THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2016 May; 27(5), 454462. ISSN 1226-3133 (Print)ISSN 2288-226X (Online) Research on Resource Allocation Method for a Hybrid WSD Based on Location Probability 장형민 이원철 Hyugnmin ChangWon-Cheol Lee 요약 TV (TVWS) TV(DTV) TV (WSD), DTV. TVWS geo-location WSD. WSD DTV,. WSD WSD. Abstract A portable white space device(wsd) obeying the Korean regulations of TV white space(tvws) can cause harmful interference to a digital TV receiver residing at the same pixel around the edge of the digital TV service coverage for the case with a changed propagation environment. In order to solve this problem, we propose a method to allocate the resource of a hybrid WSD based on TVWS geo-location DB with spectrum sensing. Using the received power of digital TV signal through the spectrum sensing, a hybrid WSD can calculate the maximum permitted EIRP based on location probability. Based on the accurate allocation method proposed in this paper, it is possible to satisfy the Korean TVWS regulations and to eliminate the harmful interference to TV receivers nearby the hybrid WSD. Key words: TV White Space, White Space Device, Effective Isotropic Radiated Power, TV Band Device, Hybrid WSD, Geo-Location Database, Spectrum Sensing. 서론 TV TV TV(DTV) DTV DTV, 2013(KETEP)[No. 20131010501720],, 2015((), :C0364296). (School of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University) Manuscript received January 26, 2016 ; Revised March 1, 2016 ; Accepted April 20, 2016. (ID No. 20160126-010) Corresponding Author: Won-Cheol Lee (e-mail: 454 c Copyright The Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science. All Rights Reserved.
TV (TVWS) FCC [1]. ISM TVWS ISM. TVWS,,, [2]. TVWS DTV DTV. TVWS (White Space Device: WSD) DTV TV geo-location, DTV [3][5]. WSD. TVWS / DTV [3],[4]. WSD, DTV DTV., WSD [5][8]., WSD. DTV WSD geolocation DTV WSD. 2 WSD, 3 WSD. 4 WSD, 5.. 기존 WSD 전력할당방안 DTV WSD, WSD WSD. 2-1 고정전력기반의 WSD 전력할당방안및문제점 WSD, DTV WSD., WSD 1 W 100 mw, DTV WSD 40 mw. WSD DTV WSD WSD. DTV WSD, DTV [9]. 2-2 디지털 TV 위치확률기반의 WSD 전력할당방안 DTV DTV, WSD. DTV 455
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 27, no. 5, May. 2016. DTV, 100 m 100 m,. DTV DTV (1) [5]. P r m in (1) Pr, DTV DTV, m in DTV, DTV DTV DTV DTV, DTV DTV. (1) DTV WSD (2). Pr min (2) DTV,,, WSD DTV, WSD, DTV WSD., DTV WSD, DTV. WSD DTV, ECC [5],[8] [6], [7] ofcom[10]., [7].. [7]. WSD. [7]. Pr min Pr min Pr min Pr Pr Pr (3) DTV [11], [12].,. Schwartz-Yeh, [12].,,.,,. Schwartz-Yeh [13],. (4) 456
그림 1. WSD Fig. 1. Flowchart of the calculation of transmit power based on location probability for a WSD. (3) (5). (5) 1 [7].. 하이브리드 WSD 전력산출방안 TVWS TV 3 geo-location,. geo-location,,, [5]. geo-location, WSD DTV DTV WSD DTV. TVWS geo-location WSD. WSD TVWS TVWS. DTV. WSD DTV 2-2 DTV., (3) (5) WSD. DTV, WSD. DTV 40 mw, 40 mw WSD 40 mw(=16 dbm), 40 mw WSD. 2 TVWS WSD., DTV., TVWS DTV. 457
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 27, no. 5, May. 2016. 표 1. WSD Table 1. Parameter values for location probability based WSD used in the numerical results. Parameters Values Parameters Values 0.01 5.5 db m in 84 dbm Antenna gain 9.15 dbi Antenna angular discrimination Parameters 0 db Antenna polar discrimination Values 16 db 473 MHz 695 MHz +6 MHz 6 MHz 51.96 db 55.30 db 58.81 db 62.15 db 96 dbm 70 dbm 60 dbm 3.2 db 4.9 db 5.0 db [dbm] 80 68 53 28 20 그림 2. WSD Fig. 2. Flowchart of the calculation of transmit power for a hybrid WSD.. 모의실험 DTV WSD DTV AT- SC(Advanced Television Systems Committee)., WSD. 4-1 ATSC 에적용된위치확률기반 WSD 전력할당 방안 WSD WSD. DTV () 0.01 (+6MHz, ) 26 db 26 db 26 db 20 db 12 db (6MHz, ) 28 db 28 db 28 db 20 db 12 db. ATSC WSD 1. DTV TVWS, 1). (3) DTV 3., DTV80 dbm 20 dbm, DTV ATSC [14]. ITU-R ATSC ATSC (68 dbm), (53 dbm), (28 dbm),, 28 dbm 1 1) (Hz), (m), log log (db) 458
그림 3. WSD Fig. 3. Reference geometry for a fixed WSD. db 1 db. DTV WSD [7], 3. 4 5 DTV 473 MHz 695 MHz DTV WSD. DTV 3 WSD WSD 0.01. DTV WSD. 4, DTV 473 MHz WSD. DTV, WSD DTV. DTV 46 dbm WSD WSD 20 dbm (=100 mw) DTV. 5 DTV 695 MHz 4. 그림 4. 473 MHz DTV WSD Fig. 4. Maximum permitted WSD EIRP of a WSD based on location probability according to received power of wanted digital TV signal with =473 MHz. DTV WSD DTV, WSD. 4-2 ATSC 에적용된위치확률기반하이브리드 WSD 전력할당방안 WSD TV- WS WSD WSD. DTV 0.95, DTV WSD., DTV DTV WSD. 2 TV 459
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 27, no. 5, May. 2016. 그림 6. WSD Fig. 6. Reference geometry for a hybrid WSD. 그림 5. 695 MHz DTV WSD Fig. 5. Maximum permitted WSD EIRP of a WSD based on location probability according to received power of wanted digital TV signal with =695 MHz. 표 2. WSD Table 2. Parameter values for location probability based hybrid WSD used in the numerical results. Parameters Values Parameters Values 0.95 5.5 db m in 84 dbm Antenna gain 9.15 dbi 473 MHz +6 MHz Parameters Values 96 dbm 70 dbm 60 dbm 3.2 db 4.9 db 5.0 db 80 dbm68 dbm53 dbm28 dbm20 dbm (6 Hz, ) 26 db 26 db 26 db 20 db 12 db WSD. DTV WSD WSD, 6. DTV 473 MHz, WSD WSD 1.5 m. DTV 4-1. WSD, DTV, WSD( 0) ( 1, 2, 3) DTV WSD, 7 [10]. WSD DTV, WSD 8 1 0, = 49 db [10].,. WSD 2 16 3, 91 db, 93 db, 97 db. 3 0 3 [15],. DTV WSD DTV ITU-R P.1546 [11]. 8 DTV WSD WSD 460
WSD tx 100m (3,1) (3,2) (3,3) (3,4) (3,5) (3,6) (3,7) 100m 1 q 1 vs q 2 with f=473mhz q 1 =-96dBm DTV rx (3,24) (2,1) (2,2) (2,3) (2,4) (2,5) (3,8) 0.5 q 2 =-96dBm q 1 =-70dBm q 2 =-70dBm (3,23) (2,16) (1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (2,6) (3,9) q 1 =-60dBm L=1~100km Tier 0 (3,22) (2,15) (1,8) T0 (1,4) (2,7) (3,10) (3,21) (2,14) (1,7) (1,6) (1,5) (2,8) (3,11) 0 q 2 =-60dBm -70-60 -50-40 -30-20 DTV median wanted signal power, m s (dbm) Maximum Available power of WSD with f=473mhz Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 (3,20) (2,13) (2,12) (2,11) (2,10) (2,9) (3,12) (3,19) (3,18) (3,17) (3,16) (3,15) (3,14) (3,13) 40 20 m V =-96dBm m V =-70dBm m V =-60dBm 그림 7. WSD Fig. 7. Illustration of tiers of pixels around the WSD.. 0/1 2, 0.95 WSD DTV 70 km TVWS WSD 56 km 14 km. 8 WSD 0/1, 54 km WSD. 0-20 -70-60 -50-40 -30-20 DTV median wanted signal power, m S (dbm) 그림 9. DTV WSD Fig. 9. Maximum permitted WSD EIRP of a WSD based on location probability according to received power of wanted digital TV signal. 9 3 WSD. DTV,, 2. DTV, 0.01.. 결론 그림 8. DTV WSD WSD Fig. 8. Maximum permitted WSD EIRP of a WSD based on location probability according to the distance between wanted digital TV Tx and pixel within WSD. DTV, DTV DTV WSD. TVWS WSD DTV DTV, TVWS geo-location WSD., DTV WSD DTV WSD., 461
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 27, no. 5, May. 2016. WSD TVWS DTV WSD. WSD geo-location WSD, DTV TV WSD geo-location DTV. References [1] FCC 08-260A1, Second Report and Order and Memorandum Opinion and Order, Nov. 2008. [2] DA 13-324, "Office of engineering and technology authorizes TV white space database administrators to provide service to unlicensed devices operating on unused TV spectrum nationwide", Public Notice, FCC, Mar. 2013. [3] FCC 12-36, "Third memorandum opinion and order", Apr. 2012. [4] "() ", 2012-113, 2012 9. [5] ECC Report 159, "Technical and operational requirements for the possible operation of cognitive radio systems in the white spaces of the frequency band 470 790 MHz", Jan. 2011. [6] H. R. Karimi, "Geolocation databases for white space 2005 2: () 2007 2: () 2007 3: [ 주관심분야 ] TV,, devices in the UHF TV bands: Specification of maximum permitted emission levels", Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks(DySPAN 2011), pp. 443-454, May 2011. [7] V. Petrini, H. R. Karimi, "TV white space databases: Algorithms for the calculation of maximum permitted radiated power levels", Proc. IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks(DySPAN 2012), pp. 552-560, Oct. 2012. [8] Technical and operational requirements for the operation of white space devices under geolocation approach, ECC Std. Report 186, Jan. 2013. [9],,, " TVBD ", 2015, 2015 8. [10] Ofcom, "Implementing TV white spaces", Feb. 2015. [11] Recommendation ITU-R P.1546-5, "Method for pointto-area predictions for terrestrial services in the frequency range 30 MHz to 3,000 MHz", Sep. 2013. [12] S. C. Schwartz, Y. S. Yeh, "On the distribution function and moments of power sums with log-normal components", The Bell Systems Technical Journal, vol. 61, no. 7, pp. 1441-1462, Sep. 1982. [13] A. Safak, "Statistical analysis of the power sum of multiple correlated log-normal components", IEEE Tran. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 42, no. 1, Feb. 1993. [14] Recommendation ITU-R BT.1368-12, "Planning criteria, including protection ratios, for digital terrestrial television services in the VHF/UHF bands", Feb. 2015. [15] ECO, SEAMCAT Handbook, Jan. 2010. 1986 2: ( ) 1988 2: ( ) 1994: New York Polytechnic Univ. Electronic Eng. () 1995: [ 주관심분야 ] Cognitive Radio, TV,,, SDR 462