- 가구소득을중심으로 - 이상호 * Ⅰ. 들어가며 ) 30..,, (Unobserved Heterogenety).. NLS(966~) PSID(968~), BHPS(99~), GSOEP(984~). 990 994 998, (998~). 2~3...,. * (shlee@kl.re.kr). 66_ 노동리뷰
(Korean Labor and Income Panel Study : KLIPS) (Systemc Non-Random Attrton Bas)????. KLIPS.,.,. Ⅱ. 표본이탈에대한이론적실증적논의. 표본이탈모형 (Jenkns, 2002).., PSID SEO.5....., (mputaton). (Heckt) (Heckman, 979)..,., (,, ) _67
., (Consstent Estmates). Hausman and Wse(979). (Random Effect Model). Rdder(992) Hausman-Wse, (Bekett et al, 988; Wooldrdge, 995; Zabel, 998; Ryu, 200). Wooldrdge(995, 2002). (, Balanced Panel). (.), t t. c,, xt full rank ' 2, E( u u c, x ) = σ I (.3) (Wthn ransformaton) βˆ FE. y t y t y y = x t = x β + c = ( x β + c t x + u + u t, ) β + u t t =, Λ u,, u t 2 ~ N (0, σ ) (.) & y t = & x β + u&, t t t =, Λ, (.2) ˆ β FE = N = t= ' & x & x t t N = t= ' & x & y t ιτ (.3) ˆ β = N N = β + N = t= N where ' s & tx & txt = t= & x x N ' s & tx & txt t t N = t= N N sr r= ' s & tx & t yιτ = t= x r, ' s & x u t & y t t ιτ y t sr r= y r, t= (.4) s t 68_ 노동리뷰
s = wtγ + vt, t = 2, Λ (.5) t, E( ut ct, x, s ) = 0, t =,2, Λ, φ(w tγ) E( ut ct, x, s ) = E( ut v ˆ t ) = ρσ = ρλt, t =,2, Λ, Φ[w γ] t (.6) E( & yt & x st = = & + ρ & ˆ t, ) x tβ λt + error (.7) (Unbalanced Panel). s t = βˆ (.4). / (.5). φ(w t γ) Φ[w t γ] Inverse Mlls Rato(.) wthn transformaton (.7). Ho: ρ=0,. 2. 실증연구 998 Journal of Human Resources. PSID..,,,,.,., (survey mechansm). GIME(Gary Income Mantence Experment) Hausman and Wse(979). /,,, _69
,,,. Beckett et al.(988) PSID 4 (968 98 ) (Proportonal hazard model). SEO SRC. Ftzgerald et al(998) PSID(Panel Study of Incom Dynamcs) 9 (968 986 ),,.. Lllard and Pans(998) PSID 968~988,.,. Zabel(998) PSID SIPP(Survey of Income and Program Partcpaton).,. Hll and Wlls(200) HRC(Health and Retrement Study) ~3.. (993~997 ) (993~998 ) (2000).,,.,,,. KLIPS. (2005), (2005) KLIPS ~6, (Calbraton). 70_ 노동리뷰
Ⅲ. KLIPS 의조사체계와표본이탈의일반적특성. 995 (997 ). 2 2 (two stage stratfed cluster samplng). 75.5%, 25.4% 5000. 4~9, (face-to-face). 64.4% 6 86.3% ( ), 6.2% ( 2). KLIPS. _7
...,,. 2 3 (retenton rate) 88% 8% ( ). 4 3... < 2>, 673 65.9 ( 406 ). 3.5 3.2. < 3> 6., 0., 0 5 6., 5,000 66.7%, 5.5%, 32.8%.,.,., 6 47.3%, 29.8%., ( 3). 72_ 노동리뷰
접촉안됨 8.7% 사망 0.7% 이민.2% 병환 0.% 합가 0.5% 기타.4% 강력거절 47.3% 이사 / 추적불가 29.8% Ⅳ. 분석결과 KLIPS,,. KLIPS (over estmaton). _73
(bas) (, 2002: 26).. Wooldrdge(995)., 2 IMR(Inverse Mlls Rato). &ˆ λ & t ρ... 2,. (xt, yt).,. [ 2]. (.5) (tme-constant varables) (tme-varng varables)., (t-) 00% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 5,000 4,378 3,895 3,505 3,275 3,087 40% 30% 20% 0% 0%,725,93,495,05 622 0 st wave 2nd wave 3rd wave 4th wave 5th wave 6th wave 0=Selected =Obs erved 74_ 노동리뷰
,,,,. Beckett et al.(988) (duraton dependency). < 4>.,.,..,., Pseudo R2 0.036. PSID Ftzgerald et al(998) (Pseudo R2 0.028~0.07 )., (,,, ).,. < <..,.,..,.,,. IMR 2. < 6> IMR (correcton)., (drop out). IMR -.648 t-test.. 76_ 노동리뷰
... Ⅴ. 결론.,.., _77
.,.,.,..,,,.,., Ryu(200) group duraton model.. KLIPS., )..,. < 참고문헌 >, KLIPS,,, 2003.,, 6,, 2005.,,, Vol.23,, 2000. ) (2005), (2005) (Calbraton).. 78_ 노동리뷰
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