라반움직임교육에근거한유아무용프로그램이창의성과신체적자아개념에미치는영향 서재성 * ㆍ김수경 **1)2 ) Abstract The influences of the Creativity and Physical Self-Concept of the infant dancing program based on Laban movement education. Seo Jae-Seong(Chung Ang univ) ㆍ Kim Soo-Kyoung(Han yaun univ) The purpose of this study was to provide background knowledge for construction dance program aimed at the development and education of children by analyzing the effect of a dance program which integrated ideas and plays based on the movement education of Laban on the creativity and physical self-concept of children. Twenty six boys and fifty three girls, ranging in age from 6 to 7, were selected form kindergarten students as participants of the experiment by using stratified cluster random sampling. While, the experimental group participated in the dance program, which integrated ideas and plays, for 27 weeks, twice a week, twice a week, 40 min per class, the control group participated in unstructured physical activites during the same period. Measured data were analyzed bt two-way ANOVAs with repeated measures on th last factor, andresults of the study were as the following. In the post-test of the creativity group in fluency, flexibility, and originality(p<.001). In the post-test of the creativity of response of figure, the experimental group was higher in fluency, flexibility, and originality than the control group(p<.001). In post-test of the creativity of response of the body, the experimental group was also higher in fluency, flexibility, and originality than the control group(p<.001). In the post-test of physical self-concept, the experimental group was superior to the control group in the perception of motor efficiency, health, appearance, and physical fitness(p<.001). These results suggest that participation in the dance program which integrated ideas and plays as a tool of movement education may have a positive effect on the development of the creativity and self-concept of children. 주제어 : 움직임교육, 유아무용프로그램, 신체적자아개념 * ** 한국무용교육학회지제 20 집제 2 호 ( 통권제 32 호 ) 111
1. 연구의필요성 21. (, 2004)., (Ossification), (Hurlock, 1972). (,, 1997).. (, 2001)..,,,,.., (, 2000)., (Jacqueline, 1995). 112 라반움직임교육에근거한유아무용프로그램이창의성과신체적자아개념에미치는영향
(, 1997). (Gabbei & Clemmens, 2005). (1999). 1974 1998, 33.. 16, (K-CCTYC) 9, 6 1 Torrance TTCT, 5 Wallach Kagan.,, U3 82.64%,. (Cratty, 1979; Williams, 1983). (, 2006:, 2005:, 2000: Craft & Mccall, 2000). (,, 2002),. 2. 용어정의 (Idea generation),.,,, 한국무용교육학회지제 20 집제 2 호 ( 통권제 32 호 ) 113
(, 1990). 3. 연구목적.. (, 2006).. (Torrance, 1974),,.. 1. 연구대상 2. < 1> 5 ( : 13, : 21 ), 6 ( : 13 표 1. 연구대상자 만5세 만6세 합계 실험집단 16 ( :6, :10) 22 ( :7, :15) 38 통제집단 18 ( :7, :11) 23 ( :6, :17) 41 114 라반움직임교육에근거한유아무용프로그램이창의성과신체적자아개념에미치는영향
, : 32, 5, 6 ).,, (82%). 2. 측정도구 가. 유아종합창의성검사 (1999) (K-CCTYC).,,,,,.,,, ( / ) (1999) (K-CCTYC). 3.77. 2 -..,.20.40,.40.60,.60.80,.80(,, 2006). -5 10%(, 2006) 3, 4. -.80,.77,.84. 나. 신체적자아개념측정도구 Marsh & Richards(1994) (Physical Self-Description Questionnaire) (2000).,,, 4 174..87. 3, 4 -.73,.83,.80,.85. 한국무용교육학회지제 20 집제 2 호 ( 통권제 32 호 ) 115
3. 발상과놀이를통합한유아무용프로그램 (Laban, 1971).. 2, 2,.,..,...,...,...,., 2008 3923 2 (, ) 35.,. < 2>, < 3>. 27 88%. (Wolf, 1978). 4. 연구절차.,., 2. 20~25., 1:1... (2000) 116 라반움직임교육에근거한유아무용프로그램이창의성과신체적자아개념에미치는영향
( ), 4. 2. ( )., (8 10 ), (45 50 ), (150). 15.. 표 2. 라반움직임교육에근거한발상과놀이를통합한유아무용프로그램 월주제소주제발상놀이 3 4 5 공간 6 시간 7 힘 개인공간전체공간 높이 크기 방향 경로 초점 속도 리듬??.............. 에너지.. 무게. 흐름. 한국무용교육학회지제 20 집제 2 호 ( 통권제 32 호 ) 117
월주제소주제발상놀이 8 신체 9 움직임 신체부분. 신체형태. ( ) 관계. 균형. 이동움직임비이동움직임... 표 3. 예시프로그램 (3 월유아무용프로그램지도안 ) 월차시주제소주제발상법놀이수업내용 1 개인공간?.( )... 3 2 공간지각 전체공간,,.( ).?,. 3 높이 16, 8, 4, 2, 1,. 4 높이. 118 라반움직임교육에근거한유아무용프로그램이창의성과신체적자아개념에미치는영향
5. 자료처리. (2 2 ANOVA)., (: P value), (Effect size: eta²), (Power).. 27. 1. 유아무용프로그램이창의성에미치는영향 27,, < 3>. (M=48.10), (M=47.63), (M=56.89), (M=50.54). (p<.001). (M=46.98), (M=47.70), (M=52.23), (M=49.79). (p<.001). (M=51.57), (M=50.36), (M=58.18), (M=53.37). (p<.001). 한국무용교육학회지제 20 집제 2 호 ( 통권제 32 호 ) 119
표 3. 유아무용프로그램이언어창의성에미치는영향 요인유창성융통성독창성 집단 사전검사사후검사 M SD M SD 48.10 7.39 56.89 12.23 47.63 9.54 50.54 8.87 46.98 7.54 52.23 9.22 47.70 10.05 49.79 12.83 51.57 8.23 58.18 8.48 50.36 10.2 53.37 7.12 F Eta power 39.32 ***.60 1.00 35.04 ***.28 1.00 38.15 ***.33 1.00 *** p<.001 ** p<.01 * p<.05,, < 4>. (M=47.55), (M=46.70), (M=52.89), (M=49.78). (p<.01). (M=46.89), (M=45.91), (M=53.70), (M=48.65). (p<.001). (M=47.07), (M=46.75), (M=54.91), (M=49.74). (p<.001). 표 4. 유아무용프로그램이도형창의성에미치는영향 요인유창성융통성독창성 집단 사전검사사후검사 M SD M SD 47.55 5.81 52.89 6.56 46.70 7.90 49.78 10.32 46.89 7.54 53.70 9.11 45.91 10.06 48.65 8.30 47.07 8.23 54.91 7.11 46.75 10.21 49.74 5.90 F Eta power 32.32 **.30.91 37.42 ***.22 1.00 40.34 ***.13.93 *** p<.001 ** p<.01 * p<.05,, < 5>. (M=40.07), (M=39.75), 120 라반움직임교육에근거한유아무용프로그램이창의성과신체적자아개념에미치는영향
표 5. 유아무용프로그램이신체창의성에미치는영향 요인 집단 사전검사사후검사 M SD M SD 유창성 40.07 4.87 45.44 6.67 39.75 9.98 42.39 5.90 융통성 45.36 8.99 50.05 6.45 45.04 7.71 48.09 6.34 독창성 46.34 7.73 50.81 8.86 45.92 8.19 47.89 7.433 *** p<.001 p<.01 p<.05 F Eta power 13.83 ***.15.95 11.55 ***.12.99 14.26 ***.18.99 (M=45.44), (M=42.39). (p<.001). (M=45.36), (M= 45.04), (M=50.05), (M=48.09). (p<.001). (M=46.34), (M=45.92), (M=50.81), (M= 47.89). (p<.001). 2. 유아무용프로그램이신체적자아개념에미치는영향 27 < 6>. 표 6. 유아무용프로그램이신체적자아개념에미치는영향 요인 운동유능감 건강 외모 체력 집단 사전검사사후검사 M SD M SD 2.04.41 2.76.25 2.09.27 2.27.26 2.95.33 2.18.48 3.11.35 2.78.51 2.86.38 3.51.31 2.78.29 2.99.39 2.14.65 2.96.49 2.11.47 2.40.27 F Eta power 12.26 ***.19.91 10.21 **.15.98 9.91 **.18 1.00 10.67 **.19 1.00 *** p<.001 ** p<.01 * p<.05 한국무용교육학회지제 20 집제 2 호 ( 통권제 32 호 ) 121
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