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BC407 American Church and Culture 미국교회와문화 (4 credits) Spring 2015 (Milwaukee, WI) Syllabus Class Period ( 수업일정 ): 5 일집중수업과전후과제를포함 1 월 5 일 ( 월 ) 부터 3 월 2 일 ( 월 ) 까지 From Jan. 5(Monday) to Mar. 02 (Monday), including 5days-intensive class Intensive Class Dates and Times ( 집중수업시간 ): (01 월 26 ( 월 ) -02 월 23 ( 월 ) 매주월요일오전 9 시부터오후 8 시까지 ) (9am 8pm each day, from Jan. 26(Monday), Feb.3(Monday), Feb. 09(Monday), Feb. 16(Monday), Feb. 23(Monday) Professor ( 담당교수 ): Gyounghee Lee (Adjunct Faculty) Office Hours ( 면담시간 ): 개인면담이필요할때마다예약을통해 by appointment (E-mail: / Phone 847-322-4816) * This syllabus was adopted from Rev. John Park's "American Church and Culture" syllabus. 신대원사명에대한과목의공헌 [Course Contribution to Seminary Mission]; Central Baptist Theological Seminary prepares women and men to transform churches and communities by educating and forming them as Christian leaders who are biblically knowledgeable, theologically articulate, spiritually healthy, humanly sensitive and professionally competent. The course is intended to enable students to understand of contemporary culture and its relationship with the church that will give guidance, support and depth to Christian ministry. 센트럴침례신학대학원은여성과남성들을성경적지식을잘갖추며, 신학적인입장을또렷이표현하며, 영적으로건강하고, 인간적으로세심하며, 전문적인실력을갖춘기독교지도자들이되도록교육하고훈련시킴으로교회와공동체를변화시키도록그들을준비시킨다. 이수업은학생으로하여금현대문화의전반적인이해를기독교신앙과의관계속에서관찰하고해석하여미국교회속에침투한현대문화의제요소를분석하여교회사역자로서어떻게대응할것인가에관하여이해하고준비시키는역활을할것이다 수업개요와목적 Course Description and Purpose; The purpose of this class is to make the students to learn and understand better regarding the crucial issues facing from the relationship of the church and the gospel to contemporary culture and achieve greater insight into how the church can engage in and positively influence modern culture

본수업은현대문화와밀접한관계로야기된교회와복음에관련된문제들을학생들이보다바르게이해하고파악한다음, 교회가어떻게현대문화를변혁시키고영향을미칠수있는지에대한대안마련에대한더낳은통찰력을터득하는목적을가지고진행될것이다. 가르침과배움의목표 Teaching-Learning Goals 본수업을통해다음의여러가지목표를이루고자한다. 1) 미국교회속에침투한현대문화의제요소와그관계를이해하기 2) 현대문화의영향과도전에바르게대처하기위한새로운접근방법과전략을연구시도하기 3) 미국교회를현대문화의관점으로진단하여문제들을조사하고평가하는능력을계발하기 4) 서양문화의발달과정에대한이해를통해포괄적인문화이해에대한안목을파악하기 5) 세상문화속에서교회로서신자답게사는사고방식과삶의양식에대한새로운자세와통찰력을취득하기 The major goals do this class will be as follows. 1)Understand of contemporary culture and its relationship with the church 2)Research and initiate new approaches to ministry that effectively respond to the challenges of our contemporary culture 3) Develop the skill to evaluates and examines the problem with being in contemporary culture to analyze the American Church 4) Gain a broader perspective and understanding of the development of culture, specifically Western culture 5) Achieve new insight into the challenge of living and thinking christianly in light of our world. 가르치고배우는활동들 Teaching-Learning Activities 전형적인월요집중수업일정 (Intensive class Schedule 01/26-02/23): 1. 5 일간의단기집중수업을효과적이고실질적으로진행하기위해본수업은 3 단계의수업일정으로구성된다 : ( 집중수업전활동, 집중수업, 집중수업후활동 ) 2. 집중수업전기간 (01/05-01/25 일 ) 활동으로는필독교재 2 권 ( 교회와문화그위태로운관계. 저자 D. A. 카슨, 김은홍옮김, I church 시대의일곱가지치명적죄악 / 조의완지음 ) 을읽고, 자신이책들을통해배운점을정리한독서보고서 ( 책한권당 2 페이지 ) 지정된날 (01/05, 01/25) 까지제출해야한다. 3. 집중수업기간 (1 월 26 일에서 2 월 23 일까지 5 주 ) 동안은전체수강생들이함께수업에참여하여 1) 교수의강의를듣고 2) 자신이담당한교재를요약 / 발표하며 3) 수업마다주제토론과그룹토론에참여하며, 자신이담당한날짜에미국교회와문화에관한발표 ( 보고서제출및발표 ) 를담당할것이다. {* 미국교회의문화이해를위한온라인및탐방연구대상교회들 } 미국교회문화이해를위해미국교회들의홈페이지온라인탐방을통해서, ( 교회를 1 개씩선택 ) 각교회만이갖고있는문화적특성과문화활용과조화를이루어내는각교회의프로그램을관찰한다. 교회홈페이지의온라인탐방을통하여, 교회들이예배와교육을통해교회문화다양성을어떻게이루어활용하고있는지에관해서연구한다음, 2-3 페이지보고서제출과

함께전체수업시간에발표할것이다. 교회문화이해를위해온라인연구해야할미국교회들의리스트는다음과같다. 1) Christian Faith Center, WA : 2) Mars Hill Church, WA : www. 3) Lakewood Church, Houston, TX : 4) North Point Community Church. GA : www. 5) Redeemer Presbyterian Church, NY : 6) Overlake Christian Church Kirkland, WA : 7) Christ the King Community Church Burlington, WA 8) The city church Kirkland, WA http:// 9) Grace Community Church, Auburn, WA 10) Champions Centre Tacoma, WA 4. 집중수업후기간 (2 월 24 일에서 3 월 2 일까지 ) 활동은, 전수업과정을통해공부하고배운내용을종합한학기말시험답안지 (take home, open book test) 를교수에게이메일로제출한다. All of the following assignments must be completed to the satisfaction of the professor in order to pass this course. Class attendance and participation: Please come weekly, promptly, and ready. Class participation is expected to be respectful of others, balancing careful listening and thoughtful contributions related to the assigned readings and topics being discussed. Class sessions will include a variety of learning activities, including discussion of readings, professor presentations, videos, and skills practices. Material not in assigned readings will be included. Thus, class attendance and participation are very important and difficult to make up. Attendance policies in the Catalog will be followed Students are expected to attend all classes. A student may not miss more than 20% of a course nor the first day of an intensive and still expect to pass. When absolutely necessary, class absences not exceeding 20% of the required number of class periods for any course, when excused by the professor, will not detract from the student s standing. However, a student who is absent frequently cannot expect to earn the highest grades. Every effort should be made for perfect attendance. When a session is missed, students are expected to submit a 1-2 page (single-spaced) summary of that session s readings, within a week, if possible. 본과정을이수하기위해서모든과제들을만족스럽고정시안에마무리해야한다. 서면과제물들과구두참여는디플로과정수준의능력을반영하도록요구된다. 학생들은과제물을미루지말고제때준비하여지정된날짜에제출할것이요청된다. You are required to complete all of the assignments in a satisfactory and timely manner in order to pass the course with grading. Students are well advised to keep current with the assignments and to submit them on the dates indicated. 필독서 (Required reading) 1. D. A. 카슨 ( 김은홍역 ), 교회와문화그위태로운관계, 국제제자훈련원, 2012

D.A. Carson Christ and Culture Revisited by Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company: Reprint edition (January 31, 2012) 2. 조의완, I church 시대의일곱가지치명적죄악, 대장간, 2012 추가적독서를위한권장도서들 (Recommended Books) 아래의책들은필독서는아니어도읽을것을강력히추천한다. 1. 옥성호, 마케팅에물든부족한기독교, 부흥과개혁사, 2007. 2. 신국원, 변혁과샬롬의대중문화론, I.V.P.( 한국기독학생회출판부 ), 2004 3. 리처드니버, ( 홍병룡역 ), 그리스도와문화 Christ and culture, I.V.P.( 한국기독학생회출판부 ) 4. Church & Culture Blog Church and Culture ( 미국교회의문화연구를위한블로그 ) 5. 마이클프로스트, 앨런허쉬, ( 지성근역 ), 새로운교회가온다 The Shaping of Things to Come I.V.P,. 440pages 6. 교회음악철학 (A Philosophy of Church Music) 김대권, 중앙아트, 2008 7. White, James Emery. The Church in an Age of Crisis: 25 New Realities Facing Christianity 224 pages Publisher: Baker Books 8. Charles H. Kraft & Marguerite G. Kraft. Christianity In Culture: A Study In Biblical Theologizing In Cross-cultural Perspective 344 pages Publisher: Orbis Books: 9. Mouw, Richard J. Consulting the Faithful: What Christian Intellectuals Can Learn from Popular Culture. 90 pp Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 채점 Grading: 이수업의배움의활동들은다음과같이평가된다. Learning activities will be graded as follows: 1 수업출석과참여 20% 2 독서보고서 2 개 30% 3 미국교회문화이해 -( 보고서제출및발표 ) 20% 4 학기말시험 30% *** 신대원의한국부성적평가 ( 채점 Grading) 안내기준은다음과같다. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ Korean Program Grading Guideline 한국부성적평가안내

Descriptio n Superior 탁월 Letter Points % Criteria 평가기준 A 4.0 100-94 1. 출석기준 (*1) 및수업참여도 (*2) 충족 2. 필수및추천도서리딩 3. 기간내과제완료 A- 3.7 93-90 4. 토론적극참석 5. 수업과과제를통한성취도탁월 Above Average 평균이상 Average 평균 Below Average 평균이하 Failure 낙제 B+ 3.3 89-87 B 3.0 86-83 B- 2.7 82-80 C+ 2.3 79-77 C 2.0 76-73 C- 1.7 72-70 D+ 1.3 69-67 D 1.0 66-63 D- 0.7 62-60 F 0.0 59-0 1. 5%-1% 결석 2. 수업참여도 (*2) 충족 3. 기간내과제완료 4. 필수교재리딩 1. 5% 이상결석 2. 수업참여도 (*2) 충족 3. 늦은과제완료 4. 필수교재리딩 1. 10% 이상결석 2. 수업참여자세 (*2) 가부적절한경우 3. 늦은과제제출 1. 20% 이상결석하거나, 2. 과제미제출시, 혹은 3. 수업참여도 (*2) 가부적절한뿐아니라다른학생의수업권을방해할경우 * 1. Attendance & Punctuality 출석기준 1) Attend every class. 모든수업에참석한다 2) Get to class on time and stay for the entire class period. 정시에출석하고, 수업시간이종료될때까지수업에충실한다. 3) Listen to the professor and take good notes. 수업에경청하며노트필기를충실히한다. 5) Do not bring children to class. 자녀를수업에동반하지않는다. 6) Failing to participate in more than 20% of a course's contact hours will result in automatic failure. 수업시간의 20% 이상결석할경우자동적으로과목낙제가된다. * 2. Participation & Behaviors 수업참여도및자세 1) Do not have private conversations. 개인적인대화를하지않는다. 2) All cell phones, smart phones, and other electronic devices (e.g., ipods) must be

turned off. In emergency case, you can set on vibrate. 셀폰, 스마트폰, 아이팟과같은전기전자제품은전원을정지시켜놓아야한다. 비상사태가예상될경우전화기를진동으로해놓아야한다. 3) Laptop and tablet computers are allowed for quiet note taking only. Other activities such as checking personal e-mail or browsing the Internet are prohibited. 노트북은강의필기를위해서만사용되어야한다. 수업시간에이메일확인이나인터넷사용은금지된다. 4) Do not dominate other student's opportunities to learn by asking too many questions. 다른학생들이수업에참여를방해할정도로수업시간을독점해서는안된다. 5) Respect your professor and be polite towards other students. 교수님과동료학생들을예의를가지고대한다. 6) Students should address faculty as "Professor, "Dr.," or "Pastor" 교수를호칭할때, " 교수님, 박사님, 혹은목사님 " 으로칭한다. 7) Participate in class discussions and show much effort towards academic success. 토론에적극적으로참여하고, 배움에대한진지한열정이있어야한다. *3. If a student's GPA drops below 2.0, they will be placed on Academic Probation. 평점이 2.0 미만일경우 " 학사경고 " 처분을받는다. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 수업일정 Class Schedule 첫째날 : 미국교회와문화 과목소개 (1 월 26 일 ) 세션 (Session)1: Worship (9:00-9:30), Class Introduction 서론 (9:30-10:45am): 과목과수업계획서안내세션 (Session):2 (11:00am-12:30pm), 세션 (Session):3(1:30-3:300pm): 대중문화의현상과본질에대한이해와함께역설적관계에있는그리스도와문화와의관계와, 문화의변혁자로서의그리스도와의관계속에서본문화정의와이해준비하여읽을거리 : 교회와문화그위태로운관계, D.A. Carson, Chap. 1 변혁과샬롬의대중문화론, 저자 : 신국원, Chap.2 세션 (Session)4:(3:45-5:45pm), 세션 (Session) 5: (6:00-8:00): 대중문화이해에대한전반적인견해와관점읽을거리 : 변혁과샬롬의대중문화론, 저자 : 신국원, Chap.1 and 6 둘째날 : 미국문화속에젖어있는교회의실상들 (2 월 3 일 ) 세션 (Session) 6: (9:00-10:30)

소비주의시대의미국문화속의신앙인의자화상종교소비자들을끌어들일새로운충격을주려고시도하는교회속의세상문화의문제점제기읽을거리 : I church 시대의일곱가지치명적죄악, (1-36pp) 세션 (Session) 7: (10:45-12:30), 세션 (Session) 8: (1:45-3:45) 소비주의적사고에젖어든문화에변혁적이지못하고종속적이된교회의실상분석과교인들안에팽배한세상문화에대한해부와진단, 소유와소비의영에사로잡힌현대문화속에교회마저상품성을높이는기업으로종교소비자들에게보다자극적인프로그램으로물든대형교회문화실태읽을거리 : I church 시대의일곱가지치명적죄악, (37-163pp) 세션 (Session) 9: (4:00-5:45), 미국교회현황 (1), ( 마케팅전략문화의교회부흥주의의허와실 ) 읽을거리 :" 마케팅에물든부족한기독교 ", 마케팅교회란무엇인가? Chap.1 세션 (Session)10: (6:00-8:00) 문화의급류에휩쓸리는미국교회현황 (2) 읽을거리 : I church 시대의일곱가지치명적죄악, (pp.113-pp.129) 셋째날 : 미국교회와문화 (2 월 9 일 ) 세션 (Session) 11: (9:00-10:00), 세션 (Session) 12: (10:15-12:00) 마케팅교회의시대적배경 : 포스트모더니즘과프래그머티즘마케팅교회의교회적배경 : 부흥주의, 자유주의, 신복음주의읽을거리 ;" 마케팅에물든부족한기독교 ", Chap.2-3 세션 13: (1:00-2:30), 세션 14: (2:45-4:00), 세속주의, 민주주의, 자유문화속에길들여진교회문화속의복음의변질읽을거리 : 교회와문화 : 그위태로운관계, (pp.125-250) 문화와포스트모던니즘세션 15: ( 4:15-6:00), 세션 16: ( 6:15-8:00) 교회문화발표, 토의시간 : 교회홈페이지의온라인탐방을통하여, 교회들이예배와교육을통해교회문화다양성을어떻게이루어활용하고있는지에관해서연구한보고서를, 학생각자가나와서전체수업시간에발표한이후에, 그룹별로나누어서조별토론의시간을가진후, 이어서수업전체토론의시간을가진다. 네째날 : 미국교회와문화 (2 월 16 일 ) 세션 (Session) 17: (9:00-10:30), 세션 (Session) 18: (10:45-12:00) 엔터테인문화와마케팅문화에변질된복음과교회실태마케팅교회와복음의상품화마케팅교회의모델 : 빌하이벨스와윌로우크릭교회마케팅교회의모델읽을거리 : 마케팅에물든부족한기독교, Chap.4-6 세션 (Session) 19: ( 1:00-2:30), 세션 (Session) 20: (2:45-4:00) 읽을거리 : 마케팅에물든부족한기독교, Chap.7-8 마케팅교회와교회컨설팅읽을거리 : 변혁과샬롬의대중문화론, Chap. 7. 대중문화변혁의기초와비젼세션 (Session) 21: (4:30-6:00) 미디어문화영향과미국교회 ( 선전문화와프로그램 ) 읽을거리 : 변혁과살롬의대중문화론, Chap 3-4 미디아문화이해세션 22(Session): (06:15-8:00) 기독교적세계관에입각한대중문화이해정립

대중미디어와의통합적시각을통해문화변혁의실천적대안제시와주체세력으로서의영향력발휘와문화명령실천의삶읽을거리 ; 교회와문화, Chap.2, Chap. 6 교회와문화그리고계속되는긴장다섯째날 : 미국교회와문화 (2 월 23 일 ) { 특강 : 유한성전도사 } 과제 : 현재의교회음악즉, 성가대, 찬양팀, 예배음악의문제는무엇이라생각하는가?(1 page) 세션 23 (Session): (9:00-10:45) 교회음악의패러다임을향하여교회음악철학, 김대권, 중앙아트, 2008, (P.15-44) 세션 24 (session): (11:00-12:30) 찬양의본질교회음악철학, 김대권, 중앙아트, 2008, (p.45-58) 세션 25 ( Session): (1:30-3:30) 찬송은하나님을향한최상의섬김. 1) 찬송은내면의두손을드는것 2) 찬송은감사를쏟아내는것 3) 찬송은영성의길로들어서는문 4) 찬송은하나님을자랑하는것 5) 찬송은하나님을향한최상의섬김 세션 26 (Session): (3:45-:5:00) 성경속의음악 세션 27 (Session) (5:15-:6:30) 찬양대 세션 28 (Session) (6:45-:8:00) 교회음악인의비전 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- *This syllabus does not constitute a legal contract. Schedule, policies, and activities for this course are subject to change in extenuating circumstances. * 이강의계획서는법적계약이아니다. 과목의일정, 정책, 그리고구체적활동들은참작해야할상황에따라변경될수있다.