11 1 (2002 ), pp. 168~19,,,,,..,,..,.,,,,,. BK.,.,,.. 169
2002 ( 11 1 ). 1987. 1997 IMF. (2001 212), 50,., (, 1986),.,.,, (, 1999, 2000). 1),. (dual legitimacy). (divided government) (stalemate or gridlock),.,.. 1 ) 1) (historical institutionalism) (rational choice institutionalism) (Thelen and Steinmo, 1992).,.,,...,.,. 170
/,,..,.. 1. -, (parliamentary sovereignty). (parliamentary government), (presidential government) (Lijphart, 1992). D. Waldo (1948),, (administrative state), (, 1996). 2 (bureaucratic state), (welfare state), (developmental state),, (, 2001 246-322)..,, (Institutionalized Administrative State) (, 2000) 171
2002 ( 11 1 ). (, 1988),, (, 1998, 1995, 1995 Kang, 1998). 2), ( ) ( ).,,.,,. < 1, 2, 3>. 3) 1967 7 2000 15 < 1> 7 14 (2000 353). 15 (ww w.assembly.go.kr, 2001. 6. 20). 2), (Peters, 1995 Ch.6).,.,..,.,. 3).,,, (, 2000 356-362). 172
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2002 ( 11 1 ),, (, 2000 356), (, 2000 191).,?,,.,. (rubber stamp),. < 1>. 13 15,. 13 15 (divided government).,,., 4). < 3> 13 15.,, 13 12 2.6, 15 14 3.9.,,.,, 4),, (Peters, 1995 222-224)., (, 1998). 174
/,,,,.?. 2.,,,. ( )... (divided government),, (Sartori, 1997 83-100)., (dual democratic legitimacy)" (Linz, 1994 3-87). ( ).,.,.,.,.,. 5) 5) (Financial Times, 2000. 5. 30), (Financial Times, 2001. 6. 7). 175
2002 ( 11 1 ), [ ] (Linz, 1994 7)..,. 6),. 7) (Lijphart, 1999 127-129),. (partisan power), (Mainwaring and Shugart, 1997). ( )., (divided government).. 3.,,.,. (2001), 6) Linz (rigidity), (1994 8-10). 7) Riggs (1988), 2 33, 1945-1985., 43 2/3.,. 176
/,,,.,,. < 1>. < 1> - (2001, 4) (ideal type).. 1),. 8) Sartori (ideological unprincipleness), (weak and undisciplined parties), (localitycentered politics) (1997 89). (policy coalition). (pork-barrel) (log-rolling).,. Neustadt (1980), 8),. (Aberbach and Rockman, 1999 Coleman, 1999). (Mayhew, 1991 Peterson and Greene, 1993). 177
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/,,. 21,. 14. 1996 4 11 15. 15 299 11 139 6. 4 18,,.,,. (, 2000 5-6, 1996). 139 158,. 6,,. 3) 1997... 293 77 (26.3%), 43 (14.7%) 120 (41%), 161 (54.9%). 8 (2.7%) 4 (1.4%).. 183
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