CRM, * 1. 2. CRM. CRM. CRM 3.. CRM.. 4. 1. CRM(customer relationship management) 2~3..,. CRM., 1998 CRM * E-mail : 34
. CRM,. CRM, CRM CRM. 2. CRM. CRM CRM., CRM,,,. CRM, CRM.. CRM CRM 1) 2),,,, CRM 3) CRM. 1),, CRM CRM(analytical CRM), (Operational CRM), CRM(collaborative CRM). CRM CRM CRM ecrm., ( ), 1 1. 1), CRM. 35
< 1> CRM : 3. CRM. CRM, CRM,. 38%,, 28%. RealMarket Research 2), 2 5., 34%., CRM. 2) emarketer(2001. 4. 27.) 36
< 2> CRM : CRM Fair 2001 (2001.3.). (1) IDC, CRM Sales Automation, Marketing Automation, Customer Support and Call Center. CRM 1999 33 6%, 71.0% 11.6% 6. 3) 2002 30% ( 3 )., CRM, 1999 160, 2000 199, 5 26% 2004 514. CRM CRM CRM CRM. 3) IDC(2000. 6.) 37
< 3> CRM ( : ) : IDC(2000. 6.) < 4> CRM ( 1999 ~ 2005) ( : ) : Gartner(2000. 12) (2) IDC 1999 CRM, Siebel, Oracle, Vantive ( PeopleSoft), Clarify ( Nortel Networks) 4 18.4%, 6.7%, 4.9%, 4.8% 40%, 86 Trilogy 2% CRM 38
4., CRM, Siebel CRM Oracle PeopleSoft ERP, Nortel CRM., Kana, E.piphany, Onyx, Broadvision, Broadbase,,., 4). 5 E.piphany Moss, Onyx eservice Firepond ecrm. < 1> CRM Siebel ebusiness 2000 Oracle ebusiness Suite PeopleSoft Peoplesoft 8 Nortel ebusiness Solution Onyx Onyx 2000 Broadvision Kana Enterprise One on One Suite Kana ebusiness Platform TM,, ( ),, e-biz,,,, PeopelSoft,,, e.pipahny e.5 System, e.gain egain Product Suite : Ashley Friedlein(2001), 4), Siebel Scopus, Paragren, Kana Silknet, Oracle Versatility Concentra, People Soft Vantive, Nortel Clarify, E.piphany Octane Inter Act ACT!, Applix Target Pivotal Exactium (KCG, 2001). 39
. ( 1) 2000 CRM CRM,, 1,000,, SI, CRM. CRM.,, RTC CRM 38 CRM 2~ 3., 53%,,. 5) < 5> 2000 CRM : CRM Fair 2001 (2001.3.) : CTI DW ecrm 5) 2000 CRM, CRM 32.2%%, 16.5% (Gartner. 2000. 12.) 40
,, CRM., CRM,,,, CRM., SK,,, LG CRM,,,,, CRM. (2) CRM 15. < 6> CRM, Siebel, Broadvision, Broadbase CRM, NCR,, SAP, SAS DW, DBMS, ERP. DW, DBMS, ERP, 6) 6) NCR (DW) (CRM) SAS (DW) (CRM), SAP ERP (CRM). 41
CRM Siebel. Broadvision, Broadbase ecrm.,, LG-EDS, SDS SI,. SI CRM CRM. 7), CRM.,,,,.,,, ecrm. < 7> CRM SWOT : CRM (2001.3.) 7) CRM (2001. 3.) 42
< 2> CRM Commerce21 ecrm/ (B2B) Suite 1.2(B2C,, e B2B B2B, ) (ecrm) ( ) OPERA@web( ) / W e b, Intelligence Web Analyser(eCRM ) / Intelligent Web Miner Yes 24,,, ipersonalize Platform,,, (,, OLAP, OLAP,, ) (,, ecrm (, LG ), ecrm CRM DW ) 2 ecrm,, ebrother(, SK 1 1 ) Pr el u d e( )/ ClserLook( ) SRS ( ) e-gain( ) SK OK OK( CR M ) OK ( ) / 11i TV( ) 1 1 ecrm SDS SDS IMC- e-gain DBMarcher(, LG ) : (2001. 3.) : ecrm,,, CRM 5 43
,.,,,. 8) 4. CRM, (ROI) IT CRM., CRM.,, Accenture 2, 000, 9) 83%., 4 7 17 10 17 40, 20 IT, 28% CRM CRM., CRM., CRM, CRM. CRM., CRM CRM. 8), MPC 7 CRM,,,,., (DW ) ecrm,. 9) emarketer(2001. 5. 8.) 44
< 8> 2001 : (2001. 4.),. CRM, CRM.,. CRM,., 1999 1 CRM, 1 10%. 10),. 2000 CRM, (suite) 25%, 33%, (best of breed) 32% 11) CRM CRM. CRM. 10) CIO Magazine(2001. 5.) 11) CRM Fair 2001 (2001. 3.) 45
As hley Fried le in, CRM Meet ecrm : Ve ndo r Review, 200 1. 2. IDC, Custo me r Re latio ns hip Ma nage me nt Ma rket Fo recast a nd Ana lys is, 2000-2004, 2000. 6. Ga rtne r, CRM S e rvices 2000 Throug h 2005 Ma rket S ize a nd Fo reca st,, 2000. 12. 28. Ga rtne r, CRM S e rvices Ma rket Tre nds a nd De ma nd Cha racte ristics for 2000, 2000. 11. 13 CRMGuru. co m, Custome r Re latio ns hip Ma nage me nt Prime r, 200 1. 1. CRMGuru. co m, Custome r Re latio ns hip So lutio n Guide, 200 1. 3. KCG, CRM Redefined ; Beyond the Front Office a nd Out to the Custo me r, 200 1. The Truth a bout CRM, CIO Ma gazine, 200 1. 5. E.pipha ny, Onyx Expa nd CRM Package s, zd, 200 1. 5. 2 1. Budgeting for Custo me r Re latio ns hip Ma nage me nt, e Ma rkete m, 200 1. 4. 27. New e Ma rkete r CRM Re port Revea ls Custo me r Re latio ns hip Ma nage me nt Adoptio ns Is Pro mise d Stre ngth, e Ma rkete, 200 1. 5. 8. CRM Adoptio n Co ntinues at a n Aggress ive Pace, e CRMg, 200 1. 5. 8., CRM, 200 1.1., CRM,, 13 8 277, 200 1. 5. 2., CRM, 200 1. 3. / 200 1 IT,, 200 1. 4. CRM Fa ir 200 1,, 200 1. 3. CRM, inews 24, 200 1. 3. CRM 46