2. This poetry is not ; it is more likely to appeal to an international audience than is poetry with strictly regional themes. (A) familiar (B) democr

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1 Sentence Completion: Choose the one which could best complete each blank of the following sentences. 1. I kept telling Rob not to so much, but he never listened, and was always up writing papers at 5 a.m., then complaining when he received poor grades. (A) procrastinate (B) predetermine (C) relapse (D) imbibe (E) suppress Voca Check procrastinate v. 연기하다, 미루다; 잠시 중단하다 syn. dally, dawdle, delay, dilly-dally, drag, lag, linger, loiter, poke, tarry, trail predetermine v. 미리 예정되다; 미리 운명지어지다; 미리 결정되다 syn. destine, fate, foreordain, predestinate, predestine, preordain. relapse v. 원상태로 되돌아가다, 역행하다; 재발하다, 도지다 (병) syn. backslide, lapse, regress, retrogress, revert. imbibe v. 흡수하다, 마시다 syn. absorb, assimilate, digest, take up. suppress v. 억압하다, 진압하다; 억제하다, 막다, 금하다; 침묵시키다, 폭로하지 못하게 하다; 출혈을 막다 syn. ban, black out, censor, hush (up), stifle. 1

2 2. This poetry is not ; it is more likely to appeal to an international audience than is poetry with strictly regional themes. (A) familiar (B) democratic (C) technical (D) complex (E) provincial Voca Check appeal v. 애원하다, 호소하다; 항소하다, 상고하다; 흥미를 끌다 syn. address, apply, approach, petition international adj. 국제의, 국제상의 regional adj. 지역적인; 특정한 지방의, 국소적인 syn. sectional, territorial. familiar adj. 평범한, 보통의; 익숙한; 잘 알고 있는, 친한; 거리낌없이 대할 수 있는, 격의 없이 대할 수 있는; 유순한; 길들인 ( 고어) syn. common, everyday, frequent, regular, routine, widespread. democratic adj. 민주 주의의 ( 국민에 의해 운영되는 정부의); 민주주의 원리의 ( 평등한 권리와 특권) syn. general, popular, public. technical adj. 기술의; 기술적인; 전문화된; 기계적인; 응용된 complex adj. 복합적인; 복잡한 syn. composite, compound. provincial adj. 지방의, 영토의; 시골의, 소도시의; 소견이 좁은, 편협한 syn. arcadian, bucolic, campestral, country, pastoral, rural, rustic. 2

3 3. The candidate's speech was filled with empty promises, and cliches. (A) threats (B) ingenuity (C) platitudes (D) wrath (E) candor Voca Check cliches n. 판에 박은 문구, 스테레오판 threat n. 위협, 협박, 공갈 syn. intimidation, menace, foreboding, forewarning, thundercloud. ingenuity n. 영리함, 기술이 있음, 정교 syn. creativeness, creativity, ingeniousness, invention, inventiveness, originality. platitude n. 평범함, 단조로움, 진부함; 상투용어, 지루한 말 syn. banality, bromide, cliché, commonplace, stereotype, truism. wrath n. 격노, 울화 syn. furor, fury, irateness, ire, rage, wrathfulness. candor n. 솔직함, 정직함, 신실함 3

4 4. Despite the mixture s nature, we found that by lowering its temperature in the laboratory we could dramatically reduce its tendency to vaporize. (A) resilient (B) volatile (C) homogeneous (D) insipid (E) acerbic Voca Check mixture n. 혼합, 혼합물, 조합 syn. assortment, conglomeration, gallimaufry, hodgepodge, jumble, medley, mélange, miscellany, mishmash, mixed bag, olio, patchwork, potpourri, salmagundi, variety. lower v. 낮추다, 떨어뜨리다; 줄이다; 내리다; 감소시키다; 낮게 하다; 비하하다, 위엄을 떨어 뜨리다; 날씨가 험악해지 다; 얼굴을 찌푸리다 syn. cheapen, depreciate, depress, devaluate, devalue, downgrade, mark down, reduce, write down. vaporize v. 증발하다, 증발시키다; 기화하다, 기화시키다 syn. boil away, evaporate, volatilize. resilient adj. 탄성이 있는, 유연한; 쾌활한 syn. elastic, flexible, flexile, springy, supple. volatile adj. 휘발하는, 빨리 증발하는; 변덕스러운; 재빨리 바뀌는 syn. capricious, changeable, erratic, fantastic, fantastical, fickle, freakish, inconsistent, inconstant, mercurial, temperamental, ticklish, uncertain, unpredictable, unstable, unsteady, variable, whimsical. homogeneous adj. 동종의, 같은, 유사한 insipid adj. 풍미가 없는 syn. bland, flat, flavorless, tasteless, unsavory. acerbic adj. 가혹한, 신랄한 syn. acid, acidic, acrid, astringent, biting, caustic, corrosive, cutting, mordacious, mordant. 4

5 5. Researchers in the area of artificial intelligence have found the human brain's ability to recognize patterns less easy to than its problem-solving ability. (A) revivify (B) deduce (C) intimate (D) emulate (E) enunciate Voca Check artificial adj. 인공의, 진짜가 아닌 syn. manmade, manufactured, synthetic, mannered, precious. revivify v. 소생시키다 syn. freshen, refresh, reinvigorate, rejuvenate, renew, restore, revitalize. deduce v. 연역하다, 결과를 유출하다 syn. conclude, deduct, draw, gather, infer, judge, understand. intimate v. 공표하다, 선언하다 (고어); 암시하다 syn. hint, imply, insinuate, suggest. emulate v....와 경쟁하다,...을 열심히 흉내내다,...을 열심히 모방하다,...에 필적하다, 에뮬레이트하다 syn. compete, contend, contest, rival, vie. enunciate v. 선언하다; 똑똑히 발음하다 syn. articulate, pronounce, say, utter, vocalize. 5

6 6. The department store has developed rapid order processing to deliveries to customers. (A) expedite (B) degrade (C) submerge (D) fluctuate Voca Check expedite v. 진척시키다 syn. ease, facilitate, accelerate, hasten, hurry, hustle, quicken, speed (up), step up. degrade v. 지위를 낮추다, 가치를 떨어뜨리다, 퇴화시키다; 저하시키다 ( 크기나 양에서); 유기 화합물을 감성하다( 화학) syn. cheapen, debase, demean², downgrade. submerge v. 침잠하다, 수면 밑으로 가라앉다; 물에 잠기다; 가라앉다; 덮히다 syn. dip, douse, duck, dunk, immerge, immerse, souse, submerse. fluctuate v. 파동치다, 변동하다, 동요시키다, 변동시키다 6

7 7. To many physicians, the of computer diagnosis for human judgment and concern is immoral. Also, it is doubted that it can replace completely the interrelationship between physicians and patients. (A) solution (B) replacement (C) progress (D) substitution Voca Check diagnosis n. 진단, 진단법 immoral adj. 부도덕한, 부도덕한, 품행이 좋지 않은; 타락한, 음란한, 풍기를 해치는 syn. bad, black, evil, iniquitous, peccant, reprobate, sinful, vicious, wicked, wrong. replacement n. 대치, 교체; 대체, 교환 syn. alternate, stand-in, substitute, surrogate. Informal : fill-in, pinch hitter, sub. progress n. 진행, 진보; 발전 syn. advance, advancement, furtherance, headway, march¹, progression. substitution n. 대리, 치환 syn. change, commutation, exchange, interchange, shift, switch, trade, transposition 7

8 8. In his attempt to appear to have superior intellect, the professor would intentionally obfuscate until he had a change of heart and admitted that his attitude was unprofessional and. (A) colloquial (B) illogical (C) condescending (D) immoral (E) fortuitous Voca Check obfuscate v. 혼미하게 하다, 당황하게 하다, 난처하게 하다 syn. becloud, bedim, befog, blear, blur, cloud, dim, dull, eclipse, fog, gloom, mist, obscure, overcast, overshadow, shadow. unprofessional adj. 직업적지 않은; 직업윤리에 어긋나는 syn. amateurish, dilettante, dilettantish, nonprofessional, unskilled, unskillful. colloquial adj. 일상 회화의; 구어의 syn. chatty, confabulatory, conversational, informal. illogical adj. 비논리적인, 비합리적인 syn. fallacious, false, invalid, sophistic, specious, spurious, unsound. condescending adj. 겸손한; 은혜를 베푸는, 생색내는 immoral adj. 부도덕한, 부도덕한, 품행이 좋지 않은; 타락한, 음란한, 풍기를 해치는 syn. bad, black, evil, iniquitous, peccant, reprobate, sinful, vicious, wicked, wrong. fortuitous adj. 뜻밖의 syn. accidental, casual, chance, contingent, fluky, inadvertent, odd. 8

9 9. The life of Rumel, who enhanced his own political strength as he fought his people s freedom, suggests that not all liberation movements result in the of their leaders. (A) corruption (B) canonization (C) self-glorification (D) downfall (E) romanticization Voca Check enhance v. 증가 시키다; 강화 시키다; 상승시키다, 개선시키다; 가치를 높이다 syn. become, flatter, suit, adorn, beautify, embellish, grace, set off. corruption n. 부정; 비도덕적임; 타락, 부패 syn. bestiality, depravity, flagitiousness, immorality, perversion, turpitude, vice, villainousness, villainy, wickedness. canonization n. 시성, 시성식, 죽은 사람을 성인품에 올리기; 공인하기, 승인하기 self-glorification n. 우월감, 자부 downfall n. 패망, 멸망, 함락; 폭우, 폭설 syn. comedown, descent, down, downgrade, collapse, fall, waterloo. romanticization n. 공상적으로 표현하기, 낭만화 9

10 10. The constitutional guarantee of free speech may have aimed at protecting native speakers of English from censorship, but it is not a great to interpret it as protecting the right to express oneself in any natural language or dialect. (A) enigma (B) extension (C) sacrifice (D) condemnation (E) attenuation Voca Check censorship n. 검열, 검열 제도 interpret v. 설명하다, 해명하다, 뜻을 풀다; 통역하다; 자기 뜻대로 이해하다; 자기 해석대로 역할을 하다, 연출하다 syn. construe, decipher, explain, explicate, expound, spell out. dialect n. 방언, 사투리, 어떤 특정한 지역에서만 씌이는 말의 형태; 어파, 어떤 언어의 종속어 syn. argot, cant, jargon, lingo, patois, vernacular. enigma n. 수수께끼; 수수께끼 같은 사람 또는 사물 syn. conundrum, mystery, perplexity, puzzle, puzzler, riddle extension n. 신장, 뻗음, 신장부분, 연장부분, 연장선, 확장부분, 신장량, 신장도, 전충성, 확충, 외연, 연기, 공개 강좌 syn. enlargement, expansion, spread. sacrifice n. 신에게 제물을 바침; 신에게 바치는 제물; 희생; 실제 가격이하로 판매하여 보는 손해 syn. cost, expense, price, toll. condemnation n. 비난; 유죄 판결 syn. blame, censure, criticism, denunciation, reprehension, reprobation attenuation n. 가늘게 됨, 회석, 감쇠 syn. debilitation, depletion, devitalization, enervation, enfeeblement, impoverishment. 10

11 11. Out of the twenty board members, fifteen members voted for the proposal, three voted against, and two. (A) consented (B) brainstormed (C) subsisted (D) abstained Voca Check proposal n. 신청, 제안; 계획; 결혼신청 syn. bid, offer, proffer, tender. vote against ~에 반대 투표를 하다 consent v. 동의하다; 승인하다, 인정하다 syn. accede, accept, acquiesce, agree, assent, nod, subscribe, yes. subsist v. 생존하다, 존재하다; 존속하다 syn. be, breathe, exist, live. abstain v. 피하다, 회피하다; 삼가다, 끊다 syn. forbear, hold off, keep, refrain, withhold. 11

12 12. A number of economists are concerned that the ability investors now have to quickly move capital from one market to another has created a situation that could lead to prices and destabilize the world economy. (A) alluring (B) prosperous (C) volatile (D) exotic (E) sporadic Voca Check destabilize v. (체제 국가 정부 등을) 불안정하게 만들다 alluring adj. 유혹하는 syn. bewitching, come-hither, enticing, inveigling, inviting, luring, seductive, siren, tempting, witching. prosperous adj. 성공하는; 번영하는, 번창하는 syn. booming, boomy, flourishing, prospering, roaring, thrifty, thriving. volatile adj. 휘발하는, 빨리 증발하는; 변덕스러운; 재빨리 바뀌는 syn. capricious, changeable, erratic, fantastic, fantastical, fickle, freakish, inconsistent, inconstant, mercurial, temperamental, ticklish, uncertain, unpredictable, unstable, unsteady, variable, whimsical. exotic adj. 외래의; 이국적인, 특별한 syn. alien, foreign, strange. sporadic adj. 불규칙적인, 때때로 일어나는 syn. infrequent, occasional, rare, scarce, uncommon, unusual. 12

13 13. The ways in which a person can be exposed to carcinogens are ; for example, one can inhale tobacco smoke, ingest nitrates, absorb pesticides through the skin, or expose oneself to X-ray or ultraviolet radiation. (A) infinitesimal (B) convoluted (C) innumerable (D) comprehensive (E) advantageous Voca Check carcinogens n. 발암물질, 발암성물질 inhale v. 흡입하다, 빨아들이다 syn. breathe (in), inspire. ingest v. 섭취하다; 흡수하다 syn. consume, devour, eat, fare, partake, swallow, take nitrate n. 질산염, 질에스테르 absorb v. 흡수하다; 흡수 동화하다, 열중시키다 syn. drink, imbibe, soak (up), sop up, take up. ultraviolet radiation n. 자외선 infinitesimal adj. 미소한 syn. imperceptible, microscopic. convolute adj. 둘둘 말린 innumerable adj. 셀 수 없는 syn. countless, immeasurable, incalculable, incomputable, inestimable, infinite, measureless, uncountable. comprehensive adj. 포괄적인, 광범위한; 어떤 문제에 대해 전반적으로 이해하는 syn. all-around, all-inclusive, all-round, broad, broad-spectrum, expansive, extended, extensive, far-ranging, far-reaching, general, global, inclusive, large, overall, sweeping, wide-ranging, wide-reaching, widespread. advantageous adj. 유리한; 도움이 되는 syn. benefic, beneficent, beneficial, benignant, favorable, good, helpful, profitable, propitious, salutary, toward, useful. 13

14 14. Although retiring, almost self-effacing in his private life, he displays in his plays and essays a strong penchant for publicity and. (A) shyness (B) redemption (C) controversy (D) evasion (E) recipe Voca Check self-effacing adj. 표면에 나서지 않는 syn. backward, bashful, coy, demure, diffident, modest, retiring, shy, timid. display v. 표시하다, 표명하다, 나타내 보이다, 전시하다; 드러내다; 자랑해 보이다 syn. demonstrate, evidence, evince, exhibit, manifest, proclaim, reveal, show. penchant n. 경향 syn. bent, bias, cast, disposition, leaning, partiality, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, proneness, propensity, squint, tendency, trend, turn. publicity n. 널리 알려짐; 광고, 선전; 공표, 공개, 공시 syn. advertisement, ballyhoo, buildup, promotion, puffery. shyness n. 수줍음, 부끄러움 syn. backwardness, bashfulness, coyness, retiringness, timidity, timidness. redemption n. 지불; 상환; 태환, 현금화; 구제, 속제; 이행, 수행; 정정 controversy n. 논쟁 syn. altercation, argument, bicker, clash, contention, debate, difficulty, disagreement, dispute, fight, polemic, quarrel, run-in, spat, squabble evasion n. 회피, 발뺌, 교묘한 회피 syn. avoidance, bypass, circumvention, escape recipe n. 처방, 수법, 비결; 조리법; 처방 14

15 15. Hoping to our cat Fred, Lollipop, the poodle, lay very still, all bunched up, pretending to be a black rock until Fred came close. (A) irritate repeatedly (B) demonstrate kindness to (C) hoodwink (D) attack with a sudden unexpected maneuver Voca Check bunch up 무리를 짓다[함께 모이다]; 함께 모으다 irritate v. 짜증나게 하다, 귀찮게 하다, 화를 내다; 과민반응을 일으키다(의학) syn. aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, chafe, disturb, exasperate, fret, gall², get, irk, nettle, peeve, provoke, put out, rile, ruffle, vex. hoodwink v. 가리개를 씌우다 syn. beguile, betray, bluff, cozen, deceive, delude, double-cross, dupe, fool, humbug, mislead, take in, trick. maneuver n. 전술적 행동; 방향전환 또는 운송기의 방향전환; 기술적 전술적 움직임; 전략 syn. measure (often used in plural), move, procedure, step, tactic. 15

16 16. Perhaps part of the of adolescent behavior is traceable to the violent swing between being and wanting to be independent. (A) maturity radical (B) predictability moody (C) irony mature (D) capriciousness dependent (E) creativity unpredictable Voca Check syn. adolescent adj. 청년기의, 한창 젊은 traceable adj. 흔적을 찾아 추적할 수 있는 independent adj. 남의 영향을 받지 않는, 자유로운; 자치의, 자주적인, 독립적인; 자립의 syn. autonomous, free, self-governing, sovereign. predictability n. 예언할 수 있음 moody adj. 침울한, 우울한, 기분이 좋지 않은; 변덕스러운 syn. dour, gloomy, glum, morose, saturnine, sour, sulky, sullen, surly. irony n. 반어, 풍자, 쓰여진 것과는 반대적인 의미를 전달하는 의도를 담은 말 또는 글; 기대되는 것과 현실사이에의 대조 capriciousness n. 변덕스러움, 충동적임 16

17 17. Our synagogue was throwing a coming-out party for our new officiant, which was to be as Coffee With the Rabbi. The guest of honor, an Argentine, suggested that rather than coffee we serve a variation of a South American tea called mate. Soon that idea was quickly when we realized that we would be inviting congregants to Mate With the Rabbi. (A) billed dismissed (B) fixed applauded (C) passed got (D) dubbed acclaimed Voca Check synagogue n. 유태 교회당 officiant n. 사제, 당회목사 congregant n. (집회 등에) 모이는 사람; (특히 유대 교회의) 회중( 會 衆 )의 한 사람 bill v....에게 계산서를 보내다; 알리다, 광고하다 syn. invoice. dismiss v. 떠나게 하다, 해산시키다; 해고시키다, 해임하다; 석방하다, 풀어주다 syn. bump, eject, evict, expel, oust, throw out. applaud v. 박수 갈채하다; 칭찬하다 syn. acclaim, commend, compliment, laud, praise. dub v. 작위를 주다, 주다, 기름 칠을 하다, 잘못치다, 새로이 녹음하다, 합성하다, 다른 나라 말로필름에, 찌르다, 전부 치르다 syn. baptize, call, christen, denominate, designate, entitle, name, style, term, title. acclaim v. 갈채하다, 환호하다; 환호하며 소리지르다 syn. celebrate, eulogize, exalt, extol, glorify, hail², honor, laud, magnify, panegyrize, praise. 17

18 18. Stress is experienced when an individual feels that the of the environment individual's resources for handling them. (A) circumstance intensify (B) details exclude (C) benefits reveal (D) demands exceed Voca Check circumstance n. 사정, 상황, 환경, 영향을 주는 요소 syn. detail, fact, factor, particular. intensify v. 강하게 하다, 강해지다; 증가시키다 syn. aggravate, deepen, enhance, heighten, redouble. exclude v. 배제하다, 제외하다; 일어나지 못하게 하다; 쫓아내다, 거절하다 syn. bar, count out, debar, eliminate, except, keep out, rule out, shut out. reveal v. 드러내다, 보이다; 들추다, 폭로하다 syn. bare, disclose, display, expose, show, unclothe, uncover, unmask, unveil. demand n. 요구; 강한 요구 exceed v....의 한도를 넘다, 넘다,...보다 크다, 우월하다, 도를 넘다, 탁월하다 syn. best, better, excel, outdo, outmatch, outrun, outshine, outstrip, pass, surpass, top, transcend. 18

19 19. The president's secretary and his chief aide adored him, and both wrote obsessively personal memoirs about him; unfortunately, however, does not make for true intimacy. (A) fatuous frankness (B) devoted idolatry (C) garrulous confidentiality (D) candid discretion Voca Check aide n. 부관, 조력자, 보좌관, 도우미 syn. adjutant, assistant, auxiliary, coadjutant, coadjutor, deputy, helper, lieutenant, second adore v. 숭배하다, 무척 좋아하다 syn. idolize, revere, reverence, venerate, worship. obsessively adv. 강박관념적으로 memoir n. 회상록, 전기, 약전, 연구논문, 연구보고 syn. commentary (often used in plural), reminiscence (often used in plural). intimacy n. 친밀, 친분; 친교; 따뜻한 우정; 간통, 정교; 사생활 syn. chumminess, closeness, companionship, comradeship, familiarity, fellowship, friendship. fatuous adj. 얼빠진, 바보의, 실체가 없는 syn. brainless, foolish, insensate, mindless, senseless, silly, unintelligent, weak-minded, witless. devote v. 바치다, 헌신하다 syn. address, apply, bend, buckle down, concentrate, dedicate, direct, focus, give, turn. idolatry n. 우상숭배, 사신 숭배 garrulous adj. 잘 지껄이는, 시끄럽게 지저귀는, 수다스러운 syn. chatty, conversational, loquacious, talkative, talky, voluble. confidentiality n. 비밀, 은밀함; 친밀함, 허물없음 candid adj. 솔직한 syn. direct, downright, forthright, frank, honest, ingenuous, man-to-man, open, plainspoken, straight, straightforward, straight-out, unreserved. discretion n. 신중함, 현명함, 신중한 판단 syn. caution, circumspection, forehandedness, foresight, foresightedness, forethought, forethoughtfulness, precaution, prudence. 19

20 20. The crooked accountant insured his own conviction by keeping two sets of ; one with the figures he reported, the other with the real numbers. (A) accounts idiosyncratic (B) semaphores abstruse (C) ledgers disingenuous (D) files candid (E) cenotaphs sincere Voca Check crooked adj. 구부러진; 마음이 비뚤어진, 부정직한 syn. corrupt, dishonest, venal. accountant n. 회계원, 회계관 insure v. 보험에 가입하다, 위험에서 지키다, 안전하게하다; 보장하다, 보증하다, 확실하게 하다 syn. assure, ensure, guarantee, secure, warrant semaphore n. 신호장치, 수기 신호, 신호기 ledger n. 원장, 비계에 가로 댄 통나무, 덧줄, 악보의 덧줄, 대장 file n. 서류철, 철, 파일, 열, 오, 세로줄, 줄, 빈틈없는 사람 syn. column, line, queue, rank¹, row¹, string, tier. cenotaph n. 기념비, 제 일 대전 전사자 기념비 idiosyncratic adj. 특질의, 특유의; 특이 체질의 abstruse adj. 난해한 syn. deep, esoteric, profound, recondite. disingenuous adj. 솔직하지 않은 syn. devious, duplicitous, guileful, indirect, lubricious, shifty, sneaky, underhand candid adj. 솔직한 syn. direct, downright, forthright, frank, honest, ingenuous, man-to-man, open sincere adj. 성실한, 솔직한, 진실된 syn. genuine, heartfelt, hearty, honest, natural, real, true, unaffected, unfeigned, unmannered. 20

21 21. There is a myth among people which suggests that, because the poor are pressed to crime by their poverty, and because the rich could hardly have gained their possessions with honesty and constructive work. (A) the poor are all criminals (B) the poor are worse criminals than the rich (C) both the poor and the wealthy are criminals (D) many honest people can become rich Voca Check press v. 밀어대다, 압력을 가하다; 다림질 하다; 징집하다 syn. bear, push. hardly adv. 애써서; 거의...않다 syn. barely, just, scarce, scarcely. constructive adj. 유용한, 건설적인; 건설의 21

22 22. Confusion arises over these terms because the comparative study of government often refers to the study of foreign governments, and comparative politics is utilized in the search for comparisons in the study of all forms of political activity governmental as well as nongovernmental. Thus, the comparative politics specialist tends to view comparative politics as. (A) the study of everything political (B) the study of nongovernment (C) the study of foreign governments (D) the informal study of government Voca Check confusion n. 혼동; 당황; 갈팡질팡함, 난처함 syn. chaos, clutter, confusedness, derangement, disarrangement, disarray, disorder comparative adj. 비교의; 비교적인; 비교급의(문법) syn. relative. utilize v. 이용하다 syn. actuate, apply, employ, exercise, exploit, implement, practice, use. 22

23 23. The labor union and the company's management, despite their long history of unfailingly acerbic disagreement on nearly every issue, have nevertheless reached an unexpectedly, albeit still tentative, agreement on next year's contract. (A) swift (B) onerous (C) hesitant (D) reluctant (E) conclusive Voca Check unfailingly adv. 실패없이 albeit conj. 비록...이기는 하나 tentative adj. 시험적인; 임시적인; 주저하는 syn. preliminary, rough, sketchy, unfinished, unperfected, unpolished. swift adj. 빠른, 순식간의; 즉석의; 순간적인; 현명한, 재치있는(구어) syn. brief, expeditious, fast, flying, hasty, hurried, quick, rapid, short, speedy. onerous adj. 번거로운, 부담이 따르는; 압력을 주는; 유상의, 부담이 따른(법률) syn. arduous, backbreaking, burdensome, demanding, difficult, effortful, exacting, exigent hesitant adj. 주저하는, 멈칫거리는, 머뭇거리는, 주춤거리는 syn. halting, indecisive, irresolute, pendulous, shilly-shally, tentative, timid, vacillant reluctant adj. 싫어하는, 저항하는, 반항하는, 거부하는 syn. averse, disinclined, indisposed, loath, unwilling. conclusive adj. 단호한; 결정적인 syn. crucial, deciding, decisive, determinative. 23

24 24. To say that we live in an age of science is a commonplace, but it is. From the point of view of our predecessors, if they could view our society, we should, no doubt, appear to be very scientific, but from the point of view of our successors it is probable that the exact opposite would seem to be the case. (A) a paradox as well (B) only partially true (C) all too groundless (D) equivalent to the whole truth Voca Check commonplace adj. 평범한, 일상적인, 진부한 syn. average, common, cut-and-dried, formulaic, garden, garden-variety, indifferent, mediocre, ordinary, plain, routine, run-of-the-mill, standard, stock, undistinguished, unexceptional, unremarkable. predecessor n. 전임자, 전임; 조상 syn. ancestor, antecedent, forerunner, precursor, progenitor. successor n. 계승자, 상속자; 후임자, 후계자 partially adv. 편견적으로, 편파적으로; 부분적으로 groundless adj. 기초없는; 근거 없는 baseless, bottomless, idle, unfounded, unwarranted. equivalent adj. 동등한, 동등한 가치의, 대등하게 중요한; 상당하는, 대응하는 syn. equal, even, identical, same, tantamount. 24

25 25. Some people think that population means strength. They think that large nations with many people can conquer neighboring nations with fewer people. They think that if their own nation does not increase its population, a neighboring nation which does increase its population will conquer them., some nations think that they must have more and more babies, more and more people, if they are to remain strong and free. (A) In contrast (B) So far (C) For this reason (D) In addition (E) To begin with Voca Check conquer v. 정복하다, 승리를 얻다 syn. beat, best, defeat, master, overcome, prevail against so far 지금까지 to begin with 처음에는, 우선, 먼저 25

26 1. The rations the troops were expected to live on were so that many starved, and many more deserted the army. (A) bountiful (B) meager (C) succulent (D) strenuous (E) malignant ration n. 분량, 배급량; 한사람분의 식사, 개인 정량 allocation, allotment, allowance, dole, lot, measure, part, portion, quantum, quota, share, split. troop n. 단체; 대; 군대, 기병 중대; 군인 assemblage, assembly, body, company, conclave, conference, congregation, congress, convention, starve v. 기근에 허덕이다, 오랫동안 물과 식량없이 지내다; 굶어 죽다;시장기를 느끼다 (구어); 갈망하다 desert v. 버리다, 포기하다; 무단 탈영하다 apostatize, defect, renegade, tergiversate, turn. bountiful adj. 아낌없이 주는, 풍부한 abundant, ample, bounteous, copious, generous, heavy, plenitudinous, plenteous, plentiful, substantial, voluminous. meager adj. 빈약한, 결핍된, 부족한; 마른 exiguous, poor, puny, scant, scanty, skimpy, spare, sparse, stingy, thin. succulent adj. 즙이 많은; 과육의; 맛있는 strenuous adj. 분투하는; 원기 왕성한, 정열적인 active, brisk, dynamic, dynamical, energetic, forceful, kinetic, lively, sprightly, vigorous. malignant adj. 악의 있는, 적의 있는; 유해한; 치명적인 ( 병리학); 암적인 ( 병리학) black, despiteful, evil, hateful, malevolent, malicious, malign, nasty, poisonous, spiteful, venomous, vicious, wicked. 26

27 2. Compassion is a great respecter of justice; we pity those who suffer. (A) shamelessly (B) unwittingly (C) vicariously (D) intensively (E) undeservedly compassion n. 측은히 여김, 자비로움, 동정, 연민 commiseration, condolence, empathy, pity, sympathy. respecter n. 사람을 차별 대우하는 사람 justice n. 정의, 공평; 정당함, 옳고 정당한 것을 지지하는 것; 적절한 상벌의 수여; 사법, 재판; 법관, 재판관 detachment, disinterest, disinterestedness, dispassion, dispassionateness shamelessly adv. 부끄럼없이 unwittingly adv. 모르게 vicariously adv. 대리로서, 대리로 intensively adv. 대단히, 집중적으로, 고도로 completely, exhaustively, thoroughly. undeservedly adv. 받을만한 값어치가 없게 27

28 3. To the dismay of the student body, the class president was berated by the principal at a school assembly. (A) ignominiously (B) privately (C) magnanimously (D) fortuitously (E) inconspicuously dismay n. 공포, 놀람, 두려움 consternation. berate v. 호되게 꾸짖다, 야단치다 bawl out, rate. ignominiously adv. 불명예스럽게, 창피하게; 비열하게. privately adv. 몰래; 개인적으로 magnanimously adv. 관대하게, 아량 있게; 고상하게, 고결하여. fortuitously adv. 우연히 inconspicuously adv. 눈에 띄지 않게, 두드러지지 않게, 주의를 끌지 않게 28

29 4. Even though all of the guests at the dinner party were, the food was so poorly prepared that no one ate more than a small portion. (A) surly (B) invited (C) ravenous (D) forewarned portion n. 일부, 부분; 음식의 인분; 배당금; 지참금 cut, piece, section, segment, slice. surly adj. 기분이 언짢은, 뚱한, 성질이 못된 dour, gloomy, glum, moody, morose, saturnine, sour, sulky, sullen. ravenous adj. 몹시 굶주린; 마구 먹어대는, 게걸스러운, 식탐하는; 갈망하는 edacious, gluttonous, greedy, hoggish, piggish, voracious. forewarned adj. 미리 경고한 29

30 5. Remarkable advances in molecular biology have made it possible for doctors to diagnose certain genetic, such as Down's syndrome, before a person is born. (A) diagnoses (B) aberrations (C) mentors (D) difficulties (E) denotations molecular biology n. 분자생물학 genetic adj. 유전학적인; 유전적인, 세습적인 aberration n. 정도에서 벗어남, 정신이상, 변형, 수차 aberrance, aberrancy, abnormality, anomaly, deviance, deviancy, deviation, irregularity, preternaturalness, unnaturalness. mentor n. 정신적 지도자, 조언자, 충고자, 현명한 사람; 지도하거나 가르치는 사람 adviser, consultant, counselor. denotation n. 지시, 표시; 의미; 상징 acceptation, connotation, import, intent, meaning, message, purport, sense, significance, significancy, signification, value. 30

31 6. As in all cases where the sisters argued, their mother was called upon to the situation and work out a suitable compromise. (A) eliminate (B) belittle (C) adjudicate (D) concede (E) illuminate call upon (연설 등을) ~에게 청하다[부탁하다] work out (일이) 잘 풀리다[좋게 진행되다] compromise n. 타협 accommodation, arrangement, give-and-take, medium, settlement. eliminate v. 제거하다, 없애다 drop, omit, remove. belittle v. 얕잡아 보다; 헐뜯다, 경시하다; 비난하다 decry, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, derogate adjudicate v. 판결을 내리다, 판결하다, 재결하다, 선고하다 adjudge, arbitrate, decide, decree, determine, judge, referee, rule, umpire. concede v. 인정하다; 양보하다, 포기하다 acknowledge, admit, avow, confess, grant, own (up). illuminate v. 비추다, 밝게 하다; 설명하다, 명백히하다; 장식하다 edify, enlighten, illume, illumine. 31

32 7. Flamingos and whales have something in common; both are suspension feeders. They obtain food by taking in large quantities of water and ejecting it through a filtering system, thus extracting preys or plants that are too to be hunted individually. (A) rare (B) small (C) dense (D) delicate flamingos n. 플라밍고, 홍학 have something in common 공통점이 있다 suspension n. 매달기; 보류, 연기; 일시적 정시; 부유상태 (기계학); 부유물 (화학) feeder n. 먹이를 주는 사람 또는 기계; 새끼에게 먹이를 주는 새; 대식가; 팔기위해 살찌워진 동물 obtain v. 얻다; 획득하다, 입수하다; 달성하다 acquire, come by, gain, get, procure, secure, win. eject v. 쫓아내다, 뿜어내다, 사출하다 bump, dismiss, evict, expel, oust, throw out. extracting n. 적출 prey v. 잡아먹다; 희생되다, 약탈하다 plant v. 심다; 첩자를 두다, 감시장치를 설치하다; 설치하다; 두다 rare adj. 드문; 설은, 덜 익은; 희박한; 훌륭한 infrequent, occasional, scarce, sporadic, uncommon, unusual. dense adj. 밀집한, 촘촘한; 우둔한, 둔한, 이해가 느린 blockheaded, doltish, dumb, hebetudinous, obtuse, stupid, thickheaded, thick-witted. delicate adj. 부서지기 쉬운, 가냘픈; 민감한, 세심한, 섬세한 choice, dainty, elegant, exquisite, fine. 32

33 8. Even at speeds close to that of light, travel to a nearby star system, such as Alpha Centauri, would take about four years a(n) undertaking. (A) didactic (B) pioneering (C) unadulterated (D) pedestrian (E) daunting undertaking n. 임무, 떠맡은 일; 약속; 인수; 장의 취급업 enterprise, project, venture. didactic adj. 교훈적인, 교육적인, 교양적인; 남을 가르치려는, 훈시하려는 didactical, moral, moralizing. pioneering adj. 개척[선구]적인 unadulterated adj. 잡물이 섞이지 않은, 순정한, 완전한 natural, organic. pedestrian adj. 도보여행하는; 상상력이 없는; 지루한 arid, aseptic, colorless, drab, dry, dull, earthbound, flat, flavorless, lackluster, lifeless, lusterless, matter-of-fact, prosaic, spiritless, sterile, stodgy, unimaginative, uninspired. daunting adj. 벅찬, 주눅이 들게 하는 33

34 9. People don't like persons who try to find out too much about the affairs of others. (A) prying (B) wanton (C) dissolute (D) verbose (E) acrimonious affair n. 연애사건; 일거리, 일; 사건, 문제; 업무 business, matter, thing. prying adj. 흘끗흘끗 보는; 호기심이 강한, 캐기 좋아하는; 참견 잘 하는 wanton adj. 심술궂은, 앙심을 품은; 독단적인, 횡포한, 제멋대로의, 부당한; 부도덕한, 무법의, 무자비한, 음란한; 방종의, 방임적인; 다루기힘든, 까부는; 낭비하는 abandoned, dissipated, dissolute, fast, gay, incontinent, licentious, profligate, rakish, unbridled, unconstrained, uncontrolled, ungoverned, uninhibited, unrestrained, wild. dissolute adj. 방종한 abandoned, dissipated, fast, gay, incontinent, licentious, profligate, rakish, unbridled, unconstrained verbose adj. 말 수가 많은, 장황한 diffuse, long-winded, periphrastic, pleonastic, prolix, redundant, wordy. acrimonious adj. 통렬한 bitter, embittered, hard, rancorous, resentful, virulent. 34

35 10. Although Johnson's and Smith's initial fascination with the fortunes of those jockeying for power in the law firm after a few months, the two paid sufficient attention to determine who their lunch partners should be. (A) revived (B) emerged (C) intensified (D) flagged (E) persisted fascination n. 매혹, 사로잡음, 유혹, 유인 allure, allurement, appeal, attraction, attractiveness, call, charisma, charm, draw, enchantment, enticement, glamour, lure, magnetism, witchery. jockeying for 상대를 제치고 앞지르다 sufficient adj. 충분한, 할 능력이 있는 acceptable, adequate, all right, average, common, decent, fair, fairish, goodish, moderate, passable, respectable, satisfactory, tolerable. revive v. 소생하다, 부흥하다, 부활하다; 재흥하다, 환원시키다 reactivate, reanimate, reawaken, rekindle, renew, resurrect, resuscitate, revitalize, revivify. intensify v. 강하게 하다, 강해지다; 증가시키다 aggravate, deepen, enhance, heighten, redouble. flag v. 기를 올리다, 신호로 정지시키다, 기로 신호하다, 기로 알리다, 기 등으로 꾀어 들이다, 축 늘어지다, 떨어지다, 포석을 깔다 decline, degenerate, deteriorate, fade, fail, languish, sink, wane, waste (away), weaken. persist v. 고집하다, 주장하다; 관철하다; 지속하다 carry on, go on, hang on, keep on, persevere. 35

36 11. It is incomprehensible that the tax codes should be such a instead of a straightforward bracket based on gross earnings, notwithstanding deductions. (A) farce (B) joke (C) labyrinth (D) calamity (E) malfeasance 36

37 12. This kind of scientific paper requires a style of writing rather than a redundant one. (A) consistent (B) terse (C) logistical (D) tacit redundant adj. 풍부한, 많은; 여분의, 남아도는, 과잉의; 불필요하게 많은; 원래의 시스템이 실패했을 때 사용되는 복사 저장시스템의 diffuse, long-winded, periphrastic, pleonastic, prolix, verbose, wordy. consistent adj. 견실한, 시종일관된; 확고한, 부동의 changeless, constant, invariable, same, unchanging, unfailing. terse adj. 간결한, 야무진, 짧은 brief, compendious, concise, laconic, lean², short, succinct, summary. logistical adj. 병참술의; 병참업무의; 집행의 tacit adj. 말로 나타내지 않은, 암묵의, 양해 등의, 묵시의 implicit, implied, inferred, understood, unsaid, silent, undeclared, unexpressed, unsaid, unspoken 37

38 13. Like the seventeenth-century English philosopher John Locke, Communist educators believe that a young child's mind is a tabula rasa (that is, a blank slate) on which they can the values of their philosophy. (A) expound (B) inscribe (C) caricature (D) embellish (E) create tabula rasa (어떤 일의 진행에 대해) 정해진 의견이 없는 상태 expound v. 상세히 설명하다 construe, decipher, explain, explicate, interpret, spell out. inscribe v. 쓰다, 새기다; 헌사하다, 헌정하다 (책에); 명기하다, 기입하다; 내접시키다(기하학) book, catalog, enroll, list, set down, write down. caricature v. 만화식으로 그리다 ape, burlesque, imitate, mimic, mock, parody, travesty. embellish v. 아름답게 하다, 꾸미다, 치장하다 adorn, beautify, enhance, grace, set off. 38

39 14. The of evidence was on the side of the plaintiff since all but one witness testified that his story was correct. (A) paucity (B) propensity (C) accuracy (D) brunt (E) preponderance plaintiff n. 원고; 피고를 고발한 사람 accuser, claimant, complainant. testify v. 입증하다, 증언하다, 공언하다 attest, authenticate, back (up), bear out, confirm, corroborate, evidence, justify, substantiate, validate, verify, warrant. paucity n. 소수 defect, deficiency, deficit, inadequacy, insufficiency, lack, poverty, scantiness, scarceness, scarcity, shortage, shortcoming, shortfall, underage. propensity n. 경향, 버릇 bent, bias, cast, disposition, leaning, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, proneness, squint, tendency, trend, turn. accuracy n. 정확, 정확성 accurateness, correctness, exactitude, exactness, preciseness, precision, rightness. brunt n. [the ~] (공격 등의) 예봉( 銳 鋒 ) preponderance n. 중량에 있어서 우세하기, 중요성에 있어서 우세하기, 힘 따위에 있어서 우세하기 ascendance, ascendancy, dominance, domination, paramountcy, predominance, preeminence, preponderancy, prepotency, supremacy. 39

40 15. It is commonplace that a society reveals its reverence or contempt for history by the respect or disregard that it displays for older people. The way we treat our children tells us something of. (A) a discipline problem (B) an extraordinary historical event (C) the history we most of us acknowledge (D) the future we envision reverence n. 숭배, 외경, 존경; 공손한 태도, 존경함에 대한 자세 adoration, idolization, veneration, worship. contempt n. 경멸, 멸시; 치욕, 모욕죄 ( 법률) despisal, despite, disdain, scorn. discipline n. 훈련; 징계; 규율 branch, specialty. extraordinary adj. 이상한, 비상한 exceptional, magnificent, outstanding, preeminent, rare, remarkable, singular, towering, uncommon, unusual. envision v. 마음에 그리다, 상상하다 conceive, envisage, fancy, fantasize, image, imagine, picture, see, think, vision, visualize. 40

41 16. In view of the company's claims that its scalp treatment would grow hair on bald heads, the newspaper its advertising. (A) immaculate questioned (B) irreproachable canceled (C) unobjectionable welcomed (D) innocent placed (E) specious banned in view of ~ 때문에 claim n. 소송; 요구 scalp n. 머리 가죽 immaculate adj. 더럽지 않은, 결점이 없는 antiseptic, clean, cleanly, spotless, stainless, unsoiled, unsullied. irreproachable adj. 비난할 여지가 없는 blameless, exemplary, good, irreprehensible, lily-white, unblamable. unobjectionable adj. 반대할 수 없는 acceptable, admissible. innocent adj. 무죄의 (법률); 죄없는, 깨끗한; 단순한, 순진한; 해없는 artless, guileless, ingenuous, naive, natural, simple, unaffected, unsophisticated, unstudied, unworldly. specious adj. 외양만 좋은 fallacious, false, illogical, invalid, sophistic, spurious, unsound. ban v. 막다; 금지하다 black out, censor, hush (up), stifle, suppress. 41

42 17. Though he refused any responsibility for the failure of the negotiations, Stevenson had no right to himself: it was his that had caused the debacle. (A) blame skill (B) congratulate modesty (C) berate obstinacy (D) absolve acrimony negotiation n. 교섭, 협상, 유통, 어음의 유통, 빠져 나가기, 담판, 섭외, 이야기, 회상 parley, talk debacle n. 와해, 패배, 몰락, 파괴, 황폐 breakdown, collapse, crash, smash, smashup, wreck. congratulate v. 축하하다 ( 생일이나 졸업 등을) commend, compliment, praise. berate v. 호되게 꾸짖다, 야단치다 bawl out, rate. absolve v. 면제하다; 방면하다, 풀어주다; 사면시키다, 면죄시키다 clear, exculpate, exonerate, vindicate. modesty n. 겸손, 겸허; 알맞음; 단순함, 분수를 지킴; 정숙함, 고상함 chastity, decency, innocence, purity, virginity, virtue, virtuousness. obstinacy n. 완고함, 고집스러움 disorderliness, fractiousness, indocility, intractability, intractableness, obstinateness, obstreperousness acrimony n. 호됨 bitterness, embitterment, gall¹, rancor, rancorousness, resentfulness, resentment, virulence, virulency. 18. A statement is an comparison: it does not compare things explicitly, but suggests a likeness between them. (A) sarcastic unfair (B) blatant overt (C) sanguine inherent (D) metaphorical implied (E) bellicose ardent 42

43 explicitly adv. 명백하게, 솔직하게, 자세히 sarcastic adj. 풍자적인, 빈정대는, 야유하는 derisive, jeering, mocking, satiric, satirical, scoffing, sneering. blatant adj. 시끄러운; 뻔뻔스러운; 야한 bald-faced, barefaced, brazen, brazenfaced, shameless, unabashed, unblushing. sanguine adj. 쾌활한, 혈색이 좋은, 피비린내 나는 optimistic, Panglossian, roseate, rose-colored, rosy. metaphorical adj. 은유적인, 비유적인 bellicose adj. 호전적인, 다투기 좋아하는 belligerent, combative, contentious, hostile, militant, pugnacious, quarrelsome overt adj. 명백한, 확실한; 공공연한; 고의적인; 공개적인 ( 법률) inherent adj. 고유의, 타고난, 선천적인 built-in, congenital, connatural, constitutional, elemental, inborn, inbred, indigenous implied adj. 함축된, 은연중의 implicit, inferred, tacit, understood, unsaid, unspoken, unuttered, wordless. ardent adj. 불타는, 열정적인 agog, athirst, avid, bursting, eager, impatient, keen¹, solicitous, thirsting, thirsty. 43

44 19. Legal initiated by the government necessitate that manufacturers use in choosing food additives. (A) entanglements knowledge (B) devices intensification (C) talents decretion (D) proclivities moderation (E) restraints caution initiate v. 시작하다; 주제나 기술에 대한 기본 요소를 가르치다; 가입시키다, 입회시키다 approach, begin, commence, embark, enter, get off, inaugurate, institute, launch, lead off, open, set about, set out, set to, start, take on, take up, undertake. necessitate v. 필요로 하다, 필할 수 없게 하다; 강제로 하게 하다, 강요하다 ask, call for, demand, entail, involve, require, take. additive n. 부가; 첨가물 accumulative, cumulative. entanglement n. 얽히게함; 얽힌 상태 또는 말려든 상태 embranglement, embroilment, enmeshment, ensnarement, involvement. proclivity n. 성향 bent, bias, cast, disposition, leaning, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proneness, propensity, squint, tendency, trend, turn. restraint n. 제지, 자제; 제한하는 사람 또는 것 bit, brake, bridle, leash, snaffle. intensification n. 강하게 함 moderation n. 중용, 적도, 알맞음; 절제 measure, moderateness, temperance. 44

45 20. The homeless wino crouched over the subway grating for warmth, the bag lady groping for recyclable bottles in the garbage can, the line of hungry men waiting at the soup kitchen s door all these scenes of suffering the of the economic boom proclaimed by the prophets of affluence. (A) avouch existence (B) belie reality (C) challenge legality (D) predicate validity (E) minimize gravity wino n. 술주정꾼, 싸구려 포도주를 마시는 술꾼(속어) grope v. 손으로 더듬다, 찾다, 모색하다, 더듬다 feel, fumble, grabble, poke. crouch v. 몸을 구부리다, 웅크리다; 허리를 낮추다, 굽실거리다 huddle, hunch, hunker (down), squat. proclaim v. 선언하다; 공식적으로 공포하다 demonstrate, display, evidence, evince, exhibit, manifest, reveal, show. prophet n. 미래를 예견하는 사람, 예언자; 점장이 augur, auspex, diviner, foreteller, haruspex, prophesier, prophetess, seer, sibyl, soothsayer, vaticinator. avouch v. 진실이라고 단언하다, 진실이라고 언명하다, 자인하다, 보증하다 affirm, allege, argue, assert, asseverate, aver, avow, claim, contend, declare, hold, maintain, say, state. belie v. 거짓으로 나타내다, 거짓으로 전하다, 저버리다, 배반하다,...을 잘못 나타내다,...을 잘못 전하다 color, distort, falsify, load, misrepresent, misstate, pervert, twist, warp, wrench, wrest. existence n. 존재, 존재상태; 생활 actuality, being, entity, reality. legality n. 적법함 lawfulness, legitimacy, legitimateness, licitness. validity n. 유효함; 타당성 authenticity, genuineness, realness, truthfulness. 45

46 21. In his book The Case for Mars, in which he argues for a manned mission to Mars, Robert Zubrin advances the argument that new frontiers, such as space, provide a healthy stimulus for society that helps to prevent it from by providing a worthwhile collective enterprise. (A) empathizing (B) expanding (C) prospering (D) atrophying (E) dissembling manned adj. 사람을 태운, 한사람 또는 그이상의 사람에 의해 조종되는 advances v. 나아가다, 진전시키다; 촉진하다; 승진하다; 제출하다, 의견을제시하다; 선불하다 stimulus n. 자극제; 흥분제 encouragement, fillip, impetus, impulse, incentive, inducement, motivation, prod, push, spur, stimulant, stimulation, stimulator. worthwhile adj. 할 보람 있는, 애쓸 가치가 있는 enterprise n. 대담함, 진취적 정신, 모험정신; 도전적인 계획; 회사, 기업 adventure, emprise, venture. empathize v. (특히 자기 경험에서 우러나) 공감하다 identify, relate, sympathize. expand v. 넓히다, 팽창시키다; 확장하다, 확대하다 amplify, develop, dilate, elaborate, enlarge, expatiate, labor. prosper v. 성공하다; 번영하다, 번창하다 boom, flourish, go, thrive. atrophy v. (신체의 일부가) 위축되다 decline, degenerate, descend, deteriorate, retrograde, sink, worsen. dissemble v. 숨기다,...을 가장하다, 못 본 체하다, 진의를 숨기다 act, counterfeit, fake, feign, play-act, pose, pretend, put on, sham, simulate. 46

47 22. In its facilitation of parental withdrawal from an active role in the socialization of their children, and its replacement of family rituals and special events, television has played an important role in. (A) providing family-oriented entertainment (B) making people conscious of the social problems (C) the disintegration of the family (D) leading the semiconductor industry facilitation n. 용이하게 함, 간편하게 함, 촉진시킴 withdrawal n. 탈퇴, 물러남; 현금인출; 취소, 철회; 은퇴; 철수, 후퇴; 중독성 습관을 관둠 departure, egress, exit, exodus, going. ritual n. 의식,예식; 예배; 예식적인 관습 ceremony, form, formality. conscious adj. 의식하고 있는; 자각하고 있는 heedful, mindful, observant. disintegration n. 분해, 분리, 조각내기 breakdown, decay, decomposition, deterioration, putrefaction, putrescence, putridness, rot, rottenness, spoilage. semiconductor n. 반도체, 정상기온에서 도체와 절연체 중간의 전기 전도성이 있는 고체물질 47

48 23. The application of democratic principle requires a continuous exercise of judgement and will. For there is perpetual tension between the particular and the general, between individual tastes and. (A) social conflict (B) individual will (C) social necessities (D) individual judgement application n. 적용, 신청, 원서, 바름, 열심 employment, exercise, exertion, implementation, operation, play, usage, use, utilization. perpetual adj. 영원한; 영속하는; 끝이 없는 around-the-clock, ceaseless, constant, continual, continuous, endless, eternal, everlasting, incessant, interminable, nonstop, ongoing, persistent, relentless, round-the-clock, timeless, unceasing, unending, unfailing, uninterrupted, unremitting. taste n. 미각, 맛으로 인지; 취향 appetite, fondness, partiality, preference, relish, weakness. necessity n. 필수품; 필연; 필요, 요구; 궁핍, 가난, 곤궁 condition, essential, must, need, precondition, prerequisite, requirement, requisite, sine qua non. 48

49 24. When you have to remember several series of facts, start by. If you have to name the bones of a skeleton, it would be more efficient to start with the bones of the skull, then the neck and back, then the arms and so on, rather than memorizing them haphazardly. (A) assessing importances (B) establishing groups (C) identifying features (D) figuring out cases in point skull n. 두개골; 머리 haphazardly adv. 우연히; 무작위로 assess v. 가치를 평가하다 appraise, assay, calculate, estimate, evaluate, gauge, judge, rate¹, size up, valuate, value. figure out (생각한 끝에) ~을 이해하다[알아내다] 49

50 25. In educating students for adult work and adult life, American schools try, above all, to be practical. American education has been greatly influenced by the writings of a famous 20th-century philosopher named John Dewey. Dewey believed that the only worthwhile knowledge was knowledge that. He convinced educators that it was pointless to make students memorize useless facts that they would quickly forget. Rather, schools should teach thinking processes and skills that affect how people live and work. (A) has the right purpose (B) is common to all people (C) can be used in a real life (D) can explain human nature practical adj. 실용적인, 응용적인; 유용한 functional, handy, practicable, serviceable, useful, utilitarian. convince v. 설득하다, 확신시키다, 납득시키다 assure, persuade, satisfy, win over. 50

51 1. She fainted since she, an old person, had worked too long in the hot sun, which her of all her energy. (A) absolved (B) deprived (C) animated (D) provided Voca Check faint v. 졸도하다, 기절하다 black out, keel over, pass out, swoon. absolve v. 면제하다; 방면하다, 풀어주다; 사면시키다, 면죄시키다 clear, exculpate, exonerate, vindicate. Law : acquit, purge. deprive v. 빼앗다, 탈취하다, 박탈하다 dispossess, divest, rob, strip. animate v. 살아 있게 하다, 생명을 불어넣다; 활기 있게 하다, 활기를 북돋우다; 생기 있게 하다 activate, actuate. provide v. 채비하다, 마련하다; 제공하다; 미리 준비하다; 규정하다 deliver, furnish, give, hand, hand over, supply, transfer, turn over. 51

52 2. Although the of scientists is that the recent rise in the earth's temperature was caused by the greenhouse effect, a minority of scientists are persuaded that it was due instead to an increased output of energy from the Sun. (A) verdict (B) methodology (C) perspective (D) assessment (E) consensus Voca Check greenhouse effect 온실 효과 output n. 산출 production, yield. verdict n. 평결, 판정; 결정 methodology n. 방법론 perspective n. 관점, 견해; 조망, 시각, 견지 lookout, outlook, panorama, prospect, scene, sight, view, vista. assessment n. 평가, 가치 평가 appraisal, appraisement, estimate, estimation, evaluation, judgment, valuation. consensus n. 일반적인 일치, 다수의 의견 일치 unanimity, unanimousness. 52

53 3. The intense feeling widespread among Hong Kong citizens that Hong Kong should be freer to run its own affairs is by the reality that it cannot survive without China's blessings. (A) deviated (B) augmented (C) epitomized (D) tempered Voca Check intense adj. 강렬한, 극도의, 심한; 심오한; 예리한 deep, profound, strong. affair n. 연애사건; 일거리, 일; 사건, 문제; 업무 business, concern, lookout. deviate v. 빗나가다; 일탈하다, 벗어나다; 본론에서 벗어나다 depart, digress, diverge, stray, swerve, veer. augment v. 증가시키다, 증대하다, 증가하다 aggrandize, amplify, boost, build, build up, burgeon, enlarge, escalate, expand, extend, grow, increase, magnify, mount, multiply, proliferate, rise, run up, snowball, soar, swell, upsurge, wax. epitomize v. 전형이다, 발췌를 만들다, 개요를 만들다 exemplify, illustrate, represent, stand for, symbol, symbolize, typify. temper v. 완화하다, 누그러지다, 부드럽게하다; 단련하다, 굳히다 moderate, mute, qualify, soften, subdue, tame, tone down. 53

54 4. The significance of the Magna Carta lies not in its provisions, but in its broader impact: it made the king subject to the law. (A) specific (B) revolutionary (C) implicit (D) controversial (E) finite Voca Check significance n. 중요, 중요성; 의미, 의의; 의미성 acceptation, connotation, denotation, import, intent, meaning, message, purport, sense, significancy, signification, value. provision n. 마련, 저장; 제공, 공급; 대책, 설비; 규정, 조항 broader adj. 폭이 넓은, 널따란, 넓은; 개괄적인 revolutionary adj. 혁명의; 급진적으로 개혁하는 extreme, extremist, fanatic, fanatical, rabid, radical, ultra. implicit adj. 넌지시 암시된, 은연중의; 절대적인, 무조건적인; 포함된, 내재된 implied, inferred, tacit, understood, unsaid, unspoken, unuttered, wordless. controversial adj. 논쟁의, 논쟁을 좋아하는, 논쟁적인 finite adj. 한정된, 제한된; 셀수 있는 (수학) 54

55 5. The astronomer Tycho Brahe's observations of a comet in 1577 established that, based on its motion, it was an astronomical body rather than an occurrence originating in the earth's atmosphere. (A) pedagogical (B) furtive (C) impassive (D) pedantic (E) scrupulous Voca Check observation n. 관찰, 관측; 주의를 기울임; 감시, 감독; 주의 syn. comment, note, obiter dictum, remark. astronomical adj. 아주 어마어마한; 천문학적인 occurrence n. 발생, 사건, 생긴 일 syn. circumstance, event, happening, incident, occasion, thing. pedagogical adj. 교육학의, 교육학상의 furtive adj. 몰래 하는; 속임수가 많은; 은밀한, 비밀의 syn. secretive, sly, sneaking, sneaky, surreptitious. impassive adj. 무감정의; 침착한; 고통을 느끼지 않는 syn. apathetic, detached, incurious, indifferent, insensible, lethargic, listless, phlegmatic, stolid, unconcerned, uninterested, unresponsive. pedantic adj. 꼼꼼한; 엄격한, 세심한; 논리없이 책에 있는 정보에만 너무 집착하는 syn. academic, bookish, donnish, formalistic, inkhorn, literary, pedantical, scholastic. scrupulous adj. 양심적인, 윤리적인, 도덕적인; 정확한, 엄격한 syn. careful, fastidious, meticulous, painstaking, punctilious. 55

56 6. Aimed at curbing European attempts to seize territory in the Americas, the Monroe Doctrine was a warning to foreign powers. (A) pertinacious (B) credulous (C) remote (D) overt (E) predatory Voca Check curb v. 구속하다, 억제하다; 재갈을 물리다 bit, brake, bridle, check, constrain, hold, hold back, hold down, hold in, inhibit, keep, keep back, pull in, rein (back, in, or up), restrain. seize v. 강탈하다; 붙잡다, 잡다, 포착하다; 파악하다, 이해하다; 몰수하다, 압수하다; 이용하다; 침범하다 apprehend, arrest, appropriate, arrogate, assume, commandeer, preempt, take, usurp pertinacious adj. 불굴의, 사람 따위 불굴의, 행동 따위 불굴의, 의견 따위 불굴의 bullheaded, dogged, hardheaded, headstrong, mulish, obstinate, perverse, pigheaded, stiff-necked, tenacious, willful. credulous adj. 잘 믿는, 순진한, 잘 속는 dupable, easy, exploitable, gullible, naive, susceptible. remote adj. 먼, 멀리 떨어진; 외딴, 벽지의; 시간적으로 관계적으로 먼; 멀리서 조종하는; 근소한 aloof, chill, chilly, cool, distant, offish, reserved, reticent, solitary, standoffish, unapproachable, uncommunicative, undemonstrative, withdrawn. overt adj. 명백한, 확실한; 공공연한; 고의적인; 공개적인 ( 법률) predatory adj. 육식의; 약탈하는; 다른사람의 이익을 갈취하는 56

57 7. It s not just humans who find yawning, for man s best friend, dogs too can show empathy by catching yawns off their owners. (A) unsuppressible (B) malignant (C) fatal (D) contagious Voca Check yawning n. 하품하기 empathy n. 감정 이입, 이해, 동정 commiseration, compassion, condolence, pity, sympathy. malignant adj. 악의 있는, 적의 있는; 유해한; 치명적인 ( 병리학); 암적인 ( 병리학) black, despiteful, evil, hateful, malevolent, malicious, malign, mean, nasty, poisonous, spiteful, venomous, vicious, wicked. fatal adj. 치명적인; 파멸적인; 결정적인; 중요한 deadly, deathly, lethal, mortal, vital. contagious adj. 전염성의 catching, communicable, infectious, taking. 57

58 8. The question of whether form should follow function or function should follow form that is, should purely artistic considerations be subordinate to utilitarian ones is one of the enduring issues in debate. (A) didactic (B) traditional (C) aesthetic (D) explicit (E) cognitive Voca Check consideration n. 심사숙고, 사려깊음; 고려; 보답, 보상 attentiveness, concern, regard, solicitude, thoughtfulness. subordinate adj. 아래의, 부차적인; 하위의, 수하의 inferior, junior, lesser, low, lower, minor, minor-league, petty, secondary, small, subaltern, under. utilitarian adj. 공리적인, 실용적인, 공리주의의 functional, handy, practicable, practical, serviceable, useful. enduring adj. 참는, 지속하는, 영속적인 abiding, continuing, durable, lasting, long-lasting, long-lived, long-standing, old, perdurable, perennial, permanent, persistent. didactic adj. 교훈적인, 교육적인, 교양적인; 남을 가르치려는, 훈시하려는 didactical, preachy. aesthetic adj. 미의, 미학의 artistic, tasteful, tasty. explicit adj. 명백한, 자세하게 설명된, 더이상 설명이 필요 없는 categorical, clear, clear-cut, decided, definite, express, positive, precise, specific, unambiguous, unequivocal. cognitive adj. 인식의, 인지하는 58

59 9. Travel is educative because it brings the traveler into contact with people of different culture from his own. But the more travelling there is, the more will culture and way of life tend everywhere to be standardized and therefore will travel become. (A) the more (B) the less (C) the more educative (D) the less educative Voca Check standardize v. 표준에 맞추다, 표준화하다, 표준으로 삼다, 표준에 의거하여 시험하다 59

60 10. His should not be confused with cowardice; during the war, I saw him on several occasions risk his own life while rescuing members of his unit. (A) intrepidity (B) caution (C) notoriety (D) gallantry Voca Check cowardice n. 겁, 비겁 chickenheartedness, cowardliness, cravenness, dastardliness, faint-heartedness, funk, pusillanimity, unmanliness. intrepidity n. 대담, 용맹 braveness, bravery, courage, courageousness, dauntlessness, doughtiness, fearlessness, fortitude, caution n. 알림; 경고; 주의 care, carefulness, gingerliness, heed, heedfulness, mindfulness, regard. notoriety n. 평판, 보통 나쁜 뜻의 평판, 악명높은 사람 celebrity, fame, famousness, popularity, renown, reputation, repute. gallantry n. 용감, 여성에 대한 공대, 정사 braveness, bravery, courage, courageousness, dauntlessness, doughtiness, fearlessness, fortitude 60

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