Blood Services Annual Report 2015 혈액사업보고서

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1 헌혈진흥 Blood Services Annual Report 2015 혈액사업보고서

2 Blood Services Annual Report 2015 혈액사업보고서

3 Blood Services Annual Report 2015 혈액사업보고서 Contents Blood Services Annual Report 2015 국제적십자운동기본원칙 혈액관리본부장인사말 혈액사업미션 비전 The Seven Fundamental Principles 06 Message from the Director General 08 Mission & Vision of Blood Services 10 Part 혈액사업주요활동 01. 혈액안전 02. 혈액수급 03. 헌혈문화조성 04. 혈액전산 05. 조직운영 06. 국제활동 07. 기관별주요활동 Major Blood Services Activities in Blood Safety Blood Supply Fostering a Culture of Blood Donation Information Technology Development Organization Operation International Activities Major Activities by Branches Part 2 이용자를위하여 1. 혈액사업보고서는적십자혈액사업기관에서제출한자료를종합편집한것입니다. * 우리나라혈액사업과관련된통계자료는 2015 혈액사업통계연보를참조하시면됩니다. 2. 수록된자료에대하여궁금한사항이있을경우대한적십자혈액관리본부로문의하시기바랍니다. 문의전화 혈액사업현황 01. 조직도 02. 인력및시설 03. 연혁 04. 회계보고 05. 기관주소 The Status of Blood Services 54 Organization Chart Human Resources and Facilities History of Blood Services Financial Report Blood Services Directory

4 Blood Services Annual Report The Seven Fundamental Principles 07 국제적십자운동기본원칙 The Seven Fundamental Principles Neutrality ; 중립 적십자운동은지속적으로모든사람의신뢰를받기위해적대행위가있을때어느편에도가담하지않고 어떤경우에도정치적, 인종적, 종교적또는이념적성격을띤논쟁에개입하지않는다. 국제적십자운동기본원칙은국제적십자회의에서선포되었고, 그후대한적십자사조직법에수용되었음을상기하며, 사랑과봉사정신에따라적십자본연의임무를수행하는데있어서아래의제원칙을성실히준수할것을다짐한다. The Korean Red Cross pledges to faithfully observe the fundamental principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, to fulfill the duties of the Red Cross with love and the spirit of volunteer work, and to remember that the principles proclaimed at the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent have been embraced by the Organization of the Korean National Red Cross Act. In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature. Independence ; 독립 적십자운동은독립적이다. 각국적십자사는정부의인도주의사업에대한보조자로서국내법규를준수하지만어느때든지적십자원칙에따라행동할수있도록항상자율성을유지해야한다. The Movement is independent. The National Societies, while auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with the principles of the Movement. Voluntary Service ; 자발적봉사 Humanity ; 인도 전쟁터에서부상자를차별없이도우려는열망에서탄생한국제적십자운동은국제적, 국내적역량을발휘하여어디서든지인간의고통을덜어주고예방하기위해노력한다. 적십자운동의목적은생명과건강을보호하며인간의존엄성을존중하고보장하는데있다. 이러한적십자운동은모든사람들간의이해, 우정, 협력및항구적평화를증진시킨다. The International Red Cross Crescent Movement, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavors, in its international and national capacity, to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples. 적십자운동은자발적구호운동으로서어떤이익도추구하지않는다. It is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for gain. Unity ; 단일 한나라에는하나의적십자사만존재할수있다. 적십자사는모든사람에게개방되어야하며, 그나라영토전역에서인도주의사업을수행해야한다. There can be only one Red Cross or one Red Crescent Society in any one country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory. Impartiality ; 공평 국제적십자운동은국적, 인종, 종교적신념, 계급또는정치적입장이다르다고차별하지않는다. 오직개개인의절박한필요에따라고통을덜어주고가장위급한재난부터우선적으로해결하도록노력한다. It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavors to relieve the suffering individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress. Universality ; 보편 국제적십자운동은각나라의적십자사들이동등한지위와책임과의무를가지고서로돕는범세계적인운동이다. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in which all Societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other, is worldwide.

5 Blood Services Annual Report The Seven Fundamental Principles 09 혈액관리본부장인사말 Message from the Director General Saving Lives, 적십자는생명입니다. Saving Lives: The Red Cross is Life 대한적십자사는 1958년국립혈액원을인수하면서혈액사업을시작하였습니다. 그후 1981년국가로부터국내혈액수급관리에관한실질적인권한과책임을위임받아수행하고있습니다. 그결과 2014년 300만건의헌혈확보를통해수혈용혈액의안정적공급과의약품제조용혈장의자급자족에한걸음다가섰습니다. 이러한성과는무엇보다아무런대가없이자발적으로소중한생명을나누어주신헌혈자여러분들이함께하였기에이룰수있었습니다. 적십자혈액사업은 중장기발전계획 수립을통해선진적혈액관리체계구축을위한틀을마련하였으며, Saving Lives 에근거하여, 안전하고효율적인혈액을안정적으로공급하기위하여최선을다하고있습니다. 혈액관리본부는앞으로도안전한헌혈자를확보하고, 최선의선별검사수준을유지하며, 환자에게필요한혈액제제를제조하여공급하기위해노력해나갈것입니다. 또한, 헌혈자여러분들의따뜻한관심속에국민모두가언제어디서나안전한혈액을수혈받을수있도록사명과책임을다하겠습니다. 지금까지보내주신격려에깊은감사를드리며, 헌혈에대한국민여러분의지속적인관심과참여를부탁드립니다. 대한적십자사혈액관리본부장오덕자 The Korean Red Cross initiated its blood services in 1958 when it took over National Blood Center. After the Korean Government entrusted the blood services to KRC in 1981, the KRC has held operational authority and responsibility for the domestic blood supply. By securing more than three million blood donations in 2014, KRC went one step further toward both ensuring a stable supply of blood for transfusions and self-sufficiency in the plasma required for medical products. Among many contributors, these achievements are especially thanks to the blood donors who voluntarily share their precious gift of life without asking for any reward in return. The Korean Red Cross Blood Services (KRC Blood Services) has laid a framework for an advanced blood management system by establishing a Mid-to-Long Term Development Plan. They endeavor to supply safe blood in an efficient and stable manner under the slogan of Saving Lives. The KRC Blood Services will continue to recruit safe voluntary non remunerated blood donors, maintain impeccable screening tests, and manufacture and supply the blood products required by patients. Through the caring generosity of blood donors, the KRC Blood Services will also fulfill its missions and duties to guarantee safe blood transfusions for all at any time and in any place in Korea. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your encouragement and look forward to your ongoing interest and participation in blood donation. Korean Red Cross Blood Services Director General Deok-ja, Oh

6 Blood Services Annual Report Vision & Mission of Blood Services 11 혈액사업 미션 비전 Mission & Vision of Blood Services Mission 혈액사업을 통한 인도주의 실현, 세계평화와 인류복지에 공헌 Facilitate and promote humanitarian activities by blood services Vision 안전하고 효과적인 혈액을 안정적, 효율적으로 공급하는 선진 혈액전문기관 An advanced professional institution to supply safe and effective blood stably and efficiently Strategic Goals 헌혈자 및 수혈자 안전성 강화 Strengthen the safety of blood donors and recipients 혈액수급 안정화 Secure sustainable blood supply 경영효율화 Ensure efficient management 지속가능한 발전동력 확보 Strengthen the means of sustainability Slogan 소통과 공감, 사업기반 구축 Communicate and empathize, Build strong infrastructure for the future

7 수혈용혈액공급 4,048,198 유니트 헌혈기부권 582,450,500 원 대한민국블로그어워드특별기관분야최우수기관선정 Part 혈액사업주요활동 Major Blood Services Activities in 혈장자급률 100% 달성 혈액안전 Blood Safety 02. 혈액수급 Blood Supply 헌혈서포터즈전국 13 팀 64 명활동 ABO Friends 문화이벤트 13,000 명참가 손목밴드바코드일치검사도입 년연속헌혈 3,000,000 명돌파 회째실시헌혈공모전 796작품접수 헌혈의집 36 개소신설 44개소개선 ( 혈액원내헌혈의집 15개소포함 ) 헌혈문화조성 Fostering a Culture of Blood Donation 04. 혈액전산 Information Technology Development 05. 조직운영 Organization Operation 06. 국제활동 International Activities 07. 기관별주요활동 Major Activities by Branches

8 Blood Services Annual Report PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in Blood 안전관리 Safety 헌혈혈액검사결과통보서전면개정 2015년헌혈혈액검사결과통보서 4종을전면개정하여 자시행한다. 주요개정내용은다음과같다. 검사결과통보서 4종 ( 정상, 비정상, 특검, CBC) 을 3종으로통합 ( 정상, 비정상, 특검 +CBC) 하고검사항목참고치범위변경, 스마트앱 QR코드추가, 혈액관리본부 SNS( 페이스북, 블로그, 카카오스토리등 ) 주소추가, 디자인및색상등도전면개정하였다. Full revision of blood test result notification for blood donors In 2015, the KRC Blood Services completely revised four kinds of blood test result notification for blood donors, which would be in effect on January 1, The major revisions are as follows: Four types of test result notification (normal, abnormal, special test, CBC) have been merged into three (normal, abnormal and special test + CBC); the reference ranges of tested items have been changed; a smart application QR code has been added; social media addresses of the KRC Blood Services (Facebook, blog, Kakao Story, etc.) have been added; and their design and color schemes have been completely updated. 손목밴드바코드일치검사실시 Implementation of use of wristband 2015년 7월부터 손목밴드바코드일치검사 시스템이도입되었다. 헌혈자, 혈액및검체의일치여부를확인하기위해헌혈전개방형질문을통해 1차확인하고, 헌혈기록카드 / 혈액 / 검체의바코드스캔을통해 2차확인하는기존의시스템에손목밴드착용과이를활용한일치검사는헌혈기록카드뒤바뀜으로인해발생될수있는오류를보완함으로써혈액의안전성을향상시키는역할을하였다. 또한혈액정보바코드가인쇄된손목밴드의착용으로헌혈기록카드를출력하지않음으로써헌혈자개인정보노출도최소화할수있게되었다. 수혈용혈액제제포스터및안내문제작배포혈액관리본부는 2015년 9월수혈용혈액제제에대한의료기관의이해를높이고자혈액제제포스터 4,200매, 안내문 1,750장을제작하여전국의료기관에배포하였다. 혈액제제포스터에는혈액관리본부에서제조공급하는주요혈액제제 9종의사진, 정식명칭, 제조방법, 용량, 수혈방법과적응증이기재되어있어혈액제제홍보및교육용으로활용이가능하다. The KRC Blood Services has implemented the use of wristband since July Previously, in order to ensure that a given donor, blood and sample matched, open-ended questions were asked prior to blood donation, followed with a second verification performed by scanning the barcodes on the blood donation registration card, blood and sample. The wristband prevents human errors and improves blood safety. The KRC Blood Services does not need to print blood donation registration card by using wristband, which minimizes the revelation of private information Publishing posters and guidelines for blood and blood products needed for transfusion The KRC Blood Services printed copies of posters and guidelines on blood and blood products in September 2015 and distributed them to medical institutions nationwide in an effort to raise their awareness of blood products for transfusion. Nine kinds of major blood products were featured on the poster including their pictures, official names, manufacturing methods, dosages, transfusion methods, and indications which can be utilized for the promotion of blood products and related education. 헌혈기록카드문진항목판정기준 13차개정판배포헌혈현장에서헌혈적합판정기준으로활용하는 헌혈기록카드문진항목판정기준 13차개정판을배포하였다. 13차개정판의주요내용은다음과같다. 3개의대분류항목 ( 헌혈기록카드문진항목판정기준, 채혈판정기준표, 부록 ) 으로구성하였으며, 각항목은 필수헌혈관련안내문, 오늘몸상태등 12개항목 약물, 시술및수술등 16개항목 신분증활용절차, 말라리아기준등 13개세부항목, 총 41개의기준으로구분되어있다. 헌혈기록카드문진항목판정기준 13차개정판은스프링으로제작하고, 인덱스를삽입하여현장에서편리하게사용할수있도록하였다. Distribution of 13th Revision of the Donor Selection Guidelines The KRC Blood Services released its 13th Revision of the Donor Selection Guidelines used at collection sites. The guidelines are divided into three categories: Guidelines for the blood donation registration card questionnaire; table of criteria for blood collection; and appendices. The guidelines for donor selection consist of 12 subcategories, including basic blood donation instructions and the donor s physical condition on the day of donation. The guidelines for blood collection constitute 16 subcategories, including medication, medical procedures and surgeries. The appendices feature 13 subcategories, such as identification procedures and malaria-risk areas. The 13th revision is equipped with indexes to facilitate use at blood donation sites. 가두및단체채혈현장전자문진확대실시 2015년 11월부터가두및단체채혈현장전자문진및순번발권시스템이확대적용되었다. 가두및단체채혈현장의전자문진확대실시는헌혈기록카드문진항목기재사항누락을예방함으로써혈액및헌혈자의안전성강화에기여하고, 순번발권시스템을도입을통해채혈현장의업무효율성및헌혈자의서비스향상에기여하였다. Expanding the electronic medical examination system at mobile and group blood donation sites Starting in November 2015, the electronic medical examination and queuing system was expanded for mobile and group blood donation sites. The expanded examination has contributed to improving the safety of both blood and donors by preventing any missing information on Blood Donation Registration Card Questionnaires. The introduction of the queuing system will promote efficiency at blood donation sites and improve service for donors.

9 Blood Services Annual Report PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in Blood 혈액수급 Supply 성별남성헌혈자수는 2,165,411명으로 2014년도보다 28,042명 (1.3%) 증가하였으며, 여성헌혈자수는 917,507명으로 1,451 명 (0.2%) 이증가하였다. By Gender The number of donations by males stood at 2,165,411, up by 28,042 (1.3%) from the previous year, while donations from females numbered 917,507, up by 1,451 (0.2%) from the previous year. 중동호흡기증후군 (MERS) 발생관련 선제적혈액수급대응체제구축 2015 년 5 월 20 일첫번째중동호흡기증후군 (MERS. 이하 메르스 ) 확진자발생이후감염자수가빠른속도로증가하면서 단체행사가줄줄이취소되고외부활동을기피하는사람들이 많아졌다. 이러한사회현상은헌혈자감소로이어지면서안정 적인혈액수급을위협하는요인으로작용하였다. 이에혈액관리본부는메르스발생초기혈액수요예측 ( 헌혈 20~30% 감소, 공급 10% 감소 ) 을바탕으로향후발생될문제 점을파악하고안정적혈액수급을위하여선제적인대응체제 를구축하였다. 혈액수급안정화를위한 메르스확산에따른 조치계획 을사전에수립하여혈액위기단계매뉴얼단계별점 검과헌혈자추이분석을통하여혈액원에수혈용혈액에대한 집중채혈을조치하였다. 또한메르스긴급대책본부를설치하 여 24 시간비상대책상황반을운영하는등메르스확산으로인 한피해규모를최소화하는데총력을기울였다. 이러한신속대응에따라전년동기간 (5 월 20 일 ~7 월 10 일 ) 대비전혈헌혈은 3.1% 증가하였고적혈구제제보유일수는평 균 6.8 일분 ( 적정보유일수 5.0 일 ) 을유지하는결과를이루어냄 으로써메르스대응우수기관으로선정, 대통령표창을수상하 였다 년헌혈목표관리 2015 Blood Donation Statistics Establishing a proactive blood supply system for responding to the MERS outbreak After the first Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) patient was confirmed in South Korea on May 20, 2015, group events were canceled and people increasingly avoided outdoor activities as the number of infections soared. This trend led to a reduction in the number of blood donors, threatening the stability of the blood supply. The KRC Blood Services identified future challenges and established a proactive response system to secure the blood supply based on blood demand predicted at the onset of MERS (a 20-30% decline in blood donation and 10% decrease in blood supply). The KRC Blood Services established its countermeasures against the spread of MERS for the stability of the blood supply. The KRC Blood Services focused on blood collection for transfasion after the examination according to a risk management manual and an analysis blood donors. In addition, efforts were concentrated on minimizing the damage from the spread of MERS by,operating an Emergency Response Team around the clock. Thanks to this prompt response, whole blood donation increased by 3.1 percent year-on-year (May 20 to July 10) and the inventory of red blood cell products was on average able to meet 6.8 days of demand (maintaining at least a five-day blood supply is deemed appropriate). In recognition of these achievements, the KRC Blood Services received a presidential citation as an outstanding institution in the fight against MERS % 2,165,411 2,137,369 남성 Male 직업별전체헌혈자중고등학생헌혈자는전년대비 3.2% 감소한 706,885명, 대학생헌혈자는 0.5% 증가한 955,856명으로각각전체헌혈자의 22.9% 와 31.0% 를차지하고있으며, 군인은전년대비 5.0% 증가한 445,129명, 회사원은 1.6% 증가한 558,505명, 공무원은 11.2% 증가한 69,418명을기록하였다. 917,507 By Occupation + 0.2% 여성 Female 916,056 High school students made a total of 706,885 donations, down 3.2 percent from 2014, while the numer of donations by university students was 955,856, up 0.5 percent from They accounted for 22.9 percent and 31.0 percent of all blood donations, respectively. The number of donations by military personnel, office workers, and public officials totaled 445,129 (up 5.0% from 2014), 558,505 (up 1.6%), and 69,418 (up 11.2%), respectively. 헌혈방법별 전혈헌혈자수는 2014 년도보다 16,474 명 (0.8%) 증가한 2,153,875 명이며, 성분헌혈자수는 13,019 명 (1.4%) 증가한 929,043 명을기록하였다 ,153, % 2,137, ,043 By Donation Method In 2015, the number of whole blood donations was 2,153,875, increased by 16,474 (0.8%) from the previous year, while the number of apheresis donations increased by 13,019 (1.4%) to 929, % 916,024 3,082, % 3,053,425 전혈 Whole Blood Donation 성분헌혈 Apheresis Donation 계 Total: Korean Red Cross + Others 공무원 69,418 명 Public Officials 2.3% 기타 347,125 명 Others 11.3% 군인 445,129 명 Military personals 14.4% 회사원 558,505 명 Office workers 18.1% 점유율 (%) The number of blood donation 대학생 955,856 명 College students 31.0% 고등학생 706,885 명 High School Students 22.9%

10 Blood Services Annual Report PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in 연령별 By Age 혈액공급 Blood Supply 만 16~19세헌혈자수는 1,048,941명, 만 20~29세헌혈자는 1,325,606명으로 2015년전체헌혈자중 10대와 20대헌혈자가차지하는비중이 77.0% 이었다. 전년과비교하면 10대헌혈자는 2.3% 감소, 20대는 1.3% 증가, 30대는 0.4% 감소하는등비교적큰변화가없었던반면, 40대는 25,497명, 50대이상에서는 13,363명이증가하는등 40대이상에서 10% 이상의큰증가가나타났다. Total blood donations from those aged and were 1,048,941 and 1,325,606, respectively. The number of blood donations made by teenagers and those in their 20s accounted for 77.0 percent of the 2015 total. Compared with 2014, there was no significant change in the number of donations made by those in their 30s or younger, with a 2.3 percent decrease among teenagers, 1.3 percent increase among those in their 20s, and 0.4 percent decrease among those in their 30s. The group of 40s or older showed more than 10 percent growth, with increases of 25,497 and 13,363 donors among those in their 40s and 50s, respectively. 의료기관에공급된혈액제제량은총 4,048,199유니트로전년도에비해 51,284유니트 (1.3%) 감소하였으며, 의약품원료용혈장공급은총 2,229,880유니트로전년도에비해 57,110유니트 (2.6%) 증가하였다 % In 2015, a total of 4,048,199 units of blood products were supplied to medical institutions, down by 51,284 units (1.3%) from The total units of plasma supplied for manufacturing medical products was 2,229,880 units, up by 57,110 units (2.6%) from the previous year. 30~39 세 (372,243) 12.1% + 2.6% 16~19 세 (1,048,941) 34.0% 점유율 (%) The number of blood donation 40~49 세 (237,284) 7.7% 50 세이상 (98,844) 3.2% 4,048,199 4,099,483 2,229,880 2,172,770 20~29 세 (1,325,606) 43.0% 수혈용 For transfusion 의약품원료용혈장 For fractionation 장소별 헌혈의집과가두헌혈버스에서헌혈에참여한개인헌혈자 수는 2,143,236 명으로전체헌혈자의 69.5% 를차지하였으며, 학교, 군부대, 기업, 종교단체등에서단체헌혈자수는 939,682 명으로 30.5% 를차지하였다. 전년대비개인헌혈자는 2.6%, 단 체헌혈자는 1.2% 증가하였다 점유율 (%) The number of blood donation 개인 Individual 69.5% 2,143, % By Location The number of donations by individuals at locations such as blood donation centers or street donation sites stood at 2,143,236, accounting for 69.5 percent of all donations. The number of group donations at schools, military bases, workplaces, religious organizations and other venues stood at 939,682, or 30.5 percent of all donations. The number of blood donations for both individual and group donations increased by 2.6% and 1.2% respectively compared to ,124, % 939, ,716 헌혈부적격 전체헌혈지원자수는 3,583,732 명이며, 헌혈부적격수는 500,814 명, 부적격률은 13.97% 로전년도보다 0.86% 감소하 였다 부적격률 (%) Blood donation deferral rate 2015 년 13.97% 2014 년 14.84% 3,583,732 0% 헌혈지원자수 blood donation applicants Blood Donation Deferral The total number of blood donation applicants was 3,583,732. Compared with 2014, the number of deferred donors was 500,814 (13.97%), down 0.86 percent from the previous year. 3,585, , % 531,893 부적격자수 Blood donation deferral 단체 Group 30.5% 개인 Individual 단체 Group

11 Blood Services Annual Report 2015 국고지원 헌혈의집 설치 2015년도에는 헌혈의집 2개소를 국고지원으로 개선하였다. 국고 13억 1천만원을 지원받아 서울남부혈액원의 노후화된 가 설 건축물 동서울 센터를 하남센터로, 대구경북혈액원 반월당센 터를 동성로광장센터로 각각 이전 개선하였다. 대한적십자사는 2005년부터 2015년까지 국고지원을 받 아 헌혈의집 36개소를 신설하고 44개소를 개선하였다. 이로써 2015년 12월말 기준으로 총 138개소의 헌혈의집(혈액원내 헌 혈의집 15개소 포함)을 운영 중이며 헌혈의집의 헌혈실적은 전 체의 약 68%를 차지하고 있다. 새롭게 개선된 국고지원 헌혈의집은 편안하게 헌혈에 참여할 수 있는 넓고 쾌적한 헌혈환경을 제공하는 등 헌혈자 서비스 향 상에 기여할 것으로 기대된다. 혈장 자급률 100% 달성 2015년 국내 의약품 제조용 혈장 자급자족 시대가 열렸다. 수혈을 필요로 하는 환자들을 위한 혈액을 우선적으로 확보하 면서 의약품 제조용 혈장에 대해서는 국내 필요량의 일부를 수 입해 왔으나 수혈용 혈액의 자급자족은 물론 의약품 제조용 혈 장도 특수혈장(수두, 파상풍, B형간염 면역제제 제조혈장)을 제 외하고는 국내 헌혈로 100% 충당할 수 있게 되었다. 이는 2012년 혈액 자급자족 실현을 위한 헌혈자 300만 확보 계획 을 수립한 이래 수혈용 혈액공급추이 및 알부민 등 혈장분 획제제 판매실적에 대한 분석과 그에 따른 헌혈목표 관리, 그리 고 헌혈의집, 헌혈버스 등 인프라 개선과 확충을 통한 헌혈자 확 보 노력에 따른 결과이다. 앞으로도 혈액관리본부는 체계적인 혈액수급 분석과 헌혈목 표 관리, 헌혈환경 개선 등을 통해 헌혈자를 꾸준히 확보하며 혈 액 자급자족을 지속 실현해 나갈 예정이다. 20 Opening Nationally-funded Blood Donation Centers The KRC Blood Service renovated two blood donation centers in 2015 with government funding. Applying a government budget of 1.31 billion won, the obsolete temporary building at East Seoul I Center (Seoul Nambu Blood Center) and Banwoldang Center (Daegu-Gyeongbuk Blood Center) were relocated during the renovations to the Hanam Center and Dongsoengno Plaza Blood Donation Center, respectively. Between 2005 and 2015, the Korean Red Cross received government support to open 36 blood donation centers and renovate 44 blood donation centers. As of the end of 2015, a total of 138 blood donation centers (including 15 donation blood centers are in operation. The number of donations at blood donation centers accounted for approximately 68 percent of all donations through the Korean Red Cross. The newly innovated, state-funded blood donation centers are expected to allow anyone to donate with ease and improve services for donors with their spacious and pleasant environments for blood donation. PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in 단체헌혈 현장용 모바일 디바이스 전면 도입 실시 헌혈현장 업무의 효율성과 헌혈단체에 대한 관리를 강화하기 위하여 모바일 디바이스(모바일 기획관리) 도입을 전면 실시하 였다. 이에 따라 혈액원 기획팀 직원들은 단체헌혈 현장에서 실 시간으로 전산을 통하여 단체 섭외관리 등 다양한 업무 처리를 할 수 있게 되었다. 모바일 디바이스 도입사업은 지난 2013년 단체헌혈의 효율 적 운영을 위하여 구성된 단체헌혈 선진화 실무반에서 처음 도 입이 검토되어 2014년 3월 프로그램 개발을 시작하였다. 이어 2014년 11월과 올해 초, 2차에 걸친 시범 실시 후 4월 전국 혈액 원에 도입, 전면 시행하였다. 혈액원 기획팀 직원들의 디바이스 사용량에 대한 모니터링과 헌혈실적 관리, 사전점검 등 다양한 프로그램 개발을 추진, 활용 성을 확대해 나갈 예정이다. Full-scale implementation of mobile devices at group Blood Donation Sites The KRC Blood Services fully implemented its introduction of mobile devices (mobile planning and management), which was intended to improve work efficiency at group donation sites and support the management of blood donation groups. This enables the personnel on Donor Recruitment Team at blood centers to handle a variety of affairs, such as inviting or securing additional group donors on a real-time basis via the computer system at the site of group donations. The mobile device introduction project was first reviewed by a task force team to promote the efficient management of group blood donations in The program entered development in March It has been introduced and implemented at blood centers across the nation since April 2015 after two rounds of pilot testing were performed. The KRC Blood Services is monitoring the usage of the devices by Donor Recruitment Team personnel and is developing programs for the management of performace and prior examination. Achieving plasma 100% self-sufficiency The year 2015 marked the achievement of self-sufficiency in plasma used to manufacture domestic medical products. Previously, blood for transfusion had to be prioritized while a portion of the plasma needed for medical products was imported to meet domestic demand. Currently, however, not only can the domestic demand for blood for transfusion be met locally, but also the demand for plasma used for manufacturing medical products (with the exception of specialty plasma for medical products immune to against varicella, tetanus, and hepatitis B). These achievements stem from a series of efforts to analyze trends in the blood supply for transfusion and the sales record of plasma derived medicinal products and the resulting management of blood donation targets. Also contributing was efforts to expand the numbers of blood donors by improving and expanding related infrastructure such as blood mobiles and blood donation centers following the establishment of the Plan for Securing Three Million Blood Donations. The KRC Blood Services will maintain this self-sufficiency in blood by analyzing blood demand and supply and managing donation targets in a systematic manner and ensuring an increasing number of donors through an improved blood donation environment. 노후 헌혈버스 교체 노후화된 단체헌혈용 헌혈버스 11대를 교체하였다. 혈액원 기획팀, 간호팀, 의무관리실 및 외부 버스 특장 설계 업체의 담 당자로 구성된 헌혈환경개선 TF-T에서 헌혈버스의 채혈베드 유 형과 내부공간 비율, 세부도면, 가구 및 전기설비 등에 대한 협 의를 거쳐 개정한 헌혈버스 내부시설 표준화 매뉴얼을 이번 헌 혈버스 교체에 적용하였다. 새롭게 교체된 헌혈버스는 2015년 12월말 서울서부 남부 동 부, 부산, 대전세종충남, 인천, 경기, 강원혈액원 등에 인계되어 2016년부터 헌혈자에게 쾌적하고 안전한 헌혈환경을 제공할 것 으로 기대된다. Replacement of old bloodmobiles The KRC Blood Services pursued the replacement of 11 old bloodmobiles used for group blood donations based on the Standardized Manual for the Internal Facilities of Bloodmobiles. The manual had been revised by a task force consisting of Donor Recruitment Team, Collection Team, Medical and Qualiry Management Office, and representatives of businesses related to blood mobiles production through consultations on the types of blood collection beds, the ratio of internal space, detailed drawings, furniture and electric equipment, etc. The newly equipped bloodmobiles were delivered to Seoul Seobu, Seoul Nambu, Seoul Dongbu, Busan, Daejeon-Sejong-Chungnam, Incheon, Gyeonggi, and Gangwon Blood Centers at the end of They are expected to provide donors with a pleasant and safe environment for blood donation starting from 2016.

12 Blood Services Annual Report PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in 헌혈문화 조성 Fostering a Culture of Blood Donation 헌혈자와 함께 만드는 희망메시지展 개최 6월 14일 세계 헌혈자의 날을 기념하여 헌혈자에게 감사의 뜻을 전하기 위해 6월 2일부터 13일까지 청계천 광교갤러리에 서 헌혈자와 함께 만드는 희망메시지 展 을 개최하였다. 서울특별시청 및 시설관리공단의 협조 하에 진행된 이번 전 시회는 헌혈자와 수혈자에게 보내는 응원 메시지 및 헌혈의 정 의 를 주제로, 혈액관리본부 홈페이지를 통해 헌혈자들이 직접 응모한 글 중 30점을 선정 발췌한 것으로 헌혈자들의 자발적인 참여로 이루어진 전시회라는 데에 그 의의가 있다. 특히, 이 메시지들은 16명의 캘리그라피 작가들의 재능기부 로 인해 아름다운 작품으로 재탄생되었다는 점에서 특별함을 더하였다. 청계천을 오가는 수많은 서울 시민들이 전시를 관람 하는 짧은 시간이나마 헌혈을 통하여 나눔을 실천하는 이들의 따뜻함을 느낄 수 있도록 오픈된 공간에 전시되었다. Exhibition for Sending a Message of Hope with Blood Donors In commemoration of World Blood Donor Day on June 14, from June 2 to 13 the KRC Blood Services held an exhibition under the theme of Sending a Message of Hope with Blood Donors in the Cheonggyecheon Gwanggyo Gallery. The exhibition was aimed at giving thanks to blood donors and encouraging further blood donation. The exhibition was organized in cooperation with the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Seoul Metropolitan Facilities Management Corporation, the exhibition gained in significance as a participatory event: The 30 writings on display were excerpted from selected submissions by blood donors to the official website of the KRC Blood Services under the theme of Encouraging messages for blood donors and recipients and what blood donation means. These messages were reborn as beautiful works of art through a talent donation by 16 calligraphers, adding special meaning to the exhibition. The works were displayed in the gallery so that countless Seoul citizens passing through the Cheonggyecheon could feel, the warm hearts of those who put the spirit of sharing into practice. 적십자헌혈유공장 3종 추가 신설 다회헌혈자에 대한 예우강화를 위해 적십자헌혈유공장 명 예장(100회), 명예대장(200회), 최고명예대장(300회)를 신설하 여 9월 1일부터 헌혈자에게 수여하고 있다. 적십자헌혈유공장 확대는 지난해 최초로 연간 300만명의 헌혈자를 돌파하여 국민 헌혈률이 6.1%를 기록하는 등 국내 헌혈문화의 성장과, 저출산 고령화 시대를 맞아 헌혈 참여 확 대방안의 일환으로 100회 이상의 다회헌혈자에 대한 예우를 보다 강화하기 위함이다. 2015년도 100회 다회헌혈자는 443명, 200회는 66명, 300회는 179명에게 명예장을 수여하였다. 300회 헌혈은 전 혈의 경우 매년 꾸준히 참여했을 때 60년이상, 성분헌혈로 매 2주마다 헌혈할 경우에도약 13년이 소요되는 등 노력과 헌신 없이는 달성하기 어려운 수치다. 헌혈 기부권 사업 헌혈기부권은 기부문화 확산의 일환으로 헌혈자가 헌혈 후 기념품을 받는 대신 그 금액만큼을 기부하는 제도로 2011년부 터 5년째 실시하고 있다. 2015년에는 146,468명(전체 헌혈자 의 5.7%)의 헌혈자가 기부에 참여하여 총582,450,500원(목표 모금액 427,000,000원)을 모금하였으며, 목표금액 달성 이후 모금액은 2016년도 사업에 사용 할 예정이다. 기부금은 네팔 물과 위생 프로그램, 백혈병소아암 환아 치료 비, 저소득층 백혈병환자 치료비, 취약계층 재활치료비, 캄보디 아 지뢰피해자 주거환경개선 및 소득증대 지원 등 총 5개 사업 처에 전달하였다. Blood Donation voucher scheme With the greater aim of fostering the culture of donation, a donation voucher scheme was introduced in 2011 that offers donors to donate a monetary equivalent to the usual souvenir to charity projects instead of having the souvenir. In 2015, a total of 146,468 donors (5.7% of the total) chose the donation voucher, resulting in a total donation of 582,450,500 won (target: 427,000,000 won). The amount exceeding the target will be spent on 2016 projects. The funds were delivered together with donors, going to aid projects: treating children with leukemia, the rehabilitation and treatment of the marginalized citizens, supplying water and sanitation in Nepal; and the support of incoms and housing environment for landmine victims in Cambodia. Establishing three new kinds of Red Cross Blood Donation Merit Awards The KRC Blood Services newly established three kinds of Red Cross Blood Donation Merit Awards a medal of honor (for 100 donations), higher honor (200), and highest honor (300) and has awarded them to blood donors who have donated blood several times since September 1, The Red Cross Blood Donation Merit Awards have been expanded to promote a culture of blood donation in Korea at a time when the annual number of blood donations reached three million (a public blood donation rate of 6.1 percent) for the first time in history. They are also designed to encourage participation in blood donation by voicing respect for regular blood donors with a record of 100 donations or more in this era of low birth rate and population aging. In 2015, 443 donors making their 100th donation, 66 making their 200th and 179 making their 300th received medals. Such figures are hard to achieve without effort and commitment on the part of donors, given that 300 whole blood donations takes 60 years of continuous participation or 12.5 years for apheresis, that requires two weeks for next donation.

13 Blood Services Annual Report PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in 캠페인 및 이벤트 Campaigns and Events ABO friends 문화이벤트, 1만3천여명 참가 등록헌혈회원인 ABO friends의 자부심과 참여의식을 고취 하고자 2009년도부터 진행해 온 문화이벤트가 올해로 7년째 를 맞이하였다. 2015년도에는 최신 영화를 관람하는 시네마피 크닉, 신간 도서를 읽을 수 있는 북카페, 각종 문화행사를 즐길 수 있는 온라인 이벤트, 유명관광지를 함께 여행하는 방방쿡 쿡 및 글램핑 등 6개 이벤트에 모두 1만여명의 등록헌혈회원 이 참여하여 ABO Friends로서의 우의를 다졌다. Cultural Event for ABO Friends Welcomes 13,000 Participants The year 2015 marked the seventh anniversary of the cultural event for ABO Friends (registered blood donors), which is aimed at heightening both their sense of pride and overall participation in blood donation. In 2015, the event featured six programs. Participants watched movies in the Cinema Picnic, read newly published books in Book Café, enjoyed a variety of cultural events in On-line Events, and visited popular tourist attractions in Culture Tour and Glamping. A total of 13,000 registered blood donors attended the event and gained an opportunity to build fellowship 헌혈공모전 대상작 헌혈 서포터즈, 전국 13팀, 64명이 활동 대국민 헌혈 공감 및 자발적 헌혈문화 확산과 혈액사업에 대 한 긍정적 인식 확대를 위해 대학생 참여형 프로그램인 헌혈 서 포터즈를 운영하고 있다. 7기째를 맞는 이번 헌혈 서포터즈는 전국 대학생 13개팀, 64명으로 구성되어 지난 7월부터 약 5개 월간 국민들을 대상으로 온 오프라인에서 다양한 활동들을 전 개하였다. 유니브엑스포, 렛츠락페스티벌, 나눔대축제, 안전 산업박람회, 경리단길 벽화그리기 등의 공식행사를 비롯하여 300여회의 오프라인 활동을 실시하였다. 또한, 페이스북, 블로 그, 트위터 등 SNS 홍보활동을 펼치며 다양한 활동을 기획하고 실행하였다. 12월 19일에 진행된 수료식에서는 헌혈 서포터즈 수료증을 서포터즈 전원에게 수여하고, 우수활동 7팀과 개인활 동 우수자 2인에게 총 650만원의 상금과 2016년 국제헌혈자조 직연맹(IFBDO) 청소년국제학회(레바논) 참가 자격을 각각 수여 했다. Activities of Blood Donation Supporters In an effort to develop a social consensus on blood donation, expand voluntary blood donation culture, and raise positive awareness of blood services, the KRC Blood Services has been operating a participatory program for blood donation supporters targeting university students. The seventh Blood Donation Supporters program, which consisted of 13 teams of 64 university students from across the nation, encouraged on- and offline campaigns and promotions targeting the general public over about five months from July They participated in 300 rounds of offline activities, including official events such as UnivExpo, Let s Rock Festival, Grand Feast for Sharing, K-Safety Expo, and Wall Painting in Gyeongnidan-gil Street. In addition, they planned and implemented a variety of events including promotional activities through social media such as Facebook, blogs, Twitter, etc. At the completion ceremony held on December 19, 2015, certificates of completion were given to all members of the Blood Donation Supporters. Seven teams were granted a total of 6.5 million won in cash prizes and two individual supporters with outstanding performances won the opportunity to participate in the International Youth Forum of International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations (IFBDO). 헌혈공모전 헌혈에 대한 긍정적인 인식을 높이고 헌혈자 저변확대와 국 내 헌혈 문화 정착을 위해 제7회 헌혈공모전 을 실시하였다. 이 번 공모전에는 인쇄광고, 영상광고 두 가지 부문에 총 796작품 이 접수되었고, 각 부문 대상 1팀, 최우수상 1팀, 우수상 1팀, 장 려상 2팀 총 10개팀의 작품이 수상작으로 선정되었다. 수상작들 은 혈액관리본부 홈페이지와 헌혈공모전 공식 사이트에서 확인 할 수 있으며, 혈액관리본부 SNS 및 적십자미디어뉴스를 통해 광고나 홍보영상으로 적극 활용되고 있다. 레드 캠페이너 활동 청소년들에게 헌혈에 대한 긍정적 인식과 자발적 생명나눔 을 통한 생명의 존엄성을 전달하기 위해 2012년부터 고등학생 으로 구성된 레드캠페이너를 운영하고 있다. 이번 레드캠페이 너 4기는 전국 48개팀, 631명의 고등학생들로 구성되었고 각 혈액원에서 6월 발대식을 시작으로 6개월간 활동하였다. 주로 13일 헌혈의 날 캠페인, 헌혈 홍보, UCC제작, SNS 홍보 등 다양 한 활동을 전개하고 있으며, 올해 총 608회의 활동을 실시하였 다. 우수 활동을 한 레드캠페이너 10개 팀에게는 대한적십자사 총재 및 혈액관리본부장 표창과 상금을 수여하였다 우수활동 10개 팀 : 논현고, 중동고, 동산고, 부산정보 관광고, 창원경일고, 광양고, 가좌고, 선부고, 신정고, 영주고 Blood Donation Promotion Contest The year 2015 also marked the seventh anniversary of the Blood Donation Promotion Contest, which was held to raise awareness of blood donation, expand the pool of blood donors, and promote a culture of blood donation in Korea. In this contest, a total of 796 works were submitted to the printed and video advertisement sections. Ten teams in total won prizes in the four categories awarded per section: a grand prize to one team, first prize to one team, a prize for excellence to one team, and a special mention prize for encouragement to two teams. The prize-winning artworks are available via the website of the KRC Blood Services and the official site of the Blood Donation Promotion Contest. They are being actively utilized for promotion and advertisement purposes through the social media accounts of the KRC Blood Services and the media efforts of the Korean Red Cross. Activities of Red Campaigners Since 2012, the Korean Red Cross has organized teams of high school students serving as Red Campaigners. They gain a positive awareness of blood donation and deliver a message about the dignity of life through voluntary donation. The fourth Red Campaigners campaign was composed of 631 high school students in 48 teams across the nation. Starting with a kick-off ceremony held at each blood center in June, the Red Campaigners engaged in a range of activities over a period of six months. A total of 608 individual activities were launched in 2015, including key efforts such as the promotion of Blood Donation Day (13th day of every month), promotion of blood donation, production of usercreated content, and social media promotion. Ten teams received commendations and cash prizes from the Korean Red Cross President and the Director-General of the Korean Red Cross Blood Services for their outstanding performance. The ten teams awarded for outstanding performance in 2015: Nonhyeon, Joongdong, Dongsan, Busan Information Tourism, Changwon Kyungil, Gwangyang, Gajwa, Seonbu, Shinjung, and Yeongju High Schools.

14 Blood Services Annual Report 2015 레드스토리, 2015 대한민국 블로그 어워드 특별기관분야 최우수상 수상 혈액관리본부 공식 블로그 레드스토리 가 문화체육관광부 산하 (사)한국블로그산업협회가 주최하는 2015년 제6회 대한 민국 블로그 어워드 에서 특별기관분야 최우수상을 수상했다. 대한민국 블로그 어워드는 브랜드와 콘텐츠를 유기적으로 연계시킨 블로그를 활용해 브랜드 가치를 높이고, 콘텐츠 소비 자와 공감 소통하는 활동에 가장 두각을 보인 기업 또는 공공기 관을 선정해 시상하고 있다. 특히, 올해는 콘텐츠, 커뮤니케이션, 마케팅 등 4개 부문 18 개 항목의 평가지표에 따라 심사가 진행되었으며, 비공개 모집 과 심사를 거쳐 선정된 100인의 블로거 평가단이 참여한 1차 심사와 전문성과 영향력을 갖춘 10여명의 전문가 그룹이 평가 한 2차 심사점수를 합산해 최종 수상작이 선정되었다. 혈액관리본부 공식블로그 레드스토리 는 지난 2012년 2월 운영을 시작하여, 24시간 따뜻한 소통과 행복한 나눔이 있는 공간 이란 컨셉으로 헌혈 관련 인포그래픽, 포토툰, 웹툰 등 다 양한 콘텐츠를 제공하고 있다. 혈액관리본부SNS 담당자는 블로그 어워드는 국민 소통과 관련된 상인 만큼 다른 상보다 의미가 크다 며 앞으로도 헌혈 에 대한 정확한 정보 전달과 감동적인 스토리 발굴을 위해 노력 할 예정이다 고 전했다. 26 PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in The Blood Service granted first prize in the special institution section of the 2015 South Korean Blog Awards Red Story, the official blog of the KRC Blood Services was awarded the grand prize in the special institution section of the sixth South Korea Blog Awards hosted by the Korea Blog Business Association under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. The South Korea Blog Awards are given to companies or public institutions which have raised their brand values by utilizing their blogs to link brands to contents in a systemic way and shown outstanding performance in activities designed to reach out and communicate with content consumers. In 2015, assessment was conducted based on 18 items in four sections, including content, communication, and marketing. The first assessment was performed by a team of 100 bloggers selected through private recruitment and screening, and the second by a group of ten experts. The points from the two rounds of assessment were totaled to select the winning blogs. Red Story, the official blog of the KRC Blood Services, has been operated since February 2012 to provide a variety of content related to blood donation. The concept of the blog is to better communicate and share happiness with others The Blog Award is more meaningful to us than other prizes, since it is about communication with the general public. said the person in charge of social media at the KRC Blood Services, We will continue to strive to deliver accurate information on blood donation and discover more heartmoving stories. 혈액관리본부 홈페이지 웹 접근성 품질인증마크 3년 연속 획득 혈액관리본부 홈페이지( 지난 11 월 18일 미래창조과학부 지정 심사기관인 한국웹접근성평 가센터로부터 웹 접근성 품질인증마크 를 받았다. 웹 접근 성 품질인증마크 란 장애인이나 고령자 등 정보취약계층이 웹 사이트를 이용하는데 불편함이 없도록 웹 접근성 표준지 침을 준수한 우수 사이트에 대해 품질마크를 1년 동안 부여 하는 제도다. 이번 심사는 1차 전문가 심사(심사대상 페이지를 선정하 여 페이지별 준수여부를 평가)와 2차 사용자 심사(사이트 특 성에 맞는 10개 이상의 과업을 선정하여 장애유형별 이용 가능여부를 평가)로 진행되었으며 본부 홈페이지는 대부분 의 항목에서 높게 평가되었다. 혈액관리본부는 장애인, 고령자 등이 홈페이지에서 제공 하는 정보에 비장애인과 동등하게 접근이 가능하도록 홈페 이지 기능을 개선하는 등 웹 접근성을 꾸준히 향상시킨 결과 3년 연속 웹 접근성 품질마크를 획득하는 쾌거를 이뤘다. Official website of the KRC Blood Services awarded third consecutive Web Accessibility Certification Mark On November 18, 2015, the official website of the KRC Blood Services ( was awarded a Web Accessibility Certification Mark from the Korea Web Accessibility Certification Center, a review agency designated by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning. The Web Accessibility Certification Mark is an annual designation of quality that recognizes and represents a website s compliance with guidelines for web accessibility for the information-disadvantaged, such as the disabled and the elderly. The review is composed of an initial expert review in which pages are selected for examination and each is evaluated against a standard. A user review follows in which ten or more tasks suited to the properties of the site are selected and their accessibility is evaluated by type of disability. The website of the Blood Services was highly evaluated on most items. The KRC Blood Services has been working to enhance web accessibility, for example by enhancing the functions of the website to ensure equal access by the disabled and the elderly to the information offered on the website, resulting in the outstanding achievement of winning a Web Accessibility Certification Mark for three consecutive years.

15 Blood Services Annual Report PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in 혈액전산 Information Technology Development 검사결과 통보서 일괄발송 프로그램 개발 전국 각 혈액원 전산실에서 관리하던 검사결과통보서 발송 업무를 혈액관리본부 고객만족팀에서 일괄 관리할 수 있도록 검사결과 통보서 일괄발송 프로그램 을 2015년 11월 구축 완 료하였다. 본 프로그램의 구축을 시작으로 검사결과통보 관련 민원 창 구가 고객지원팀으로 일원화되었으며, 혈액원은 효율적인 인 력운영이 가능해질 것으로 기대된다. Central dispatch of test notifications program developed A centralized program for sending blood test result notifications was established in November Thanks to the program, the sending and returning of blood test result notifications once handled by the each local blood center can be centrally managed by the Customer Satisfaction Team at the Headquarters. With the establishment of this program, it is expected that the outlets for distributing blood test result notifications will be unified into the customer satisfaction team, allowing for improved service to blood donors and more efficient management of the workforce at blood centers. 입영장병 검사항목 확대에 따른 프로그램 개발 국방부와의 협약에 따라 군 입영장병에 대한 혈액검사 항목 이 2014년 임상화학검사 2개 항목에 이어 2015년 6월부터 8월 까지 순차적으로 크레아티닌 검사, CBC검사, 혈당검사를 추가 하였다. 이를 위해 혈액정보관리시스템(BIMS)에 특별검사의뢰, 임상 화학 검사인터페이스 프로그램을 수정하였고, CBC 검사장비 인터페이스와 검사결과 관리 프로그램을 신규 개발하였다. 검사항목 확대를 통하여 입영장병의 건강복지 증진과 입영 장병 검사업무의 효율성 증진은 물론 국방부와의 협력관계 또 한 강화되었다. 헌혈증서 발급체계 개선 일반 프린터를 이용하여 A4 용지에 인쇄하는 헌혈증서와 수 작업 발행하는 단체헌혈증서 발급체계를 통합하기 위하여 헌 혈증서 발급체계를 개선하였다. 헌혈증서 인쇄의 효율성을 높 이고 휴대성을 갖춘 헌혈증서 전용 프린터를 도입, 향후 모든 헌혈 현장에서 사용할 수 있도록 준비하고 있다. 해당 시스템은 2015년 12월 시범실시 후, 전면실시 될 예정 이다. Improving the blood donation certificate issuance system The system for issuing blood donation certificates was integrated to one system. At the group donation site, blood donation certificate was issued manually, however, at the blood donation center, the certificate, was printed by BIMS system. Therefore, this integrated system can provide better service to blood donors and strengthen work efficiency. The system was administered on a pilot basis in December of 2015 before its full-scale implementation. BMS: Blood Information Management System. It is a webbased program to manage all process from blood collection to supply. Developing a program in line with expanded screening for enlisted soldiers Under an agreement with the Ministry of National Defense, blood tests items for enlisted soldiers were added (2 items in clinical chemistry tests in 2014, Creatinine, CBC, and blood Sugar tests in June to August 2015). This has led to the modification of two programs (special test request and clinical chemistry programs) within the Blood Information Management System (BIMS) and the development of CBC inspection equipment interface and test result management programs. This expansion of the test items has not only improved both the physical welfare of enlisted soldiers and the working efficiency of the blood tests, but also strengthened cooperation with the Ministry of National Defense.

16 Blood Services Annual Report PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in 조직운영 06 Organizational Management International 국제활동 Cooperation 혈액사업회계통합안정화에따른운영확대 2014년부터시행한혈액사업회계통합은혈액관리본부중심으로운영됨에따라각혈액원에서는예산회계시스템 (FIS) 과기업인터넷뱅킹을연계한은행연계시스템을사용하지않아은행업무의편리성을경험할수없었다. 2014년 8월 1일회계통합안정화와더불어혈장분획센터를제외한혈액사업전기관으로은행연계시스템사용을확대실시하였다. Expanding the operation of the integrated accounting system for blood services through its stabilization The integrated accounting system for blood services was introduced in As the integrated accounting system was stabilized as of August 1, 2014, the bank-linking system became available to the all blood service institutions except for the Plasma Fractionation Center. 국제학회초록선정및발표혈액관리본부는대한적십자사혈액사업의우수성을홍보하기위해국제학술대회초록공모를실시했다. 혈액안전, 검사, 홍보, 회계, 위기대응등의다양한주제로초록을제출하였으며, 생명윤리심의및연구심의위원회의승인후내부심사한결과, 총 7편의초록이선정되었다. 10월에미국캘리포니아에서열린미국혈액은행협회 (AABB) 연례학회에서 2편의포스터가발표되었으며, 11월에인도네시아발리에서개최된제26 회국제수혈학회 (ISBT) 지역학회에서신종전염병발생시위기대응방안등에대한구연및포스터발표가있었다. 앞으로도혈액관리본부는초록공모를통해우리나라혈액사업의홍보를지속할예정이다. Selection and publication of abstracts for international academic symposia The KRC Blood Services invited abstracts for publishing at an international academic symposium in an effort to promote the excellency of the KRC Blood Services. Among the abstracts submitted on various themes including blood safety, screening, promotion, accounting and risk response, a total of seven abstracts were selected by the internal judges after receiving authorization from the Institutional Bioethics Review Board and the Research Ethics Committee. Two posters were published at the annual symposium of the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) held in California U.S.A., and oral presentations and posters related to risk response measures in the event of new emerging infectious diseases were delivered at the 26th regional symposium of the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) in Bali, Indonesia in November The KRC Blood Services has decided to continuously promote blood services in Korea through inviting such abstracts. 초록목록 List of Abstracts - Frequency and Clinical Significance of Nondiscriminated Reactive (NDR) Results with Multiplex Transcription-Mediated Amplification (mtma) Test on Pooled or Single Donations - Discrepancy between Two Genotyping Systems for Red Cell Antigens in Korean Blood Donors - Comparison of the Results of the Confirmatory Assay for the Anti-HTLV Positive Donors - Comparison of the Anti-HEV Screening Test Results for Korean Blood Donors - Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (Mers-CoV) Oubreak in South Korea: Risk Management at the Korean Red Cross Seoul Nambu Blood Center 국내 WHO 협력센터운영혈액관리본부는 2014년 7월 10일세계보건기구협력센터 (WHO CC, Collaborating Centre) 로지정된후혈액수혈안전분야에서정보공유등을통해아태지역의보건의료사업을지원하고있다. 2015년 9월, WHO 사무총장마가레트첸, 서태평양지역사무소 (WPRO:Western Pacific Regional Office) 신영수사무처장등주요인사가서울에서개최된국제보건안보구상 (GHSA) 고위급회의참석차방한, 한국내 WHO 협력센터 Operating a WHO Collaborating Centre in Korea Since July 10, 2014 as a WHO Collaborating Centre (WHO CC), it has supported public healthcare services in the Asia-Pacific region through the sharing of information regarding safe blood transfusion. In September 2015, key figures such as Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, and Shin Young-Soo, Regional Director of the Western Pacific Regional Office (WHO WPRO), visited Korea to attend high-level meetings for the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) held in Seoul. They discussed with the head of the WHO CCs in Korea regarding cooperation

17 Blood Services Annual Report PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in 장과국내외 WHO CC와의협력방안에대해협의하였다. 2015년 10월, 한국내지정된총 19개의세계보건기구협력센터는국내보건의료사업의정보공유를위해 WHO CC 한국위원회를설립하고국립암센터원장이강현을초대회장으로선출했다. 또한, 혈액관리본부는 12월에스위스제네바 WHO 본부에서열린전문가회의에초청되어국가혈액감시체계구축가이드라인을검토하였다. 앞으로도혈액관리본부는 WHO 와의협력에적극적으로참가하여상호협력강화방안을논의하는한편, 국내뿐만아니라아태지역보건의료사업의증진에기여할계획이다. schemes with WHO CCs both at home and abroad. In October 2015, a total of 19 WHO CCs designated in Korea established the WHO CC Korean Committee to share information on domestic public healthcare services. Lee Gang Hyun, president of the National Cancer Center Korea, was selected as the first chairperson of the committee. Furthermore, the KRC Blood Services was invited to an expert meeting held in December at WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland to review guidelines for the establishment of a national hemovigilance system. The KRC Blood Services plans to actively work with the WHO to explore the strengthening of mutual cooperation and contribute to the enhancement of public health services not only in Korea, but also across the Asia-Pacific region. 07 Major 기관별주요활동 Activities by Institution 서울서부혈액원 Seoul Seobu Blood Center 헌혈왕 김의용씨, 명동센터서 400 회헌혈참여 서부혈액원 헌혈왕 김의용씨는 7 월 10 일헌혈의집명동센터 에서 400 회헌혈을하였다. 김의용씨는자원봉사자로 20 년간헌 혈자안내, 헌혈캠페인등의헌혈봉사활동에참여해왔다. 그는 외과병원원무과에서근무하며수술시혈액이절실하게필요한 환자들을보고정기적인헌혈참여를결심하게되었다. 이러한 결심이 35 년후 400 회헌혈이라는커다란황금같은열매를맺 게되었다. 도움이필요한장소에언제든지달려가는김의용자 원봉사자는매달 2 번씩헌혈의집에서헌혈캠페인을펼치며혈 액이필요한환자들을위하여구슬땀을흘리고있다. Mr. Kim Eui-Yong, the King of Blood Donation, had his 400th donation at the Myeongdong Blood Donation Center Kim Eui-young had his 400th blood donation at Myeongdong Blood Donation Center. He has been engaging in volunteer activities for blood donation, such as guiding blood donors and participating in blood donation campaigns for over 20 years. He first decided to participate in blood donation regularly after seeing patients in urgent need of blood for operations while he worked at the administration office of a surgical hospital. The determination led to the meaningful record of 400 blood donations over 35 years afterwards. He never hesitates to give a helping hand anywhere and at any time it is needed, participating in the blood donation campaign twice per month at the blood donation center and sparing no efforts for patients in need of blood. 2015년도국외혈액사업연수 시찰실시 2015년 12월 8일부터 15일까지호주적십자사혈액사업시드니제제소를, 방문국외혈액사업연수 시찰을실시하였다. 지구촌시대를맞이하여국제혈액사업의안목배양, 국외혈액사업을통한벤치마킹의필요성이대두되면서국외혈액사업연수 시찰이처음으로진행되었다. 자국혈액사업직원 13명이참가하여헌혈자 혈액안전 혈액품질관리등의주제를논의하였고, 헌혈의집, 헌혈버스, 제제소등의시설을방문하였다. 호주적십자사혈액사업의다양한분야를경험하면서국내혈액사업의발전방향도점검할수있었다. 앞으로혈액관리본부는지속적인국제협력을통해한적혈액사업을세계최고의수준으로발전시켜헌혈자, 수혈자에게최상의서비스를제공할예정이다. 호주는헌혈자의대부분이중장년층이며, 2014년 5.5% 의국민헌혈률과약 130만건의헌혈실적을기록했다. 매주국가콜센터에서최대 16,000건의전화예약을실시하는등헌혈예약제가활성화되어있으며, 2010년이후검사, 제제등의기능을통합하고, 생산성향상을통한혈액사업의효율성추구에매진하고있다 Overseas Training and Study Tours for Blood Services An overseas training and study tour was performed at the Sydney Processing Centre of the Australian Red Cross Blood Service (ARCBS) from December 8 to 15, 2015.This study tour was intended to nurture the vision of international blood services and bench mark overseas blood services. Thirteen staff members from KRC Blood Services participated in discussions on the themes of blood donors, blood safety, and management of blood quality. They visited facilities such as blood donation centers, bloodmobiles, and processing centers. The tour provided an opportunity to examine the future direction of domestic blood services while experiencing in person a range of blood service activities at the ARCBS. The Blood Services will provide the best possible services to both blood donors and recipients by refining its services to a global standard through continuous international cooperation. Australian Red Cross performs blood service in Australia. The number of blood donations was 1.3 million in 2014(National blood donation rate 5.5%). Most blood donors in Australia are middle aged. The year 2014 saw a public blood donation rate of 5.5 percent and about 1.3 million blood donations. As clearly seen in the up-to-16,000 reservations made weekly via phone at the national call center, the blood donation reservation system in Australia is being actively used. The ARCBS has committed itself to enhancing the efficiency of its blood services since 2010 by integrating its processing and testing functions and raising its productivity. 서울시청 사랑의헌혈행사 서울특별시공무원들이사랑나눔헌혈을위해팔을걷었다. 2월 6일서울시청 3층대회의실에서열린 사랑의헌혈 행사에직원 200여명이헌혈에참여하였다. 서울시관계자는헌혈후기증받은헌혈증서는장기간치료와수혈로고통받는소아암환자등에게전달할계획이라고밝혔다. 지난 2010년부터매년혈액수급이어려운동 하절기에각각한차례씩 사랑의헌혈 행사를꾸준히진행해온서울시는 2013년도에헌혈의중요성에대한공감대를형성하고, 헌혈참여를높이기위해대한적십자사와 사랑의헌혈 약정을체결하는등선진헌혈문화확산을위해노력하고있다. Event called "Blood Donation Is Love" held at Seoul Metropolitan Government Public officials from the Seoul Metropolitan Government rolled up their sleeves to show their love by sharing their blood. At the event called "Blood Donation Is Love" held at the grand meeting hall on the third floor of the Seoul City Hall on February 6, more than 200 people donated blood. Seoul Metropolitan City announced that it would present blood donation certificates donated after the event to the children with cancer who suffered from prolonged treatment often requiring transfusion. The Seoul Metropolitan Government has held events every year since 2010, once in summer and once in winter when there are blood shortage. It has continued its efforts to develop an advanced blood donation culture as demonstrated by, among other things, the Agreement on Blood Donation signed with the Korean Red Cross in 2013 to build consensus on the importance of blood donation and encourage participation.

18 Blood Services Annual Report 서울남부혈액원 Seoul Nambu Blood Center PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in 기부 매칭을 통한 헌혈자 제빵봉사 실시 서울남부혈액원은 헌혈을 통해 기부와 봉사를 함께 한다는 헌혈자와 함께하는 게릴라가드닝 봉사활동 서울남부혈액원은 헌혈증진캠페인의 일환으로 9월 13일 양 재역 11, 12번 출구 앞 교통섬에서 헌혈자와 함께하는 게릴라 가드닝(Guerrilla Gardening)을 실시하였다. 게릴라 가드닝이란 도심 속 버려진 땅이나 공공용지를 아름 답게 가꿈으로써 생명력 넘치는 공간으로 바꾸는 친환경 활동 이다. 이번 행사는 정기적으로 헌혈을 실시하고 있는 농협은행 IT본부 직원, 레드캠페이너(고등학생), 헌혈서포터즈(대학생), 헌혈자들이 함께 하는 참여형 봉사활동으로 헌혈 캠페인을 병 행하여 헌혈의 중요성을 알렸다. 이번 캠페인은 서울, 꽃으로 피다 캠페인과 연계하여 서울특 별시청, 서초구청의 협조를 구하였으며, 향후에도 다양한 참여 형 캠페인을 통해 생명을 살리는 헌혈 문화 확산을 위해 노력할 계획이다. 생명의 꽃씨 헌혈캠페인 실시 서울남부혈액원은 3월 21일 봄맞이 생명의 꽃씨 나누기 캠 페인을 실시하였다. 이날 캠페인은 새로운 생명이 피어나는 봄 을 맞이하여 헌혈은 생명 이라는 메시지를 전달하기 위해 기획 된 캠페인으로, 단국대학교 경영정보학회의 협조로 40여명의 대학생들이 잠실역, 코엑스, 강변역 인근에서 거리 캠페인에 참 여하였다. 봄을 맞이하여 꽃씨를 배포한 이번 캠페인은 시민들 의 큰 호응을 얻었으며, 헌혈의집 위치 안내가 필요한 잠실역, 코엑스, 동서울2센터의 홍보에 큰 도움이 되었다. Guerrilla gardening meets blood donation promotion: the Life in Bloom campaign In an effort to promote blood donation at the Seoul Nambu Blood Center and blood donors waged a guerrilla gardening campaign called "Life in Bloom" at a traffic island near Yangjae Station Gates 11 and 12 on September 13. Guerrilla gardening refers to an eco-friendly activity of gardening on an abandoned site or public area to create a beautiful and lively space. Combined with a blood donation event, Life in Bloom was successful in promoting the importance of blood donation thanks to the many participants from the IT Department at NH Bank, Red Campaigners (high school students), Blood Donation Supporters (college students) and individual blood donors. To encourage public participation and increase awareness, the campaign partnered with the Seoul Metropolitan Government and Seocho-gu Office. The Seoul Nambu Blood Center is planning to foster the culture of blood donation through various participatory events like guerilla gardening and others. Blood donation campaign Seeds of Life On March 21, the Seoul Nambu Blood Center carried out the Seeds of Life Campaign, a spring blood donation promotion event designed to deliver the message that blood donation means saving lives. With the help of the Management Information Systems Society at the Dankook University, about 40 college students took part in a street campaign near Jamsil Station, the Coex Mall, and Gangbyeon Station distributing flower seeds to passersby. The campaign was well received by citizens and helped more people learn the locations of nearby branches of the Nambu Blood Center, such as the Jamsil Station, Coex, and Dongseoul 2 Blood Donation Centers. 취지의 헌혈자 기부 매칭포인트를 통한 헌혈자 제빵봉사 활동 을 12월 5일 서울지사 빵나눔터에서 진행하였다. 기부 매칭포인트 란 서울남부혈액원에서 9월~11월까지 3 개월 동안 헌혈자 1명당 100원의 기부금이 자동 적립되어, 기 부처 2곳에 헌혈자들이 직접 만든 빵과 기부금을 전달하는 나 눔 캠페인이다. 캠페인 기간 동안 총 5,514,400원이 적립되어 헌혈자들이 만 든 빵을 정신장애인시설 우리집 과 아동 다문화시설 몽골학교 로 전달하였다. 이날 제빵봉사에 참여한 헌혈자들은 헌혈로 생 명을 나누고 도움이 필요한 사람들에게 힘이 될 수 있어 매우 보 람찬 경험이었다. 다음에도 다양한 봉사활동에 참여하고 싶다. 고 말했다. Donation Matching Points scheme combined with volunteer baking event As part of the Donation Matching Points program designed to help blood donors volantarily donate their blood as well as bread made by themselves with 100won, the Seoul Nambu Blood Center held, on December 5, a volunteer baking event for blood donors at the Seongdong Gwargjin Red Cross Volunteer Service Center, located in Jayang-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul. The Seoul Nambu Blood Center devised the Donation Matching Points system of collecting 100 won per blood donation from September through November, and the funds were donated to two charitable organizations along with bread baked by blood donor volunteers. During the three-month period, the number of blood donations who donated blood at the Seoul Nambu Blood Center was 55,144, accumulating 5,514,400 won. The money was handed over that day to Our Home, an institution for the mentally challenged, and the Mongol School for Mongolian children living in Korea. The participants of the event expressed a sense of satisfaction, with one saying, It s rewarding to save lives through blood donation and help others in need. I m planning to take part in other volunteer programs, too.

19 Blood Services Annual Report PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in 서울동부혈액원 Seoul Dongbu Blood Center 헌혈의집 구리센터 이전 개소 서울동부혈액원은 9월 11일, 헌혈자의 편의를 위해 넓고 쾌 적한 환경에서 헌혈에 참여할 수 있도록 헌혈의집 구리센터를 이전 개소하였다. 구리센터는 2003년 5월 개소하여 2015년 9 월 현재 누적192,951명이 헌혈에 참여하여 경기지역 환자들에 게 소중한 생명을 나누고 있다. 최신시설을 갖춘 구리센터의 개 소로 경기 동부 지역의 헌혈 서비스 환경 개선 및 시민들이 즐 거운 만남의 장소로 이용하길 기대한다. Guri Blood Donation Center relocated On September 11, the Seoul Dongbu Blood Center relocated its Guri Donation Center to provide visitors with a more spacious and pleasant environment. The Guri Blood Donation Center first opened in May 2003, and as of September 2015 a total of 192, 951 donors had visited the center to give blood, and save patients lives in the Gyeonggi region. The new state-of-the-art establishment is expected to improve the quality of the blood donation services provided to eastern Gyeonggi residents and serve as a pleasant rendezvous point for citizens. 부산혈액원 Busan Blood Center 국내 첫 여성 400회 헌혈 천사 탄생! 지난 5월 18일, 부산혈액원 헌혈실에서 국내 최초 400회 헌 혈에 참여한 여성이 탄생하였다. 부산혈액원 헌혈봉사회 소속 유배형(60세, 여)씨가 그 주인공. 유배형씨는 19세이던 1974년 헌혈을 시작해 지난 30년간 400회 헌혈을 달성하였다. 98년 불 의의 교통사고로 지체장애 5급 판정을 받은 그는 사고 이후 팔 과 다리가 불편하지만 집에만 있기보다는 다른 사람을 돕기 위 해 꾸준히 활동해왔다 며 헌혈 봉사는 내 직업과도 같다 고 소 감을 밝혔다. 현재 유씨는 전국 최다 여성 헌혈자로 2015년 행 정자치부 국민추천포상 수상자로 선정, 대통령 표창을 받기도 했다. 36.5도 따뜻한 나눔을 실천하고 있는 헌혈자! 가족과 함께 한 또 다른 봉사! 서울동부혈액원은 10월 31일 평소 헌혈로 36.5 따뜻한 나 눔을 실천하는 헌혈자 12명이 가족과 함께 제빵봉사에 나섰다. 가족과 함께 빵을 정성껏 만들어 장애우 시설에 전달하였다. 행사에 참석한 헌혈자는 앞으로 커가는 아이들에게도 함께 살아가고 더불어 살아가는 이유에 대하여 함께 할 수 있었다. 앞으로도 기회가 된다면 정기적으로 아이들과 함께 참여하고 싶다 며 특별한 행사를 만들어준 서울동부혈액원에 감사의 마 Blood donors and their families volunteering for neighbors in need On October 31, the Seoul Dongbu Blood Center held a volunteer baking event with 12 regular blood donors and their family members. These volunteers baked bread with their family members and handed it over to an institution for the disabled. One participant thanked the Dongbu Blood Center for organizing such a special event, stating, Thanks to today s experience, my children and I are on the same page about helping others. I want to participate in this kind of volunteer with my children regularly, if possible. 음을 전했다. 부산지역 등록헌혈회원(ABO Friends) 문화이벤트 방방쿡쿡 대구여행 부산지역 등록헌혈회원(ABO Friends) 80여 명이 8월 15일 방방쿡쿡 문화이벤트로 대구 여행을 다녀왔다. 생후 6개월된 아기부터 손자와 함께 온 어르신까지, 다양한 연령대로 구성된 등록헌혈회원들은 대구 근대화 거리, 미술관, 마비정 벽화마을 에 이르는 당일치기 여행 코스를 무더운 날씨에도 잘 소화해 내 었다. 70주년을 맞은 광복절이었던 행사 당일, 근대화 거리에서 무료로 배부한 태극기를 들고 다 함께 대한독립만세 를 외치는 등의 퍼포먼스를 진행해 더욱 의미있는 여행이 되었다. 이날 행 사에 참여한 한 헌혈자는 일정, 장소, 식사 모두 불편함 없이 만 족스러웠다. 너무 행복한 하루였다 고 소감을 전했다. 2015년 한해 수고한 나에게 쓰는 엽서 서울동부혈액원은 관내 헌혈의집 15곳에서 12월 11일부터 24일까지 24일간 한 해 동안 헌혈에 참여한 헌혈자에게 감사 의 뜻을 전하고자 헌혈자를 대상으로 특별한 엽서 이벤트를 진 행하였다. 2015년 수고한 나에게 해주고 싶은 말을 엽서에 담 아 헌혈의집에 비치된 우체통에 넣으면 엽서가 집으로 배달되 어 2016년 첫 편지가 된다. 넌, 할 수 있어, 널 사랑해! 등 8가 지의 메시지를 담은 엽서 중 가장 인기가 많았던 엽서는 너에 겐 좋은 일만 있을꺼야 엽서였으며, 참여자가 제일 많았던 곳 은 헌혈의집 구리센터였다. Postcard to yourself To thank citizens for giving their blood in 2015, the Seoul Dongbu Blood Center held a special postcard event at 15 subsidiary blood donation centers from December 11 to 24. Blood donors were invited to write a letter to themselves and put it in the postbox at the blood donation center to be sent to their homes as the first mail of Among eight different postcards, including You can do it, I love you, and other messages, the most popular one was Only good things will happen to you. The Guri Blood Donation Center had the largest number of participants. First Korean woman who had her 400th blood donation On May 18, Yu Bae-hyeng (60), a member of the Blood Donation Volunteer Service Group of Busan Blood Center, had her 400th blood donation in a donation room at the Busan Blood Center, becoming the first woman to reach the 400th mark. She began giving blood in 1974 at the age of 19, and has continued this altruistic practice for the last 30 years. She suffered from terrible car accident in 1998 which permanently impaired her mobility. She never gave in, however, and continued with her altruism. When we asked how she felt about achieving this milestone, she said, Since the accident, it s been somewhat difficult to move around, but I ve never let myself be stuck at home. Instead, I ve tried to do even more to help others. For me, giving blood is like a calling. As a female blood donor who has donated the largest number of donations, she received a Presidential Citation Ribbon at the 2015 Public Nomination Awards of the Ministry of the Interior. 80 ABO Friends Busan members join a Culture Tour to Daegu On August 15, ABO Friends, known as registered blood donors, from the Busan area, took part in the Culture Tour to Daegu. Despite the day s simmering heat, a group ranging in age from six-month old babies to seniors with their grandchildren enjoyed a pleasant one-day trip. The itinerary included Daegu Modern Cultural Street, an art gallery, and Mabijeong Mural Village. The day also happened to be the 70th National Liberation Day, so the members chanted Long live Korean Independence! while holding a Korean national flag distributed for free on Modern Cultural Street. That made their trip even more meaningful. The tour was very satisfying. It was a happy day, one participant said.

20 Blood Services Annual Report 2015 나눔이와 함께하는 따뜻한 포옹 프리허그 캠페인 실시 부산혈액원은 11월 28일 부산진구 서면 일대에서 나눔이 인 형탈을 활용한 프리허그 캠페인이 진행하였다. 체온을, 사랑을, 생명을 나누세요 라는 주제로 진행된 이번 캠페인에는 레드캠 페이너, 헌혈서포터즈, 일반인 자원봉사자가 참여, 일반 시민을 대상으로 프리허그와 손도장 찍기 등의 다양한 이벤트를 진행 하였다. 시민들은 나눔이와 포옹도 하고, 인증샷도 찍는 등 캠페인에 많은 관심을 보였다. 약 90분 간 진행된 프리허그 캠페인에 성 별이나 나이에 관계없이 180여명의 시민이 참여하였으며 캠페 인 참여 후 생애 첫 헌혈에 참여한 학생들이 있어 그 의미를 더 38 Free hugs campaign with Nanumi, Blood Donation Mascot The Busan Blood Center held a street campaign with Nanumi, the Korean Red Cross blood donation promotion mascot, distributing free hugs in the Seomyun area of Busanjin-gu on November 28. Under the slogan Share warmth, love, and life, various events ranging from free hugs to hand stamping were organized by Red Campaigners, Blood Donation Supporters, and individual volunteers. Busan citizens participated in hugging Nanumi and taking pictures with Nanumi. The 90-minute free hugs campaign attracted about 180 people of all ages. Some students gave blood for the first time after the event, making the campaign all the more meaningful. PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in 제17회 헌혈축제 대구보건대학인의 헌혈사랑 나눔 대구보건대는 5월 14일 학교 로비와 대회의실, 교내 헌혈의 집 등에서 제17회 보건대학인의 헌혈사랑 나눔축제 를 개최하 였다. 이번 행사에는 재학생과 동문 등 약1,000명이 참여했으 며, 헌혈침대 30여 개를 비치, 릴레이형식으로 헌혈을 진행하 였다. 경품 추첨, 네일아트 등 다양한 이벤트를 통해 헌혈증서 를 기증받았으며, 이날 모은 헌혈증서는 백혈병과 소아암 등 병 마와 싸우고 있는 어린이들을 위해 쓰인다. 대구보건대는 지난 1999년 고통은 나눌수록 작아지고 사랑은 나눌수록 커진다 는 의미에서 헌혈행사를 개최해왔으며 지난해까지 1만4000여 명 이 헌혈에 동참하였다. 하였다. 대구경북혈액원 Daegu-Gyeongbuk Blood Center 헌혈의집 동성로광장센터 이전 개소 대구경북혈액원은 10월 22일 (구)반월당센터를 동성로광장 장산중학교 대구경북혈액원 견학 경북 경산시 소재의 장산중학교 학생 40여 명이 4월 14일 대 구경북혈액원을 방문하였다. 혈액원은 학생들에게 나눔문화 확산을 위한 희망풍차 나눔 교육 을 실시하고 혈액의 분리 과 정, 혈액 냉장실과 냉동시설, 혈액 공급과정 등을 학생들이 직 접 둘러볼 수 있는 살아있는 체험교육을 실시하였다. 견학에 참 여한 한 학생은 이번 견학을 통해 나눔문화와 헌혈의 필요성에 대해 배울 수 있었다 며 무엇보다 헌혈에 대한 긍정적인 이미 지를 가질 수 있는 소중한 시간이었다 고 소감을 전했다. Jangsan Middle School students enjoy field trip to the Daegu-Gyeongbuk Blood Center About 40 students from Jangsan Middle School, located in Gyeongsan-si, North Gyeongsang Province, visited the Blood Center on April 14. The Windmill of Hope Sharing Education program designed to spread the spirit of sharing was performed with the students, giving them an opportunity to see in person how blood components are separated, stored in the blood bank refrigerator, and then distributed. One student reported, I can see why the spirit of sharing and blood donation is necessary and, more importantly, the experience made my view on blood donation more positive. 센터로 이전 개소하였다. 개소식은 10월 31일 동성로 야외무대 에서 2015년 헌혈 페스티벌 을 겸해 개최하고 헌혈에 대한 시 민들의 관심과 참여를 유도하였다. 혈액원 관계자는 동성로광 장센터를 이전 개소하여 헌혈의집 접근성 등 환경을 개선한 만 큼 보다 많은 시민들이 편안하게 이곳을 찾아 소중한 생명을 살 릴 수 있도록 헌혈에 적극 동참해줬으면 한다 고 하였다. Daegu Health College s 17th annual blood donation festival On May 14, Daegu Health College held its 17th annual blood donation festival, titled Share Love: Donate Blood. The event took place in College s lobby, grand conference room, and on-campus blood center. About 1,000 students and alumni participated in a blood donation relay that took place in 30 blood donation beds set up on campus. A raffle and a nail art event, among other attractions, were organized to encourage participants to donate their blood donation certificates on the spot to help young patients suffering from severe diseases, including leukemia and other cancers. The blood donation drive by Daegu Health College began in 1999 under the slogan Shared with others, love grows and pain shrinks, and has attracted a total of approximately 14,000 blood donors as of the end of Dongseongno Plaza Blood Donation Center opened On October 22, the Daegu-Gyeongbuk Blood Center relocated its Banwoldang Blood Donation Center to Donseongno Plaza and changed its name to the Dongseongno Plaza Blood Donation Center. An opening ceremony was held as part of the 2015 Blood Donation Festival at the Dongseogno Outdoor Stage on October 31, raising public awareness and participation in blood donation. An official from the Blood Center said, The relocation improves public access to the blood donation facility, and I hope this will help more people drop by the center and give blood actively so that even more lives can be saved.

21 Blood Services Annual Report PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in 인천혈액원 Incheon Blood Center 주말헌혈캠페인, 나누미리더 양성인천혈액원에서는매주주말 ( 토, 일 ) 헌혈의집부천센터 구월센터 부평센터 상동센터에서헌혈캠페인을실시하고있다. 인원은센터별로자원봉사자 5~10명과헌혈캠페인을인솔하는나누미리더 1명이상이며오후 13시 30분 ~ 16시 30분 3시간동안진행하였다. 장소는주로헌혈의집인근유동인구가많은곳에서실시하며 헌혈은사랑입니다, 헌혈, 세상에서가장따뜻한선물 등의구호와전단지및나눔이탈을이용하여홍보한다. 헌혈캠페인을인솔하는나누미리더는 2015년현재 3기 25 명이활동하고있다. 매년 2~3월경모집을하고있으며소정의교육을거쳐선발되는헌혈캠페인리더이다. 2015년 6.14 세계헌혈자의날을기념하여꾸준히활동하고있는나누미리더 11 명에게원장표창을수여하였으며, 헌혈캠페인봉사시간 500 시간이상의실적을갖고있는나누미리더최한종군과박찬영군은혈액관리본부장표창을수여받았다. Weekend blood donation campaign for fostering Nanumi leadership The Incheon Blood Center held blood donation campaigns at the Bucheon, Guwol, Bupyeong, and Sangdong Blood Donation Centers duning weekends. In order to emphasize the importance of blood donation, campaign team in each center consisting of five to ten volunteers and at least one Nanumi leader, performs various activities on the bustling streets from 13:30 to 16:30, chanting slogans like Blood donation is love or Blood donation, the warmest gift in the world, giving out fliers, or wearing the Nanumi character costume. In 2015, a variety of blood donation campaigns were led by 25 members of the third Nanumi volunteer group, normally recruited around February or March every year. To celebrate the World Blood Donor Day on June 14, 11 loyal Nanumi leaders were awarded commendations from the Director of the Incheon Blood Center for their outstanding performances. Choi Hanjong and Park Chan-yeong received commendations from the Director General of the KRC Blood Services for recording over 500 hours of volunteer work. 인천지역최다헌혈자임종근, 임성택부자 500회, 50회헌혈 12월 16일인천혈액원헌혈의집부천센터에서인천지역최다헌혈자임종근씨와아들임성택군이각각헌혈 500회, 50회에참여하고헌혈유공장최고명예대장과금장을수상하였다. 인천혈액원헌혈홍보위원으로활동중인임종근씨는백혈병환자들에게도움이되기위해 1996년에처음헌혈을시작한이후 2주마다정기적으로혈소판성분헌혈에참여하고있다. 아들인임성택군도헌혈이가능한만 16세부터꾸준히헌혈에참여하고있다. 나보다남을더생각하는임씨부자의생명나눔모습은연말연시많은사람들의마음을따뜻하게하였다. Incheon s most prolific blood donor and his son record their 500th and 50th blood donations, respectively At the Bucheon Blood Donation Center on December 16, Yim Jong-geun, the most prolific blood donor in Incheon, and his son Yim Seong-taek made their 500th and 50th blood donations and respectively received a medal of Highest Honor of the Red Cross Blood Donation Merit Awards and a Gold Medal. Yim Jong-geun, a member of the promotion committee of the Incheon Blood Center, first gave blood in 1996 to help leukemia patients and has since made a platelet apheresis donation every two weeks. His son has also been donating blood regularly since he turned 16, the minimum age for blood donation. 이마트인천권역 7개점 사랑의헌혈약정 체결 2월 26일이마트인천권역 ( 총괄대표이내욱 ) 은이마트부평점에서직원들과고객들이참여하는헌혈실천과헌혈문화선도를위해인천혈액원과함께 생명을나누는사랑실천의약속 헌혈약정을체결하였다. 헌혈약정식에는이내욱이마트총괄수석과 7개점점장, 홍두화인천혈액원장, 한창원인천사회복지협의회장등이참석하였다. 이번협약에서이마트인천권역 7개지점임직원들은인천지역은말라리아위험지역이많아혈액공급에어려움을겪고있음을감안해헌혈약정체결을계기로매년 2회이상헌혈을실시할계획이라고밝혔다. Seven E-mart stores in Incheon sign a blood donation agreement On February 26, 2015, E-mart Incheon (General Director Yi Nae-uk) signed a blood donation agreement with the Incheon Blood Center, titled Promise for Loving Acts to Save Lives. It is designed to encourage the retailer s employees and customers to participate in blood donation and take the initiative in spreading a culture of giving blood. The signing ceremony was held at the Bupyeong E-mart branch and attended by several distinguished guests, including Yi Nae-uk, General Director of E-mart Incheon, and seven store managers. Also in attendance were Hong Du-hwa, Director of Incheon Blood Center, Han Chang-won, Head of the Incheon Council of Social Welfare, and Park Myeonghi, Director of the Bupyeong Council of Korean Red Cross Volunteer Service Groups. The E-mart executives and staff members from the seven stores stated that they plan to organize blood donation events at least twice per year since Incheon has experienced difficulty in supplying blood due to the city location as a malaria-risk area. 울산혈액원 Ulsan Blood Center 울산혈액원, 헌혈의집공업탑센터확장 이전개소 울산혈액원은 4월 15일울산남구삼산로에위치한동아빌딩 2층으로헌혈의집공업탑센터를확장, 이전하였다. 이날이전개소식에는울산광역시의회박영철의장과김명규대한적십자사울산적십자지사회장, 조남선혈액관리본부장등내빈들이참석하였다. 울산시민들이쾌적하고안락한환경에서헌혈에참여할수있도록개선한공업탑센터는 m2 ( 약65평 ) 면적으로울산지역소재 5개헌혈의집중 2번째로큰규모이다. 채혈침대 8 대, 전자문진과헌혈자용컴퓨터등현대화된장비와넓고쾌적한헌혈환경을갖추고있다. Gongeoptap C enter relocated for expansion In an effort to secure a larger space, the Ulsan Blood Center transferred the Gongeoptap Blood Donation Center to the second floor of the Dong-a Building, located in Samsan-ro, Nam-gu, Ulsan, on April 15. Several distinguished guests attended the opening ceremony, including Park Yeong-chul, Chairman of the Ulsan Metropolitan Council, Kim Myeonggyu, President of the Ulsan Chapter of the Korean Red Cross, and Cho Nam-sun, Director General of Blood Service. As the second-largest facility among the five blood donation centers in Ulsan, the new establishment with a floor area of about 215 square meters allows Ulsan citizens to donate blood in a more pleasant and comfortable environment. The spacious center with its cozy ambience is equipped with an electronic medical examination system, eight blood donation beds, and free PCs for donors.

22 Blood Services Annual Report PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in 경기혈액원 Gyeonggi Blood Center 2015 헌혈홍보위원 위촉식 7월 22일 오전 11시, 5층 강당에서 2015 경기혈액원 헌혈홍 보위원 위촉식 및 간담회 가 열렸다. 헌혈홍보위원은 2014년도 3명을 포함하여 경기지역의 헌혈 활성화를 도모하고자 경기도, 경기도교육청, 고교, 대학, 지역 주요 언론사, 봉사회 지구협의 등록헌혈회원(ABO Friends) 초청 문화이벤트 Cinema Picnic for ABO Friends 시네마피크닉 개최 On November 22, the Ulsan Blood Center held its Cinema Picnic event at the Ulsan Samsan CGV movie complex, offering free screenings of the latest films for registered blood donor Friends. In addition, various events like a roulette giveaway game and Polaroid picture-taking were rolled out to thank participants for giving blood regularly. A member of ABO Friends said, It was my first time to be selected to take part in an ABO Friends event. The movie was great, and I hope many people come to join and save lives through blood donation. For me, I ll definitely continue donating blood and participating in events like this. 헌혈에 참여한 울산지역 등록헌혈회원(ABO Friends) 대상 문화이벤트 시네마 피크닉 무료 영화관람 행사를 11월 22일 울산삼산CGV에서 실시하였다. 이 날 행사에서는 룰렛 돌리기 를 통한 기념품 제공, 폴라로이드 사진 촬영 등 다양한 이벤트 를 실시하여 등록헌혈회원에게 감사의 마음을 전하는 시간을 가졌다. 문화이벤트에 처음 참여한 한 회원은 ABO Friends 이 벤트에 처음 당첨되어 왔는데 영화도 재미 있었고 앞으로도 많 은 사람들이 헌혈을 통한 생명 나눔을 계속 실천하면 좋겠다 며 이런 행사에 지속적으로 참여할 수 있도록 계속 헌혈하고 싶은 회 등에서 22명의 유관기관 각계각층 인사들을 이례적으로 발 탁, 대거 위촉하였다. 위촉식에 이어 간담회에 참석했던 헌혈홍 보위원들은 모두 각자의 위치에서 헌혈증진을 위한 노력을 아 끼지 않겠다고 다짐하였다. 전국 최초 경기도 헌혈장려조례 제정 7주년 기념 행사 마음이 생겼다 고 소감을 밝혔다. 10월 15일 경기도의회에서는, 전국 최초 제정( )된 경기도 헌혈장려조례 7주년을 기념하여 조례 제정 당시부터 그 간의 역사를 보여주는 자료전시회 및 헌혈행사를 진행하였다. 경기도의회 의원들의 참여를 독려코자 전시관에서는 격려글 작 선정고등학교 레드캠페이너 우수 활동 학교 선정 혈액관리본부가 주관하고 전국 48개 팀이 참여한 제4기 레 드캠페이너 활동에 울산 신정고등학교가 우수 활동 학교로 선 정되었다. 12월 22일, 울산혈액원 임직원과 신정고등학교 교직 원 및 학생들이 참석한 자리에서 시상식을 진행하였다. 지난 6 월부터 12월까지 6개월 동안 신정고 레드캠페이너 학생들은 헌 혈을 통한 생명 나눔의 소중한 가치를 알리기 위해 거리 캠페인 과 SNS 홍보, UCC 제작 등 다양한 방법으로 헌혈 홍보활동을 전개하였다. 조현철 지도교사는 헌혈을 하는 것이 단순하게 혈액을 나누 어 주는 것에 그치지 않고 깊은 마음으로 사랑을 전하는 것임을 알고 적극적으로 활동해 준 학생들이 대견스럽다 며 다음 기수 에도 많은 학생들이 참여할 수 있도록 지도하겠다 고 말했다. Sunjung H igh School Red Campaigners wins Excellence Award 성 및 포토존 촬영이 진행되어 큰 호응을 얻었다. The fourth Red Campaigner Competition, organized by the KRC Blood Services, selected Sunjung High School in Ulsan as the outstanding school from among 48 teams nationwide. Executives and staff members from the Ulsan Blood Center and faculty and students from the school gathered together to celebrate the award on December 22. From last June to December, Sunjung High School s Red Campaigners held various events and campaigns to promote the life-saving value of blood donation, helped street campaigns, made use of social media and spread their own user created content. Guidance counselor Jo Hyeon-cheol said, My students are well aware that blood donation means something more than just giving away blood: it saves lives. I m really proud of them for that. I ll encourage more students to take part in the next group of Red Campaigners. 제2조제2항의 규정에 의거 주민의 생명 및 건강보호를 위한 최초 제정된 경기도 헌혈장려조례는 혈액관리법시행령 헌혈권장활동에 적극 협력하여 주민의 헌혈이 증진될 수 있 도록 헌혈활동을 장려하기 위하여 필요한 사항을 규정함을 목적으로 제정되었다. Appointment ceremony for 2015 Blood Donation Promotion Committee members In the Gyeonggi Blood Center, the 2015 Blood Promotion Committee Member Appointment Ceremony and Press Interview was held on July 22. Twenty-two committee members, including three from the previous year, were appointed. The new members were drawn from an exceptionally wide spectrum of related entities and organizations, ranging from the Gyeonggi Provincial Government, Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education, and high schools and universities to mainstream local media and volunteer service groups and more. After completing the event, several committee members promised to promote blood donation. Seventh anniversary ceremony for Korea s first ordinance on blood donation promotion To celebrate the seventh year since the enactment of the Gyeonggi Provincial Ordinance on the Promotion of Blood Donation (July 25, 2008), the Gyeonggi Province Assembly held an exhibition featuring the history of the Ordinance and other related materials, as well as a blood donation event. A visitors book for comments and a photo zone were set up in the exhibit room to encourage participation by provincial lawmakers, successfully resulting in an enthusiastic response. As the first of its kind in the country, the Ordinance aims to define matters necessary for promoting blood donation in order to protect people s lives and health by inspiring active participation in blood donation promotion activities under Article 2-2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Blood Management Act.

23 Blood Services Annual Report PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in 충북혈액원 Chungbuk Blood Center 생명과 태양의 땅 충북, 헌혈을 통한 생명 나눔에도 적극 지원 충청북도 및 지자체에서는 2015년 한해 헌혈문화 조성을 위해 적극 지원 하였다 증평군에서 500만원, 2.5 보은군 에서 600만원, 4.16 영동군에서 500만원, 5.14 충청북도에서 1,000만원의 헌혈홍보사업 보조금을 지원하였다. 충청북도에 서는 헌혈문화조성에 기여한 분들을 7명 선정하여 충청북도지 사 표창을 수여하였다. 또한, 11.6 도내 지자체 중 8번째로 충주 시가 헌혈장려조례를 제정하였다. 2015년 한 해 동안 충청북도 및 지자체는 예산지원 2,600만 원, 도지사 표창 7명, 조례 제정 1곳으로 헌혈을 통한 생명나눔 활동을 적극 지원하였다. North Chungcheong Province actively supports blood donation In 2015, the North Chungcheong Provincial Government and local municipalities made active efforts to foster blood donation culture in the region. To this end, the Jeungpyeonggun Office appropriated 5 million won; the Boeun-gun Office, 6 million won; the Yeongdong-gun Office, 5 million won on April 16; and the North Chungcheong Provincial Government, 10 million won on May 14. The Provincial Government also gave citations from the provincial governor to seven residents for their outstanding contributions to establishing a culture of blood donation. On November 6, the Chungju City Government newly enacted the Chungju City Ordinance on the Promotion of Blood Donation. Total budget support of 26 million won, seven commendations, and related legislation were provided by North Chungcheong Province to promote blood donation in 강원혈액원 Gangwon Blood Center 2015년도 신입생 맞이 헌혈캠페인 실시 강원혈액원은 2월28일 강원도내 대학들의 입학식을 맞이하 여 2015년 신입생을 대상으로 사랑의 헌혈 캠페인을 실시하였 다. 이번 캠페인에서는 홍보용 피켓과 물티슈를 이용하여 대학 교내 헌혈의집 홍보와 13일 헌혈의날을 알렸다. 많은 학생들이 헌혈의집을 꼭 방문하여 헌혈하고 싶다, 헌혈하려면 어떻게 해야하는냐? 며 헌혈에 대한 높은 관심과 호응을 보여주었다. 이날 캠페인에 참여한 봉사원은 추운 날씨였지만, 학생들의 뜨 거운 호응에 캠페인하는 보람을 느낀다 며 앞으로도 헌혈 캠페 인에 적극 동참하겠다 고 소감을 전했다. Blood donation campaign for the 2015 university freshmen The Gangwon Blood Center held a "Blood Donation Is Love Campaign" targeting freshmen on February 28. The objective of the event was to promote on-campus blood donation centers and inform young students of Blood Donation Day (the 13th day of every month). The volunteers displayed promotional pickets and gave free wet wipes to students. Many students responded positively and showed considerable interest, promising to visit the blood donation center and give blood, or asking about what they needed to do to make a blood donation. One volunteer said, It s really cold out there, but it s rewarding to see freshman students showing an interest in blood donation. I m willing to participate in other blood donation campaigns in the future. 헌혈왕 송득준씨 500회 헌혈 달성 충북의 헌혈왕 송득준씨(63세)가 12월 21일 헌혈 500회를 달성하였다. 송득준씨는 이날 두 아들과 함께 헌혈의집 성안길 센터를 찾아 헌혈하고, 자신이 세웠던 충북지역 최다 헌혈 기록 속초시 헌혈 장려 조례 제정 속초시의회가 6월 12일 부족한 혈액의 원활한 수급과 시민 들의 자발적인 헌혈 참여를 유도하기 위해 헌혈 장려에 관한 조 례 를 제정하였다. 이번 조례안에는 헌혈 장려를 위한 헌혈 홍 보 및 정보 제공, 헌혈자원봉사 활동에 대한 지원, 헌혈 장소 설 치지원 등의 사항을 규정하고 있다. 특히 헌혈 및 헌혈권장사업 추진에 뚜렷한 공로가 있는 사람과 단체에 대해서는 속초시 포 상조례 에 근거해 포상을 할 수 있도록 규정을 마련하였다. 이날 조례제정과 더불어 헌혈캠페인을 함께 실시하여 그 의 미를 더했다. City of Sokcho legislates a local ordinance the promotion of blood donation On June 12, the Sokcho City Assembly enacted the ordinance on the Promotion of Blood Donation in order to encourage the public to voluntarily participate in blood donation. The Ordinance prescribes matters regarding blood donation promotions and events, the provision of promotional information, support for volunteers in blood donation campaigns, support for establishing blood donation facilities and more. Notably, it includes provisions on how to reward people or organizations that contribute substantially to blood donation or blood donation promotion projects under the Sokcho City Ordinance on Rewards. The day of the enactment was made all the more meaningful thanks to a blood drive held on the very same day. 을 새로 썼다. 이날 송득준씨의 두 아들도 함께 헌혈에 참여해 그 의미를 더 했다. 첫째 아들 송근영(38세)씨는 114회, 둘째 아들 송근호(36 세)씨는 35회 헌혈을 하였다. 송씨는 헌혈이 가능한 나이인 70 세까지 헌혈을 계속 이어갈 것 이라고 소감을 밝혔다. 첫째 아들 근영씨는 아버지 권유로 헌혈을 시작했지만 이제 스스로 헌혈 에 참여하고 있다 며 주변 사람들에게도 헌혈의 필요성을 적극 홍보하겠다 고 전했다. 송씨 삼부자의 따뜻한 생명 나눔 실천이 주변 이웃들에게도 전해져 충북도민이 헌혈에 참여하는 계기가 될것으로 보인다. Song Deuk-jun, King of Blood Donation of North Chungcheong Province, records his 500th blood donation On December 21, Song Deuk-jun (63), the most prolific blood donor in the northern Chungcheong area, made his 500th blood donation. He went that day to the Seongangil Blood Donation Center accompanied by his two sons and donated blood, extending his own record as the most prolific blood donor in the region. Over the 33 years since 1982, Song has given blood 15 times per year on average. His two sons made the day even more meaningful by participating in blood donation alongside him. As for his elder son Song Geunyeong (38), it was his 114th donation, while for younger son Song Geun-ho (36) it was number 35. Song Deuk-jun said, I plan to keep donating blood until I turn 70, the eligible age limit for blood donation. The elder son commented, I began giving blood because my father told me I should, but now I do it totally voluntarily. I ll do my best to promote the importance of blood donation to those around me. Their story has been spreading and is inspiring many others to participate in blood donation.

24 Blood Services Annual Report PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in 대전세종충남혈액원 Daejeon Sejong Chungnam Blood Center 헌혈행사로입학식여는 한남대학교 한남대학교 ( 총장김형태 ) 는 3월 2일한남대학교성지관일원에서입학식과신학기개강에맞춰헌혈캠페인을실시하여지성의요람에첫발을내딛는새내기들에게생명나눔을경험하는소중한기회를제공하였다. 총학생회주관으로입학식과병행하여펼쳐온 사랑의헌혈캠페인 은올해로 8회째를맞아한남대학교의대표적인봉사활동으로자리매김하여지역사회의귀감을얻고있다. 한남대학교김형태총장은헌혈버스에서헌혈에참여하고있는학생들에게감사의말을전하며헌혈에정기적으로참여하여이웃사랑을실천해줄것을당부하였다. 한편이날헌혈캠페인에서는 154명의학생들이헌혈에참여하여동절기원활한혈액수급에큰도움을주었다. 대전지역 6개대학 사랑의헌혈캠페인 펼쳐대전세종충남혈액원은 4월 10일, 대전지역대학생총연합회의 6개대학 ( 충남대, 한남대, 대전대, 배재대, 한밭대, 대덕대 ) 에서사랑의헌혈캠페인을진행하였다. 이번캠페인에는총 1,450명의학생들이사전헌혈참여를신청하였으며, 그중 774 명이실제헌혈에참여해지역혈액수급에큰도움이되었다. 헌혈에앞서충남대에서열린개회식에서학생들은선언문을통해 인도주의적방법으로사랑나눔을실천하고, 청년실업해결을염원해학생들이뭉쳤다 고밝혔다. Hannam University entrance ceremony and blood donation campaign Hannam University (President Kim Hyung-tae) held a blood donation campaign on March 2, the day of its entrance ceremony, in order to provide the new college students taking their first step into the cradle of learning with the opportunity to share life with those in need. It has been eight years since the University s Student Council first organized their "Blood Donation Is Love Campaign", and the event has been inspiring the local community as the University s flagship volunteer effort ever since. President Kim Hyungtae gave thanks to the students at the blood mobile and asked them to donate blood regularly as a means of helping neighbors in need. On this day, a total of 154 students participated in blood donation, facilitating blood distribution in the region during the winter season. Six Daejeon-based universities unite to hold a "Blood Donation Is Love Campaign" On April 10, the Daejeon-Sejong-Chungnam Blood Center held a "Blood Donation Is Love Campaign" in collaboration with six universities under the Union Conference of Universities in Daejeon, which includes Chungnam National University, Hannam University, Daejeon University, Pai Chai University, Hanbat National University, and Daedeok University. As many as about 1,450 students had submitted blood donation applications in advance, and 774 of them gave blood. Their donations substantially contributed to the local community s supply of blood. The campaign opening ceremony was held at Chungnam National University, where participants were inspired by the declaration, Students are united to practice the spirit of sharing in a humanitarian way and to solve the problem of youth unemployment together. 전북혈액원 Jeonbuk Blood Center 미국캘리포니아 1만2800피트상공 헌혈을사랑하는마음, 보여주고싶었어요 헌혈자박용수씨가미국캘리포니아 1만2800피트상공에서시속 240km의속도로스카이다이빙을하며 전북대헌혈의집 이새겨진플랜카드를펼치는홍보영상을촬영하였다. 박씨는연중 2~3회정도여가생활로스카이다이빙을즐기는데여기에헌혈홍보효과를더하고자주방문하는헌혈의집인전북대센터를알리고자이번플랜카드이벤트를계획했다고전하면서앞으로도지속적인헌혈참여와헌혈홍보활동에도앞장설것이라며포부를밝혔다. 적십자사의정신을담아봉사활동으로시작 전북혈액원은 1월 2일새해를맞아전북지사와적십자봉사원, RCY단원등총 50여명의직원과함께전주덕진노인복지관에서떡국나눔봉사를진행하였다. 이번봉사로 1,000여명의독거노인및지역민에게떡국을대접하였다. 매년의례적일수있는시무식을어려운이웃에게힘과용기를전할수있는뜻깊은행사로진행하여지역주민에게인도주의선도기관으로서봉사에대한사회적참여를확대시키고나눔을실천하는분위기를조성하는데기여하였다. Passion for blood donation soars at four kilometers high in air above California I want to show the world my passion for blood donation in the skies of America Enthusiastic blood donor Park Yong-su made a video clip of himself skydiving at 240 km/h at an altitude of 4 km above in California, U.S. with a banner reading Jeonbuk National University Blood Donation Center. He normally enjoys this action sport two or three times per year. This time he wanted to combine his hobby with the promotion of blood donation by advertising the Jeonbuk National University Blood Donation Center. He said he would donate blood regularly and take the lead in blood donation promotional events in the future. Kicking off the new year with volunteer work in the Red Cross spirit On January 2, the Jeonbuk Blood Center organized a largescale free soup event at the Jeonju Deokjin Senior Welfare Center with 50 staff as well as employees from the Korean Red Cross Jeonbuk Chapter, Red Cross volunteers, and RCY members. They served New Year s rice cake soup to about 1,000 seniors living alone and local residents in need. As a leading humanitarian organization, the Jeonbuk Blood Center contributed significantly to expanding public participation in volunteer work and creating a volunteer spirit by replacing the formal new year s kick-off ceremony with a more meaningful volunteer work for neighbors in need.

25 Blood Services Annual Report PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in 광주전남혈액원 Gwangju-Jeonnam Blood Center 경남혈액원 Gyeongnam Blood Center 국내최대헌혈자손홍식씨, 700번째헌혈기록손홍식씨가 2월 23일광주헌혈의집전남대용봉센터에서 700번째헌혈을하였다. 손씨의기록은 1958년국내에서혈액사업이시작된이래처음이며 2주간격으로혈액일부성분만채혈하는혈장헌혈을해도 700회헌혈은 29년간꾸준히해야가능한기록이다. 1984년 5월첫헌혈을한손씨는 700번째까지 28만ml를헌혈했으며 60kg몸무게의성인남성 58명의몸속에있는혈액의양이다. Korea s most prolific blood donor, Son Heung-sik, records his 700th donation On February 23, Son Heung-sik completed his 700th blood donation at the Chonnam National University Yongbong Blood Donation Center. He is the first to hit the 700th mark since Considering that individuals can make a maximum of 24 blood donations per year, since even plasma donation requires a minimum of two weeks interval, this record can be achieved only by donating blood regularly for at least 29 years. He first gave blood in May 1984, and has so far donated 280 liters of blood, equaling the combined total blood of 58 adults with a body weight of 60 kilograms. 300번째생명을나눈사람! 김원종씨, 헌혈유공장최고명예대장수상경남지역에서세번째 300회헌혈자가탄생하였다. 9월 5일김원종씨는경남대앞헌혈센터에서 300번째헌혈을통한생명나눔을실천하였다. 1988년군대에서첫헌혈을시작한김원종씨는매월 2회정도꾸준히헌혈을하여사랑을실천하였다. 김씨는 헌혈을통해서나보다어려운이웃에게생명을나눌수있다는것은너무도보람있고행복한일이라고생각합니다. 앞으로건강이허락하는날까지헌혈을하여생명나눔운동을계속실천하겠습니다. 라고하면서아름다운미소를지어보였다. Kim Won-jong awarded a Medal of Highest Honor South Gyeongsang Province saw its third blood donor make a 300th donation. On September 5, Kim Won-jong provided his 300th blood donation at the blood donation center near Gyeongnam University. Kim first gave blood in 1988 while serving in the military and has since donated blood twice per month. With a beautiful smile on his face, he stated, It s really pleasurable and rewarding to help people in need through blood donation. I ll keep donating as long as my health allows me. 헌혈의집조선대센터환경개선 개소헌혈의집조대센터가실내를개선하여헌혈자들이쾌적한환경에서헌혈을할수있게됐다. 대한적십자사광주전남혈액원은 8월 31일오전조선대학교내에위치한헌혈의집조대센터에서개소식을가졌다. 이날행사에는최상준광주전남지사회장, 최석환광주전남혈액원장등내빈과박영일광주전남헌혈봉사회장등이참석하였다. 1999년첫개소한이래지금까지조선대헌혈의센터에서는일평균 60여명의헌혈자들이헌혈에참여해주는등조선대학생및인근지역주민들로부터많은호응을받고있다. Chosun University Blood Donation Center reopened On August 31, a reopening ceremony for the Chosun University Blood Donation Center was held after renovations designed to provide blood donors with a more pleasant environment. Many distinguished guests attended the event, including Choi Sang-jun, President of the Korean Red Cross Gwangju Jeonnam Chapter, Choi Seok-hwan, Director of Gwangju-Jeonnam Blood center, and Park Yeong-il, President of the Gwangju Jeonnam Blood Donation Volunteer Service Group. Since its first opening in 1999, the Chosun University Blood Donation Center has been widely loved by Chosun University students and the local community, serving an average of 60 blood donors per day. 헌혈의집진주센터개소홍보캠페인! 경남혈액원은지난 7월 12일경남헌혈사랑봉사회원들과함께헌혈캠페인을진행하였다. 이번캠페인은 7월 29일헌혈의집진주센터의개소식을앞두고새롭게단장한진주센터를홍보하기위한자리로, 헌혈자에게즉석사진을찍어주고물티슈와홍보리플릿을나눠주는등거리홍보캠페인이진행되었다. 캠페인당일, 태풍9호찬홈의강타로인해많은비가쏟아졌지만경남헌혈사랑봉사회 10여명은기꺼이휴일을반납한채진주센터홍보를위해열을올렸다. 새롭게확장이전한진주센터는진주시진양호로526( 본성동 ) 명원빌딩 8층유동인구가많은대로변에위치하고있어접근이용이하여많은헌혈자들이참여할것으로예상된다. Promotion campaign for the new Jinju Blood Donation Center On July 12, the Gyeongnam Blood Center held a blood donation campaign with members of the Gyeongnam Love Blood Donation Volunteer Service Group to promote the reopening of the Jinju Blood Donation Center, scheduled on July 29. The volunteers held a free photo event for blood donors and passed out promotional leaflets and wet wipes on the street. It was raining heavily on the campaign day due to the effects of Typhoon Chan-hom, but about ten volunteers from the Volunteer Service Group willingly gave up their holiday to promote the Blood Donation Center. The Jinju Blood Donation Center was relocated to the eighth floor of the Myeongwon Building, Jinnyangho-ro 526. The new roadside location with high foot traffic is expected to provide easy access to the Center 광주하계유니버시아드헌혈홍보부스운영 7월 3일 2015광주하계유니버시아드 대회의개막식장에헌혈홍보부스를설치, 운영하였다. 헌혈서포터즈인 피아리아 를포함한광주지역 RCY 30여명이헌혈홍보캠페인을진행하여세계적인축제를더욱빛나게했다. 학생들은헌혈상식퀴즈와무료혈압및혈액형검사등의다양한프로그램을진행하였으며, 더운날씨에도더뜨거운열정가득한학생들의홍보활동에약 200여명이넘는광주시민들이이벤트에참여하며헌혈에대한관심을보였다. 이날행사에참여한학생은 광주에서펼쳐지는국제적인축제의시작을헌혈홍보캠페인으로함께할수있어서더의미가깊었다 며 앞으로도헌혈홍보활동에더욱앞장서겠다 고전했다 Gwangju Summer Universiade opens with a blood donation campaign On July 3, the Gwangju-Jeonnam Blood Center operated a blood donation promotion booth at the opening ceremony of the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade. About 30 RCY members including Piaria, a blood donation support group, participated in a promotional campaign to encourage blood donation on the spot, further enriching the prestigious international event. On the hot summer day, young students focused their passion by holding various events such as a quiz about blood donation, free blood pressure check and a blood type test, attracting over 200 people and inspiring many to gain an interest in blood donation. The campaign made it more meaningful to open the international festival with a blood donation campaign, one volunteer said, and I ll actively take lead in other blood donation promotions.

26 Blood Services Annual Report 제주혈액원 Jeju Blood Center 외국인 최초 헌혈 100회 달성 제주관광대학교 혼다 테츠로 교수 제주에 거주하면서 헌혈 문화에 앞장서고 있는 외국인이 있 다. 제주관광대학교 관광일본어과 혼다 테츠로 교수가 그 주인 공이다. 혼다교수는 올해 혈액관리본부 명예의 전당에 이름을 올린 유일한 외국인이다. 그는 다른 사람들의 도움으로 딸의 생 명을 건진 것을 계기로 헌혈에 관심을 갖게 됐다. 혼다교수는 최근 희귀병에 걸려 수술을 받게 된 제주 거주 다문화가족 아동 을 위해 수중에 있던 헌혈증을 모두 기부하기도 했다. 내가 가 PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in 혈액수혈연구원 Blood Transfusion Research Institute The first 100th blood donation recorded by a foreigner in Jeju Island There is an enthusiastic foreign blood donor living on Jeju Island: Honda Tetsuro, a Japanese professor at Jeju Tourism College. He is the only foreigner indicated into Korean Red Cross of Fame. He gained an interest in blood donation when his daughter s life was saved thanks to those who donated blood. Recently, he also donated his blood donation certificates to a child from a multicultural family with a rare disease. He stated, I m happy to share my health with others in need. He continues donating his blood on a regular basis. 지고 있는 건강을 건강이 필요한 사람들에게 나눠줄 수 있어 행 2015년도 조혈모세포 기증사업 연중 홍보 실시 혈액수혈연구원은 조혈모세포 기증희망 등록 활성화와 기 증동의율 향상을 위해 지속적인 관심을 유발하고자 조혈모세 포 기증사업에 대한 홍보를 연중 실시하였다. 13일 헌혈의날 과 연계하여 당일 헌혈자를 대상으로 3월부터 10월까지 전국 헌혈의집에서 홍보물품(일회용밴드 세트)을 지급하였다. 또한 홍보 포스터를 제작하여 헌혈의집에 배부하고, 신규 조혈모세 포 기증희망자를 모집할 때 모집자가 참고용으로 사용할 수 있 도록 조혈모세포 기증희망 등록 관련 안내문 을 제작하여 혈액 원에 배부하였다. Year-long promotion for hematopoietic stem cell donation project The Blood Transfusion Research Institute organized a year-long campaign to increase the number of registered hematopoietic stem cell donors and raise the consent rate for bone marrow donation. From March to October, the campaign s promotional gifts (an adhesive bandage set) were given on Blood Donation Days (the 13th day of every month) to those who came to blood donation centers and gave blood. In addition, bone marrow donation posters were distributed to blood donation centers, and guidebook on how to register as a hematopoietic stem cell donor was published and distributed to blood centers nationwide. 복하다 고 말하는 그는 지금도 정기적인 헌혈에 동참하고 있다. 제주혈액원 레드캠페이너(영주고) 발대식 개최 제주혈액원은 지난 5월 18일 4기 레드캠페이너로 영주고를 선정하고 발대식을 가졌다. 제주지역 4기 레드캠페이너로 선정 된 영주고는 13명의 RCY 단원들로 구성 헌혈 홍보 활동을 전개 해 나갈 예정이다. 영주고 김봉현 지도교사는 학생들에게 좋은 추억을 만들어 주고 싶어 레드캠페이너에 지원하게 되었고, 형 식적인 헌혈 홍보활동이 아닌 자발적인 봉사활동으로 계속 이 어졌으면 좋겠다 는 소감을 밝혔다. 이날 발대식은 현태권 영주고 교장과 교직원 및 제주혈액원 관계자 등 30여명이 참석한 가운데 성황리에 개최되었다. Launching ceremony for Yeongju High School Red Campaigners The Jeju Blood Center selected Yeongju High School as the home for its fourth Red Campaigners chapter, and held an inauguration ceremony on May 18. Yeongju High School s Red Campaigners, consisting of 13 RCY members, will carry out various blood donation promotions. Guidance teacher Kim Bong-hyeong reported, I applied for Red Campaigners to give my students good memories, and I hope Red Campaigner activities will provide them an opportunity to voluntarily, rather than mandatorily, participate in volunteer work in the future. The launch event was held successfully with the participation of about 30 people, including the principal of Yeongju High School Hyeon Tae-gwon and other faculty members, as well as officials from the Jeju Blood Center. 혈액수혈연구원 진단검사의학재단 수탁검사기관 인증 통과 혈액수혈연구원은 진단검사의학재단으로부터 수탁검사기 관 인증을 통과하였다. 진단검사의학재단의 수탁검사기관 인 증은 우수검사실신임인증에서 우수한 성적을 받고, 수탁분야 의 인증을 별도로 받게 되어 있으며, 혈액수혈연구원은 이에 필 요한 요건을 모두 갖추어 공식적으로 인증을 받게 되었다. 인증 분야는 진단면역, 분자진단검사, 조직적합성검사로 향후 이들 분야에 대한 수탁검사가 가능하다. Blood Transfusion Research Institute officially certified as a reference lab by the Laboratory Medicine Foundation The Blood Transfusion Research Institute passed a reference lab certification screening by the Laboratory Medicine Foundation. The certification process is not simple: An agency should gain a sufficient grade through the Clinical Laboratory Accreditation Program and pass an extra vetting process for the certificate to do required tests. The Blood Transfusion Research Institute met all the requirements and became an officially certified reference lab. The fields for which it is certified by the Foundation to perform commissioned tests include diagnostic immunology, molecular diagnosis, and histocompatibility. Based on this recognition, the institute is planning to extend its status even further.

27 Blood Services Annual Report PART 1. Major Blood Services Activities in 제18회 헌혈과수혈심포지움 성황리개최대한적십자사혈액수혈연구원이주관하는제18회 헌혈과수혈심포지움 이 9월 18일대한적십자사본사강당에서성황리에개최되었다. 이번심포지엄은최근관심을받고있는 patient blood management(pbm), blood pharming 과수혈부작용을줄이기위한 modified blood component, 안전한수혈을위한적혈구항원검사와 rare blood registry 에대한최신지견을접할수있는기회를제공하였으며, 더나아가강사들의살아있는임상경험을나눌수있었던뜻깊은시간이었다. 혈액수혈연구원은헌혈과수혈심포지엄을더욱발전시켜, 다양한계층의일반인에게혈액사업에대한이해를넓히고, 전문가나권위자의강연을통해매년성장하는권위있는심포지엄이될수있도록노력하고자한다. The 18th Blood Donation and Transfusion Symposium Organized by the Blood Transfusion Research Institute, the Blood Donation and Transfusion Symposium has grown in popularity and extent year by year. On September 18, the symposium was held at the auditorium of the Korean Red Cross Headquarters. The event provided participants with the opportunity to learn the latest knowledge on a variety of fields and subjects, such as patient blood management (PBM), blood pharming, modified blood components for the reduction of transfusion side effects, RBC antigen testing for safe transfusion, and rare blood registry. More importantly, the symposium served as a venue allowing a large number of professionals from diverse fields to share their clinical experiences. The Institute will continue to invite a broad range of pundits and experts for lectures to increase the public understanding of blood services. 혈장분획센터 Plasma Fractionation Center 수입의약품타코실프리롤드 (Tachosil Pre-rolled) 국내도입 혈장분획제제의약품타코실의신규제형인타코실프리 롤드가우리사를통해신규로국내에도입되어 2016 년부터 의료기관에공급될예정이다. 타코실은혈장성분중트롬빈 (Thrombin) 과피브리노겐 (Fibrinogen) 이주원료, 수술시조직 에흡착하는패치형지혈제 (Hemostatic) 로혈액응고과정을 촉진하는의약품이다. 타코실프리롤드는기존의타코실을말 아물리적인형태를변형한것으로, 효능은그대로유지하면서 최소침습수술 (Minimal invasive surgery) 시기존처럼사전에 마는과정없이개봉후바로사용할수있도록편의성을개선 한제품이다. 혈장분획센터는타코실을포함하여해외에서제 조한 12 종의혈장분획제제의약품을국내에공급하고있다. Introduction of TachoSil Pre-rolled to the Korean market The TachoSil sponge coated with human plasma derivatives has been supplemented with TachoSil Pre-rolled, a further version scheduled to be introduced to Korean medical institutions starting from This hemostatic patch using thrombin and fibrinogen as its main ingredients is used to accelerate blood coagulation during surgery and is eventually absorbed by the organ to which it is applied. The prerolled patch was developed to increase surgical efficiency by omitting any required rolling during minimal invasive surgeries while maintaining the efficacy as regular TachoSil patches. Currently, the Plasma Fractionation Center is in charge of domestically supplying 12 types of imported plasma derived medicinal products.

28 Part 혈액사업현황 The Status of Blood Services 헌혈기부권 582,450,500 원 수혈용혈액공업 4,048,198 유니트 01. 조직도 Organization Chart 02. 인력및시설 Human Resources and Facilities 03. 연혁 History of Blood Services 혈장자급률 100% 달성 04. 회계보고 Financial Report 05. 기관주소 Blood Services Directory 손목밴드바코드일치검사도입 연간헌혈 3,000,000 명돌파 헌혈서포터즈전국 13 팀 64 명활동 ABO Friends 문화이벤트 13,000 명참가 2015 대한민국블로그어워드특별기관분야최우수기관선정 헌혈의집 36 개소신설 44개소개선 ( 혈액원내헌혈의집 15개소포함 ) 7회째실시헌혈공모전 796작품접수

29 Blood Services Annual Report PART 2. The Status of Blood Services 조직도 02 Organization Chart 인력및시설현황 Human Resources and Facilities 혈액관리본부 Blood Service Headquarters 인력 2015 Human Resources 의사 Medical doctors 29 간호사 Nurses 910 임상병리사 Medical technicians 417 사무직 Offcers 274 기획관리국 헌혈증진국 혈액안전국 정보관리실 연구직 Researchers 32 Blood Planning Bureau Blood Promotion Bureau Blood Safety Bureau Information Management Office 기술직 Technicians 291 기획조정팀 Planning and Coordination Team 총무팀 General Affairs Team 재무관리팀 Financial Management Team 헌혈진흥팀 Blood Donor Promotion Team 고객지원팀 Donor Services Team 해외사업지원팀 Global Cooperation Team 안전관리팀 Safety Management Team 품질평가관리팀 Quality Management Team 전산지원팀 Information Management Team 혈액전산팀 Information Technology Development Team 기능직 Assistants 55 기타 Others 58 합계 Total 2,066 수급관리팀 Blood Inventory Management Team 시설 2015 Facilities 노사협력팀 Labor Cooperation Team 혈액관리본부 Blood Service Headquarters 1 혈액원 Blood Centers 15 헌혈의집 Blood Donation Centers 138 혈액원 (15 개 ) 헌혈의집 (138 개소 ) Blood Centers(15) Blood Donation Centers(138) 혈장분획센터 Plasma Fractionation Center 혈액수혈연구원 Blood Transfusion Research Institute 혈액검사센터 (3 개 ) Blood Laboratory Centers(3) 혈장분획센터 Plasma Fractionation Center 1 혈액수혈연구원 Blood Transfusion Research Institute 1 혈액검사센터 Blood Laboratory Centers 3 합계 Total 159 헌혈의집 : 혈액원헌혈실도포함 ( 기준 As of April 1, 2016) ( 기준 As of December 31, 2015)

30 Blood Services Annual Report PART 2. The Status of Blood Services 연혁 History of Blood Services 제 6 차아태지역적십자혈액사업회의서울개최 ( 참가국 : 18 개국 ) 6 th Asia-Pacific Red Cross Conference on Blood Services held in Seoul (with 18 participating 1948 ~ nations). 전헌혈자에게 HIV 항체검사실시 Initiation HIV antibody testing for all blood donors. 전국혈액원에헌혈자관리를위한전산시스템도입 Introduction computerized system to blood centers nationwide for blood donor management 제 17 차국제적십자회의에서각국적십자사의혈액사업전개를권장하는결의사항채택 Adoption of a resolution encouraging the operation of blood services by each National Red 연간헌혈인구 100 만돌파 Cross Society at the 17th International Red Cross Conference. Number of annual blood donors exceeds one million 대한적십자사, 국립혈액원을인수하여혈액사업시작 HBV 간염검사법 RPHA 법에서 EIA 법으로전환, 성분헌혈실시 Initiation of blood services as the Korean Red Cross takes over the National Blood Center. HBV hepatitis testing is switched from the RPHA method to the EIA method. First apheresis donations begins 혁명피해자를위한최초적십자헌혈실시 (62명) First Voluntary Non Remunerated Blood Donations (VNRBD) through the Red Cross(62 donors) for victims of the April 19 Revolution C형간염항체검사 (EIA) 실시, 320ml와 400ml헌혈병행실시 First screenings for hepatitis C antibodies (EIA) and commencement of blood donations in both 320ml and 400ml units 성분제제생산및공급개시 ( 적혈구농축액, 신선세척적혈구등 ) Commencement of production and distribution of blood products (packed red blood cells, washed red blood cells, etc.) 혈액제제연구소준공 ( 현, 혈장분획센터 ) Completes the Blood Components Research Center (currently known as Plasma Fractionation Center) 우리나라최초로헌혈운동전개 Launch the first VNRBD blood donation campaign in Korea 정부로부터혈액분획제제수급과관리를위탁받음 Entrusted with the collection and supply of blood fractionation components by the government 정부에서혈액관리법제정공포 ( 법률제2229호 ) Korean government proclaims the Blood Management Act (Act No. 2229) 국가골수기증사업을위탁받음 Entrusted with the national bone marrow donation program 대통령이제공한헌혈차 1대로최초가두헌혈시작 Launch of the first street blood donation with one bloodmobile provided by the president. 국산플라스틱채혈백 ( 더블백 ) 생산으로성분제제공급본격화 Commencement of supply of blood components with the production of domestic plastic blood collection bags (double bags) in earnest 연간헌혈인구 200만돌파 ( 국민헌혈률 4.5%) The number of annual blood donors exceeds two million (national donation rate : 4.5%). 혈액관리온라인통신망개통 Launch online communication network for blood management 혈액관리법시행령개정 ( 대통령령제 호 ) Amendment of the Enforcement Decree of the Blood Management Act (Presidential Decree HCV 확인검사실시 ( 전국혈액원 ), HIV 항체확인검사실시 ( 혈액수혈연구소 ) Beginning of screenings for HCV (at blood centers nationwide) and HIV antibodies(at the No.10285). Blood Transfusion Research Institute) 대통령령제 에의해정부로부터국가혈액사업을위탁받음 연간국민헌혈률 5% 달성 Korean Red Cross entrusted with the national blood services by the government according to Annual national blood donation rate reaches 5%. Presidential Decree No 국방부와 군혈액공급에관한협약 체결 혈액관리법개정으로혈액원설치자율화 The amended Blood Management Act liberalizes the establishment of blood centers. Agreement on Supplying Blood to the Military with the Ministry of National Defense 등록헌혈제전국실시 / 혈액원검사기능통합화완료 (16 개 7 개 ) 최초의헌혈의집개설 ( 대전역센터 ) Opening the first blood donation center in Korea(Dae-jeon blood donation center). Launch of nationwide Blood Donor Registry. Completes the consolidation of the testing function of blood centers.

31 Blood Services Annual Report PART 2. The Status of Blood Services ~ 혈소판성분헌혈전면실시 Expands platelet pheresis donations to the entire nation 혈액검사센터통합완료 ( 중앙, 중부, 남부 3 개혈액검사센터 ) 신종인플루엔자대유행대비혈액안전위기대응매뉴얼개발 Integration of blood laboratory centers (Central, Jungbu, and Nambu blood laboratory centers) completed. Development of risk management manual for blood safety against pandemics of new strains of influenza 매독검사법전환 (GAST 수기법 TPPA법 ) Change of syphilis antibody testing method (from the GAST manual method to the TPPA method) 인체 T 림프영양성바이러스 (HTLV) 항체검사실시 Full implementation of HTLV testing 우수원료의약품제조및품질관리기준 (BGMP) 인증획득 ( 혈장분획센터 ) Plasma Fractionation Center obtains the accreditation of Bulk Good Manufacturing Practices (BGMP). 방사선조사혈액제제공급실시 First supply of irradiated blood components. HIV 항원 항체동시검사실시 / 혈액사업본부발족 / 혈액사업홈페이지 ( 개설 헌혈예약제실시 Start of blood donation reservation system 헌혈자지문인식시스템도입 Introduction of fingerprint recognition system. 전자문진시스템실시 Start of electronic medical examination system on a full scale. Implementation of blood donationappointment system. Initiation of simultaneous testing for AIDS antigens and antibodies. Launches Blood Services Bureau and opens the blood services website ( 헌혈봉사시간인정, 중앙 서부혈액원통폐합 ( 서부혈액원 ) Blood donation recognized as volunteer hours. merging 4 blood centers in seoul into 헌혈자모집사업지원협약체결 ( 캄보디아적십자 ) Signs an agreement to support a blood donor recruitment project with the Cambodian Red Cross 혈액공급차량긴급자동차로지정 Vehicles for blood supply designated as emergency vehicles 혈액정보관리시스템 (BIMS) 실시 Expands the Blood Information Management System (BIMS) to the entire nation Rh(-) 혈액수급시스템구축 Operation of rh-negative blood supply system 헌혈자혈액검체보관실시 (10년 : 혈액원 1년 / 혈장분획센터 9년 ) Blood centers begin the storage of blood specimens and plasma 스마트폰헌혈어플리케이션 스마트헌혈 출시 Launching of the Smartphone App for Blood Donation, Smart Blood Donation 핵산증폭검사 (NAT) 실시 ( 인체면역결핍바이러스, C 형간염바이러스 ) 혈액관리본부페이스북 SNS 개설 Open SNS platform(facebook, Blog etc) of the Korean Blood Service Begins full implementation of Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAT). 혈액사업본부, 혈액관리본부로조직개편 혈액사업비전및미션선포 Revised ceremony to clarify vision and mission of blood services 대한적십자혈액사업본부기관명칭변경 ( 대한적십자혈액관리본부 ) The Blood Services Bureau is reorganized into the Blood Service Headquarters. ISO 9001 품질경영시스템인증획득 ( 혈액관리본부및 16개혈액원 ) 단체채혈현장헌혈환경개선실시 Improve the environment for group blood donations QnS Jump-up Project (Quality and Service Jump-up Project) 운영 Launch QnS(Quality and Service) Jump-up Project The Blood Service Headquarters and 16 blood centers obtain accreditation of ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS). 혈액정보공유시스템 (BISS) 실시 Completion of development of Blood Information Sharing System (BISS) 신규핵산증폭검사 (NAT) 시스템실시 (B 형간염검사추가 ) Install new NAT system (added detection of the hepatitis B virus) 제 9 회세계헌혈자의날지구촌이벤트주관 Launch Qns(Quality and Service) Jump-up Project 면역검사자동화장비 1 차도입및실시 (B 형간염바이러스 ) 매월 13 일헌혈의날 제정 Designate every 13th as Blood Donation Day Completion of first-phase introduction of the Automated Viral Marker Testing System (Hepatitis B). 고객만족 (CRM) 시스템구축 Opreration of Customer Relationship Management System 스마트폰을이용한가두및단체채혈장소일치검사실시 Implementation of donor-blood id matiching system to mobile and group donation sites using smart phone 혈액매개전염병및헌혈금지약물정보조회시스템개발 Development of Information Inquiry System for transfusion-transmitted diseases and drugs prohibited for blood donors 비예기항체검사자동화장비도입 ( 중부, 남부검사센터 ) Introduction of automated unexpected antibody test (jungbu, nambu center) 연간현혈인구 300 만돌파 Numder of annual blood donations exceeds three millon 혈액정보관리시스템 (BIMS) 특수기능특허취득 BIMS special function patented 손목밴드바코드일치검사도입 Implementation of wristband barcode matching test 면역검사자동화실시 Second-phase introduction of the Automated Viral Market Testing System completed 비상대비업무유공대통령표창수여 2015 Presidential Citation for responding to the MERS outbreak

32 Blood ServicesAnnual Annual Report Blood Services Report 62 PART 2. The Status of Blood Services 63 사진으로 보는 혈액사업 Blood Services to see the photo 왼쪽에서 혈액형 검사가 진행되고 있고, 오른쪽에서 미군 간호요원이 채혈하는 모습이 보인다. 13 On the left, blood type testing is performed; on the right a US Army nurse collects blood 박정희 대통령이 적십자 총재에게 보내 준 이동 채혈차에서 한 남학생이 헌혈을 하고 있다. A student is donating blood in the bloodmobile the President Jeong-Hee Park provided to the Red Cross 당시 대통령 영부인 육영수 여사가 적십자 혈액원에서 헌혈하고 있다. First Lady Young-Soo Yook donates blood at the Red Cross Blood Center Bloodmobiles used by the Busan branch of the Korean Blood Services, and staff members 대한적십자사 중앙혈액원 개원 Opening of the Central Blood Center of the Korean Red Cross 대한혈액관리협회 발족 Inauguration of the Korean Association of Blood Management 한국헌혈협회 부산지부가 사용한 헌혈차와 임원들 춘천 세종호텔에서 열린 강원도 헌혈촉진협의회 회의 Gangwon-do Blood Donation Promotion Conference held at Seojong Hotel Chuncheon 보건사회부, 대한혈액관리협회에서 전국 시도에 설치한 헌혈계몽 현수막 Placard for the Promoting Voluntary Non Remunerated Blood Donation set up by the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and the Korean Association of Blood Management 한국 연예인 새마음봉사대 100여명 헌혈계몽 전개 About 100 Korean popular entertainers of the Volunteer group run a blood donation campaign 농촌 일손 돕기를 위해 모내기에 나선 협회 직원들 Staff of the Korean Association of Blood Management participate in riceplanting to help rural communities 보사부장관과 직원, 연예인, 적십자부녀봉사회, 청소년봉사대 등 250여 명이 서울시내에 서 헌혈 캠페인 실시 Blood donation campaign held in Seoul. About 250 people including staff of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, popular entertainers, the Red Cross Women Volunteer group participates 제6차 아시아, 태평양지역 적십자 혈액 사업 회의(롯데호텔, 중앙적십자혈액원)가 18개국 대표 32명과 적십자사연맹 관계자 등이 참석한 가운데 적십자 혈액사업의 기술 향상과 관리 개 선이라는 주제로 서울에서 개최되었다. The 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Red Cross Blood Service Meeting(Lotte Hotel, Central Red Cross Blood Center) is held in Seoul and deals with methods to improve technical and managerial aspects of the Red Cross Blood Service. 32 representatives of 18 countries and officials from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) participate 적십자 간호학교에서 열린 전국 혈액원 개설자 회의(이 회의를 정점으로 혈액의 안전한 관리와 원활한 유통관리, 혈액수 급을 완 전한 헌혈로 전환시키는 사업을 개시하였다.) Nationwide Blood Center establishment meeting held at the Red Cross Nursing School 임상병리사 연수 교육(간염검사, 매독의 혈청학적 검사 실습광경) Training Course for Medical Technicians.(seen is training for the hepatitis test and the serological test for syphilis) 세종문화회관 강당 보건의 날 행사에서 유명연예인(이정길, 정혜선, 김용림, 박규채, 강부자 등 당대의 유명한 연예인 참석)이 행사장에 들어서는 모든 사람들의 앞가슴에 헌혈 리본을 달아주었다. On World Health Day at the Sejong Grand Theater, star entertainers (Jeong-Gil Lee, Hye-Seon Jeong, Yong-Lim Kim, Kyu-Chae Park and Boo-Ja Kang) pin blood donation ribbons on participants 방송대 사랑의 헌혈 잔치(잠실운동장에서 열린 헌혈홍보 행사에 정주영, 김대중, 김영삼 당시 대선후보가 참석했다.) Korean National Open University s Blood Donation festival (for the blood donation PR event held at the Jamsil Sports Complex, Presidential candidates, Joo-Young Jeong, Dae-Jung Kim and Young-Sam Kim are present) SOS 사랑의 호출 캠페인 삐삐 기증식 SOS Calling for Love Campaign Beeper Donation Ceremony LG화학 직원이 혈장성분헌혈에 참여하고 있다. Staff of LG Chemical participate in plasma apheresis blood donation 류관순 기념관에서 열린 헌혈권장 박성태 독창회. 박남열 보사부 기획관리 실장이 장관축사를 대독하고 있고, 이화여고 합창단이 헌 혈의 노래를 준비하고 있다. Tenor, the Sung-Tae Park Vocal Recital for promoting blood donations held at the Ryu Gwan-Sun Memorial Hall. The ministerial congratulatory address is read by Nam-Yeol Park, Planning and Management General Manager of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, while the Ewha Girl s High School Choir prepares to sing 지하철역에 설치 된 헌혈홍보광고(광고 물은 77년에 들어서면서부터 지하철, 버스, 각종 대중잡지에 실리기 시작하여 헌혈에 대한 인식이 많이 호전되었다.) Blood donation publicity advertisement installed at a subway station (starting in 1977, through advertisement at places of public transportation (subways, bus and train) and in popular magazines, recognition for blood donation is markedly improved. According to a blood donor survey conducted by the korean Association of Blood Management, 10.2% of the donors answered that the these advertisements were their motivations for giving blood 제6회 보건의 날 행사 6th World Health Day Event 내무부 헌혈캠페인 Blood Donation Campaign held by the Ministry Interior 중앙혈액원 이전 개원식(서울시 중구 서소문동 소재) Opening Ceremony of the Central Blood Center (located at Seosomun-dong Jung-gu Seoul) 혈액수 혈연구소 준공식(서울시 중구 남산동 소재) Ceremony for the completion of Blood Transfusion Research Institute(located at Namsan- dong Jung-gu Seoul).

33 Blood ServicesAnnual Annual Report Blood Services Report PART 2. The Status of Blood Services 대검찰청 사랑의 헌혈행사 Blood Donation Event Held by the Supreme Public Prosecutors office IMF시절 한라건설(주)에서 실시한 회사 살리기 나라 살리기 헌혈행사 Save the Company, Save the Country Blood Donation Event carried out by Halla Engineering and Construction Crop. at the time of the IMF crisis 중앙대학교에서 실시한 나라사랑, 사람 사랑 헌혈 운동 37 백혈병을 앓고 있는 한인 여교사인 재미교포 린다 김(28세)을 위한 골수 기증 캠페인(린다 김을 돕기 위한 캠페인은 미국 워싱턴주 시애틀에서 시 작되어 한국에까지 이어졌으며, 1,700여 명의 골수기증 희망자가 등록을 하였다. 하지만 린다 김은 조직적합성항원(HLA)을 찾는데 실패하여 9월 3 일 시애틀 스웨디시병원에서 끝내 숨졌다.) To help a Korean female teacher in America who has leukemia, Linda Kim (28 years old), a Love for of the Country, Love for People Blood Donation Event held at the Chung-Ang University. campaign for donating bone marrow is run. The campaign to help Linda Kim started in Seattle, Washington and continued in Korea. About 1,700 bone marrow donor applicants were registered. However, Linda s matched HLA (histocompat-ibility antigen) failed and she died at the Swedish Covenant Hospital in Seattle on September 대한적십자사와 함께하는 국방부 사랑의 헌혈 Love Blood Donation run by the Ministry of National Defense with the Korean Red Cross 혈액사업 심포지엄 Blood Services symposium 년 7월 5일 Veterans Affairs Medical Center에서 골수 이식을 받은 성덕바우만이 대한적십자사를 방문, 적십자사 총재를 만나고 있다. Sung Duk Bau-man who received a bone marrow transplant at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in July 5, 1996, visits the Korean Red Cross and meets the President of the Korean Red Cross 사단 헌혈 Blood Donation by the 2nd Divisions of the ROK Army 혈소판성분헌혈 시작(2000년 1월부터 시범적으로 실시되어 2001년 1월부터는 전국 16개 혈액원에서 혈소판성분헌 혈을 실시하고 있다.) Start of the plateletpheresis donation (from January 2000, trial-run of the system conducted and from January 헌혈홍보 포스터 공모전 심사 Evaluation of Blood donation promotion poster contest 대한적십자사 창립 100 주년 및 세계헌혈자의 날 기념 헌혈자 대축제 Korean Red Cross 100th anniversary/ World Blood Donor Day Event ~ 21 전 2001, 16 Blood Centers nation wide operate plateletpheresis donation). and high school Students on the importance of donation. 국 초 중 고등학생들을 대상으로 한 헌혈필요성 강조를 위한 계기수업 시행 Implementation of nationwide education for elementary, middle 성모와 마리아가 함께하는 사랑의 헌혈 행사에 인기가수 조성모와 팬클럽 회원들이 함께 참여 A popular singer, Seong-Mo Jo, and his fan club members participate in the Blood Donation Event 단국대학교부속고등학교 학생들의 헌혈 참여(이 날 은 골수이형성 증후군을 앓고 있는 친구를 돕기 위해 많은 학생들이 헌혈에 동참 하였다.) Participation in blood donation by student of the Senior high school attached to the College of Education of Dankook University(many Students participate to help a friend who has myelodysplastic syndrom) 서울고 학생들의 헌혈참여 Seoul high School students participate in blood donation 보건복지부에서 실시된 헌혈홍보대사 이영아 헌혈 캠페인 Blood Donation Campaign in Ministry of Health and Welfare with Blood Donation Ambasaddor Lee, Yeongah 스마트폰 헌혈 어플리케이션 스마트 헌혈 실시 Lanching of the Smartphone App for Blood Donation, Smart Blood Donation 혈액사업 비전. 미션 선포 Ceremony to reclarify Vision and Mission of Blood Services 제9회 세계헌혈자의 날 지구촌 이벤트 주관 Hosting the 9th World Blood Donor Day(WBDD) Global Event, and won Guiness World Record (the largest human blood drop) 매월 13일 헌혈의 날 제정 Designate every 13th as Blood Donation Day ~15 제1회 헌혈페스티벌 개최 Hosting the 1st Blood Donation Festival 화이트데이를 맞이하여 초콜릿보다는 헌혈로 사랑을 나누고 잎다는 미혼 남녀를 대상으로 사랑의 현혈 미팅이 이루어졌다. To celedrate White Day, unmarried people give this Blind Date Event LG트윈스와 함께하는 사랑의 헌혈 캠페인(헌혈자에게 사은품 으로 경기관람권을 제공) Blood Donation Campaign with LG Twins(KRC provides baseball game ticket as a gift for donors) ~ 20 포스코, 마이크로소프트 백혈병 어린이 돕기 사랑의 헌혈 캠페인 (헌혈자에게 광마우스와 영화 무료관람권을 주는 이벤트실시) The Blood Donation Campaign helping Children with Leukemia run by Posco and Microsoft (free optical mouses and free movie tickets were given to donors) 혈액관리본부 원주 혁신도시 신사옥 이전 Relocation of blood service Headquarters to Wonju Innovation City 제3 회 헌혈서포터즈 홈커밍데이 실시 Hosting the 3rd Blood Donation Supporters Homecoming day 비상대비업무 유공 대 통령표창 수여 2015 residential Citation rewarded for responding to the MERS outbreak


歯1.PDF 200176 .,.,.,. 5... 1/2. /. / 2. . 293.33 (54.32%), 65.54(12.13%), / 53.80(9.96%), 25.60(4.74%), 5.22(0.97%). / 3 S (1997)14.59% (1971) 10%, (1977).5%~11.5%, (1986)

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