모시는말씀 Letter of Invitation 현재경제적글로벌화의심화와글로벌위기의상존은안정적인국가경제및지역경제의발전전망을저해하면서기존정책의유효성을약화시키고있습니다. 특히잠재성장력의지속적인하락과저출산 고령화의심화는우리나라경제의저성장을점차고착화시키는경향을보이면서기존지역정

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모시는말씀 Letter of Invitation 현재경제적글로벌화의심화와글로벌위기의상존은안정적인국가경제및지역경제의발전전망을저해하면서기존정책의유효성을약화시키고있습니다. 특히잠재성장력의지속적인하락과저출산 고령화의심화는우리나라경제의저성장을점차고착화시키는경향을보이면서기존지역정책을둘러싼환경의급속한변화를초래하고있습니다. Deepening economic globalization and persisting global crisis these days are impeding stable development prospect of national and regional economies, further are weakening the validity of existing policies. Especially continuous decline of growth potential and deepening low birth and aging trends in Korea gradually set in the stagnant economic growth and bring about the rapid changes of regional policy environment. 이에따라지역경쟁력및성장을지향하는지역정책의기존패러다임에서벗어나대내외여건변화에대응하는지속가능한성장을추구하기위한새로운지역정책패러다임을모색하고있습니다. 또한지역정책은점차삶의질과행복등새로운가치를추구하게되었고, 박근혜정부의지역정책도이러한흐름에부응하여국민과지역의행복을지향하는새로운지역정책을추진하고있습니다. 이에한국지역정책학회는지역발전위원회, 산업통상자원부, 산업연구원과함께글로벌위기와저성장기조속에서새로운지역정책논리를검토하고, 유럽, 영국, 일본등선진국의경험을면밀히분석하여새로운지역정책대안을모색하는뜻깊은장을마련하였습니다. 특히지역정책관련세계적인전문가인마이클던포드교수, 피터오브라이언박사, 타다스레온치카스박사, 사무타히카루교수등을초빙하여보다알찬심포지엄을갖게된점을무척기쁘게생각합니다. We are therefore searching for a new regional development paradigm for sustainable growth rather than existing paradigm to focus on regional competitiveness and extensive growth. In addition, regional development is increasingly emphasizing new values such as quality of life and happiness and therefore Park Geun-hye Government now carries out new regional policies pursuing happiness of people and regions. In this context, the Korean Association of Regional Policy(KARP), in collaboration with Presidential Committee on Regional Development(PCRD), Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy(MOTIE), Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade(KIET), will hold international symposium and academic conference for searching for new regional development logic, sharing the regional development experiences, and designing the future of new regional policy in Korea. We are very pleased to have such a fruitful academic symposium with the participation of internationally renowned scholars such as Professor Michael Dunford, Dr. Peter O Brien Dr. Tadas Leoncikas and Professor Samuta Hikaru. 기로에선우리나라지역정책에대한공감대와함께본행사에참여하셔서자리를빛내주시기를진심으로바랍니다. 감사합니다. We cordially invite you having sympathy for the regional development at the crossroad in Korea and sincerely want your honorable participation in this valuable event. Thank you very much. 사단법인한국지역정책학회회장박경 Kyung Park President, The Korean Association of Regional Policy

전환기새로운지역발전패러다임모색을위한국제학술심포지엄 - 제3회 ( 사 ) 한국지역정책학회국제학술심포지엄 - 시간세부프로그램비고 09:00~10:00 참가자등록 10:00~10:05 개회사박경 ( 한국지역정책학회장 ) 10:05~10:11 격려사이원종 ( 지역발전위원장 ) 10:11~10:15 축사김도훈 ( 산업연구원장 ) 10:15~10:45 Session I 대안적지역발전지표의산출과분석 : Utilizing New Regional Development Index [ 주제발표 1-1] 유럽삶의질조사 : 주요결과및정책적함의 Tadas Leoncikas ( 유로재단 생활여건과삶의질 연구팀장 ) 10:45~11:15 [ 주제발표 1-2] 한국의삶의질지표민경삼 ( 통계청통계개발원동향분석실장 ) 11:15~11:45 [ 주제발표 1-3] 지역행복권삶의질과격차 11:45~11:50 coffee break 11:50~12:30 질의응답및토론 12:30~13:40 오찬 박승규 & 오성익 ( 한국지방행정연구원지역경제분석센터소장 ) & ( 지역발전위원회생활권총괄과장 ) 좌장 : 장재홍 ( 산업연구원지역발전연구센터선임연구위원 ) 토론자김상봉 ( 한성대경제학과교수 ) 변미리 ( 서울연구원미래연구센터장 ) 심재헌 ( 한국농촌경제연구원삶의질정책연구센터조사연구팀장 ) Session II 새로운지역산업정책의전환과도전 : New Paradigm and Challenges of Regional Industrial Policy 13:40 14:10 14:10~15:00 [ 주제발표 2-1] 한국지역산업정책의경험과과제 [ 주제발표 2-2] 저성장시대의도래와중국및브릭스 (BRICS) 국가들의부상 : 글로벌성장과지역정책에대한함의 15:00~15:10 coffee break 15:10~16:00 16:00~16:50 [ 주제발표 2-3] 영국의재정긴축, City Deal 정책하에서새로운지역발전투자의모색과평가 [ 주제발표 2-4] 동아시아자본주의와일본의지역정책 : 중앙집권적모델의위기 16:50~17:00 coffee break 17:00~17:50 종합토론 17:50~ 만찬 박재곤 ( 산업연구원지역발전연구센터연구위원 ) Michael Dunford ( 서섹스대명예교수 ) Peter O Brien ( 뉴캐슬대도시및지역발전센터연구위원 ) Hikaru Samuta ( 가나자와대지역경제학교수 ) 좌장 : 박경 ( 한국지역정책학회장, 목원대경제학과교수 ) 토론자김영수 ( 산업연구원지역발전연구센터장 ) 양준호 ( 인천대경제학과교수 ) 정성훈 ( 강원대지리교육과교수 ) 홍원표 ( 충남연구원미래전략연구단팀장 ) Program of International Symposium on a New Paradigm for Regional Development (2015. 9. 10. 송도컨벤시아 113 호, 114 호 ) (Sep. 10, 2015 Hall 113, 114, Songdo Convensia) Time Contents Speaker 09:00~10:00 Registration 10:00~10:05 Opening Speech Kyong Park (President, KARP) 10:05~10:11 Words of Encouragement Won Jong Lee (Chairman, PCRD) 10:11~10:15 Congratulatory Speech Do Hoon Kim (President, KIET) 10:15~10:45 10:45~11:15 11:15~11:45 Session I Utilizing New Regional Development Index [Presentation 1-1] The European Quality of Life Survey: key findings and policy implications [Presentation 1-2] Quality of Life Indicators in Korea [Presentation 1-3] Quality of Life and Disparities in HOPE Areas 11:45~11:50 coffee break 11:50~12:30 Discussion 12:30~13:40 Lunch 13:40~14:10 14:10~15:00 Tadas Leončikas (Research Manager, Living Conditions and Quality of Life Unit, Eurofound) Kyung Sam Min (Division Head, Statistical Research Institute) Seungkyu Park & Seong-Ik Oh (Head of Regional Economic Analysis Center, KRILA) & (Director, Division of HOPE Area management, PCRD) Moderator : Jae-Hong Jang (Senior Research Fellow, KIET) Discussants Sang Bong Kim (Prof., Hansung University) Miree Byun (Senior Research Fellow, The Seoul Institute) Jae-Hun Sim (Research Fellow, KREI) Session II New Paradigm and Challenges of Regional Industrial Policy [Presentation 2-1] Experiences and Challenges of Regional Industrial Policy in Korea [Presentation 2-2] The rise of China and the Greater BRICS : implications for global growth and regional development 15:00~15:10 coffee break [Presentation 2-3] Austerity, deal-making 15:10~16:00 and the search for new local and regional development investment in the UK [Presentation 2-4] East Asian Capitalism and 16:00~16:50 Japanese Regional Policies: A Crisis of the Centralization Model 16:50~17:00 coffee break 17:00~17:50 Discussion 17:50~ Dinner Jae gon Park ( Research Fellow, Research Center for Regional Development, Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade) Michael Dunford ( Emeritus Professor, University of Sussex) Peter O Brien (Research Associate, CURDS, Newcastle Univ.) Hikaru Samuta (Prof., Regional Economics, Kanazawa Univ.) Moderator : Kyong Park (President, KARP, Prof., Department of Economics, Mokwon Univ.) Discussants Young-Soo Kim (Director of Research Center for Regional Development, KIET) Jun-ho Yang (Prof., Department of Economics, Incheon Nat'l Univ.) Sung-Hoon Jung (Prof., Department of Geography Education, Kangwon Nat'l Univ.) Won Pyo Hong (Future Research, Team Leader, ChungNam Institute)

사단법인한국지역정책학회정책포럼 KARP Policy Forum (2015. 9. 11. 송도컨벤시아 107 호, 108 호 ) (Sep. 11, 2015 Hall 107, 108, Songdo Convensia) 시간 세부프로그램 비고 09:00~10:00 참가자등록 10:00~10:05 개회사 박경 ( 한국지역정책학회장 ) 특별강연 (Special Lecture) Time Contents Speaker 09:00~10:00 Registration 10:00~10:05 Opening Speech Kyong Park (President, KARP) Special Lecture 10:05~11:10 공간통합과신산업성장을통한중국서부의새로운경제성장 : 한국지역경제정책에대한함의 Michael Dunford ( 서섹스대명예교수 ) 10:05~11:10 Urban-rural integration, the rise of new industries and regional economic growth in western China Michael Dunford (Emeritus Professor, University of Sussex) 11:10~11:20 coffee break 11:10~11:20 coffee break 11:20~12:30 질의, 응답 진행 : 이원호 ( 성신여대지리학과교수 ) 토론자 Peter O Brien (Newcastle 대연구위원 ) Hikaru Samuta (Kanazawa 대교수 ) 나주몽 ( 전남대경제학부교수 ) 서정해 ( 경북대경영학부교수 ) 송일호 ( 동국대경제학과교수 ) 정준호 ( 강원대부동산학과교수 ) 진혁 ( 한국산업기술진흥원지역산업단장 ) 11:20~12:30 Discussion Moderator : Wonho Lee (Prof., Department of Geography, Sungshin Women s Univ.) Discussants Peter O Brien (Research Associate, Newcastle Univ.) Hikaru Samuta (Prof., Kanazawa Univ.) JuMong Na (Prof., Department of Economics, Chonnam Nat;l Univ.) Joung Hae Seo (Prof., Department of Business Administration, Kyungpook Nat l Univ.) Ilho Shong (Prof., Department of Economics, Dongguk Univ.) Jun Ho Jeong (Prof., Department of Real Estate, Kangwon Nat l Univ.) Hyeok Jin (Division of Regional Industry Director, Korea Institute for the Advancement of Technology) 12:30~14:00 오찬및폐회박경 ( 한국지역정책학회장 ) 12:30~14:00 Lunch and Closing Remark Kyong Park (President, KARP)

발표자프로필 Profile of Presenters 마이클던포드 중국과학원 CAS 선임국제연구자및서섹스대학명예교수 Michael Dunford CAS Senior International Scientist & Emeritus Professor, University of Sussex 중국과학원 CAS 선임국제연구자 서섹스대학교경제지리학교수 영국사회과학원회원, 이탈리아지리학회명예회원 유럽에대한지리학적연구로왕립지리학회상수상 Regional Studies 명예편집자및다수의저널편집위원 새로운유럽의도시와지역 등다수의논문및저서저술 An expert in economic geography and urban and regional analysis Member of Academy of Social Sciences (AcSS) Honorary Member of the Societa Geografica Italiana Royal Geographical Society Award for Geographical Research in Europe Author of the Arena of capital (1983), Capital, the state and regional development (1988), After the three Italies (2006) and co-editor of Industrial change and regional development (1991), Cities and regions in the new Europe (1992) and The geographical transformation of China (2015). 피터오브라이언 뉴캐슬대학교도시및지역발전센터연구위원 Peter O Brien Research Associate, CURDS, Newcastle University 거버넌스, 재생, 로컬및지역발전정책입안및추진관련이론과실무경험을갖춘전문가 North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NELEP) 설립을주도 2009년과 2011년영국동북지역에서유력인사중한명으로선정 Local institutions and local economic development: the Local Enterprise Partnerships in England, 2010- 등관련다수의논문발표 An expert in governance, regeneration, and the implementation of local and regional development policy in both academic and professional circles Led the preparation to establish the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NELEP) Listed, in 2009 and 2011, by The Newcastle Journal newspaper, as one of the Most Influential People in North East England Local institutions and local economic development: the Local Enterprise Partnerships in England, 2010- and many related articles 사무타히카루 가나자와대학교지역경제학교수 Samuta Hikaru Professor of Regional Economics, Kanazawa University An expert in regional economics and policy, sustainable regional development, environment and 지역경제및정책, 지속가능한지역발전, 환경과지역경제관련전문가 regional economy 가나자와대학교도시및지역연구센터소장 Director of the Center for Urban and Regional Studies 일본지역경제연구회집행위원장및편집위원장 Executive Director and Chairperson of Editorial Committee of The Japan Association for Regional 일본환경위원회위원장 Economic Studies Transformation in Tokyo economy and Japanese national economic Standing Director of Japanese Environmental Council system 등관련다수의논문발표 Transformation in Tokyo economy and Japanese national economic system and many related articles 타다스레온치카스 유로재단 생활여건과삶의질 연구팀장 Tadas Leončikas Research Manager, Living Conditions and Quality of Life unit in Eurofound 유로재단 생활여건과삶의질 연구관리자 리투아니아사회연구원수석연구원 차별방지및빈곤퇴치를위한종족통계 책임연구원겸공저자 유럽연합리투아니아소수민족지원사후평가 국가전문가 국제사회학회회원 Research Manager in Eurofound s Living Conditions and Quality of Life unit Senior researcher, Institute for Social Research in Vilnius, Lithuania Principal Researcher and co-author of Ethnic Statistics for the purpose of anti-discrimination and antipoverty policies at the request of UNDP Regional Centre for Europe and CIS National expert in Ex-Post Evaluation of European Union Support to National Minorites in Lithuania Member of International Sociological Association

발표자프로필 Profile of Presenters 박재곤 산업연구원지역발전연구센터연구위원 Jaegon PARK Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade 산업연구원연구위원 / 팀장 Research Fellow at Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade 미국웨스트버지니아대방문학자 Visiting Scholar at West Virginia University 한국지역정책학회이사 Director at the Korean Association of Regional Policy 산업통상자원부경제자유구역자문위원 Member at Advisory Board on FEZ of Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 세종특별자치시발전위원 Member at Development Committee of Sejong Metropolitan Autonomous City 민경삼 통계개발원동향분석실장 Kyung Sam Min Division Head, Statistical Research Institute 통계개발원 ( 통계청 ) 동향분석실장 Head of Trends Analysis Division at Statistical Research Institute, KOSTAT 삶의질지표검토위원회간사 Associate Administrator at Review Committee on Quality of Life Indicators 통계연구편집위원회간사 Managing Editor at Editing Commission on Journal of Korean Official Statistics ( 미국 ) 월드뱅크데이터그룹연구원 Statistician at Data Group, World Bank (IBRD) 경제통계국 ( 통계청 ) 소득통계과장 Head of Income Statistics Division at Economic Statistics Bureau, KOSTAT 박승규 한국지방행정연구원지역경제분석센터소장 Seungkyu Park Head of Regional Economic Analysis Center, Korea Research Institute for Local Administration Research Fellow/Head of Regional Economic Analysis Center, Korea Research Institute for Local 한국지방행정연구원수석연구원 / 지역경제분석센터소장 Administration ( 미국 ) 일리노이대학교방문학자 Faculty and staff, University of Illinois(UIUC) 지방행정연수원연구교수 Research professor, Local Government Officials Development Institute 행정자치부합동평가지표개발위원 / 평가위원 Index development committee/evaluation committee, Local government evaluation, Ministry of 입법고시출제위원 Government Administration and Home Affairs Examiner, Legislation Examination, National Assembly Secretariat 오성익 지역발전위원회생활권총괄과장 Seong-Ik Oh Director, Presidential Committee on Regional Development 대통령직속지역발전위원회생활권총괄과장 Director, Division of HOPE Area management, Presidential Committee on Regional Development 국토교통부재정담당관실서기관 Deputy Director, Division of Budget, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation

오시는길 송도컨벤시아인천광역시연수구센트럴로 123 인천공항 서울 버스 KAL 리무진, 303, 303-1 버스 M6405, M6724, 1301 지하철인천대입구역하차 4 번출구로나와서도보로 10-15 분소요 Location DONGMAK Station sinjung Elementary School DREAMCITY Incheon Coast Guard Bridge Songdo Central Park Sinsong High School First Sinsong Elementary School Sinsong Middle School CAMPUS TOWN Station Songdo Hyundai I-park INCHEON UNIVERSITY Station Songdo Bridge Hotel TECHNOPARK StationSongdo Yeonsae International Campus Songdo Second Bridge Haesong Elementary School Songdo Convensia 123 Central-Ro, Yeonsu-Gu, Incheon Incheon Airport BUS KAL Limousine(Korean Airlines), #303, #303-1 Seoul BUS #M6405, #M6724, #1301 Subway Get off at University of Incheon Station Exit #4 walk around 10-15minutes 연락처 Contact Tel : 044-287-3207 Fax : 044-287-3800 E-mail : karp@kiet.re.kr