THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 015 Mar.; 6(3), 68 75. tt:// ISSN 16-3133 (Print) ISSN 88-6X (Online) -CPS An Efficient Design for an Ultra-Wideband Microstri-to-CPS Transition Alicable to Millimeter-Wave Systems 김영곤 김윤진 김강욱 Young-Gon Kim Youn-Jin Kim Kang Wook Kim* 요약 -CPS(colanar striline).,. EM 3. %. Klofenstein,. 5.39 40 GHz 1 db 10 db. Abstract A clear and efficient design metod for ultra-wideband microstri-to-colanar striline(cps) transition, wic is based on te analytical exressions of te wole transitional structure, is resented. Te conformal maing is alied to obtain te caracteristic imedance of te transitional structure witin 3. % accuracy as comared wit te EM-simulation results. Te transition is designed to rovide broadband imedance matcing using Klofenstein taer. Te imlemented transition erforms less tan 1 db insertion loss er transition for frequencies from 5.39 40 GHz. Key words: Conformal Maing, Colanar Striline(CPS), Klofenstein Taer, Microstri, Transition. 서론 [1] [4]. /, [5]., -CPS(colanar striline) [1] [6]., CPS, [5]. -CPS, LIG /(Seeker&EO/IR R&D Lab, LIG Nex1) * (Scool of Electronics Engineering, College of IT Engineering, Kyoungook National University) Manuscrit received January 9, 015 ; Revised February 15, 015 ; Acceted February 5, 015. (ID No. 0150109-10S) Corresonding Autor: Kang Wook Kim (e-mail: 68 c Coyrigt Te Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science. All Rigts Reserved.
-CPS A B MSL Via D C Transition B' A' (a) C' CPS D' - CPS,. CPS, 5.39 40 GHz.. 초광대역전이구조해석 A A' B B' C C' D D' (b) 그림 1. (a) -CPS, (b) Fig. 1. (a) Persective view of microstri-to-cps transition and (b) To and bottom view. 3D, [1] [6]. 1 -CPS [6]. A-A' D-D CPS 1(b),. A-A', B-B'. (B-B' C-C'),. CPS.,, 3D. A A' B B' C C' D D' -CPS Scwarz-Cristoffel. g s. (w),. (g),. (s),, (s). (w, s), (g), ().. TEM, PEC, (a) (a) Te wole structure (b) (b) Divided structure for analysis 그림. Fig.. Configuration of te transitional structure. 69
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 6, no. 3, Mar. 015. 그림 3. I Fig. 3. Conformal maing tranformation for Region I.. (b),. -1 영역 의해석 I 1 (ε r 1) CPS [5]. CPS, 3 (electrical wall). I (C 1 ) (1) (), K 1, k 0. e 0 K( k0 ') C1 K( k ) 0 w k0, k0 ' 1- k0 w + g () 1 [7]. K( k) K( k ') { (1) 1 1+ k ln( ), 0.5 k 1 1- k, 0. k 0.5 1 + k ' ln( ) 1 - k ' (3) - 영역 의해석., 4(a). (4) z-lane t-lane 그림 4. Fig. 4. Conformal maing tranformation for Region.. t z cos ( ) z-lane t-lane. w ( w + g) t a cos ( ), tb cos ( ), ( w + g) s t c t cos ( ), f sin ( ) t-lane (6) w-lane. t dt w ò 0 ( t + t )( t - t )( t - t )( t - t ) f a b c [8], (7) (8), k 1. C K( k1 ') e e r K( k ) 0 1 ( t - t )( t + t ) k, k ' 1- k b a c f 1 1 1 ( tb - ta )( td + t f ) -3 영역 의해석 5(a) fringing field. (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 70
-CPS, 5(b). fringing field. (9) [9]. Fringing field caacitance (a) s w ' { w+ g -s-, if w + g < s + w elsewere. (9) Point C { - if w + g < s + -( w+ g-s) elsewere. (10) 5(b) C (10),. w-lane z-lane. (11), (1). (11) A B, (1). z + 1 ò z -1 (11) w dz A[ z - 1 + ln( z + z - 1)] + B z z 1 w - j z - 1 w 0 (1) w-lane z-lane (13), z-lane B, C, D (13). z-lane. (14) (15), k. 그림 5. Fig. 5. Conformal maing tranformation for Region. (b) (1 + t )( t + t ) k, k ' 1- k c b d ( tb + tc )(1 + td ) -4 전이구조특성임피던스및유효유전율 (15) -CPS TEM,, (16). e eff K( k ) / K( k ) + e K( k ) / K( k ) + K( k ) / K( k ) K( k ) / K( k ) K( k ) / K( k ) K( k ) / K( k ) ' ' ' 0 0 r 1 1 ' ' ' 0 0 + 1 1 + (16),. w [ z - 1 + ln( z + z -1)] - j K( k ) C e ( ) 3 0 ' K k (13) (14) Z 10 0 ' ' ' e eff K k0 K k0 + K k1 K k1 + K k K k [ ( ) / ( ) ( ) / ( ) ( ) / ( )] (17), 71
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 6, no. 3, Mar. 015. (a) (a) (b) 그림 6. (cal: calculated, sim: simulated). (a) w0.635 mm, g0.17 mm, 0.03 mm. (b) w0.635 mm, g0.54 mm, 0.508 mm.) Fig. 6. Caracteristic imedance of te transition(b-b' to C- C') as a function of s/(cal: calculated, sim: simulated). In case of (a) w0.635 mm, g0.17 mm, 0.03 mm. (b) w0.635 mm, g0.54 mm and 0.508 mm).,. 6, Microwave studio CST EM. (s),. EM 3. %( 1.8 (b) 그림 7. (a) Klofenstein (s) Fig. 7. (a) Klofenstein taer function along te transition and (b) Caracteristic imedance of roosed transition as a function along te bottom widt (s) (cal: calculated, sim: simulated). %),.. 초광대역전이구조설계및측정결과, RT/Duroid 5880 0.54 mm(ε r.), -CPS 7
-CPS. CPS 0.76 mm, 0.17 mm 19. 50 (0.76 mm). ( (50 ), CPS(19 )), Klofenstein, S 11 ole 6 GHz 1.7 mm [10]. 7(a) Klofenstein, 7(b) (s)..,.,. slot-line couled, rectangular, (18) [11]. (a) (a) To (b) (b) Bottom 그림 8. Fig. 8. Te fabricated microstri-to-cps transition. f c m n mn [( ) ( ) ] e w + r g lg (18), c, w g (w g 0.76 mm), l g, m n index., f 01. 5.07 mm 표 1. -CPS Table 1. Performance comarison of microstri-to-cps transitions. Ref. [1] 7.5 10.5 GHz 1.5 db 10 db Ref. [] 6.5 13 GHz 1.5 db 10 db Ref. [4] 1.3 13.3 GHz 1.5 db 10 db Tis work 5.39 over 40 GHz 1 db 10 db 그림 9. Fig. 9. Insertion loss and return loss of te transition wit te RT/Duroid 5880 substrate: measured(solid lines) versus simulated(dot lines) values., 19.4 GHz. 40 GHz 6 (.86 mm ). 8, back-to-back. 9. 5.39 40 GHz 1 db 10 db. 73
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