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10 KS532 11 KS533 12 KS534 13 KS535 14 KS536 15 KS537 한국어교육실습 Practicum in Teaching Korean as a 학문목적한국어말하기 듣기Ⅰ Speaking & Listening in Korean for Academic PurposesⅠ 학문목적한국어읽기 쓰기Ⅰ Reading & Writing in Korean for Academic PurposesⅠ 학문목적한국어말하기 듣기Ⅱ Speaking & Listening in Korean for Academic PurposesⅡ 학문목적한국어읽기 쓰기Ⅱ Reading & Writing in Korean for Academic PurposesⅡ 유학생을위한한국어학위논문쓰기 Dissertation and Thesis Writing for International Students understand and evaluate methods of previous research; and provide them with opportunities to design and discuss their own research proposal. 한국어의교육현장을참관하고직접한국어교육을실습함으로써이론과실제를접목할수있도록하며, 한국어교육현장의문제점과앞으로의교수를위한실제적시사점을검토한다. This course aims to provide students with an opportunity to apply theories about TKFL to the field by observing TKFL classes and being trained as a teacher of TKFL, and investigate problems of the field and practical implications to further teaching. 한국어학습자가학문수행을목적으로한국어로말하고듣는일을효과있게할수있도록돕는다. 학업과관련해서수행해야하는과제또는문제들가운데한국어로말하거나들어야하는것들을파악하고수행한다. This course aims to help students as KFL learners speak and listen to Korean for academic purposes effectively, and enable them to identify and perform academic tasks which require them to speak and listen to Korean in relation to graduate studies. 대학원에서성공적인학업수행에요구되는읽기와쓰기를준비하는데목표를둔다. 전공서적과논문들을비판적으로읽고이들자료들의구성과성격을익혀연구보고서를구성하는부분들에대한쓰기를연습한다. 이강좌를통해연구보고서와학위논문을구성할수있는능력을함양한다. This course aims to prepare students as KFL learners for reading and writing required to successful pursuit of graduate studies; provide them with opportunities to read critically academic texts and journal articles in their major filed of study and write sections in a research paper; and help them cultivate the ability to write a research paper and a journal article. 한국어학습자가학문수행을목적으로한국어로말하고듣는일을효과적으로할수있도록돕는다. 학업과관련해서수행해야하는과제또는문제들가운데한국어로말하거나들어야하는것들을파악하고수행한다. This course aims to help students as KFL learners speak and listen to Korean for academic purposes effectively, and enable them to identify and perform academic tasks which require them to speak and listen to Korean in relation to graduate studies. 성공적인대학원학업수행에요구되는읽기와쓰기를준비하는데목표를둔다. 전공서적과논문들을비판적으로읽고이들자료들의구성과성격을익혀연구보고서를구성하는부분들에대한쓰기를연습한다. 이강좌를통해연구보고서와학위논문을구성할수있는능력을함양한다. This course aims to prepare students as KFL learners for reading and writing required to successful pursuit of graduate studies; provide them with opportunities to read critically academic texts and journal articles in their major filed of study and write sections in a research paper; and help them cultivate the ability to write a research paper and a journal article. 한국어를모국어로하지않는비원어민유학생이한국어로성공적인석사또는박사논문을쓰기위해필요한실제적인기술과언어사용등을실제학위논문과다양한쓰기과제들을통해익히고실습한다. This course aims to provide students as KFL learners with opportunities to acquire practical skills and language uses for the successful thesis or dissertation by performing a variety of writing tasks including their own thesis or dissertation. 16 KS560 한국어듣기교육론 Teaching Listening in Korean as a 한국어말하기교육을위한이론적배경과더불어한국어교육현장에적용할한국어말하기교육론수있는효과적인교수방법을연구한다. 17 KS561 Teaching Speaking in Korean as a 한국어읽기교육론 18 KS562 Teaching Reading in Korean as a 19 KS563 한국어쓰기교육론 Teaching Writing in Korean as a 20 KS564 한국어문법교육론 한국어의문법적특성, 문법선정의기준, 문법교육방법론에관한선행연구들

21 KS565 22 KS566 23 KS567 24 KS568 25 KS571 25 KS572 26 KS573 27 KS619 Teaching Grammar in Korean as a 한국어어휘교육론 Teaching Vocabulary in Korean as a 한국어발음교육론 Teaching Pronunciation in Korean as a 한국어화용교육론 Teaching Pragmatics in Korean as a 다언어문화교육론 Multilingual and Multicultural Education 한국어교육세미나 I Seminar in Teaching Korean as a I 한국어교육세미나 II Seminar in Teaching Korean as a II 한국어교육세미나 Ⅲ Seminar in Teaching Korean as a IⅢ 한국어음운론 Korean Phonology 을이해한다. 아울러한국어문법지식을실제의한국어교육에활용하는구체적이고유용한방법을모색한다. This course aims to provide students with an understanding of grammatical features of Korean; review previous research on methodologies of Korean grammar teaching; and examine practical and useful ways to apply knowledge of Korean grammar to TKFL. 한국어의어휘적특성과이의교육방법론에관한선행의연구들을이해한다. 아울러한국어어휘지식을실제의한국어교육에활용하는구체적이고유용한방법을모색한다. This course is an introductory survey of instruction, acquisition, use and assessment of vocabulary of Korean as a foreign language. Based on their understanding of the theoretical background and relevant literature of Korean and second language vocabulary instruction, course participants can develop a critical stance toward current practices in teaching vocabulary as a foreign language. 본수업은외국어로서의한국어어휘의교수, 습득, 사용및평가에관한개론과목이다. 수업참가자들은한국어와제2언어어휘연구의이론적배경과관련선행연구에대한이해를바탕으로현행한국어어휘교육에관한비판적시각을기를수있다. This course aims to provide students with an understanding of distinctive features of Korean pronunciation and solid knowledge of proper articulation of Korean; explore successful ways to teach Korean pronunciation; and develop lesson models for specific purposes. 한국어화용양상을제2언어맥락에서효과적으로교수하는방법에대해심도있게고찰하고, 한국어교재개발등다양한활동을통해한국어학습자의화용적의식을높일수있는실제적인방안을모색한다. This course aims to inform students of practical and effective ways to enhance teaching of Korean pragmatics in a foreign language context, and provide them with opportunities to be involved in developing materials and other pedagogical means to help KSL learners to raise pragmatic awareness in the target language. 한국어교육에시사점을던져줄수있는다종다기한이중언어상황을개관하고, 이중언어교수및학습과정과관련된다양한이론과연구를고찰한다. This course aims at allowing students to understand the diversity of different bilingual situations, and to investigate theories and research related to the bilingual teaching and learning process. 한국어교육이론에대한전반적검토를통하여한국어교육프로그램, 교재, 평가등을분석하고개발할수있는능력을함양한다. This course aims to review a variety of theories about TKFL and help students cultivate the ability to analyze and develop Korean language programs, materials and tests. 한국어교육세미나Ⅰ과 Ⅱ의수강생을위해한층심화된수업으로, 이수업의결과는논문으로발표할수있는수준의완성도를요구한다. This course provides students who took Seminar in Teaching Korean as a I and II with an advanced and in-depth examination of theoretical and practical issues on TKFL, and requires them to produce a study result in the publishable level of completion. 한국어교육이론에대한전반적검토를통하여한국어교육프로그램, 교재, 평가등을분석하고개발할수있는능력을함양한다. This course aims to review a variety of theories on TKFL and to help students cultivate the ability to analyze and develop programmes, materials, and tests related to TKFL. 한국어음운론의기초이론과, 한국어음운론에관한기존업적을섭렵함으로써실제한국어지도에유용한음운론적현상을이해한다. This course aims to provide students with basic theoretical backgrounds of Korean phonetics; review previous research into Korean phonology; and examine selected rules of Korean phonology applicable to TKFL. 28 KS620 한국어형태 통사론 Korean Morphology & Syntax 한국어문장성분을분석하고, 통사론의원리및관련용어를한국어문장분석에적용하는한편, 한국어어휘의형태적구성을분석한다. This course aims to identify and analyze the constituents of Korean

29 KS621 한국어의미 화용론 Korean Semantics & Pragmatics sentences; apply the principles of generative syntax and its terminology in the analysis of Korean sentences and their constituents; and analyze how Korean words is composed on the morphological dimension. 언어와의미에관한연구의바탕이되는의미및화용이론의이해를높이고, 한국어교육에필요한한국어의미론과한국어화용론에관한기존연구를검토하는한편, 실험연구를통해수집된자료를분석함으로써다양한화용적기술을익힌다. This course aims to offer students an understanding of semantic and pragmatic theories as a grounding for further study in language and meaning; explore previous research into meaning and pragmatics in the Korean language applicable to TKFL; and equip students with a variety of pragmatic skills by analyzing real text data obtained from experimental studies. 30 KS622 31 KS623 32 KS626 33 KS627 34 KS628 35 KS629 36 KS630 한국어교육을위한심리언어학 Psycholinguistics for Teaching Korean as a 한국어교육을위한사회언어학 Sociolinguistics for Teaching Korean as a 한국어교육을위한한국문학 Korean Literature for Teaching Korean as a 멀티미디어와한국어교육 Multimedia and Teaching Korean as a 특수목적을위한한국어교육론 Korean for Specific Purposes 한국어중간언어연구 Studies in Korean Interlanguage 한국어교육을위한담화분석 Discourse Analysis for Teaching Korean as a 한국어제2언어습득과정을심리언어학적측면에서접근하기위해서이와관련된심리언어학의주요개념, 이론및연구방법론을소개하고, 심리언어학적으로타당한한국어교수법을모색한다. This course aims to introduce essential, relevant ideas, theories and research methodologies required to understand psycholinguistic aspects of processes of KSL acquisition, and examine psycholinguistically valid ways to teach Korean which can be applied effectively to TKFL. 사회적현상과언어간의기본적관계를이해하고, 구체적으로는한국과타언어권국가간사회구조및문화의차이에서오는언어사용의차이를심층적으로연구한다. 아울러이들차이점이한국어교육에주는시사점을찾는다. This course aims to provide students with an understanding of major theoretical issues relating to sociolinguistics; identify relationships between language and social phenomena; examinedifferences of language use which can be derived from societal and cultural distinctions between Korea and other countries using other than Korean as the official language; and investigate implications of these distinctions to TKFL. 문학교육을위한한국문학에서대표성을가지는텍스트들을난이도에맞추어등급화해보고텍스트의특성에대하여탐구한다. This course aims to grade texts representative in Korean literature for TKFL according to difficulty and examine linguistic and cultural features of these texts. 멀티미디어가한국어교육및학습에서갖는교육적역할을이해하고, 한국어교육및멀티미디어연구의이론적배경및주요쟁점에대해살펴보며, 한국어교육에필요한자료의제작방법을연구하고실제에적용해본다. This course aims to provide students with an understanding of pedagogical role of multimedia in the teaching and learning of KFL, to investigate major theoretical foundations and practical issues in research into Korean language teaching and multimedia, and to examine how to develop computer and Internet-based materials for TKFL for further application. 학문및비즈니스목적을위한한국어를중심으로요구분석, 교육과정설계, 교재개발, 교사교육, 평가, 프로그램평가등의특수목적을위한한국어교육관련주제를다룬다. This course aims to provide students with an overview of the historical and theoretical foundations of Korean for specific (mainly academic and occupational) purposes, covering major topics such as needs analysis, curriculum design,materialdevelopment,teachereducation, assessment 음운, 형태, 어휘, 통사, 화용및담화등다양한언어적층위에서제2언어습득과정이어떻게이루어지는지살펴보며, 한국어학습자의제1언어가제2언어를말하고, 듣고, 읽고쓰는데어떤영향을미치는지에대해탐구함으로써실제의한국어학습자중간언어연구를계획, 진행한다. This course aims to examine how SLA processes works on the linguistic dimensions of phonology, morphology, lexicon, syntax, pragmatics, and discourse; investigate how the first language affects KSL learners' ability to speak, listen, read and write their second language; and design and conduct their own experimental KSL interlanguage studies. 담화분석과관련된여러이론과분석방법들을검토하고한국어구어와문어담화, 텍스트의특성을이해한다. 이를토대로실제의한국어담화와텍스트를분석하여전형적인한국어담화, 텍스트자료를구성할수있는지침을마련한다. This course aims to offer students solid knowledge of theories and methodologies of discourse analysis; provide them with an understanding of

37 KS631 한국어교육을위한말뭉치언어학 Corpus Linguistics for Teaching Korean as a distinct features of Korean texts in both spoken and written forms; analyze real Korean text data from various discourse domains; and establish useful guidelines to typical features of Korean language discourse. 학습자의어휘학습을돕기위한어휘자료구축방법에대하여탐구하는한편, 실제로말뭉치를수집, 코딩, 처리하는작업을통해한국어모어화자그리고/ 또는한국어학습자의언어사용에대한말뭉치연구원리를익힌다. This course aims to provide knowledge of methods and techniques in building spoken and written language corpora data, and investigate how research into language use of native and/or nonnative speakers of Korean can be conducted by gathering, coding, and processing computerized corpora. 38 KS632 39 KS633 40 KS634 41 KS635 42 KS636 43 KS637 다문화사회와언어교육정책론 Education Policy in Multicultural Societies 한국어번역론 Translation in Korean 한국어교육양적연구방법론 Quantitative Research Methods for Teaching Korean as a 한국어교육질적연구방법론 Qualitative Research Methods for Teaching Korean as a 한국어교육교실연구 Classroom Research in 한국어교육특수문제연구 Ⅰ Special Topics in Teaching Korean as a Ⅰ 본강의는다문화사회로이행되어가는한국사회에서의언어교육정책에대해서고찰하고, 다문화사회에서의다문화구성원들특히다문화가정의자녀들의정체성의문제, 언어교육과문화교육의문제등주요핵심쟁점들을다룬다. 본강의를통하여수강자들은한국어사용실태와습득실태연구논문탐독을통하여교육현장개선에필요한실용적인견해를가질수있게된다. 또한수강자들은다양한분야에서활동할수있는한국어교육자로서의전문적인역량을키울수있다. This class aims at examining language education policy in Korean society, as it transitions into a multicultural society. It covers different major issues concerning members of a multicultural society, especially identity problems of children from multicultural families and problems on language and cultural education. Through this class, practical viewpoints that are necessary for education improvement will be presented to class attendees through various studies on the actual conditions of Korean language use and acquisition. Moreover, class attendees will be given an opportunity to foster their professional competency in various fields as a Korean language educator. 한국어와다른언어의차이를이해하고한국어번역의방법을학습하며, 문어장르의특성에맞는번역이되도록실습한다. This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the linguistic and pragmatic difference between Korean and other languages; learn how to translate Korean into other languages or other languages into Korean; and practice translation conforming to generic conventions for written Korean texts. 다양한유형의한국어교육양적연구를수행하기위해필요한연구방법론을소개하는하는한편, 선행연구를비판적으로검토및해석하고실제양적연구를계획, 수행할수있는능력을길러준다. This course aims to introduce research methods required to a variety of quantitative studies for TKFL; equip students to understand and evaluate methods of previous research; and help them cultivate the ability to design and conduct their own quantitative studies. 다양한유형의한국어교육질적연구를수행하기위해필요한연구방법론을소개하는한편, 선행연구를비판적으로검토및해석하고실제질적연구를계획, 수행할수있는능력을길러준다. This course aims to introduce research methods required to a variety of qualitative studies for TKFL; equip students to understand and evaluate methods of previous qualitative research; and help them cultivate the ability to design and conduct their own qualitative studies. 한국어교실연구를수행하기위해필요한이론적배경및연구방법론을소개한다. 특히한국어교육교실에서나타나는교사- 학습자및학습자- 학습자간의상호작용의분석을통해교실수업을통한효과적인한국어교수방안을모색한다. This course aims to introduce theoretical backgrounds and research methods required to conduct KFL classroom studies, and analyze teacher-learner and learner-learner interactions to investigate successful ways to teach Korean in the classroom. 한국어를외국어로서가르치는현장에서찾을수있는문제또는기타특수문제를수강생각자가선택해서연구하고연구결과를교실에서발표하고토론한다. In this course, students will explore and select one of specific issues which can be addressed in the field of TKFL; conduct their own simple studies on

44 KS638 45 KS639 46 KS640 47 KS641 48 KS642 49 KS643 50 KS644 51 KS645 52 KS646 한국어교육특수문제연구 Ⅱ Special Topics in Teaching Korean as a Ⅱ 한국어교육특수문제연구 Ⅲ Special Topics in Teaching Korean as a Ⅲ 한국어말하기교육세미나 Seminar in Teaching speaking in Korean as a 한국어듣기교육세미나 Seminar in Teaching listening in Korean as a 한국어읽기교육세미나 Seminar in Teaching Reading in Korean as a 한국어쓰기교육세미나 Seminar in Teaching Writing in Korean as a 한국어습득론세미나 Seminar in Acquisition of Korean as a 한국어평가세미나 Seminar in Testing & Evaluation in Korean as a 한국어문법교육세미나 Seminar in Teaching Grammar them; and report and discuss results of their studies. 한국어를외국어로서가르치는현장에서찾을수있는문제또는기타특수문제를수강생각자가선택해서연구하고연구결과를교실에서발표하고토론한다. 이수업은수강생의논문탐색을위한강도높은수업이될것이다. In this course, students will explore various specific issues which can be addressed in the field of TKFL; conduct their own simple studies on one of issues explored; and report and discuss results of their studies. This course also offers an intensive study for exploration of thesis topics. 한국어교육특수문제연구 Ⅰ과 Ⅱ의수강생을위해한층심화된수업으로, 이수업의결과는논문으로발표할수있는수준의완성도를요구한다. This course provides students who took Special Topics in Teaching Korean as a I and II with an advanced and in-depth examination of specific issues on TKFL, and requires them to produce a study result in the publishable level of completion. 한국어말하기에관한문제들을심도있게연구하여학습자역할의이해, 지도법및교재개발등에필요한전문적인능력을함양하며, 더불어읽기교육의발전방향을탐구한다. This course aims to explore in depth issues on theories, methods and techniques of teaching speaking; provide students wth an understanding what role a learner plays in speaking KFL; quip them with the expertise for developing KFL materials and teaching methods for KFL speaking; and explore effective ways to improve teaching of KFL speaking. 한국어듣기에관한문제들을심도있게연구하여학습자역할의이해, 지도법및교재개발등에필요한전문적인능력을함양하며, 더불어듣기교육의발전방향을탐구한다. This course aims to explore in depth issues on theories, methods and techniques of teaching listening; provide students with an understanding what role a learner plays in listening KFL; equip them with the expertise in developing KFL materials and teaching methods for KFL listening; and explore effective ways to improve teaching of KFL listening. 한국어읽기에관한문제들을심도있게연구하여학습자역할의이해, 지도법및교재개발등에필요한전문적인능력을함양하며, 더불어읽기교육의발전방향을탐구한다. This course aims to explore in depth issues on theories, methods and techniques of teaching reading; provide students with an understanding what role a learner plays in reading KFL; equip them with the expertise for developing KFL materials and teaching methods for KFL reading; and explore effective ways to improve teaching of KFL reading. 한국어쓰기에관한문제들을심도있게연구하여학습자역할의이해, 지도법및교재개발등에필요한전문적인능력을함양하며, 더불어읽기교육의발전방향을탐구한다. This course aims to explore in depth issues on theories, methods and techniques of teaching writing; provide students with an understanding what role a learner plays in writing KFL; equip them with the expertise for development of KFL materials and teaching methods for KFL writing; and explore effective ways to improve teaching of KFL writing 언어학, 심리학, 사회언어학등다양한측면에서한국어습득및학습이론을심도있게연구하여한국어습득에관한연구들을평가하고계획할수있는전문적인능력을함양한다. 또한한국어습득과한국어교육의관계를탐구한다. This course aims to offer students in-depth study of KFL acquisition and learning in a variety of aspects including linguistics, psychology, and sociolinguistics; equip them with advanced ability to evaluate and conduct research into KFL acquisition and learning; and investigate relationships between KFL acquisition and KFL education. 한국어평가에관한문제들을심도있게연구하여평가개발, 결과분석등에필요한전문적인능력을함양하며, 더불어한국어평가의발전방향을탐구한다. This course aims to offer students in-depth study of KFL assessment and program evaluation, and equip them with advanced ability to develop tests and analyze the results of them. 본강좌는문법교수의다양한기법들을개관하고, 한국어문법현상을살펴개별연구를진행하는데목표를둔다.

53 KS647 54 KS648 55 KS649 56 KS650 57 KS651 58 KS655 59 KS656 60 KS657 in Korean as a Foreign 한국어어휘교육세미나 Seminar in Teaching Vocabulary in Korean as a Foreign 한국어교재론세미나 Seminar in Materials in Korean as a 한국어교육과정론세미나 Seminar in Curriculum in Korean as a 특수목적을위한한국어교육론세미나 Seminar in Korean for Specific Purposes 한국어교육현장연구 Action Research in Teaching Korean as a 과제중심한국어교육 Task-Based Korean Education 한국어습득연구방법론 Research Methods for Acquisition of Korean as a 수업을통한제2언어로서의한국어습득 Instructed Korean Second Acquisition 본수업은한국어와제2언어어휘교육연구의최근동향을연구주제와방법을중심으로분석한결과를바탕으로수업참가자들이한국어어휘교육을주제로독자적인연구를설계하고수행할수있도록돕는것을목표로한다. This course aims to analyze the current research trends in the fields of Korean and second language vocabulary instruction in terms of research topics and methods and to enable course participants to design and carry out their own studies into teaching vocabulary in Korean as a foreign language. 한국어교육을위한시청각자료등각종한국어교재에관한문제들을심도있게연구함으로써교재개발및분석등에필요한전문적능력을함양하며, 더불어한국어교재의발전방향을탐구한다. This course aims to help students cultivate the expertise to analyze and develop KFL materials by addressing in-depth various issues on language materials and textbooks, and explore effective ways to improve KFL materials. 효과적인언어교육프로그램의개발, 운영및평가와관련한이론및논점들을심도깊게연구함으로써교수요목개발및프로그램평가등에필요한전문적능력을함양하며, 더불어한국어교과과정의발전방향을탐구한다. This course aims to help students cultivate the expertise in the syllabus design and program evaluation by offering in-depth investigation of the development, maintenance and evaluation of effective language programs, and explore effective ways to improve curriculum in KFL. 학문및비즈니스목적을위한한국어교육과관련한이론및논점들을심도깊게연구함으로써특수목적을위한한국어교육에필요한요구분석, 교육과정설계, 교재개발, 교사교육, 평가및프로그램평가관련전문지식을함양하며, 더불어특수목적을위한한국어교육의발전방향을탐구한다. This course aims to help students cultivate the expertise to teach Korean for business and academic purposes; provide them with in-depth investigation of major topics such as needs analysis, curriculum design, material development, teacher education, assessment and program evaluation; and explore effective ways to improve education of Korean for specific purposes. 한국어교육현장을체계적이고도조직적으로연구함으로써한국어교사로서의전문가적지식을함양하고, 교사자신이몸담고있는교육현장을대상으로의미있는연구를설계, 수행할수있는능력을기른다. This course aims tot lead practitioners of Korean as a foreign language to developing their professional expertise by investigating their own teaching in the systematic and organized way, and help them design and conduct their own studies which are derived from their practice in the field. 과제가어떻게제2 언어연구와언어교육에서활용되었는지살펴보고, 과제기반언어교육과관련한최신연구동향을고찰하는한편, 실제로과제기반언어교육을설계, 개발, 시행, 평가한사례들을탐구한다. This course aims to review how tasks have been used in second language education and research; explore current developments in research into task-based language teaching; and discuss examples related to designing, developing, operating, and evaluating task-based language programs. 다양한유형의한국어습득연구를수행하기위해필요한연구방법론을소개하는한편, 선행연구를비판적으로검토및해석하고실제습득론연구를계획하여수행할수있는능력을기른다. This course aims to introduce research methods required to a variety of SLA studies for TKFL; equip students to understand and evaluate methods of previous research; and help them cultivate the ability to design and implement their own SLA studies. 본수업은교실상황에서제2언어로서의한국어의습득을효과적으로촉진하기위해어떤방식으로교수가이루어져야하는지를다룬이론과관련연구를살펴보는개론과목이다. This course is an introductory survey of the theoretical background and relevant literature of how instructional approaches should be implemented to promote acquisition of Korean as a second language in classroom settings.

61 KS680 62 KS681 63 KS682 64 KS683 65 KS684 66 KS685 67 KS686 68 KS687 한국어문법교육연구: 조사 Studies in L2 Korean Case Marking 한국어문법교육연구: 어미 Studies in L2 Korean Endings 한국어교육을위한한국어학 : 심화 Advanced Korean Linguistics for 한국어교육양적연구방법론세미나 Seminar in Quantitative Research Methods for Teaching Korean as a 학문목적을위한한국어교육론세미나 Seminar in Korean for Academic Purposes 한국어교육을위한말뭉치언어학세미나 Seminar in Corpus Linguistics for Teaching Korean as a 수업을통한제2언어로서의한국어습득세미나 Seminar in Instructed Korean Second Acquisition 한국어화용교육세미나 Seminar in Teaching Pragmatics in TKFL 한국어조사교수및습득과관련된이론과최근연구들을검토하여제2언어한국어조사교육과연구에효과적으로적용할수있는방안을모색한다. This course examines the most fundamental and recent advances in theory and research on Korean case marking for implementing them effectively in L2 Korean teaching and research. 한국어어미교수및습득과관련된이론과최근연구들을검토하여제2언어한국어의시제, 상, 양태, 문확장과종결을담당하는어미교육과연구방안을모색한다. This course examines the most fundamental and recent advances in theory and research on Korean endings for implementing them effectively in L2 Korean teaching and research. 본강좌는제2언어로서의한국어문법의제시방안을모색하고문법습득연구를위한한국어학을심화연구한다. 이강좌를통하여수강자들은향후한국어문법교육과습득연구를성공적으로수행할수있게될것이다. This course will be an advanced seminar for the students who want to reexamine Korean linguistics for teaching Korean and conducting L2 Korean acquisition studies on morphosyntactic phenomena. 본수업은양적연구방법을사용한한국어와제2언어분야연구의최근동향을개관하고수업참가자들이한국어교육분야의다양한문제를연구문제로삼아타당하고신뢰할수있는연구방법을통해그해결책을찾아낼수있는독자적인연구를설계하고수행할수있도록돕는것을목표로한다. 수업내용으로메타분석을포함한연구종합, 반복연구및혼합방법연구에중점을둔다. This course aims to overview the current trends in quantitative research methods in the fields of Korean and second language studies and to enable course participants to design and carry out their own studies that can find answers to research questions posed from a variety of problems in the field of teaching Korean as a foreign language through valid and reliable research methods. Topics such as research synthesis, including meta-analysis, replication research, and mixed-methods research will be primarily dealt with. 본수업은외국인유학생( 진학예비생, 학부생및대학원생) 을대상으로한학문목적을위한한국어교육의최근연구성과를비판적으로검토하고, 요구분석, 교육과정/ 교수요목, 교재, 교수법및평가의다섯가지영역에서경험기반학문목적을위한한국어교육모형의개발을다룬다. This course critically reviews the recent research trends in Korean for academic purposes and deals with development of evidence-based KAP teaching models in terms of five dimensions such as needs analysis, curricula and syllabi, materials, teaching methods, and evaluation. 본수업은한국어교육을위한말뭉치언어학분야의최근동향을연구주제와방법을중심으로분석한결과를바탕으로수업참가자들이한국어교육을위한말뭉치언어학을주제로독자적인연구를설계하고수행할수있도록돕는것을목표로한다. This course aims to analyze the current research trends in the field of corpus linguistics for teaching Korean as a foreign language in terms of research topics and methods and to enable course participants to design and carry out their own studies into teaching Korean as a foreign language informed by recent advances in corpus linguistics. 본수업은수업을통한제2언어로서의한국어습득분야의최근연구동향을연구주제와방법을중심으로분석한결과를바탕으로수업참가자들이수업을통한제2언어로서의한국어습득을주제로독자적인연구를설계하고수행할수있도록돕는것을목표로한다. This course aims to analyze the current research trends in the field of instructed Korean second language acquisition in terms of research topics and methods and to enable course participants to design and carry out their own studies into instructed Korean second language acquisition. 본수업은한국어화용교육관련논문을탐독하여메타적분석을실시한다. 이과정에서화용교육의주요용어및정의를학습한후화용습득과관련하여자신의연구를진행하고학술발표로발전시킬수있는능력을기르는것을목표로한다. This course will be conducted through the meta-analysis of the studies related to Korean pragmatic education. Through this process, the course aims at giving the learners an opportunity to learn the relevant key terms and definitions and fostering their ability by requiring them to conduct their

69 KS688 70 KS689 한국어담화분석세미나 Seminar in Discourse Analysis in TKFL 한국어교재개발세미나 Seminar in Materials Development in TKFL own research on pragmatic acquisition and present it in the class. 본수업은한국어담화분석관련논문을탐독하고이론과분석방법에대한심화학습을통하여한국어담화와텍스트자료를분석하는연습을실시한다. 스스로수집한자료를바탕으로자신의연구를설계하여그결과물을발표하는것을목표로한다. This course requires the learners to investigate the studies related to Korean discourse analysis and to practice analyzing Korean discourses and text data through the in-depth study of the theories and analysis methods. It is intended to give the learners an opportunity to conduct a relevant research based on the data collected by the learners themselves and present the results in the class. 본수업은한국어교육을위한각종교재의구성원리에대한심화학습을기반으로실제사용되고있는교재를분석한다. 이를토대로한국어학습자료와매체를실제로개발하여제출함을수업의목표로한다. This course aims at analyzing the actual materials based on the in-depth study of the composition principles of various types of textbooks for Korean education. The learners will be given an opportunity to develop their own materials and media on Korean education and present them in the class. 71 KS690 72 KS801 73 KS802 74 KS805 75 KS811 76 KS812 77 KS813 78 KS814 최근한국어교수법의동향과쟁점탐구: 의사소통중심, 내용중심, 과제중심언어교수 Explorations of Trends and Issues in Current Korean Teaching Methodology 한국어교육국외인턴십 한국어교육국내인턴십 Korean as a 한국어교육국외인턴십 한국어교육국외인턴십: 교육Ⅰ : TeachingⅠ 한국어교육국외인턴십: 교육Ⅱ : TeachingⅡ 한국어교육국외인턴십: 행정Ⅰ : AdministrationⅠ 한국어교육국외인턴십: 행정Ⅱ 본수업은최근한국어교수법의동향과쟁점을탐구하기위해의사소통중심, 내용중심및과제중심언어교수를선정하여각교수법을접근방법, 교수설계및교수절차로나누어살펴본다. This course aims to explore trends and issues in current Korean language teaching methodology, focusing on communicative, content-based, and task-based methods, in terms of approach, design and procedure. 인턴십및논문세미나 국외대학에서정규한국어교과목을담당하여교육실습을수행함으로써한국어교육현장과학습자를이해하고스스로교육과정을설계하고학급을운영하며평가를수행해본다. This course aims to provide students with an opportunity to be trained as a teacher of TKFL by teaching Korean at regular classes in overseas universities; design Korean language curricula; manage Korean classes; and conduct KFL assessment. 국내대학및정규기관등에서정규한국어교과목을담당하여교육실습을수행함으로써한국어교육현장과학습자를이해하고스스로교육과정을설계하고학급을운영하며평가를수행해본다. This course aims to provide students with an opportunity to be trained as a teacher of TKFL by teaching Korean at regular classes in domestic universities or other equivalent institutes to that; design Korean language curricula; manage Korean classes; and conduct KFL assessment.

79 KS821 80 KS822 81 KS823 82 KS824 83 KS825 84 KS826 85 Z0001 86 Z0002 87 Z0003 : AdministrationⅡ 한국어교육국내인턴십: 교육Ⅰ Korean as a : TeachingⅠ 한국어교육국내인턴십: 교육Ⅱ Korean as a : TeachingⅡ 한국어교육국내인턴십: 교육Ⅲ Korean as a :TeachingⅢ 한국어교육국내인턴십: 교육Ⅳ Korean as a : TeachingⅣ 한국어교육국내인턴십: 행정Ⅰ Korean as a :: AdministrationⅠ 한국어교육국내인턴십: 행정Ⅱ Korean as a :: AdministrationⅡ 논문세미나 Thesis Research 논문세미나 Ⅰ Dissertation ResearchⅠ 논문세미나 Ⅱ Dissertation ResearchⅡ 석사학위논문의연구질문과이에맞는연구방법을구체적으로설정하고응용언어학논문작성규범에맞추어효과적으로논문을쓸수있도록석사과정학생들의학위논문준비과정을돕고, 연구수행능력을함양한다. This course aims to prepare master's candidates for writing a thesis and help them cultivate the ability to conduct their own study so that they can specify their own research questions and appropriate research methods, and write the thesis according to publication criteria for academic writers in applied linguistics. 박사학위논문의연구질문과이에맞는연구방법을구체적으로설정하고응용언어학논문작성규범에맞추어효과적으로논문을쓸수있도록박사과정학생들의학위논문준비과정을돕고, 연구수행능력을함양한다. This course aims to prepare Ph.D. candidates for writing a dissertation and help them cultivate the ability to conduct their own study so that they can specify their own research questions and appropriate research methods, and write the dissertation according to publication criteria for academic writers in applied linguistics. 박사학위논문의연구질문과이에맞는연구방법을구체적으로설정하고응용언어학논문작성규범에맞추어효과적으로논문을쓸수있도록박사과정학생들의학위논문준비과정을돕고, 연구수행능력을함양한다. This course aims to prepare ph.d. candidates for writing a dissertation and help them cultivate the ability to conduct their own study so that they can specify their own research questions and appropriate research methods, and write the dissertation according to publication criteria for academic writers in applied linguistics.