Ⅰ. Ⅱ. Ⅲ. Ⅳ. (Structured Settlement) Ⅴ. :,,,,,..,.,. (BGB) (ZPO),.,,,. (Structured Settlement). Structured Settlement *, ( ), ( ), (2015

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Ⅰ. Ⅱ. Ⅲ. Ⅳ. (Structured Settlement) Ⅴ. :,,,,,..,.,. (BGB) (ZPO),.,,,. (Structured Settlement). Structured Settlement *, (2015.5.29), (2015.6.5), (2015.6.20.). - 115 -

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..... (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch; BGB) (Zivilprozessrecht; ZPO). 843 25) 1, 2,. ( ). 3 25) 843 (Geldrente oder Kapitalabfindung ) (1) Wird infolge einer Verletzung des Körpers oder der Gesundheit die Erwerbsfähigkeit des Verletzten aufgehoben oder gemindert oder tritt eine Vermehrung seiner Bedürfnisse ein, so ist dem Verletzten durch Entrichtung einer Geldrente Schadensersatz zu leisten. (2) Auf die Rente finden die Vorschriften des 760 Anwendung. Ob, in welcher Art und für welchen Betrag der Ersatzpflichtige Sicherheit zu leisten hat, bestimmt sich nach den Umständen. (3) Statt der Rente kann der Verletzte eine Abfindung in Kapital verlangen, wenn ein wichtiger Grund vorliegt. (4) Der Anspruch wird nicht dadurch ausgeschlossen, dass ein anderer dem Verletzten Unterhalt zu gewähren hat. <http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/ >

9 1 (2015).. 3 26).,,,.. ( ). 27), ( 258 ), ( 323 ), ( 324 ). 258 (wiederkehrende Leistung) 26) Palandt/Thomas, BGB 62. Aufl., 2003, 843Rn. 20ff. 27) ZPO 258 (Klage auf wiederkehrende Leistungen: ) Bei wiederkehrenden Leistungen kann auch wegen der erst nach Erlass des Urteils fällig werdenden Leistungen Klage auf künftige Entrichtung erhoben werden. 323 (Abänderung von Urteilen: ) (1) Enthält ein Urteil eine Verpflichtung zu künftig fällig werdenden wiederkehrenden Leistungen, kann jeder Teil die Abänderung beantragen. Die Klage ist nur zulässig, wenn der Kläger Tatsachen vorträgt, aus denen sich eine wesentliche Veränderung der der Entscheidung zugrunde liegenden tatsächlichen oder rechtlichen Verhältnisse ergibt. (2) Die Klage kann nur auf Gründe gestützt werden, die nach Schluss der Tatsachenverhandlung des vorausgegangenen Verfahrens entstanden sind und deren Geltendmachung durch Einspruch nicht möglich ist oder war. (3) Die Abänderung ist zulässig für die Zeit ab Rechtshängigkeit der Klage. (4) Liegt eine wesentliche Veränderung der tatsächlichen oder rechtlichen Verhältnisse vor, ist die Entscheidung unter Wahrung ihrer Grundlagen anzupassen. 324 (Nachforderungsklage zur Sicherheitsleistung : ) Ist bei einer nach den 843 bis 845 oder 1569 bis 1586b des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuchs erfolgten Verurteilung zur Entrichtung einer Geldrente nicht auf Sicherheitsleistung erkannt, so kann der Berechtigte gleichwohl Sicherheitsleistung verlangen, wenn sich die Vermögensverhältnisse des Verpflichteten erheblich verschlechtert haben; unter der gleichen Voraussetzung kann er eine Erhöhung der in dem Urteil bestimmten Sicherheit verlangen.

,. 28) 323 1 (Verhälynisse) (wesentlich)., 258. 324 843 845 1569 1586b... 258. 29).. 30).,. 31) 28) Musielak/Foerste, ZPO 3. Aufl., 2002, 258 Rn. 1 29) Palandt/Thomas, a.a.o, (Fn. 17) 843 Rn. 16. 30) (Kapitalabfindungsvergleich). MünchKommBGB/Wagner, 4. Aufl., 2004, Rdnr. 749 31) Cass. Civ. 2e. 29. 4. 1994. Resp. Ass. 1994,,

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9 1 (2015), 2., 42) 2003 Court Act 2003( ). 2005 2008. Structured Settlements, Periodical Payment. 43) Structured Settlements Structured Order. Structured Settlements,,, (Public liability), (Product liability). Structured Order. (Superannuation) Structured Settlements. Structured Settlements ➀ Structured Settlements, ➁ Structured Settlements 45), ➂, 570,2000. 9, 149 42) Damage Act 1996, Section 2, (1) <http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1996/48/section/2> 43) Court Act 2003 Section 100 Legislation.gov.uk <http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/39/section/100> 2015. 5. 9 44),,, 2012. 8, 61-65 45), 20 $6,000 $4,578,882. 20

. Structured Settlements, (Internal Revenue Code, IRC) (Periodic Patments) ( ) 47), 48)., ( ) ( ), ( )., ( ), Structured Settlements. ( ) $6,000 3% $4,727,400 5% $3,998,400..,,, 2012. 8, 64-65 46) Structured Settlement. (, 31,, 2008. 8, 498 ) (,,, 2012. 8, 47 ).. ( ) (,,, 2005, 7 ) ( ), Structured Settlement. 47) Internal Revenue Code of 1986, Section 104 (a) (2) (26 U.S.C. 104 (a) (2) ) 48) Internal Revenue Code of 1986, Section 104 (a) (1) (26 U.S.C. 104 (a) (1) )

9 1 (2015) Structured Settlements,. 49),. 1970. (Product Liability ). 1968 Thalidomide. 50),,. Structured Settlement (Internal Revenue Code, IRC) 1970. 51) Structured Settlement, 1970 ~ 80. 52) Structured Settlements,. Structured Settlements,. 53) 49),,,, 2011.12, 801-802 50) Ryan JA Jr, Harbin RF. Structured settlements. In: Brackenridge RDC, Elder WJ, editors, Medical Selection of Life Risks. New York, Stockton Press, 1998, pp. 173-180. 51) Ryan JA Jr, Harbin RF. Structured settlements. In: Brackenridge RDC, Elder WJ, editors, Medical Selection of Life Risks. New York, Stockton Press, 1998, p. 174 52) Jeremy Babener, Structured Settlements and Single-claimant Qualified Settlement Funds : Regulating in Accordance with Structured Settlements History, New York University School of Law, 2010, p. 7. 53),,, 2005, 95

. 54).,.....,.,,.. 55), Structured Settlement 54), Structured Settlements, 159, 2007. 6, 4-5 55), 1964. 6. 24. 18 5 874,,,...,, 81 4 2006. 113

9 1 (2015),. Structured Settlement 56). 57) 25%~30% 2, 5 90%..,,. Structured Settlement. Structured Settlement ( ). Structured Settlement ( ),.( -Factoring Transactions.),,,. Structured Settlement. Structured Settlement. 56) Structured Settlement,, 570, 2000. 9, 136 57) The Rutter Group Ltd., From Flahavan, Rea, Kelly & Tener, California Price: Personal Injury (TRG 1992) Ch. 4,, 570, 2000. 9, 144

. 58) < 표 -1> Structured Settlement 계약체결개요 59) ( ) ( ) Structured Settlement. ( ),., ( ). 60) ( ). (, ),, ( ). 58) Singer Richard B & Schmidt Craig J. Structured settlement annuities, part 2: mortality experience 1967 95 and the estimation of life expectancy in the presence of excess mortality, Journal of Insurance Medicine, 2000. p 133. 59) Gregg D. Polsky & Brant J. HellWig, TAXING STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, Boston College Law Review Vol. [51:39], Issue 1, January 2010, p. 42 60) Gregg D. Polsky & Brant J. Hellwig, TAXING STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, Boston College Law Review Vol. [51:39], Issue 1, January 2010, p. 41

9 1 (2015). 61) ( ) 130, (, (Qualified Assignee) Structured Settlement.,.,. 62). (annuity issuer),, 3 ( ; assignee). 63). (qualified assignment). 64),.. 65) NSSTA(National 61),, 570, 2000. 9, 139 62) Gregg D. Polsky & Brant J. Hellwig, TAXING STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, Boston College Law Review Vol. [51:39], Issue 1, January 2010, p. 42 63) Structured Settlement.,, Structured Settlement., Structured Settlement.,,, 2005, 138 64),, 570, 2000. 9, 139 65) (assignment fee) 500. ( ).,.

Structured Settlement Trade Association). 66), (annuity issuer).,. 67),. 68),, ( ). 69),,. 70) < -2> 8, 3,,, 2005, 138 66),,, 2005, 139,,, 2005, 139,, 570, 2000. 9, 141

9 1 (2015) 4. 100, 750. Structured Settlement. < 표 - 2> Structured Settlement 의운용례 71) : 8 ( 男 ) 17 : $1,500 $185,993 $321,000 $321,000 25 : $4,100 (30 ) $310,751 $2,340,710 $5,120,444 ( 3% ) 18 5 : $35,000 $70,623 $175,000 $175,000 23 $150,000 $49,246 $150,000 $150,000 25 $250,000 $70,563 $250,000 $250,000 27 $500,000 $121,329 $500,000 $500,000 30 $1,000,000 $191,495 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $4,736,710 $7,516,444 Structured Settlements.. 72) Structured Settlements 71) Marshall Turner,,, 2005, 140 72),,, 2012. 8, 49

. < 표 - 3> 연금보험회사로서의생명보험회사의재무심사조건 73) A.M. Best s Moody s Standard & poor s Rating of A+ and financial size Ⅷ or higher Rating of Aa3 or higher AA- or higher 1970.. 74) (Internal Revenue Code) 75) 1982 (The Periodic Payment Settlement Act of 1982) 76) Structured Settlements. 104 (a) (1) 77) 73) Michael J. Pickett, Structured Settlements Guidelines, Structured Settlements, 159, 2007. 6 74) Gregg D. Polsky & Brant J. HellWig, TAXING STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, Boston College Law Review Vol. [51:39], Issue 1, January 2010, p. 46 75) TITLE 26-INTERNAL REVENUE CODE 01/22/02 <http://www.constitution.org/tax/us-ic/irc/irc_jan2002.pdf> 76) Summary of H.R. 5470 ( The Periodic Payment Settlement Act of 1982 ) : as passed by the House and the Senate. <https://www.jct.gov/publications.html?func=startdown&id=2772> 77) Sec. 104. Compensation for injuries or sickness (a) In general Except in the case of amounts attributable to (and not in excess of) deductions allowed under section 213 (relating to medical, etc., expenses) for any prior taxable year, gross income does not include - (1) amounts received under workmen's compensation acts as compensation for personal injuries or sickness; <http://www.constitution.org/tax/us-ic/irc/irc_jan2002.pdf>

9 1 (2015) (Compensation for injuries or sickness), 78) 1982 1979 104 (a) (2).. 79), 104(a) (2) 80).(whether by suit or agreement). (whether by suit or agreement and whether as lump sums or as periodic patments) Structured Settlements ( ). 130. (qualified assignment) (qualified funding asset).,.( 130 (a) ) 81). 1,, 2, 3 ( ). (130 (c) ) 82) 78) Gregg D. Polsky & Brant J. HellWig, TAXING STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, Boston College Law Review Vol. [51:39], Issue 1, January 2010, p. 46 79) Gregg D. Polsky & Brant J. HellWig, TAXING STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, Boston College Law Review Vol. [51:39], Issue 1, January 2010, p. 47 80) (2) the amount of any damages (other than punitive damages) received (whether by suit or agreement and whether as lump sums or as periodic payments) on account of personal physical injuries or physical sickness; <http://www.constitution.org/tax/us-ic/irc/irc_jan2002.pdf> 81) Sec. 130. Certain personal injury liability assignments (a) In general Any amount received for agreeing to a qualified assignment shall not be included in gross income to the extent that such amount does not exceed the aggregate cost of any qualified funding assets. <http://www.constitution.org/tax/us-ic/irc/irc_jan2002.pdf>

(any obligation of the United States) ((130 (d) ) 83) ), 1, 2, 3. 130 Structured Settlements. 82) (c) Qualified assignment For purposes of this section, the term ''qualified assignment'' means any assignment of a liability to make periodic payments as damages (whether by suit or agreement), or as compensation under any workmen's compensation act, on account of personal injury or sickness (in a case involving physical injury or physical sickness) - (1) if the assignee assumes such liability from a person who is a party to the suit or agreement, or the workmen's compensation claim, and (2) if - (A) such periodic payments are fixed and determinable as to amount and time of payment, (B) such periodic payments cannot be accelerated, deferred, increased, or decreased by the recipient of such payments, (C) the assignee's obligation on account of the personal injuries or sickness is no greater than the obligation of the person who assigned the liability, and (D) such periodic payments are excludable from the gross income of the recipient under paragraph (1) or (2) of section 104(a). The determination for purposes of this chapter of when the recipient is treated as having received any payment with respect to which there has been a qualified assignment shall be made without regard to any provision of such assignment which grants the recipient rights as a creditor greater than those of a general creditor. <http://www.constitution.org/tax/us-ic/irc/irc_jan2002.pdf> 83) (d) Qualified funding asset For purposes of this section, the term ''qualified funding asset'' means any annuity contract issued by a company licensed to do business as an insurance company under the laws of any State, or any obligation of the United States, if - (1) such annuity contract or obligation is used by the assignee to fund periodic payments under any qualified assignment, (2) the periods of the payments under the annuity contract or obligation are reasonably related to the periodic payments under the qualified assignment, and the amount of any such payment under the contract or obligation does not exceed the periodic payment to which it relates, (3) such annuity contract or obligation is designated by the taxpayer (in such manner as the Secretary shall by regulations prescribe) as being taken into account under this section with respect to such qualified assignment, and (4) such annuity contract or obligation is purchased by the taxpayer not more than 60 days before the date of the qualified assignment and not later than 60 days after the date of such assignment. <http://www.constitution.org/tax/us-ic/irc/irc_jan2002.pdf>

9 1 (2015) ( ). Structured Settlement.. 84) 1980 Structured Settlement (Factoring Company; ). Structured Settlement,, Structured Settlement. Structured Settlement ( ) ( ). 85) ( ) (Structured Settlement Factoring Transactions). 86) 2000. 87),. 88) 84),, 570, 2000. 9, 146 85),,,, 2011.12, 811 86) TV YouTube. Structured Settlement Need Cash Now. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hawi9rxytoq> 2015. 6. 3 87) NSSTA Factoring Companies 49%.,, 570, 2000. 9, 147

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