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Daily News Monitoring 2014.04.23 작성 : 한국방사선안전재단 원자력안전부 국제협력 1. 일본 / 日 정부 터키와 UAE에 원자력 수출 승인 / NEI / 2014.04.22. 日 정부는 민주당의 반대로 일부 터키와 UAE에 민간 핵기술 수출 계획을 승인했다고 밝혔음 현재 日 미쓰비시 중공업이 터키 정부와 佛 Areva 社 와 Atmea 원전 1호기와 관련한 계약을 체결했 으며 日 도시바 社 는 UAE와 韓 KHNP가 설계한 APR1400 원전 내 계측 및 제어계통을 공급하는 주 요 계약을 체결했음 http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/dfc69fd8-c90a-11e3-8976-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2zzkodtsb Japanese government approves nuclear exports to Turkey and UAE Amid some controversy, Japan's parliament has approved a plan to allow civil nuclear technology exports to Turkey and UAE. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries signed a deal with the Turkish government and AREVA of France to supply the Atmea1 reactor to Sinop, on the Black Sea, the second plant planned for the country after the Akkuyu plant currently planned to be supplied by Rosatom of Russia. The UAE has contracted for construction of a Korean design, the APR1400, but Westinghouse, which is owned by Toshiba of Japan, has won a major contract to supply instrumentation and control systems. The Japanese export licence prevents military application of the nuclear technology export. The Democratic Party of Japan opposed the measure, as did some politicians from other political parties. Takuya Hattori, president of the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, in prepared remarks at the organization's annual conference, said that the county takes its non-proliferation responsibilities seriously. He added that given that no additional nuclear plants are expected to be built in Japan for some time, international activities are important to enable Japan to successfully maintain/improve its nuclear technology and ensure/develop its nuclear human resources, in order to maintain the safety of its existing reactors and to steadily carry out decommissioning. - 1 -

2. 대만 / 대만 정부, 반핵단체 요구거부하고 계획된 원자력발전소 추진 / Reuters / 2014.04.22. 대만 정부는 당국 내 4번째로 건설 중에 있는 원전에 대해 안전성 문제를 지적하며 폐쇄를 요구하는 야당 및 반핵단체의 요구를 거부했으며 이에 前 민주진보당 대표는 단식투쟁을 시작했음 http://in.reuters.com/article/2014/04/22/taiwan-nuclear-idinl3n0nd1cj20140422 Taiwan govt says to push on with planned nuclear plant Taiwan's premier has rejected opposition demands to halt construction of a controversial atomic power plant, sparking threats of street protests from anti-nuclear campaigners. Plans for the island's fourth nuclear power plant have come under the spotlight in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima disaster in Japan, with the public sceptical about the safety of such facilities in earthquake-prone regions. Premier Jiang Yi-huah, effectively Taiwan's No.2 politician after President Ma Ying-jeou, said in a briefing late on Monday that the administration would not halt construction of the plant or change rules to make a referendum on the issue more likely. An anti-nuclear group told reporters they would surround the Presidential Palace on Saturday if Ma does not abandon plans for the plant by Thursday, while former opposition leaders Lin Yi-xiong said he would go on hunger strike to protest against the facility. Street protests are common in Taiwan, with over 100,000 people demonstrating in the capital in late March against a trade pact with China. The government hopes to have the almost-complete nuclear plant, in northern New Taipei City, begin commercial operations by 2016. Taiwan's three current nuclear power facilities would have to serve longer if the fourth one does not start operating as planned, the economics ministry has said. Taiwan's first nuclear plant is set to be decommissioned between 2018-19, while the second is set to close between 2021-23. Some 40 percent of the island's electricity is generated by burning coal, 30 percent using natural gas and 18.4 percent by nuclear power plants, according to the economics ministry. Taiwan sits near the so-called ring of fire region of seismic activity around the Pacific Ocean. - 2 -

3. UAE / UAE, 향후 안전 원전운영을 위한 모의 교육센터 운영 / Arabian Business / 2014.04.22. UAE 원자력규제기관인 ENEC는 향후 17년과 18년에 운영될 4개의 원전구역에 국내 최초로 원자로 시설의 실제 조건과 유사한 원자력 모의 교육센터를 설립했으며 이 시설을 통해 향후 원자로를 운영 하게 될 UAE 학생들은 적어도 2,000시간 이상 훈련을 완수해야 할 것이라고 밝혔음 http://www.arabianbusiness.com/uae-launches-first-nuclear-simulators-547482.html UAE launches first nuclear simulators The first nuclear reactor simulators in the UAE have been inaugurated three years ahead of the expected completion of the country s first nuclear facilities. The Simulator Training Centre at Barakah in Abu Dhabi s Western Region, the site of the country s four planned nuclear reactors, is the first of its kind in the region and has among the world s most advanced nuclear training devices, the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation said in a statement on Tuesday. The UAE s first two reactors are more than 40 percent complete and due to come into operation in 2017 and 2018, respectively. The third and fourth reactors are due to begin commercial operations in 2019 and 2020, when the UAE expects the four plants to produce 5600MW of clean electricity to meet up to a quarter of the country s energy needs. ENEC said the training centre had two APR1400 simulators identical to the plant s main control room and five operator stations with access to the plant s entire network. The set-up replicates the actual conditions and environment that the reactor operators would experience in a real-time situation and would allow students to experience responding to accident situations. Safety is and will remain our main priority and highly trained and prepared reactor operators are critical to the safety of our plants, ENEC CEO Mohamed Al Hammadi said. Our state-of-the-art simulators are designed to replicate real scenarios and processes that our reactor operators will face every day. This form of training has been proven to be a reliable and successful training method in some of the most advanced industries worldwide. Real-time control room simulators have a proven track record of developing user soft skills such as communication, the ability to respond efficiently, solid decision making and working as part of a team. They play a key role in the development of a nuclear safety culture. Every student reactor operator will complete at least 2000 hours of training before being licensed by the UAE s Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation. - 3 -

4. 슬로베니아 / 슬로베니아 원전 인근에서 4.4 규모 지진 발생 / RT / 2014.04.22. 美 지질조사국(USGS)에 의하면 슬로베니아 수도인 Ljubljana 북서지역에 진도 4.4 규모의 지진이 발 생했음, 이에 원자력 전문가들은 슬로베니아에 위치한 크르스코 원전이 지진이 자주 발생하는 지역 에 건설되어 있어 방사능 사고를 우려하며 가능한 빨리 원전을 종료해야 한다고 권고하고 있음 http://rt.com/news/153988-earthquake-nuclear-plant-slovenia/ 4.4 earthquake in Slovenia, Italy, nr nuclear plant A 4.4-magnitude earthquake has struck Slovenia southwest of the country s capital, Ljubljana, at a depth of 12.4 kilometers, says USGS. According to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center, the magnitude of the quake was measured at 4.5, with a depth of 2 kilometers. The earthquake took place about 200 kilometers from a nuclear power plant at Krško, a town in eastern Slovenia. The plant is co-owned by Slovenia and Croatia. The quake struck at about 11:00 local time (09:00 GMT). According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), the quake hit about 5 kilometers northeast of the Slovene town of Ilirska Bistrica, 32 kilometers northwest of the Croatian city of Rijeka and 37 kilometers east of the Italian city of Trieste. The Krško nuclear power plant, in the east of the country, has frequently been a cause for concern - 4 -

among scientists. On Friday, environmental activists from the Alpe Adria Green NGO signed a resolution against the construction of a second reactor at the plant, warning against the danger of earthquakes. As Krško was built in an earthquake-prone area, Austrian geologist Heinz Hoegelsberger, a former consultant for Greenpeace and one of the longstanding opponents of the plant, says it is a time bomb that should be shut down as soon as possible. Regardless of geological data, the plant has been built in one of the most earthquake-prone areas of Slovenia. It was built in the wrong place, Hoegelsberger said. According to US standards, Westinghouse shouldn t have been built near a fault. In 2008, the plant survived a big mishap as there was a leakage from the primary cooling circuit with no radioactive emissions. Though the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration said no radioactivity was released into the atmosphere, the European Commission set off an EU-wide alarm through the European Community Urgent Radiological Information Exchange (ECURIE). - 5 -