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114 2, 115,,?,,,, (Distinctiveness of Humanity),, (eternity),,, 1),,, (, 1998), 344 (David Brower) 6 8, 4, 11 2/3, 2?, 2) ) 4) 5), 6) 2) John He

IDP www idp or kr IDP 정책연구 한국경제의구조적문제와개혁방향 민주정책연구원 The Institute for Democracy and Policies

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/,,..,.. 1. -, (parliamentary sovereignty). (parliamentary government), (presidential government) (Lijphart, 1992). D. Waldo (1948),, (administrative state), (, 1996). 2 (bureaucratic state), (welfare state), (developmental state),, (, 2001 246-322)..,, (Institutionalized Administrative State) (, 2000) 171

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