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지형역사인구인구밀도사업체종사자제조업및서비스업주택유형토지이용광역교통망통근 장 Metropolitan Areas Topography History Population Population Density Employees Manufacturing Industries and Service Industries Housing Type Land Use Metropolitan Transpotation Network Commuting

< W.NHhg W&He @L 31eLhg S5 @ew&h @0Y @5 (Y hg @L B)X 31 @1 S5 5 5 @ew&h @e7(y @0Y 3=eC(Y @ X < V40Y (1) 지형 Topography 서울에대한이해를위해서는서울시행정구역내의특색뿐아니라실질적영향이미치는지역, 즉광역차원에서의에대한이해가필요하다. 의공간적범위는학자들마다다르게설정되기도하나본책자에서는경기도행정구역내를기준으로살펴보았다. 경기도는우리나라중부의서쪽에위치하며, 서쪽에황해의경기만, 북서쪽에황해도, 동쪽에강원도, 남쪽에충청도와접하고있으며, 도내에서울특별시와인천직할시가 그림 85 인공위성영상 2000 Figure85 Satellite Imagery of Seoul Metropolitan Area, 2000 황해도 마식령산맥 임진강 소요산 58 백운산 904 명지산 1,27 화악산 1,48 지형 2000 Topography 2000 있다. 황해도와의경계선에는마식령산맥, 충청북도와의경계선에는차령산맥이달리고있다. 강원도 경기도의서부는대체적으로평탄한충적평야이며, 기타지 역은산지인데특히동북부와동부에는고도 1,000m 이상 의높은산들도솟아있으며, 가장중요한수계는강원도에서발원하는한강수계이다. 도봉산 717 천마산 812 북한강 @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg 5 To understand Seoul, an understanding of not only the characteristics of Seoul within its administrative sphere but the knowledge of the metropolitan broader perspectives to the regions where Seoul's influences reach, is needed. Each scholar has different ideas as to the spatial sphere of the Metropolitan area, however, for convenience' sake, this book regarded Kyonggido province as the. Kyonggi-do is loated in the west of the middle region of Korea. It has Kyonggi bay in the west off the coast of the Yellow Sea, Hwanghae-do province to the northwest, Kangwon-do to the east, and Chungchong-do to the south, also Seoul city and Inchon Special City. Mts. Masingnyong on the border of Hwanghae-do and Mts. Charyong on the border of Chungchong bukdo run toward the west. The west of Kyonggi-do is a level alluvial plains and other areas mountains, in particular northeast and eastern part of it lies high mountains of over 1,000m. The Hangang river originated from Kwangwon-do province is the main water supply source. 경기만 인천직할시 서울특별시 관악산 29 한강 충청남도 경기도 용문산 1,157 남한강 충청북도 차령산맥 백운산 1,087 자료 : 국립지리원, 1997, 1;5000 수치지형도 Source : National Geography Institute, 1997, 1:5000 Digital Topographic Map @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg

Hhg W&= (R'Xhg (YV')Xhg W&(Yf@)hg 5hg Hhg < HeHhg @L 3@Le@5hg 31 V')KeC(Yhg S5 5 @0Y @ew&h W& 5 W&@H @hf W@Hhf < @L hg @hg 31 S5 @ew&h H @0Y W&<hg @5 C(Y @5 @H @ @hg Nhg 5hg (2) 역사 History 경기도는한반도의중앙에자리잡고있으며, 구석기시대부터부족국가가형성되었다. 경기도가지금과같은이름을얻게된것은고려제8대현종왕때개성및부근 13현을중앙의직할로하여경기도라칭한이후이며, 조선제3대태종왕때전국을 8도제로실시하면서경기도라칭하게되었다. 1945년연천군대부분과경기도일부지역이 38 선이북에, 황해도일부지역이 38 선이남에소재한상태에서해방이되었다. 194년경성부가서울특별시로승격되어경기도로부터분리되고, 그이후 193년경기도의일부지역이서울특별시로행정구역이개편되었으며, 1981 년인천시가인천직할시로승격분리되었다. 경기도는인구집중에따라시로승격하는곳이늘어나면서 2000년현재관내에 23개의시와 8개의군이있다. Kyonggi-do is located in the center of the Korean Peninsula and this town state is believed to have existed since the Paleolithic era. It came to have the present name Kyonggi-do when King Hyonjong (1009-1031), the 8th king of Koryo (918-1392), incorporated 13 hyons including Kaesong and the neighboring areas into one and named it Kyonggi-do, which was under direct jurisdiction of the central government. During the reign of King Taejong (1400-1418), the 3rd king of the Choson Dynasty (1392-1910), the 8th do system-it divided Korea into 8 do(provinces)-was introduced and the present Kyonggi-do area inherited its old name from the Koryo period. In 1945, Korea was liberated from the colonial rule of Japan with most of the Yonchon-gun with part of Kyonggi-do behind the 38th parallel demarcation line and part of Hwanghae-do under the line. In 194, Kyongsong-bu was made independent and was promoted to Seoul Special City in 193, and part of the Kyonggi-do was incorporated into Seoul. In 1981, Incheon was separated from Kyonggi-do and promoted to Incheon Special City. Due to population influx into 표1 행정구역 2001 Table 1 Administrative District, 2001 시, 군 Si,Gun 면적 Area( km2 ) 행정동 Adm.Dong 법정동 Legal Dong 읍 Eup 면 Meyon 시 Si 군 Gun 서울특별시 인천광역시 수원시 성남시 안양시 부천시 광명시 평택시 안산시 과천시 오산시 시흥시 군포시 의왕시 하남시 용인시 이천시 안성시 김포시 의정부시 동두천시 고양시 구리시 남양주시 파주시 여주군 화성군 광주군 양평군 양주군 연천군 포천군 Seoul Metropolitan Government Incheon Metropolitan City Suwon-si Seongnam-si Anyang-si Bucheon-si Gwangmyung-si Pyeongtaek-si Ansan-si Gwacheon-si Osan-si Siheung-si Gunpo-si Uiwang-si Hanam-si Yongin-si Icheon-si Anseong-si Gimpo-si Uijeongbu-si Dongducheon-si Goyang-si Guri-si Namyangju-si Paju-si Yeoju-gun Hwaseong-gun Gwangju-gun Yangpyeong-gun Yangju-gun Yeoncheon-gun Pocheon-gun 05.50 94.53 121.14 141.85 58.52 53.44 38.51 452.13 145.01 35.8 42.7 131.08 3.38 53.95 93.07 591.2 41.08 554.24 27.53 81.97 95.7 27.32 33.29 459.99 82.49 08.23 87.54 431.95 878.24 309.77 95.1 827.09 522 3 44 31 35 18 13 22 10 4 3 3 3 13 7 35 8 2 472 134 5 44 7 24 8 27 37 10 24 31 9 24 10 15 33 7 13 12 51 7 10 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 8 8 8 12 9 13 7 8 김포시 인천광역시 연천군동두천시파주시양주군의정부시고양시서울특별시부천시 광명시과천시 성남시시흥시안양시의왕시군포시안산시 화성군오산시평택시 포천군남양주시하남시광주군용인시안성시 가평군 이천시 양평군 여주군 행정구역 2000 Administrative District, 2000 @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg 5 the Metropolitan Areas, many gun(s) of Kyonggi-do were promoted to si (city) and presently Kyonggido has 23 cities and 8 guns under it. 가평군 계 Total Gapyeong-gun 843.35,759.2 971 1,082 1 22 5 129 자료 : 서울시정개발연구원도시정보연구센타내부자료 Source : Center of Urban Information System, Seoul Development Institute, Internal Data

H7(Yhg N@e@Hhg @ew&h V4 @0Y Lhg O < <e f @L W2@Xhg e@1hg 55hg 31 3@Le5hg V')Ke@0Yhg S5 O2Xhg W2(MI')Xhg @ew&h @(Y @0Y H HeN@1hg 5e5hg < '@HeW&(Yhg V'=W&@Hhg @L 31 V'&@5 V'(Y S5 5 @0Y (3) 인구 Population 지역의인구는 190년대이래지속적으로증가하고있다. 특히서울의인구는 90 년대들어정체상태인반면지역의인구는지속적으로증가하고있어서울의교외화현상이서울시행정구역을넘어으로확대됨을알수있다. 1980 년이래의인구성장패턴을보면대개경인축과경부축을중심으로서울중심지에서반경 30Km 권내 그림 8 인구수 2000 Figure 8 Population, 2000 50,000 이하 Below 50,000~100,000 100,000~200,000 200,000~300,000 300,000 초과 Over ( 명, Person) 1980 1985 인구수 1980-1995 Population, 1980-1995 50,000 이하 Below 50,000~100,000 100,000~200,000 200,000~300,000 300,000초과 Over ( 명, Person) 의경기서남부지역에서인구성장이높았다. 그러나 90 년 대이후에는고양, 성남등의신도시개발과용인, 남양주, 광주, 김포등준농림지역개발로이광역화됨을뚜 렷하게볼수있다. Population of the Metropolitan Area has been increasing since 190s. In the 1990s, while Seouls population stayed stagnant, the population in the metropolitan areas continues to increase, which means suburbanization has @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg 5 expanded over the Seoul boundary. @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg 5 Population increases in the metropolitan areas since the 1980s are in the south-western part of Kyonggi-do province within the radius of 30km, along the axises of Seoul-Incheon and Seoul- 1990 1995 Pusan, from the downtown of Seoul. Since the late 1990s, the metropolitan areas experienced a rapid expansion due to the developments of new towns in Koyang and Songnam and quasi- 그림 87 인구추이 190-2000 Figure87 Trend of Population, 190-2000 agricultural regions in Yongin, Namyangju, Kwangju, and Kimpo. 자료 : 통계청, 인구주택총조사보고서, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000 Source : Korea National Statistical Office, Population and Housing Census Report 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000

O2Xhg @(MI'1hg HeN@Lhg W&5e@hg W.NHhg *@HeHhg N@f@5hg W&He 3LeJ(Yhg elhg N)Ke.Y @ @0Y @5 (Y Hhg 5hg W.NHhg Hhg W&He elhg 5 @0Y @0Y @5 (Y @hg Nhg 5hg (4) 인구밀도 Population Density 2000년현재서울의인구밀도는 30,995인 / km2로서, 경기도의 3배에달한다. 그러나서울지역의인구밀도는 90 년 그림 88 인구밀도 2000 Figure 88 Population Density, 2000 1980 1985 인구밀도 1980-1995 Population Density, 1980-1995 대이후지속적감소추세인반면, 경기도지역의인구밀도는지속적으로증가추세에있으며, 시계열적으로는서울에서가까운지역으로부터인구밀도가점차높아지는공간적확산현황을보이고있다. 5,000 이하 Below 5,000~7,000 7,000~10,000 10,000~20,000 20,000 초과 Over ( 명 / km2, Person/ km2 ) 5,000 이하 Below 5,000~7,000 7,000~10,000 10,000~20,000 20,000초과 Over ( 명 / km2, Person/ km2 ) As of 2000, Seoul's population density is 30,995 persons/ km2, 1.8 times that of Kyonggi-do's. Contrary to Seoul whose population density is on the decrease since the late 1990s, Kyonggi-do's population density continues to increase. The closer to Seoul, the higher the population density. @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg 5 @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg 5 1990 1995 그림 89 인구밀도 1980-2000 Figure89 Population Density, 1980-2000 자료 : 통계청, 인구주택총조사보고서, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000 Source : Korea National Statistical Office, Population and Housing Census Report 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000

O2@Khg <Bhg 5hg Hhg @5hg J(Yhg.Y W.NHhg W. W.Y W&He W&Y elhg & @0Y @5 (Y W.NHhg < @L W&He 31 elhg S5 @ew&h @0Y @5 (Y (5) 사업체종사자 Employees 사업체종사자수는해당지역의고용기반을나타내는지표이다. 서울의경우종사자수의절대수치는약간씩증가하 그림 90 종사자수 2000 Figure 90 No. of Workers, 2000 1981 198 종사자수 1981-1995 No. of Workers 1981-1995 나전국비중은점차감소하는추세인반면경기도지역은서울의광역화현상과함께전국비중이지속적으로증가하는경향을보여준다. 사업체종사자수변화추이를공간적으로살펴보면경인축과경부선축을따라종사자수가확대됨을알수있다. 10,000 이하 Below 10,000~30,000 30,000~50,000 50,000~100,000 100,000 초과 Over ( 명 / km2, Person/ km2 ) 10,000 이하 Below 10,000~30,000 30,000~50,000 50,000~100,000 100,000초과 Over ( 명 / km2, Person/ km2 ) The number of employees at industries and business entities is an important index showing economic and an industrial basis of a region concerned. Though Seoul is showing a slight increase in the number of employees, its relative portion to the nation is continuously decreasing. On the other hand, Kyonggi-do areas' relative gravity to the @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg 5 nation is increasing due to the expansion of Seoul. The spatial changes in industrial and business 그림91 전국대비종사자비율 1981 2000 Figure 91 Percentage of Workers, 1981 2000 @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg 5 employees show a parallel increase with the Seoul-Incheon and Seoul-Pusan axies. 1991 1995 그림 92 종사자수변화추이 1981-2000 Figure92 Trend of Workers, 1981-2000 자료 : 통계청, 인구주택총조사보고서, 1981, 198, 1991, 1995, 2000 Source : Korea National Statistical Office, Population and Housing Census Report 1981, 198, 1991, 1995, 2000

W.NHhg W&He W&He elhg @0Y @5 @5 (Y (Y hg @ X W.NHhg W&He B)X elhg @1 5 5 @e7(y @0Y 3=eC(Y @5 V40Y (Y () 제조업및서비스업 Manufacturing Industries & Service Industries 주요업종별종사자의분포는의산업기능및역할 그림 93 제조업및서비스업업체수 1981 2000 Figure 93 No. of Manufacturing & Service Industries, 1981 2000 서비스업종사자수 1994 2000 Service Industry Workers, 1994 2000 이어떻게다른지를보여준다. 서울은높은지가로인하여일반제조업은점차감소하는반면서비스업의종사자가크게증가하고있다. 반면제조업은서울로부터점차인천, 경기도로분산되고있어산업기능의공간적인분업양상이진행됨을알수있다. 1994 2000 10,000 이하 Below 10,000~30,000 30,000~50,000 50,000~100,000 100,000 초과 Over ( 명, Person) Distribution of employees respective of major industries shows the industrial functions of the metropolitan areas. While Seoul shows a decrease in general manufacturing industries due to high land prices, service industry employees are increasing. Manufacturing industries are @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg 5 gradually moving out to Incheon and Kyonggido from Seoul, which shows a spatial division by industry. 그림 94 제조업종사자수 1994 2000 Figure 94 No. of Manufacturing Workers, 1994 2000 @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg 1994 2000 20,000 이하 Below 20,000~30,000 30,000~40,000 40,000~50,000 50,000 초과 Over ( 명, Person) 자료 : 통계청, 사업체기초통계조사보고서, 1994, 2000 Source : Korea National Statistical Office, Report on the Census on Basic Characteristics of Establishment, 1994, 2000

W& 5 W&@H W&= (R'Xhg (YV')Xhg W&(Yf@)hg W.NHhg HeHhg 3@Le@5hg W&He V')KeC(Yhg elhg V4@0Y @0Y @5 (Y @hf W@Hhf hg @hg W.NHhg W&<hg W&He @5 elhg C(Y @0Y H @5 @5 @H (Y @ (7) 주택유형 Housing Type 아파트는도시화와인구밀집의상징이다. 에아파트단지가확산된과정은곧인구집중과정이라할수 그림 95 주택유형 2000 Figure 95 Housing Type, 2000 주택유형 1990 1995 Housing Type 1990 1995 있다. 1980 년대초까지만해도서울의강남지역을중심으로분포한아파트단지는과천, 안양, 안산으로확장되고, 이어일산, 분당, 평촌, 산본, 중동등 5개신도시의입주가시작된이후는성남, 고양, 부천시등위성도시가급격히아파트촌으로바뀌게되었다. 최근아파트지역, 즉인구밀집지역은더욱외곽으로확산되어용인, 김포, 구리, 남양주시등서울통근권내에있는지역은아파트가우후죽순들어서 아파트우세지역 Apartment predominant Area 단독우세지역 Detached Housing predominant Area 50 이하 Below 50~80 80 초과 Over (%) 50 이하 Below 50~80 80 초과 Over (%) 1990 1995 아파트우세지역 Apartment predominant Area 단독우세지역 Detached Housing predominant Area 연립우세지역 Row House predominant Area 50 이하 Below 50~80 80 초과 Over (%) 50 이하 Below 50~80 80 초과 Over (%) 고있다. 그러나교통망, 교육시설, 편의시설도확보되지않 은채건립된아파트는난개발의고통을주민들에게안기고 있다. 그린벨트문제와함께난개발대책에대한사 회적합의가절실한상황이다. The apartment symbolizes urbanization and population concentration. The route of apartment complex expansion in the Metropolitan Areas @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg 5 shows the population concentration in the areas. Apartment complexes were mostly located in the @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg 5 Gangnam region. By early 1980s, apartment complexes spread to Gwachon, Anyang, and Ansan and it was followed by the development of Ilsan, Bundang, Pyongchon, Sanbon, and Chungdong. The Metropolitan's satellite cities of Songnam, Koyang and Buchon as well had rapidly been changed to have many huge 그림 9 주택유형 2000 Figure9 Housing Type, 2000 apartment complexes. Recently, apartment complexes, or population concentration regions further expanded to the outer ring of Seoul, for example Yongin, Kuri, Kimpo, and Namyangju, the cities within commuting distance to Seoul, and more apartments keep springing up like "so many bamboo sprouts after rain." The disorderly apartment complex developments before education facilities, roads, and other convenience facilities are cause problems for residents. The green belt problem in the metropolitan areas and the disorderly apartment developments are the immediate issues that require appropriate measures and social consent. 자료 : 통계청, 인구주택총조사보고서, 1990, 1995, 2000 Source : Korea National Statistical Office, Population and Housing Census Report, 1990, 1995, 2000

W2@Xhg e@1hg 55hg H7(Yhg N@e@Hhg Lhg O W.NHhg <e f W&He 3@Le5hg elhg V')Ke@0Yhg V4 @0Y @5 (Y O2Xhg W2(MI')Xhg HeN@1hg 5e5hg W.NHhg '@HeW&(Yhg V'=W&@Hhg W&He V'&@5 elhg V'(Y @(Y @0Y H @5 5 @0Y (Y (8) 토지이용 Land Use 의지목별토지이용변화추이를살펴보면전 답, 임야면적은감소하며, 대지면적은지속적으로증가하는추세이다. 특히서울시는전답면적비율이 80 년과 98 년사이 12% 가감소하였으며, 경기도전체로도 2.5% 가감소하였다. 반면대지와공공용지면적은서울은같은기간에약 8%, 경기도는 1.5% 의증가를보여주고있다. 이러한토지이용의변화는특히간선도로주변을따라심하여, 시가화지역을중심으로토지이용변화를살펴보면기존의경인, 경부선축뿐아니라고양방면의경의축, 이천방면의중부축, 동두천방면의경원축으로분산화되어퍼져나가고있어, 개구리뜀뛰기식으로 (leap-frog) 도시화가진행되고있음을알수있다. 그림 97 토지이용계획 Figure 97 Land Use Plan 도시지역 Urban Area 준도시지역 Semi Urban Area 농림지역 Agriculture Area 준농림지역 Semi Agriculture Area 자연환경보전지역 Natual Environment Area 개발제한구역 Green Belt 공원및녹지 ( 서울시 ) Park and Green Area 하천 Rivers 토지이용현황 Land Use 시가화지역 Urban Area 초지및경작지 Glass Land and Arable Land 하천및호소 River and Lakes 산림지역 Forest 나지등기타지역 Bare Ground and Etc. 서울지역 : 비오톱현장조사자료경기지역 : 인공위성영상자료 @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg 5 Studies of the change of land use in the metropolitan areas shows that the land for rice cultivation and dry field farming decreased while housing sites continue to increase. In particular, between 1980 and 1998, the ratio of dry fields and paddy fields in Seoul decreased by 12%, Kyonggi-do 2.5% decrease. On the contrary, housing site and the land for public use increased 8% in Seoul and 1.5% in Kyonggi-do for the same period. Such change in land use is particularly distinctive along the main roads and it keeps spreading not only in the urbanized areas along the Seoul-Incheon and Seoul-Pusan express ways but along the Kyongui(Seoul-Uiju) axis in the direction to Koyang, Chungbu axis to Incheon, and Kyongwon axis to Dongduchon, showing urbanization in the leap-frog pattern. 그림 98 지목별변화추이 1980 2000 Figure98 Landuse Type in 1980 2000 @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg 5 자료 : 서울특별시, 2000b ( 서울시 ) 인공위성영상자료 ( 경기도 ) Source : Seoul Metropolitan Government, 2000b (Seoul) Satellite Imagery 2000 (Landsat ETM, Kyunggi-Do)

@ hg O2Xhg @(MI'1hg W&5e@hg *@HeHhg X B)X N@f@5hg @1 3LeJ(Yhg 5 N)Ke.Y 5 @e7(y @ @0Y 3=eC(Y V40Y HeN@Lhg @ hg Hhg 5hg Hhg X B)X @1 5 5 5 @e7(y @0Y 3=eC(Y V40Y @hg Nhg 5hg @0Y (9) 광역교통망 Metropolitan Transportation Network 의생활권이확대되면서광역교통망체계의정비가날로중요해지고있다. 의광역교통망은크게지하철및국철, 전철을포함하는철도체계와고속도로, 국도를포함하는도로체계로나눠볼수있다. 전철망은지하철 3.5Km, 국철 489.2Km로총 그림 99 광역도로망계획 2002 Figure 99 Metropolitan Transportation Network Plan, 2002 원산 Wonsan 고성 Kosung 고성 Kosung 경원선 Kyungwon line 광역교통망 2002 Metropolitan Transportation Network, 2002 국철 Suburban Line 지하철 Subway 고속도로 Freeway 주요국도 Major National Highway 800.7Km이다. 한편, 외곽순환고속도로를중심으로하는도시고속도로망은 14개노선 373.5Km 로구성되어있으며, 그외에서해안고속도로, 중부고속도로및경 개성 Gaeseong 경원선 Kyungwon line 부, 경인고속도로등이주요도시를연결하고있다. 건설교통부에서는광역교통문제에대처하기위해 27 개구간 81Km건설, 10개구간 1,583Km 확충을골격으로하는간선도로망체계구축을계획하고있다. 해주 Haeju 춘천, 속초 Chunchon, Sokcho 경춘선 Kyungchun line Along with the expansion of the metropolitan areas, the importance of a well-balanced @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg metropolitan transportation networks are becoming greater. Metropolitan transportation @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg network in the metropolitan areas can be divided into the railroad systems, which includes subways and national railroads, and the road system, which refers to expressways and other national roads. The metropolitan areas have 경인고속도로 Gyeongin expressway 경인선 Gyeongin line 중앙선 Jungang line 3.5Km subway, 489.2Km national railways, 800.7Km in total, metropolitan area expressways including the outer ring circular highway extend 373.5Km into 14 lines. Besides, the West Coast Expressway, the Chungbu Expressway, and Kyongin (Seoul-Inchon) and Kyongbu (Seoul- Pusan) Expressways are linking the major cities 강릉, 원주 Kangnung, Wonju 충주, 대구 Chungju, Daegu 원주 Wonju 영동고속도로 Yeongdong expressway of the metropolitan areas. In preparation for the establishment of the metropolitan transportation network, the Ministry of Construction and Transportation is working on a metropolitan area main road of networks that would include the construction of new roads, 27 sections with 81Km in total and road expansions in 10 sections covering 1,583Km. 기존도로망 Existing Line 신설노선 Newly-established Line 확장노선 Extension Line 신설노선 Long Range Plan Line 군산, 목포 Kunsan, Mokpo 천안 Chonan 청주, 대전 Chongju, Daejeon 제천, 삼척 Jecheon, Samchok 대전 Daejeon 군산 Kunsan 경부선 Gyeongbu line 천안 Chonan 경부고속도로 Gyeongbu expressway 대전 Deajeon 중부고속도로 Jungbu expressway 자료 : 서울특별시, 2000a Source : Seoul Metropolitan Government, 2000a

@ hg Hhg @5hg.Y W. X B)X W.Y @1 W&Y 5 & 5 @e7(y @0Y 3=eC(Y V40Y O2@Khg <Bhg 5hg J(Yhg @ hg < X B)X @L @1 31 5 S5 5 @e7(y @ew&h @0Y 3=eC(Y V40Y (10) 통근 Commuting 의통행패턴은행정구역경계와는관계없이시민들의이동패턴이실제로어떻게이루어지고있는지를보여준다. 서울발생및도착통행량추이를살펴보면서울에서경기지역으로의통행도점진적으로증가하는추세지만, 경기지역에서서울로유입되는통행량은 1980년서울도착유입량의 7% 수준에서 1997년에는약 19.4% 로, 절대수치에있어서는 142 천명에서 809 천명으로 5.7 배가까이증가하여주거지역광역화가급속하게이뤄지고있음을나타낸다. 그림 100 서울로의총통행 1997 Figure 100 Commuting to Seoul, 1997 20,000 이하 Below 20,000~50,000 50,000~100,000 100,000 초과 Over ( 명 Person) 서울지역 Seoul Areas 김포시 파주시 고양시 양주군 동두천시 의정부시 포천군 남양주시 가평군 1980 1985 서울로의통근율 1980-1997 Commuting into Seoul, 1980-1997 통근없슴 Traffic zero 10 이하 Below 10~20 20~30 30 초과 Over (%) 서울지역 Seoul Areas 서울로의통근율을공간적으로살펴보면서울중심지에서반경 35-40Km권내도시들은서울로의통근의존율이점차높아지고있어, 이지역은실제로하나의거대한광역 인천광역시부천시 구리시 하남시 양평군 생활권을이루고있음을알수있다. 시흥시 안양시의왕시 성남시 광주군 @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg Commuting in the metropolitan areas show the actual movement of people, regardless of the administrative boundaries. Commuting in terms of departure points and 안산시 화성군 수원시 오산시 용인시 이천시 여주군 @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 5hg Hhg arrival points, show that from Seoul to Kyonggido there is commuting and traffic volume on a gradual rise. However, commuting and traffic volume from the Kyonggi-do regions to Seoul 평택시 안성시 1990 1997 increased from 7% in 1980 to 19.4% in 1997, or 14.2 million people to 80.9 million, which means there was an increase approximately at 5.7 times, 그림 101 통행량추이 1980-1997 Figure101 Commuting, 1980-1997 reflecting a rapid residential area expansion. A study also found that the cities in the radius of 35-40km from downtown Seoul have a high rate of commuters, showing that Kyonggi-dos cities are within the one-day living sphere of Seoul. 서울발생통행량추이 Commuting from Seoul 서울도착통행량추이 Commuting into Seoul 자료 : 서울특별시, 1997 Source : Seoul Metropolitan Government, 1997

hg @ W.NHhg X 5hg Hhg B)X W&He elhg @1 5 @e7(y 5 3=eC(Y @0Y V40Y @5 (Y hg @ @ X X 5hg Hhg B)X B)X @1 @1 5 5 @e7(y @e7(y 5 3=eC(Y @0Y V40Y 3=eC(Y V40Y 강영옥, 박수홍, 2000, " 서울지역도시성장예측에관한연구 ", 대한지리학회지, 제35권제4호, pp.21-39 건설교통부, 토지특성자료 2000 국립지리원, 1997, 1:1,000 수치지형도, 1997, 1:5,000 수치지형도 Kang, Yongok, Soohong, Park, 2000, "A Study of the Urban Growth Forecasting for the Seoul Metropolitan Area", Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, vol 35. No.4 Ministry of Construction and Transportation, Land Properties 2000 National Geography Institute, 1997, 1:1,000 Digital Topographic Map, 1997, 1:5,000 Digital Topographic Map 대한상공회의소, 1997, 전국기업체총람 Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Directory of Establishment in Korea 1997 대한병원협회, 2001, 전국병원명부 Korea Hospital Institution, Directory of Hospitals 2001 대한한방병원협회, 2001, 대한한방병원명부 Korea Oriental medicine Institution, Directory of Oriental Medical Hospitals 2001 서울학연구소, 1995, 서울의옛지도 Institute of Seoul Studies, 1995, Old maps of Seoul 서울지방경찰청, 서울시교통량조사자료 2000 Seoul Metropolitan Policy Agency, Traffic Volume Census 2000 @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 참고문헌 서울특별시, 공원현황 2000, 1997, 교통DB 센서스및데이터베이스구축, 2000a, 간선도로정비기본계획, 2000b, 도시생태개념의도시계획에의적용을위한서울시비오톱현황조사및생태도시조성지침수립, 2000c, 서울시기상특성을고려한도시계획기법연구, 2000d, 수치지도를활용한폐수배출업소관리시스템구축연구, 서울통계연보 190, 195, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 성과주의예산개요 2001 서울특별시교육청, 교육통계연보 2000 서울특별시교통관리실, 2000년도정기속도조사자료서울특별시자치구, 구청통계연보 2000 이종규, 2001, 서울시권역별관광개발계획연구, 서울시정개발연구원통계청, 인구주택총조사보고서 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 인구주택총조사잠정보고서 2000, 사업체기초통계조사보고서 1994, 1995, 2000, 총사업체통계조사보고서 1981, 198, 1991 Seoul Metropolitan Government, Parks 2000, 1997, Household Travel Survey in Seoul Metropolitan Area, 2000a, Master Plan of Arterial Road Consolidation, 2000b, Biotop Mapping and Guideline for Establishment for Ecopolis in Seoul, 2000c, An Experimental Study for Considering Climate as a Factor in Urban Design, 2000d, A Study on Management of Waste Water Establishments using GIS, Seoul Statistical Yearbook 190, 195, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, Budget Summary 2001 Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, Statistical Yearbook of Education 2000 Office of Transportation, Seoul Metropolitan Governmen, Regular Speed Census in 2000 Self-Governing Gu, Statistical Yearbook of Gu 2000 Lee, Jong-Gyu, 2001, Making the Future of Tourism Seoul ; the 1st 5-year Plans of the New Milenium, Seoul Development Institute Korea National Statistical Office, Population and Housing Census Report 1980,1985,1990,1995,2000, Preliminary Count of Population and Housing Census 2000, Report on the Census on Basic Characteristics of Establishment 1994, 1995, 2000, Establishment Census of Korea 1981,198,1991 Reference @hg Nhg 5hg Hhg 서울특별시교통정보마당홈페이지, Http:\\traffic.metro.seoul.kr 서울특별시보건복지국홈페이지, Http:\\welf.seoul.go.kr 서울특별시문화관광국홈페이지, Http:\\munhwa.seoul.go.kr 우정사업본부홈페이지, Http:\\Koreapost.go.kr 한국통신서울사업본부홈페이지, Http:\\www.kt.co.kr Traffic Information Center, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Http:\\traffic.metro.seoul. kr Health & Welfare Bureau, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Http:\\welf.seoul.go.kr Culture & Tourism Bureau, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Http:\\munhwa.seoul.go.kr Korea Post, Http:\\koreapost.go.kr Korea Telecom, Http:\\www.kt.co.kr