한수지 46(4), 393-398, 213 Originl Artile Kor J Fish Aqut Si 46(4),393-398,213 베타 (Bett splendens) 의부화후로티퍼 (Brhionus lyiflor) 와물벼룩 (Moin mroop) 의섭취, 소화속도및성장 권오남 * ㆍ박기영 1 ㆍ박흠기 1 강릉원주대학교해양생물연구교육센터, 1 강릉원주대학교해양자원육성학과 The Rotifer Brhionus lyiflorus nd Wter Fle Moin mroop s Alterntive Foods for Prodution of the Fighting Fish Bett splendens O-Nm Kwon*, Kie Young Prk 1 nd Heum-Gi Prk 1 Mrine Biology Center for Reserh nd Edution, Gngneung-Wonju Ntionl University, Gngneung 21-853, Kore, 1 Deprtment of Mrine Biosiene, Gngneung-Wonju Ntionl University, Gngneung 21-72, Kore The purpose of this study ws to determine how n ornmentl fish, suh s the fighting fish, Bett splendens would respond to the use of freshwter live-prey, suh s rotifers Brhionus lyiflorus nd wter fles Moin mroop. Ingested quntity, digestive veloity nd somti growth were ompred etween lrve fed freshwter rotifer nd those fed oiled yolk. Food effiieny nd somti growth were ompred etween lrve tht were fed freshwter wter fles nd those fed miro-diet developed for flounder (25 μm, I-hw Ltd.). The numer of rotifers ingested y lrve rehed mximum of 191 per dy. However, sed on the numer ingested per hour nd the digestive veloity of onsumed rotifers, the mximum ingestile nd digestile numer of rotifers ws lulted to e 272 per dy. A mximum of 67 individuls (men, 49.8 individuls) ould e ompletely digested within the 1-h period from 9 to 18 min fter feeding. Somti growth ws enhned in lrve tht were fed rotifers ompred to those fed oiled yolk. Lrve exhiited greter growth t rotifer densities of 3 nd 4 per ml thn t lower densities. Among the wter-fle (M. mroop nd Bosmin sp.) nd miro-prtile diets, feeding with M. mroop resulted in the gretest somti growth of lrve during the wter-fle feeding stge. Key words: Bett splendens, Livefood, Rotifer, Moin mroop, Digestive veloity 서 론 (Hirno, 1966). (Heth, 1924) (yst) 192.. (Wtne et l. 1978; Klein et l., 198).. miro ( io) (Ok, 198; MEvoy et l., 1996; Coutteu nd Mourente, 1997; Yoshimtsu et l., 1997; Prk nd Brown, 22). Nm et l., (1999). Artile history; Reeived 3 Jnury 213; Revised 1 July 213; Aepted 3 July 213 *Corresponding uthor: Tel: +82. 33. 61. 237 Fx: +82. 33. 61. 29 E-mil ddress: onmkwon@yhoo.om Kor J Fish Aqut Si 46(4) 393-398, August 213 http://dx.doi.org/1.5657/kfas.213.393 pissn:374-8111, eissn:2287-8815 The Koren Soiety of Fishereis nd Aquti Siene. All rights reserved 393
394 권오남ㆍ박기영ㆍ박흠기. (Kshr et l., 1963),.,. Kestemont nd Awïss (1989), Bett splendens,. 재료및방법 베타의로티퍼일일섭취량및소화시간 2 ( 3.67.1 mm)., Brhionus lyiflrus (1, 2, 3 4 /ml) 5 ml 5 26 24 1.. ml 3 1. 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 18 (Olympus CH-2) 1. (Lori). 베타자어의성장, 26, 3 lx (L:D=16:8) 1, 2. 1 1 3-5%. 난황흡수후베타자어의성장 2 ( 3.28.1 mm), 1 L ( 8 ml) 1. (1, 2, 3 4 /ml) 7. 7..,.3 g/ 2 rotifer/ml/ 5.5 g 34 rotifer/ml/. 1 L ( 8 ml) 7. 먹이전환기베타의먹이종류별성장 16 ( 7.4.2 mm, 1.6.52 mg) 1 L ( 8 ml) 6. (25 m, ), Moin mroop (, 976 184.5 m;, 318 14.9 m) Bosmin sp. (, 432 3.5 m;, 257 9.5 m) 7.7 mg, 9. mg 1.4 mg DW/dy. 7,,.. 통계처리 SPSS (Ver 12.) t-test (one-wy ANOVA test) Dunn (Dunn, 1955). 결 과 Fig. 1. 1 rotifer/ml 57, 4 /ml 191, ml (P<.5). Fig. 2. 1 3 rotifer/ml 49.8, 67. 1. 1 3, ( ), 2,. 2 3, 3 1,
베타자어의섭취, 소화속도및성장 395 No. of rotifer te (ind./lrv) 25 2 15 1 5 1 2 3 4 Rotifer density (ind./ml) Fig. 1. The dily feeding quntities (Men±SD) of first feeding fighting fish Bett splendens lrve supplied rotifers Brhionus lyiflorus of the different densities. Brs with different supersript re signifintly different (P<.5).. Fig. 3., 3.7.2 mm, 1.3.1 mm.6.1 mm. 5.6.13 mm, 2.4.4 mm, 1.3.3 mm (P<.5), (P<.5). Fig. 4., 4 rotifer/ml 5.1.1 mm (P<.5), 3 rotifer/ml (P>.5). 1 rotifer/ml 4.5.2 mm 2 rotifer/ml (P>.5). 3 rotifer/ml 4 rotifer/ml 2.4.5 mm 2.4.7 mm (P>.5), 1 rotifer/ml 2..7 mm (P<.5). 3 rotifer/ml 4 rotifer/ml (P>.5), 1 rotifer/ml 1..5 mm (P<.5). 4 rotifer/ml.9.3 d No. of rotifer in lrv (ind.) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 6 9 12 15 18 Elped time (min.) Fig. 2. The numer (Men±SD) of rotifer remined in the stomh nd intestine of first feeding fighting fish Bett splendens lrve fed the rotifer Brhionus lyiflorus during hour. Brs with different supersript re signifintly different (P<.5). mm (P<.5). 1 rotifer/ml 2 rotifer/ml.7.4 mm.7.3 mm (P<.5). Fig. 5. 7.4.2 mm, 2.4.12 mm 2.2.14 mm. M. mroop 1.1.6 mm Length (mm) 6 5 4 3 2 1 e Totl e e d Cudl Fin Initil Yolk s Rotifer Depth Fig. 3. The somti growth (Men±SD) of first feeding fighting fish Bett splendens lrve on the different diets. Brs with different supersript re signifintly different (P<.5).
396 권오남ㆍ박기영ㆍ박흠기 Tle 1. The somti growth, dily weight gin nd diet effiieny on wter fle Moin mroop level fighting fish Bett splendens on the different diets Initil Finl Diet Rered period BL (mm) Totl supplied diets Dily weight gin (mg) Diet effiieny sorts (dy) 1 BW BW BL (mm) (DW, mg 4 ) {(3-2)/1} {(3-2)/(4)} (DW, mg) (DW, mg) 2 FD 7 7.4±.2 7.5±.56 18.8±.6 54.3 2.46.32 MM 7 1.1±.6 47.5±.7 63.2 6.56.72 BS 7 1.6±.52 8.9±.38 28.8±.35 73. 3.89.37 An revition indited the following; FD, Flounder diet; MM, Moin mroop; BS, Bosmin sp.; BL, Length; BW, Weight (P<.5). 7.5.56 mm (P<.5). M. mroop Bosmin sp. (P<.5). Tle 1. 7 7.4.2 mm, 1.6.52 mg. M. mroop 1.1.6 mm, 47.5.7 mg, 7.5.56 mm 18.8.6 mg (P<.5). M. mroop 6.56 mg/dy, 2.46 mg/dy., M. mroop Bosmin sp..32,.72.37 M. mroop. 고 찰 (Kshr et l., 1963) ( ) 57 m ( ), 15 m Kng et l. (1997) Kwon (21), B. lyiflorus. Fukuho (1976) Gtesoupe nd Roin (1982), 15-125, 4-17,, Fukuho (1976) 2 3 1 3. 1% 7. 5. 1.5 1.5 Totl Length (mm) 4. 3. 2. Depth (mm) 1..5 Cudl Fin Length (mm) 1..5 1.... 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Rotifer Density Supplied (ind./ml) Fig. 4. The somti growth (Men±SD) of first feeding fighting fish Bett splendens lrve supplied rotifers Brhionus lyiflorus of the different densities. Brs with different supersript re signifintly different (P<.5).
베타자어의섭취, 소화속도및성장 397 Length (mm) 12 1 8 6 4 2 Fig. 5. The somti growth on wter fle Moin mroop level fighting fish Bett splendens lrve fed the different diets. Brs with different supersript re signifintly different (P<.5). ( 4.8 mm) 25-55 (Kestemont nd Awïss., 1989)., Gtesoupe nd Roin (1982) 1, Ae nd Uno (1963) 3 3., 191., 1 67 ( 49.8, Fig. 6 55-65 ). 2.33 mm Totl intestine.3 mm Flounder diet Moin mroop Bosmin sp. Cudl Fin.35 mm.5 mm Depth.25 mm stomh Fig. 6. The shemti of fighting fish, Bett splendens from esophgus to retum of third dy fter hthing. 2 1 34. 1, 1 34,. (SD) 1 (DD) (TI) (TD) ml. (1).65 ml (3 rotifer/ml) 1 15%. TI SD = DD.65 ( ) VM... (1) TD SD : Rotifer quntity supplied during dy (ind.) DD : Numer of rotifer digested per one (ind.) TI : Hour of illumintion (hr) TD : Hour digested of rotifer in time (hr) VM : Volume of medium (ml), TI ND = ( ) NF... (2) TD ND = Numer of digestile rotifer during dy TI = Times of illumintion TD = A time digested NF = Numer of rotifer digested per one (2) (TI) 16, (TD) 2, 1 (NF) 34, 1 272 rotifer/dy. (1) (L:D=16:8) 1 ml 5, ml 17.68. Cruz nd Jmes (1989), 4,. (Işik et l., 1999; Opstd et l., 1989).. Fig. 6,.
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