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한수지 49(5), 564-572, 2016 Original Article Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 49(5),564-572,2016 창선해역의지중해담치 (Mytilus galloprovincialis) 양식장및육상오염원에서분리한대장균 (Escherichia coli) 의항생제내성 권순재 이가정 * 정연중 박상기 고경리 양지혜 목종수 국립수산과학원남동해수산연구소 Antimicrobial Resistance of Escherichia coli Isolates from Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Farms and Inland Pollution Sources in the Changseon Area, Korea Soon Jae Kwon, Ka Jeong Lee*, Yeoun Joong Jung, Sang Gi Park, Kyeong Ri Go, Ji Hye Yang and Jong Soo Mok Southeast Sea Fisheries Research Institute, National Institute of Fisheries Science, Tongyeong 53085, Korea In this study, we isolated and characterized Escherichia coli from mussels and inland pollution sources in or in proximity to the Changseon area on the southern coast of Korea in 2014. A total of 147 strains of E. coli were isolated from 54 mussels and 32 pollution-source samples. The susceptibility of the isolates to 24 antimicrobial agents was analyzed. The resistance of E. col isolates to rifampin was highest at 100%, followed by cephalothin (98.6%), tetracycline (91.8%), amikacin (81.0%), ampicillin (79.6%), cefazolin (79.6%), streptomycin (73.5%), piperacillin (70.7%), gentamicin (37.4%), cefoxitin (35.4%), cefamandole (34.7%), tobramycin (29.9%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (24.5%), nalidixic acid (21.8%), trimethoprim (19.0%), chloramphenicol (17.7%), cefotaxime (12.9%), trimethoprim (10.9%), ceftazidime (10.2%), aztreonam (7.5%), imipenem (2.7%), cefepime (2.0%), and cefotetan (0.0%). In addition, the antimicrobial resistance of E. col isolates from inland pollution sources was slightly greater than or similar to that of isolates from mussels. Key words: Mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Escherichia coli, Antimicrobial resistance, Inland pollution source 서론 5 140, (Mytilus galloprovincialis) 5 6 ( 3.8%) (Kosis, 2016).,, (Grimmes, 1991; Feldhusen, 2000). (Hill et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2010; Mok et al., 2016a, 2016b). (Park et al., 2013). 5 2011 87, 2012 85, 2013 76, 2014 84 2015 86 80, 2011 23, 2012 22, 2013 21, 2014 24 2015 20 20 (KMFDS, 2016)., (Frieden et al., 1993; Beam and Buckley, 2006). http://dx.doi.org/10.5657/kfas.2016.0564 Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 49(5) 564-572, October 2016 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Licens (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Received 9 September 2016; Accepted 29 September 2016 *Corresponding author: Tel: +82. 55. 640. 4761 Fax: +82. 55. 641. 2036 E-mail address: kajlee@korea.kr Copyright 2016 The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 564 pissn:0374-8111, eissn:2287-8815

창선해역지중해담치및육상오염원의항생제내성 565, 70% (Kummerer, 2009)., (Souli et al., 2008). (Escherichia coli, E. coli), (Song et al., 2004)., (Levin et al., 1997). (Albrich et al., 2004).,,, (Van den Bogaard et al., 1999, 2000),.,. 시료채취및운반 재료및방법 (Mytilus galloprovincialis) 2013 1 12 1 5 (Fig. 1). 54 2-3 m Whirl-Pak bag (25.4 50.8 cm, Nasco). 8 2014 (3 ) 1. Fig. 1. Sampling stations of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis ( ) and inland pollution sources ( ) from the Changseon area on the southern coast of Korea. 10. 대장균분리 The recommended procedures for the examination of seawater and shellfish (American Public Health Association, APHA, 1970)., 12 (phosphate buffer solution)., 6. 10 ml Lauryl Tryptose broth (Difco, Detroit, MI, USA) 5 35 0.5. 48 loop (10 L) EC broth (Difco) 44.5 24. TBX agar (Oxoid, Basingstoke, UK) 44 1 C

566 권순재ㆍ이가정ㆍ정연중ㆍ박상기ㆍ고경리ㆍ양지혜ㆍ목종수 22 2 VITEK system (Vitek 2 compact 30,Biomerieux, France) E. coli. 항생제감수성시험 Acar and Goldstein (1991) CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 2004)., Muller Hinton Broth (MHB, BBL, France) 35 18-24 Densicheck plus (Biomerieux, France) 0.5 McF. 4 mm Muller Hinton Agar (MHA, BBL France) 5-15 ( 6.25 mm). MHA 35 16-18 (inhibition zone) calipers., BBL (France) amikacin (30 g, AN), amoxicillin/ clavulanic acid (30 g, AmC), ampicillin (10 g, AM), aztreonam (30 g, ATM), cefamandole (30 g, MA), cefazolin (30 g, CZ), cefepime (30 g, FEP), cefotetan(30 g, CTT), cefotaxime (30 g, CTX), ceftazidime (30 g, CAZ), cephalothin (30 g, CF), cefoxitin (30 g, FOX), chloramphenicol (30 g, C), ciprofloxacin (5 g, CIP) gentamicin (10 g, GM), imipenem (10 g, IPM), nalidixic acid (30 g, NA), piperacillin (100 g, PIP), rifampin (5 g, RA), streptomycin (10 g, S), tetracycline (30 g, TE), tobramycin (10 g, NN), trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole (1.25/ 23.75 g, SXT), trimethoprim (5 g, TMP) 24. 결과및고찰 패류및육상오염원에서대장균 (E. coli) 분리및동정 2014 1 12 E. coli Table 1. 5 54 Table 1. Number of Escherichia coli isolated from mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis samples and inland pollution sources in the Changseon area Samples Number of samples Number of isolated strains Mussels 54 55 Pollution sources 32 92 Total 86 147 E. coli 55, 32 E. coli 92. 분리된대장균 (E. coli) 의항생제내성 E. coli 147 24 Table 2. E. coli rifampin (100%), cephalothin (98.6%), tetracycline (91.8%), amikacin (81.0%), ampicillin (79.6%), cefazolin (79.6%), streptomycin (73.5%), piperacillin (70.7%), gentamicin (37.4%), cefoxitin (35.4%), cefamandole (34.7%), tobramycin (29.9%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (24.5%), nalidixic acid (21.8%), trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole (19.0%), chloramphenicol (17.7%), ciprofloxacin (12.9%), cefotaxime (12.9%), trimethoprim (10.9%), ceftazidime (10.2%), aztreonam (7.5%). imopenem (2.7%), cefepime (2.0%) 5%, cefotetan E. coli., (Park et al., 2013) (Son et al., 2009) E. coli. Kim et al. (2013) E. coli ampicillin (78.7%), gentamicin (25.5%), nilidixic acid (36.1%), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (23.5%). E. coli (Kim et al., 2009) tetracycline (85.3%), gentamicin (35.3%) chloramphenicol (14.7%)., Lim et al. (2010) 2008 nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole 2009 chloramphenicol 10%, nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin 2007, gentamicin 2008 streptomycin, ampicillin 2008 2009. 분리원에따른대장균 (E. coli) 의항생제내성비교 Table 3. E. coli amikacin, ampicillin, cefamandole, cefazolin, ceftazidime, cefoxitin, chloramphenicol, piperacillin, tetracyclome tobramycin, aztreonam, cefepime, cefotetan, cefotaxime, cephalothin, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, imipenem, nalidixic acid, rifampin, trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole trimethoprim 5%

창선해역지중해담치및육상오염원의항생제내성 567 Table 2. Antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia col isolated from mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis and inland pollution sources Antimicrobial agents Concentration (μg) per disk Diffusion zone breakpoint (mm) Number of resistance isolates (%) Escherichia coli (n=147) Amikacin (AN) 30 <14 119 (81.0) Amoxicillin/ Clavulanic acid (AMC) 20/10 <13 36 (24.5) Ampicillin (AM) 10 <13 117 (79.6) Aztreonam (ATM) 30 <10 11 (7.5) Cefamandole (MA) 30 <14 51 (34.7) Cefazolin (CZ) 30 <14 117 (79.6) Cefepime (FEP) 30 <14 3 (2.0) Cefotetan (CTT) 30 <12 0 (0.0) Cefotaxime (CTX) 30 <14 19 (12.9) Ceftazidime (CAZ) 30 <14 15 (10.2) Cephalothin (CF) 30 <14 145 (98.6) Cefoxitin (FOX) 30 <14 52 (35.4) Chloramphenicol (C) 30 <12 26 (17.7) Ciprofloxacin (CIP) 5 <15 19 (12.9) Gentamicin (GM) 10 <12 55 (37.4) Imipenem (IPM) 10 <13 4 (2.7) Nalidixic acid (NA) 30 <13 32 (21.8) Piperacillin (PIP) 10 <17 104 (70.7) Rifampin (RA) 5 <17 147 (100) Streptomycin (S) 10 <11 108 (73.5) Tetracycline (TE) 19 <11 135 (91.8) Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (SXT) 23.75/1.25 <10 28 (19.0) Tobramycin (NN) 10 <12 44 (29.9) Trimethoprim (TMP) 5 <10 16 (10.9)., 24 22 5%.. Park et al. (2013) E. coli. Lee and Choi (2007) eae+ E.coli 67, tetracycline 100% 96.7%, amoxicillin/clavulannic acid (6.1), cefotetan (0.2), cefepime (0.6), imipenem (0.8), nalidixic acid (23.9) sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (22.2) (Hwang et al., 2007). 패류및육상오염원에서분리한대장균 (E. coli) 의항생제내성패턴 E. coli 55 Table 4. 24 2 16, 10 (12.7%).,, 2 3 (5.5%), 3 2 (3.6%), 4 (Multiple antimicrobial resistance bacteria; MARB) 10 7 (12.7%), 9 14 6, 6 5 (9.1%), 5 13 4, 12 8 3, 4, 7 15 2, 16

568 권순재ㆍ이가정ㆍ정연중ㆍ박상기ㆍ고경리ㆍ양지혜ㆍ목종수 Table 3. Distribution of antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia col isolated from different sampling areas Antimicrobial agents Concentration (μg) per disk Diffusion zone breakpoint (mm) Mussel farms Sampling area Inland pollution Number of resistance isolates (%) Escherichia coli (n=55) Escherichia coli (n=92) Amikacin (AN) 30 <14 42 (76.4) 77 (83.7) Amoxicillin/ Clavulanic acid (AMC) 20/10 <13 25 (45.5) 11 (12.0) Ampicillin (AM) 10 <13 42 (76.4) 75 (81.5) Aztreonam (ATM) 30 <10 5 (9.0) 6 (6.5) Cefamandole (MA) 30 <14 17 (30.9) 34 (37.0) Cefazolin (CZ) 30 <14 39 (70.9) 78 (84.8) Cefepime (FEP) 30 <14 1 (1.8) 2 (2.2) Cefotetan (CTT) 30 <12 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) Cefotaxime (CTX) 30 <14 7 (12.7) 12 (13.0) Ceftazidime (CAZ) 30 <14 2 (3.6) 13 (14.1) Cephalothin (CF) 30 <14 55 (100) 90 (97.8) Cefoxitin (FOX) 30 <14 16 (29.1) 36 (39.1) Chloramphenicol (C) 30 <12 7 (12.7) 19 (20.7) Ciprofloxacin (CIP) 5 <15 8 (14.5) 11 (12.0) Gentamicin (GM) 10 <12 20 (36.4) 35 (38.0) Imipenem (IPM) 10 <13 3 (5.5) 1 (1.1) Nalidixic acid (NA) 30 <13 10 (18.2) 22 (23.9) Piperacillin (PIP) 10 <17 36 (65.5) 68 (73.9) Rifampin (RA) 5 <17 55 (100) 92 (100) Streptomycin (S) 10 <11 46 (83.6) 62 (67.4) Tetracycline (TE) 19 <11 46 (83.6) 89 (96.7) Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (SXT) 23.75/1.25 <10 9 (16.4) 19 (20.7) Tobramycin (NN) 10 <12 6 (10.9) 38 (41.3) Trimethoprim (TMP) 5 <10 6 (10.9) 10 (10.9) 1. 4 50 91%, 8, 9 10 2., E. coli 92 (Table 5), 24 4 18., 4. 9 21 (22.8%), 8 10 16 (17.4%)., 11 9 (9.8%), 7 6 (6.5%), 12 13 5 (5.4%), 6 4 (4.3%), 14 15 3 (3.3%), 4 2 (2.2%), 17 18 1 (1.1%)., (KMFDS, 2016) E. coli 82.6% (57/69), 83.7% (36/43)., E. coli 90.9%. 91% 90.9%.,

창선해역지중해담치및육상오염원의항생제내성 569 Table 4. Antimicrobial resistance profiles of Escherichia col isolated from mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis samples No. of antimicrobial Antimicrobial resistance patterns No. of isolated strain 2 CF, RA 3 5.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AM, CF, RA 1 CF, RA, TE 1 CZ, CF, RA, IPM 1 AM, CF, RA, TE 1 CF, S, PIP, RA, TE 1 AM, CZ, CF, S, RA 1 CF, S, AN, RA, CIP 1 AM, CZ, CF, PIP, RA 1 CF, S, AN, NN, RA, TE 1 AM, CF, S, AN, RA, TE 1 CF, GM, S, AN, RA, TE 1 CF,S, AN, PIP, RA, TE, FOX 1 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, RA, TE 1 CZ, CF, GM, S, AN, PIP, RA, TE 1 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, RA, TE, FOX 2 AM, CF, S, AN, AMC, PIP, MA, RA, TE 1 AM, CZ, CF, GM, S, AN, PIP, RA, TE 2 AM, CZ, CF, S, PIP, ATM, RA, TE, SXT 1 AM, CZ, CF, GM, S, AN, AMC, PIP, RA, TE 2 AM, CF, GM, S, AN, AMC, PIP, MA, RA, TE 1 AM, CZ, CF, GM, S, AN, AMC, PIP, RA, TE 1 Other 3 AM, CZ, CF, RA, TE, S, AMC, PIP, MA, CAZ, C 1 AM, CZ, CF, RA, TE, S, AN, AMC, PIP, MA, FOX 1 AM, CZ, CF, RA, TE, S, AN, AMC, NA, PIP, CIP 1 Other 3 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, PIP, RA, TE, GM, AMC, MA, C 1 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, PIP, RA, TE, ATM, C, FOX, IPM 1 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, PIP, RA, TE, ATM, FOX, CTX, CIP 1 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, AMC, PIP, RA, TMP, MA, TE, FOX, SXT 1 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, AMC, PIP, RA, NA, NN, MA, C, TE 1 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, AMC, PIP, RA, GM, TE, FOX, CTX, CIP 1 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, AMC, PIP, RA, GM, NA, TMP, MA, SXT 1 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, PIP, RA, TE, GM, AMC, NA, NN, C, CIP 1 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, PIP, RA, TE, GM, AMC, NA, MA, FOX, CTX 1 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, PIP, RA, TE, NA, TMP, MA, FOX, CIP, SXT 1 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, AMC, PIP, RA, TE, CM, NA, NN, C, CIP, SXT 1 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, AMC, PIP, RA, TE, GM, NA, TMP, MA, FOX, SXT 1 Total (%) 3.6 3.6 7.3 9.1 3.6 5.5 10.9 12.7 10.9 5.5 7.3 9.1 3.6

570 권순재ㆍ이가정ㆍ정연중ㆍ박상기ㆍ고경리ㆍ양지혜ㆍ목종수 Table 4. continued 16 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, AMC, PIP, RA, TE, FEP, ATM, NN, MA, CAZ, FOX, CTX 1 1.8 Total 55 100 Amikacin (AN); Amoxicillin/ Clavulanic acid (AMC); Ampicillin (AM); Aztreonam (ATM); Cefamandole (MA); Cefazolin (CZ); Cefepime (FEP); Cefotetan (CTT); Cefotaxime (CTX); Ceftazidime (CAZ); Cephalothin (CF); Cefoxitin (FOX); Chloramphenicol (C); Ciprofloxacin (CIP); Gentamicin (GM); Imipenem (IPM); Nalidixic acid (NA); Piperacillin (PIP); Rifampin (RA); Streptomycin (S); Tetracycline (TE); Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (SXT); Tobramycin (NN); Trimethoprim (TMP) Table 5. Antimicrobial resistance profiles of Escherichia col isolated from inland pollution sources No. of antimicrobial 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Antimicrobial resistance patterns No. of isolated strain CF, PIP, RA, TE 1 2 CF, RA, TE, FOX 1 (2.2) CF, RA, TE, PIP, FOX, CTX 1 CF, RA, TE, AM, CZ, FOX 1 CF, RA, TE, AN, NA, CIP 1 CF, RA, TE, AM, CZ, S 1 CF, AN, RA, AM, CZ, S, TE 1 CF, AN, RA, CZ, S, TE, FOX 1 CF, AN, RA, S, PIP, MA, TE 1 Other 3 CF, RA, AM, CZ, S, AN, PIP, TE 3 CF, RA, AM, CZ, AN, NA, PIP, TE 1 CF, RA, CZ, S, AN, PIP, MA, TE 1 Other 11 RA, AM, CZ, CF, GM, AMC, PIP, TE, CIP 1 RA, AM, CZ, CF, GM, S, AN, TE, FOX 1 RA, AM, CZ, CF, GM, S, AN, PIP, TE 1 Other 18 CZ, CF, RA, TE, AM, GM, S, AN, AMC, CTX 1 CZ, CF, RA, TE, AM, GM, S, AN, PIP, C 1 CZ, CF, RA, TE, AM, GM, AN, PIP, MA, C, FOX 1 Other 13 AM, CF, AN, RA, TE, CZ, GM, S, PIP, MA, FOX 1 AM, CF, AN, RA, TE, CZ, NA, PIP, ATM, NN, MA 1 AM, CF, AN, RA, TE, CZ, GM, S, PIP, ATM, NN, MA 1 Other 6 AM, CZ, CF, AN, PIP, RA, TE, S, NN, MA, CAZ, FOX 1 AM, CZ, CF, AN, PIP, RA, TE, S, TMP, FOX, SXT 1 AM, CZ, CF, AN, PIP, RA, TE, S, NN, FOX, CTX, CIP 1 CZ, CF, PIP, RA, TE, AM, S, AN, NA, ATM, NN, MA, CAZ 1 CZ, CF, PIP, RA, TE, AM, GM, S, AN, NA, NN, C, SXT 1 CZ, CF, PIP, RA, TE, S, AN, NN, MA, CAZ, C, CIP, SXT 1 Total (%) 4 (4.3) 6 (6.5) 16 (17.4) 21 (22.8) 16 (17.4) 9(9.8) 5 (5.4) 5 (5.4)

창선해역지중해담치및육상오염원의항생제내성 571 Table 5. Continued 14 15 AM, CZ, S, AN, RA, TE, CF, GM, AMC, NA, PIP, MA, C, FOX 1 AM, CZ, S, AN, RA, TE, CF, AMC, PIP, NN, MA, C, FOX, SXT 1 AM, CZ, S, AN, RA, TE, CF, GM, AMC, NA, PIP, NN, MA, CAZ 1 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, NA, PIP, NN, RA, TE, SXT, GM, TMP, MA, CIP 1 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, NA, PIP, NN, RA, TE, SXT, GM, TMP, C, CIP 1 AM, CZ, CF, S, AN, NA, PIP, NN, RA, TE, SXT, ATM, MA, CAZ, C 1 17 AM, CZ, CF, GM, S, AN, AMC, FEP, NA, PIP, TMP, NN, MA, CAZ, RA, TE, SXT 1 18 AM, CZ,CF, GM, S, AN, FEP, NA, PIP, TMP, ATM, NN, MA, CAZ, RA, TE, FOX, CTX, SXT 1 Total 92 92 (100) Amikacin (AN); Amoxicillin/ Clavulanic acid (AMC); Ampicillin (AM); Aztreonam (ATM); Cefamandole (MA); Cefazolin (CZ); Cefepime (FEP); Cefotetan (CTT); Cefotaxime (CTX); Ceftazidime (CAZ); Cephalothin (CF); Cefoxitin (FOX); Chloramphenicol (C); Ciprofloxacin (CIP); Gentamicin (GM); Imipenem (IPM); Nalidixic acid (NA); Piperacillin (PIP); Rifampin (RA); Streptomycin (S); Tetracycline (TE); Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (SXT); Tobramycin (NN); Trimethoprim (TMP) 3 (3.3) 3 (3.3) 1 (1.1) 1 (1.1). 사사 2016 (R2016059). References Acar JF and Goldstein FW. 1991. Disk susceptibility test. In: Antibiotics in Laboratory Medicine, Lorian V, ed. Williams & wilkins, Baltimore, U.S.A, 17 52. Albrich WC, Monnet DL and Harbarth S. 2004. Antibiotic selection pressure and resistance in Streptococcus pneumonia and streptococcus pyogenes. Emerg Infect Dis 10, 514-517. APHA (American Public Health Association). 1970. Recommended procedures for the examination of seawater and shellfish. 4th Ed. American Public Health Association, Washington D.C., U.S.A., 1 47. Beam JW and Buckley B. 2006. Community acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus: Prevalence and risk factors. J Athl Train 41, 337-340. CLSL (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute). 2004. Performance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. CLSI document M100-S14. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Wayne, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 29-76. Feldhusen F. 2000. The role of seafood in bacterial foodborne disease. Microbes Infect 2, 1651 1660. Frieden TR, Munsiff SS, Low DE, Willey BM, Williams G, Faur Y, Eisner W, Warren S and Kreiswirth B. 1993. Emergence of vancomycin resistant enterococci in New York City. Lancet 342, 76-79. Grimes DJ. 1991. Ecology of estuarine bacteria capable of causing human disease: A review. Estuaries 14, 345-360. Hill DD, Owens WE and Tchounwou PB. 2006. The impact of rainfall on fecal coliform bacteria in Bayou Dorcheat(North Louisiana). Int J Environ Public Health 3, 114-117. http:// dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph2006030013. Hwang KW, Kim HY, Lee MY and Koh YJ. 2007. The trend of antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli isolated from healthy volunteers of community and chicken butchers in Incheon. Korean J Vet Serv 30, 103-113. Kim JY, Park MA, Kim JE, Chae HS, Park YJ, Son JW, Yang YM, Choi TS and Lee JH. 2013. Isolation frequency and antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli & Enterococcus spp. Isolated from beef & pork on sale in Seoul, Korea. Korean J Vet Serv 36, 111-119. http://dx.doi.org/10.7853/ kjvs.2013.36.2.111. Kim HT, Jung KT, Lee DS and Lee KW. 2009. Study on antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli isolated from domestic beef on sale (2). Korean J Vet Serv 32, 93-102. Kosis. 2016. Korean Statistical Information Service. Retrieved from http://kosis.kr/ on July 11, 2016. Kummerer K. 2009. Antibiotics in the aquatic environment - A review Part I. Chemosphere 75, 417-434. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2008.11.086. Lee MH and Choi CS. 2007. Antimicrobial resistance profiles of eae positive Escherichia coli. J. Food Hyg Saf 22, 116-119. Lee TS, Oh EG, Yu HD, Ha KS, Yu HS, Byun HS and Kim JH. 2010. Impact of rainfall events on the bacteriological water quality of the shellfish growing area in Korea. Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 43, 406-414. http://dx.doi.org/10.5657/ kfas.2010.43.5.406. Levin BR, Lipsitch M, Perrot V, Schrag S, Antia R, Simonsen L, Walker NM and Stewart FM. 1997. The population genetics of antibiotic resistance. Clin Infect Dis 24, 9-16.

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