e-business - - 2000 5
< > < > : 1 1 1 2 4 II e-business, 6 1 6 2 6 3 8 4 31 III e-business 32 1 ( ) 32 2 34 e-business : 35 1 36 2 37 e-business 38
< > < -1 > 1 < -2 > 2 < -3 > 3 < -4 > 5 < -1 > 6 < -2 > 7 < -3 > (CCO ) 9 < -4 > 10 < -5 > A/S 10 < -6 > iprint 14 < -7 > GE (TPN ) 15 < -8 > Amazoncom 18 < -9 > Amazoncom 20 < -10 > Outpostcom 21 < -11 > Outpostcom 22 < -12 > etoyscom 24 < -13 > CS Club 26 < -14 > 27 < -15 > AOL 29 < -16 > AOL 30 < -1 > 33 < -1 > e-business 39
< >,, e-business e-business Contents, Commerce, Community,, ( ),, ( ), Informediary, /, Informediary, e-business, Contents,, / (Product/Service Leadership), i
,, e-business (Product & Service Leadership) (Contents) (Community) (Commerce), (Speed), / / (Relationship) ii
: 90,, (Reach) (Richness) (Physical Value Chain) (Information Value Chain), ( ), < -1 > - ( ), Trade-off (PVC) (IVC) - Smart Product(Digital Devices) * * 1 (Reach) (Richness) (Economics of Information) e-business 1
,,,,,,, (<-2> ) < -2 > (EDI ) ( ) : Blown to Bits, Harvard Business School Press, 1999,, 2
( ) (< -3> ) < -3 > 1980 1980 ~ 90 1990~ 90 2000 - - /, - - - - -,, - - Help Desk - - / / / / - - - - - - DB - - : Co-opting Customer Competence, HBR Jan-Feb 2000,, e-business 3
4,,,,, 2 (PVC) (IVC) ( ),, <-4>,, /,,
e-business < -4 > / - -,, -, - -,,, /,, (Contents) (Context) (Infrastructure) / / - - ( ) - - - ( ) - / / e-business 5
e-business, 1 (Method of Doing Business) Contents, Commerce, Community Contents,,, Commerce, Community 2 < -1 > - Cisco - GE(TPN Post) - Cisco - Dell - iprint - TPN Register - Autoxchange Infomediary -AOL -Yahoo - * - Outpostcom - - etoys - CSN *,,, 11Top Brand (126 ) 6
5, /, Infomediary < -2 > B to B B to C Network - / / ( ) ( ), Domain,,, (Personalization), / e-business 7
3 1) (1) e-business,,,,, e-business CCO(Cisco Connection Online), CCO < -3> CCO,, End-to-End Process (e-scm, e-crm ) 8
< -3 > (CCO ) DB CCO A/S (50%) (50%) 50%, 50%,,, (<-4, 5> ) 2,280 83 A/S 81%, A/S 7,500, 25,000, 4,000 36,500 9434(5 ) 9942525% e-business 9
< -4 > - 1,342-347,779 100-2,280 (%) - 83 80-413 70 64 60 55 74 40 20 0 4 96 8 9 96 11 15 97 2 23 97 5 33 97 8 38 97 11 42 98 2 98 5 98 8 98 11 99 2 < -5 > A/S - 81% - 110 / - 25% - 98% / 425 1,600,000-36,500 7,500 1,400,000 25,000 1,200,000 4,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 34 94 7 95 4 96 1 96 10 97 7 98 4 99 1 e-business,,,, 10
7,000 2,100 S/W, H/W, e-scm,,,, 2) (1) Dell, 50%,,,, Premier Page Premier Page (200 ),, e-business 11
12 SupportDellcom,, JIT, 99 PC 1 Service & Support A/S, ( 30,000 ) 15 20,000 3 5 30,000 40,000 15 30%,,,
(Build-to-Order),,,, PC,,,, (Relationship Customers) (Transaction Customers) 200,,,, Premier Page Flexible Manufacturing System, JIT,, (2) iprintcom iprint iprint1996,,,, iprint,, e-business 13
< -6 > iprint iprint (EPS ) SOHO :,,, 199912 iprint iprint EPS(Electronic Publishing System),, 25% 50%,,, 2 4 14
3) (1) GE TPN TPN GE TPN Mart, TPN Post, TPN Register TPN Mart,, GE TPN Post,, < -7 > GE (TPN ) - TPN TPN - - Mart Post - GE ( (- ) ) - GE TPN * TPN Server TPN (2), ( (7 ) TPN ) DB - - - * 90 5~8 TPN PostGE( ) e-business 15
TPN Register 3(Third Party) TPNGE Thomas Publishing - TPN TPN GE, TPN 94GEIS(GE Information Services) GEIS 30% TPN 96 70 Thomas Publishing TPN Register 972 Thomas Publishing, 15, GE,, 97 40 TPN 983GEIS Korea TPN TPN TPN GE, 16
, GE 5~20%, 30%, 60% 10 TPN 18 23 TPN 8 10, 7 1,, 4) (1) Amazoncom Amazoncom 1995 Amazon,,,, 85%, 20002 Forrester Research / /, /, 3 /, ( 98),,,, ( 99) Amazoncom,, Amazon Distributor, e-business 17
e-retailer Amazon,, Ingram12 Distributor < -8 > Amazoncom Affiliate Associate, Amazoncom Excite, Netscape,, Distributor Ingram 12 (Affiliate) Off-line Amazon 100 400,,, 18
15% 40% (CRM) Amazon, 23 DB 1:1 e-mail,, DB Amazon, XML,, 1999 72 20%, e-business 19
< -9 > Amazoncom (12, ) 164 (%) 19 27 22 22 22 24 61 14 1997 03 1998 12 1999 72 1997 1998 1999 6 (2) Outpostcom Outpostcom Outpostcom1995 H/W, S/W, 20002 Forrester Research Free overnight delivery Outpostcom, Buycom 20
, < -10 > Outpostcom Affiliate ( ) Outpostcom / - UPS, DHL, (Affiliate) (Free overnight delivery) e-business 21
, 6, 30 day money back guarantee 30,, 17 6,, 24 1999 34 < -11 > Outpostcom ( $) 85 113 (%) 315 130 262 241 11 23 116 95 97 113 972 1 982 992 9911 7 (3 25 ) 26 972 982 992 9911 (3 ) 22
10%, 2-3 (3) etoyscom etoyscom etoyscom97,,,, e-50, 20002 Forrester Research / Amazon 2 etoyscom e-retailer, etoyscomcdnow, Outpost,, e-business 23
< -12 > etoyscom AOL, etoyscom :,,, 199912,,, etoys etoys5,000 1,,,, 20 My etoys,,, 24
(4) CSN CSN CSN CS Club B2C, B2B,, CS Club B2B, B2C, C2C B2B B2C,,, C2C DB Cendant, MSN,,,,, LG,,,,,, Logis Club CS Club CS Club,, CS Club,, e-business 25
< -13 > CS Club / ( CSN) ( ) ( ) ( ) 15 ( )1,, 3 30,,, / B2C, C2C,,, / / CS Club 976, 99 1 2000 117 28 12 CS Club60, 18 CSN 26
< -14 > 802 CSN 98 300 14 98 99 : CS Club : 4 30, / 100% A/S:,, 100 My CS Club 1:1 :,,,, 10,, 15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (B2C) (C2C) e-business 27
17 24 5) Infomediary (1) AOL AOL 1985 AOL, AOL, / /,, 4 AOL ( 21 ), CompuServe( 25 ), 1 AOLcom, CompuServecom, Netcentercom ( ), Digitalcitycom( ), ICQcom( ), MovieFonecom( ), Spinnercom( ),,,,,,, 17, AOL,, 28
AOL ISP, AOL AOL (Affiliate), < -15 > AOL Affiliate ( ) (,, AOLcom CompuServecom Netcentercom ICQcom 1995 PC CompuServe,,,,, e-business 29
M&A M&A(CompuServe, NetScape, ICQ ) TV 25 AOL, 23 1999 < -16 > AOL ( ) 48 (%) 12 10 8 31 31 18 21 25 (07) 76 55 98 6 99 6 99 12 (6 ) 71 70 67 98 6 99 6 99 12 (6 ) 30
4, Contents,, Contents - Contents, AOLTime Warner Contents - -, -, Dell Configurator,, 1500 - Whirlpool,, -, - - Amazon 75% - e-business, e-business 31
-, (Contents), Amazon (Product Leadership), /, Commodity / Commodity Product Leadership e-business e-economy 1 ( ),,, 32
,, (Purchase Aggregator) (Business Mall: ) < -1 > ( (Business Mall) ) (Purchasing Agent) (Purchase Aggregator) ( (Purchase (Information ) Aggregator) Mart) : Electronic commerce: Three emerging strategies, The Mckinsey Quarterly 1998 Number 1 e-business 33
2 Contents( ), Community( ), Commerce( ), -, -, 10 American Eagle Outfitters (Contents), (Community), (Commerce) - -,,, ( ) Amazon (Community),, (Commerce) (Commerce) - - (Contents), (Community), (Commerce) - ebay (Contents) (Community), (Commerce) C2C B2B 34
- Community - 20-30 One-stop boocom (Barnes & Noble) Peapod, e-business :, B2C (Hyblid Click and Mortar Approach) Amazon1999 5, 300 e-business 35
Weban25 10, ebay Butterfield & Butterfield ( ), (Touch) 1 Charles Schwab, Staples, Gap, Gateway 1-800-phone (Direct-to Customer Internet Model) Gateway Gateway, Dell e- business 1990 Gateway Dell PC (Home User), PC Gateway 130 Gateway Gateway PC Gateway PC 36
, 48 PC 2 Gateway,, Gateway,, Gateway 3 Gateway,,,,, Gateway Gateway 5 20%, 2, 10 Gateway, 2000 400 e-business 37
e-business, e-business Product Service Leadership, e-business, / Commodity / Contents, Community, Commerce e-business Contents Community, Commerce ContentsCommunity ( ), Community / Network Effect, e-business (Product & Service Leadership) (Contents) (Community) (Commerce), (Speed), / / (Relationship) B2C 38
< -1 > e-business Success of e-business Speed Relationship - - Network Effect, Actor - Contents - Community -,, - Commerce e-crm, e-scm Channel Conflict Product & Service Leadership - e-business e-business 39
kspark@maillgericokr (1985) (1988) (1999) LG kmkang@maillgericokr (1991) (1997) LG wlbae@maillgericokr (1994) (1999) LG