Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., 1. 연구의목적과필요성현대사회는사회, 경제적으로빠르게변화하고있으며, 그중화장품산업은꾸준한성장과기술개발에따라지속적인발전을보이고있다 ( 김명희, 2011). 또한여성들의사회생활이활발해짐에따라자신을표현할기회가많아지고이에따라외

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RESEARCH ARTICLE Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., 화장품광고모델호감도가브랜드자산과구매의도에미치는영향 - 소비유형을중심으로 조윤민 1, 김계숙 2, 강신옥 1 * 1 동덕여자대학교향장에스테틱과, 2 천안연암대학뷰티아트과 An Effect of the Preference of the Cosmetics Advertisement Model on Assets and Purchase Intention -Focusing on Consumption Type Yoon-min Cho¹, Gye-Sook Kim², Shin-ok Kang¹* ¹Esthetics and Cosmetology, Dongdeok Women s University ²Department of Beauty Art Design, Cheonan Yonam College Abstract This study aims to examine the effect of the preference of the advertising model on advertisement s, brand s, brand awareness, brand loyalty, and purchase intention to find the differences of routes and effect according to moderating variables (waste-type, thrift-type) in the customer types. The summarizations of the study results are as follows: First, the preference of the advertisement model had a significant and positive effect on advertisement s, brand s, and brand awareness. Second, advertisement s had a positive effect on purchase intention, which is significant, but it had no significant effect on brand s. Third, brand s had a positive effect on brand loyalty and purchase intention which is significant. Fourth, brand awareness had a significant and positive effect on brand loyalty and purchase intention. Fifth, the preference of the advertisement model had no significant effect on brand loyalty and purchase intention. Sixth, the results of analyzing the customer types into the waste-type and the thrifttype which were responded to the questionnaire papers of this study demonstrate that there would be no significant difference in the moderating effect of each variable. This study reveals that the preference of the advertisement model had a direct effect on advertisement s, brand s, and brand awareness, but did not direct effect on brand loyalty and purchase intention. Therefore, in terms of the customer preference of the advertisement model, when customers perceive advertisement s, brand s, and brand awareness highly, it is seen that this leads to the substantial purchase. Advertisement s had no significant effect on brand loyalty, but had a significant effect on purchase intention. Therefore, it is revealed that favorable s to the advertisement can be connected to the simple purchase, but did not have an effect on brand loyalty. Meanwhile, brand s had a significant effect on brand loyalty and purchase intention. This demonstrates that costumer s feeling towards brand would enhance brand loyalty, leading to purchase. The study results indicate that to enhance the favorable advertisement, brand s, and brand awareness instead of inducing purchase behavior only with the preference of a certain model in using the advertisement model in cosmetics, is liable to be connected to the direct purchase. Therefore, if brand loyalty and purchase intention are drawn by establishing brand assets such as brand s and brand awareness, it would be more effective than marketing techniques, using popular stars. Keywords: Advertising model, Advertisement s, s, awareness, loyalty *Corresponding author: Shin-Ok Kang, Department of Cosmetology Department, Graduate School of Obesity, Esthetics and Cosmetology, Dongdeok Women s University, 60, Hwarang-ro 13-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 136-714, Republic of Korea Fax: +82 2 336 3790, E-mail: sinok100@korea.com Received February 1, 2015; Revised March 10, 2015; Accepted March 18, 2015; Published April 30, 2015 167

Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., 1. 연구의목적과필요성현대사회는사회, 경제적으로빠르게변화하고있으며, 그중화장품산업은꾸준한성장과기술개발에따라지속적인발전을보이고있다 ( 김명희, 2011). 또한여성들의사회생활이활발해짐에따라자신을표현할기회가많아지고이에따라외모에관한관심도높아졌고자연히그관심은화장이란행위로옮겨지고있다 ( 최민정, 2011). 화장품이란아름다움과 Image 를추구하며삶의풍요로움을제공하는산업이며, 화장품산업은정밀화학산업분야중중요한산업으로첨단과학의응용으로고부가가치를창출할수있는미래유망사업이다 ( 이상훈, 2006). 국내화장품산업은시장개방에따른수입품증가와다수의신규업체진출로수익성이약화되기는했으나다른제조업과비교할때높은수익구조를유지하고있다. 불과몇년전만하더라도생산과소비의대부분이국내에서이루어지는전형적인내수중심산업으로여겨졌지만, 최근기술력향상과한류의영향에힘입어해외수출이급격히증가하고있다 ( 김희은, 2011). 우리나라화장품시장의규모를살펴보면 2011년당초예상했던 8조 4100억원보다높은 8조 9000억원의시장규모를형성하여 12.3% 의고성장을이루어냈으며, 2012년시장규모는 9조 7000억에달할것으로예상하고있다. 화장품산업은다른산업에비해서유행에민감하고, 소비패턴이빠르게변화하는이유로화장품업계에서는이에신속하게반응하여치열한경쟁에서살아남으려여러가지마케팅전략을사용하여차별화를두려고노력하고있다. 특히화장품의경우일반생활용품과는달리소비자가선호하는바가뚜렷하기때문에기업에서는제품을알리고유지하기위해차별화된마케팅전략은중요하다고많은업계관계자들은말하고있다 ( 김수진, 2009). 마케팅전략중대표적인광고는이제우리의일상생활과떼려야뗄수없는생활의한일부가되어버렸고광고의효과는실로대단하다는것을우리는몸소느끼며살고있다. 여기에서광고효과란일반적으로광고노출후형성된광고물에대한태도가광고된상표및제품태도에영향을미쳐서궁극적으로구매행위까지이르도록하는것으로정의한다 ( 김춘곤, 2008). 때문에많은기업에서는광고를통해소비자들로하여금제품에대한태도를긍정적으로증진시킬뿐아니라, 최종적으로소비자의행동, 즉구매의사결정에긍정적인영향을미치게하므로각기업에서는기업에맞는광고조사가이루어져야할필요성이있다 ( 김창호외, 2000). 한편, 광고의기능은다른상표의상품과구별되는특별한이미지를만들어냄으로써각상품간의진정한차이를만들어내는것이다. 이러한효과때문에여 성화장품기업들은광고모델을통해여성소비자의이상적자아이미지실현에대한기대심리를만족시키고자노력하고있으며, 여성화장품광고모델로아름다운여성모델을등장시키고있다 ( 이미영, 2009). 이러한이유로화장품광고집행에있어모델의선정은가장중요한요인이라해도과언이아닐정도로화장품모델과매출과의상관관계가매우높다고할수있다. 실례로 2005년아모레퍼시픽의마몽드는한가인을모델로기용하면서모델발탁이후 3개월간의판매량이당해의판매량의절반을넘어설정도로한가인의효과를톡톡히봤으며 ( 세계일보, 2005), LG 생활건강의라끄베르는 2009년김연아를모델로기용한뒤매출이 31% 신장했고, 연아메이크업 으로선보인색조제품류는 2008년대비 370% 에달하는성장세를보였다 ( 메디컬투데이, 2010). 이처럼화장품광고모델에관한호감도는브랜드에관한소비자의태도뿐만아니라브랜드충성도와같은브랜드자산은물론직접적인구매활동에까지영향을미치는것으로알려져있다. 브랜드충성은고객이스스로브랜드에충성화되어자신의구입은물론주위의타인에게까지도홍보하여구매하게하는것으로특정브랜드에대한애착과타사의제품으로부터의공격에도잘움직이지않는것으로이러한과정을거쳐브랜드자산이형성되는것이다 ( 이은혜, 2003). 결과적으로마케팅의최종목적은소비자가자사의제품을구매하도록하는것에서끝나는것이아니라브랜드충성도를높여브랜드자산에기여하도록하는것이라할수있다. 이에본연구는화장품업계에서모델이란곧 전부 라고말할만큼중요한요소로꼽히고있는광고모델의호감도가화장품시장의주체라고할수있는 20-30대여성의광고태도와브랜드태도, 브랜드이미지, 브랜드인지도및구매의도에미치는영향을구체적으로살펴보고자하였으며, 또한소비자의소비성향이구매의도에영향을미치는가에관하여연구해보고자한다. 즉, 화장품광고모델의호감도에따른성인여성소비자들이인식하는광고태도및브랜드자산에관하여조사하고광고의최종목표인구매에관한영향력을파악하며화장품광고모델선정및브랜드자산에영향을줄수있는요인을바탕으로화장품산업에유용한마케팅자료를제공하여판매전략의기초자료로제공하는데그목적이있다. 1. 조사대상자및기간조사대상자는수도권거주 20-30대여성을대상으로하여 2012년 8월 20일부터 2012년 9월 12일까지약 3주간설문지를배포하였다. 조사대상에게화장품광고모델 5명의인쇄광고 168

화장품광고모델호감도가소비유형에서브랜드자산과구매의도에미치는영향 를본후설문에응하도록설명하였고, 응답하는시간은 8분 10분이소요되었으며, 설문은총 360부를배부하여그중부실하거나불완전한설문지를제외한 318부를대상으로실증분석에이용하였다. 2. 분석방법본연구의자료분석방법으로수집된자료의통계처리는데이터코딩과데이터클리닝과정을거쳐 SPSS AMOS 20 프로그램을사용하였다. 인구통계학적특성과일반적내용분석을위하여빈도분석을실시하였고, 측정모델을평가하기위하여확인적요인분석을실시한후측정모델의적합도를알아보았으며, 측정모델의타당성평가를위하여집중타당성과판별타당성을분석하였다. 또한변수들간의상관관계분석과소비성향의조절효과를검증하였다. 1. 응답자의일반적특성본연구에응답한사람들의특성은다음과같다. 먼저, 선호모델별로는김태희 27.7%, 신민아 24.5%, 한가인 20.1%, 이민정 15.1%, 이영애 12.6% 의순으로나타났고, 연령별로는 30~34세가전체의 31.4% 로가장많은분포를보였고, 그다음으로는 25~29세 28.3%, 20~24세 21.1%, 35~39세 19.2% 의순으로나타났다. 직업별로는전문직이 23.9% 로가장높은분포를보였고, 그다음으로회사원 20.8%, 학생 15.1%, 서비스업 14.2%, 전업주부 13.5%, 기타 10.1%, 공무원 2.5% 의순으로나타났다. 한달수입별로는 100~200만원미만이 43.1%, 200~300만원미만 20.8%, 50만원미만 17.6%, 300만원이상 11.6%, 50~100만원미만 6.9% 의순으로나타났다. 한달에지출하는화장품비용은 5만원미만 36.2% 로가장높은분포를이루었고, 5~10만원미만 32.4%, 10~15만원미만 20.8%, 15~20만원미만 5.7%, 20~25만원미만과 25만원이상이동일하게 2.5% 의수치로나타났다. 마지막으로광고유형별로는 TV, 라디오가전체의 56.6% 의수치를보였고, 그다음으로인터넷 23%, 잡지 11%, 화장품매장광고 8.2%, 옥외광고 1.3% 의순으로나타났다. 응답자의일반적특성을요약하면 Table 1과같다. 2. 측정모델분석결과본연구에서수행하는제안모델의평가에앞서측정모델을평가하였다. 측정모델을평가하기위해최초각변수별확인적요인분석을실시하였는데, 이는탐색적요인분석방법보 다단일차원성검정에보다바람직하기때문이다 (Gerbing & Anderson, 1988). 각개념들의통계적적합도를검정하기위 하여 χ 2, GFI, AGFI, CFI, NFI, IFI, RMR, RMSEA 값을기준 하였으며, 최종문항에서제시된높은적합도를생성하기위하 여최초문항에서 SMC (Squared Multiple Correlation) 값이 낮은수치를보이는문항과잔차값이큰문항을하나씩제거하 는과정을반복적으로실시하여광고모델호감도에서는 1 번문 항을, 광고태도에서는 2 번, 3 번문항을, 브랜드태도에서는 2 번문항을삭제하였고브랜드인지도에서는 1 번문항을, 브랜 드충성도에서는 4 번문항을, 구매의도에서는 1 번과 4 번, 5 번 Table 1. General characteristics, lifestyle Prefer-red actress Age Job Importimport Expense on cosmetics Adverti-sing type Category Frequency Ratio (%) Kim Teahee 88 27.7 Han Ga-in 64 20.1 Lee Young-Ae 40 12.6 Lee Minjung 48 15.1 Shin Minah 78 24.5 20~24 67 21.1 25~29 90 28.3 30~34 100 31.4 35~39 61 19.2 Student 48 15.1 Office worker 66 20.8 Civil cervant 8 2.5 Housewife 43 13.5 Service job 45 14.2 Profession 76 23.9 Others 32 10.1 Below 500 Million 56 17.6 0.5~1Million 22 6.9 1~2 Million 137 43.1 2~3 Million 66 20.8 More than 3Million 37 11.6 Below 50 thousand 115 36.2 50~100 thousand 103 32.4 100~150 thousand 66 20.8 150~200 thousand 18 5.7 200~250 thousand 8 2.5 More than 300 thousand 8 2.5 TV, Radio 180 56.6 Magazine 35 11.0 Internet 73 23.0 Shop commercial 26 8.2 Billboards 4 1.3 169

Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., 문항을삭제하여적합도를향상시켰다. 그결과 Table 2에서와같이, 호감도, 광고태도, 브랜드태도, 인지도, 충성도, 구매의도등각변수별확인요인분석초기적합도결과는수용하기어려운수치로나타났지만, 최종적합도결과는매우향상되어수용가능한수치를보이고있다. Table 3은확인요인분석을통하여단일차원성이확인된모든변수들을공분산으로설정한측정모델분석결과이다. 이는제안모델의가설검정을파악하기전에연구에사용된변수들 의지표들이단일요인모델에의해수용가능한적합도를보이는가를조사하기위함이다. 본연구의측정모델분석결과, χ 2 검정에서 χ 2 는 167.360 (p=.000) 으로나타나가설은기각되었다. 그러나카이제곱검정에서기각되었다는것은모델을채택할충분조건이지필요조건이아니다. 따라서다른적합도지수를참조하여판단하여야한다. 모델을채택하기위한일반적인적합도지수의기준은기초부합지수 (Goodness of Fit Index: GFI), 수정기초 Table 2. Result from Confirmatory factor analysis Variable Liking Advertising Awareness Loyalty Purchasing intention Phase Question number 2 df p RMR GFI AGFI CFI NFI IFI RA Beginning 5 119.916 Final 4 4.499 Beginning 6 119.430 Final 4 2.249 2.325.008.997.983 1.00.997 1.00.020 Beginning 5 76.439 Final 4 4.260 Beginning 5 81.819 Final 4 6.872 Beginning 5 33.060 Final 4 4.579 Beginning 7 164.593 Final 4 2.598 Table 3. Result for analyzing mesurement models Variable Mesuring variable Factor loading Liking Commercial Awareness Loyalty Purchasing intention Standardized factor loading Standard error C.R SMC Measuring error Liking4 1.000.857 - -.734.202 Liking3 1.008.881.082 12.247.777.163 Commercial 1 1.000.772 - -.595.271 Commercial 4 1.076.844.069 15.515.713.186 Commercial 5 1.149.880.072 16.061.774.154 3 1.000.912 - -.832.128 4.943.929.035 26.628.864.089 5.932.856.042 22.277.733.201 Awareness5 1.000.780 - -.608.394 Awareness4.889.726.072 12.419.528.432 Awareness3 1.080.842.079 13.710.709.293 Loyalty1 1.000.812 - -.659.320 Loyalty3 1.036.831.062 16.711.690.297 Loyalty5 1.060.856.061 17.356.732.254 Purchasing intention2 1.000.906 - -.821.159 Purchasing intention3.974.896.047 20.657.802.170 Goodness of measring model 2 =167.360, df=89, p=.000, GFI=0.940, AGFI=0.908, CFI=0.978, RMR=0.026, RMSEA=0.053, NFI=.954, IFI=0.978 annotation) value which parameter estimated value of observation variable is fixed to 1 in measuring model 170

화장품광고모델호감도가소비유형에서브랜드자산과구매의도에미치는영향 부합지수 (Adjusted Good of Fit Index: AGFI), 비교부합지수 (Comparative Fit Index: CFI), 증분부합지수 (Incremental Fit Index: IFI) 는 0.9 이상, 잔차제곱평균제곱근 (Root Mean Square Residual: RMR) 은 0.05 이하, 원소간근접오차 (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation: RMSEA) 는 0.08 이하 로보고있다. 본연구의 GFI, AGFI, CFI, IFI 의지표값은모두 기준값인 0.9 이상으로나타났고, RMR 과 RMSEA 값역시기준 조건에부합하는수치를보이고있다. 또한측정항목들과개념 간의비표준화요인부하값과다중상관자승 (Squared Multiple Correlation: SMC) 값을보면, Bollen (1989) 이제안한것처럼 잠재변수와측정변수간의관계에대한모수추정치를보면모 두 0 보다상당히큰값을나타내고있으며이들추정치에대한 C.R. 값도모두 2 를초과하고있다. 그리고 SMC 값은모든항목 에서 0.4 이상의값을보여잠재변수는해당관찰변수들의변량 을상당히잘설명한다고해석할수있을것이다. 3. 측정모델의타당성평가결과 본연구에사용할변수들의단일차원성을확인하기위하여 측정모형분석을실시한결과, 모든적합도지수를만족시키는 것으로나타났다. 그다음으로단일차원성이확인된측정모델 을가지고타당성을검정해야한다. 본연구에서는타당성중에 서집중타당성과판별타당성을조사하였다. 집중타당성 (convergent validity) 이란동일한개념을측정하 기위하여서로다른방법으로측정한값사이에높은상관관 계가있어야한다는것이다. 즉, 집중타당성은동일개념을측 정하는복수의문항들이어느정도일치하는가를검정하는것 이다. 예를들어, 호감도, 광고태도, 브랜드태도, 인지도, 충성 도, 구매의도를측정하는각각의문항들간에높은상관관계가 존재해야지만집중타당성을확보하였다고할수있다. 일반적 으로집중타당성을평가하는방법으로는세가지가있는데 ( 강 Table 4. Result in faith concept Category Advertising awareness Formula (.772 +.844 +.880) 2 (.772 +.844 +.880) 2 + (.271 +.186 +.154) (.912 +.929 +.856) 2 (.912 +.929 +.856) 2 + (.128 +.089 +.201) (.780 +.726 +.842) 2 (.780 +.726 +.842) 2 + (.394 +.432 +.293) Value of faith ceoncept 0.910 0.945 0.831 병서, 2002; 노형진, 2003), 첫째, 분산추출의평균값을기준으로하는방법둘째, 개념신뢰도값을기준으로하는방법셋째, 표준화회귀계수값을기준으로하는방법이다. 이중개념신뢰도 (construct reliability) 값으로평가하는방법은집중타당성을평가하는가장엄격한방법 (Hair, Anderson, Tatham, & Black, 1998) 으로알려져있는바, 본연구에서는개념신뢰도값으로집중타당성을평가하였다. 판별타당성이란서로다른변수들간에는그측정치에도분명한차이가나야한다는것을의미한다. 여기서분명한차이는상관계수값을기준으로하는데즉, 한변수와다른변수간의상관관계는낮아야판별타당성을확보하였다고할수있다. 예를들어, 호감도, 광고태도, 브랜드태도, 인지도, 충성도, 구매의도간의상관관계값은낮아야판별타당성은확보하였다고할수있다. 판별타당성을평가하는방법으로는두가지가있다. 평균분산추출 (average variance extracted: AVE) 값으로평가하는방법과표준오차추정구간 (two standard-error interval estimate) 을통해평가하는방법이다. 이중평균분산추출 (AVE) 값은판별타당성을평가하는가장엄격한방법 (Fornell & Larker, 1981) 으로알려져있으므로, 본연구에서는 AVE값을구하여판별타당성을평가하였다 (Table 4). 1) 집중타당성검정결과집중타당성을평가하기위하여개념신뢰도값을이용하였다. 개념신뢰도값의기준은 0.7이상이되면집중타당도는확보되었다고할수있다 (Hair et al., 1998). ( 표준화추정치) 2 개념신뢰도 = ( 표준화추정치) 2 + 측정오차먼저, 호감도의개념신뢰도값을구하면다음과같다. (.857+.881) 2 호감도 = = 0.892 (.857+.881) 2 + (.202+.163) 호감도의개념신뢰도값은 0.892로기준값인 0.7이상으로나타나집중타당성은확보되었다고할수있다. 이와동일한방법으로광고태도, 브랜드태도, 인지도, 충성도, 구매의도변수들의개념신뢰값을구하면, Table 4와같이각 0.910, 0.945, 0.831, 0.877, 0.908로나타났다. 즉, 광고태도, 브랜드태도, 인지도, 충성도, 구매의도변수모두집중타당성은확보하였다고할수있다. loyalty Purchasing intention (.812 +.831 +.856) 2 (.812 +.831 +.856) 2 + (.320 +.297 +.254) (.906 +.896) 2 (.906 +.896) 2 + (.159 +.170) 0.877 0.908 2) 판별타당성검정결과판별타당성을검정하기위하여평균분산추출 (average variance extracted: AVE) 값을이용하였다. AVE값을가지고판별타당성을평가하는방법은변수간모든상관계수의 171

Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., 제곱값이 AVE 값보다낮으면판별타당성은확보되었다한다 (Fornell & Larker, 1981). 평균분산추출 (AVE) = ( 표준화추정치 2 ) ( 표준화추정치 2 ) + 측정오차 먼저, 호감도의 AVE 값을구한결과 0.805 의값을보였고, 광고태도는 0.773, 브랜드태도는 0.853, 인지도는 0.622, 충 성도는 0.705, 구매의도는 0.831 의수치로나타났으며결과는 Table 5 와같다. 판별타당성을확보하기위해서는 AVE 값이변수들간의상관 계수의제곱값보다커야한다. 따라서판별타당성을검정하기 위해서는상관관계분석을실시해야하는데, 그결과는 Table 5 와같다. 상관관계분석결과각변수들간의제곱값중가장 큰값은충성도와구매의도간의상관계수값인 0.824 이다. 이 것의제곱값은 0.678 로서, 모든변수들의 AVE 값이 0.678 보다 Table 5. Result of AVE Category Formula AVE Liking Advertising awareness loyalty Purchasing intention (.857 2 +.881 2 ) (.857 2 +.881 2 ) + (.202 +.163) (.772 2 +.844 2 +.880 2 ) (.772 2 +.844 2 +.880 2 ) + (.271 +.186 +.154) (.912 2 +.929 2 +.856 2 ) (.912 2 +.929 2 +.856 2 ) + (.128 +.089 +.201) (.780 2 +.726 2 +.842 2 ) (.780 2 +.726 2 +.842 2 ) + (.394 +.432 +.293) (.812 2 +.831 2 +.856 2 ) (.812 2 +.831 2 +.856 2 ) + (.320 +.297 +.254) (.906 2 +.896 2 ) (.906 2 +.896 2 ) + (.159 +.170) 0.805 0.773 0.853 0.622 0.705 0.831 커야한다. 분석결과호감도, 광고태도, 브랜드태도, 충성도, 구매의도변수의 AVE값은모두상회한것으로나타나판별타당성은확보되었다고할수있지만, 인지도의경우에는매우미미한수치인 0.056 부족한 0.622의수치를보이고있다. 그러나판별타당성의또다른분석방법으로표준오차추정구간 (two standard- error interval estimate) 을통해평가하는방법이있다. 이방법변수들간에동일하다는가설 ( 상관계수 =1) 을기각하는지를보아야하며, 공식은다음과같다. 표준오차추정구간공식 : 상관계수 ±(2 standard error) 1 여기서 standard error는충성도와구매의도간의 Covariances의표준오차값이다. 표준오차추정구간공식에수치를대입하면다음과같다. 0.824±(2.058) 1 상관계수 0.824를 (2 0.058) 에더하거나빼면, 각 0.94, 0.708로나타난다. 이는 1이아니므로, 인지도역시판별타당성은확보하였다고할수있다. 4. 조절효과검정결과 Table 7은호감도, 광고태도, 브랜드태도, 인지도, 충성도, 구매의도간의관계는소비성향에의해조절효과가나타날것이라는결과이다. 그결과, 비제약모델이제약모델보다우수한모델적합도를보이고있지않으며, 카이제곱의차이는자유도 11에 16.089의값으로나타났으며, 이것의유의수준은 0.138 로조절효과는없는것으로밝혀졌다. 구체적으로비제약모델의적합도는 χ 2 =291,259 df=187, p=.000, GFI=0.901, AGFI=0.856, CFI=0.970, RMR=0.061, RMSEA=0.042, NFI=.921, I=0.970으로나타났고, 제약모델의적합도는 χ 2 =275.170, df=176, p=.000, GFI=0.907, AGFI=0.856, CFI=0.971, RMR=0.036, RMSEA=0.042, NFI=.925, IFI=0.972로두모델은거의차이가없는것으로나타났다. Table 6. Result of analyzing correlations Inter-Construct Correlations Measure 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Liking 1.000 2. Advertising.574 1.000 3..403.616 1.000 4. Awareness.333.501.504 1.000 5. Loyalty.362.502.729.549 1.000 6. Purchasing intention.346.531.571.433.824 1.000 Construct faith 0.892 0.910 0.945 0.831 0.877 0.908 AVE 0.805 0.773 0.853 0.622 0.705 0.831 172

화장품광고모델호감도가소비유형에서브랜드자산과구매의도에미치는영향 1. 연구결과의요약본연구는광고모델의호감도가광고태도와브랜드자산, 구매의도에미치는영향을알아보고, 소비자의소비유형에따라각변수들간의조절효과를밝히고자하였다. 연구결과첫째, 광고모델의호감도는광고태도와브랜드태도, 브랜드인지도에통계적으로유의한정 (+) 의영향을미치는것으로나타났다. 둘째, 광고태도는브랜드충성도에통계적으로유의한영향을미치지않는반면구매의도에는통계적으로유의한정 (+) 의영향을미치는것으로나타났다. 셋째, 브랜드태도는브랜드충성도와구매의도에통계적으로유의한정 (+) 의영향을미치는것으로나타났다. 넷째, 브랜드인지는브랜드충성도와구매의도에통계적으로유의한정 (+) 의영향을미쳤다. 다섯째, 광고모델호감도는브랜드충성도와구매의도에통계적으로유의한영향을미치지않는것으로나타났다. 마지막으로소비자의소비유형이각변수들간에조절효과는없는것으로나타났다. 2. 고찰본연구의결과를토대로선행연구들과의결과를비교하여살펴보면광고모델의호감도는광고태도와브랜드태도, 브랜드인지도에정 (+) 의영향을미쳐 ( 김현정, 2003) 의결과와일치 하는것을볼수있다. 이는마케팅측면에서광고모델의선정에있어호감도가높은모델을선택하게되었을때광고나브랜드에대한긍정적인태도와인지도를이끌어냄으로서해당브랜드에대한호의적인태도를구축할수있음을보여주고있다. 광고태도는브랜드충성도에통계적으로유의한영향을미치지않았으며, 구매의도에는통계적으로유의한영향을미쳐브랜드충성도와구매의도모두에유의한영향을미친 ( 이경민, 2011) 의연구와다른결과를나타냈으며, 이는광고에대한호의적인태도는긍정적인호기심으로인한단순구매로는연결될수있으나해당브랜드의충성도를이끌어내기에는어려움이있다고사료되었다. 브랜드태도는브랜드충성도와구매의도에통계적으로유의한정 (+) 의영향을미치는것으로나타나 ( 원녕준, 2010) 의결과와도일치하였다. 이는브랜드에대한호의적태도가일단형성되어야만해당브랜드에대한충성심이나구매의도로연결될수있음을보여줘브랜드에대한긍정적인태도를이끌어내는것이구매로이어질수있는중요한요소임을보여주고있다. 브랜드인지도는브랜드충성도와구매의도에통계적으로유의한정 (+) 의영향을미쳐 ( 강혜원, 2012) 외많은결과와일치하였으며, 이는다른타브랜드와구별할수있는독특한브랜드의특성을살려소비자입장에서브랜드인지를상승시키는것이브랜드자산및직접적인구매에영향을미칠수있는요인임을보여주는결과라고할수있다. Table 7. Result of examining regulation effect on propensity to consume Route Coefficient value Wasteful consumer C.R. p-value Coefficient value Thrifty consumer C.R. p-value Liking Advertising.398 5.794.000**.609 6.607.000** Liking.376 4.666.000**.507 4.640.000** Liking Awareness.268 3.143.002**.472 4.119.000** Advertising Loyalty.071.656.512 -.116 -.660.510 Advertising Purchasing intention.279 1.995.046*.455 2.434.015* Loyalty.489 6.079.000**.722 5.988.000** Purchasing intention.283 2.948.003**.420 3.521.000** Awareness Loyalty.201 2.749.006**.300 2.701.007** Awareness Purchasing intention.079.850.395.256 2.210.027* Liking Loyalty.123 1.717.086 -.059 -.460.645 Liking Purchasing intention.154 1.686.092 -.190-1.407.159 Result of examining regulation effect on propensity to consume *p<.05, **p<.01 Goodness of model (unconstraint model) Goodness of model (constraint model) p=.138 2 =275.170, df=176, p=.000, GFI=0.907, AGFI=0.856, CFI=0.971, RMR=0.036, RMSEA=0.042, NFI=.925, IFI=0.972 2 =291,259 df=187, p=.000, GFI=0.901, AGFI=0.856, CFI=0.970, RMR=0.061, RMSEA=0.042, NFI=.921, IFI=0.970 173

Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., 광고모델의호감도는브랜드충성도와구매의도에통계적으로유의한영향을미치지않는것으로나타나 ( 홍성민, 2012) 외다른결과와도상이한결과를나타냈다. 선행연구와달리본연구에서는광고모델에대한호감은단순히광고와브랜드에대한긍정적인태도를이끌어낼수는있지만광고모델의호감도만으로장기적인충성도나적극적인구매의도에영향을미치기에는부족함을나타내는결과를보여주고있다. 마지막으로소비자의소비유형이각변수들간에조절효과는없는것으로나타나 ( 류세자, 2008) 의연구와다른결과를나타냈으며, 이는선행연구의경우 미샤, 더페이스샵, 뷰티크레딧, 에뛰드 등의저가화장품만을설문의모델로삼아경제형소비자와낭비형소비자의차이가뚜렷이나타난반면, 본연구의경우 스킨푸드 만이저가화장품이었고, 이자녹스 의경우는중가, 헤라, 더히스토리오브후 의경우백화점및방문판매전용제품으로중고가이상의브랜드를설문의모델로삼아경제형소비자와낭비형소비자의유의한차이가없었던것으로사료된다. 본연구의결과를통해광고모델의호감도는구매와충성도에직접적인영향을주는요인보다는광고와브랜드에대한호의적인태도와브랜드인지도를높이는것이브랜드충성도와구매의도에영향을미칠수있음을보여주었다. 따라서단순히광고모델의인기를쫓거나광고모델의호감도만을따라광고모델을선정하기보다는브랜드이미지에맞는모델을기용함으로써브랜드인지도및브랜드태도에영향을줄수있는모델을기용하는것이구매의도에영향을준다고할수있다. 또한광고에대한태도는구매행동에중요한영향을미치므로마케터들은신중한모델선정과광고집행을해야할것이다. 더불어브랜드에대한태도와인지도는직접적으로브랜드충성도와구매의도에영향을미치므로화장품브랜드의구매의사를더욱증진시키기위해서는광고모델을활용해직접적구매유도를하는것도중요하지만소비자에게호의적인느낌을주는광고를통해광고를통해소비자에게긍정적인브랜드태도와인지도를향상시켜충성고객을확보하는것이중요하다고사료된다. Kang BS. A comparative Study on Advertising Effect of Sport Star and Celebrity Endorser. Industrial management grad school thesis, Dankook University, 2002. Kwon SK. Study on Effect of Types of Advertising Appeals on Advertising Attitude and Purchasing intention. Business management grad school thesis, Dankook University, 2009. Kim KH. Study on Effect of Language Combination of China expansed brand on Consumers Memory, Attitude and Purchasing Intention. Business management grad school thesis, Soongsil University, 2008. Kim DW. A study on the Characteristics of the Franchise PC Room Affect Attitudes and Purchase Intention. Media and communication grad school advertising and public relations thesis, Sungkyunkwan University, 2009. Kim MH. Consumer Satisfaction along the Purchasing Disposition of Funtional Cosmetics-Whitening, Sunscreens, Wrinkle improvement. Magazine of Korean Society for Aesthetics and Cosmotology, 9: 153-166, 2011. Kim Mh. Effect of Subjective Health Awareness and Product Participation on Organic Cosmetics Advertising Attitude. Public relations grad school advertising and public relations thesis, Hongik University, 2011. Kim SJ. Effect of Attractive Female Celebrities Changed Value by Negative Information Type towards Advertising Dodel on Advertising Attitude and Product Estimation. Advertisment Study, 62: 29-53, 2004. Kim SJ. Study of Effect that Dual Advertising Model and Exclusive Advertising Model Have on Advertising. Media and Public Relations grad school thesis, Yonsei University, 2003. Kim SJ. Study on Female Consumers Preference on Cosmetics and Purchasing Intention. Consumers grad school thesis, Ewha Womens University, 2009. Kim IJ. Study of Effect of Preference on Advertising Model and Advertising Belief-Focused on the Big 3 Telecommunication Companies TV Commercial on 2009-. Industrial art grad school industry design thesis, Hong-ik University, 2009. Kim JK. Study of Effect of Awareness and Product Participation on Loyalty. Business Management grad school thesis, Dankook University, 2008. Kim CH, Lee RW. Cuases that Have Effects on Strategic Integration in Distribution Channel. Distribution Business Adacemy Magazine, 2: 32-45, 2000. 174

화장품광고모델호감도가소비유형에서브랜드자산과구매의도에미치는영향 Kim CG. The Effects of Entertainment Star Model on the Advertising Effectiveness in the Food Service Industry. Tour business thesis, Kyung Won University, 2008. Kim TS. Study on Advertising Attitude according to the Message Type of Medical Commercial -focused on the Difference between Oriental Medicine and Western Medicine-. Advertisment grad school thesis, Hongik University, 2009. Kim HJ. Comparative study on the advertisement effect according to types of advertisement model -On the advertisement of functional cosmetics. Art grad school thesis, Chuang University, 2012. Kim HS. Study of Effect that Awareness of Online Shopping Mall has on Purchasing Attitude. Korea Tour Leisure Society, 15: 63-78, 2000. Kim HS. Study on the Difference of Advertisement Appeal Effect of Functional Cosmetics. Advertisment grad school, Advertising publicity thesis, Yonsei University, 2002. Kim HE. Cosmetics Purchasing Behavior of Female Consumers According to Types of Advertisement and Publicity in Women s Monthly Magazine. Fashion grad school, Fasion major thesis, Dongduk women s University, 2011. Na JH. Study of Effect that Consumer Charateristics and Global Image have on Loyalty. Business management department, international thesis, Widuk University, 2008. Moon SJ, Yun CY, Tak DI. Study of Effect that Difference of Participation according to the Consumers Personality has on the Asset and Purchasing Intention. Service Management Society Magazine, 8: 133-149, 2007. Moon YS. Study of Effect on Advertising of Product Participation and Celebrity Endorser. Advertisement Study, 1990. Park CY. Study of Effect that Cosmetic Types has on Loyalty: focused on the Consumer Purchasing Tendancy and Product price. Advertising Publicity brand management thesis, Hongik University, 2011. Park HD. Study of Advertisement Effect according to the Advertising Model Type and Consumer Participation in Service Commercial. Media public realtion grad school thesis, Yonsei University, 2003. Park HH. A Study on Effectiveness of Sports Advertisements by Degree of Sports Involvement. Sports Industry grad school thesis, Kukmin University, 2003. Paek JE. The effects of consumer buying based on sports brand advertising model, brand recognition, and consumer subjectivity. Design Grad school thesis, SungKyunKwan University, 2012. Paek JH. Effects that Types of Online Communities have on Attitude -focused on the Car Communities-. Advertising publicity grad school brand management department thesis, Hongik University, 2007. Seo JM. Study of Effect that advertising category of Hanryu Stars recognized by Japanese Tourists has on Company Images, Belife and Loyalty. Hotel-tour business management grad school thesis, Sejong University, 2008. Song JM. Consensus of Advertisement Model along the Preference and Self Conception. Kor. Psychol. Soc., 15: 3-23, 2008. Shin WJ. Effect that Advertising Charateristic has on the Belief and Loyalty of Coffee focused Company. Service business management grad school thesis, Kyunggi University, 2011. Shin IG. The Effect of Attribute of Sports Star and Celebrity model on Purchase Intension. Sprots science grad school thesis, Kyunggi University, 2009. Ahn YA. A Study on the Impact of Police Personality on Attitude toward Police : Focusing on the Effect of the Police BPL in the Movie. Media public relation departmen e thesis, Korea Foreign Language University, 2012. Wang HW. A Study on the Effects of Advertising Appeal Types on Attitude toward Advertising and Purchase Intention -Focusing on Korea and China-. Advertising publicity grad school thesis, Chungju University, 2012. Yang Sh. Effect that Advertisement Appealing Types have on the Advertisement Attitude and Purchasing -Focused on the advertisement of prepared powered milk-. Advertising publicity grad school sales promotion and event department thesis, Hongik 175

Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., University, 2009. Yu JH. Study on the Quality of Rubber Gloves that has Effects on the and Loyalty. Business management thesis, Busan University, 2007. Yu JH. A Study on Components of Equity: with Priority given to Emotion- Relationship between consumer and brands. Newpaper broadcasting grad school thesis, Sungkyunkwan University, 2004. Yu HY. Study of Effects that Personality according to the Advertisement Appeling Types has on the Advertising Attitude and Purchasing Intention -Focused on the Personality Function of MBTI. Business management grad school thesis, Kyungwon University, 2008. Lee MY. Study of Advertising Effect on Female cosmetics Adversiment Model -Focused on the Characteristics and Difference in Gender. Media advertisement grad school thesis, Kunkook University, 2009. Lee SH. Demonstrative Study on Service and Quality of Male cosmetics Purchase Cuase. Kor. Skin Cosmotol. Soc. Magazine, 4: 1-13, 2006. Lee OS. Effects of Appeal Types of Online Shopping Advertisement on Advertising Attitude and Purchasing Behaviors Based on Self -Monitoring: Focused on GS SHOP Advertisement. Public Relations grad school thesis, Hongik University, 2012. Lee JH. Analysis of Advertising Effect between Sports star and Famous celebrity Model. Kor. Sports Res., 17: 361-372, 2006. Lee EH. Cosmetics Marketing Strategies and Future. Kor. Skin Cosmotol. Soc. Magazine, 1: 203-211, 2003. Lee JH. Study of Effect that Package Design of Emotional Society has on the Loyalty. Insdustry grad school thesis, Hanyang University,2009. Lim EM. Study of Effect that Professional Model Used Advertisement has on Advertising Attitude and Purchasing Intention. Advertising publicity grad school, Honkik University, 2010. Jang HW. Study of Effect that Personality and Awareness and recognized Quality has on the Preference and Purchasing Order. Business management thesis, Hanyang University, 2008. Jeong DW. Study of Influencing Relationship of Image, Attitude and Loyalty of used Restaurant Asset. Cook and Restaurant business management thesis, Sejong University, 2012. Jeong SI. Study of Effect that Charateristics according to Loyalty have on the Purchase. Business management grad school brand management department thesis, Kyunghee University, 2011. Jeong YJ. Effects that Advertising Model in Agricultural product Commercial has on the Advertising Effect. Public Relations grad school thesis, Hongik University, 2008. Jo SM. Study of Advertising Effect on the Gender of Car Commercial Model. Techno-business management grad school thesis, Sukmyeong Women s University, 2006. Choi MJ. The Assessment of Purchasing Pattern and Consuming Behavior of Cosmetics among Women in their 20s and 30s. Pharma food grad school, cosmetology department thesis, Chungang University, 2011. Choi SG. Effect on that Model Gender and Emotional Appealing types in Apartment Commercial have on Advertising Effect. Media Publicity grad school thesis, Yonsei University, 2007. Choi SW. Effect that Consumers Former Knowlege has on the Attitude according to the Type. Business management grad school Marketing department thesis, Korea Foreigh Language University, 2012. Huh YD. Study on the Mesurement of Awareness/ Liking of Tourist Hotel. Tourist Management Study Magazine, 13: 42-48, 2001. Aaker DA. Managing brand Equity: Capitalizing on the value of a brand name, New York, The Free Press, 1991. Aaker DA. Leadership, The Free Press, 2000. Bhattacharya CB. Is your brand s loyalty too much, too little, or just right? Explaining deviations in loyalty from the Dirichlet norm. Int. J. Res. Market., 14: 421-425, 1997. Chaudhuri A, Holbrook MB. The Chain of effects from Affect to Performance; The role of brand loyalty. J. Market., 65: 81-93, 2001. Dick AS, Basu K. Customer Loyalty: Toward an Integrated Conceptua: Framework. J. Market. Sci., 22: 1994. 176

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