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Digital Value Chains 의태동 - 제조업의당면과제 조사를통한주요현장에서의결과는 Profitability Still Difficult to Determine Agility Remains a Challenge Manufacturers are Investing in Innovation Globalization, Complexity and Risk 응답자의 12% 만이제품의수익성을결정하기에효과적 응답자의 47% 는고객의실시간요구사항에대한대응에고심 63% 의응답자는 제조나 Supply chain 에서중단에대하여 1 주일이상소요될것이라고말함 R&D 에더많은투자로, 64% 의응답자는획기적인프로세스혁신에대하여집중하고있음 67% 의응답자는더많은 Collaborative business 을채택하고혁신을확장하길원함. 선도기업들은현재 Global 하게재무와운영목표관점에서의 Quality 을유지하기위해노력함. 최소한의 Quality 가기업문화로정착이된회사는시장에서경쟁우위를가지고있음. Source: KPMG Global Manufacturing Outlook 2014, Matthew Littlefiield, LNS Research, 2012 Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4

Digital Value Chains 구축의 Key Success Factors 혁신동인을통한 Digital Value Chain 의성공적구축을위한고려요소 Convergence Convergence ( 융합 ) Globalization Connectivity Modern SCM Cloud Connectivity ( 연결성 ) Security ( 보안 ) Visibility ( 가시성 ) Data Explosion Security Data Quality ( 데이터신뢰도 ) Globalization ( 글로벌화 ) Transparency Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5

Program Agenda 1 2 3 SCM Trends Oracle SCM Cloud Overview Wrap-up Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 6

그동안긴여정이었습니다. 클라우드는 진정으로 라이센스의변화 혁신하려면 뿐만이아닌패러다임의이동 클라우드리더는 과거와단절해야 오라클처럼클라우드 클라우드만을 인력과끈기를 위한새로운 가지고있는 제품출시 회사는없음 7

SCM Cloud 의새로운날이밝았습니다. 8

Oracle Supply Chain Cloud 전략 차세대 SCM Cloud 로 1) 다양한비즈니스요구커버 Lead in the Cloud 2) 빠른시간안에가치제공 9

SCM 솔루션의필연적변화단위업무별구현에따른복잡성및비효율성해결을위한통합및프로세스재정립 From One To More To Many More To One PLM Demand Management Sourcing S&OP Analytics Idea to Commercialize (PLM/MDM) Transportation Advanced Planning & Scheduling Collaboration Supply Chain Event Mgmt Management Advanced Planning and & Scheduling Multi Channel Fulfillment Fulfillment Configure to Order Plan to Produce ( 계획 / 생산 ) Order to Cash ( 영업 ) MRP ERP MRP ERP Contract MFG MRP ERP ERP DOO Source to Settle ( 구매 ) 1990 2000 2010 2016 10

SCM 어플리케이션의진화포괄적인 SCM 업무영역에따른세부적인프로세스와해당모듈을지원 Ideation to Commercialization Innovate Develop Commercialize Innovation Management Project Management Product Development Product Hub Source to Settle Source Sourcing & Contracts Supplier Qualification Management Contract Purchasing Purchase Self-Service & Supplier Portal Settle Payables Order to Cash Capture Promise Orchestrate Order Management Configurator Global Order Promising Inventory & Shipping Plan to Produce Plan Make Planning Central Manufacturing Inventory & Costing Optimize Supply Chain Orchestration 11

SCM 어플리케이션의진화포괄적인 SCM 업무영역에따른세부적인프로세스와해당모듈을지원 Voice of Factory Yield and Quality Dashboards Explore and Discover Monitoring Develop & Analytics Comparative Analysis Predictive Analysis Commercialize Statistical Analysis Genealogy Analysis Logistics (OTM / GTM / WMS) Transportation Management Plan execute Settle Transportation Operational Planning Freight Payment, Billing and Claims Transportation Intelligence Classify Comply Execute Global Trade Management Trade Compliance Customs Management Receive Move Ship LogFire Warehouse Management LogFire WMS Workforce Management Global Trade Intelligence LogFire Warehouse Analytics 12

Idea to Commercial Source to Settle Order to Cash Plan to Produce Ideation to Commercialize 13

Ideation to Commercialization 아이디어수집부터제품양산까지의효율적인체계구축 Idea to Commercial Source to Settle Order to Cash Plan to Produce REQUIREMENTS PROPOSALS & PORTFOLIOS ITEMS, DOCS AND BOMS CHANGE MANAGEMENT IDEAS Catalogs Innovate INNOVATION MANAGEMENT 혁신적인아이디어의지속적관리를통한제품화지원 Accelerate Development PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 전사관점의제품개발정보관리를 통한제품출시기간단축 Transform your Product Value Chain COMMERCIALIZE PRODUCT HUB 양산확정정보의실시간배포체계구축을통한신속한시장진입지원 혁신에대한성과개선개발기간의단축제품화의빠른가속화 14

PLM 과 Product Hub Cloud Customers Idea to Commercial Source to Settle Order to Cash Plan to Produce Retail & Wholesale & Hospitality Consumer Goods Industrial, Automotive High-Tech & Life Sciences Utilities, Oil & Gas, Chemical, Mining Financial and Communication Services 15

Idea to Commercial Source to Settle Order to Cash Plan to Produce Source to Settle 16

Source to Settle 분석및협업중심의통합대시보드를통한구매프로세스지원 Idea to Commercial Source to Settle Order to Cash Plan to Produce Negotiations Contracts Requisitions Purchase Orders Receipts Suppliers Source Contract Purchase Settle Invoices and Payments Sourcing & Contracts Supplier Qualification Management Purchasing Self-Service & Supplier Portal Payables Collaborative Negotiations Enforceable Contracts Streamlined Procure to Pay Supplier Qualification Management

Procurement Cloud Customer Idea to Commercial Source to Settle Order to Cash Plan to Produce 18

Idea to Commercial Source to Settle Order to Cash Plan to Produce Order-to-Cash 19

Order to Cash 다양한채널에서의글로벌오더에대한가시성및주문이행제공 Idea to Commercial Source to Settle Order to Cash Plan to Produce ORDER PROMISING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING SHIPPING & INVENTORY EXPORT DOCUMENTS COMPLIANCE SCREENING TRANSPORTATION EXECUTION ORDER CAPTURE INVOICE & COLLECT Capture Promise Orchestrate Order Management Configurator Global Trade Management Global Order Promising Transportation Management Inventory Management 고객서비스레벨최적화주문리드타임최소화물류비용최소화공급망리스크경감 20

Idea to Commercial Source to Settle Order to Cash Plan to Produce Plan-to-Produce 21

Plan to Produce 전사관점의통합적계획과효율적인생산관리및현장작업지시 Idea to Commercial Source to Settle Order to Cash Plan to Produce PLAN STANDARD COST GENERATE WORK ORDERS / PO S UPDATE / COMPLETE WORK ORDERS WORK ORDER COSTING BALANCE SUPPLY & DEMAND ANALYZE PERFORMANCE MANAGE WORK DEFINTIONS ORCHESTRATE Plan Make Optimize Planning Central Manufacturing Inventory Management & Cost Management SC Orchestration & SC Financial Orchestration 수요와공급밸런스조정 기준정보관리 Work Orders 진행관리 제조원가분석및생성 22

Direct Material Processes Idea to Commercial Source to Settle Order to Cash Plan to Produce Top Option Table Assembly Leg Option Supplier Buy Ship Customer Back-to-Back Orders Buy OEM Order Round Top Square Top Metal Leg Wooden Leg Supplier Ship Customer Configure to Order OEM Ship Order Customer Contract Manufacturing Drop Shipments 23

Logistics 24

Oracle Transportation Management Cloud 글로벌공급망에서의운송최적화 PLAN ORDERS & SHIPMENTS TENDER / BOOK SHIPMENTS MONITOR IN-TRANSIT STATUS AUDIT & PAY INVOICES SOURCE CARRIERS ANALYZE PERFORMANCE Plan Execute Settle Transportation Management Transportation Operational Planning Freight Payment, Billing and Claims Transportation Intelligence 운송비절감공급망가시성향상적시배송증가물류효율성향상

Oracle Global Trade Management Cloud 글로벌공급에서의국가간무역을가속화 SCREEN FOR RESTRICTED PARTIES DETERMINE TRADE CONTROLS MANAGE & ASSIGN LICENSES PRODUCE CUSTOMS FILINGS & DOCUMENTS CLASSIFY PRODUCTS AUDIT PERFORMANCE Classify Comply Execute Global Trade Management Trade Compliance Customs Management Global Trade Intelligence 규제준수의 Import/Export 강화공급망신뢰성향상주문사이클시간감소전체운송비용감소

Warehouse Management Cloud LogFire 와 Integrated 되어있어, 완벽한창고관리를수행 RECEIVE & CROSS DOCK PERFORM VALUE ADDED SERVICES OPTIMZE WAREHOUSE TASKS PICK, PACK & SHIP MANAGE DOCK APPOINTMENTS ANALYZE PERFORMANCE Receive Move Ship LogFire Warehouse Management LogFire WMS Workforce Management LogFire Warehouse Analytics 노동생산성향상고객만족도향상공간활용도증가재고정확성향상 27

OTM/GTM Cloud Customers Retail & Wholesale Consumer Goods Industrial, Automotive, Life Sciences High-Tech Natural Resources, Oil & Gas, Chemical Logistic Service Providers

Oracle SCM Cloud Guiding Principles 29

Oracle SCM Cloud Guiding Principles Broader Better Faster Comprehensive Suite of Supply Chain Applications For Industrial & High Tech Exceptional User Experience Digital by Design Faster Implementation Configurable & Extensible Automated Upgrades Idea to Commercialization Order to Cash Source to Settle Plan to Produce User Experience Embedded Analytics Rules & Workflows Consistent Data 업무효율증대를위한프로세스관점의설계 사용자편의 최신플랫폼

Broader : Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud 포괄적인비즈니스프로세스를지원 Broader Better Faster Idea to Commercialization Order to Cash Plan to Produce Source to Settle Voice of Factory Logistics 31

Better: Simple & Visual Navigation 정보에의해우선순위활동을정함 직관적이고향상된가시성 Broader Better Faster 태블릿 / 모바일 분석 32

Faster: Personalize 고객사상황에맞는 Tailoring 과 Enrich SaaS Tailor Your Cloud Broader Better Faster 부서상황에맞는화면 Look & Feel 구성 대시보드와 Analytics 리포트 승인을위한 Workflow Click & Drag to Configure 데이터항목 (Data Field) PaaS Enrich Your Cloud Custom Apps 개발 Process & System 연계 Content Sharing & Collaboration Database Java Mobile Messaging Developer Analytics Big Data Documents Social Extend or Develop on PaaS 33

Journey to Cloud SINGLE PROCESS Sourcing, Innovation Management, FAHRCS BUSINESS FUNCTION Logistics, Product Lifecycle Management END-TO-END PROCESS Source to Settle Order to Cash Idea to Commercialize Plan to Produce COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION ERP SCM HCM CX EPM Complimentary Incremental Transformational 34

Supply Chain Cloud Customers 35

Program Agenda 1 2 3 SCM Trends Oracle SCM Cloud Overview Wrap-up Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 36

성공적인클라우드를위한고민 37

Warp-up t first enterprise-class, built-for-cloud SCM Suite The first enterprise-class (Built-for-Cloud SCM Suite) Broadest Cloud Solution(Comprehensive SCM flows) Modern User Experience Flexible Paths to the Cloud Oracle is your best possible Cloud partner Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 38