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의약품리베이트자율규제의한계 : 제도론적접근 165 ABSTRACT The Limit of the Self-Regulation of Pharmaceutical Rebates: An Insititutional Approach Ha-young Lee & Min-chang Lee This article aims to reexamine the success factors for the self-regulation of pharmaceutical rebates through a case analysis. The results of the case study show the reasons for inevitable failure in the self-regulation of pharmaceutical rebates. First, the interests of the actors diverged. Second, these separate interests cannot make actors agree to search for alternatives that increase property value. Third, as a result, actors cannot establish a system that could induce voluntary cooperation. Finally, actors were not able to develop and enforce a credible commitment mechanism. The success factors for self-regulation were corroborated from a theoretical perspective and it was also found that those factors are useful for explaining the causes of the failure of self-regulation. Self-regulation cannot be successfully managed in a distorted market structure with actors with diverse interests.