( ) :,,,,,,
. TV,,,, (Entertainment-Education Program),,,,,. (contents) (storytelling), (narrative), ( ).,,, (, 2005).. (Berger, 1997)., (, 2006; Jameson, 2000; Riessman, 1993/2005). (personal narrative) (Clandinin & Connelly, 200/2006; Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach, & Zilber, 1998). (narrative analysis), (narrative research), (narrative inquiry) (narratology) (poetics) (, 2005). (Bal, 1980/1999),
[= ] (13 ). (narrative),.,, (, 2005). (contents) / (experience).,,. (media narratology).. 2000 (,, 1995;, 2009; Yoon, 2010), (, 2006; 2001).,..,,
.,., 2000,..... (object),, (subject)., (Fulton, 2005). story( ) narrative( ). narrative story. (fabula) / (sjuzet) (Chatman,
1978/ 2003) (story) (discourse). (Bal, 1980/1999),, 3. (story) ' (what)', ' (how)'.,. (discourse) (point of view).,. - [ - - - ] - (Chatman, 1978/ 2003)., (Kozloff, 1987/1994) 2. (homodiegetic), (heterodiegetic). (mimesis) (diegesis), (showing) (telling) (Stam, et al., 1992/2003)., (personal narrative). (Clandinin & Connelly, 200/2006) (Narrative Inquiry),,,. (Riessman, 1993/2005) (Narrative Analysis), (representation) (abstract), (orientation),
(complication action), / (resolution/ coda). (Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach, & Zilber, 1998) (Narrative Research). (holistic)/ (categorical) / -, -, -, - 4.,, (Shkedi, 2004),. (media contents) (media experience). (Fulton, 2005) (Narrative and Media), (Berger, 1997),, (Narrative in Popular Culture, Media, and Everyday Life). (Kozloff, 1987/1994), (Stam, Burgoyne, & Flitterman-Lewis, 1992/2003). (Chatman, 1978/ 2003) (Bal, 1980/1999). 1990 2003 24 (2004),,. (,
2005, 2009;, 2010) (, 2007), YTN < >(,, 2007). (, 2006), (Mulvey & Stern, 2004), (, 2005), (Jameson, 2000).. (Berger, 1997). (Riessman, 1993/2005). (Stern, Thompson, & Arnould, 1998) (Delgadillo & Escalas, 2004). / /. (2007) (Ludology). (parsimony)..,. ( ),
.. (2009),..,. (object) (subject). /....,., (
Yoon, 2010 )..,,,,.... (2001),,, 4. (1999) ( ) ( ). (2006) (2001),. 1) 1) ( ),,. (2006).,..,?., 2000, (, 2010).
. (aesthetic experience) (aesthetic object) (, 2007).,., ( ),,,. ( )..,.?, 3.,, (, 2007).,. (causal)..,... (,,
...)....,,.., (the felt) (the recognized). (correspondence).. (Williams, 1977/1982),.,. (analogy) (homology)... (Williams, 1977/1982. p.131),.
..,?,, ( ). (2006) ( ) ( )., ( ). ( ).,... (2006),.
,,,, ( ). (2001) ( ) ( ),,,,.,,,,,. (Chatman, 1978/ 2003), (story) (discourse)...,. (2005), (fractal) 2).,,..,. 2) (fractal).., ( ).
,.,., ( ) ( ).. (2005),,.,.,,, (, 2008). < >,,, < >. (Nisbett, 2003/2004),..,,.,. (trickster) (, motif). (2008)
,,., (2006)..,. (icon)..,,.,.,, 1930 < ( )> [ ].,,.,.. ( ),.,,.
, < >,..,.,,. (1983),,., 3)..!!!.,. (, 1 ).,. 3). 1930 < >, 1970 ( ) < >, 2000 ( ) (, 2008).
(projective narration)..,.,,,,,,.. (2002), (1995). (2008), ( ),. (2009),,,,. (Riessman, 1993/2005),,, /...,,.
(, 2009).. (objective self), (subjective self).. (ideal self) (actual self)....... (2005)....., (, 2009).
. (affect attunement),. (co-experience).. ( ) ( ) (, 2009)..,,. (Csilszentmihalyi, 2003/2006) (flow).,.,,,.,,, (Yoon, 2010) ( ) ( )...,...
.,,,,,.. (iconology), (oral history). (comparative aesthetics), (cross-cultural psychology).. ( ), (icon)..,. (pre-iconography), (iconography), (iconology) (Panofsky, 1937/ 2001) (Father Time)' (icon). (, 2008) (, 2008)
,..., (, 2005). (narrative analysis) (reconstructive cross-analysis) ( ㆍ, 2006). ( ) (collective memory).,. (, 2008) ( ㆍ, 2009), (newsworker) (Brennen, 2001). (, 2003) (Dhoest, 2007)... (, 1999),.
(, 2005, 2009;, 2010). ( ). (Nisbett, 2003/2004),. ( ) (interdependence self), ( - ) - (field-dependent), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( )., /, / /,....
., 4).,..,.,.,,,. (interactivity).,,, (user).,.. 4), < >.,,.
( ), (, 2005).,,... (oral communication) (written communication),. 20 (, 2005)., (, 2010)..... (Csilszentmihalyi, 2003/2006) (flow),,..,..
., (hybrid identity). (2010) 2000...... < >, < > < >, 1 UCC.. (panfic). 1980, 1990 2000 (, 2010),,.,. 2010
,....,. < TV>. (ritual)...., ' ' (, 2010).,,,,...
. (2006) < > < >. < >, < >. ( ),. < >... 30. (adverstory = advertising + story) (Smith, 2007), 323 TV 60 (Escalas, 1998). (, 2006), (Stern, Thompson, & Arnould, 1998) (Delgadillo & Escalas, 2004).. < >,. (creativity)
. (Edell & Burke, 1987; Holbrook & Hirshman, 1982),,,.,.,.,.,., KTF SHOW < >. KTF SHOW., 4., (kernels). ( SHOW )
. (Esslin, 1982),, 3. (before), (after) (problem solving) 2. (before), SHOW (after)., SHOW.,..,.. 1,....,,,,.,..
(, 2006), (, 2008).,..,!,...,.,,.,, (icon).. 5)..., 1. 5).
.... (reconstructive cross-analysis) (, 2006). 40 6)., (Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach, & Zilber, 1998) 4., ( ).. 1960 6) 3. 2009 4 7 11. (1934 ) ( ) 40, 1996 (IAA: International Advertising Association). (1936 ) 1960 DDK. (1945 ) MBC 1974 ( MBC ) 30.
, 40.,, ( : ). :!,.. CF?......CF. [ ]....?....... [ ],.???,.... (creative industry)... 40... :.......,. 70, 70.,... ( )
,,...,....,...,.., 2..,...,,,.. :,,,, PT(Presentation), ( SK Telecom)... PT,,,,,,,,?.
.,,... 3.,..,,..,....
,.,. (1999) 3..,. (Meme). (Dawkins, 1976/2006) (gene) (meme)..,.,.,....,...
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