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KISEP Esperimental Researchs J Korean Neurosurg Soc 291429-1436, 2000 일차배양해마신경세포에서 NMDA- 및 Glutamate- 유도전류의특성 김일만 손은익 김동원 김인홍 임만빈송대규 * 박원균 * 배재훈 * 최하영 ** = Abstract = Characteristics of NMDA- and Glutamate-Induced Currents in Primary Cultured Rat Hippocampal Neurons Il-Man Kim, M.D., Eun-Ik Son, M.D., Dong-Won Kim, M.D., In-Hong Kim, M.D., Man-in Yim, M.D., Dae-Kyu Song, M.D.,* Won-Kyun Park, M.D.,* Jae-Hun ae, M.D.,* Ha-Young Choi, M.D.** Departments of Neurosurgery and Physiology,* Keimyung University School of Medicine, Taegu, Korea Department of Neurosurgery, Chunbuk National University Medical School, Chunju, Korea bjectives Method Results Conclusion KEY WORDS 서 론 J Korean Neurosurg SocVolume 29November, 2000 1429

재료및방법 1. 해마신경세포의분리와배양 1430 2. 전기생리학적측정 J Korean Neurosurg SocVolume 29November, 2000

3. 약물처리에따른시냅스전류의기록 결 1. 세포외액에 Mg 2+ 존재시 Glutamate 및 NMDA 유도전류 2. Mg 2+ 의 NMDA 수용체전류에대한영향 Fig. 1. Inward currents activated by glutamate receptor agonists in a cultured rat hippocampal neuron. NMDA 10mol did not elicit a noticable current but glutamate10mol induced an inward current in the presence of 1mmol Mg 2. Whole-cell configuration was clamped at 60mV. Vertical bars are on time when ramp pulse from 80mV to 60mV was injected. 과 J Korean Neurosurg SocVolume 29November, 2000 1431

A Fig. 2. oth NMDA10mol and glycine5mol-induced current witha or without 1mmol Mg 2 in a cultured rat hippocampal neuron. Whole-cell configu- ration was clamped at 60mV. Vertical bars in are on time when ramp pulse was injected. A Fig. 3. oth NMDA10mol and glycine5mol-induced current in the presence of 50mol Mg in a cultured rat hippocampal neuron. AInward or outward currents according to the change of membrane potentials elicited by NMDA and glycine application. I-V plot for NMDA and glycine-induced current with Mg 2. 1432 3. 세포막전압변화에의한 Mg 2+ 의 NMDA 수용체전류의차단 Fig. 4. Effect of 50mol Mg 2 on both NMDA10mol and glycine5mol-induced current. AI-V plot for NMDA and glycine-current without Mg 2. I-V plot for the amount of Mg 2 -sensitive NMDA current. J Korean Neurosurg SocVolume 29November, 2000 A

4. Non-NMDA 수용체전류의특성 A A Fig. 5. Effect of glutamate receptor antagonists and nifedipine on glutamate-induced current. AGlutamateinduced inward current was partially eliminated by its antagonistsap550mol, CNQX10mol and nifedipine10mol were applied subsequently. Vertical bars are on time when ramp pulse was injected. Wholecell configuration was clamped at 60mV. I-V plots recorded from ramp pulse during the ramp pulses in serial drug application. Fig. 6. Effect of glutamate receptor antagonists and nifedipine on glutamate-induced current. ACurrent-voltage relationships representing the block currents by each drug. Percentage values of CNQX-dependent current in overall glutamate current. J Korean Neurosurg SocVolume 29November, 2000 1433

고찰 1434 J Korean Neurosurg SocVolume 29November, 2000

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