, food, clothing and housing habits, ceremonial occasions, markets and trade, family and kinship, law, folk art, as well as the folk religion of a traditional society. 206.514A 박물관과인류학 3-3-0 Museum and Anthropology 이과목은인류학박물관의성격과역사를살펴보고, 물질문화를수집하고, 보존하며, 전시하는다양한방법을학습하게된다. 또한박물관과국가문화정책, 박물관과소수민족문화, 전시의방법과박물관이용자의문화인식등의주제를중심으로타문화들을전시하고재현하는데따르는제반문제를검토한다. This course examines the character and history of anthropological museums, while teaching the diverse ways to collect, preserve, and exhibit material culture. In addition, it will study the problems related to the exhibition and presentation of other cultures, such as museum and state culture policy, museums and minority culture, as well as the cultural consciousness of museum visitors. 206.601B 가족과친족연구 3-3-0 Studies in Family and Kinship 이과목은한사회의문화, 정치, 경제의기본골격이라할수있는사회구조에대해심층적으로다루는과목이다. 사회구조론은인류학의가장바탕이되는하위분야라할수있는데, 이과목에서는가족과친족제도를비롯하여다양한형태로존재하는사회제도와구조들을여러사회의사례로충분히살펴보고, 사회구조에관한다양한인류학내의이론적논의들을점검한다. 본강의는세미나의형식으로진행된다. Social structure is considered a fundamental frame for culture, politics, and economy in a given society. In this course, students will investigate the basic subfields of Anthropology, which include various forms of social institutions and structures in different societies, as well as diverse theoretical issues of social structure. This course is an introductory seminar on the field of linguistic anthropology, the study of language and communication from the view point of man and culture. We will explore major topics on language use in sociocultural contexts and systematic interrelationships among language, society and culture. 206.603 생태인류학 3-3-0 Ecological Anthropology 이과목은환경과자원및문화를주제로하는생태인류학의이론들을소개하는과목이다. 뿐만아니라응용생태인류학의차원에서다양한사례연구들을일별하고환경오염, 자원고갈등의현실적인문제들이문화적으로어떤관련성이있는지를검토한다. 본강의는세미나의형식으로진행된다. This seminar is an introduction to the theories of Ecological Anthropology concerning the understanding of environment, resources, and culture. The course begins with tracing the contours of various studies in terms of applied Ecological Anthropology. It then surveys the relationship between culture and practical problems such as environmental pollution, and resource exhaustion. This class will be conducted in a seminar style. 206.604 심리인류학 3-3-0 Psychological Anthropology 이과목은인류학에서개인또는집단의심리적특성이나인성이그사회와문화의특성과어떤관계를가지는가에대한의문을전제로인간의심리적특성에대한심층적인논의를하게된다. 구체적으로는전통적인인류학에서이루어져온문화와인성연구, 즉다양한사회에서나타나는사회구성원들의집단적인인성과문화와의관계에대한인류학내의연구들을고찰하고, 심리학을비롯한여타의인간심리에대한연구와인류학에서의심리연구를비교 분석해보고, 특히최근의인류학내에서진행되고있는다양한심리연구에관한이론들을집중적으로논의하게된다. This course begins by investigating the relationship between individual/collective psychological characteristics or personality and the characteristics of the given society and culture. It continues with in-depth debates on the psychological characteristics of human beings. Topics will include: the overview of traditional studies on culture and personality with a focus on the relations between collective personality and culture; the comparison of anthropological studies and other disciplines, including human psychology, and, finally, the critique of the diverse theoretical currents in anthropological studies of psychology. 206.605 종교인류학 3-3-0 Anthropology of Religion 206.602 언어인류학 3-3-0 Linguistic Anthropology 이과목은언어및의사소통을인간및문화의시각에서바라보는언어인류학분야에대한기초과목이다. 사회문화적맥락속에서의언어사용, 그리고언어 사회 문화간의체계적인상호관련성에대한중요주제들을탐구할것이다. 학점구조는 학점수 - 주당강의시간 - 주당실습시간 을표시한다. 한학기는 15 주로구성됨. (The first number means credits ; the second number means lecture hours per week; and the final number means laboratory hours per week. 15 weeks make one semester.) - 139 - < 종교인류학 > 은다양한사회에서존재하는종교현상, 즉초자연적존재와힘, 그리고그와관련된관념체계와행위들을대상으로이를문화적맥락속에서이해하는학문이라할수있다. 이과목은종교적인의례행위뿐만아니라사람들의우주관, 신앙체계, 지식의습득과정, 의미의상징화과정등을심층적으로살피게되는데, 이를위해서다양한종교현상의성격들을고찰하고, 인류학내에서이루어진다양한종교연구의관점과

이론들을논의하고, 종교가어떤형태로문화와상호관계를가지며또종교운동처럼, 비종교적인요소와종교가현실적으로결합되어어떻게사회적인영향을미치게되는가등에대해활발한토론을하게된다. This course aims at understanding religious phenomena in their cultural contexts, such as systems of ideas and behaviors associated with supernatural beings and forces. For this purpose, various forms of worldviews, belief systems, religious rituals, symbolic processes as well as religious movements will be examined. Students will learn various anthropological theories and perspectives regarding the nature of religious phenomena and discuss the relationship between religion and culture. 206.606 경제인류학 3-3-0 Economic Anthropology 이과목은경제에관한인류학적연구의다양한논의들을집중적으로다루게된다. 구체적으로는원시경제와농민경제및그변화에관한연구, 제 3 세계도시경제의비공식부문에대한연구를중심으로생산, 분배, 소비에이르는경제과정에대한인류학적연구와논의들을고찰하고이를통해경제학의개념과이론들이인류학적분석에얼마나도움이되고인류학의연구결과가경제학의논의에얼마나공헌할수있는지에대해서도심도있게토론을진행하게된다. This course will develop a deeper understanding of the various anthropological theories and perspectives concerning human economic behavior and systems. Topics for investigation will include: anthropological literature on the factors and changes found in these characteristics, primitive and peasant economic systems, the urban informal sector in Third World economies as well as economic behaviors, processes and institutions found in advanced capitalist countries. Focus of discussion will be on the holistic interconnection between culture and economy. 206.623 인지인류학 3-3-0 Cognitive Anthropology 이과목은언어 문화 인지간의체계적인상호관련성을탐구하는학문이다. 특히다양한의미영역의민속구분법의보편성과특수성을검토함으로써, 언어가반영하는문화적인지의여러중요한양상들을이해하게될것이다. In this course, we will explore systematic interrelationships among language, culture and cognition. In particular, through examining the universality and particularity of folk classification systems in various semantic domains, we will attempt to understand significant aspects of cultural cognition reflected in language. 206.624 사회언어학 3-3-0 Sociolinguistics 이과목은언어와사회간의체계적인상호관련성을탐구하는과목이다. 특히사회적맥락속에서의언어사용의문제를중심으로, 의사소통의민족지학에대한기초적인이해를그목표로할것이다. In this course, we will explore systematic interrelationships between language and society. In particular, we will attempt to understand basic frameworks of the Ethnography of Communication, focusing upon aspects of language use in social context. 206.628 한국문화연구 3-3-0 Studies in Korean Culture 이과목은한국사회의문화적특성에대한심층적인논의를통해한국문화의성격을규정할수있는기반을마련하는것을목표로한다. 구체적으로는과거에서부터현재에이르는한국사회에관한국내외의민족지적연구들을고찰하고, 한국문화의특성을논하는이론적논의들을비판적으로검토함으로써, 현대한국사회를이해하기위한올바른문화적시각의기초를마련하고, 더나아가한국사회가지니는고유한문화적에토스와보편적인문화적특성에대해검토한다. This course takes an anthropological perspective in understanding Korean culture. It includes critical review of the ethnographic literature on Korea, covering the traditional times to the contemporary period, as well as theoretical works which attempt to define the characteristics of Korean culture. Further emphasis will be on the relationship between common East Asian cultural characteristics and those peculiar to Korea. 206.630A 인류학과식민주의 3-3-0 Anthropology and Colonialism 서구와비서구간의식민지접촉이초래한사회문화적변화를역사적 비교문화적관점에서검토한다. 거시적 역사적인관점에서식민화과정을조망함과더불어지역수준에서현지인이이러한변화를인식하고대응하는다양한방식에대해서연구한다. 문화제국주의, 토착적문화의변용과지속, 문화적저항운동등의주제를다루며, 최근의지구화과정에대한논의에서제기되는 글로벌 문화와지역문화간의역동적상호작용을검토한다. Social structure is considered a fundamental frame for culture, politics, and economy in a given society. In this course, students will investigate the basic subfields of Anthropology, which include various forms of social institutions and structures in different societies, as well as diverse theoretical issues of social structure. 206.633 정치인류학 3-3-0 Political Anthropology 본강의는정치행위와정치적과정에관한이론및민족지적연구의소개에촛점을맞춘다. 정치란권력의획득과실천과정및제도에관한것이며, 권력이란사회, 문화적으로규정되고형성되는것이다. 즉지배 ( 지도 ) 와권위는경제, 사회적관계와종교와의례에의한상징으로규정되고실천되는것이다. 이실천은어떤차원에서건 공동체 및공동체의 이념 과 상상의현실 을생산하기위한문화적요소의동원을의미하며, 동시에하나의힘에대한대립되는성향의형성과갈등으로이루어진다. 따라서지배와저항, 국가와사회, 규범과전략, 구조와개인등의갈등이본강의의주요단서가된다. 주요내용으로는민족주의, 부족주의등국가와민중의담론, 권력과국가의상징과의례등을민족지적연구를통한비교학적접근이될것이다. This course will develop a cross-cultural perspective of diverse human political behavior and political systems. It examines such topics as the concept of power, the rela- - 140 -

tionship between politics and socio-economic or symbolic-ideological practices, as well as various types of political discourse such as nationalism or tribalism. Students will discuss these topics with emphasis on the contradictory relationships between domination and resistance, state and society, norms and strategies as well as structure and individuals. 206.635A 역사인류학 3-3-0 Historical Anthropology 본과목은인류학과역사학간의접촉을시도하는새로운분야로서의역사인류학의방법론과관점에대해살펴본다. 인류학에서 역사 가차지하는의미를재검토하고, 인류학의핵심개념인 문화, 사회 의개념을포함시킴으로써, 타자성 (Otherness) 의문제를공간적 ( 사회 ) 으로뿐아니라시간적 ( 역사 ) 으로파악할필요가있음을강조한다. 근대성, 탈근대성, 탈오리엔탈리즘의논의에서제기되는역사인류학의문제가인류학에서의문화해석의문제와깊은연관이있음을살펴볼것이다. This course attempts to understand the theoretical perspectives and methodologies of Historical Anthropology. Historical Anthropology, which particularly emphasizes the temporal aspect, ie. the historical aspect, of the question of Otherness in Anthropology, is a new subfield that bridges the two disciplines of Anthropology and History. The class will address such issues as modernity, postmodernity and post-orientalism in order to recognize how the question of history is closely interrelated with the fundamental question of Anthropology. 206.636 도시인류학 3-3-0 Urban Anthropology 본과목은인간의도시생활의다양성과통일성을파악하는인류학의비교론적안목을배양함을목표로한다. 이를위해본과목에서는도시라는공간적실체속에서의생활이인간의행동및사고방식에어떠한영향을미치는가에관하여인류학및인접학문분야들에서이루어진이론적및민족지적연구성과들을비판적으로검토한다. 그에더하여, 도시인류학의방법론적특성에대한수강생들의이해를증진시키기위하여, 본과목에서는수강생들로하여금각자나름대로한국의도시생활에관련된주제를선정하여탐색적현지조사및문헌조사를거쳐작성한연구계획서를수업시간중에발표하고토론하게된다. The course aims at understanding the diversities and unity of urban life in comparative perspective of anthropology. For this purpose, the course critically reviews those theoretical and ethnographic literature accumulated in anthropology and other related disciplines which deals with the question of how the life in the city as a specific type of spatial entity affects human behaviour and thought pattern. In addition, the course includes discussions of students' research proposals concerning Korean urban life, drawn up on the basis of pilot fieldwork and literature review, as a way of enhancing students' understanding of the methodological characteristics of urban anthropology. 206.639B 생물인류학연구 3-3-0 Studies in Biological Anthropology 이과목은고대인류에서현대인류에이르기까지인류를전인간 (holistic human being) 으로서이해하는데필요한생문화적개념 (biocultural concept) 을도입하려는데그목적이있다. 즉인류의근원과다양성을생문화적, 그리고보다객관적, 과학적측면에서이해하고자한다. 이를위해첫째, 고대인골의재복원을위한골학입문, 둘째, 인류의진화과정을고고학입문을통해학습하며, 셋째, 고대문화와생태계가생물학적인류에미친영향을고찰한다. This course introduces the biocultural concept needed for understanding the origins and diversities of mankind as holistic human beings. For this purpose, the course provides students with basic knowledge in osteology which deals with the restoration of fossil human bones. The class will also examine the various theoretical controversies related to the reconstruction of the evolutionary process of the human species as well as the effects of prehistoric ecology and culture upon human biology. 206.640A 중국의사회와문화연구 3-3-0 Studies in Chinese Society and Culture 본과목에서는중국사회와문화에대한전반적인이해를목표로한다. 1949 년에중화인민공화국이수립되면서중국사회는급격한변화를겪게되지만, 전통시대에대한고찰이수반되어야만현대의중국에대한올바른이해가가능하다. 따라서본강좌에서는첫째, 전통시대의중국사회와문화에대해고찰한다. 둘째, 사회주의혁명의성공과더불어출범한중화인민공화국시기에단행된혁명적정책들로인해어떤부문이변화했으며, 어떤부문은변화하지않았는지를살펴본다. 셋째, 1970 년대말부터시작된개혁개방정책은또한많은변화를야기했는데, 그러한변화들이마오쩌둥시대와그이전의전통시대와어떤연관성이있는지를검토해본다. 본강좌에서는인류학적연구성과들을중심으로하되, 역사학, 정치학, 사회학등의타학문분야의연구성과들을종합적으로살펴볼것이다. This course tries to develop a comprehensive understanding of the Chinese culture and society. Both traditional and modern aspects will be studied through critical reviews of anthropological, historical and sociological literature as well as writings from the field of Political Science. Students will examine literature which exhibits characteristics of Chinese culture and society during the traditional, Maoist, and post- Maoist periods. Discussion will be focused on continuity and change in cultural forms, functions and meaning within the different periods. 206.641 일본문화연구 3-3-0 Anthropology of Japan 하나의사회문화체계로서의일본문화의성격과일본문화가어떻게운영되고있는지를알아본다. 다양한측면에서일본문화의각영역들이서로어떻게연관되어있는지에촛점을둘것이다. 특히일본의사회구조, 농촌사회, 일에대한태도, 종교, 퍼스낼리티, 공업화, 도시화, 기술의발달등이이과목에서중점적으로다루어질것이다. 본강의는세미나형식으로운영된다. In this course, the students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the Japanese cultural characteristics through critical reviews of anthropological and other related literature. Emphasis will be laid on grasping, holis- - 141 -

tically, the interconnections between different aspects of Japanese culture. Topics will include: family and kinship systems, class structure, characteristics of rural communities, religion, personality structure, work attitudes, technological development, industrialization and urbanization. 206.642 동남아문화연구 3-3-0 Anthropology of Southeast Asia 동남아의다양한종족집단과인종, 종교와의례, 가족과친족제도, 언어, 생활문화전반에대해다루며, 전통적인사회조직과문화규범이문화접촉과근대화과정을통해변화되는측면을살펴본다. 도서동남아와대륙동남아간에존재하는문화적전통의차이, 식민지화와탈식민지화의역사적경험의차이에주목하여동남아문화의다양성을이해하는데주력한다. This course attempts to understand the cultural characteristics of Southeast Asia using comparative perspectives. Topics to be covered will include: ethnic and linguistic composition, patterns of everyday life including religious beliefs and rituals, family and kinship systems, as well as social stratification, and socio-cultural changes that followed acculturation and modernization. Special attention is paid to the differences in terms of cultural tradition between mainland and island Southeast Asia, as well as the differences between countries in terms of the historical experience of colonization and de-colonization. 206.646 유럽문화연구 3-3-0 Anthropology of Europe 본과목은인류학및인접학문분야들에서이루어진민족지적연구성과들에대한비판적검토를통해서유럽이라는지역이지니고있는문화적특성들을인류학적관점및방법론에의거하여파악하는것을목표로한다. 본과목에서다루게될주제로는, 민족및언어에따른유럽의분화양상, 또한가족및친족관계, 젠더 / 계급 / 종족관계, 지역공동체, 종교적신앙및의례, 스포츠등을포함하는일상생활의여러영역들에서나타나는유럽인들의행동및사고방식, 그리고선진자본주의국가로서의유럽의여러나라들에서나타나는복지제도, 도시개발, 사회운동등의사회문화적측면등이포함된다. 나아가, 현대유럽의새롭고도독특한양상으로서유럽통합의진전과동유럽사회들에서전개되는포스트사회주의적이행에관련된문제들도검토된다. This course aims at understanding the cultural characteristics of Europe in comparative perspective through the critical review of ethnographic literature accumulated in anthropology and other related disciplines. Topics covered include: ethnic and linguistic composition, patterns of behaviour and thought of European people manifest in various areas of everyday life including family and kinship, gender/class/ethnic relations, local community, religious beliefs and rituals, and sports, as well as those aspects of Europe as advanced capitalist societies including the sociocultural aspects of the welfare system, urban development, and social movement. Moreover, special attention is paid to the various issues related to the process of European integration as well as postsocialist transitions of East European countries as uniquely contemporary European phenomena. 206.650 의료인류학 3-3-0 Medical Anthropology 이과목은인간집단구성원들의건강을목표로하는의료체계를인류학적관점에서집중적으로다루게된다. 구체적으로는다양한의료체계에서질병에대해어떻게반응하고치유는어떻게하는가를살피고, 건강과질병에관한지식이어떻게문화적으로구성되는가를이해하고, 거시적인권력관계와사회제도가질병의사회적생산에어떻게연관되며현실적으로는지역사회, 국가, 국제사회의차원에서보건사업을효율적으로수행하기위해응용인류학의차원에서의료인류학이어떻게적용될수있는가를논의해본다. This course aims at understanding diverse medical systems found in human societies. Lecture and discussion topics include: How illnesses are diagnosed and treated according to different medical systems? How the knowledge concerning health and illness are culturally constructed? How macro-level power relationships and social institutions are involved in the social production of illness? How medical anthropology can be applied for the efficient implementation of health policies on local, national and international levels? 206.701A 인류학연습 3-3-0 Seminar in Anthropology 이과목은인류학내에존재하는다양한이론적흐름을개괄하는것을목표로한다. 수업에서는인류학의초기저작에서부터현대의최신경향에이르는다양한이론들을대표적인저작중심으로검토하고, 이러한이론적흐름이현대사회의사회문화적현상을분석하는데있어서지니는의미에대해토론한다. 또한각주제에해당하는민족지적연구를다양하게검토함으로써이론이실제사회에적용된양상에대해서도살펴본다. This seminar overviews diverse theoretical currents in Anthropology. By examining anthropological monographs and articles from the early stages of Anthropology, we will highlight the diverse theories that can be used to analyze modern society. Studying ethnographies also provide discussion opportunitues on how anthropolgical theories and methodologies have changed over time. 206.803 대학원논문연구 3-3-0 Reading and Research 이과목은전공대학원생들을대상으로자신의논문작업을집중적으로준비하고보다심층적인세부전공에대한학습을지도하는것을목표로한다. 이를위해이과목에서는지도교수가전공대학원생들을담당하게되며, 한학기동안수강생들은자신의논문주제와관련한학습계획을담당교수와상의하여특정주제와관련한집중적인 reading 과강의, 토론, 면담등을병행하여차후의자신의연구와논문작업을위한철저한준비작업을하도록한다. 이과목은 S/U 평가를하게된다. This is an intensive course designed to help graduate students prepare their own theses through regular tutorial sessions with academic advisors. Themes, topics, texts and format of the course will vary according to individual students and academic advisors. Students are required to produce thesis proposals and intermittent progress reports and attend regular tutorial sessions. Students are evaluated on a Pass/ Failure (P/F) basis. - 142 -

206.804 인류학이론사 3-3-0 History of Anthropological Theory 이과목에서는인류학의다양한학설들이발전해나온과정에대한검토를통해인류학이라는학문이지닌특성과인류학의주요개념이나이론, 그리고방법들에대한학생들의전반적이해를높이는것을목표로한다. 이를위해이과목에서는서구학문에서인류학이하나의분과학문으로서등장하게된역사적배경을살피고, 이어 19 세기후반기를풍미했던진화주의의이론과방법론적특성을고찰한다. 다음에 20 세기전반기에진화주의에대한반발로등장한전파주의, 기능주의, 역사적특수주의등의관점을대비적으로고찰한다. 나아가신진화주의, 구조주의, 민족과학, 행위이론, 네오마르크스주의, 해석주의, 포스트모더니즘등 20 세기중반기이후인류학의주요이론적사조들에대해그대표적이론가들의업적을중심으로학습한다. This course aims at enhancing, through a review of the historical process whereby the discipline of Anthropology has been developed, students understanding of the characteristics of Anthropology, including its developmental relationships with other disciplines as well as its major concepts, theories, and methods. For this purpose, the course will first examine the historical background needed to understand the rise of the discipline of Anthropology within Western human and social sciences. It will then examine the main proponents and arguments of evolutionism which dominated the latter half of the 19th century after Anthropology was established as an academic discipline. The course will also examine the early 20th century reactions to Evolutionism such as Diffusionism, Functionalism, and Historical Particularism. Finally, the major theoretical paradigms that have arisen since the mid-20th century, including Neo-Evolutionism, Structuralism, Ethnoscience, the Action-Centered Approach, Neo-Marxism, the Interpretive Approach and Postmodernism, will also be examined. 206.806 음식의인류학 3-3-0 Anthropology of Food 이강의는음식에관한사회인류학적접근을시도하며, 음식의생산과소비를문화체계의형성및실천의장으로설정하고인간의식생활에관한다양한주제들을다룬다 ; 음식과사회적관계, 식량의생산, 분배, 교환, 소비의정치경제학, 계급, 성및권력과음식, 음식소비의의례와상징, 세계화와지역 ( 민족 ) 정체성과음식, 식사예절의정치사회학, 문화변동과식사관행의변화, 건강담론과음식소비의유행, 과학기술체계와음식의발명등. This course will take a social anthropological approach to food and dietary behavior: it is not a survey of nutritional sciences. Topics to be covered will include: food as a cultural construction; social relations and boundaries through food exchange; the political economy of production and consumption of food; food symbolism and ideology; globalization and food industry; changing dietary patterns; etiquette and cultural regulations related to food; body image and foodways; standardization of food preferences; science and the invention of new foods, etc. 206.807 세계화와지역문화 3-3-0 Globalization and Local Cultures 이과목에서는현대세계의가장중요한변화경향가운데하나인세계화를파악하기위한다양한인류학적이론과방법론을학습하고자한다. 이를위해우선세계화를개념화하고세계화의원인을분석하는데서나타나는상이한이론적입장들을검토한다. 이를바탕으로하여인류학및인접학문들에서이루어져온사례연구들을통해서세계화와지역문화와의상호관계를살펴본다. 특히여기서는서구선진자본주의국가들의주도하에이루어지는세계화에따른지역문화들의동질화과정에주목하는한편으로, 세계각처의다양한지역문화들이각기나름의고유성을유지하기위한노력을전개하는데서생겨나고있는문화변동의양상들에대해서도주의를기울인다. This course aims at understanding various anthropological theories and methodologies devised to grasp the process of globalization, which is no doubt one of the most characteristic trends in the contemporary world. For this purpose, the course first examines competing theoretical perspectives regarding how to conceptualize globalization and analyze its causes. The course then considers the interrelationship between globalization and local cultures through critical reviews of case study literature within anthropological and related disciplines. It will focus, on the one hand, upon the homogeneization of local cultures following globalization and, on the other hand, the changes which stem from the efforts on the part of local cultures to maintain their respective distinctive identities. 206.809 성의인류학 3-3-0 Anthropology of Gender 성과성차에대한문화적범주를비교문화적시각에서검토함으로써, 남성과여성간의생물학적차이가문화적차이로전환되는다양한방식들을제시한다. 성과성차에대한담론과실천을각문화의구체적인역사적이고사회적맥락속에서살펴보는데, 특히친족관계, 경제적관계, 권력관계, 종교적 - 이데올로기적관념들이남녀간의관계와성정체성을구성하는데상호연관되는측면에주목한다. This course takes a cross-cultural perspective of sexuality and gender, addressing the diverse ways in which biological differences between the sexes transform into cultural ones. Discussion topics include: sexuality and gender within concrete historical and social contexts of particular societies, the relationship between the social relations of the sexes and gender identity, kin relations, economic relations, power relations, and religious-ideological ideas. 206.810 사회분화론 3-3-0 Social Differentiation 이과목은사회의조직화현상, 즉사회구성원들이상이한사회집단들로의분화되고그렇게분화된사회집단들사이에흔히불평등한관계가성립하게되는현상을인류학적인관점과방법론으로파악하는것을목표로한다. 이를위해서인류학및인접학문분야들에서의연구성과들에대한비판적검토를통하여기술수준이단순하고인구상소규모인수렵채집민사회로부터현대의대규모복합사회에이르기까지다양한사회유형들속에서나타나는연령, 성별, 친족관계, 사회계층, 직업, 종교, - 143 -

정치적입장, 민족, 인종등등에따른사회집단의분화와불평등의양상을총체적상호연관속에서고찰하고, 불평등에서파생하는제반사회적갈등과문제들에대한해결방안을모색해본다. 또한학생들각자가현대한국사회에서나타나는사회집단분화와불평등의양상중한가지를선정하여간단한탐색조사에기초한연구계획서를작성해보고이를토론함으로써그런현상들을연구하기위한적절한인류학적방법론은어떤것일지를탐색해본다. This course aims at teaching the anthropological perspectives and methodologies involved in understanding social differentiation, i.e. the universal differentiation of the members of a society into different social groups and the social inequality which often obtains between different social groups. For this purpose, the course reviews anthropological and related literature concerning social differentiation found in wide-ranging types of society from primitive hunter-gath- erer to modern complex societies based upon age, gender, kinship, social stratification, religion, occupation, political standpoint, nation, and/or race, etc. and discusses the ways to solve the various social problems resulting therefrom. In addition, the course includes discussions of students research proposals drawn up on the basis of pilot fieldwork as well as literature review. 206.811B 스포츠와여가의인류학 3-3-0 Anthropology of Sport and Leisure 여가활동의일환으로사람들이신체적놀이로서의스포츠를행하는것은모든사회에서보편적으로나타나는양상이다. 하지만, 인간의스포츠및여가활동들의구체적형식과내용은문화적배경에따라매우다양하게나타나며, 역사적으로도커다란변화를거쳐왔다. 특히현대의후기산업사회들에서스포츠및여가활동은사람들의일상생활에서지니는대단히높은비중을지니는삶의영역으로되고있다. 이런의미에서스포츠및여가는당연히인류학의연구주제중의하나가되어야마땅하다. 하지만스포츠와여가는최근에들어서야비로소본격적으로인류학자들의주목을받기시작하였다. 이에, 본과목에서는인류학및인접학문분야들에서이루어진이론적및경험적연구성과들에대한비판적검토를통해스포츠현상을파악하기위해적절한인류학적관점을학습함을목표로삼는다. 나아가, 수강생들각자가현대한국사회에서나타나고있는스포츠와여가의문화적양상들에대한간단한현지조사실습에근거한연구계획서를작성하여이를발표하고토론해봄으로써, 스포츠와여가현상에접근하는인류학의방법론적특성에대한인식도심화시키고자한다. It is an universal feature of human societies that people spend their leisure time doing sport in the sense of bodily play. But specific forms and contents of sport and leisure activities are not only quite diverse according to the sociocultural contexts but they also have been undergoing tremendous historical changes over time. Especially in the context of contemporary postindustrial society, sport and leisure has become one of the most important domains of everyday life. In this regard, sport and leisure deserves full anthropological attention. And yet, it is only quite recently that anthropologists has begun to pay serious attention to sport and leisure. This course, therefore, aims at grasping the appropriate anthropological perspectives through critically reviewing theoretical as well as empirical literature accumulated in anthropology and related disciplines. Furthermore, the course includes discussions of students research proposals concerning contemporary Korean sport and leisure life, drawn up on the basis of pilot fieldwork and literature review, as a way of enhancing students understanding of the methodological characteristics of the anthropological approach to sport and leisure. 206.813B 축제와의례의인류학 3-3-0 Anthropology of Ritual and Festival 이과목은축제와의례에대한인류학적연구성과를검토해보는것을목표로한다. 이과목에서는축제와의례를다룬인류학자와그들의이론과구체적민족지, 그성과를체계적이고비판적으로읽어본다. 이과목을통해서수강생들은의례와축제라는현상을보다효과적으로이해하고설명할수있는개념과이론을알게될것이며, 구체적인현상에대한분석경험을가지게될것이다. This seminar aims to discuss the anthropological studies on rituals and festivals. This seminar deals systematically and critically with the theory and ethnography of famous anthropologists who have dealt with the ritual and festival. The students will get the concepts and theories will help their analysing and explaining of the ritual and festival more effectively. And they will have experiences of the analysis of the concrete phenomenon. 206.814A 러시아문화연구 3-3-0 Anthropology of Russia 이수업에서는시베리아를포함한러시아문화에대한여러논문들이비판적으로검토되며, 러시아문화를인류학적으로이해, 설명하는것을목표로한다. 광대한영토를가진러시아에는다양한민족들이살고있는데, 민족문제에대한이해는이수업의중요한테마중의하나이다. 수업에서는이외에도가족과친족, 종교, 사회주의, 물질문화등을주제로선택하여러시아사회와문화에대한이해를심화시킨다. In this seminar, various articles and books from Russian culture will be examined from a critical viewpoint. The course aims at understanding and explaining Russian culture. There is a great number of diversified nations and ethnic groups in such an immense state as Russia, so the understanding of national problems is one of the important themes in this seminar. Family and kinship, religion, socialism, material culture, etc. will also be discussed in order to fully understand Russian society and culture. 206.816 미국의사회와문화연구 3-3-0 Studies in American Society and Culture 미국사회를다양한각도에서조명함으로써, 현대미국의문화적특징들을살펴본다. 다양한인종과민족으로구성된미국을하나로묶어주는이데올로기적, 문화적힘은어떤것인지, 동시에어떻게미국사회의내부적다양성이미국문화를더욱풍부하게하는지에이강좌의중점이놓인다. 이강좌는문화인류학적접근을바탕으로, 미국사회의바탕에있는미국적인사상, 현대미국사회의문화적특징및사회적쟁점들을살펴본다. This course is designed to examine the cultural features of the U. S. society, through an anthropological - 144 -

lens. Some of the questions this course will explore include: What makes U. S., a society that boasts a remarkable internal diversity, still remain a cultural unit? How is the diversity constructed and manifested in everyday life of Americans? 206.817 교육의인류학 3-3-0 Anthropology of Education 이강좌는학습과놀이, 영장류의학습, 문화전승과학습등의이론적인쟁점들을검토하는동시에, 교육과문화변동, 학교교육과사회계층, 교육과문화자본등의주제에대해서비판적으로인식하도록한다. 학습이인간문화에서보편적으로차지하는중요성과더불어교육활동이조직되는방식이각사회마다다르다는것을살펴봄으로써, 인간문화의보편성과다양성의쟁점역시다루게된다. This course explore the cultural nature of learning, by examining primate learning, the relationship between learning and play, and cultural organization of learning. Also included are issues related to schooling in modern society, such as an interlocking between social class and schooling. 206.818 인간진화심리연구 3-3-0 Studies in Evolution and Human Behavior 본강좌에서는최근진화심리학과행위생태학에서시도하고있는진화생물학적인간행동연구의이론적내용과연구사례를분석하여인간문화연구에이런접근법들이제공하는새로운통찰력은무엇이며또한그한계는무엇인지를평가한다. 진화심리학은인간두뇌의정보처리방식에의해발생하는문화적현상의규칙성과공간적시간적조건의차이에의한변이발생이라는각도에서문화와생물학의관계를설명한다. 이에비해행위생태학은최적화가설을가지고특정생태적조건에서특정사회적행동의표현형이발현할빈도를예측하려는접근법이다. This course is an examination of human behavior and culture in evolutionary perspective. The goal of this course is to demonstrate how evolutionary theory, evolutionary psychology, and human behavioral ecology can be applied to explaining human behavior, mind, and culture. Topics include kinship, cooperation, life history theory, parenting, mating, and the evolution of cognition, among other things. 206.819 전쟁과인류학 3-3-0 Anthropology and War 본과목은전쟁과관련된문화의문제를두가지방향에서접근한다. 하나는戰爭文化論이다. 전쟁에내재된문화적인측면즉전쟁속의삶에대한인류학적분석을내용으로함에있어서고대사회, 원시사회, 근대사회, 현대사회의전쟁사례들속에서발견되는전쟁문화론에관한분석과이해가필요하다. 다른하나는戰時人類學이다. 전쟁에가담한인류학적인활동, 즉인류학자들의전쟁협력과그에관련된문제를집중적으로조명하는내용이다. 이차대전중미국과일본그리고독일의인류학자들이어떤이유로, 어떤정도로전쟁행위에가담하였는가. 냉전시대의유산으로남겨진여러가지의전쟁과정속에서인류학자들의활동에대하여논의해본다. War as a facet of culture in wide sense could be a critical subject for anthropology. This course tries to understand an anthropological aspect of war as a general purpose. Specifically, this aspect could be divided into two subjects: 1) cultural aspect of war can be pursed by using historical cases of war, for example, wars during ancient and primitive ones as well as modern styles of war, for example, the second world war and wars during the cold-war era. 2) wartime anthropology can be another subject for this course. Anthropologists contribution to wars in terms of national and military organization should be concerned in the realm of human rights and academic ethics. 206.820 초국가적이주와디아스포라 3-3-0 Transnational Migration and Diaspora 이수업에서는초국가적이주에대한다양한연구결과를통해전세계적으로진행되는국경을넘는이주현상에대한학문적이해를도모한다. 다루어질주요주제는초국가적이주의전반적개요, 이론적개관, 이주의배경과과정, 이주와사회조직, 이주와정체성, 젠더 ( 여성 ) 와이주, 초국가적이주와시민권, 디아스포라귀환이주등이다. This course aims at academic understanding of the ever expanding migration crossing the national borders. Major themes and issues include overview of the transnational migration, theoretical review of transnationalism, backgrounds and processes of migration, transnational migration and social organization, ethnic and national identities, gender and migration, issues of citizenship, diasporic return migration, and so forth. 206.821A 공동체민속과문화연구 3-3-0 Anthropology of Community Folklore and Culture 이과목에서는공동체의민속과문화에대한인류학적연구를비판적으로검토해본다. 전통적으로내려온공동체의민속과문화뿐만아니라새롭게생성되고있는공동체민속과문화도세미나의토론대상이며, 이를좀더효과적으로설명할수있는개념과이론에대해기존연구성과를토대로함께토론해본다. 이과목을통해공동체민속과문화에대한기존이론에관한지식뿐만아니라새로운공동체문화에대한혜안도얻게될것이다. This seminar deals with anthropological studies on the community folklore and culture critically. In this seminar will be discussed not only the traditional community folklore and culture, but the new folklore and culture of the community in the world also. Through this seminar the student will get the knowledge about the established theory and concept. In addition they will see the future of the community. 206.822 비교문화연구 3-3-0 Seminar in Cross-Cultural Studies 이과목은인류학의바탕이라할수있는비교문화연구이론을배우고정리하는것을목적으로한다. 그과정에는 HRAF 데이터베이스를이용하여다양한문화간비교연구를수행해보고데이터활용방식을익히는것도포함된다. 본강의는세미나의형식으로진행된다. This seminar aims at theoretical review and case anal- - 145 -

ysis of cross cultural studies, which is important ground in Anthropology. Students will practice various cross-cultural studies using HRAF database, too. This class will be conducted in a seminar style. 206.823 한국의언어문화 3-3-0 Linguaculture of Korea 이과목은한국사회의전통적이고특징적인언어문화에대한탐구를목표로한다. 한국언어문화의주요특성및그것의지역적, 사회적변이상을발견, 분석하는것이주내용이될것이다. The purpose of this course is to explore the traditional and characteristic linguaculture in Korean society. We will discover and analyze the main characteristics and the regional and social variation of Korean linguaculture. - 146 -