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1 A GIS-Based Method for Delineating Spatial Clusters: A Modified AMOEBA Technique Sang-Il Lee* Daeheon Cho** Hakgi Sohn*** Miok Chae**** GIS LISA GIS LISA AMOEBA AMOEBA GIS AMOEBA Abstract The main objective of the paper is to develop a GIS-based method for delineating spatial clusters. Major tasks are: (i) to devise a sustainable algorithm with reference to various methods developed in the fields of geographic boundary analysis and cluster detection; (ii) to develop a GIS-based program to implement the algorithm. The main results are as follows. First, it is recognized that the AMOEBA technique utilizing LISA is the best candidate. Second, a modified version of the AMOEBA technique is proposed and implemented in a GIS environment. Third, the validity and usefulness of the modified AMOEBA algorithm is assured by its applications to test and real data sets. : geographic boundary analysis, cluster detection, delineation of spatial clusters, wombling, local indicators of spatial association (LISA), AMOEBA technique 2009 (Associate Professor, Department of Geography Education, Seoul National University), si_lee@snu.ac.kr (Professor for Special Appointment, The Graduate School of Education, Ewha Womans University), dhncho@gmail.com (Associate Research Fellow, Korea Research Institute for Human and Settlements), hgsohn@krihs.re.kr (Senior Research Fellow, Korea Research Institute for Human and Settlements), mochae@krihs.re.kr 502
2 (, Thurstain-Goodwin and Unwin, 2000; Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2002), (, Sutton, 2003; Balk et al., 2006), (Sohn, 2008; Sohn and Park, 2008) GIS (area objects) GIS GIS GIS (continuous field) (discrete objects) (Jacquez et al., 2000, 222) (Lee et al., 2009, 86-90) 503
3 (regular grid data) (spatially intensive variables) (Goodchild and Lam, 1980) (normalized) 1 (line objects) 1 2 (Jacquez et al., 2000, ) Figure 1 Figure 1 (a) (open boundary) (difference boundary) (Jacquez et al., 2000, 225) (b) (c) 2 (closed boundary) (areal boundary) (a) (b) (c) Figure 1. Three situations in geographic boundary analysis. (Source: Jacquez et al., 2000) 504
4 (Jacquez et al., 2000, 225) (b) (c) (b) (c) (b) (patch) (b) Figure 1 (a) (wombling) (b) (spatially constrained cluster analysis) (c) (cluster detection) Womble(1951) ecotone (Fortin and Dale, 2005, 184) (latticewombling) (Fortin and Dale, 2005, 190) (Jacquez et al., 2000, 228) (Lu and Carlin, 2005) (adjacency requirement) k- Legendre and Legendre,
5 (Fortin and Dale, 2005, 177) (Fortin and Dale, 2005, 180) (Figure 1 (c)) (Waller and Gotway, 2004; Lawson and Kleinman, 2005; Rogerson and Yamada, 2009; Tango, 2010) LISA(local indicators of spatial association, (Anselin, 1995) LISA Moran I i Geary c i (Anselin, 1995), Getis-Ord G i G i *(Getis and Ord, 1992; Ord and Getis, 1995; Getis and Ord, 1996) LISA ESDA(exploratory spatial data analysis 1990 (Anselin, 1996; Unwin, 1996; Anselin and Bao, 1997; Anselin, 1998; Brunsdon, 1998; Dykes, 1998; Unwin and Unwin, 1998). LISA Figure 1 LISA Figure 1(a) (difference boundary) LISA Moran I i Anselin(1996) Moran H-L L- H LISA Getis-Ord G i * Boots(2001) Getis-Ord G i * 506
6 G i * LISA Anselin Moran (Anselin and Bao, 1997) Moran H-H L-L H-L L-H Moran LISA Moran LISA LISA GeoDa (Anselin, 2003) Wulder and Boots(1998) Getis-Ord G i * G i * G i * (maximum G i *) (maximum G i * distance) Fortin and Dale(2005, 159) G i * G i * AMOEBA AMOEBA(A Multidirectional Optimal Ecotope- Based Algorithm) LISA (Aldstadt and Getis, 2006). AMOEBA LISA Getis-Ord G i * 507
7 1 s w ij n i j w ij 1 w ij 0 w ii (Aldstadt and Getis, 2006, 330) LISA Moran I i Geary c i Moran I i Geary c i Moran I i Getis-Ord G i * LISA Moran I i 0 0 Moran I i (spatial outlier) Geary c i Geary c i Moran I i Getis-Ord G i * G i * AMOEBA Getis-Ord G i * Moran I i Geary c i LISA Getis-Ord G i * Figure 2 AMOEBA 1 G i * G i *(0) G i * 1 G i *(0) z 508
8 G i *(0) 0 G i *(0) 0 G i * G i * G i *(1) G i *(0) 0 G i *(1) G i *(0) 1 G i *(0) 0 G i *(1) G i *(0) 1 Figure 2 (a) 1 (a) Stage 1 (b) Stage 2 (c) Stage 3 (d) Final Stage Figure 2. The AMOEBA algorithm. (Source: Aldstadt and Getis, 2006) 509
9 2 1 Figure 2 (b) (a) 7 G i * G i *(2) G i *(2) G i *(1) G i *(0) 0 2 G i * G i *(0) 0 Figure (d) Aldstadt and Getis(2006, 336) G i * G i * G i * Aldstatdt and Getis(2006) G i * G i * G i * G i * G i * G i * G i * G i * 510
10 공간 클러스터의 범역 설정을 위한 GIS-기반 방법론 연구 의 값이 중심 셀의 값보다 더 클 가능성이 높아 Gi* 통 를 추구하다 보면 결과적으로 큰 값에서 시작한 클러 계치가 지속적으로 증가할 수 있는데, 완변하는 양의 스터의 영역을 대부분 혹은 모두 포괄하게 되고, Gi* 공간적 자기상관이 존재하는 경우라면 결과적으로 상 통계치의 값도 더 커지게 된다. 샘플 자료를 이용하여 당히 넓은 범역이 하나의 클러스터로 탐지된다. 값이 가장 큰 지점(표준 점수 5.97)과 평균과 유사한 문제는 값이 매우 큰 셀부터 시작하여 탐색한 클러 지점(표준 점수 0.35)에 대해 각각 클러스터를 탐색한 스터와 평균과 유사한 셀부터 시작하여 탐색한 이 두 Figure 3은 위와 같은 사실을 잘 보여 준다. 두 클러스 클러스터가 중복되는 경우에서 분명히 드러난다. 보다 터는 서로 다른 셀에서 시작하였으나 서로 중복되었는 작은 값에서 시작한 클러스터는 높은 값들이 몰려있는 데(높은 값에서 시작한 클러스터가 낮은 값에서 시작 지점을 향해 확장해가게 되는데, Gi* 통계치의 최대화 한 클러스터에 포함됨), 값이 가장 큰 지점에서 탐색한 Figure 3. A comparison of different spatial cluster boundaries due to different starting cells. 시작 셀의 위치에 따라 상이하게 추출된 공간 클러스터 경계의 비교. -`511`-
11 G i * G i * AMOEBA Aldstadt and Getis(2006, 335) AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA 1 AMOEBA 2 AMOEBA 2 AMOEBA G i * G i * AMOEBA G i * G i * Figure 4. Conceptual framework for a GIS-based program for delineating spatial clusters. 512
12 GIS GIS ESRI ArcGIS(9.x) Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 ArcGIS COM DLL (Figure 4) ArcGIS Figure 5 ID G i * GIS Figure 5. A GIS-based program for delineating spatial cluster. 513
13 AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA Boots and Tiefelsdorf(2000) Boots(2001) (projection matrix) 2 (quadratic form) Moran Table 1 4 AMOEBA AMOEBA G i * 2 58 Figure 6 4 AMOEBA AMOEBA 1 AMOEBA 2 1 AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA 2 Moran I i 9 AMOEBA 7 AMOEBA 9 3 Moran I i AMOEBA AMOEBA 16 AMOEBA 9 AMOEBA Table 1. Statistical summary for test data. Descriptive Statistics Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3 Pattern 4 Mean Standard Deviation Maximum Minimum Moran s I
14 공간 클러스터의 범역 설정을 위한 GIS-기반 방법론 연구 AMOEBA Modified AMOEBA 1 Modified AMOEBA 2 Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3 Pattern 4 Figure 6. Results of spatial cluster delineation for test data (Black lines are cluster boundaries). 테스트 데이터에 대한 공간 클러스터 범역 설정 결과. -`515`-
15 15 1 AMOEBA 9 AMOEBA 1 AMOEBA 2 AMOEBA 1 AMOEBA 2 (a) AMOEBA (b) Modified AMOEBA 1 (c) Modified AMOEBA 2 Figure 7. Results of spatial cluster delineation for population density pattern of Gangnam-gu, Seoul. 516
16 G i * AMOEBA 2 AMOEBA (dasymetric areal interpolation) m (Lee and Kim, 2007) Figure 7 Table 2 AMOEBA 25 AMOEBA 1 AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA 1 AMOEBA 2 AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA 5 AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA 2 AMOEBA 1 Table 2. Statistical summary for results of spatial cluster delineation. Summary Statistics AMOEBA Modified AMOEBA 1 Modified AMOEBA 2 Number of spatial clusters Average area of spatial clusters(km 2 ) Total area of spatial clusters(km 2 ) Average population density of spatial clusters(persons/km 2 ) Standard deviation of population density of spatial clusters Maximum population density of spatial clusters(persons/km 2 ) Minimum population density of spatial clusters(persons/km 2 ) ,572 41,781 39,906 10,126 13,854 12,887 54,672 77,836 77,836 20,900 24,700 24,
17 AMOEBA 1 AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA AMOEBA 1 AMOEBA 2 LISA AMOEBA AMOEBA GIS AMOEBA 2 AMOEBA Aldstadt and Getis(2006) Getis-Ord G i * Moran I i (Kulldorff, 1997; 2009) Geary c i Lee S i (Lee, 2001; 2004; 2009) Lee S i AMOEBA (artificial neural network) (Moreira et al., 2007) 518
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The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:275~289 Received: 2016/12/02, Accepted: 2016/12/22 Revised: 2016/12/20, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] SNS is used in various fields. Although
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유자차 신제품에 대한 소비자 지불의사액 추정 강혜정 최지현 이기웅 유자차 신제품에 대한 소비자 지불의사액 추정 An Analysis on Estimation of Willingness to Pay for the New Products of Citrus Tea Assessed by Korean Consumers 강혜정* 최지현** 이기웅*** 1) Kang,
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Representation, Encoding and Intermediate View Interpolation Methods for Multi-view Video Using Layered Depth Images The multi-view video is a collection of multiple videos, capturing the same scene at
학습영역의 Taxonomy에 기초한 CD-ROM Title의 효과분석
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The Expansion of Bus Networks Connecting Incheon International Airport* Ju-Seong Han** Abstract This study seeks to clarify the background and factors for the expansion of bus networks that connect Incheon
A study on the characteristic of land use in subcenter of Seoul. - Cases of Yeongdeungpo and Kangnam Ok Kyung Yuh* Yong-Bae Lee**,. 2010,,..,.,,,,.,,.,,.,,,, Abstract : This study analyzed the land use
Introduction of Integrated Coastal Management Program and Sustainable Development of Fishing Villages in Cheonsu Bay Region* Boosung Kim** Abstract : Sustainable Development(SD) is an important concept
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Approach for Value Improvement to Increase High-speed Railway Speed An effective way to develop a highly competitive system is to create a new market place that can create new values. Creating tools and
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Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment, Vol. 22, No. 1(2013) pp.39~50 Prediction of Landslides Occurrence Probability under Climate Change using MaxEnt Model Kim, Hogul* Lee, Dong-Kun** Mo, Yongwon*
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부문별 에너지원 수요의 변동특성 및 공통변동에 미치는 거시적 요인들의 영향력 분석
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A Comparative Study on the Commuting Regional Type According to the Features of Foreigner Commuting Ju-Hyun Ryu* Abstract The purposes of this study are to identify many implications of commuting regional
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The characteristic analysis of winners and losers in curling: Focused on shot type, shot accuracy, blank end and average score SungGeon Park 1 & Soowo
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w wz 16«1y Kor. J. Clin. Pharm., Vol. 16, No. 1. 2006 x w$btf3fqpsu'psn û w m w Department of Statistics, Chonnam National University Eunsik Park College of Natural Sciences, Chonnam National University
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강의지침서 작성 양식
정보화사회와 법 강의지침서 1. 교과목 정보 교과목명 학점 이론 시간 실습 학점(등급제, P/NP) 비고 (예:팀티칭) 국문 정보화사회와 법 영문 Information Society and Law 3 3 등급제 구분 대학 및 기관 학부(과) 전공 성명 작성 책임교수 법학전문대학원 법학과 최우용 2. 교과목 개요 구분 교과목 개요 국문 - 정보의 디지털화와 PC,
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp DOI: The Effect of Caree
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FPS게임 구성요소의 중요도 분석방법에 관한 연구 2 계층화 의사결정법에 의한 요소별 상관관계측정과 대안의 선정 The Study on the Priority of First Person Shooter game Elements using Analytic Hierarchy Process 주 저 자 : 배혜진 에이디 테크놀로지 대표 Bae, Hyejin AD Technology
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A Study on the Relationships between Self-Differentiation and Adaptability Factors for Senior Dementia Patients Care Givers Department of Social Welfare, Seoul Welfare Graduate University Full-time Lecturer
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Performance Optimization of SCTP in Wireless Internet Environments The existing works on Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) was focused on the fixed network environment. However, the number of
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Analyses the Contents of Points per a Game and the Difference among Weight Categories after the Revision of Greco-Roman Style Wrestling Rules Han-bong
Analyses the Contents of Points per a Game and the Difference among Weight Categories after the Revision of Greco-Roman Style Wrestling Rules Han-bong An 1 & Kyoo-jeong Choi 2 * 1 Korea National Wrestling
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Geomorphic Development of Marine Terraces at Jeongdongjin-Daejin area on the East Coast, Central Part of Korean Peninsula Soon-Ock Yoon*, Sang-Ill Hwang** and Hak-Kyun Ban*** Abstract : In this paper we
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국립국어원 20010-00-00 발간등록번호 00-000000-000000-00 국어정책 통계 조사 및 통계 연보 작성 연구책임자 이순영 제 출 문 국립국어원장 귀하 국어정책 통계 조사 및 통계 연보 작성 에 관하여 귀 원과 체결한 연 구 용역 계약에 의하여 연구 보고서를 작성하여 제출합니다. 2010년 12월 2일 연구책임자: 이순영(고려대학교 국어교육과)
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소도시 공공디자인 기본계획의 실효성 및 지속성 제고에 관한 연구 - 고성군을 중심으로 - Study on Public Design Master Plan to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability - Focusing on Goseong-Gun - 주저자 김정범 Kim, Jungbum 경동대학교 디자인학과 교수 Professor
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A Study on the Spatial Distribution of Local Foods and Regional Products in the Seomjin River Area* Jeong-ok Kim**Mal-shick Shin***Jeong-rock Lee****Mun-hyun Jang*****,,,,,,,,,. 36, 15, 14, 5, 19. 32,
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, thcho@kisaorkr IPAK (Information Protection Assessment Kit) IAM (INFOSEC Assessment Methodology) 4 VAF (Vulnerability Assessment Framework) 5 OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp DOI: A Study on Organizi
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp.441-460 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21024/pnuedi.28.4.201812.441 A Study on Organizing Software Education of Special Education Curriculum
Political Science& International Relations EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY
Political Science& International Relations EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Public Administration EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Economics EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Library & Information Science EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Sociology