Job Satisfaction and Service Quality between Non-regular and Regular workers in Commercial Sports Facilities: Based on Qualitative Method Bokyeon Kim

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Job Satisfaction and Service Quality between Non-regular and Regular workers in Commercial Sports Facilities: Based on Qualitative Method Bokyeon Kim & Jinho Choi* Dongduk Women s University

Table 1. Demographic information for study participants Employment status Age Gender Career Regular 1 31 M 3yrs Regular 2 26 M 1yr Regular 3 29 M 5yrs Regular 4 26 M 4yrs Regular 5 28 F 2yrs Regular 6 25 M 3yrs Non-Regular 1 27 M 4yrs Non-Regular 2 33 F 8yrs Non-Regular 3 24 F 3yrs Non-Regular 4 26 M 1yr and a half Non-Regular 5 27 F 7yrs Non-Regular 6 24 F 1yr

Fig. 1. Connection map of categories of regular workers related to job satisfaction

Fig. 2. Connection map of categories of non-regular workers related to job satisfaction

Fig. 3. Connection map of categories of regular workers related to service quality

Fig. 4. Connection map of categories of non-regular workers related to service quality

Table 2. Number and frequency of coding by categories 1 2 Final category Work on present job Supervision on present job Number of coding Regular worker Non -regular worker Frequency of coding(%) Regular worker Non -regular worker 18 19 20 22.1 16 18 17.8 20.9 3 Present pay 16 6 17.8 7 4 5 Opportunities for promotion People on your present job 6 7 6.7 8.1 9 6 10 7 6 Tangibles 5 6 5.6 7 7 Reliability 7 7 7.8 8.1 8 Responsiveness 5 3 5.6 3.5 9 Assurance 4 5 4.4 5.8 10 Empathy 4 9 4.4 10.5 Total by employment type 90 86 100 100 Total 176 200 Fig. 5. Work on present job category of regular workers

Fig. 6. Work on present job category of non-regular workers

Fig. 8. Supervision on present job category of non-regular workers Fig. 7. Work on present job category of regular workers

Fig. 10. Present pay category of non-regular workers Fig. 9. Present pay category of regular workers Fig. 11. Opportunities for promotion category of regular workers

Fig. 12. Opportunities for promotion category of non-regular workers Fig. 14. People on your present job category of non-regular workers Fig. 13. People on your present job category of regular workers

Fig. 15. Tangibles category of regular workers Fig. 16. Tangibles category of non-regular workers Fig. 17. Reliability category of regular workers

Fig. 19. Responsiveness category of regular workers Fig. 18. Reliability category of non-regular workers

Fig. 20. Responsiveness category of non-regular workers Fig. 22. Assurance category of non-regular workers Fig. 21. Assurance category of regular workers

Fig. 23. Empathy category of regular workers Fig. 24. Empathy category of non-regular workers

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