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search engine determine likely phrase term incorporate heading catch one s breath fear floor complete barrier circumstance inappropriate emergency immediate [공통 B-] go before grounding tune in turf venture establish remind ~ of... [공통 B-] spread migration ecology game scarce elusive dwindling intense herding cultivation row crop diminish increasingly restricted supplement gradually emerge 5 technical term overly specific avoid sensitive devote turn on not necessarily ~ continue sentence conversation 6 blanket in some measure for all that literally dirt under one s feet take it for granted (that ~) backyard residential area industrial area remove construction

www.ebsi.co.kr 7 [공통 B-5] average geography location by definition sea level be located at[in] formation elevation altitude insulator release efficiently 8 [공통 B-6] diversity conserve primary emphasis cooperation preserve livelihood rural breed agriculture essential adaptability intact ecosystem ensure nutrient oxygen thereby inhabitant supplementary harvest cf. above the sea level get involved in lyrics engage schedule seminar explore root regularly benefit breed cockapoo Welsh corgi end up -ing [공통 B-] equipment lawnmower proper get rid of local environmental agency set up trade in contact solid waste [공통 B-] evaluation bias plate

outcome stick 5 reflect appeal industrialized perform technical dependence essential shelter alarming sew 6 motivated recognition look forward to vanity resentment build productivity deserve cubicle achievement offend 7 [공통 B-5] as a last resort lead recognition unconscious conflict 8 [공통 B-6] bring to bear assumption conceive aquarium useless suffer from northward plate crash edge continent come together draw downward equally section crust thrust up ~ into... fold continuous peak collision wrinkle mountain range fault eardrum vibrate in sympathy with predator detect herd bass via white ant bang wolf spider n. vibration

www.ebsi.co.kr courtship amino acid zinc conclude intake anonymous lodge newsgroup cf. anonymity blow the whistle on questionable tip off 5 [공통 B-] call attention to innocent necessarily degrade institution persistence reasonable crucial unbelievable variety of ways indigenous 6 [공통 B-] acknowledge co-author a case in point title page copyright suggestion technological networking referred to as ghostwriting ethical credit authorship content suggest false memoirist coherent 7 [공통 B-] explosion efficient admit activate dairy fancy 8 [공통 B-] function trustworthy install by definition have no choice but to not be the wiser privacy background parking ticket baggage screener customs inspector cry fade 5

composer anguish despair occasion strike transfer jotting benefit factual chunk shallow concept context definition oppose interaction strict adherence interrupt border on pointless tedious deception convenience grease fool illegal [공통 B-] uneven distribution life expectancy diarrhea water-borne disease deficiency affliction the Global South per capita urban 5 [공통 B-] multitude contemporary deposit unavoidable tendency sensible proportion diminish typical salesclerk addition capacity 6 [공통 B-] alternative endangered teak deforestation tropical rainforest indigenous transport halfway chemical fire resistance pest resistance rural 7 reject automatically assume genuinely be on the right track positive 6

www.ebsi.co.kr 8 stiff competition requirement be single-minded about productivity performance consequently management potential boost variable cost human capital temporary henceforth 9 positive impression intelligently interviewee admit pick up on less than may as well V [공통 B-7] patent explosion advanced implement expire in the meantime innovation microwave oven moral commercially [공통 B-8] inherent attempt rational justification basis autonomy intellect be willing to judgment deficient mentally handicapped sustain 0 resident intersection avenue simply traffic signal near-accident pressing emergency pedestrian top priority immediate diner follow through with one in five rank ~ as... satisfaction conscious highlight perceive 7

dilemma indulgence in addition to infer perception scene hazy considerable visibility primary detect term specify factory intimidating starter plant run keep somebody in something produce organic bargain pocket diary aid address book available 5 [공통 B5-] bothered pressured admit justified get along all along 6 [공통 B5-] stimulus transform quote assume segment occupy foreground exposure previously via 7 [공통 B5-] learned evidence suggest reward circuitry glow speculate urge innate ancestor game survival advantage 8 [공통 B5-] trucking metro load dispatching office entrepreneur subscribe productivity pl. stimuli through the medium of 8

www.ebsi.co.kr consumer needs probe psychological in-depth consist of projective technique association completion explanation deserve statistical sampling a variety of title employee responsibility obligation solid internal foundation independence personal fundamental sound contribute to stable potential weaken requester manipulate similarity liking compliance evidence remark hold off purchase conflict emergency demand concept accurate description scarcity convince economics take on 5 [공통 B6-] negative constructive verbal conceive define sensitive specific improvement description must 6 [공통 B6-] opposite compel be hot on the trail of deliver absorb invaluable pause relief charge 9

7 inference furnishings communicate coordination convey reflect line decorate 8 bits and pieces ambiguity less than optimal paper tempting analysis integration destruction reconstruction generation harsh make amends for recognize [공통 B6-5] afford to access be stricken with productivity portion loyalty reap [공통 B6-6] narrative justify offender arbitrary severity tolerance frustration interpersonal 9 precise reason complementary at one s disposal switch economical 0 roll over miserable fix sweep resolutely adolescent confide in talk out isolation groom lean presence alienated innermost invasion correction ridicule 0

www.ebsi.co.kr at one time or another fetch cue reconstruct semester recall apply to state identical condition coast significantly away involve severity time zone respectively run opponent complete pl. endear competent disguise 5 [공통 B7-] domestic rectangular intrusion restore entertain 6 [공통 B7-] norm normative engage in inflict condemn direct toward corporate sponsor overstep tolerate evoke awe [공통 B7-] manufacture suppress investigator unpopular frown grimace contain vent expansive grin leisure motive relative obligation well-being undertake an element of specific

household resident survey questionnaire consume garbage discard consumption technique significant seriously rapid publisher reference title electronic format increasingly purchase catalogue available obtain collection complete stony react negative impression inclined closely 5 access consume privacy intervention 6 [공통 B8-] dawn engage in accumulation universal cause effect vast store 7 [공통 B8-] formerly reasoning base A on B logic conduct weigh perform opposite conscious suggestion authority declare pure rare average momentous far-reaching primarily 8 [공통 B8-] zero-sum game party gain collaboration A B

www.ebsi.co.kr ongoing convince union management dissatisfaction in the long run contestant beverage random drawing purchase dime the Bluenose catch crew trophy championship fleet in a row wreck wagon wheel folk dance festive composition recognize relative turn out 0 Nova Scotia odd job preserved reveal specific lack jewelry intend chop scrape fur 5 [공통 B9-] immigrant endure measles pneumonia cartoonist illustrator illustrate pair up with ground-breaking try one s hand at make one s reputation the following year 6 [공통 B9-] variation originate with originally province version favorite shelf life specifically original method

root word thin crunchy texture ideal dipping beverage 7 association host annual competition sponsor category appetizer entry prior to 8 pottery quality studio facility potter requirement membership have access to clean-up session result in termination payment 9 marine serve as aquatic registration junior senior submit 0 communication machine mind-to-mind connect device ordinary instantly fantastic cut costs [공통 B9-7] mistress maid intelligence pioneer entitle romance slavery conquest maiden passion loyalty [공통 B9-8] estimate demolish alter seating commentator playhouse theatrical house storage renovate

www.ebsi.co.kr as for relationship reluctance infrequently treatment task independent portrait appoint court grant permission grand graceful profound sleeping bag wander grab jerk mumble recognize episode [공통 B0-] character critical green twig adjacent stroke match role comeback restore assistant beg treat reception go out of one s way count on steady produce afford outstanding organic commitment efficient invest irrigation savings additional stop by take action get back on track stimulus plan package immediate restore go into effect nearly let alone 5

lacrosse nonprofit league approximate ensure capital drive enclose cause 5 [공통 B-] response desire fellowship community acquire house up to challenge commit put one well on one s way to residence 6 [공통 B-] survey increasingly aspect educational process curriculum ensure competitive input represent crucial be composed of attitude participation voluntary obtain in connection with identify confidential relaxing leisurely safari float deck drift idle ideal lighting stand sparkly scared force suspect strip spot provide A with B security step A B 6

www.ebsi.co.kr section insecure urgency tract State grip apparatus flag confidence surrender 5 carriage mayor wonderingly hitch span escort smartly draw up vow reserved for highlight honeymoon 6 [공통 B-] faint dim closet strand bead glow emerge definitely feature intensely mold stark blink figure wiggle constant sway 7 [공통 B-] lower sail overboard lump coral anchor bait to the full fondly longing fade grateful spaciousness palm 8 [공통 B-] temple contentment plain fair fortune whisper gently book reserve accommodation 7

access immediately standard chain departure warranty proof purchase immediate replacement authorized location expand ship description attainable though pursue comfort engage in mindless reinforce [공통 B-] uncover shortage enforce conservation tightly regulate reign artificial store drought temple atop towering presumably warehouse masterpiece 5 widespread assumption intellectually gifted aspiration defend advanced low-achieving student age-mate turn off 6 essential reputation grasp administrator virtual realm obsess privacy consequence 7 [공통 B-] commoner live to tell the tale sway assembly striking civilization rhetorical 8

www.ebsi.co.kr authoritarian 8 [공통 B-] misery primate highlight illegal accelerate decline relative extinction estimate agency worldwide laboratory exhibition companion reconstruct vastly bodily attitude notion tame natural force radio wave combination permanent imprint get ~ across resale overbuild mansion norm spouse tough budget afford primarily entertainment contemporary to one s liking largely profit motive enduring quality acknowledge dual pricing in effect Belize entrance fee license charge local 5 coastal aggressively destination explosion dumping syndrome overflow activist potential 6 [공통 B-] economist 9

stock contest competitor award average preference strategy employ further 7 [공통 B-] belief reasoning attack panic edgy associated response fear uneasiness come from block out pain 8 [공통 B-] pro swing justified reward informative complete forehand short panicked cash make a person s day kite airborne quality entertainment complement cool souvenir bamboo wharf planet consultation symptom diagnosis reverse ailment mend call in interpret take ~ into account exposure differ straightforward determine journey involve electricity scald conservation adequate dishwasher 0

www.ebsi.co.kr 5 harvesting instruction store tray shoot make sure (that) airing cupboard remove content a handful of fill A with B dip 6 [공통 B5-] pl. A B public servant live apart from spouse relocate dual-career couple get a degree household commuter marriage work out 7 [공통 B5-] appearance concern note neglect apologize lack wrap package comfort unsightly 8 [공통 B5-] spy celebrated discard reflect overpowering garbage collector auction proportion texting slightly account for compare Latino peak fail to rise until reverse as for compared to in a row purchase via accommodation [공통 B6-] domestic established leisure destination steadily exceed relatively

5 [공통 B6-] compare behavior activity engage podium consult prefer preference vary 6 [공통 B6-] allocate budget department exceed gap ~ strip calf strain cellar skim dip suck wobbly-legged spill rough snort with all one s might butt ~6 optician short-sighted spectacles in no time blur be taken aback ungrateful no offence gratitude 7~9 raise get ~ right dilemma tie down admit to substitute responsibility bond come up with in one s shoes about to emptiness unbearable desire disease ruin affection 0~ grow up figure out rough encounter coming-of-age rare cafeteria manager describe settle into regret [공통 B7-~]

www.ebsi.co.kr yell threaten fire gaze scare bombard emergency call crisis handle fantasize ~ motivation explorer provided journey nearly grocery consequently desire ~ dependence catchphrase analyze stimulation stable identity rosily nostalgic underestimate sort individualistic collaborative qualifier 5~6 pl. crises depend on tend to a mass of detailed pick out confirm disregard call~into question negotiation merit fault influence empathetically point of view accomplish withhold may well spouse half-empty 7~8 establish settle for [공통 B8-~] photographer hire freelancer charge league perceive laugh at fee afford to negotiate reasonably dramatically exquisite tailoring

fascinated glide effortlessly assistant biological immensely qualification rule out sculptor architect journey appoint altar erect monument fortune splendid emperor physician shatter better [공통 B9-] promote aggressive secondhand smoke nonprofit enclosed uncomfortable ultimately ban chain reaction appreciate manage to do crown ancient capital plateau border massive magnificent tablet import province decorate wonder capture subsequently be burned to the ground deliberate ruin be fascinated by [공통 B0-] folk-religion awareness literally prevailing complement natural feature merge predominate [공통 B0-] freezer miniscule fridge pl.

www.ebsi.co.kr produce cuisine stall magnify planet restore collection garbage resume postpone proceed normal chemistry resident content peel verb noun consumption meter lighting fixture [공통 B-] undo action ecosystem suck toilet economize conflict livelihood voluntarily migration territory enthusiasm try one s hand at various responsibility diet passion admission closed-toed cancellation charge artificial crude sophisticated eventually improve transmit regard ~ as... crush abandon file patent companion located en route to nonprofit sanctuary pull into peacock 5

stroll trail setting house bald eagle permanent resident [공통 B-] glowing game leap fang dragonfly take off hang on crash landing lined up starting block wanderer trap snare spider silk cradle point guard be interested in think of ~ as... cozy note legendary furnished cathedral ceiling pane quiet toiletry tub misinterpret athlete uncomfortable sensation discomfort endurance soreness by-product fitness enthusiast compete medication [공통 B-] as if time off highlight saving grace make up for hassle disappointment represent overall long classic exercise guarantee frustration primary unreachable reverse 6

www.ebsi.co.kr priority excessive workload overemphasized rehearsal intensity overhead in turn immediate landscape impression capture considerable degree make it a point to fascinating operating room be concerned about eventual well-being relaxation discharge anxiety exhilarated splendidly arousing theoretically-oriented arousal hypothesis former [공통 B-] get down detail precisely break with method loose stroke [공통 B-] affluent presume impose holistic inhabit cohesive dress so as to tackle available reserve in advance govern individually renew additional on a first-come-first-served basis preference individual overdue charge nationwide embody 7

seek out stand up for biography superb emulation inspire rightness relate to complete with realistic pressure premature vocational adolescence perspective [공통 B5-] warn tech party recommend definitely oriented extracurricular relatively mining in one respect superb outdoorsman spot visualize dismiss claim subtle document to a great extent anxiety meditative associated with geographic practice observe anthropologist connection multicolored charitable heavenly magical cosmos allegory surface underlying propel on one s own terms convey controversial revolt exploitative socialist line take over [공통 B6-] clash small talk carry over a multitude of imperative tone 8

www.ebsi.co.kr demonstrate patience directness prompt paradox statistics commute commuter housing inequality expand privacy respond protect surveillance reward award reside in entry currently registered letter voice mail financial transaction on demand time shifting [공통 B7-] sign assess comprehension limitation shorten abbreviation precede congestion visibility dimension speak up slap down consistently reject suppress organization thrive motivated frequent confident care about mention grab attention persuade convince notice bulletin board upcoming consult alternative born of innocence suppress bliss 9

let loose buy into at hand prematurely knock out genius academic [공통 B8-] decisive frame appeal capture resist constantly wave hazard aware sophistication haunting fragile creature infinitely predictable unite resolution farmers market socialise barter magnet finance rate go through shortage bankruptcy asset inventory fill an order come up with innovation term investment spending responsible handling resource pl. forward-looking instant finance pl. act on react favorably toward [공통 B9-] scarcity mass-market require affect in concert attempt exploit compromise ingredient cozy charm exclusive party dine 0

consultation dislike dietary lounge workout tune exert distraction matter vice versa beat plow spacious grassy ritual official appoint ceremonial chant priest scatter onlooker struggle eagerly ensure [B0-] buddy management diabetes complaint peer inhibition frank race ethnicity Test [공통 BT-] verbally ego bruise defensive legitimate urge basis division servicing washing machine warranty spare manufacture defect entirely wholly component negotiator smooth-talking counterparty fault flaw endear A to B highly reveal honor student yearbook qualification convenience non-renewable A B

sheer chemical composition non-rechargeable hazardous cadmium discard exceed radioactive end up landfill site contamination 5 transportation corporation exceed secondary elementary kindergarten session locate via consideration guideline unreasonable risk request committee 6 schedule off-site field trip complex registration 7 host annual raise donate consecutive donation sponsor cause 8 compare unemployment status fire rarely refer to ~ as... responsibility jobless 9 bad-tempered distracted perceive appreciation supportive lower blood pressure anxiety 0 [공통 BT-8] interruption display application reveal incoming glance momentary rearrangement cognitive scatter tense

www.ebsi.co.kr train distraction free rein company stillness creep supper unpardonable clutch thorn tangled streak sweat rush fling open [공통 BT-9] attitude instant impact redefine reorganize showcase accomplishment innovative abundantly incredibly generate explicit permission imagination [공통 BT-] explore pace journey independence promote extended family associate A with B A B sociability come in gamekeeper gatekeeper in one way or another subject to legislation 5 regarding confusion fatten pride oneself on short-term versus 6 virtual reality simulation distinctly advantageous compress pace ambiguous interdependent 7 [공통 BT-7] essential interior let in reduce shade

8 wrap truly draw punctuate odds and ends spray 9~0 come up with base A on B A B typical spiked hair tone down figure have a lot to do with elaborate neutral distribute questionnaire projection rate motivation preconceived confirm ~ instructive financier stature offhandedly portfolio routine sneak unprecedented shrewd spare feedback personal rejection defensive spinach likewise revise [공통 BT-] average be supposed to regularly device entice lullaby exception infant handful enlist figure out entail assembly line informed investigate dynamics flexibility hours socialize have a good grasp of term Test

www.ebsi.co.kr literature analyze statistics health care pharmaceutical tremendous public relations machine engage 5 nongovernmental organization distinctive resilient committed qualification requirement restriction initial subsequent accommodation 6 boast by far overground retain purple figure out platform 7 newsletter senior portrait make-up attend appointment yearbook prior to adviser 8 recycling rate material exceed gap 9 aware ambition pursue infinite effort obvious appreciate 0 overload take in potential relevant environment urban intersection traffic control device source detect mental effort available load miracle existence 5

fit into table statistics scratch considerate backwards pinch roll counterclockwise clockwise [공통 BT-9] on the surface dwell on bug tricky majority gear to catch up sweat the small stuff [공통 BT-] emphasize innovative divergent craftsmanship profession thoroughly attribute A to B inspiration nonetheless merely culmination remarkably A B steady per capita income inflation associate contradiction paramount 5 [공통 BT-5] integrate sufficient acquire neglect sensitive interpersonal dimension self-awareness profession practitioner 6 staffer patrol four-legged kind hop in loggerhead turtle crawl dig temperature determine regularly once locate stake off 7 copyright protection be entitled to 6

www.ebsi.co.kr wrongfully sue compensation property permission domain adapt distribute 8 snap off wooden tender edible stalk immediately dunk boil soak dump cube float 9~0 preacher grammatically part of speech tiresome preposition article truthfully touch typing ~ rosy energetic notice slip familiar attic storage windowsill [공통 BT-] permission step out of line expenditure empower total liberation as per request review account apologize inconvenience credit enclose invoice Test [공통 BT-] manage submit tempting improvement mediocre naive substandard track promote establish 7

a panel of judges rate a variety of requirement review imagery overall appeal present display benefit draw encompass 5 observatory feature telescopic permit intend accessibility public affairs office 6 outreach presenter ground level presentation access visual aid representative maximum take place coordinator due to nature guarantee 7 celebrate evaluate judge submit reference electronically revise 8 declare 9 [공통 BT-8] critically challenge revolve obvious universe propose radical perspective astronomy platform inquiry spark revolution 0 unrefined instinct impulse gaze grab avert display project detect stiffen tense evolve indication 8

www.ebsi.co.kr inversely soothe hesitation altitude rapid descent throw up aisle grab manage to do level off mechanical dread overtake companion line up runway [공통 BT-9] everlasting coverage celebrity tune in critic lament collective flaw inevitable collision fixation doing preoccupation ancestor hardwired fascinate gossip [공통 BT-] regardless of interaction motivate dread conversely foresee depressing add A to B A B conviction criticism approach noted executive state all A does is B A B A B prevent A from -ing A 5 athlete extraordinary lengthy session eliminate entire major frequently academically primary 6 racial prejudice status cooperate common 9

cooperative contact individual representative predict athletic resource 7 get ~ wrong preoccupied content by far address casual phenomenon presentation overcome discipline rephrase 8 [공통 BT-6] relationship think of A as B saving expenditure renewable draw on paycheck shrink capture diminish annual source 9~0 stick to grapefruit multigrain soft-boiled A B pl. turkey dressing bake steam predictably deprived give in temptation bite grill trimming crave spoil make the most of take into account abandon ~ fiercely property ambitious be fond of struggle capture verify cabin cry stay release 0