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ˆ A Reading on the Spatial Representations of Urban Center in Seoul from Cultural Perspective of Gender : Flânerie Seeing with Speculum* Suan Lee** Benjamin flânerie Irigaray speculum Abstract This paper attempts to focus the ways in which Seoul as an urban space can be read and interpreted from gender perspective, assuming Seoul as a cultural text which represents modernity and post-modernity. Drawing on discussions of urban sociology and human geography which have analyzed the relationship between material spaces and social subjects, this paper explores the gendered segregation and representations of space in Seoul which has been constructed through the process of modernization. The framework of spatial interpretation of Seoul, concentrating on imageablity and legibility, consists of three dimensions; gendered division of labour and sphere, dichotomy of representations along with femininity and masculinity, and the ways of interlocking between modernity and postmodernity. In this paper, flânerie, Benjamin s method of interpretation of urban culture and the way of seeing with speculum of Irigaray are adopted as metaphoric methodologies. It is an attempt to develop a new methodology to analyze and interpret urban space from gender-cultural perspective. : center in Seoul, spatial representation, urban space, flâneur, speculum, feminist cultural studies 2007 (KRF-2007-361-AL0015) (Assistant Professor, Ewha Institute for the Humanities, Ewha Womans University), suan@ewha.ac.kr 282

2005 37 1960 283

Benjamin Irigaray Connell Featherstone Chaney Baldwin Benjamin (die Physiognomik) 2008 107 110 1930 Mumford Mumford 1938 Mumford 1938 3 5 Savage and Warde 1996 160 284

Benjamin Das Passagen-Werk flâneur flâneur 19 flânerie Benjamin 2005 128 Wilson 1992 94 95 Baldwin et al. 1996 301 Benjamin die Phantasmagorie Benjamin Benjamin 2005 127 Benjamin 2005 128 flânerie Jenks Jenks 1995 146 Baldwin et al. 1996 303 Benjamin Buck-Morss 2004 10 11 Simmel 1903 1983 Benjamin Berman 1983 Baldwin et al. 2008 342 Simmel Savage and Warde 1996 239 Simmel Simmel Benjamin 285

Frisby 1985 192 Savage and Warde 1996 172 Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin wish-process Savage and Warde 1996 171 Appadurai(1996) Soja(2000, 208-209) Benjamin Savage and Warde 1996 172 Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin flânerie dandy Berger 1996 Benjamin Wolff Wolff 1985 Baldwin et al. 2004 303 male gaze 19 Wolff Wilson Wilson 19 Wilson 1992 Baldwin et al. 2004 304 Wilson Wilson 1997 277 284 Benjamin 286

19 Wilson 1930 Wilson wildness Wilson sexual unease Wilson Benjamin Wilson Benjamin Irigaray Speculum de l autre femme Irigaray Irigaray Irigaray 1980 183 das Unheimliche Irigaray 1980 184 das Innere Irigaray Irigaray This sex which is not one Irigaray Irigaray 1996 81 Irigaray 287

2004 103 104 Irigaray corporeal Irigaray Irigaray Wilson Wilson 1997 281 Wilson Wilson Raban hard city soft city Raban, 1974 9 10 Harvey 1994 22 Raban hard city soft city Felski Felski 1998 99 Felski hard city soft city Irigaray Cixous Cixous and Clement 1986 Connell 1987 Connell(1987 183 288

Baldwin et al. 2008 168 Berger 1996 Pilcher Whelehan Pilcher and Whelehan 2004 82 masculinities Pilcher and Whelehan 2004 83 Leslie Leslie 1997 300 301 home Leslie 1997 305 Leslie Berman Berman Berman 1983 1 surface appearance Chaney 2004 135 148 289

Wirth(1938) Urbanism as a Way of Life Wirth 1938 1 Savage and Warde 1996 127 Chaney 2004 164 Davidoff and Hall(1983) Davidoff and Hall 1983 344 Chaney 2004 164 60 70 2000 2006 Kim 2007 2008 906 (Massey, 1994) 290

1970 Spain 1992 80 1980 28 S Lefebvre triad la pratique spatiale les répresentations de l espace les espaces de répresentation Lefebvre 2000 48 57 Lefebvre Lynch legibility imageability Lynch Lynch 1960 2 3 Baldwin 2005 291

Lynch 1960 9 Baldwin 2005 doing gender Raban Harvey 1994 22 hard city soft city Connell 1 1945 50 1,180 1945 3 60 1966 4 292

30 2008 110 120 Le Corbusier 1966 11 1 8 17 70 Benjamin 19 3 1 1 2009 3 19 MacDonald 1989 70 MacDonald MacDonald 1989 75 Baldwin et al. 2004 344 1970 ideal Connell Connell 1995 2000 293

Connell gender hierarchy 2008 144 145 12 soft city Harvey soft city Benjamin 19 Chaney narrative Chaney 2004 44 Chaney Benjamin L S H L S 1 294

2006 61 79 Rob Schields 1992 Chaney 2004 44 Wilson Wilson, 1997, 281 semi-private Chaney Chaney 2004 45 1970 Simmel Berman Berman 1984 Berman Berman 1984 123 295

display Savage and Warde 1996 153 Berman 3 Irigaray 2006 2006 33 296

70 70 1) 100 Irigaray Lefebvre Harvey 30 Benjamin Simmel Irigaray Benjamin Irigaray Lefebvre 297

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