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매개된 감정: SNS와 우리 시대의 감정구조 1).., ( ),..,, (mediated emotion)... ( )..,. * 2011. **.

..,.,. (possess) (access). 1) 10 (J. Rifkin)..., (, ),. ( ).,,,,, (/ ),.? 2) 1),,,, 2001. 2) ( ). 75.,.......,., : 4, Sunday, 225, 2011 7 3. http://sunday.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=22274 10 31

.,.,. ( ) ( ), ( ) ( ).,..,,,,., (emotional capitalism) (Eva Illouz),,,,,.,. 3),, 4). 3),,,, 2010. 214. 10..,.,.,, 11. 4),, 18. 11

,?,? (face book) (twitter) (SNS).., 5). SNS.., ( ) 5) (structure of feeling).., (set). ( ), (Thought as felt) (feeling as thought). Williams, Raymond. "Language and Structures of Feeling." In Semiotics. Ed. Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou, Alexandros Lagopoulos and Mark Gottdiener. London: SAGE, 2002. Vol.2. 12 31

, ( ).. SNS,,., 2006?(What are you doing?) 2009 11?(What's new?)..,. ( ). SNS.,. Le Figaro ( 紙 )..?,. SNS. 6) SNS 6) (meformer) ( ),. (informer) 13

,. SNS,., SNS. (Status Update) (happy) (hug) (sick) (vile). 7),., ( ). 140,. SNS. ( ).,. (follower) ( ), 80% SNS. 7), http://mnews.joinsmsn.com/article/article.asp?total_id =5597796, 2011 6 7. 14 31

., SNS ( ), ( ) 8)... SNS. SNS.,. SNS,., ( ).. SNS (blog)., ( 8), (...).?..,, 30,, 2012, 17-18. 15

). (time line) SNS. 9) ( ). SNS?. ( ). 10), emotion emovere. (e-) (motion),., ( ( 精 動 ) ). SNS,....,, 9) SNS.,,, :, 28,, 2010, 323-344. 10) SNS.,, SNS. ( ). 16 31

.,,, ( ).. ( 異 見 ) ( )., ( ) ( )., SNS,..??, ( )., ( ). SNS,. SNS? 17

, ( ).. SNS ( ),. intimacy, -, -. ( ). SNS,. ( ) - 11). SNS,, (microworlds) 12). SNS,., SNS 11),, 10,,, 2011. 216. 12), 217. 18 31

. SNS -.,. 13) SNS,.,.. (,,,, ),..,. core self,., 13),, 154. SNS. SNS SNS., SNS -. 19

, (,, ). 14) sense of self,. 15) - 16) ( ).,.,. SNS - ( ). SNS, intimacy.? (N. Luhmann),. 14), 157. 15).,.,.,., 162-171. 16),, 10,,, 2011. 226. 20 31

17),.? (,,,, ),, ( 共 鳴 ) 18).,. 19) SNS...,. 12,000. (CMC) 17),,,, 2009, 29. 18), 33. 19),, 96, 2011, 246.,.,,,,,, 2003.,,,, 2008.. 21

. 20), CMC, 21).,.,., SNS.,., cold intimacy.. 22), 20) CMC, :,, 48 1,, 2011, 32-35. CMC Daantje Derks, Agneta H. Fischer, Arjan E. R. The role of emotion in computer-mediated communication: A review, Computers in Human Behavior xxx (2007) http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/a.h.fischer/bestanden/derks%20fischer%20bos%2020 08.pdf 21),, 35. 22). 22 31

( ),. SNS. SNS (, 23) ).,?. 24) (Celebrity)., (intimacy) (affiliation). SNS, backstage access. 25) 23)., 2010 9 9. http://news.donga.com/3/all/20100909/31064168/1 24), 80% 20%, 40%. 25) A. Marwick and D. boyd, "To See and Be Seen: Celebrity Practice on Twitter," Conversence 17(2), 2011, 139-158... (2011 10 20 ). 23

SNS - life-streaming 26), SNS( ).,, ( ) (gossip)... ( ). SNS.,..,,,,,,. 27)., 26) SNS - life-streaming, A. Marwick, Status Update: Celebrity, Publicity, and Self-Brading in Web 2.0., PhD dissertation, New York University, Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, 2010. 362-422. 27),, 65. 24 31

(!) 28).,.,,. SNS.. SNS. SNS. SNS ( )., SNS,., (common space). SNS (, 29) ) (public sphere)?, 28), 71. 29), 18., ( ). 25

.. (collective agency) 30)? SNS ( )., 140.. SNS ( ) ( ).. SNS. (realtime) CNN 30),, (people).,.,,,, 2010, 131-167. 26 31

24 TV, SNS (interactivity)..,,. SNS. SNS., SNS. SNS. SNS ( ). 2008 TV,., ( ). 31). TV 31),,, 2008 (55 ), 170-181. 27

... (...).. TV ( ).,.. 32), SNS.. SNS,,. 33)? (interpassivity). interactivity.. 32), TV,?,, 2008 7 6.,. 33) http://weirdhat.net/xe/index.php?mid=ahriman&page=1&document_srl= 34430 28 31

- (, )..,,.?,,, 34). ( ). ( ). ( )., ( ).,.., ( )., (false activity)., 34), How to Read,,, 2007, 41. 29

,.,.. ( ),. 35) SNS., (RT),., semblance. 36) SNS, (mediated emo- 35),.,.. (...),.,., 45. 36), (...), (the Real).,,,,,,.,...., 61-62. 30 31

tion). SNS?. SNS., SNS (media phenomenology). 31

,,, :, 28,, 2010, 323-344.,, 30,, 2012, 9-35., :,, 48 1,, 2011, 29-58.,, 96, 2011, 243-255.,,, 2008 (55 ), 170-181.,,,,, 2003.,,,, 2009.,,,, 2001.,,,, 2008.,,,, 2010., How to Read,,, 2007.,, 10,,, 2011.,,,, 2010. Raymond Williams, "Language and Structures of Feeling." In Semiotics. Ed. Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou, Alexandros Lagopoulos and Mark Gottdiener. London: SAGE, 2002. Vol.2. Derks D, Fischer A. H., Arjan E. R., The role of emotion in computer-mediated communication: A review, Computers in Human Behavior xxx (2007) http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/a.h.fischer/bestanden/derks%20fischer% 20Bos%202008.pdf Marwick A., boyd D., "To See and Be Seen: Celebrity Practice on Twitter," Conversence 17(2), 2011, 139-158. 32 31

Marwick A., Status Update: Celebrity, Publicity, and Self-Brading in Web 2.0., PhD dissertation, New York University, Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, 2010., : 4, Sunday, 225, 2011 7 3. http://sunday.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=22274,, 2011 6 7. http://mnews.joinsmsn.com/article/article.asp?total_id=5597796,,, :, 2010 9 9. http://news.donga.com/3/all/20100909/31064168/1 33

Mediated Emotion: SNS and Structure of Emotion in our age Kim, Soo-Hwan This article aims to make a close inquiry into the problematic status of emotion of our age in SNS. Emotion through media, that is, mediated emotion is not just a expression of emotion. Every media is not transparent as language also isn't. Media is not just a means for communication, but structural mechanism which constructs communication itself. In our age human being comes to possess a most fast and extensive means for expressing and sharing emotions and by that makes it inevitable to ask what kind of transformations in structure and formula of our emotion will bring about this new media innovation. Expression as psychological unit is social and cultural construct as well as individual. In this respect, core question is about the problematic relation between contemporary media-scape in the name of SNS and so-called emotion-inflation of our age. Digital media scene including SNS is not just a medium for communication, but the actual spot where takes place interesting identification play which is strongly colligated to consumerism, for instance by stylization of tastes. As a microcosmos of self-identity, it can function as very effective symbolic integrator of subject. At the same time, SNS scene serves as the most vivid and live stage of cultural model of intimacy. The dominant formula managing this stage is what is called cold intimacy as characteristics of modern type of human relationship, and this shows well the real circumstances of emotion-capitalism where every emotional relationship can be calculated and rationalized(and in the long run can be purchased and sold). On the other hand, the huge possibilities of active participation of SNS users (interactivity) also have a potential threat of being transformed into 34 31

pseudo-activity which is termed interpassivity by S. Zizek. This ambivalent aspects of SNS demand more close and comprehensive reading of SNS media-space, that is media-phenomenology for SNS. :,,,,,, ( ) media, emotion, SNS, self-identification, intimacy, participation, (false) activity 35