문화재청(Cultural Heritage Administration)

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www.cha.go.kr 302-701 189 8-11 2 14 1600-0064 www.facebook.com/chloveu twitter.com/chlove_u blog.daum.net/munhwajaecheong ISBN 978-89-299-0407-4 03600 Cultural Heritage Administration Cultural Heritage Administration 01 Introduction Tradition Preservation Connection 09 Vision 11 History Cultural Heritage Administration 2014 6 17 042-481-4675 ISBN 978-89-299-0407-4 03600 Copyright Cultural Heritage Administration Published by Cultural Heritage Administration, Republic of Korea Published June 17, 2014 Designed by Designintro Co., Ltd Publication management Spokesperson 16 Project Overview Preservation and Management Promotion and Public Access Cultural Exchange and Cooperation Research and Education Public Communication 36 Organization Office and Bureaus Organization Chart 40 Our Promise

Three Pillars Supporting a Single Roof of Culture The Cultural Heritage Administration strives to set Korean culture firmly upon the values of succeeding tradition, preserving heritage and connecting people. Cultural Heritage Administration Tradition Preservation Connection

Tradition CHA aims to succeed tradition, the roots of our cultural heritage, to secure a bright future for Korea.

Preservation CHA aims to preserve heritage and serve as a protective roof, to create new values for the future.

Connection CHA aims to connect people with the past, present and future, to put our culture in proper perspective.

Vision Building a future of hope and prosperity upon our proud cultural heritage CHA executes a diverse range of policies to promote the role of culture in national development through the proper preservation of cultural heritage and creation of new values. CI introduction Rendered in the form of the Chinese character for mankind ( ), the logo for CHA represents a traditional Korean tiled roof, a symbol of protection that expresses CHA's objective of guarding and preserving our cultural heritage. Color The unique deep blue-green of traditional Korean roof tiles chosen for the logogram symbolizes the precious greenery of nature that, like our cultural heritage, is well worth preserving for posterity. Design The font for the Korean logotype is based on the typeface used in the woodblock printing of Eongandok, a collection of exemplary epistles from late Joseon dynasty.

History 1998 1999 5 2004 3 Launched as the Former Royal Household Affairs Office, CHA carried out its activities of managing cultural heritage as an agency successively under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture and Information, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, until 1998. On May 1999, it was granted the status of an independent government agency of rank 1, and later in March 2004, the status of an agency of a sub-ministerial rank. 1945. 11 Launched as the Former Royal Household Affairs Office to oversee the duties of Yiwangjik, the office for matters related to the Joseonera Royal House of Yi during the Japanese occupation of Korea 1961. 10 Reorganized as the Cultural Properties Management Bureau (an extra-ministerial bureau in the Ministry of Culture and Education) 1999. 5 Reorganized as the Cultural Heritage Administration, an independent government agency 2004. 3 Elevated to the status of sub-ministerial agency. 1968. 7 Reorganized as an extraministerial bureau in the Ministry of Culture and Public Information

Cultural Heritage Charter 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1997 12 8 A nation s cultural heritage embodies its intellectual and spiritual contributions to the civilization of mankind. Cultural properties, whether tangible or intangible, represent both the essence and the basis of national culture. The cultural heritage of Korea, having survived vagaries of its long and tumultuous history, is particularly dear to us, Koreans. Our ongoing efforts to understand, explore and nurture this cultural heritage deepen the love of our country and of our fellow countrymen. All of us must work together to protect our historic relics and their surroundings from becoming damaged or destroyed, since once damaged, they can never be restored to their original condition. We thus proclaim this Cultural Heritage Charter, committing ourselves to the supreme task of handing on to future generations, our spiritual and physical assets as they were handed down to us by our ancestors. 1. Cultural heritage must be preserved in their original condition. 1. Cultural heritage, as well as their surroundings, must be protected from indiscriminate development. 1. Cultural heritage must never be destroyed, stolen, or illegally traded under any circumstances, for they are beyond material value. 1. The value of our cultural heritage must be taught and widely propagated through education at home, in school and in society. 1. All of us must contribute to preserving, developing and transmitting the glorious culture of our nation. December 8, 1997

Our cultural heritage is the foundation for cultural enrichment, the essential key to national happiness.

Project Overview Preservation and Management Designation and Registration Promotion and Public Access Public Access Policies Cultural Exchange and Cooperation Working with the Private Sector Strengthening the System for Preservation and Maintenance Improving the Quality of Preservation and Management Efforts Assuring the Right to Enjoy National Cultural Heritage Educational Promotion Working with the World Exchanging Cultural Heritage with the DPRK Research and Education Public Communication Cultural Heritage Research Cultural Heritage Committee Training Traditional Culture Specialists Cultural Heritage Ombudsman System Customer Support Center Online Policy Discussions (www.epeople.go.kr) Monthly newsletter Munhwajae Sarang Public access programs

Project Overview 19 Preservation and Management CHA strives to establish a sustainable and forward-looking system to preserve our cultural heritage. Designation and Registration Cultural heritage with national value is designated by CHA as Statedesignated Cultural Heritage, while local governments select those with regional significance as City- or Province-designated Cultural Heritage. Modern cultural heritage requiring special measures for preservation is designated as Registered Cultural Heritage. Strengthening the System for Preservation and Maintenance To preserve our cultural heritage effectively, it is important that the central government, local governments, civic groups and other entities involved in the management of cultural heritage divide and assume roles based on mutual understanding and common recognition, while establishing a system for cooperation. Accordingly, CHA has divided roles and created this type of system to promote the preservation and use of cultural heritage. 1 Improving the Quality of Preservation and Management Efforts To preserve and manage our traditions and culture efficiently and ensure that they are effectively transmitted, CHA devises policies and heritage protection methods specific to each category of cultural properties. 2 3 1Breaking ground for the reconstruction of the Stone Pagodat Mireuksa Temple site 2 Restoring wax-coated books 3Hwaseong Fortress in Suwon

20 Cultural Heritage Administration Project Overview 21 Designated and Registered Cultural Heritage State-designated (2014. 3. 31) Tangible Cultural Heritage Important Intangible Cultural Heritage 315 1,785 120 Working Together National Treasures Treasures Monuments Important Folklore Cultural Heritage 486 107 434 282 Historic Sites Scenic Sites Natural Monuments State-registered Registered Cultural Heritage 598 Sustainable Preservation and Use of Cultural Heritage City- or Province-designated Tangible Cultural Heritage Intangible Cultural Heritage Cultural Heritage Material 2,957 497 Monuments Folklore Cultural Heritage 1,608 387 Total State-designated and State-registered City-designated or Province-designated 2,499 Total 4,127 7,948 12,075 Cultural Heritage Administration Establishes and enacts a master plan to preserve and employ our cultural heritage Ensures that cultural heritage policies are up to date and reasonable; reforms systems and expands investment Korea National University of Cultural Heritage Systematically cultivates traditional culture specialists National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage Strengthens our basic capacity to preserve cultural heritage - Enhances the quality of investigations and research - Keeps the process up to date through the latest technology and specialization Civic society Devises alternative policies that encourage society to reach consensus on cultural heritage preservation Local governments Establishes and carries out detailed policy enactment plans developed specifically for each region Reinvigorates local communities

22 Cultural Heritage Administration Project Overview 23 1 5 1 The Royal Ancestral Ritual in the Jongmyo Shrine and its Music 2 Haeinsa Temple Janggyeong Panjeon (The Depositories for the Tripitaka Koreana Woodblocks) 3 Nanjung ilgi (War Diary) by Yi Sun-sin 4 Government Building of the Temporary Capital in Busan (Registered Cultural Heritage) 5Dokdo Island Natural Reserve 2 3 4 Architectural Cultural Heritage Using historical evidence and reviews from experts in relevant fields, CHA supervises the repair and maintenance of buildings considered cultural heritage based on the principle of preserving their original state. CHA is also constructing a comprehensive disaster-prevention system for Important Wooden Cultural Heritage so that appropriate measures can be taken to effectively deal with external causes of disaster. * Architectural Cultural Heritage: Wooden architectural components such as wooden palaces or gates and stone components such as stone caves or pagodas. Movable Cultural Heritage CHA carries out a variety of studies and other efforts for the careful preservation of fragile movable cultural properties and for the recovery and restoration of damaged cultural properties. Also, by archiving Important Movable Cultural Heritage data and through other digitization programs, CHA strives to make our movable cultural heritage accessible to a wider populace. * Movable Cultural Heritage: Tangible cultural properties that can be relocated, including books and craftwork. Historic Sites For cultural heritage preservation and the safeguarding of personal property rights to exist harmoniously, CHA strives to carry out effective preservation policies by systematically preserving and repairing cultural properties of historical significance and using them as resources for historical education and cultural tourism; by preparing criteria on granting permission for changing a site s status; and by drawing up a comprehensive plan to review whether or not a site requires protection as cultural heritage and to provide specialized maintenance services for each cultural property. Ancient Cities By designating the core areas of ancient cities as Special Preservation Zones for Historical and Cultural Environments and Preservation and Cultivation Zones for Historical and Cultural Environments, CHA seeks to promote policies that maintain balance between preservation and development, so that support projects for local residents can be carried out alongside the protection of cultural heritage through the spatial employment of cultural heritage preservation and maintenance. Natural Heritage While continuously searching for and designating natural heritage of great beauty and historical, scenic, aesthetic and academic value, CHA also strives to strengthen preservation and management efforts, such as by securing genetic resources concerning Natural Monument animals and plants; supports protection and maintenance organizations activities; and aims to raise the public s level of cultural awareness by expanding the foundation to employ natural heritage. One example of this can be found at the village for Oriental Storks in Yesan-gun, Chungcheongnam-do. Intangible Cultural Heritage CHA designates traditional intangible heritage as Important Intangible Cultural Heritage; gives recognition to holders of technological and artistic skills; and constructs a system for the transmission of those talents involving heritage trainers and trainees; endeavors to make intangible cultural heritage more accessible to the public through performances and exhibitions; and tries to transform intangible cultural heritage into knowledge resources by creating a digital archive of original materials. Folklore Cultural Heritage CHA establishes and executes a comprehensive maintenance plan for preserving folk villages in their original form, enhancing local residents quality of life and using the villages as tourist attractions. It provides repair and maintenance services so that traditional homes and other buildings original forms are preserved and the environment for current residents is improved. CHA also operates programs that use traditional culture and devises plans to support those residing in traditional homes. Modern Cultural Heritage CHA introduced the Cultural Heritage Registration System in 2001 to protect our modern cultural heritage from disappearing. It expanded the targets of registration to historical assets, cultural assets from daily life and movable cultural heritage. Registering cultural heritage eases regulations and therefore minimizes the dissatisfaction of the owner. A more efficient foundation for preservation is being prepared by forming a national consensus across all walks of life when reviewing cultural properties for registration. Buried Cultural Heritage For construction work on a land of 30,000 square meters or more, CHA ensures that an archeological field survey takes place beforehand and, if necessary, orders the site to be excavated. Relics excavated from the site are treated for preservation and later exhibited. CHA also publishes an excavation report, which it makes available as data for future academic research, and endeavors to reduce the burden on the people (licensees) by increasing the government s share of the cost to conduct small-scale field surveys and excavations.

Project Overview 25 CHA strives to create future value for our cultural heritage with policies that help the people of Korea enjoy and make use of cultural heritage in everyday life. Promotion and Public Access 4 4 EBS www.k-heritage.tv Public Access Policies Strives to strengthen the foundation for providing access to cultural heritage by developing and operating multi-medium content and relevant software by content type and distributing exemplary cases; cultivates representative projects that employ cultural heritage such as those to Revitalize the Four Major Palaces and Jongmyo Shrine and to Reinvigorate Local Cultural Heritage ; and works to foster a high-quality environment for cultural heritage by, for example, upgrading heritage description signs. Assuring the Right to Enjoy National Cultural Heritage Takes a variety of measures to ensure that our cultural heritage is preserved in the finest condition and is publicly accessible by providing free and nighttime admission to more cultural heritage sites and exhibitions, as well as constructing a mobile ticketing service for admission to the four major palaces using the special technology of private companies. 1 Educational Promotion Endeavors to develop educational programs to share the historic and prospective value of cultural heritage with future generations, such as by increasing support for field trips so that students can learn about our cultural heritage firsthand; and to inform the world about our precious cultural heritage through the Educational Broadcasting System and CHA s own online Heritage Channel(www.k-heritage.tv). 2 3 1 Mobile ticketing for admission in Deoksugung Palace 2Palace Culture School for Youth 3Visitors experience traditional Korean tea ceremony (Gyeongbokgung Palace)

26 Project Overview 27 CHA strives to strengthen ties between the public and private sectors; to gain global recognition for our cultural heritage; and to promote communication between the two Koreas through cultural exchange. Cultural Exchange and Cooperation 2011 ODA 2012 Working with the Private Sector To make our cultural heritage more accessible to the public and encourage local communities to preserve, cherish and enjoy our cultural heritage, CHA engages in a variety of activities with the public, such as the Cultural Heritage Keeper program, through which one member of the general public volunteers as the keeper for one cultural heritage. In addition, CHA supports private-sector organizations established for the purpose of safeguarding our cultural heritage, such as the National Trust for Cultural Heritage. 1 Inspections are regularly carried out on termite damage to wooden buildings 2 11 11th UNESCO Memory of the World International Advisory Committee 3 Royal Palace of Goryeo in Kaeseong, DPRK 1 Working with the World To enhance the global status of Korea as a culture-oriented country, CHA in 2011 established the International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region (ICHCAP); provides official development assistance (ODA) aimed at the preservation of cultural resources in underdeveloped countries; and strives to promote the value of our proud cultural heritage through efforts to inscribe more cultural assets on the UNESCO World Heritage List. In addition, CHA established the Overseas Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation in 2012 to strengthen ties with the private sector for increased systematic research into cultural resources overseas and to expand international exchange and cooperation. 2 3 Exchanging Cultural Heritage with the DPRK To better preserve and safeguard our cultural heritage and enhance mutual understanding on the Korean Peninsula, CHA promotes cultural heritage exchange programs with the DPRK. CHA also strives to build a foundation to defend against any external attempt to distort historical facts, as well as striving to maintain national unity and carry out the sustainable and stable implementation of preservation programs for important cultural heritage found in the North.

28 Cultural Heritage Administration 29 Korean Cultural Heritage Registered at the UNESCO 1 10 International conference on the convention for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage 2Changdeokgung Palace 3 Jongmyo Shrine 4Dolmen Sites 5 Royal Tombs of Joseon Dynasty 6 Historic Village 7Seokguram Grotto 8 Koguryo Tomb Murals (in DPRK) 1 10 16 11 2 3 4 5 6 5.18 World Heritage List Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple; Haeinsa Temple Janggyeong Panjeon (Depositories for the Tripitaka Koreana Woodblocks); Jongmyo Shrine; Changdeokgung Palace Complex; Hwaseong Fortreses; Gyeongju Historic Areas; Gochang; Hwasun and Ganghwa Dolmen Sites; Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes; Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty; Historic Villages of Korea Hahoe and Yangdong Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity Royal Ancestral Ritual in the Jongmyo Shrine and Its Music; Pansori Epic Chant; Gangneung Dano Festival; Ganggangsullae Dance; Namsadangnori Performance; Yeongsanjae Ritual; Jeju Chilmeoridang Yeongdeunggut; Dance of Cheoyong; Gagok (lyric song cycles accompanied by an orchestra); Daemokjang (traditional wooden architecture); Falconry; Taekgyeon (the traditional Korean martial art); Jultagi (tightrope walking); Weaving of Mosi (fine ramie) in the Hansan region; Arirang (lyrical folk song in Korea); Gimjang (Making and Sharing Kimchi in Korea) Memory of the World Joseonwangjosillok (Annals of the Joseon Dynasty); Manuscript of Hunminjeongeum; Jikjisimcheyojeol (Anthology of Zen Buddhism s Teachings); Seungjeongwonilgi (Diaries of the Royal Secretariat); Haeinsa-daejanggyeongpan and jegyeongpan (Printing woodblocks of the Tripitaka Koreana and miscellaneous Buddhist scriptures); Uigwe (Royal Protocols of the Joseon Dynasty); Dongeuibogam (Exemplar of Korean Medicine); Ilseongnok (Records of Daily Reflections); Human Rights Documentary Heritage 1980 Archives of the May 18th Democratic Uprising Against the Military Regime in Gwangju, Korea; Archives of Saemaeul-undong (New Community Movement); Nanjungilgi (War Diaries by Admiral Yi Sun-sin) 7 8

Project Overview 31 Research and Education R&D Cultural Heritage Research Through the National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, the National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage and the National Palace Museum of Korea, CHA conducts studies on the scientific preservation of cultural heritage, including research and development for the pre-emptive preservation of cultural resources, studies on raising the level of efficiency in the field of policy development and studies on maritime cultural heritage and royal court culture. R&D Training Traditional Culture Specialists The Korea National University of Cultural Heritage offers comprehensive programs at the university and graduate school level to train experts on cultural heritage theory and practice. Its affiliate organization, the Training Center for Traditional Culture, runs a variety of educational programs to improve the expertise of personnel in traditional culture and cultural heritage. CHA carries out R&D projects and train traditional culture experts for the pre-emptive preservation and restoration of cultural heritage. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Underwater excavations (National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage) 2 Analyzing the features of traditional glues 3 Class conducted at Korea National University of Cultural Heritage 4 Educational programs at the National Palace Museum of Korea 5 Exhibition of traditional royal fabric flowers 6 Exhibition of royal seals of the Great Han Empire

Project Overview 33 CHA seeks to form a national consensus on how to effectively implement cultural heritage policies based on a wide range of opinions. Public Communication 979 103 189 2 7 2 14 1600-0064 www.e-minwon.go.kr e-book SNS Cultural Heritage Committee heritage as follows: - Matters regarding framework plans for cultural heritage; designation, cancellation, change in current status and outbound transfer of statedesignated cultural heritage; and the safeguarding of historical and cultural environments - Matters regarding the registration and cancellation of registration of cultural heritage, excavation and evaluation of buried cultural heritage - Matters recognized as important due to their unique characteristics, or technical matters with regard to the preservation and management of statedesignated cultural heritage * There are currently 79 members on 9 subcommittees, including the Architectural Heritage Subcommittee (members holding concurrent positions: 105; associate members: 189) * Term: 2 years Cultural Heritage Ombudsman System - Report on various corruption cases, public discomfort and complaints; submission of proposals for policy improvement - Diagnosis of problems related to preservation, management and use of cultural heritage; and suggestion of remedies repair of cultural resources, intangible cultural heritage and viewing services Customer Support Center telephone, post, fax or a visit * Main Telephone : 82-1600-0064 / Website : www.e-minwon.go.kr e-people for Online Policy Discussions government policies and projects notice on legislation, and administrative advance notice investigation and itemization * e-people serves as a channel for two-way communication regarding policies closely affecting the daily lives of the public. Monthly newsletter Munhwajae Sarang awareness and publicity with familiar and appealing sections such as readers participation * The newsletter is available via mobile apps, webzine (e-book) and VOICEYE code (for the visually impaired) Visit/public access programs excavation sites open to the public * For more information, please visit our website or other affiliated websites

34 Cultural Heritage Administration Project Overview 35 1 UNESCO Cultural Heritage Youth Keepers 2 On-site briefing at the archaeological site of Gongsanseong Fortress in Gongju 3 Fire drill at royal tombs of the Joseon Dynasty 4 An interview with an onggi earthenware master at his workshop 5 Visitors at the royal costume exhibition 6 A stone statue guarding the royal tombs Communication Channels 1 2 3 Online Channels 4 5 Websites Advance notices for legislation and designation as cultural heritage, national proposals, discussions with CHA administrator, etc. SNS Social networking Official Facebook, Twitter, blogs and service accounts of offices, bureaus and affiliate organizations, etc. e-people Direct online policy discussions with the public (through e-surveys, public e-hearings, e-forums for policy discussions, etc.) 6 Offline Channels The Cultural Heritage Committee, public hearings, customer support center, newsletters, operation of the ombudsman, etc.

36 Driving Organization Organization 39 Force CHA was established to safeguard the integrity of cultural traditions of Korea and enhance the cultural life of Korean people by preserving, and promoting the use of, cultural heritage. Administrator Spokesperson Deputy Administrator Behind person 908 The Organization at Large Our 1 3 19 25 1 Office 3 Bureaus, 19 Divisions, 25 Internal Organizations (908 employees) Office of the Director-General for Planning & Coordination Heritage Policy Bureau Heritage Conservation Bureau Heritage Promotion Bureau 269 CHA 639 Internal Organizations Vision 1 3 19 A total of 269 employees work at the Office of the Director- 25 1 14 2 11 A total of 639 employees work at the 25 internal organizations General Services Division Planning & Budget Officer Creative Administration Officer Inspection & Legal Affairs Officer Archive & IT Officer General Policy Division Intangible Cultural Heritage Division Archeological Policy Division Cultural Heritage Risk Management Division Conservation Policy Division Historic Cities Conservation & Promotion Division Tangible Cultural Heritage Division Natural Heritage Division Promotion Policy Division Royal Palaces & Tombs Division International Cooperation Division Modern Cultural Heritage Division 4 Korea National University of Cultural Heritage, National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, National Palace Museum of Korea, National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage, National Intangible Heritage Center, four major royal palaces, Jongmyo Shrine, etc. Internal Organizations Preservation Technology Division 4 Korea National University of Cultural Heritage, National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, National Palace Museum of Korea, National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage, National Intangible Heritage Center, four major royal palaces, Jongmyo Shrine, etc.

37 38 Office and Bureaus Driving Office for the Director-General for Planning & Coordination Affiliate Organizations Force Establishes and coordinates annual plans of major activities; and handles budget, organizations/personnel, legislation and informatization of cultural resources. Heritage Policy Bureau Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation Operates the Korea House, the Training Centers for Important Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Korea Cultural House; develops and disseminates a variety of programs for performance and exhibition on intangible cultural heritage and the promotion of royal palaces. Also operates services and amenities to promote and enhance cultural heritage and develop traditional living culture. Behind Establishes and coordinates basic plans on preservation, management and promotion of cultural heritage and performs tasks regarding important intangible heritage and buried cultural heritage. Also takes responsibility for damage and disasters in cultural heritage. Overseas Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation Conducts general matters including research, studies, recovery and use of cultural heritage found around the world. Driving Force Behind Our Vision Heritage Conservation Bureau Establishes, coordinates and implements a comprehensive plan for the preservation of cultural heritage; executes tasks regarding national treasures, treasures, historic sites (excluding modern architecture and facilities), natural monuments and ancient cities; and formulates and coordinates policies for the repair of cultural heritage. Heritage Promotion Bureau Establishes, coordinates and implements a comprehensive plan for the use of cultural heritage; manages all matters related to royal palaces and tomb offices and the management office for Joseon royal palaces and tombs. Also takes responsibility for the promotion of international exchange in the field of cultural heritage and UNESCO World Heritage nomination. Our Vision The International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (ICHCAP) Provides full support for the safeguarding for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia-Pacific, including through the construction and employment of databases for intangible cultural resources and worldwide programs for promoting their transmission and dissemination. National Trust for Cultural Heritage Establishes and implements framework plans for the acquisition, preservation, management and use of cultural heritage, while conducting for-profit businesses by using preserved assets, as well as fund-raising activities for the acquisition, preservation, management and use of cultural heritage. Korea Cultural Properties Repair Association Conducts research and studies for development of cultural heritage repair and fostering of its experts; provides guidance and education regarding cultural heritage repair engineers; and manages records on cultural heritage repairs by cultural property and by repair specialists.

Our Cultural Heritage Belongs to the People of Korea. It is thanks to the creative endeavors of our forebears as individuals and as a society, and to the care with which they safeguarded and preserved the cultural forms born out of these endeavors, and handed them down to future generations, that we are today able to benefit from an exceptionally rich cultural heritage as a nation. As the heirs of these amazing cultural assets, we are all also their custodians. CHA, therefore, welcomes and values open communication with the Korean public and their participation in its activities, and will do its utmost to preserve the traditional culture of our country to hand it down to future generations.

Contact Us * International Telephone Code for Korea : 82 www.cha.go.kr www.jch.go.kr www.royalpalace.go.kr Our Cultural Heritage Belongs to the People of Korea. It is thanks to the creative endeavors of our forebears as individuals and as a society, and to the care with which they safeguarded and preserved the cultural forms born out of these endeavors, and handed them down to future generations, that we are today able to benefit from an exceptionally rich cultural heritage as a nation. As the heirs of these amazing cultural assets, we are all also their custodians. CHA, therefore, welcomes and values open communication with the Korean public and their participation in its activities, and will do its utmost to preserve the traditional culture of our country to hand it down to future generations. Cultural Heritage Administration 302-701189 Government Complex Daejeon, 189, Cheongsa-ro, Seo-gu, Daejeon 302-701 Korea Tel 1600-0064, 042-481-4637 Fax 042-863-1164 www.nuch.ac.kr Korea National University of Cultural Heritage 323-812367 367 Baekjemun-ro, Gyuam-myeon, Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do 323-812 Korea Tel 041-830-7114 / Fax 041-830-7020 http://tctc.nuch.ac.kr The Training Center for Traditional Culture 323-812367 367, Baekjemun-ro, Gyuam-myeon, Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do 323-812 Korea Tel 041-830-7823 / Fax 041-830-7829 Jungwon National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage 380-230 38, 38, Namhangang-ro, Chungju-si, Chuncheongbuk-do 380-230 Korea Tel 043-850-7800 / Fax 043-855-8964 www.conservation.go.kr Cultural Heritage Conservation Science Center 305-380132 132, Munji-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-380 Korea Tel 042-860-9361 / Fax 042-860-9497 www.gogung.go.kr National Palace Museum of Korea 110-82012 12, Hyoja-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-820 Korea Tel 02-3701-7500 / Fax 02-732-0775 Gyeongbokgung Palace Office 110-050161 161, Sajik-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-050 Korea Tel 02-3700-3900 / Fax 02-3700-3909 www.cdg.go.kr Changdeokgung Palace Office 110-36099 99, Yulgok-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-360 Korea Tel 02-762-9513 / Fax 02-762-2070 http://cgg.cha.go.kr Changgyeonggung Palace Office 110-360 185 185, Changgyeonggung-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-360 Korea Tel 02-762-4868 / Fax 02-762-9514 www.deoksugung.go.kr Deoksugung Palace Office www.nrich.go.kr National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage 305-380132 132, Munji-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-380 Korea Tel 042-860-9114 / Fax 042-861-4923 www.seamuse.go.kr National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage 530-839 136 136, Namnong-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do 530-839 Korea Tel 061-270-2000 / Fax 061-270-2039 100-12099 99, Sejong-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea 100-120) Tel 02-751-0734 / Fax 02-771-9953 http://jm.cha.go.kr Jongmyo Shrine Office www.gch.go.kr Gyeongju National Institute of Cultural Heritage http://nith.cha.go.kr National Intangible Heritage Center 110-400157 157, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-400 Korea Tel 02-765-0195 / Fax 02-3672-4332 780-410132 132, Bulbuk-ro, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbukdo 780-410 Korea Tel 054-777-8800 / Fax 054-777-8890 560-120 95 95, Seohak-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk 560-120 Korea Tel 063-280-1400 / Fax 063-280-1429 http://royaltombs-office.cha.go.kr Joseon Royal Tomb Management Office www.bch.go.kr Buyeo National Institute of Cultural Heritage 323-803 2316 34 34, Chungjeol-ro 2316beon-gil, Gyuammyeon, Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do 323-803 Korea Tel 041-830-5600 / Fax 041-830-5629 http://hcs.cha.go.kr Hyeonchungsa Shrine Office 336-813126 126, Hyeonchungsa-gil, Yeomchi-eup, Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do 336-813 Korea Tel 041-539-4600 / Fax 041-539-4650 110-820 12, Hyoja-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-820 Korea Tel 02-3700-1814 / Fax 02-739-7832 Dongbu Region Management Office 471-010 197 197, Donggureung-ro, Guri-si, Gyeonggi-do 471-010 Korea www.cch.go.kr http://sejong.cha.go.kr Tel 031-563-2909 / Fax 031-569-3346 Gaya National Institute of Cultural Heritage 641-729 256 256, Yongji-ro, Uichang-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do 641-729 Korea Tel 055-211-9000 / Fax 055-211-9012 King Sejong Shrine Office 469-812269-50 269-50, Yeongneung-ro, Neungseo-myeon, Yeoju-si, Gyeonggi-do 469-812 Korea Tel 031-885-3123 / Fax 031-885-3125 Jungbu Region Management Office 139-240681 681, Hwarang-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul 139-240 Korea Tel 02-972-0370 / Fax 02-972-6301 www.ncp.go.kr Naju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage 520-230 263-23 263-23, Yeongsanpo-ro, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do 520-230 Korea Tel 061-339-1114 / Fax 061-339-1119 http://700.cha.go.kr Chilbaeguichong Shrine Office 312-911 50 50, Uichong-gil, Geumseong-myeon, Geumsangun, Chungcheongnam-do 312-911 Korea Tel 041-753-8701 / Fax 041-753-5700 Seobu Region Management Office 412-110334-92 334-92, Seooreung-ro, Deokyang-gu, Goyangsi, Gyeonggi-do 412-110 Korea Tel 02-359-0090 / Fax 02-359-0068

C U L T U R A L H E R I T A G E C U L T U R A L A D M I N I S T R A T I O N H E R I T A G E A D M I N I S T R A T I O N 302-701 Tel_ 042.481.4650 Fax_ 042.481.4768 www.cha.go.kr

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