韓國電磁波學會論文誌第 21 卷第 9 號 2010 年 9 月論文 2010-21-9-13 Design of Broadband Polarization Diversity Antenna for Mobile Base Stations 서인종 조인호 이천희 정진우 이현진 임영석 Injong Seo Inho Cho Cheonhee Lee Jinwoo Jung* Hyeonjin Lee** Yeongseog Lim* 요약 PCS, WCDMA, WiBro.. (choke). CST MWS, 3.33., (VSWR<1.5) 640 MHz(1.75 2.39 GHz), 25 db. PCS, WCDMA, WiBro 8.9 dbi, 8.2 dbi, 8.6 dbi. Abstract In this paper, we proposed the broadband polarization diversity antenna operating in the PCS, WCDMA and WiBro band for mobile base station. We designed the antenna using the dipole antenna of the square loop type and microstrip feeding structure. Additionally, we used the choke box to remove the distortion of radiation patterns by the reflector structure when operating broadband. The simulation was performed using MWS in a commercial tool of CST company and the antenna was fabricated on a teflon substrate with 3.33 of the relative permittivity. The proposed antenna has the bandwidth of 640 MHz(from 1.75 to 2.39 GHz) when VSWR is below 1.5. At the operating bands, the interisolation between the cross-pair radiators is less than 25 db and the maximum gains for PCS, WCDMA and WiBro band are 8.9, 8.2 and 8.6 dbi, respectively. Key words : Mobile Base Station, Antenna, Polarization, Diversity, Broadband. 서론 2 3, 4..,.. ( ) (ACE Technology Co., Ltd.) * (Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Chonnam National University) ** (Department of Radio Science & Engineering, Dongkang College) : 20100716-091 : (e-mail : limys@chonnam.ac.kr) : 2010 8 27 1023
韓國電磁波學會論文誌第 21 卷第 9 號 2010 年 9 月. PCS(Personal Communication Service), WCDMA(Wideband Code Division Multiple Access), WiBro(Wireless Broadband),, (dual polarization) [1] [4]. [5] [9]. 2,,. (choke).. 광대역편파다이버시티안테나설계 1, (a), (b), (c)., 1(a) 90 (DG) 1, 2, 2 1 1.. (unbalanced line), (a) (a) Radiator (b) (b) Feed line (c) 3 (c) 3D view of reflector. 그림 1. Fig. 1. The structure of the proposed antenna. (ML 1, 2) λ 4 (BL) (folded balun) [10]. (ML 1, 2) 50 1024
(FW) 2 mm, (GW) 4 mm,., (RL) 280 mm, (RW) 140 mm, (CH) 20 mm [4]., (SW) (DG), (SL). 2 (DG) (SW) 1.8 mm, 2 mm, (SL). (SL). 3 (SL) (DG) 24 mm, 1.8 mm, (SW). 4 (SL) (SW) 24 mm, 2 mm, (DG). (DG). 1. 5 1, 그림 3. SW Fig. 3. Return loss as variation of SW width. 그림 4. DG Fig. 4. Return loss as variation of DG space. 그림 5. Fig. 5. Gain and HPBW depending on frequency. 그림 2. SL Fig. 2. Return loss as variation of SL length...,. 1025
韓國電磁波學會論文誌第 21 卷第 9 號 2010 年 9 月 표 1. ( : mm) Table 1. Designed parameter values of the proposed single antenna(unit: mm). SW 2 GW 4 SL 24 FW 2 DG 1.8 BG 3.5 W 60 BW 3 BL 40 ML1 39 ML2 35 RT 1.5 RL 280 RW 140 CH 20 WH 20 WW 120,. 6, 7, 8 [11]. 7 6 120 mm, (WH).. 8 20 mm, (WW).. 9, 그림 6. 3 Fig. 6. 3D view of proposed antenna with choke. 그림 8. (WW) Fig. 8. Gain and HPBW as variation of the width of choke box. 그림 7. (WH) Fig. 7. Gain and HPBW as variation of the height of choke box. 그림 9. Fig. 9. Return loss as presence of choke box. 1026
그림 12. & Fig. 12. Measured return loss & isolation. 그림 10. Fig. 10. Radiation patterns as presence of choke box.. 10, 2,345 MHz.. 안테나측정결과 11 (a) (a) Front side (b) (b) Rear side 그림 11. Fig. 11. Photography of the fabricated antenna... 50 Port 1, 2, 1 (b). 12. (1.5<VSWR) 1, 1.48 GHz 2.7 GHz. 2 1.5 GHz 2.5 GHz. 1(b) (ML1, 2). PCS, WCDMA, WiBro,. (1.75 2.39 GHz) 25 db. 13 PCS(1,810 MHz), WCDMA(2,045 MHz), WiBro(2,345 MHz). x-z plane H plane, y-z plane E plane, co-polarization cross-polarization. 2. 1027
韓國電磁波學會論文誌第 21 卷第 9 號 2010 年 9 月. 결론 x-z plane y-z plane (a) PCS(1,810 MHz) PCS, WCDMA, WiBro. (1.5<VSWR) 640 MHz (1.75 2.39 GHz), 25 db. PCS, WCD- MA, WiBro 8.9 dbi, 8.2 dbi, 8.6 dbi.. 참고문헌 x-z plane y-z plane (b) WCDMA(2,045 MHz) x-z plane y-z plane (c) WiBro(2,345 MHz) 그림 13. Port 1 Fig. 13. Measured radiation patterns at port 1. 표 2. Table 2. Measured peak gain and HPBW. Port 1 Port 2 Freq. [MHz] Max. gain [dbi] H plane HPBW [deg] Max. gain [dbi] E plane HPBW [deg] 1,810 8.9 70.0 8.9 78.8 2,045 8.2 66.6 8.2 79.4 2,345 8.6 68.1 8.6 76.9 1,810 8.9 69.3 8.9 81.7 2,045 8.4 66.0 8.4 79.9 2,345 8.7 69.4 8.7 72.2 [1] B. S. Collins, "Polarization diversity antennas for compact base stations", Microwave Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 78-87, 2000. [2] A. Adrian, D. H. Schaubert, "Dual aperture-coupled microstrip antenna for dual or circular polarization", Elctronics Letters, vol. 23, no. 23, pp. 1226-1228, Nov. 1987. [3] S. Kwon, B. Lee, "Compact size dual-polarized WLL base-station antenna using aperture coupled microstrip patchs", IEEE AP-S International Symposium, U.S.A, vol. 4, pp. 2200-2203, Jul. 2000. [4] Daoyi Su, Jason J. Qian, Hua Yang, and Demin Fu, "A Novel broadband polarization diversity antenna using a cross-pair of folded dipoles", APMC, 2005. [5] Daoyi Su, Jason J. Qian, Hua Yang, and Demin Fu, "A novel broadband polarization diversity antenna using a cross-pair of folded dipoles", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 4, pp. 433-435, 2005. [6] Ying Liu, An-tao Bu, En-she Li, De-min Fu, and Liang-yong Xiao, "A new dual polarization dipole antenna", International Conference on Microwave Wave Technology Proceedings, pp. 5-7, 2004. [7] Warren L. Stutzman, Antenna Theory and Design, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA, 1998. [8] Wu Di, Yin Yingzeng, Guo Minjun, and Shen 1028
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