정보사회론 Sociology in Information Age information-oriented society
참고문헌및읽을거리 앤서니기든스 / 필립서튼저 / 김미숙외 6 인공역 (2013). 현대사회학 [7 th ed]. 을유문화사. 어빙고프만 [ 김병서역 ](1975). 자아표현과인상관리 : 연극적사회분석론. 경문사. P.L. 버거 & T. 루크만 [ 박충선역 ]. 지식형성의사회학. 홍성사. 안계춘외 (2000). 현대사회의이해. 법문사. 이종구외 (2005). 정보사회의이해. 미래 M&B. Castells 김묵한외역 (2003). 네트워크사회의도래, 한울. 앨빈토플러. 제 3 의물결. 앨빈토플러. 미래의충격 네스빗. 메가트렌드. 최동수 (2002). 정보사회의이해. 법문사. 차대운외저 (2002). 정보사회론. 형설출판사. 2002. 정보사회학회편, (1998), 정보사회의이해, 나남. 이항우, 이창호, 김종철, 임현경 (2011). 정보사회의이해. 미래인.
정보사회론내용들 현대사회사상의토대 홉스록몽테스큐루소스미스밀니체프로이드 사회학자들 꽁트뒤르껭베버맑스파슨즈밀즈콜린즈미드블라우블루머고프만기덴스하버마스 이론들고전적주제들이머징주제 사회진화론갈등론기능론구조론체제론교환이론중범위이론상호작용이론상징적상호작용이론현상학민속방법론뉴레프트포스트모더니즘 이데올로기사회화세계화와사회변화환경도시와도시생활노동과경제이탈과범죄인구문제불평등그로벌, 남 / 여, 소득, 정보, 신분, 빈곤가족 / 사랑 / 친밀한관계경제사회 : 시장과기업, 가게, 정부정치사회 : 정치와시장정치, 정부, 사회운동국가, 전쟁, 테러사회집단 : 교육건강, 질병, 장애종교인종, 민족, 이민미디아 환경원자력오염취업저출산노령화자살 정보사회지식사회 제 4 차산업혁명가상화폐인공지능로봇사물인터넷클라우딩빅데이터
Eminent(Famous) Sociologists Sociologist Time P eriod School of Thought Most Well-Known Contributions Comte, Au guste 1798-1857 positivism coined the term "Sociology"; founder of positi vism; developed the Law of three stages Durkheim, Émile 1858-1917 structural function alism; solidarism well-known for several books, including: Suicid e, The Elementary Forms of Religious Life; The Division of Labour in Society; started the first j ournal of sociology; also asserted that there ar e social facts Marx, Karl 1818-1883 socialism; conflict t heory explained the origins and functioning of Capit alism; advocated socialism; argued that the his tory of all societies is rooted in class conflict
Eminent(Famous) Sociologists Sociologist Time School of Thought Period Most Well-Known Contributions org Veblen, Tho rstein created a lengthy volume on sociology; applied Da Spencer, He 1820- rbert 1903 social darwinism rwinian evolution to social life; coined the phrase " survival of the fittest" Simmel, Ge 1858- most well-known for his work on social structure a 1918 1857-1929 nd life in large cities most well-known for his book The Theory of the L eisure Class Cooley, Cha 1864- rles Horton 1929 symbolic interactioni sm most well-known for his concept of the looking-gl ass self Mead, Geor ge Herbert 1863-1931 symbolic interactioni sm developed symbolic interactionism
Eminent(Famous) Sociologists Sociologis t Time School of Thought Most Well-Known Contributions Period Weber, M 1864- ax 1920 verstehen well known for several books, including The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Parsons, T 1902- structural function formalized the theory of structural functiona alcott 1979 alism lism Garfinkel, 1917- the methodological and theoretic ethnomethodologydeveloped Harold 2011 al approach of ethnomethodology most well-known for his ideas involving dra Goffman, 1922- symbolic interactio maturgy and his books Stigmaand The Pres Erving 1982 nism entation of Self in Everyday Life Bourdieu, Pierre 1930-2002 most well-known for his cultural capital an d habitus
사회학적상상력과관심 사랑과결혼 건강과질병 범죄와처벌 인구와수명 커피 자살 흡연
사회에대한질문 : 사회학이란? 사회는, 법칙이있는가? 진화적인가? 순환적인가? 혁명적인가? 자연적진화인가, 의도적변화인가? 구조인가, 개인인가? 개혁인가, 과학인가?
사회학이론의발달 시대적구분 : 계몽주의 프랑스혁명 - 제 2 차세계대전 고전대현대 유럽대미국 미시대거시 기능대갈등 구조대행태 안정대변동
Comte 의사회학 방법론 관찰과실험에기초한합리적과학적방법, 즉 positivism 사회에대한과학의적용 : 사회개혁에대한과학의실제적용 연구내용 세습적귀족제는평등에의해, 미신과공포는개명과신뢰에의해, 강제는자발적협동에의해, 종교는지배는과학의지배에의해대체 사회적질서에관한두개의상반되는시각, 즉 positivism 과 organicism 간의포괄적종합 Positivism: 관찰, 실험, 비교, 역사적방법. reason, liberty, equality vs. superstition, fear, 무지, 강제 Organicism: 전체는부분의합보다크다. Holism, Synergy 질서의강조
Comte 의사회학 방법론 관찰과실험에기초한합리적과학적방법, 즉 positivism 사회에대한과학의적용 : 사회개혁에대한과학의실제적용 연구내용 세습적귀족제는평등에의해, 미신과공포는개명과신뢰에의해, 강제는자발적협동에의해, 종교는지배는과학의지배에의해대체 사회적질서에관한두개의상반되는시각, 즉 positivism 과 organicism 간의포괄적종합 Positivism: 관찰, 실험, 비교, 역사적방법. reason, liberty, equality vs. superstition, fear, 무지, 강제 Organicism: 전체는부분의합보다크다. Holism, Synergy 질서의강조
Comte s Implicit Model of Social Statics (Jonathan H.. Theoretical Sociology: A Concise Introduction to Twelve Sociological Theories(Kindle Location 474). SAGE Publications. Kindle Edition. ) 사회적분화의수준 조정과통제에대한사회적통합문제들의수준 새로운통합메커니즘을위한선택압력 a) 구조적상호의존, b) 권력과권위의집중화, c) 공동문화와관련되어된새로운통합적메커니즘들 사회적병리 가능성
Stages occur in our individual lives: ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny Auguste Comte 의현상에대한설명의삼단계법칙 the mode of explanation 폭풍 왜돌이떨 어지는가? 왜질 병 왜전쟁 fetishism theological, or fictitious polytheism monotheis 폭풍의여신 신또는영혼 이그렇게한 다 죄에 대한 벌 신들의장난 m metaphysical, abstract, or philosophical 자연의법칙 무거운물체의 성질때문에 지저분인간본성 scientific, or positive 기상학 : 공기압, 풍속, 습도, 온도 중력의법칙 병균 희생양이론 자기충족적예언
Bacon s Idols of the Mind (Idola Mentis) the Idols (false images) of the mind - cognitive bias. 과학적추론을방해 Idols of the Tribe (Idola tribus) 선입견, 질서와규칙의선호 Idols of the Cave (Idola specus) 개인적특성에의한선호 Idols of the Marketplace (Idola fori) 언어 Idols of the Theatre (Idola theatri) 학문적도그마
(2) Social structure Level : Size, division of labor, degree of consensus, type of power, authority structure, etc. K. Marx 인간의의도성 개인 - 경제구조 - 물질적욕구 Emile Durkheim Functionalism : 범죄자도기능적임 -> 결속 M. Weber 이해의사회학, 관료제와지배
(3) Interpersonal relations Level : intensity, frequency, degree of cooperation or conflict Simmel : 형식사회학 Coser : 사회적갈등의기능 Dahrendorf : 갈등의편재성과 ICA(imperatively coordinated associations)
20C American Social Theory (1) Micro, interpersonal : Symbolic Interactionism Exchange Theories (2) Macro, cultural-structural Social structure Structural Functionalism Conflict and Social Change
(1) Micro, interpersonal : Symbolic Interactionism : 언어, 역할, 태도, self, symbol Harold Garfinkel(1967) George Homans(1973) George Herbert Mead(1863-1931) Erving Goffman(1959) Exchange Theories Homans Thibaut & Kelly Blau Emerson & Cook
(2) Macro, cultural-structural Social structure Sumner Cooley Thomas Znaniecki 1882-1958 Polish sociologist Structural Functionalism Parsons : AGIL Merton : manifest (eu-, dys- ) vs. latent function Conflict and Social Change R. Mills G. Mosca R. Michaels R. Dahrendorf L.A. Coser R. Collins D. Lockwood J. Habermas
이데올로기 Ideology Political Beliefs False Consciousness
기초개념 - 전통적개념 : 이데올로기는사회적지배관계를이론적으로재가하고정당화하는체계화된이론내지의식, 따라서허위의식을의미한다 (P.95). - 김영모 : 사회적조직에관한중요한일반화의상호연결된집합. - 맑스 / 엥겔스 : 허위의식, 이경우의허위란이해관심에의해제약된자기기만. - 지식사회학 : 사회철학적이론의맥락에서떨어져나와무비판적, 가치중립적, 서술적기준을가진다. 가치평가자적, 비판적이데올로기의개념의필요성. - Ideology is a system of thought based on related assumptions, beliefs, and explanations of social movements or policies. Ideologies do not rely equally on factual information in supporting their beliefs.
기초개념 Far Left - Left Liberal Right Far Right 급진주의 진보주의 자유주의 보수주의 반동주의 자유주의를중도에비해 Left 라고생각하는학자들도많음 (L.P. Baradat, Political Ideologies, Prentice-Hall, 1979: 28) New Left & Frankfurt School Critical theories Reification Ideology Hegemony
이데올로기의기능 1. 정당화 : 정치제도 / 사회제도에가치를부여 2. 복잡한현실을단순화 3. 단합과동원 : 받아들여도좋은것, 달성해야할과제, 배제할것을정의, Totem & Taboo 4. 리더십과조작 5. 커뮤티케이션 6. 표현 7. 비판과유토피아 8. 이데올로기와정치적행동
Ideology 학자들 Francis Bacon (1561-1626) Claude Adrien Helve'tius (1715-1771) Paul-Henri Thiry d'holbach (1723-1789) Antoine Destutt de Tracy (1754-1836) Auguste Comte (1798-1857) Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872) Karl Marx (1818-1883) Karl Manheim (1839-1947) Peter L. Berger (1929-) Jürgen Habermas (1929-)
Francis Bacon Novum Organum Idols of the Tribe (Idola tribus): This is humans' tendency to perceive more order and regularity in systems than truly exists, and is due to people following their preconceived ideas about things. Idols of the Cave (Idola specus): This is due to individuals' personal weaknesses in reasoning due to particular personalities, likes and dislikes. Idols of the Marketplace (Idola fori): This is due to confusions in the use of language and taking some words in science to have a different meaning than their common usage. Idols of the Theatre (Idola theatri): This is the following of academic dogma and not asking questions about the world. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/francis_bacon
司祭欺瞞理論 ( 共謀理論 ) Claude Adrien Helvétius http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/claude_adrien_helv%c3%a9tius 정신론 (De l'esprit, 1758) : 정부에의해소각됨 인간론 (De l'homme) 상이한대상을상이하게지각하나, 같은대상이라도사람에따라시간에따라상이하게지각함. 같은문화속에서다른생각을가지는정신적불평등은이러한인상의차이에로소급될수있음. 이해관심 (intèrêt), 自愛 (amour propre), 불쾌의기피와유쾌의획득은자연적운동원리의근본적에네르기. 유쾌와고통이이세계의추진력이다. 감각 ( 감각기관에미치는자연경과의영향 ) --- 이해관심 ( 중재자 ) --- 관념 ( 사고형태와사고내용 ) 초원의양과곤충. 이기심은대상을변화시킴, 사회결합의원리 : 각자는그자신의행복을증대시키고싶어하기때문에명령하고자한다. 그리하여이해관심과자애는항상 권력에대한사랑 과결합되어있다 강자의편견은약자의법률이다. 부 / 명망분장된권력사랑 -> 타인의강제 / 복종 -> 타인의무지 민중의무지가권력자의주춧돌이다.