KISEP Original Articles 37 5 1998 J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc Vol 37, No 5 청소년, 성인의주의력결핍과다활동장애 이영식 * 방양원 ** Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adolescents and Adults Young-Sik Lee, M.D.,* Yang-Won Bang, M.D.** 중심단어 국문초록 서 론 1. 성인 ADHD 는고아진단인가? Department of Neuropsychiatry, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, Seoul Keyo Hospital, Uiwang Corresponding author 932
질병개념및진단분류 임상진단의난제점들 933
Table 1. Natural course of ADHD from child to adult with comorbid disorders Preschool age School age Adolescence Adult Irritable, aggressive ADHD ADHD/ADD ADD/ADHD hyperkinetic, difficult child Learning disorder Learning disorder ODD/CD CD Antisocial P Drug abuse Drug abuse Anxiety/Fear Anxiety disorder Anxiety disorder Mood disorder Mood disorder ADHDattention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADDattention deficit disorder ODDoppositional defiant disorder CDconduct disorder PDpersonality disorder 1. 소아 ADHD 병력확인의어려움 2. 나이를불문하고 ADHD 공존질환이많다는어려움 3. ADHD와타질환과증상감별의어려움 역 학 934
유전적인연구 질병의발달학적진행과정 1. 청소년기의증상및일상생활의문제점들 2. 성인기의증상및일상생활의문제점들 935
약물치료 1. 정신자극제 (Psychostimulant) 936
2. 항우울제 3. α-adrenergic agonist 4. Carbamazepine 약물투약공휴일 정신사회적중재 1. 행동인지치료 937
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ABSTRACT J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc Vol 37, No 5, September, 1998 Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adolescents and Adults Youn-Sik Lee, M.D., Yang-Won Bang, M.D. Department of Neuropsychiatry, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, Seoul It seems best to view ADHD as a developmental disability that comprises impairments in persistence of effortsustained attention, the ability to delay responding and inhibit behaviorimpusivity, and the regulation of excessive activity level or responding in situationshyperactivity. These problems tend to arise early in childhood, often during the preschool years, and persist in over half the cases into adulthood as adult ADHD. ADHD in adolescents and adults responds to treatment with stimulants, tricyclic antidepressants, etc. Nonpharmacologic modalities such as behavior modification, individual and family therapy and cognitive therapy are useful adjuncts to psychopharmacologic management. Without effective treatment, ADHD often results in increased risk of trauma, substance abuse, conduct disorder, marital disharmony, family dysfunction, divorce, and incarceration in adolesence and adulthood. Lifelong treatment with proper medication and counselling are important to ADHD. KEY WORDSAdolescence Adult ADHD Pharmacotherapy Psychosocial Intervention. 941